01x08 - Cupid & Psycho

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Shield". Aired: March 12, 2002 - November 25, 2008.*
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Vic is a rogue cop in an experimental division of the LAPD, who is willing to sink to the criminals' level in order to bring them to justice.
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01x08 - Cupid & Psycho

Post by bunniefuu »

ANNOUNCER: Previously on The Shield:

Someone slashed your tires? Was the real police busy today?

Any idea who might have done this?

Lamar. He's my ex.

DANNY: Lamar Tilton?

We're investigating some vandalism to a car owned by your ex-girlfriend.

You mean the tires I slashed?

VIC: That's my book.

The reason I have it is because, uh... Matthew has autism.

But that doesn't mean Vic and his guys didn't steal those dr*gs.

But without hard evidence...

I saw them pocket the cocaine.

Most cops here will treat you like a traitor.

Are you ready for that kind of heat?

I'll have to be.

GILROY: We need to keep this thing under control.

I'll talk to my people, make sure there are no leaks on this end.

This is an IAD file of a current investigation my people are trying to cover up.

Dirty cops?

You'll see it gets the publicity it deserves.

Don't worry, David.

I'll make sure they spell your name right.


VIC: You have an open warrant for your arrest.

Don't worry.

Your boyfriend will lock up.

Won't you, officer?

OFFICER ON RADIO: One Tango Eight in pursuit of a white four-door failing to yield to traffic eastbound on Fox Ave approaching Alden.

SECOND OFFICER: One Tango Two, we will be secondary in the pursuit.

DISPATCHER: Continue to respond.

MAN: Asking the sergeant for permission to take him out here.

DANNY: One Tango 13, show is in the area.

Paralleling the pursuit on Tambor.

REPORTER: CHP's trying to get a tag strip here.

There's cross-traffic.

This is very dangerous.

They've stopped. He does not get hit, and he makes his way through that intersection.

There's traffic up ahead here.

He's gonna have to take the wrong side of the road!


DANNY: Julien!

Don't g*n it! Too many people!

REPORTER: On the wrong side of the road again!

Oh! There's a vehicle!

Oh! Oh, that was nearly a collision!

"Farmington cops investigated for stealing dr*gs"?

I was sick when I saw that.

The chief dunked my balls like a couple of doughnuts in his morning coffee.

Do you have any idea how this got out?

Yeah. You leaked it.


You come across like some crusading cop, bucking the system.

Hey, we're all hurt by this.

I don't know what your agenda is, but no one succeeds in this department by being anti-cop.

I'm anti-criminal, even if they're wearing a badge.

I must have missed that quote in the paper.

What are you gonna do about the Strike Team, suspend them?

"Innocent until proven guilty" mean anything to you?

We can't have them running the streets with these charges pending.

And we can't suspend decorated officers without due process.

Reassign the strike team to the general detective pool.

Stick them with different partners.

In the meantime, I'll see if I can figure out who leaked this.

Don't bother.

You want to pack your things now, or would you like a few days?

Firing the one cop who actually cares about cleaning up the department.

I wonder how the chief would like that headline?

You got it all figured out, don't you?

Howdy, partner.

Slumming with us ordinary detectives?

Don't get too excited. It's just temporary.

Promises, promises.

Looks like we're running together today.


REPORTER: As we continue, there's traffic up ahead.

He's trying to get...

RADIO: Suspect turned north on Hoover.

It's coming our way.

Block this intersection.

Okay, when we're clear, you'll pull out, cross the street.

Shouldn't I follow? No, you're trailing.

Pull up and over, Stay parallel.

They'll tell us when to converge.


Time to converge.

What the hell am I supposed to talk to Shane Vendrell about all day?

It's good to shake things up once in a while.

I don't want to shake things up.

I want my partner back. Aren't you sweet?

Well, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

You're gonna miss me too, right?

MAN: I called it in. ETA, three minutes.

MAN: Back a block!


Broman, pop the trunk.

You got it.


Oh, God!

DANNY: Oh, God.

Could have used a higher sunscreen.



The story's even worse than you said it was, man.

It's all in there.

We're screwed.

Give me till the end of the day, this whole thing goes away.

What are you talking about?

We'll have to make this thing go... away.

Heard you guys found yourselves a crispy critter.

Yeah, it's a miracle he's still alive.

SHANE: Must have had it coming.

I mean, you really got to piss somebody off to have them torch you and stick you in a trunk.

Nobody deserves that.

Well, he was probably a rat.

Hey! Back off, Shane!

Cut it out.

Julien's not a rat.

Oh, what, they run in packs now?

What is your problem?

VIC: Hey! Hey!

Let's not make this into a bigger mess than it already is!

Come on.

Come on!

Lay low, man. Do your work.

Leave this thing to me.



I'm still here.


I hear you.

Well, you gotta help me out.

Nothing I can do.

How did that cop know about us?

I don't know.

I pulled some strings, got you released until your court date.

You did?


I just need help with one thing first.

I'm filling out my arrest report, and I'm a little confused.

When I busted in, it looked like you had some cop's d*ck in your mouth.

That can't be right, can it?

You got something to say, say it to me.


It's easy to make a mistake, especially on a bust.

You think you see someone pocketing two keys of coke instead of a couple of boxes of a*mo.

It can be confusing.

He's not confused about anything.

I'm not taking back my statement.


And what you're saying that he and me did, it never happened.

It never happened.




You heard him.

It never happened.

He needs me.

Aren't you full of yourself?

It's over.

That's not what he said!

That's what I say.

He's got a lot on his mind right now.

He doesn't need you complicating things.

Stay away.

You can't keep us apart.

I've seen your sheet.

Small-time con men like you only care about themselves.

Yeah, well, he cares about me.

You don't want me hauling you in here every other week.

That's what you care about, so cut him off.

Oh, man, look at this guy.

I ever get that bad, pull the plug with both hands.

Not me.


You want that?

No, but it beats the alternative.

Just keep my machines juiced until the Hoover Dam's out of business.

WOMAN: Detectives?

Dr. Crawford, how's the poor sap doing?

Third-degree burns over 60% of his body?

He's gonna die.

Here are his things.

His skin showed traces of red phosphorous and hydrogen chloride.

He blew himself up in a meth lab.

I'm seeing two, three of these a month.

VIC: Every bozo from here to San Bernardino thinks he can cook crank.

Don't know what you're doing, boom!


Courtesy of Cupid.

Oh, how lovely.

Meth's the drug of the day.

We've got a few ODs in the ER right now.

Could you take us down there and give us a look?


Whoa. He's tweaking.

Third one today.

Can I see the patient's belongings?

Over here.

May we see the patient's belongings, please?

Thank you.

Call me if you get any more.

I will.

Well, Cupid's busy.

Looks like our mummy cooked up some crap before blowing himself up.

Let's hope he's dumb and lazy.

No telling how much he churned out.

E.M.T: Got another college kid.

How do you want to play this?

Well, we both have our own ways that work.

Why don't we just take turns?

Take turns?

We follow one lead your way, follow the next one my way.

Your way's not gonna land me in the papers, is it?

Don't believe everything you read.

Okay. Who goes first?

Ladies go first.

Well, all I know is the ID of the driver, so let's start with his family.

Lead the way.



There's no turning back, huh?

I know. I've burned some bridges.

Now's the time to build some new ones.

How so?

The good news.

This headline is exactly what we needed to brand you for the voters.

It came out well.

I've decided to back you for City Council.

I was hoping that's what this was about.

Thank you.

I would like you and Aurora to join me for dinner tomorrow night.

Sera un placer. Bien. Bien.

You can meet the rest of your team then.

I have a team?

We have a lot of work ahead of us.

The neighborhood celebration on Cinco de Mayo will make a good coming-out party for you.


I promise, I'm not in this to lose.

You can't afford to.

Don't believe everything you read.

You got to wonder where they come up with this stuff.

Anything break yet?


There's a crack den on Temple due for a toss.

You want to hit it?

Uh, I wish I could.

I've got to go over some open files.

Alrighty, then.


How was the sergeant's test?

I don't know. It's gonna be close.

I kind of froze a little.

I bet you did great.

Well, listen, pass or fail, I do want to thank you for tutoring me, though.

Can I buy you dinner tomorrow night?


Great. Tomorrow night. You pick the place.

MAN: Can I help you with that? WOMAN: Sure, yeah.

Can I help you?

Yes, I'm looking for Detective Gannon.

I've been leaving him messages for the last two months.

Detective Gannon retired last year.


Well, he was investigating a case.

My husband was m*rder*d.

Here. Have a seat.

Thank you.

I haven't heard anything in ages.

I couldn't understand why he wasn't returning my calls.

What's your husband's name?

Kyle Kelner. I'll pull the file.

I'll be right back.

So... you lost your husband.

A year ago today.

I'm so sorry.

I don't understand.

I mean, why would Andy run from the police?

He had a burn victim in his trunk and methamphetamine in his pocket.

This doesn't make any sense.

This is from my daughter's rubber stamp kit.

So you didn't know your husband was involved in this?

He's a web page designer, not a drug dealer.

He and his friend Eric had been looking for jobs ever since the company they worked for had gone bust.

Who's Eric?

Andy and Eric went to college together.

I tried to reach him when I saw the chase on TV, but I can't get a hold of him anywhere.

I'm afraid I might know where to find Eric.

I can't even look at him like that.

It was a meth-lab expl*si*n.


Meth lab?

I knew that my brother was having money problems, you know?

But how was I supposed to help him?

He's the one who went to college.

Now they're asking me to end his life.

What do I do?

Look, thanks for standing up for me earlier.

That's what partners do, even if you don't agree with them.

Don't agree with them?

Look, this is a brotherhood.

Everybody here knows that but you.

You don't know what I've been through.

Because you don't tell me.

You got to decide if you want to stay partners.

If you do, start opening up.

If you don't, talk to Aceveda.

Car's clean.

He already turned me down when I asked him for a new partner.

Maybe he'll give you a different answer.


There's an unserved warrant.

Year-old lottery ticket.

Weight Watchers coupon.

Like that lard-ass would ever use it.

He just dumped his desk drawer into this box.

Man, the clock ran out on this case a year ago.

I'm not shoveling the ice off the clue trail.

Well, we owe it to her.

No, Gannon owes her.

You want me to fly solo?

Nah, man.

Looks like this is the only action I'm gonna get today.

Excuse me?

You know, that, "I lost my husband tragically", "but I'm still young and hot

"and in need of an emotional release" kind of sex?

You're kidding, right?


Oh, you've never covered some accident or homicide and gone back a month later for a statement?

This one's been hanging on the vine for a year, man.

She is ripe.

MAN: Hey, just let me talk to the girl!

MAN 2: Get out of here! She's with me now.

Just give me two minutes, that's it!

She say you only last two minutes!

MAN 2: As long as it'll take to whup your ass!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Tell me, what?!

What you wanna do, then?

Wait a minute. You guys again?

Weren't you with you and we busted you for slashing his tires?

Man, that was in the past!

Today, you need to be arresting him for trespassing!

Hey, you got to own something for me to be trespassing, welfare n*gga!

Man, my job is getting nasty with Fran.

Hey, come on, Fran! Don't do this, baby!

We together now! What? What you want?

Fran, just let me talk to you, okay? Give me two minutes, girl!

She's not giving you two minutes.

Well, then give me one minute, Fran!

We're through, Hooper!

Fran, now, come on! Don't do this!

JULIEN: She's not giving you the time of day.

Don't do that, Fran!

He don't deserve you, girl!

Get on inside. Come on.

HOOPER: Fran, come on, now! Don't do this, baby!

ACEVEDA: Querida?

I'm finishing the marketing plan.

It has to be done before I fly to Houston.

Don't think you're getting any.

Is that any way to talk to the next city councilman?

Oh, my God. Machado said yes?

We're having dinner at his house tomorrow night to meet the team.

The team?

Oh, David!

I can't believe it.

So why aren't you more excited?

This is my shot.

I won't get another.

You won't need another one.

Power is an aphrodisiac.

Died about 20 minutes ago, second, so far.

Third one scrambled his brains, and all from the same college.

We better find this stuff, or you're gonna be stacking them up in the freezer.

Ambulances bring them all in?

All but that one.

VIC: Who brought him?

That guy over there.


You knew the OD victim?

He was rushing my frat. I'm the pledgemaster.

This part of rush week?

My father's a lawyer.

Mine was a bricklayer. So what?

Fowler, Kaufman, and Rose.

You want to talk to me, talk to them.

Oh, ho, ho.

We are definitely doing this one my way.


Get the hell off me!

You want him to be your brother, huh?


Kiss your brother. Stop that!

Where'd he get the meth?

Please, no!

Where'd he get it?

I don't know!

Fine! Kiss your brother again!

We gave it to all the pledges!

It was supposed to be funny, sending them to class on speed!

WYMS: Jesus!

Where'd he get it from?


Effi Montecito.

He deals with... To all the frats.


Now let me show you how we haze our pledges.


Detective Gannon left a long list of TBIs...

You know, "to be interviewed," so we're starting from scratch.

What exactly was your husband's business?

Property management. He owned condos, rented them out.

And he was found at a construction site?

Yeah, he and his partner, Ari, were building a new complex.

Was he meeting someone?

I don't know. I... had just gotten home from my parents' when the police called.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Look, I'll get you some chips.


Have you, uh, talked to anyone, like a grief counselor?

Didn't help.

I know some that are very good.

I don't know.

It's already been a year.

I'm sure it feels like it was yesterday when you got that call.

Our dealer, Effi, is a 25-year-old still living in his old frat house.

Can't seem to grow up, huh?

He'll grow up fast in San Quentin.

Ha. Real fast.

It'll take a few hours to get the warrant.

I'll get it started.

Not a problem, I got some errands to run anyway.

What's going on?

This IAD thing's still hanging out there.

I told you. I'm not changing my statement.

I'm willing to keep your secret.

Sure you are.

I am. What do you think, I want to twist your arm?

All you got to do is...


It's not a lie. You made a mistake.

We put boxes of a*mo in that bag, not bricks of coke.

I know what a*mo looks like, and I know what blackmail looks like too.

It's not gonna work.

I got nothing to lose.

My guys have taken fire from every scumbag in town.

They're going down because some rookie thinks he saw something?


I did see something.

I'm not gonna let you destroy their lives.

So you're gonna try and destroy mine?

You're not giving me any choice.

Handing in this arrest report's the only way I can think to stop you from making a huge mistake.

That report doesn't prove anything.

I don't have to prove you're gay.

In this house, all I got to do is say it... with all the gory details.

There you go. All right.


I'm not sure they stole any dr*gs.


It was dark.

They were at the other end. My view was obstructed.

You never said your view was obstructed.

Well... it was.

You didn't see Mackey put two bricks of cocaine into a weapons bag?

I can't be positive.

You didn't see Shane Vendrell drive off with that bag?

I don't know for sure what was in it.

Mackey got to you.


He threatened you. We can get him for that too.

He didn't.

Then what?

Maybe I let his reputation cloud my judgment.


"Are you positive it was two kilos of cocaine?"

Answer: "Yes."

I'm not sure anymore.

Julien, failure to report corruption and giving false testimony are both serious offenses.

I'll accept whatever punishment I have to.

Sorry to disappoint you.

Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

I told you it would go away.

How'd you get him to back off?

I just reasoned with the man.

You are my personal hero.


Get out.

Sure, boss.

I got a big case I'm working.

What did you do to him?

To who?

Officer Lowe.


Is he okay?

He changed his statement.

LAD hasn't notified me.

If anything happens to him...

Can't see why it would.

Listen, I got to run.

I'm touring a school for my kid.

Oh, uh... sorry your headlines got screwed up.


DANNY: What now?

Look at this.

DANNY: "Hoe"?

g*dd*mn bastard call her that for everybody to see.

How do you know Hooper did this?

Hooper's not a very good speller.

Look it over.

Sign right there.

So he can't come within 10 feet of me?

That's a restraining order.

You can use this complaint to justify one.

So what if he comes near me?

Then I'll make him my bitch.

Ooh! Now, sign it.

Sometimes I see him at the Vons.

Vons? What Vons?

Well, he helps with my shopping.

Helps you with your shopping? Aw, hell, no!

Hey, that stops right here! Back off.

Just let her think it through.

She don't need to think it through.

She needs to sign the damn thing!

Okay, baby. It's all good.


DUTCH: So you were Kyle Kelner's business partner.

Until he died.

Where were you on the night he died?

I told the detective last year.

I was in Phoenix on business.

Why are you just getting around to Kyle's m*rder now?

Unfortunately, the file slipped through a crack in the system.

Judging from today's newspaper, I'm surprised any crack slips past you guys.

Well, those are just, uh, allegations.


Gotta stick up for your own.

I understand.

He got along with everyone.

Nice, funny. A great boss, you know?

Wish I could find another one like him.

I haven't had a decent job since he died.

Must be real tough on you.



You know, it's times like this when you need someone to lean on, like a husband or boyfriend, or...

I'm single.

Our specialized care is designed to meet all the needs of autistic children, including speech, occupational, behavior therapies.

The facilities are really nice.

One of the books I read said if you put a kid with other autistic kids, it keeps them from socializing, sort of lowering the bar.

Some people think that, but we've seen that autistic children progress most rapidly in a small class with other kids their own level.

How does this compare with the public schools, the pilot programs?

There you risk Matthew being placed in a typical class with an aide.

What's wrong with that?

Throwing these children in the deep end doesn't teach them how to swim.

Well, here Matthew will be a leader.

He'll gain more confidence.

So he won't be behind anymore.

We have one spot available.

It's sure to go quickly.

25 grand is pretty steep.

The services we provide aren't cheap.

You ask any of the parents here, they'll tell you it's worth it.

It seems wonderful.

I know it's an important decision, but I suggest you make it quickly.

Excuse me.


Reverend, what are you doing here?

Your captain called me, said you were struggling with a decision, might need some spiritual guidance.

Some reason, thought I might be able to help.

Come on. Police stations make me nervous.

I need a smoke.

I went back on my statement because I'm not sure what I saw.

What made you sign it in the first place?

I... I don't know.

Too eager to do the right thing?

I overreacted.

I know an overreactor when I see one.

That's not you.

What's going on, Julien?

What do you do when the man that you are isn't the man that you want to be?

Give the man that you are a swift kick in the ass.

What's stopping you?


I'll be all right.

Only thing better than unfiltered smoke.

Unfiltered prayer.

Just you and God.

No secrets.

Nothing in between.

See you Sunday?


BOY: Okay, come on, boys.


Of course. You want to go in there unprotected?


Let's go, ladies. Who's up?

BOY 2: Are you serious about this?

Tim, you just volunteered.


Okay, who's that?


Who the hell are you?

WYMS: Decency police.

Let me guess. Effi Montecito?


You're coming with us.


This one, we do my way.

If you feel we have time for that.

Hey, I thought screwing sheep went out with New Wave.

We weren't really gonna make them do it.


We just wanted to see who would.

Wait a minute.

You dragged my son down here for a schoolboy prank like this?

Your son's here on suspicion of drug trafficking.


Dad, it's not true.

So far, three students at Mission Cross Hospital have died from your Cupid crystal meth.

That... that wasn't mine.

VIC: Apparently, he supplies half of fraternity row.

We have to get his latest batch off the street before more kids die.

You're dealing dr*gs again? g*dd*mn it.

Dad, they can't prove anything.

You're 25 years old!

Grow up, will you?

You stupid son of a bitch!

What the hell's the matter with you? Stop!

Your stuff is k*lling... Shut up! Just shut up!



Get your hands off me!


Don't you know what you're doing to your family?

Go on! Let them take you!

Go on, you stupid piece of shit!

You see if I'm gonna bail you out this time!


I like doing things your way.

I told them to take the life support away.

Son, I don't mean to be disingenuous, but I'm sorry.

What's "disingenuous" mean?

It means you're under arrest.

For what?

For shaking and baking crystal meth.

I don't know anything about that.

We talked to Effi.

VIC: He rolled on you, you roll on him.

Eric was mixing up a batch, and it exploded, and he was screaming.

His flesh was... we couldn't take him to the hospital.

VIC: So you tossed him in a trunk.

Andy was gonna bury him in the desert.

He was still alive.

We thought that he would die by the time that we got there.

Exactly... how stupid are you?

You were six credits shy of graduating for the last four years.

You're a drug dealer who spends his free time watching pledges hump sheep, and he's the stupid one?

WYMS: Any more bad crank still out there?

Only the stuff that Manny's holding for collateral.

Who's Manny?

He's the guy we borrowed the money from to start the meth lab.

When we couldn't pay right away, he smashed up my hand, and he took half of the dr*gs as collateral.

VIC: How much is half?

10 pounds.

There's still 10 pounds of this shit out there?

g*dd*mn it.

If he hadn't of threatened us, Eric wouldn't have rushed the last batch, and he would still be alive.

All right, who is this Manny guy?

Manny Sandoval.

Manny Sandoval skated two murders I should have had him for.

I've wanted this bastard for a year.

If this guy's so bad, how come I never heard of him?

Hey, Supercop, you know every criminal on the street?

After we catch this guy, I will.

ACEVEDA: You want me to give you $20,000?

You can't be serious.

That's what our meth men owe this Manny.

They're both willing to wear a wire.

Nail him at the drop, get the bad dope out of circulation.

Vic, stop.

You're under investigation for stealing dr*gs.

Now I'm supposed to give you cash?

WYMS: You're not giving it to Vic.

You're giving it to me, so we can save some lives.

When do you need it?

WYMS: Tomorrow.

So long as we're clear.

I'm giving the money to you.



I'm sorry to bother you.

I tried to call, but the phone's disconnected.


Is everything okay?

Oh, yeah.

I just forgot to pay the bill.

But it'll be on in a couple of days, so...

No problem.

Um, I just need to check on one thing, and I'll be out of your hair.

Did your husband have business ties to Phoenix?

I don't think so.

I know Ari has family there.

Your husband's partner? Yeah.

He was visiting them the night that Kyle was k*lled.

Hey, I, uh, I called one of those grief counselors you recommended.


I have an appointment on Tuesday.


I'm glad.

Well, uh, thank you.

Detective, do you have to...

Thanks... for taking care of this.


My pleasure.

Good night.


I called Reverend Cook because I was worried.

I know how tough this is.

You shouldn't have done that.

I don't know what Mackey did or said, but I know it took fortitude to come forward in the first place.

Where's that fortitude now?

I made a mistake.

Yes, you have, and I want to help you rectify it.

I don't want your help.

You should contact your PBA rep, Julien.

You're facing suspension, probably termination.

I wish it had gone down a different way.

CORRINE: We can skip the trip to Lake Powell this year.

I can go back to work at the ER, pick up some shifts per diem.

And spend half the money you make on daycare.

We're gonna lose that spot.

Then he'll go to school in the real world, learn how to socialize.

I want him going to Glenridge.

He'll be happy there. I know it.

You know what? You know it too.

All right. Call them tomorrow.

I'll have to pick up extra shifts.

We barely see you enough already.

What do you want from me?

I'm not mad. We just miss you.

Matthew ruined my notebook.

Let me see.

You know what?

We'll get you a new one, okay?

Why does he do stuff like that?

He never listens.

No, no, Matthew listens.

He just understands things differently.

Come here.

See how you make your letters so neat, get them to fit inside the lines?



Well, he doesn't know how to make things fit.

He needs help with that kind of stuff.

Big sister help?


Big sister help.

Come here.

Big sister help.

It'll be okay.

It's not okay. You don't deserve this.

So much for riding that headline onto the city coun...

You're more than just that headline.

Not to Machado.

When he hears that the case fell apart...

If he backs out, what happens to your job?

Gilroy's getting squeezed.

First chance he gets, he's gonna take it out on me.


There's got to be something you can do.

I can't think of what.

I really thought this was my shot.

I'm so sorry.


I knew twice in one day was too much to hope for.


What are you doing here?

I told you I only needed two minutes.

He bumped into me at the Vons.

Who painted that S?

I couldn't scrub off the "hoe," so I figured that was the next best thing.

Why are we here?

Hey, Lamar slashed my tires again.

FRAN: He gets jealous.

Hey, yo, I want my name white-outed on that restraining order, and put Lamar's name on there.

That's not gonna be a problem, is it?

You, come with me.

Hey, yo, we hooked up at the Vons, yo!

Apparently, these guys will do anything for you.

They're very serious, and you're leading them on.

I am not. Yeah, you are.

Now, stop stringing them along.

Just pick one and stick with him.

It's the right thing to do.

Go to Phoenix often, Ari?


Who were you meeting with the night that Kyle was k*lled?

A business acquaintance.

Did you have dinner?

Um, no, I got in around 9:30.

We had drinks.

Did you get a chance to see your family?



No, not that trip.

9:30. So, um... you were on the 8:00 flight?


I checked the flight manifests.

Your flight flew out at 10.

You want to tell me something, Ari?

All right, you did it, ass wipe! Say it!

Say it! Yes, I k*lled him!

I didn't plan it!

He just found out I was stealing money from our joint account.

He accused me.

I got scared, and I just... k*lled him.

I didn't have a plan. I didn't have an alibi.

Why didn't you guys arrest me last year?

Oh. Oh, that rocked. That rocked!

Man, you set him up...


I knocked him down.

Oh, yeah. You are great.

You're great. You're great.

VIC: Don't you just once wish you worked for Beverly Hills P.D.?

I'll bet you their wires work.

You don't like the World w*r II hand-me-downs?

MANNY: You guys still owe me 20...

PAUL: The lab exploded.

That's not my problem. You want the dr*gs?


Damn. Did he say it?

I can't hear.


MANNY: Your brother blew himself up, huh?

PAUL: Yeah, 'cause of you, you son of a bitch!

Stop, you g*dd*mn crazy kid!


My arm!

MANNY: What is this, huh? Is this a bug? Huh?

You taping me, bitch? Huh? You taping me?

I'm going to k*ll you.

Hey! Drop it! Don't make me k*ll you!

Self-defense, man!

Crazy bastard was trying to k*ll me!

VIC: Shut up.

Paul just att*cked him. He just ruined everything.

I told you, he's stupid.

He k*lled Eric, okay? He k*lled my brother!

This doesn't screw up my deal, does it?

Your informant att*cks me while working a case for you?

My lawyer's gonna buy a vacation home off of this.

You were ready to k*ll Paul.

But I didn't.

And even if I did, it was self-defense.

Why don't we let a jury sort that out?

Some kids croaked on meth, right?

You put me behind bars, not only won't those charges stick, I'd say there's a pretty good chance that stuff gets loose on the street.

You sick bastard. Only when I have to be.

Now, we gonna help each other out or what?

Why would Ari k*ll him?

He was siphoning off money from the business.

Kyle caught him with his hand in the cookie jar, was gonna blow the whistle.

Thank you, detectives. Don't mention it.

It's our job.

I'll, uh...

I'll check in on you in a few weeks, just to make sure you're doing okay.

I hope you keep that appointment.

It's a lot to take in, I know.

I thought I'd be okay, knowing what happened.

It doesn't make it any better.

It doesn't change anything.

He's still not gonna be there when I get home, is he?

I just don't want to be alone anymore.

Listen, Danny, I know this is short notice, but I have to break our... uh, cancel our dinner tonight.

Everything all right?

Yeah. A friend of mine's having a crisis.

It's no problem.

I'm really sorry.

I'll just work a double. I can use the extra cash.

Great. We'll do it soon.

VIC: They swept the whole area.

Garbage cans, dumpsters, crawl spaces... nothing.

What about his place?

No Cupid in sight.

We've got 10 pounds of junk still out there, enough to k*ll dozens, and he's up there holding all the cards.

This might be a good time for us to start doing things my way.

And what way would that be, exactly?

Hey, captain.

Didn't see you there.

Someone should put a bell around your neck.

Where do we stand with this meth thing?

Between a rock and a hard place.

Looks like we're gonna have to do this Manny's way.

The dr*gs were right where you said they'd be.

Lucky guess.

You're welcome for the public service.

Pleasure doing business with you, detective.

You picked the right day to cross paths with me.

I was a little handcuffed.

Man, you guys got a lot of rules.

You know something?

You might not have pulled any triggers, but a lot of people are dead because of what you did.

You're on my radar now.


Trust me.

That's not a good thing.

Just have fun tonight. They're all dying to meet you.

That's why I'm here.

It kills me, Jorge, but this whole thing fell apart.

The key witness got cold feet.

The investigation's dead.

I wanted you to hear it from me.

Well, it's not ideal...

But it's not disaster either.

David, people remember the headlines.

Most times, they don't even read past them.

This being politics...

Perception is reality.

Learning fast.

Don't worry about it, huh?

I live up to my promises.

You're my man.

Get used to it.

I'll see you at 8.

How'd things go with Mackey today?

Fine. Good.

I missed you too, okay? You happy?

It doesn't matter to me.

How was your day?

Shane wants to hit the monster truck rally on Friday.

Gotta stop meeting like this.

People are gonna talk.

Not about anything they heard from me.

Hey, it might not feel like it, but you did the right thing yesterday.

I'm not gay.

Julien, come on.

I'm not.

It's this thing... inside of me.

I push it down, it goes away, but then it comes back stronger.

I shove it down again, but it just keeps on coming back till I don't have the strength to push anymore.


I am so weak.

I hate this thing inside of me.


You can't go through life hating who you are.

I pushed away everyone. My partner, my reverend, Tomas.

I'm alone.

Hey, no, you're not.

You were there for me. I'm there for you.

It is so nice to have someone else cook dinner.

It smells incredible.


One of the keys is basil.

You have to add it just before it's done, otherwise you'll cook the flavor out of it.

Oh, well, we wouldn't want to do that.


Uh, strainer?

Um... today has been very emotional for you.

There's a lot of, uh... delayed grief, pent-up confusion, and misplaced feelings.

I'm not gonna take advantage of that.

You wouldn't be.


What's up?

This whole IAD thing.

I shut you out. Looks like I was wrong.

This thing confused a lot of people.

Yeah, I know.

k*lled my partnership.

It's not too late.

He's a good kid.

Maybe he deserves a second chance.

Most of us do.

I'll see you.

All right.



Strike Team's back in business, effective tomorrow.

Did you ever have any doubt?

I did this time.

I'm tired, Vic.

I just can't keep explaining these messes or cleaning up after them.


No. I'm not gonna let myself get burned.

We're done, Vic.

I just can't have your back anymore.

I thought I owed it to you... to tell you.


♪ You are A splendid butterfly ♪

♪ it is your wings That make you beautiful ♪

♪ And I could make you Fly away ♪

♪ But I could never Make you stay ♪

♪ You said you were In love with me ♪

♪ Both of us know that That's impossible ♪

♪ And I could make you Rue the day ♪

♪ But I could never Make you stay ♪

♪ Not for all The tea in China ♪

♪ Not if I could Sing like a bird ♪

♪ Not for all North Carolina ♪

♪ Not for all my little words ♪

♪ Not if I could Write for you ♪

♪ The sweetest song You ever heard ♪

♪ it doesn't matter what I do ♪

♪ Not for all my little words ♪

♪ Now that you've made me Want to die ♪

♪ You tell me That you're un-boyfriendable ♪

♪ And I could make you Pay and pay ♪

♪ But I could never Make you stay ♪

♪ Not for all The tea in China ♪

♪ Not if I could sing Like a bird ♪

♪ Not for all North Carolina ♪

♪ Not for all my little words ♪

♪ it doesn't matter what I do ♪

♪ Not for all my little words ♪


♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Living the good life ♪

♪ Throw your hands up ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Just another day ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Day ♪♪
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