06x01 - Trapped Beneath the Sea, Part I

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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06x01 - Trapped Beneath the Sea, Part I

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step into the light

♪ Some people need to help somebody

♪ When the edge of surrender's in sight

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you out of my sight

-♪ I'll be ready
-♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you out of my sight

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Become a part time lifeguard?

What are you talking about?
You can't become a recurrent.

-Why not?

My seniority put me on top of the list,

I could work the beach as much as I do now

And still have time to
pursue another career.

-What other career?

-I don't know, maybe
a uh, private eye.

-Oh, you can't be serious.

-Remember that bail jumper I
caught about three months ago?


-Well, if I was a private eye,

I could have collected
a reward for $10,000.

-Mitch, you can't be a
lifeguard during the day

And a private eye at night.

-Why not?

-Well, the forecast for
tomorrow is 93 and clear.

The day after, a major storm, 93 degrees.

Only in california.


A million people
on a winter beach
pretending it's summer.

-We're gonna have rips
the size of colorado

And inshore holes the
size of the grand canyon.

-Well, maybe we ought to
keep the debris on the beach

To discourage people
from going in the water.

-No, the dozers have
already been ordered.

Stephanie, you're gonna have
to flag down the damage.

-I can't.

I have to go survey that oil platform.

-I have to compliment
you, stephanie.

Leaving the base of the condemned platform

To maintain the artificial
reef is a terrific idea.

-Well, it's good to
pay back mother nature.

Think an oil platform's
a good place to start.

-So do we.

You're not the only one with a conscience.

Believe it or not, the us oil industry

Is run by people who
care about mother nature,

That's why they hired me. [Laughing]

-So they can take her
oil without spilling
it all over her.

-Well, that's
one way to put it.

Have lunch with me after this

And I'll give you my entire philosophy

On environmental accountability.

-Um, I'm sorry.

I have to coach my girls' swim team.

-I'm serious. If I wasn't,

I wouldn't be out here
diving in currents like this.

-Oh, yes, you would.

I can tell you're a man
that likes a challenge.


So competing in the olympics is of course,

Every swimmer's dream.

Unfortunately, um, I made the olympic team

The year we boycotted the moscow games.

But hopefully politics will never again

Get in the way of pure
athletic competition,

And the only barrier between
you and going for the gold

Will be the limitations that
you place on yourselves.

Because each of you are--


Excuse me, could I have
your attention, please?

Thank you.

All right.

Now the backstroke can blow your shoulder

If you don't use proper
form, so listen up, ok?

You gotta lead with your pinky,

And then when your hand is in the water,

It has to change angles so that it goes--


What is so fascinating over there?


I'm just interested in his form.

His swimming form, all right?

Ok, in the water, cool off!

Six laps of backstroke!

And stay on this side
of the pool, all right?


How are your girls doing?

-Pretty good.

Till they got distracted.

That a new member of your team?

-Yeah, we brought
him out on scholarship

From the midwest.

Cody madison.

-Is he gonna make
the olympic team?

-He didn't even make our team,

I had to cut him.

He'll probably lose his scholarship.

-What happened?

I mean he's got great technique,

Power, perfect form.

-And zero will to win.

-His parents died
in the midwest floods last year.

A bridge washed out

And their car fell 30 feet into the river.

-Well, no wonder he
can't swim anymore.

He probably thinks of them
every time he sees the water.

-Why do bad things
happen to good people?

-No, no, it's not the water.

See, cody loves to swim,

But it's the competition
that he can't handle.

He just feels like
there's nobody to win for.

-What about himself?

-Well how can he win?

He lost his entire family.

-That's when you have to win!

That's when you have
to focus on the future

And let your, your anger
and your pain motivate you.

You know, push you to your limit.

-[Laughing] steph, you sound
like a sports psychologist.

-Caroline, you
should see cody swim.

I mean, he's incredible.

He's got all the physical tools.

All he needs is the right
coach to motivate him,

He could make it straight
to the olympic trials.

Probably even do atlanta.

-I thought his coach cut him.

-He did.

I want to coach him.


[Laughing] see, I knew this.

You wanna be the personal trainer

Of some incredible young swimmer

Who's very looks just distract
the entire girls' team.

-Caroline, my reasons
are strictly professional.

-[Scoffs] yeah, right.

-Well, mine aren't.

When can I meet him?


I thought you were mending a broken heart.

-Well, what better way
than to meet someone new?

-You'll both meet
cody tomorrow.

The beach is gonna be a madhouse,

So we didn't have
enough lifeguards to
open all the towers,

So I recruited him as a working observer.

He's lifeguarded lakes for five years,

So he should be good.


Lakes don't have waves.

I think I better take him under my wing.

-You leave your
wings off him, ok?

I want cody to focus all
his energy on his swimming.

All his energy.

-Okay, mom.

-So no come ons or
flirty smiles or...

Patty seductions.


What? Why are you looking at me?

Hey, I'm, I'm in love with logan.

-Logan, my father will
be here any minute.

-Who cares?

I don't wanna have to hide
my feelings about you.

-Oh, but you have to.

Logan, if my father thinks you used me

To get to him, he's never
gonna invest in your company.

-Now why would he think that?

-Because that's the
kind of thing he'd do

To close a deal.

-Then I'm afraid...

Your father and I are nothing alike.

'Cause I would never do that.

-Mmm, I know you wouldn't.

-Anyway, you're much
more important to me

Than any deal.

-I know.


That's him.

Hello, daddy.

-Hi, sweetheart,
sorry I'm late.


Mr. Fowler, I presume?

-Yes, sir, nice to meet you.

-My pleasure.

Well, beth tells me you've
designed an exciting line

Of clothing and you're in the market

For some financial backing, is that it?

-Yes, sir.

I've been working very hard on my designs,

And I think they're ready
for the marketplace.

fashions, is that it?

-Aussie beach wear, sir.

See, I've been a lifeguard in australia

And here in the states.
I mean, I've spent
thousands of hours

Watching people at the beach,
what they like to wear and
what they look good in.

So what I've come up with,
is the aussie look for
the american personality.


Well, it, it's kind of
hard to get it from this.

Do you have a brochure or something?

-I have something
better than that.

Please, have a seat.

-Sit down, daddy.

[Drum beating]

[Upbeat electronic music]

-Well, I'm very impressed.

Who directed the video?

-Well, actually, I did, sir.

-Well, a man of many talents.

I like doing business with
talented people, mr. Fowler.

-Now somewhere in that mess

Is a perfect piece of
driftwood waiting to be carved.

All we have to do is find it.

-I'll find it for you, grandpa.



-How about this one?

-No, that's too small.


-You know, I knew the
video idea would work.


I'm so happy for you.

-Yeah, he thought
it was brilliant.

He's showing it to his people tomorrow.

-You know, you have to admit
that gator is pretty talented.

I mean he directed the video
and he designed the clothing.

-Hey, I am the visionary here.

Without my deal making skills,

Gator would be nowhere.

-Aww, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Hey, how about you show me
your visionary talents tonight?

-Logan: I can't tonight,
I gotta work with gator.

-You have to work with gator.

You have worked with gator
every night this week.

-I know, and believe me,
I'd much rather be with you,

But I've gotta do this.

I've gotta make the deal work.


I need you to understand

That what I'm doing is for the both of us.

Once the deal is closed,

I'll be all yours.

Let's go.



-Help! Help!

-Logan, over there!

[Siren blaring]

-Help! Help!


-Eight neptune I five, we
need the paramedic team,

At paradise cove, over.

-Everything's gonna be ok.

You're gonna be fine.

-Man: let's go!

[Sirens blaring]

-Point is, I've had
one job my entire life.

-Lifeguarding's the
best job there is.

-I'm just looking
for a new challenge.

-So, dad, what did you wanna
be when you were growing up?

-Different things
at different times.

-Hobie: like what?

What did you want to be most?

-When I was eight years old,

I saw the ultimate movie.

"The maltese falcon," humphrey bogart.

The man was awesome.

For the next six or seven years,

I wanted to be...

A private eye.

I actually had a subscription
to "true detective" magazine.


-So why'd you stop?

-My subscription ran out.

-No, why'd you stop
wanting to be a private eye?

-I started lifeguarding.

[Thunder crashing]

-Caroline: [sighing]
I hate the rain.

-Makes me sad.

-Well, if it wasn't
for these oreos,

I'd be completely depressed.

-I thought you loved the rain.

-I do love the rain.

It's you guys that are
making me really depressed.

-I get so upset because
people throw things

In the storm drains

And they should know that when it rains,

It goes right to the ocean.

-I can't believe matt's gone.

We used to love walking in the rain.

-Oh, c.j., He'll
be back for you.

Once he realizes how much he misses you

And how he can't
live without you,
he's gonna be back for you.

-No, I told him, I told him
that I was so mad at the county

For making him resign over
this stupid harassment suit,

That I was gonna quit in
protest and move to france.

-County didn't force
him to resign, c.j.

-They're responsible.

-No, neely's responsible.

She's the one who's
threatening to sue everybody.

-Can we not talk
about neely anymore?

Look, tell me, tell me
what matt said exactly.

-He said that I'd
remind him of everything

He was trying to forget.

So I guess that includes me.

-No. No no no, don't you see?

He's just saying that because he's angry.

Once he calms down, he's
gonna change his mind.

He's gonna come back to you.

-Caroline, you're
not making it better.

-What do you mean?

I'm just trying to be supportive.

-You're just being
a hopeless romantic.

Caroline still thinks the boy
who dumped her in fourth grade

Is gonna show up someday
and sweep her off her feet.

[Laughing] what was his name?


-No. No, it was not lawrence.

It was arthur.

And, look, besides there
was nothing hopeless

About being a romantic.

-Unless it blinds
you to the truth.

-What is that supposed to mean?



Oh, oh, I suppose you're
talking about logan.

-Yes, I am talking about logan.

C.j., Is my sister blinded to the truth

When it comes to logan, yes or no?



Ok, maybe sometimes.

-You know what?

You guys just don't
know logan the way I do.

He grew up really poor, he had nothing.

He just wants so much so badly.

But most of all he wants me.

-We're wrinkling the clothes.

-Who cares?

Soon I'll have a factory making
thousands of these an hour,

If your father recognizes opportunity.

-Well, that's what he does.

I hope it goes through for you, logan.

You deserve it.

-Logan: do you think he will?

Do you think he'll fund me?

-Beth: yeah, once he shows
your video to the board,

How can they say no?

Will I see you tomorrow?

-I've gotta work at the beach.

-Well, then I'll come
lay by your tower.

-No, no don't do that.

I'll be too distracted watching you,

And people might drown.

-Tomorrow night, then.


Tomorrow night.

See ya.

-Your factory?

Your video?

Everything's logan, isn't it?
Logan does it all.

-We've been through
all this before, gator,

So just lay off.

-No, no I'm tired
of laying off.

I'm tired of being back
there doing all the work

With you up the front
getting all the credit.


Well what I'm doing is work, too.

I mean, I am risking my whole
relationship with caroline

To put this deal together
for the both of us.

I mean, do you really think

That we'd have got to mr. Canfield

Without the sacrifices I've made?

-Sacrifices? You're making out
with some bird,

I'm back there in the dark by myself.

Why can't you tell her
you've got a partner?

-I am going to.

Look, as soon as the deal is closed,

I'm gonna tell her that you're the one

With all the raw talent,

Then hopefully she'll dump me for you,

I can go back to caroline,

And meanwhile you get beth

And part ownership in a fashion empire.

-Have it all worked
out, haven't you?

-Down to the bottom line.



This isn't the neely I think it is, is it?

-Unfortunately, I had to
put her back on the roster.

She was fired for good reason.

-I know, but the
agreement was that if neely

Dropped her lawsuit against matt

And the county and lifeguard department,

We had to rehire her.

-Then let her sue.

Matt never harassed neely.

C.j. Got her to admit
on tape that she lied.

-Yeah, but it was
recorded illegally.

So if neely decides to sue,

That tape can't be used against her.

-I don't wanna be around when
c.j. Finds out about this.

-Hi, excuse me.

Um, could you guys point
me to the locker room?

-Sure, I'll show you the way.

-I'll show it to you.

Um, I'm caroline, stephanie's sister.

You must be cody.

-Cody madison.

Your uh, your sister's pretty amazing.

-We're all pretty
amazing around here, hi.


-I'm c.j. Welcome to baywatch.


-If you need anything, I can--

-Logan'll show you.

Oh, perfect, logan, this is uh, cody.

-Hi, cody madison.

How's it going?

-Hey, I missed you last night.


Uh, logan will show you around.

I mean [laughing] he'll show you around,

He'll need a pair of red trunks

Without a patch and a locker.

-Logan: come on.

-Hey, um, I hope I see
you guys on the beach.


-We'll just finish working out.

-I can't wait to
see him in trunks.

-Oh god, me too.

We'll finish working out

And then we'll go take a cold shower.

I am telling you, c.j., You
better stay away from him,

He is way too cute.

Oh god.


What are you doing here?

-Well, now that c.j.'S perverted
boyfriend's off the beach,

It's safe to work at baywatch again.

-You're the
perverted one, neely.

Everything you said about matt was a lie.

-Did you think I
trusted you, c.j.?


I knew you were taping me.

I was just playing games with you.

-It wasn't a game.

-You just can't handle the fact

That matt came onto me
in my tower, can you?

-That never happened
and you know it.

-Maybe if you'd given
matt what he needed,

He wouldn't have had to harass me.


-Don't worry about it.

She's not worth the effort.

Move out of my way.

-Or you'll do what?

-Tell mitch and stephanie that
they have to make a choice.

It's either her or me.

You're not the kind of person

I need to waste my energy on.

The universe will make sure
you get what you deserve.

-You saw her as*ault me.

-I didn't see anything.

-But why does she have
to be on the boat with me?

-I want neely isolated

And you're the only
one who can handle her.

-Well, what's gonna
happen with c.j.?

-C.j. Refuses to
work with neely.

We'll get along without her.

Good morning, cody! Ray!

-What's up, logan?
-Logan: whatever.


♪ I'm awake and wonder

♪ Do you hear the thunder ♪

♪ I'm awake and wonder

♪ Do you hear the thunder ♪

♪ I'm awake and wonder

♪ Morning gives in to light

♪ Undertow the end's in sight

♪ Morning gives in to light

♪ Undertow the end's in sight ♪

♪ Morning gives in to light

♪ Undertow the end's in sight

♪ The waves are crashing all round us

♪ The waves are crashing all round us ♪

♪ The waves are crashing all round us ♪

♪ Echoing and calling out
oceans swallow up the day ♪

♪ Echoing and calling out

Oceans swallow up the day ♪

♪ Echoing and calling out

Oceans swallow up the day ♪

♪ The waves are crashing all around us

♪ The waves are crashing all around us ♪

♪ The waves are crashing all around us ♪

♪ The waves are crashing all around us

♪ The waves are crashing all around us ♪

♪ The waves are crashing all around us ♪

-Today is why I fought so
hard to get my job back.

There's no rush like
saving someone's life.

-It's not supposed
to be about a rush.

-Maybe not.

But the victim gets saved either way,

So what difference does it make

What motivates me?

-Believe me, it
makes a difference.

-You know, you're
not the one to talk

About proper motivation, logan.

Because you and I are motivated
by the exact same principle.

-Oh, really?

And what principle is that?

-Getting what we want.

-Except I don't hurt other
people to get what I want.

-Oh please save that for
someone gullible like caroline.

-You leave caroline
out of this.

-You don't think that
caroline would be hurt

If she found out about
you and uh, beth canfield?

You know, your partner gator's
pretty mad at you, logan.

He needed someone to talk to.

He told me all the intimate details

Of your shrewd business acumen.

-Oh really?

Well, gator's a liar.

-Logan, you don't
have to worry.

I won't tell caroline.

And I don't want to hurt anyone, either.

I just want a chance to prove

That I'm a capable lifeguard and...

That's all that should matter.

-Well, neely.

A capable lifeguard has to be trusted.

-You can trust me, logan.

As long as I can trust you to
support me here at baywatch,

Caroline will never find
out that you cheated on her.

-We just need to
make one more dive

So we can decide how much
of the base to leave.

-I never thought
lifeguarding was so much work.


-Well, not everyone makes
a rescue first day out.

How's it feel?


It feels great to use my swimming

For something that really matters.

-So you don't think competitive
swimming really matters?


-Don't tell me you
never dreamed of
going to the olympics.

-I used to, but...

Not anymore.

-We'll continue this
conversation later.

-So you prefer the
young beach boy type

To the more mature, virile manly type?

That's the deal?

-Watch out for that driftwood.

It would've mangled your prop.

-I prefer the alert type.

And I don't discuss my
personal preferences at work.

-Well, then looks like
you've got some work to do.

-Cody, someone's on the rig.

I know logan, it's been
a long day for everybody,

But we've gotta make this
dive before it gets dark

So you come over here
and take care of this?

-Logan: on my way, steph.


Ok, one of our scarabs is on the way.

Ah, but you know what?

It's gonna take a while
for it to get here.

I should probably go up there

And take care of it.

-These currents
get any stronger,

We won't be able to dive at all.

-You guys make your dive.

I'll go up and take care of it.


All right.

-Logan: neely, take the wheel.

-Neely: get me close,
logan, I can handle it.

-Paul, let's get
back to the boat.

-But we're gonna watch
the sunset from up here.

Come on, rub my back, I'll rub yours next.

-Excuse me.

You can't be up here.

You better get back to your boat right now

So you won't get in trouble.

-Our friends went in
one of the other rooms.

-Yeah, where?
-I don't know.

Larry! Fern!

Come on now, we gotta get
out of here, let's go!

-Anyone up here?

-We're in here!

-What do we have here?

More snakes?







[Theme music playing]
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