06x06 - Leap of Faith

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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06x06 - Leap of Faith

Post by bunniefuu »

[Opening theme playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Piano solo]

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here.

♪ I can see you now

♪ I can feel the wind brushing over me

♪ You seem so far away

♪ And when I dream of you

♪ It makes me feel free

♪ I might be lost in my head

♪ But you got me tangled in your thread

♪ I know that what will be will be ♪

♪ But do you still think about me

♪ Cause I've been watching you
♪ watching me

♪ Tear down these walls ♪

♪ Watching you watching me

♪ Feeling so strong ♪

♪ Cause I've been watching you
♪ watching me

♪ Waiting so long

♪ Watching you watching me

♪ Oh when I dream about you

♪ You catch me every time

♪ Oh when I dream about you

♪ You're still mine



Oh, I don't believe it!


-I missed you!
-How are you?

When did you get in?
How's matt?

Did you guys do seriously
romantic things in paris?

When's he coming back?

-Last night, great,
yes and...

I don't know.

-Well, all I know is it's
gonna be a deserted beach

On the fourth of july before
you take off any more time.

You are coming back
to work, aren't you?

-Well, is neely still here?


-C.j., I know how
you feel about her,

But she's a damn good lifeguard.

-I just don't know if
I can work with someone

Who's responsible
for matt leaving.

-Look, uh,
matt chose to leave.

I mean, he didn't
choose for neely to sue him

For sexual harassment,

But he did choose to stay.

-Everybody knows that
she made up that story.

And now she's...

-I know, I know, but
my hands are tied here.

I can only judge her
on her performance

And she's a good lifeguard.

Look, the two of you
just gotta figure out

A way of working together.

-I know, you're right.

Just do me a favor.

-Name it.

-Try and schedule us
apart as much as you can.


Exactly how far apart
would you like to be?

-How do you feel
about cleveland?


-C.j., You are back.


-You girls, girls,
come here, come on, hurry up!

All right.

So junior lifeguarding is
the best experience to get

If you wanna be a lifeguard.

-And the most important
thing is teamwork.

Backing each other up.

-I always back erica up.

-Yeah, and if there's
a cute guy around,

She's definitely there for me.


-Well, I'm sure
your flirting skills

Are definitely up to par,

It's your lifeguarding skills
that need a little work.

-Our swim times
were better this year

Than any of the other beaches.

-That's true, sandra,
and that's great,

But running and
swimming's not enough.

You have to be able to
work together as a team.

-And that's just as
important as swimming.

-Nothing is as
important as swimming.

If you're not
a good enough swimmer

To get to the victim on time,

Nothing else really matters.

Does it?

Let's go to the ocean.

Come on.

-Neely, look, whatever
your expertise may be,

It's just not needed.

There's no point in
contradicting c.j.

-She's just frustrated.

You know, since she obviously
couldn't convince matt

To come home with her.

-Don't push it, neely.

I'm warning you.

-Yeah. Yeah.


She's just trying
to get to you.

-I know.

Just try and keep
her away from me

As much as you can.

I don't want her kind
of energy around me.

-I know.

Come on, let's get
back to work, ok?

We're not gonna let her
ruin your homecoming.

-You're right, I won't.

-Everything's gonna be fine.

-Thanks, caroline.

I sure missed you.

-Aww, I missed you, too.

-Stephanie: come on, you two!

-Mitch: hey!
-Good morning mitch.

-Good morning.
-Here's the tower assignments.

-Perfect, have a good one.
-Man: thanks.

-Hey, dad.
-What's up?

-I figure since
I had to sign for that,

It must be pretty important.
-Superior court?

Some attorney
wants me to appear

In his office this morning.


-No, no, I've been
requested to...

Appear at the reading of a will.

I've been left something.

-Hey, maybe it's some money.

Who's dead?

-Uh, that's the strange part.

I don't know. The deceased
person's name is kyla weaver.

Kyla weaver, I don't
know a kyla weaver.

-Well, maybe some
uh, forgotten woman

Who didn't forget you.

-Ok, so our lifeguard lance

Is placing a dummy in the water.

I need you to use teamwork
to rescue the dummy

Before it sinks, ok?

Are you ready?

-All: yeah!

-Good, good, all right.

One! Two!


Go! Whoo!



Oh, boy.

This was supposed
to be a team effort.

Look, the dummy sank
and no one even noticed.

We're gonna have
to do something.

-They're just not
grasping this whole concept

Of teamwork here.

We gotta figure out some way
for them to get to understand

What lifeguarding is all about.

-Well, this calls for
a special assignment.

Something we can do
together with the girls.

-A great chance for teamwork.

-Yeah, we're all
in this together.

-Women only.

Against the elements.

-All: catalina weekend!


-Here he is.
-Thank you.

Mr. Samuels.

-Mr. Buchannon.

Thank you so much for coming in

On such short notice.

Why don't you sit down
and we'll go over this will?

-I'm the only one here?

-Well, mrs. Weaver had
no other living relatives.

You're the only person
named in her will.

-Mr. Samuels,
I have wracked my brain

And I have never met
a kyla weaver, uh...

There's gotta be some mistake.

-Well, I assure you,
there's no mistake.

Kyla was very specific
in her wishes.

-The only kyla I've ever met

Is a con woman and she's
got nothing of value.

-Kyla jennings.

She married recently.

Duncan weaver.

They both died
in a car accident.

-Oh, my god. Uh...

I'm sorry,
i, i, I didn't know.

I didn't connect the names.

But she has a little daughter,

What happened to her?

-Well, that all depends
on you, mr. Buchannon.

-What do you mean?

-She told me all about you.

How you helped her
and her daughter.

You gave them the best
christmas gift imaginable.

You turned their lives around.

She trusted you, mr. Buchannon.

Enough that she
left you something

Very near and dear to her heart.

-Joey: she left you me.

-Dad! Where have you been?

-Hi, hobie.


How are you?
It's good to see you.

How have you been?

-We just had a talk
with a very nice man

Named mr. Samuels and uh,

Well, joey's gonna be living
with us for a little while.

-Wow, that's great.

-My mom was k*lled.

-Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry.

What happened?

-She left one night...

And she never came back.

-Why don't you go
upstairs and unpack?

Do you remember where it was?


We need to talk.

Sit down, huh?

-So how'd she end up here?

-Her mother appointed
me guardian in her will.

-She left you joey?

How can you leave
someone a person?

-She doesn't have
any other relatives.

She wants me to raise her.


You barely even
knew her, I mean,

How come she didn't
say something?

-Because she probably
wasn't expecting to die.

Look, I know this is
a big shock for you,

It's a big shock for me, too.

If she stays here, that's
a big responsibility.

I have a little daughter and...

You'll have a sister.

-I love her, but...

I mean she's a con artist.

I mean remember last christmas?

All the trouble she got us into?

-It's just that there's
a lot more to it than that.

Raising a little girl
is a lot different.

I wouldn't even
know where to begin.

Maybe she's better
off in a foster home.

Hey, can I come in?

-It's your place.

-What are you doing packing?

You just got here.

-I heard you tell hobie I was
only gonna be here a while.

Well, a while is over.

Besides, you all just
think I'm a con artist

Here to rip you off.

-Joey, that's
not what we meant.

-I'm leaving.
You guys don't want me here.

Anyways, I can take
care of myself.

-Now come on, come on, come on,

Just sit down here
for one second.

Come on, put your
stuff down, sit down.

Now, look,

This is new to all of us.

You lost your mom,

And hobie and I wanna do
everything we can to help you.

But you see,
we're kind of afraid.

Kind of afraid of
raising you because...

You need a mother.

You need a woman in your life.

-My mom was all
I had in the world.

Please don't send
me to a foster home.


I want to live with you.

-I know how hard
this is for you, kid.

All right, all right.

No foster homes, ok?

We'll figure out something else.

Feel like crying some more?

You feel like yelling?

Do you feel like a pizza?


-Don't break your routine,

Keep working out, eat right,

Go to bed early.

You sound a little bit
like his wife, stephanie.

Maybe you're just a little bit

Too involved with cody.

-I'm his coach.

-Yeah, right.

I saw your flirting with him.

-I was not flirting with him.

Although that might
not be a bad idea.

Anyway, what if I were
involved with cody?

And I'm not that
much older than him.

It certainly
wouldn't be a first.

Anyway, how come
you're so interested

In who cody likes or dates?

Logan's supposed to
be your only concern.

-You know what we all need?

-Why do I have a suspicion
you're gonna tell us?

-Good morning, ladies.

Have a nice trip.

-Thank you.

-Stephanie: all
right, we better go.

The girls are
waiting at the dock.

[Rock music]

-Take my hand!

Come on, take my hand!


All right! All
right! Come on, whoa!



-Did you see that, mitch?

-I did!
You were awesome.

-She's a natural,
what can I say, huh?



-Girl: help!

[Dramatic music]

-Man: back up, back
up, give him some room!

-No pulse. Ready?

One, two, three,
four, five, breathe.

One, two, three,
four, five, breathe.

One, two, three,
four, five, breathe.
[Siren approaching]

One, two, three,
four, five, breathe.

One, two, three,
four, five, breathe.

Hold on, come on, come on.

Yeah, that's it, that's it.

-Man: everybody
step back, please.

-She's all right.

[Exciting music]

-Come on, everybody,
now watch your step.


Here, sandra, take a picture!


All right!




-What are you doing here?

-All you said it
I wasn't invited.

No one said I couldn't come.

-All right, well...

Since you're here,
we might as well uh,

Get you settled in.

-That's all right.

I can take care
of myself, thanks.

Girls, who wants to help
me set up for volleyball?

-Why doesn't that surprise me?

-Joey: mitch, this is great!

You're so lucky you
get to work here.

-Best office in the world, huh?


-You know this beach
is the same beach

My dad took me to when
I was about your age.


-And I have got the
perfect spot for a picnic.

Right here, what
do you say, huh?

-This is great.

Thanks, mitch.

-For what?

-For giving me a home.

You are going to let
me stay, aren't you?

-Come here.

Sit down.

You know what my
philosophy of life is?

Live for the moment.

Live each day to its fullest,

And not to worry too
much about the future.

-Is this
your way of telling me

You don't want me
to live with you?

Is this why you brought
me on this stupid picnic?

To tell me you don't want me?

-No, no, but, we gotta
take time with this, joey.

I mean, there might be a chance

That you might not like
living with me and hobie.

But if it works out,

Then we could talk about
possibly adopting you.

-Possibly? Possibly?

What, I'm not good enough
to be a part of your family?

You just don't want me here!

-Joey! Joey!

-[Laughing] it's kinda
tight through here.

-Oh, my god, look at the cave.

Let's go check the
cave out, come on!

All right you guys,
you wanna go in?

It's perfectly safe.

We've got the waves way
down there, we'll be fine.

-We'd better not, erica.

Stephanie told us specifically
not to go in the caves.

-Come on, you guys.

If we work together,
we'll be fine.

Isn't that what
this is all about?


Plus we've got mini flashlights.

We'll be fine.

-We have to be
back at camp soon.

-Zoe: yeah and it
looks really dangerous.

-Oh, come on you guys.

Come on.

-Zoe and I are just gonna
stay here ad look for shells.

-All right, well, you
guys hold this, ok?

We'll be back in no time.
Come on, taylor!

It's so great.

-Taylor: look at this.

-Erica: great!
Look at these shells.

Look at this one.

-Taylor, look at this.

It's moldy.

We gotta find out why, come on.

-I don't think
I wanna know why.

-Come on!

-All right, let's go!

-That sure takes
a lot of nerve.

Some women will stop at nothing.

-You know, it's just
ridiculous for you

To still be mad at me over cody.

-Steph, we're not
even talking about you.

The problem with you
has been replaced

By my problem with neely.

-Oh. Lucky me.

-Well, the girls
seem to like her.

-Yeah, it's gotta
be in some weird way

That I just can't perceive,

Like, like ultraviolet light

Or that whistle that
only dogs can hear.

-Well, she's here.

So we'll have to
make the best of it.

-Yeah, you're right.

I guess we have to set
a good example for the girls.

-Here goes nothing.

-Go on, girl!



-May i?

-Of course.

Listen, this game is
gonna take your mind

Right off that nasty
breakup with you and matt.

I kept telling you he was slime.


C.j.'S gonna join our game.

Let's show her the
spikes and digs I taught you.

-Yeah, or how about that
knife in the back trick?

-Shh. Cool it!

-Taylor, I think
we better turn back.

-No, come on, just
a little further.







[Suspenseful music]

-Taylor! Erica!

Are you guys ok?

-Oh, my gosh.

We better go check it out.

[Dramatic music]

What should we do?

-I don't know.

We better get back to
camp and tell the others.

Stephanie'll know
what to do, come on!



-Where are we?



-I don't know!

We've gotta get out of here!

-Taylor, what are we gonna do?


-Stephanie! Caroline!

-Come quick, come quick!

We can't find
them, they're gone!

-Just slow down, ok?
Tell me what happened.

-Taylor and erica.

They went into the cave
to look for shells,

They never came out.

-Stephanie: ok.

-They went in there.

-We heard them screaming
but we couldn't find them.

-Ok, if ever we
needed teamwork,

Now is the time,
all right, girls?

-Caroline's right.

You need to stay calm
and pull together.

Are you with us, girls?

-Girls: yeah!

C.j. And I are gonna
go in the cave,

You guys stay out here,
we'll be right out.

Do you have the flashlights?

-Ok, how long have
they been in there?

-We heard them screaming

And we went in there...

-C.j.: Erica!

-Taylor! Erica!
Can you hear us?

-Do you hear anything?


-C.j.: Steph,
look at the current.

-Whoa, it looks pretty strong.

-There must be
a subterranean current

That's filling the
caves below us.

The girls could've
been sucked down.

-What's that?

It's taylor's.

They must've been sucked under.

Let's go!

-Girl: that's taylor's hat.


They've been swept
underwater, ok?

We're gonna need all
the rope that we've got

Tied together.

-Ok, girls, come on.
We need to get back to camp

And get as much rope as we can.

Come on!

-Stephanie: caroline, c.j.,
Let's go back in the cave.


-Somebody help!

-Help! Help!

-Somebody help!

-It's no use, taylor.

Nobody can hear us and
we're gonna die in here!


-I can't yell for
help anymore, taylor.

I'm too tired.

-Just hang on.

They'll find us.

They've got to.

-But the tide is rising,

We're gonna be underwater!

-Hang on!
-Erica: I'm scared!

-Me too.




-We're gonna hold onto
the rope from this end.

You can feel your way
back from the tension, ok?


-Here's three spare air.

-Thanks, c.j.


Be careful, ok?


-Good luck.

-Ok girls, hold on
tight, all right?


Current's strong.

-Don't worry, we got you.

Hold on tight!


-Hold me!

-C.j.: We've got you.



I'm going under,
let me out a little.


-Ok, keep going
girls, keep strong.

[Dramatic music]

All right.

Got it? Ok?


-Are you guys all right?

[Panicked crosstalk]

Calm down, taylor!

Taylor, erica!
Shh! Calm down, ok?

-She's definitely stopped.

-I don't think
she has much time.

-We're gonna get out of here,

I have two spare airs left.

Hold this. Ok.

Just a little teamwork,
we'll be out of here.

Now, I'm gonna take you
out one at a time, ok?

Taylor, I'm gonna
take you first.

Erica, use the spare
air if you need it,

I'll be back for you.

Ok? Here.

Ok, erica, I'm gonna
come back for you,

Just trust me ok?

Use your spare air
only if you need it.

I'll be back very, very soon.

Put it in your mouth, taylor.

-Ok, that's the signal.

-One, two, three.


-Ok guys, the current's strong.

Now pull! Pull!

-Keep going! Pull!


-Pull! Pull!



-Erica's still there!

I'm gonna have to
go down and get her!

I need some slack!

-You're safe,
take deep breaths.

Sit back and try and relax.


-All right, put the spare
air in your mouth, ok?

I've got you, hold onto me.


We're gonna go down, and
I'm gonna pull you in, ok?

One, two, three.

-She's coming this way.

-Caroline: come on, pull!

Pull! Pull!

All right, I got her.


Sit down, you're ok.

You're ok.

-Good job.

-Thank you.





-I can't believe we made it.

-Stephanie, I'm so sorry
we didn't listen to you.

-I'll forgive you
only if you promise me

That you've learned
something from this.

-You girls are very lucky.

-You know, we never
would've made it

If we didn't work together.

-Yeah, and he's to all of us.

And teamwork.

-All right.
Good job!

Good job, thank you.

[Shower running]

[Seagulls calling]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Piano solo]

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Whenever you fear

♪ Oh, don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here ♪

-Hey, brad.

Seen joey?

-Yeah, she was here
about 20 minutes ago.

-She seem upset?

She seemed excited.

She said something
about finding a way

To really be a hero
like all the buchannons.

See ya, mitch.

-Henry: here it comes!

-Shane: I'll go get it.


Henry, help!

-Henry: shane, swim back!

Swim, shane!


Take my hand!



-Henry: help! Help!

-Woman: hi, mitch.

-Hey, dad, what's up?

-You seen joey?
-No, why? What's wrong?

-My tower key is
missing and so is she.

I think she's out to prove

She's worthy of being
a member of our family.


-Help us!




-I'm a lifeguard.

Take my hand.

-Where is she?
-In trouble.

This is mitch, I need backup
at the jetty, tower 12.

-Man: on my way.

-Henry: help!

[Siren blaring]

-Stay here!


-Shane: help!

-Grab the can!

[Siren blaring]

Take my hand!

Ok. Ok.

Hang on, hang on, hang on.

Look out, the wave!

-All right, grab
the can, I got you.

I got you, hold on.

All right, we're gonna go down.

Hold on.

-All right, all right.

-All right, hold onto the can.

You're gonna make
it, you'll survive.


-Take her to the truck,
put a blanket on her
and check her out, huh?

-You got it.

-You ok?

She tried to save us.
-I know.

I know.
-Here you go.

Now don't move.


-Brad, take 'em up
to headquarters and
check them out, huh?

-All right.


-Brad: you all right?


You wanna help me fill out
a major incident report?

I mean you were the lifeguard
on duty, weren't you?

-I, I was just trying to...

-I know what you
were trying to do.

Joey, it was very,
very dangerous.

You could've got yourself k*lled
and those kids could've drowned.

Besides, your ma wouldn't be
very proud of me right now

Because I was supposed
to take good care of you.

-I just want you
to be proud of me.

-I am proud of you,

Lifeguard or not.

But I'm not proud how
you stole my tower key.

-Oh, mitch, I'm sorry.

I promise I'll never do
anything like that again.

-Oh, mitch, that's
some kind of promise.

I'm telling ya,
you do that again,

And you're grounded.

-Thanks, mitch.

When you ground a kid,

That mean you love them.


-Why, I oughta...


-When can I take
the blindfold off?

-When I say so.

-All: surprise!


-Go ahead, read what it says.

-Welcome to the baywatch
and buchannon family.

Does this mean I'm adopted?

-Well, it's not official
yet, but I'm working on it.


-All right!

[Closing theme playing]
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