01x21 - Sleeping Giant

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sonic Boom". November 8, 2014 - October 4, 2017.*
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Sonic and friends Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks tries to ward off the evil plans of Dr. Eggman who is taking over the world.
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01x21 - Sleeping Giant

Post by bunniefuu »


Tails, what are you doing?

Just enjoying
this beautiful meteor shower.

That one's
flying beautifully toward us.

This could be a major find.

We need to approach it
with great care so that...

Race you!

[sighs] Wait for me!

- Ha! First!
- [Eggman] Think again, Sonic.

- Eggman?
- That's right.

And as the intrepid explorer
who discovered this regal rock,

I hereby call dibs.

What? You can't call dibs.

Oh, so now
you don't respect dibs?

What's next?
You gonna allow cutsies?

Flout the five-second rule?

Step on a crack with no regard
for your mother's spinal column?

Not cool, Sonic.

Of course I respect dibs.

But you can only call dibs

if you're touching the thing
you desire to dib.

Oh! Well, in that case...

[both] Dibs!

[Sonic] Ugh!

What am I doing
in Eggman's lair?

Gah! Eggman!


What the...

What am I doing
in Eggman's body?

Dr Eggman, you're awake.

We had to drag you back home.

It was Spring Break
all over again.

I'm not Eggman, I'm Sonic.

He's pretending
to be Sonic again.

Well, I'm not gonna be Amy
this time.

[Amy] Sonic, you rest here.

[Eggman] Yes, Amy, dear.
I won't move, for I am Sonic.

And this is my humble shack.

All right, don't freak out.
Play it cool. You're Sonic now.

[laughs crazily]

- Did you say something?
- Um, no.

I just thought of something
funny that red imbecile said.

- You mean Knuckles?
- Yes, Nuffles. That's the guy.

This is delicious.

With my genius mind
and Sonic's speed,

I'll finally destroy these
pesky rodents once and for all!

Time for a test drive.

- [thump]
- Ow.

This might take
some getting used to.

These numbers are off the chart.

I have a bigger chart.

Now, let's find out
your purply secrets.

I'm telling you, I'm Sonic.

Eggman switched brains with me.

I mean,
I switched bodies with Eggman.

Hang on. Did you switch brains
or did you switch bodies?

- Both.
- Well, then, nothing's changed.

- Listen, gear-brain...
- Definitely Eggman.

Look, I'm not Eggman.
I'll prove it.

[grunting and panting]

Oh, boy... I can't breathe...

What is this awful feeling...
in my lungs?

- Good show, sir.
- Real impressive stuff, boss.

Need to... find Tails.

He'll know what to do.

Now I've gotten the hang

of this athletic
but far less handsome body,

I can destroy
those do-gooders for good.

[laughs crazily]

[Amy] Sonic, come on out!
I made milkshakes for everyone.

Ooh, milkshakes!

OK, milkshakes first,
then destroy arch-enemies.

I appreciate you guys
lending me the Eggmobile.

I have no idea
how Eggman gets around

in this flotation device
he calls a body.

Did he just say
he appreciates us?

I'm thinking this might not
be Eggman after all.

Could someone else
be in his body?

And if so, who?

[video game music]

Oh, yeah! Score one
for Dr Egg... I mean Sonic.

Hey, no need to rub it in, dude.

Of course.
Sonic's a good sport.

I don't know what came over me,

Let's see.
Badminton with Sticks at . .

Then a hike with the g*ng,
can't miss that.

Another video game sesh
with Nibbles at .

Then I'll destroy everyone
at . .

Wait, no. Amy and I are going
to see that chick flick at .

I'll have to destroy them

- [crash]
- What was that?

Sorry about the rough landing.

My baby!

[Sticks] Brrr! Yah!

Guys, it's me. Sonic.

Ha! Nice try, Eggman.

Wait, no...
that was a terrible try.

But I'm not Eggman, I'm Sonic.

Don't listen to him. I'm Sonic.
Look how blue I am.

Must be
one of his ingenious plans

we all admire him for,
huh, friends?

[both laugh]

Ingenious plans!
Good one, Sonic.

Yeah, we're making fun
of Eggman

because we're secretly
jealous of him, right?

I mean, the brains,
the panache, the moustache.

He's the total package.

[both laugh]

Total package! Hilarious!

[all laughing]

Listen, Eggman and I
switched bodies somehow.

He's me and I'm him.


Ow! Eggman threw a pie at me.

Huh? No, I didn't.

Let's send
this miscreant packing.


Huh! Yah!


Perhaps it's time
we bid our foes adieu.

No time!
We gotta get outta here.

No, I'm Sonic.
You gotta believe me.

With my body at his disposal,
Eggman's just too powerful.

How can I take on the fastest
hedgehog in the world like this?


Oh, yeah.

Did you see the look
on his face when he ran off?

He looked ridiculous, especially
with that stupid moustache.

All right, Noodles,
that's enough.

- [vibration]
- Whoa, did you guys feel that?

[vibration continues]

Remember, warning sh*ts only.

I don't want anyone hurt.
Got it?

What are you waiting for?

We're programmed only to obey
orders after being threatened.

[sighs] All right, then.

Nobody gets hurt
or somebody's gonna get hurt!

[both] Yes, sir!


Aw, come on! Do you have
any idea how much those cost?

Between the parts and labour...

- Yah!
- Oh, jeez!

- Brrr! Yah!
- Agh!



Uh? He's gonna be feeling that

Hey! Eggman crushed Sonic.

Get him!

[fly buzzes]

[lizard clicks tongue]

[lizard buzzes]

[fly clicks tongue]


Did they just switch brains?

[car horn plays tune]

Sonic is Eggman!
Eggman is Sonic!

Wait. What did Tails say?

Oh, nothing. You know Tails,
always the jokester. [Laughs]

[clears throat]

When Eggman and Sonic
touched this meteor,

they switched brains.

- [gasps]
- How come nobody told me?

In order to swap back, they both
need to touch the meteor again.

Come on, Eggman, just touch this
and give me my body back.

You can't make me.

I'm the fastest evil genius
on the planet.


Now I'm here,
now I'm there! [Laughs]

Nothing can make me
touch your stupid purple rock.

Not even... a close shave?

- You wouldn't dare.
- Oh, I would dare.

So, Eggman, what's it gonna be?

The speed... or the stache?


So close. I was so close
to finally defeating Sonic.

[both laugh]

- What are you two laughing at?
- Nothing, boss.


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