Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: The Flash (2018)

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Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: The Flash (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »



(GRUNTS) Booyah!

Half man, half machine.

All awesome.

I'm like a ninja
meets an acrobat.

I'm a ninjabat!

Maybe I'm in the bat family.

Dreams do come true.

- I am so...






Couldn't let me have it,
could you?

And your tour of the Hall
of Justice concludes here.

In our specially designed

training facility.

Atom, meet Cyborg.

Cyber mechanical specialist

and the League's
little ray of sunshine.

- Hey, Atom.

Ah, Canis lupus familiaris.

It's a common hypothesis
that dog is man's best friend.


But, uh... Not mine.

Whoa, cool! Oh...

"The Atom."
I see what you did there

with your name and you shrinking
down all tiny and stuff.

Relax, Atom.

This is Ace, the Bat-Hound.

He's just evaluating you.

Well, in my
scientific evaluation,

Ace is very intimidating.

Tell me about it.


Lesson one with animals.

Never show weakness.

Man, I think I need
an oil change.

Batman, I didn't know
you had a...

Uh... Super-Pet.

Ace the Bat-Hound
is more than a pet.

He's the best sidekick

a caped crusader
could ever have.

What about Robin?

- Aren't you the best sidekick? Yes, you are, yes you are.

Aw, I want a Bat belly rub.

So, Atom.

Now that you've seen
the Hall of Justice...

What do you think?

Would you like to become a
member of the Justice League?

- I...

Hold your diminutive answer.

Follow me.

Come on, Plas,
it's the trouble alert.

But I'm starving.
I need a pick-me-up.

How's this for a pick-me-up?

- One order of fast food to give you a boost.

Huh? What? Hey!


Way to be
a team motivator, Firestorm.



Let's see
who needs our help today.

This is Lois Lane
Breaking News.

Gotham City's
clown prince of crime,

- the Joker, has invaded our beloved city.

- Ah.

Sunny Metropolis.

The perfect getaway
from Gotham's Dark Knight.

Nothing like a little vacation

to put the pep
back in my step.




Oh, my!

The Joker's gassing the city.

(LAUGHS) Who can
stop this ruinous jester?

Help us!
Justice League, Superman.

Save us!


Great Scott!
Lois is in trouble.

ALL: Again.

All right, team,
gear up and let's go.

Atom, this is your chance

to join
the Justice League in action.

- Are you ready?
- I, uh...

No pressure.

We know you're new
at being a superhero.

If you want, you can stay here

and hang out
with Ace and Krypto.


Another Super-Pet?

(GROANS) Yeah, I'll take
the clown over the canine.

- The sooner, the better. (EXCLAIMS IN DISGUST)

JOKER: Ooh, the Daily Planet
news building.

Hmm, the visitors'
guide calls it

"The jewel
of the Metropolis skyline."

Meh. Kinda boring.

Let's renovate!


The nerve of that clown.

He's tromping all over the jewel
of the Metropolis skyline.

And he's jaywalking.

Let's take him down.



The welcoming committee.
For me?

Good thing I brought pastry.


Ooh, is that coconut cream?

Lemon meringue.

- With a bang.

- Brace for impact!

What a beautiful, perfectly
safe day at the park.


- I should've taken my jet.
- Ooh. Ooh.

- I'm holding it together.

I'm holding it together.

Oh, this is embarrassing.


It's not that funny.
A little consideration here.

Lois, Cyborg.

(ENUNCIATES) Try to stay calm!

I can still hear you.


Is this normally how it goes?

Yeah, but usually with
a little less laughter.

That laughter is dangerous.

We've gotta
help these people

before they laugh
themselves to death.

And stop the Joker before
he endangers anyone else.

Then let's divide and conquer.

Yup, we'll have this mess
cleaned up in a flash.

Speaking of,
where is the Flash?

I sent out the Justice alert
minutes ago.

Priority one.

Barry knows
how I feel about tardiness.


Come on, Barry. Get up.


And one...

And , .

Okay, I'm up.

Shower time.


Whoa, I have got to remember to wait for
the water to warm up before jumping in.


All right, Central City,
let's get this party started.


Hey, hey, hey, you hit my car!

- Who's gonna take care of this?
- Me? You hit me.

I'm gonna sue you
for every brick you've got.

BOTH: Thanks, Flash!

That guy's Flash.

(CHUCKLES) Hidey ho, birdies.

Ooh, watch your step.
Good morning, Troop .

Hello, hot dog.

- No school.
- No way. No school?

Whoa! Thanks, Flash!

Thanks, Flash.

- MAN: Thanks, Flash!
- WOMAN: Thanks, Flash!

- MAN : Thanks, Flash!
- MAN : Thanks, Flash!



Thanks, Flash!

Five minutes out of bed

and look at all
the good I've done.

Time to get to Metropolis

- to meet up with the Justice...

Oh, I know that grumble.

And it's saying,
"Donuts, now!"

And where are the best donuts?

Gotham City.


All the victims
are safely evacuated.


Plastic Man,

were you infected
by Joker's gas?

(LAUGHS) No, it's all this laughing.
It's hilarious.

Help me!


Plas, get serious,

we have to find a cure
for these civilians.

I wonder if I can alter the
molecular structure of Joker's gas

to create a cure.

- How?
- Wait here.



At this size I should be able
to find trace elements

of Joker's gas still wafting
around the area.


A Joker gas molecule.

There's nothing funny
about this.

Now for a little experiment.


- There he is.
- I've got this clown.

Never underestimate
the Joker, Firestorm.

I'll fly around behind him
and then we'll take him by...

- Huh?



Not cool, man.

Batman will never
let me live this down.

- Whoo hoos always bring a smile to my face.


You've got to be
faster than that

to sneak up on the Joker.

Where is Flash?

- MAN: It's the Flash!

Best donut ever.

Saved the donut. (CHUCKLES)

But who's gonna save you?

FLASH: Captain Cold?

The only frosting I'm interested
in today is on this donut.

Give up now
and we'll chalk it up

to hysteria
over global warming.


Instead, let's chalk it up
to global freezing.

"Global freezing"?
That doesn't even make sense.

Come on, Cold, you got
better material than that.

How about, "Chances of that
are below zero?"

- Ah, never mind.

I can see
my puns leave you cold.


He's all yours, Officer.

Now it's off to Metropolis.

Thanks, Flash!

Hey, you know what goes good
with those donuts?

You ever been to that

Lampert's Milkshakes
in Star City?



Ready, aim...



These roboclowns are quick.


Whenever I visit the city,

I just love
to take in a good show.

Then you're gonna
love my performance as

a helicopter.


Well done, Plas.

Bravo! Wonderful performances.

I laughed, I cried.

My roboclowns died.


Photo for your biggest fan?

- Say, "Cheese."

Plas, no!



That was the oldest trick
in the book, wasn't it?

(LAUGHING) You are so
gonna get it later.

I love it when they fall
for the classics. (LAUGHS)


Oh, Plastic Man!

Always clever,
but never too quick.




I mean, really, wow.


Batman is gonna be so mad.
He hates tardiness.


Ooh, a chase scene.
I love chase scenes.


Captain Boomerang.

You know, you're the second
captain wearing blue

that I've run into today.

You guys have a club
or something?

Yeah, it's the
"Let's destroy Flash" club.


And another, and another.

And another.

Ha! Missed me!

- Oh, did I?
- Yeah, you did.




Well, that puts the boom
in Boomerang.

- Huh?

(GROANS) I missed
the trouble alert.

My bad, had it on vibrate.

Batman is gonna be so mad.

Blimey! Good shake.

Metropolis Board of Tourism,

I'm bored with your tourism.

Where's the whimsy,
where's the fun?

Well, I'm gonna give it to ya

with my Fun Cannon.


At last,

my greatest foe
plays his final card.

And it's up to me alone
to stop him.

This could be our end game.

The last battle in a long...

Impressive, his w*apon
charged so quickly.

He's going for the trigger. No time.
Have to strike now, go!


Batsy, how I've missed you
in Gotham City.

You're always off to play
with your superfriends now.

So I came all the way to
Metropolis to join the fun.

Fun's over, Joker.

I foiled your plan.

What? Oh.

You thought your Batarang
defeated my Fun Cannon?


Wait, then
what's that button for?

This button?

It turns on
the air conditioner.

This button
fires my Fun Cannon.



- Too slow, Batsy.


This does not look good.

You're right.

It looks hilarious.


Thank you, thank you.
I'll be here all week.

In fact, I think
I'll stay here forever!


Now, if I just add this atom

on to this molecule,

it should make the gas inert.

I've discovered the cure.

Now, to synthesize a vaccine.

JOKER: Ta-da!

I said...






Well, my work is done here.



Sorry I'm late.

- WOMAN: He took down the Joker! Thank you!



Thank you, thank you.

You know,
it's all in a day's work.

Whoa! What happened to you?

This is what happens
when you're late!

I know, I am so sorry.

I had my League alert
on vibrate.

And then a really busy morning with
Captain Cold and Captain Boomerang.

But, hey,
the Joker is captured

and everyone seems
no worse for wear.

- Well, mostly...
- And the Daily Planet?


Extreme building makeover
in three, two, one!


- ALL: Hurray!
- Flash is the best.

Super speed fixes everything.
Just like new.

You want me
to fix you up, too, Batman?

Not everything
can be fixed with speed.

Flash, what Batman
is trying to say,

is that we're you're friends.

That's not what I said.

And we want you to be
the best hero you can be.

Sometimes that means
slowing down.

Being aware
of your surroundings.

And always having a plan.

- Flash?
- Slow down.

Surroundings and plan, got it.

- Hashtag proactive.

Updating my
Hero Hotline, Herogram.

I-Hero, Herotopia and MyHero

with my takedown
of the Joker.

Oh, thank you, Justice League.

We don't know
what we'd do without you.

- Well...
- Well, Mayor, as long as I'm the fastest man alive,

you'll never
have to worry about it.

But you aren't
the fastest man alive.

You're a fraud,

just like the rest
of the Justice League.

Something the world will see
soon enough.


- Who was that?
- No clue.

But I'm gonna find out.

Flash, wait.


Huh? This guy
is seriously fast.

Are you wearing iron boots?

I knew you would be slow,

but I didn't know
you'd be this slow.

No way you're beating me.



- Whoa! That's new.


Where am I?

Don't worry,
you'll see it again.




Deja vu. Bah.


You'd think I'd learn by now.


Oh, yeah. It's go time!

- Hey, you hit my car!
- What? That ain't my fault, look at my car.

Guys, we did this yesterday,

you really gotta watch
where you're going.

BOTH: Thanks, Flash.

- No school.
- No way. No school?

Two blowouts in a row?

Listen, here's the card for a
tire shop I know across town.

They'll give you a great deal on
new tires if you mention my name.

- See ya.
- Uh...

Thanks, Flash?

Thanks, Flash.



Ha! You know, I like this one
even better than the one

we put up yesterday.

Thanks, Flash!

Triple deja vu.

- Oh, hungry.

You know what would make
my tummy feel better?

Another round
of donuts at Fox's

and this time I won't have
to worry about

Captain Cold
interrupting my chowtime.

- MAN: It's the Flash.
- WOMAN: Ooh!

Best donut ever...

Ugh. Seriously?

There's no way
this is happening again.

Chalk it up
to global freezing!

- Well, now you're just repeating yourself.
- No, I'm not!

Yeah, you said the same
thing to me yesterday.


Yesterday I was
at home planning this heist.

It looks like you might be suffering
from some brain freeze. (CHUCKLES)


I don't even have
a comeback for this,

this is just too weird.

Okay, one more time,
like this.

Put that there,
you go over here.

- And I step out of the way.

He's all yours, Officers.

This time, try to keep him
in prison, would you?

Hey, Flash, you know what
goes good with those donuts?

Lampert's Milkshakes
in Star City?

Oh, you've been there?

Yeah, pretty sure.



That's the same car.

Something seriously
strange is going on.

I have gotta get
to Metropolis.

Hold this for me.



BOTH: Thanks, Flash.

(GROANS) What a day.

Fun's over,
I foiled your plan.


Oh, you thought your Batarang
defeated my Fun Cannon?


Wait, then what's
that button for?

This button?

It turns on
the air conditioner.

This button
fires my Fun Cannon.


- Huh?
- Looking for this?



- (THUD)
- Ow, that looked painful.


You're late.

I was hoping for a,
"Thanks, Flash."

Vacation's over.

And I didn't even get a tan.


Oh, man, guys, I have had
the weirdest day.

It's like everything I did
yesterday is repeating itself.

Except right now, because
when I got here yesterday,

the Daily Planet
had been Joker-fied

and Batman was
dressed like a clown.

Highly unlikely.

Flash, your tardiness today

endangered this city
and the League. You need to...

Slow down, be aware of my
surroundings and have a plan.

Exact... Wait a minute.
Have I...

Given the speech before?
Yes, yesterday.

- Which feels like...
- Deja vu?

You! You did this!

I'm not sure what you did,
but I know it's your fault.


- Who was that?
- No clue.

- But I'm gonna find out.
- Flash, wait!


Still not fast enough.

You are not
getting away this time.

You can't catch me.

Maybe you'll have
better luck yesterday.



Oh, man.

My deja vu is having deja vu.



Thanks, Flash!

BOTH: Thanks, Flash.

BOTH: Thanks, Flash.

What a day.


It's the trouble alert!

Let's see
who needs our help today.

This is Lois Lane
with Breaking News.

Gotham City's clown prince
of crime, the Joker,

was invading our beloved city,

- but he suddenly vanished.
- ALL: Huh?

Is your trouble alert always
this not troubling?

FLASH: Guys!

Look, I stopped the Joker,
but listen.

I've got an even
bigger problem.

Great Scott, you're right.
Your pants!

- They're gone.
- Huh?

Looks like
you ran out of pants.


So is Flash
actually in the League,

or just, like,
an honorary member?

- Well, that explains the draft.

Listen, I was
in a hurry and...

MAN: They'll never
believe you, Flash.

This will be
our little secret.

- Who's that?
- Get back here!

Flash, wait.



Still not fast enough.

Try harder next time.


(GRUNTS) That's it!
This is the last time.









Flash, wait.

Flash, wait.

Flash, wait.


- Aren't you the best sidekick ever?

Yes, you are. Yes, you are.

Aw, I want a Bat belly rub.

Batman, I just...
Don't worry.

I took care of Captain Cold,
Captain Boomerang and the Joker.

Thank you?

And I only have a few minutes
before it starts all over again.

Before what
starts all over again?

Referencing events yet to happen?
An agitated emotional state?

Time loop.

- Yes, that's it.
- Impossible.

This isn't
our first tangle with time.

Happens a lot
in the superhero business.

I keep living the same day
over and over again.

I feel like
I've hit a dead end.

Fun fact.

At the subatomic level, dead ends
aren't really dead ends at all.

There is always space
between the molecules

that allow atoms
to move between them and...

And you don't care.

So, Batman, what should I do?

Hmm, it's theoretically possible
to break out of a time loop.

But frankly, I don't think
you're fast enough.

Not fast enough?

(SCOFFS) I thought you would
have the answer, Batman.

I was wrong.

Nice reverse
psychology, Batman.

That's just what
he needed to hear.

Now where's he going?

Not where. When.


You still can't
seem to catch me.





Why won't it fly, Dad?

There needs to be a wind.

- BOY: Whoa!
- Son!

This is amazing!


Just a little faster, Flash.

Not today or again or...



(ECHOES) Everything is
going perfectly to plan.




Well, at least
I'm not in bed again.

But where am I?

We hate you, Flash.

You're horrible. You're awful.


What a phenomenal

What was that about?

Everyone loves the Flash.

At least they used to.


Okay, this is crazy, I need
to get back to the League.

That's weird.

Let's try that again.

(STRAINING) My powers.

They're gone.

I've gotta get to the Hall!

(PANTING) Oh, man.

I can see
why people hate to run.

Maybe Cyborg can fix my...

- Hmm.
- Hmph.

Uh, hey, guys,
why the mean faces?

You starched my cape.

You switched my shampoo
with fire extinguishing cream!

You painted my invisible jet.

Now it's just...

Just visible!

You replaced my arm
with an egg beater.

Sure the eggs are amazing,
but still.

And you decided
it would be fun

to mix up the pouches
on my utility belt.


No, no, I didn't do
any of those things,

you don't understand.

There was this blurry guy
and we started running and...

We don't wanna hear it, Flash.

You've pulled at least
pranks on the Justice League

in the five days since
I've joined.

Five days?

You just joined this morning.

I'm outta here.

Atom's right.

Flash, your pranks
require punishment.

You're fired.

Uh... Uh...



No power, no League.

What do I do now?

Fade into obscurity I hope.

Hey, that's my costume.

Is it? I hadn't noticed.


The pranks, the time loop.

It was all you.

You messed
with the wrong hero,

yellow blur guy. (GRUNTS)

Uh-uh-uh. Don't blame me for
the time loop, Barry.

You were the fool that had to prove
you were the fastest man alive.

But you didn't know about
the Speed Force, did you?

A force that runs through
all of space and time.

Every time you chased me
into the Speedway,

I led you backwards in time to
relive the same day over and over.

And while you were
stuck in your time loop,

I turned everyone against you,

and then tricked you into
severing your Speed Force power.

But why? What did
I ever do to you?

What did you...

What didn't you do?

The Flash, according
to future history books,

the world's favorite hero.

So funny, so perfect.

So fast!

But I'm faster.

Yet, nobody will recognize my greatness
while I live in your shadow.

That is why I,

the Reverse-Flash,

have traveled back in time
to ruin you.

So, you're from the future

and you call yourself

Ugh. Really? I mean...

- Do you run backwards or something?
- No.

- Are you super slow?
- No.

I'm just the reverse of you.

You're good and I'm bad.

Then wouldn't you be called
Evil Flash

or Bad Flash?

I'm just Reverse-Flash, okay?


That's enough of that.


Please, Barry.
You know how it is.

Me, fast,

you, slow.

Now that you've been beaten,

it's time for
the world to know

who is truly the greatest
speedster of all time.

My friends in the Justice
League will stop you.

Your friends?

You mean the people that just
kicked you out of their club?

Well, I'll tell you
what, Barry.

Since you care
for them so much

I'm going to
take care of them next.



Looks like Flash
was telling the truth.

This Reverse-Flash character
kept him in a time loop

while he ruined
his reputation.

That rotten rascal.



- I broke 'em.
- Don't worry, Flash.

Once I enlarge, we'll inform
the Justice League together

and stop this
fast-paced villain. Hmm?

- Oh, this isn't good. This isn't good at all.

My white dwarf shrinking belt must've shorted
out when those shackles stunned Flash,

along with my
communication systems.

Flash! Can you hear me?

- Flash! Flash, over here, Flash.
- Great.

What do I do now?
I'm powerless.

My friends, if you can call them
that, kicked me out of the League.

Oh, this can't be
happening to me.

You think you have problems?

I'm too small
to be seen or heard.

At least you can pick up
the phone and talk to some...

Wait a second.

I can't give Flash
his powers back.

But I know someone who might.

And the only thing that stands
between me and helping the Flash...

Is fruit salad.

How hard can this be?

(GRUNTS) Whoa!






Huh? Oh.



That's weird,
usually when I butt-dial,

my butt is actually
near the phone.

- Uh-oh.



DOCTOR FATE: Welcome to
Doctor Fate's magic helpline.

Do you feel like the world's
turned against you?

Yes, yes, I do.

Do you feel like you've lost
that pep in your step?

Oh, wow. Yeah,
I've lost all my pep.

Do you feel like someone is trying
to take your place in life?

Maybe kick you out of a club?
Or League?

I don't know who this guy is,
but he is good.

Well, if any of that
applies to you,

do yourself a solid
and press one, now.

Well, Barry,
let's hope this helps.



Wait, wait, wait!

I'm going with you.

(SIGHS) It looks like I'm going
to have to do this the hard way.

I'll just have to
get to Metropolis

and tell the Justice League
everything that's happened.

It shouldn't be that hard.

I'll just slip under Flash's
front door, hop on a bus and...

Oh, no.

Now that the Flash is gone,

we'll need someone else
to take the minutes.

Oh! Me! Me! Me!

- Cyborg?
- Yes.


WONDER WOMAN: It looks like trouble
is springing up all over the map.

All right, team, split up and
let's take care of business.

Cyborg, read that back to me.

"All right, team, split up and
let's take care of business.

"Cyborg, read that
back to me."

Good job, let's move.

"Good job.

"Let's M-O-V-E."


Too long have humans gorged
themselves at the salad bar.

Now it's time for the plants
to gorge at the human bar.



I'm the Mayor,
I command you to stop.


Sorry, Poison Ivy. (BLOWS)

I heard someone screaming.

And you know,
"I scream, you scream,

"we all scream for ice cream."

Get him.


Oh, man.

- REVERSE-FLASH: Plants should be seen, not heard.
- Huh?

MAYOR: "Wimbley for Mayor"?

A mayoral float! Oh!

- Thank you, Mr...
- Reverse-Flash is my name

and helping people out
is my game.

Now, I must be away.

There are other citizens
that need my help.


Signal watch. Signal watch.

Come on, Superman.

This will teach Olsen not to
take a photo of my bad side.

I'm sorry, Mr. Croc.

It's just, with you
every side is a bad side.

SUPERMAN: k*ller Croc!

Unhand Superman's pal,
Jimmy Olsen.


- I've got this, Plas.

I can cut logs, too, Supes,
check it out.





- Uh-oh. (GROANS)

How did you do that?

Child's play
for Reverse-Flash.

Say, I don't suppose you have
a signal watch, do you?


He's stealing
our shipment of gold!

CYBORG: Gold is a great
investment in your future.

But the only future
you've got is behind bars.


All in a day's work for...



Reverse-Flash is the best!

Reverse-Flash, you did it.

Trouble at sea?

Aquaman is in.

Reverse-Flash took care of it.

Aquaman is out.


I'm embarrassed.

But I'm also
a little impressed.


All right, Penguin,
drop your w*apon.

Yeah. I'll drop my w*apon,
all right.

On you! (LAUGHS)


BATMAN: Not before
I get the drop on you.


Uh-oh. (GRUNTS)

Batman just
launched the m*ssile.

We're doomed!

Don't worry. Reverse-Flash
will take care of it.



He built
a perfectly safe playground

- out of expl*sive m*ssile parts.
- Amazing.

Courtesy of the...



Yeah. Let's hear it
for Reverse-Flash.

Reverse-Flash, huh?



That was weird.

But not like
floating castle weird.

Wow. Magical stairs.

I wish there was
a magic escalator.



- Huh?


Yeah, um...

I'm talking backwards.

Just come in, okay?

Okay, sure.


Wow. You guys
really like stairs.

Flash, come forward.

The Doctor is in
and your fate awaits.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.



I can't believe backwards talking
is a magic requirement.

- DOCTOR FATE: Zatanna!
- Sorry! Uh, I mean, "Yrros."

Yeah, that's
not strange at all.

Huh? Whoa!

This is the second weirdest
room I've ever been in.


- DOCTOR FATE: Don't be afraid. Come closer.
- Huh?

Welcome to my sanctum.

- I'm the...
- Flash, I know.

I'm Doctor Fate.

It's nice to finally meet you.

Please tell me your blues, and
we'll, uh, sort it out. (SLURPS)

My blues?

Well, a couple of days ago,
I was stuck in a time loop.


Okay, uh,
does she always do that?

It's magic, man! Keep going.

Um, okay.

♪ I kept repeating the day

♪ And chasing a villain
on some cosmic freeway


♪ But he was
always faster than me

♪ And then my powers went away

Ah, sing it, man.

♪ I came back home
and everyone was mad

♪ Told me to leave
and handed me my bag

Actually, it was a box.

- But...
- Don't stop now.

♪ So as I sat on my couch
wonderin' what to do

♪ My phone started ringing
and it was you

♪ You heard the call
No need to panic

♪ 'Cause it's time
for a little magic

♪ It's magic, baby

♪ That's all that it is

♪ Magic, baby
It's just a little magic

♪ To understand it, baby,
you don't have to be a whiz


♪ When life's got you down
with nowhere to go

♪ Just roll up your
sleeves and presto

♪ When you reach in your hat
and pull out a problem

♪ You need some answers
and magic's got 'em

♪ 'Cause it's magic, baby

♪ Time to get it done

♪ Magic, baby
It's just a little magic

♪ It's magic, baby

♪ So now let's have some fun ♪

Wow! That was...

Magic. (LAUGHS)

Anyway, can your magic tell me
why I've lost my powers?


It looks like your connection
to the Speed Force is broken.

Speed Force?

said something about that.

But I have no idea
what he meant.

What's the Speed Force?

A mysterious energy

that grants the ability
to move at super speed.

Oh. The day I got my powers?

That was a total fluke.

You see, there was this lightning and
then these chemicals spilled on me...

That's what you thought.

The reality is that you were
chosen to be the Flash.

These powers
are a gift given to you

from the Speed Force.

But your connection to it
was broken.

So, what now? Can you fix it?


But I can take you to where
the Speed Force lives.

- Where it lives?
- Yes.

We're going to

the Speed Force Zone.

The Speed Force Zone. That
sounds awesome. (GIGGLES)

Step back.

It's magic time.

With the force of fate
and wits unified,

take us away on a groovy ride.


- Whoo-hoo! Field trip!
- Zatanna?

(GROANS) Yrros.

That's... That's the place I saw when I
was running after the Reverse-Flash.

It's called the Speedway.

Our gateway to
the Speed Force Zone.


ATOM: Journal entry .

Things have not gone
as planned.

Unable to grow
to my normal size,

the world around me has become more
dangerous than you can possibly imagine.

Every car, a cataclysm.

Every mouse, a monster.


Every meter, a marathon.



Experiments always start with a question.
Here's mine.

How am I going to survive?



That was the scene today,

as the Reverse-Flash continues his
unprecedented streak of heroism.

It would seem that the Reverse-Flash
is the only superhero

the world will ever need.


Just look at that
trouble alert map.

Reverse-Flash is so fast, he's
stopping crime before we can even...


Finally an emergency.

Aw, yeah!

- He got there first.

That's emergencies
he's fixed today.

And he's just passed me
in friends on Herobook.

Well, it's a good thing things
like this aren't important at all

to the Man of Steel.

LOIS: It seems that
the Reverse-Flash

has agreed to sit down
for a chat with the Mayor.

Stay tuned for live coverage

of our beloved
heroic speedster.

I think it's about time
we had a word with this

beloved speedster.

Whoo-hoo! I'm gonna get my powers back!
I'm gonna get my powers back!

- Oh.

But, uh, first,
I might need a snack.


DOCTOR FATE: Thank you.

Shouldn't you be driving?

Don't worry.

The Doc just gave me my magician's
permit for hands-free driving.

- Zatanna.
- Yrros.

Now listen, when you arrive
at the Speed Force Zone,

you'll go through
a series of tests

to make sure you're worthy.

Worthy of what?

That's what
you need to find out.

That's the mystery.

That's the magic.

Yeah. Yeah. But you'll be
there to help me, right?

I'm sorry.

The Speed Force Zone
is only accessible

to those with speed powers.

Or in your case,
former speed powers.

Well, this is it.

- Any parting words?
- Yeah.

Tuck and roll, baby.

Tuck and roll?

- What is that...
- Yrros.





Wow. Would you look at that?

It's some sort of Speed
Force Zone temple thingy.

And it almost feels like the temple
is giving off some sort of energy.

(GASPS) The Speed Force!

If that's where
the Speed Force is,

that's where I need to be,
and fast.

All right. These must be the tests
Doctor Fate was talking about.

Bricks moving superfast,
vibrating through solid matter.

And I just have to make it
to the other side.

Well, this shouldn't be
too hard.


Those speed bricks
really pack a wallop,

but if at first
you don't succeed...





This is not working.

- There has to be a trick.

We want you to be the best
hero you can be. (ECHOING)

Sometimes that means
(DISTORTED) slowing down.

Mmm. Slow down.

Yeah, thanks, Supe.

Well, going fast didn't work,
and Fate said I'd be tested.



How is this working?

I really, really, really
hate going slow.

Holy moly.

It actually worked!
I did it!

Piece of cake.


ATOM: Journal entry .

The situation
has grown sticky.

But I must keep my wits
about me.

I must use everything
at my disposal to survive.

I must use science!

A little known hypothesis
about arachnids

is that they can be hypnotized
by flashing lights.

Time to test that theory.

Can science prevail?

Will the spider be hypnotized?

Will I learn about spider
digestion from the inside?





ATOM: Studies have shown tha
some birds can be tamed

by applying gentle pressure to
a special nerve on the back.

This Columba livia domestica
proves those studies correct.

And now
to the Hall of Justice.

Hopefully, I'm in time
to alert the League

before Reverse-Flash
can do any more damage.



Oh, I get it.

I have this game on my phone.

All I have to do
is ride these to the top.


Ow! Whoa. That hurt.

Maybe this is some sort of
endurance test.

I just have to show
I can take it.


I can't take it! (GRUNTS)




(ECHOING) Be aware
of your surroundings.

My surroundings? (GASPS)


I never noticed
those platforms before.

Wow, the path to the door
was there the whole time.


Ha! Easy-peasy, lemon...

Still hurts. Still hurts.


Thank you for joining us,

It's my pleasure, Mayor.

I serve with the pleasure
of the community.

You won't see me in some
private island clubhouse, no.

I love being
the servant of the people.

You're incredible.

Not only did you stop Poison Ivy
and her maniacal plants, you...

(SOFTLY) Why are
we sneaking around?

You know this is how
Batman does things.

We're spying on Reverse-Flash,

because Batman thinks
he'll eventually trip up

and reveal
his true evil intentions.

BATMAN: Correct, Cyborg.

This is a covert op.

We'll spy from the shadows,
move in the shadows,

be the...

turn down your head.

Oh. Sorry.

REVERSE-FLASH: Modesty forbids me
from taking such praise, Miss Mayor.

- And speaking of Gotham City,

- do you know what you call Batman and Robin under a rock?
- MAYOR: Why, no.

Flatman and Ribbon.


Oh! Here's another. When does
Cyborg change his pants?

Never. He's not wearing any.



MAYOR: As I'm sure
everyone at home would agree,

you have made Metropolis
and the world a safer place.

You're a hero
that never asks for accolades

or wears something
as gaudy as a cape.

- Gaudy?
- Gaudy?

And for that,

we'd like to honor you

with the key to the city.

Thank you,
fine citizens of Metropolis.

I accept your paltry...
I mean, precious gift.


Soon the world will realize
what you have already learned.

That I, Reverse-Flash,

am the only hero
you will ever need.

No, Plastic Man.

You're putting too much weight
on the support beam.

- You need to...


This is why
the Batman works alone.

Oh, look!

It's the Justice League.

Or should I say
the Jobless League.



Sadly, I agree.

- ALL: Huh?
- This can only mean one thing.

The Justice League
is now retired.





Whoa! Huh?

(LAUGHS) Whoa!

A maze?
Well, I love mazes!

They're amazing. (LAUGHS)

I'm almost there. I can
feel my powers coming back.


Hey, look at that.
Almost back to full speed.


Yeah! Oh, no. Huh?


So all I have to do is get
through the maze in the dark.

With my super speed back,
that shouldn't be a problem.

- Ow, ow, ow!

Okay. It's a problem!

What is it with this place
trying to hurt me?

What was it Batman said?

- Always have a plan.
- Always have a plan.

Okay, so, Flash,
what's your plan?

Oh! I can make a plan
from up here.

Okay. Now let's see.

Left, right, right, right.
Wait, no, no, no, no.

Okay. Left, right, right,
right, left...

Okay. Left, right, left,

left, right, left, right,
left, left,

right, right, left, left.

Okay, I got it. I got it.


(GASPS) The final door.


Aw, come on! How can I get
through this solid door?

It's a dead end!

Fun fact.

At the subatomic level,

dead ends aren't really
dead ends at all.

There is always space
between the molecules

that allow atoms
to move between them.

If the Atom is right,

and there is space
between everything,

I just have to do
what the speed bricks did

and vibrate my molecules
to fit between them.

Well, here goes everything.


(LAUGHS) Whoa! Whoo!

I just vibrated
through that wall.

I can do anything!

That's it.

I can feel it
radiating the Speed Force.



It's some kind of nexus.

It's amazing!

I've finally done it!

Nothing can stop...



At last!

FLASH: Reverse-Flash?

- But how?
- Still too slow, aren't you?

The time loop.

You breaking your connection
to the Speed Force,

I knew it would all
lead you here,

to the Speed Force nexus.

And also, through that
ridiculous obstacle course...

I mean, are you kidding me?


So I duped you into opening
the three doors for me.

Congratulations, loser!

And now,

with the power of the nexus,

nothing can stand in my way.



The power!

It's... It's like
drinking milkshakes

and eating
a bag of jelly beans!


The nexus is mine!
I earned it!


Good luck being trapped here
for all eternity.



I can't believe
that we're retiring.

I mean,
where do we go from here?

Heroes, Cyborg,
never give up hope.

And I haven't given up
investigating Reverse-Flash.

Oh, how the mighty
have fallen.

The once great Justice League

forced into retirement.

Face it, super zeroes,

you're yesterday's news!

Today's fast-paced world
needs a hero like yours truly.

And thanks
to your old pal, Flash,

future history books
will know only me

as Earth's greatest champion.


Look, outside!


CYBORG: What is he doing?

He's walling us in.

He must not be aware
of my super strength.

Or my ability
to transform matter.



BOTH: Uh-oh.

I'm too late!

What kind of material is that?

Not the normal kind.

My scanners indicate these bricks
are moving at an incredible speed.

The kinetic energy
they're putting off

is enough to counteract
any of our powers.

Right you are, Cybore.

Those are speed bricks
from the Speed Force Zone.

Does that sound made-up
to anyone else?

Enjoy the rest of your days

trapped inside
your little clubhouse.

Oh, one more thing.

I've activated your Hall of
Justice security systems

and equipped them
with countermeasures

for each of your powers.

So you might wanna
be careful in there.

CYBOTS: Destroy. Destroy.

(GASPS) Not my cybots!

You monster.

What do we do?

Against the most powerful security
system I've ever devised?

We run.


FLASH: How could I have bee
so stupid?

At every step, I've played
into the Reverse-Flash's hand.

He took away my powers.

He took away my friends.

(SIGHS) Oh, I just
wanna go home.


It's vibrating, like...

Like they have the Speed Force
inside of them. (GASPS)

I have a plan.

Not bad.

Not bad at all.

Now let's see what
these speed bricks can do.



All my hard work,

all the trials
and tribulations,

for nothing. (GROANS)

- Huh?


The Super-Pets! Huh.

All this trouble
with Reverse-Flash

and they're just
digging a hole!

Under the wall.

Of course! Brilliant!

- Hey, guys, wait for me!


Cyborg's laboratory.

Great job, g*ng.

Now I can use Cyborg's tools
to repair my shrinking belt

and return to normal size.

- Hey. (LAUGHS)

Well, I've collected
enough data.

You guys
aren't so bad after all.

CYBOT: Alert! Alert!

You must be eliminated.


Green Lantern has a pet,

and he's a ring-wielding
squirrel? (GASPS)

Hey! Who you calling pet,
short stack?

You can talk?

Yeah, because
I ain't no squirrel.

Name's B'dg.

I'm from another planet

of people that happen to loosely
resemble your squirrels.

I see. Well, that
makes perfect sense.

Oh, I'm so glad
you approve.

My buddy Ace here
sent down an alert.

Let me guess,

the Justice League
is in trouble?

- Bark.

As per usual.

Well, let's go
rescue them, again.

Can someone explain

how Reverse-Flash
can turn my cybots against us?

Somehow his speed power's
been supercharged.

Time to fall back
and form a plan.

By the toenails of Tartarus,
I wish that Flash was here.


Hey, guys, over here!

CYBOT: Eliminate. Eliminate.

Thanks for
the quick save, g*ng.


I can't hold them off forever.

We need to find a way
out of here.

And leave this paradise?

Who knew Aquaman's bedroom

was like the best day spa
in the planet?

Ooh, ha!

- Of course, the king of the sea has a waterbed. (LAUGHS)

- Plas!
- Guys?

Hang in there, Superman.
The Super-Pets have a plan.

Not a pet.



I believe
they're calling someone.

You speak dog now?

No, I just understand
my friends.


A seahorse?

Yet another Super-Pet?

Again, not a pet.

This is Storm.

He's fought
alongside Aquaman before,

so he's always ready
to lend a hand.

- Or a fin. Huh?


Superman, stay super.

Storm, we'll need you
to lead us out to sea

- through the ocean tunnel you came from.

But first,
we'll need a vehicle.

How about a sub?

(LAUGHS) Get it?
A submarine sandwich.

- Sorry...
- That'll work.

Aw! Not again.


One supersized sub
ready for action.

- (GRUNTS) Guys!
- Let's go, Superman.

Yeah, what's the hold-up?

- CYBOT: Eliminate. Eliminate.

Oh, my, what a lovely room.

BATMAN: Storm, to the Batcave.

The Daily Planet,

soon to be renamed the
Reverse-Flash Planet. (LAUGHS)

And the perfect antenna

to broadcast my manifesto
across the world!

Hello, planet Earth!

- It's me, the most beloved superhero of all time,



The Reverse-Flash.
(CHUCKLES) I love him.

Now that
I've rid the world of crime,

I think it's time for you
to repay old R.F.

for his kind generosity.

That's why I'm ordering
everyone to report

to my Reverse-Flash
command centers.

There, you'll be given orders
on what I, your new ruler,

would like you to do.
Doesn't that sound wonderful?

- Cheeky monkey, I always knew he was rotten.

Now hurry!

You don't want what I did
to the Justice League

to happen to you. (LAUGHS)

With his increased powers, none
of us are any match for him.

Ah! I've been looking everywhere
for you guys. Now listen,

I know you're probably still
mad at me for those pranks,

but the thing is,
it wasn't me.

It was this cheating,
evil, dirty,

doofus-faced imposter
from the future named...

ALL: Reverse-Flash.

Wait. You knew
he was impersonating me?

BATMAN: No, we didn't.
Not at first.

But there were three clues.

Your mysterious
time loop trouble.

Your sudden interest
in childish pranks.

A sudden denial of said pranks
and loss of powers.

Your unusual behavior patterns
led me to believe that somehow,

some way, someone,

was framing you
for some unknown purpose.

So, you fired me to flush out
the Reverse-Flash?

Batman knew that

once he accomplished
his evil goals

he'd reveal himself to you.

That's why I was
gonna be there when he did.

I shrunk down
onto your shoulder

and was going to report back
to the League

until Reverse-Flash's shackle
shorted out my circuits,

which kept me
stuck in shrink mode.

Then that means you guys
never really gave up on me.

Of course not.

We're superfriends, man.

We were sorry
to deceive you, Flash.

It was our only play
to get you out of trouble.

Thank you, everyone.

Yeah, yeah,
real heartwarming.

And now, it's my turn
to get us all out of trouble.

We can stop the Reverse-Flash
with these.

Speed Force bricks.

And we can use the bricks
from my speed machine

to superpower
our other vehicles.

Giving us all enough speed
to keep up with Reverse-Flash.

Well, I don't have my speed
powers back yet, Wonder Woman,

but I have something better.

I have a plan.

Tell them all, the landmarks
you build today

will glorify my name tomorrow
and for all eternity.

Look, it's the Justice League!

History will know the fastest
man alive was always...


ALL: Hurray!

Hey, everybody!
We're not retired anymore!

The Justice League is back.

- And the Dark Knight returns.
- Bark.

escaped the Hall of Justice

with help from your pets,
no doubt.

I hope you enjoyed
your freedom,

because it will be
the last thing you ever see.

Powering on the speed bricks.


(GIGGLING) Tickles!

Whoa! Look at that!

It looks like
everything just stopped.

No wonder the Flash
is always moving so fast.

It must be boring to live
in a world going so slow.

If we'd known
it was like this,

we might have been
more patient with him.

Lesson learned, team.
Look alive.

(GRUNTS) Somehow you've gained
the power of the Speed Force.

No matter. I'm still
faster than all of you.

Evasive maneuvers.
Split up.

You're still no match
for the nexus.

I can move so fast
I can seem to be

in five different places
at the same time.

And I can take care of all
of you, once and for all!

- Ready, B'dg?
- You bet.

REVERSE-FLASH: My bricks are
returning to the Speed Force Zone!


Looks like
the Flash was right.

The speed bricks
have given our vehicles

the ability
to destroy those statues.

Go get 'em, g*ng!

- Target locked.
- ALL: Fire!

CYBORG: It's away!


I don't know
how you got those speed bricks

but your plan failed.

I'm powerful enough

to beat the Justice League,
no matter where you are!

We weren't trying to beat you.

We were trying
to distract you.




Impossible. How did you...

The trials
in the Speed Force Zone

weren't just there
to see if I was worthy,

they were there
to teach me something.

Something you would have known if you
took the time to go through them.

Enough of this!

I still have enough
of the nexus energy

to defeat the likes of you.




So much power!

Which is rightfully mine!

You didn't even know what the Speed
Force was until I showed up.

What makes you think you know
enough about it now to defeat me?

Only one way to find out.


You'll never beat me, Flash.

I'm the master
of the Speed Force!

Really? Wouldn't a master
have a plan

so he doesn't get tripped up?


Guess not.

- You're looking tired. Maybe you should slow down.

- No!
- Okay.

- What?


- Hurts, doesn't it?
- Huh?

Way to be aware of your
surroundings, Speed Force master.

You may have won today,

but I'll travel back in time

and stop you
from getting the nexus.

I don't think you have
enough steam, R.F.

It looks like the last
of the nexus energy is gone.

Without it,
you're just not fast enough.

Fast enough?
I'm the fastest man alive!

I am!

Prove it.


- Come on, R.F.
- Huh?

- You can go faster than that.

Really? That's all you've got?





Handcuffs can't hold me.

All I have to do is...

(GRUNTING) Huh? What?

My powers.

Uh-uh-uh. Looks like someone broke
his connection to the Speed Force.

- Tsk, tsk.

You should have slowed down.

You! You tricked me!

No, no.
I just ex*cuted my plan.

You won't get away with this!

I'll come back!

Sorry. I... I can't understand
when you're talking so slow.






Well, we won't have
any trouble

from Reverse-Flash
for a while.

- What about the nexus thingy?
- What about it?

With power like that,

you could do
the job of every hero forever.

Looks like the Justice League
is still retired.


No one should have
this much power.



You gave up all that speed.

But why?

Well, it turns out
that slowing down

was the best way
to defeat Reverse-Flash.

The nexus power had him
so distracted, (LAUGHS)

he was totally unaware
of his surroundings.

No way would I ever
let that happen to me.

Returning the nexus was
always a part of my... plan,

and these were all the things you
guys were trying to teach me.

Thank you.

Without friends like you, I would
have lost my powers forever.

And we would have been
retired forever.

That reminds me,

is there a Justice League
pension plan or...

It's good
to have you back, Flash.

And with newfound wisdom
to guide you.

That may be true,
Wonder Woman,

but Flash has only proven

he's ready for the next
level of training.

Now begins the true test

of Flash's mental acuity
and fortitude.

The training crucible
I have prepared

will destroy hidden weakness

- and forge the inner strength required to...

Hmm. It sounds great, Batman.

Let's get started on that.

Right after a little snack.

DOCTOR FATE: The nexus has been
returned to the Speed Force.

And order has been restored
to the universe.

And all it took was...

♪ Magic, baby
It's just a little magic ♪

- Zatanna.
- Yrros.
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