01x09 - Little Girl Lost

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Castle". Aired: March 9, 2009 –; May 16, 2016.*
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Bored with his success, celebrated mystery novelist Rick Castle teams with NYPD Detective Kate Beckett to solve the case of a copycat k*ller who re-creates m*rder scenes from Rick's novels.
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01x09 - Little Girl Lost

Post by bunniefuu »

Morning. Grande skim latte, two pumps
sugar-free vanilla and a bear claw.

- How did you know...
- I'm a novelist.

It's my job to notice things.

It's Sunday morning.
Shouldn't you be slinking home

from a scandalous liaison?

- Would you be jealous if I were?
- In your dreams.

Actually, in my dreams, you're never
jealous. In my dreams, you just join...


So, Montgomery called and said,
"Come down right away,"

so it must be gruesome.

Try not to get so giddy every time
we go to a crime scene, okay?

'Cause somebody's dead doesn't
mean you have to be grumpy.

Oh, do you want to see grumpy?

How about the cover art
for your new novel?

Nikki Heat cover art?
That's only available to...

Oh, my God, you subscribed
to my website?

Wait a minute, are you
CastleFreak1212? CastleLover45?

You do realize that most people
would be creeped out

by crazy anonymous fans.

Like you.

It was strictly professional curiosity.

So, what did you think
of your alter ego, Nikki?

Pretty sweet, right?

Sweet? She's naked.

She's not naked. She's holding a g*n.


You know...

I take comfort in the fact that, if they're
already publishing the cover art,

then your book, and our
little partnership, is almost done.

No coffee in here, sir.

Sir, what's going on?

Two-year-old girl,
Angela Candela, reported missing

by her parents about 8:00 this morning.

Where'd they find the body?

They haven't found her.
She was abducted.

Father was in the other room, painting.

- Kidnapped from her home?
- I don't understand, sir.

If this isn't a m*rder, why am I here?

The feds requested you
to be on the task force.

- Feds?
- FBI has jurisdiction

over child abduction cases.

- Then why call me?
- 'Cause I like pissing off the FBI.

And because you think outside the box.
That's something the Feebs rarely do.

Sir, who's the special agent in charge?

- Beckett, it doesn't matter...
- Sir, who?


Who's Sorenson?

I thought that he was in...

In Boston? Not anymore. He's here.

Who's Sorenson?

This isn't gonna be
a problem, is it, Detective?

I mean, we're all
professionals here, right?

Actually, I'm not. Who's Sorenson?

No, sir. Not a problem.

For what it's worth,
that missing little girl

doesn't care about your history,
nor do her terrified parents.

They just want their baby back alive.

- Where is he, sir?
- He's over there, talking to the parents.


Yeah, please.
Whatever you need.

Excuse me.

Hello, Kate.

Hello, Will.
How long have you been back?

A couple of months.

Something wrong with Boston?

Fresh lobster gets old fast.

You look good.

Thanks. I feel good. Uh...

Agent Sorenson, this is Richard Castle.

The famous novelist.

Writer of wrongs.

So, Captain Montgomery filled me in
on your little arrangement and I have

no problem with it, as long as it doesn't
interfere with the investigation.

Oh, don't worry about me.
Quiet as a mouse.

Angela Candela. Two years old.

Abducted this morning
between 7:30 and 8:00 a. m.

Parents were home at the time.

How do you get abducted
when your parents are home?


Dad got up with the kid about 7:00,
let the mom sleep in.

He planted Angela in front of the tube
with a juice box and some cereal,

then headed into his art studio.

Obviously, he's a painter.

He just left his kid?

Did he hear anything, at least?

He was listening to his iPod.

Nothing like a little
quality time with daddy.

Castle [1x09] - Little Girl Lost
Aired At 04-05-2009

When I couldn't find her,
I looked everywhere for her, and...

then I saw the window.

The lock was jimmied from the outside.

I-I ran outside.
I looked for her.

Mr. Candela, you live
on a ground-floor apartment

with windows facing the alleyway.
Most people have bars.

We were going to. We just...

I never got around to it.

We think the dirt's from the outside.

How could this happen
in our own home?

So, our suspect climbed in
through the window, grabbed Angela

and probably walked out the back door.

- Just like that?
- We have her photo on the wires

and are issuing an Amber alert
to Port Authority and the tri-state area.

I'll have my guys run
any registered sex offenders

and residential burglaries.
What about the parents?

Anyone they can think of?

No, not that either of them
can think straight right now.

This thing goes south,
they'll never think straight again.

Agent Sorenson?

The phone's over there. Get a tap on it.

This one'll end better. I promise.

Six months.

Six months what?

We dated for six months.

I didn't ask.

Yeah, I know.
You were not asking very loudly.

I know, I'm like a Jedi like that.

So, how'd you meet?

Kidnapping. A six-year-old boy.

How'd it end?

We got the guy.
What do we got on the parents?

Theresa and Alfred Candela.

Married 10 years.
One child, Angela Candela.

Whoa! Sorry.

Sorry about that.
That tie took me a little by surprise.

Okay. Get it all out.

- This is a gift from my girlfriend.
- Girlfriend?

Today's our two-week anniversary.

Two weeks.
Is that the paper or the silk?

- I believe it's the whipped.
- Good one.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

One child, Angela Candela, age two.

- Adopted?
- Yeah, two years ago.

Mom, Theresa, she's a fund manager
at Keller Stanton.

Dad's a small-time artist,

shows at the Grayson Gallery
in Chelsea once in a while.

Neighbor says he stays home
with the kid.

All right, here's a list of all the people
who had access to the apartment.

Babysitters, cleaning lady, super.
Let's cross-reference that with any

registered sex offenders in the area,
see if anyone had a thing for little girls.

You thinking there's
some creepy-crawler,

probably scouted from the inside.

Well, the father said what he did
this morning was part of a routine.

So, either somebody got lucky,
or they already knew it.


Yeah, we'll be right there.

Looks like it wasn't
a creepy-crawler, after all.

Candelas just got a ransom call.

We have your daughter.

Please, she's just a child.
Please, don't hurt her.

Whether we hurt her
is up to you.

Whether she lives is up to you.

You want your daughter,
we want $750,000.

You have 24 hours.

I want to speak to her.

I want to know she's safe.

They used an Internet
voice over IP service.

Meaning it's untraceable.

Can you raise the 750?

It's everything we have.

If it means getting Angela back,
we'll pay.

Then you should start getting
your financial records together.

Mrs. Candela, is there anyone
that you know that can help you?

An accountant, or maybe
someone at your firm?

Nina could help.

- Nina?
- My sister. She's a CPA.

But even if we give them the money,

how can we be sure we'll get her back?

You have to have hope.

You have to imagine your little girl
walking through that front door,

safe and sound.

Your daughter needs you right now.
She needs you to have faith.

To be strong.

You do this a lot?


You seem to know what to say.

It's not about what you say.

It's about controlling the situation,
controlling the emotions.

You requested your ex-girlfriend
for the task force.

That doesn't indicate, to me,
a control of your emotions.

I requested Beckett because
she's the best in the city.

Not because you wanted
to see her again?

How about you, Castle?

You've written, what, 20 bestsellers?

Well, 26, but who's counting?

Why the sudden need
to shadow a real detective?

Well, the ones on TV seem
oddly fixated on their sunglasses.

So, with all the fat,
balding detectives in the NYPD,

you just happen to
end up shadowing her?

Must be fate.

Must be.

Candelas have
pulled their financials.

Her sister's on the way.

Anything on the transcripts?

It's clear the ransom demand
has significance.

Kidnappers make an issue about
knowing what the Candelas have.

They said it's everything they have.

Whoever made the demand
knows them well enough

to know exactly what they're worth.

How does it look?

Detective, Agent Sorenson.
This is my sister, Nina.

It's doable. We'll market
the stocks tomorrow morning.

We'll have to wipe out the
retirement account and both pensions.

And you'll have to pay penalties.

Well, I don't care.
Whatever it takes.

He paints when he's stressed.

Does he sell much?


That's generous.


Why do you ask?

I don't know many artists
with their own pension account.

Theresa set up
the account for him.

So he'd have something for him
and Angela, you know, if something...

- Tell me...
Mrs. Candela,

we think the specificity
of the amount of the ransom demand

suggests the kidnappers had
knowledge of your finances.

Was there anyone who might have had
a grudge against you,

or maybe someone close to you
who needed the money now?

No one who would do
something like this.

What about Doug Ellers?

Who's Doug Ellers?

Someone I used to work with.
But, no, I can't imagine...

What about those messages
he left you at work?

Remember, you filed
those complaints with HR?

I know what happened, Alfred.

Mrs. Candela, I know how hard this is.

It's understandable to get
frustrated, but please.

We need to know everything.

Ellers ran an asset management group.

They weren't performing,
so I let him go.

Did he ever thr*aten you?

Well, he blamed me for his divorce.

He said his wife left him
because I fired him, and...

And what?

And she took his two kids.

Where'd you find him?
In line at Off-Track Betting.

ESU just hit his apartment.
No trace of the kid.

That's not good.

Pressure interview. I'll take the lead.



- He'll be fine, Will.
- Kate.

I don't care how big
a fan of his you are.

He doesn't come in the room.

Fine. That's fine.

Just for the record, though,
how big a fan is she?

Come on, Castle. Come watch
from the bleachers with us.

See how the Feebees do it.

Mr. Ellers,
Detective Kate Beckett, NYPD.

Special Agent Sorenson, FBI.

When was your last contact
with Theresa Candela?

Theresa Candela? What's going on?

Just answer the question.

What did she say about me?

Let's talk about

what you said to her.

I gave you
six years of my life. Six years.

My profits built
your whole damn division.

And now you want to bend me over?
You want to cut me out?

Well, karma's a bitch, Theresa.

You burn down my house,
I'm gonna burn yours down.

You left that three months ago,

just after your wife left.

Yeah? So?

- Every word of it's true.
- It's harassment.

What, she gonna press charges now?

Yeah. Kidnapping, as*ault,
breaking and entering.

What the hell are you talking about?

Somebody kidnapped
Angela Candela this morning.

What? Kidnapped?

Hurting someone else's child isn't
the way to get back your own.

No, no, no. This is not me.

Theresa may not be
my favorite person,

but I would never harm a child.

Your ex-wife wasn't so sure.
According to your divorce papers,

- there were allegations of v*olence.
- My ex-wife was looking for a payday.

That's all.

You're not looking for a payday,
are you, Mr. Ellers?

You have the wrong guy.

Run him down. Where he was
all morning, who can vouch.

Pretty clear it wasn't him.

You a mind reader, too?

Come on. If he was your guy,
he'd be downplaying his feelings

for Theresa, not wearing
them on his sleeve.

A couple dozen bestsellers doesn't
make you a criminologist.

I also don't need a weatherman
to tell me that the sky is blue.

Oh, for God sakes,

why don't you both just drop your pants
and get it over with?

I'm game.

The fact is, you're both right.
He probably didn't do it,

but when a child's life is at stake,
we have to be sure.

We have to question
everything we think we know.

You guys, keep Ellers on ice until we
can trace every second of his morning.

Will, you and I are going
back to the Candelas'.

We're gonna profile
all of their associates.

What should I do?

I need you to go home.


But if you need me, call.

Even if it's just to talk.

Todd, honey.

I really, really need you to focus
on calibrating your creative energy.

Now, by creative energy,
what do I mean?

I mean the source of your power.

The source of your power,
Todd, is you.

- Howdy, Mother.
- Hello.

Well, you're here.

Emm, I'm just finishing up
a session in my office.

I'm so flattered you have
my framed book covers in your office.

Well, a coach can never be too proud.

Mr. Castle, I just wanted
to thank you for being so

honest about your struggle with
persistent and chronic writer's block.

- Excuse me?
- Well, Todd is an aspiring novelist,

so I shared with him your inspiring tale
of triumph over adversity.

Well, how courageous of me.

- Good luck, Todd.
- Thanks.

I'll take the year-long package.

Way to be decisive, kiddo.

- Good for you. I'll see you next week.
- Nice meeting you.

- And remember, you is who you is.
- Right.

And if you ain't who you is,
who is you?

Well, nice to see all those years
as an actress have really paid off.

"Focus on calibrating
your creative energies"?

I'll have you know, Todd is
a very bright spirit in need of direction.

Mother, it's bad enough
that you're slandering me.

Do you have to commandeer my office
to do your New Age coddle session?

Richard, you can't expect me to pay
Manhattan rates for office space.

Well, how about this?
You cannot b*at this location.

Proximity to beverages
and sharp utensils.

Sweetheart, as your life coach,

I have to urge you to say "nay"
to your inner naysayer.

I call that a Martha-ism.

How is it that you don't know
who my father is,

you don't know how your ex-husband
stole all your money,

yet you are giving
life-coaching advice?

Mistakes are the building blocks
of wisdom. A Martha-ism.

Besides, Freud was an addict.
It didn't stop him from helping people.

Sadly, faced with his mother's
twisted, yet unimpeachable, logic,

Richard Castle's head exploded.

Ah, well.

So, why are you home so early?

Well, thought I'd take a little breather.
Working on a kidnapping case.

A little girl.

No wonder you're so surly.

Those poor parents,
having a child ripped away.

I can't imagine how they must feel.

- Is Alexis home?
- She's upstairs.

- Feeling a deep-seated need for a hug.
- Perfectly understandable.

After all, we are pod-mates.
Another Martha-ism.

I call it the pea-pod bond.

You know, the bond that exists
between parent and child,

you and me, you and Alexis.

We're all peas in a pod, and,
whether we like it or not,

everyone who's ever had a child is
in the pod forever.

- The pea-pod bond.
- Yeah.

- Alexis! Thank you, Mother.
- Oh.

I'll deduct my session fee
from your rent.

What? Whoa, whoa. You might want
to consider the year-long package.

It's a bargain.

- What was that for?
- Just a pea-pod thing.

Grandma'll explain.


Hey, yourself. Want some?

Yeah, thanks.

So, I just got word from my guys,
and Ellers is a dead end.

The owner over at Paradise Diner
on East 62nd vouched that he was

having his usual
poached eggs this morning.

Would have been too easy, right?

Or over-easy.

That's like something
Castle would say.

You like him.

No. I just...

I don't know, I think he's interesting.

So you're not...



I meant to call.

Must've picked up the phone
a dozen times.

Yeah, I know.
You meant to do a lot of things.

That's why you left, remember?

Boston was a great opportunity.

I'm not saying that it wasn't.
I'm just saying it was a choice

that didn't include me.

- You could've come.
- And then done what?

Join the Boston PD,
and then you have to move to Phoenix

and then Cleveland.
And then you're back here.

I mean, we both know
what that life is all about.

Didn't stop me from missing you.

Missing us.

Sundays in the park.

Those ridiculous
neon ice skates at Rockefeller Center.

I will have you know
that those ice skates are awesome.

It wasn't the skates.

Will, I'm...

Oh, I thought cops and feds
hated each other.

They say justice never sleeps.
I think I know why.

- We were just...
- Being consenting adults.

I'm not judging.

- I thought I told you to go home.
- I did go home,

but then my mother told me
something that couldn't wait.

You live with your mother?

Yeah. Apparently, we're peas in a pod.
But the important point is,

- Angela's adopted.
- So?

So, prior to giving up her baby,
the birth mother would've been given

background on the Candelas.

Specifically, their ability
to support the child.

- Knowledge of their finances.

Really, Kate?

We're going to waste time
on the insights of Nancy Drew here?

Is that supposed to be
an insult?

Because Nancy Drew solved
every case.

Look, okay, and I'm quoting here,

"When a child's life is at stake,
we have to be sure.

"Which means we have to question
everything we think we know. "

I was a junior in high school.

What was I gonna do with a baby?

It's been two years, Ms. Gomez.

Two years is still a long time
to think about

a decision you made
when you were 16.

What am I doing here?
What is this about?

We're talking about the baby
and your regretting your decision.

My decision?

Well, I don't regret my decision.

Then why did you try to find her?

What are you talking about?

This is a petition that you filed
with the adoption agency

a couple of months ago.

It's a form requesting the identity
of the adoptive parents of Angela.

A signed form.

No. That's not my signature.

- Lucia, I'm not...
- No, really.

Look, you can see for yourself.

That's not my signature.

Why? What's going on?

What happened to her? Is she okay?

Did anyone in your family object
to you giving up your baby?

No, no one.
My mom even helped me with it.

And the father?


Uh, he was in Iraq when I had her,

but we talked about it.

He was cool.

Are you sure about that?

Is he still in Iraq?

No, he got back a couple of months ago.

Juan Restrepo?

NYPD, we'd like to ask you some...

Go, go, go, go! Hey!

Freeze! Hands up!

- Keep your hands up.

Turn around. On the ground!

Hit the ground.

So, why'd you run?

Look, in my neighborhood,
when you see a cop, that's what you do.

What, no good cop, bad fed?

The guy did two tours in the Gulf.

I go over there, he'd turn it
into a pissing match.

But Kate,

she's got a way
of sneaking up on people.

You mean like last night?

Can you believe this?
He details cars for a living.

He could have
a little more pride in his ride.

I'm just saying.

Looked like quite a kiss.

- You jealous, Castle?
- Me?

Though you have to admit, I was right.

You are jealous.

That I hooked her.

What's there to be jealous of?
You couldn't reel her in.

We'll see about that.

I was 18
when Lucia got pregnant.

Six months in, I got deployed.

I never even had the chance to see her.

But you signed the adoption papers.

You know, when you're over there,
you see so many kids.

I just...

I needed to know she was okay.

I filled out the form
and I put Lucia's name instead.

You got an address.

Dude felt bad for me.

He was over there, too, in Gulf I,
and he only lost an arm.

And what'd you lose?

An IED hit my Humvee.

Shrapnel tore through the floor.

Doc says I'm never gonna
have kids of my own, so

I got an address and I went
to go see my daughter.

So you kidnap her and you ask
her adoptive parents for money?

Wait, "Kidnap her"?
She was kidnapped?

And you think I did that?

All I ever wanted to know
was that she was okay!

Is she?

Yo. Birth dad. Story checks out.

Limo company had him doing
their fleet yesterday.

I don't care.
He had motive and opportunity.

His motive was
the instinct of fatherhood.

If he took her, he'd have been with her,
not at some $ 12-an-hour detailing job.

Doesn't matter.
I want ESU on his place.

It's not him, Will.

We're at square freaking one
and we've got nothing.

You can send ESU wherever you want,
but I'm not losing this one.

What'd she mean,
"not losing this one"?

The case we worked.

I thought you got the guy.

We did, but

the kid was already dead.


On my way.

Another call about the ransom.

They asked for
75 packs of $ 100s

with randomized serial numbers

and warned against bait money,
dye packs and trackers.

Sounds like they know your playbook.

They were detailed, down to the make,
model and color of the backpack.

- Drop instructions?
We wait for their call.

All right, let's get the money set
and be ready to make the drop.

But why didn't they tell us
where to bring the money?

They're testing you. It's not unusual.

Which means, before we make
the drop, we'll need to test them.

We'll need proof that they have Angela
and that she's okay.

What if they don't give any?

- What if they refuse?
- How can you think that?

- I'm just saying...
- You think she's dead?

- No. Of course not.
- I should've gotten up.

I shouldn't have let you watch her.
Don't tell me what to say!

Tell me, Alfred, was it worth it?
Was it worth our little girl?

Oh, my God...

Mrs. Candela?

Theresa, you can't give in to your fear.

Neither you nor your husband is
responsible for what happened.

Come on.

Remember, no proof, no money.
We need to be firm on that.

Okay, here we go.

- Hello?
Listen carefully.

Any deviation and your daughter dies.

I understand.

A civilian, not a cop,
must make the drop or we k*ll the girl.

We see police or FBI and she dies.
You have the money?

Yes. 750, like you said.

Put it in the backpack and bring it
to the northeast corner

of 1st Avenue and 47 th.

There's a mailbox there
with a cell phone taped underneath.

We'll text further instructions
once you're there.

When we have the money,
then we'll call with the girl's location.

Ask for proof that Angela's okay.

You won't get any money until I know
my little girl is okay.


Hi, sweetheart!

You have one hour.

Once they get paid,
there's no incentive to keep her alive.

So I'll make the drop.

Figure we'll place our people
at a one-block radius from the mailbox.

No. They said no cops.

It's okay. I've done this before.
They won't know I'm an FBI agent.

And if they do?

Mr. Candela, we need this to go
as smoothly as possible.

She's my daughter and we're going to
follow their instructions to the letter.

They said no cops.


I'm her father

and I can do this.

Do I make myself clear?

No way we can send the father.

Too many things could go wrong.
He's too emotional.

What choice do we have?

- What?

I'm not a cop.

I'm certainly not emotional.

No. Absolutely not.

The NYPD already has
a signed waiver from me.

And, I don't like saying this,

but you're running out of time.

Castle's right.

- You can't be serious.
- He's been with me on cases before.

He's good under pressure.

And he's our best sh*t.

Are you getting this?
I got it.

Look at her go.

Okay, so this is usually the part where
I ask if you've thought this through,

and then I remembered
you don't think things through.

Cold hands. Cold hands.

These people are dangerous, Castle.
You need to stay alert and focused.

"Alert and focused," got it.

Maybe if you just rub them
together for a second...

Wait, alert and what?

I'm just kidding.

- You're good to go.
- Thanks.

Hey. It's gonna be okay.

Look, about last night,
what happened in the kitchen, I just...

Oh, listen, you don't need
to explain that, that's...

- I don't?
- Unless you want to.


No, you know, I just figured
for the character, for Nikki Heat...

I think I understand
Nikki Heat better than you think I do.

Be careful, okay?

Do I detect actual concern
for my well-being?

Screw this up and I'll k*ll you.

That's more like it.

Okay, I have eyes on the target. Over.

Are you reading me?

We don't have to read you.

We can see you.
Now shut up and focus.

Roger that. Five by five.

He's quite a guy.

If he only knew
how big a fan you really are.

Yeah well, he's not going to know.

You never told him
how you stood in line for an hour

just to get your book signed?

How his novels got you
through your mother's death?

Is there anything you don't remember?

Not when it comes to you.

I feel like Michael finding
the g*n taped behind the toilet.

You might want to tell
Ryan and Esposito to hang back.

They just sent a text.
It says, "We're watching you. "

Could be just a ruse.

Nope. They just sent another one.

It says,
"You're wearing a black raincoat. "

Okay, so they can see you.
That doesn't change anything.

- Tell him to stop fooling around.
- Like that'll help.


It says, "Cross the street,

"then west on East 47th. "

- That's left, right?
- Right.

Right, right? Or right, left?


"1201,1 st. " That's just ahead.

Got it. We see him.

They want me to leave the bag at the
shoeshine stand and exit out the side.

All right, I'm at the stand.

Have him make the drop.

Castle, leave the bag.
Make the drop and walk away.

Coming in. We don't have him yet.

I just left it. I'm headed out.

Esposito, Ryan, you got eyes?

I see the shoeshine stand.

Wait. I got the backpack.

Asian male, long hair.
I got him, I got him.

Where's the girl? Where's Angela?

What girl?
I don't know what you're talking about!

Ryan! Ryan!

The kidnappers posted an ad
on Craigslist and said that this was

a performance art piece for YouTube.

They sent out
nearly two dozen of the backpacks.

The poster used an IP anonymizer,
making it impossible to trace.

So we just do nothing.

Well, I managed to slip the phone
that the kidnappers gave me

inside the backpack.

I don't understand.

Well, before I did that, I sent
a text message to Detective Beckett.

The phone's under a bulk account,
so we can't trace its owner,

but we can trace its ID.

So far, we've pinged the phone
to a 20-block radius

on the Lower East Side. We'll need
another few hours to narrow it down.

In the meantime,
I moved a team into the area.

They'll work the streets. Be ready to
move when we have more information.

- Thanks.
- Mmm-hmm.

You okay?

I keep thinking, if only I saw
who took that bag...

Well, that wasn't your job.

I can't imagine anything like this
ever happening to Alexis.

We'll get her back soon.

Not as soon as we hoped.

They must've found it
and taken the batteries out.

We just lost the signal from the phone.

- Hey.
- Hey.

What are you doing up?
Stressed about finals?

American lit's today.

I was having nightmares
about Hester Prynne.


The irony for you is, not getting an "A"
would cause you shame.

So why are you up?

Looking for a white rabbit.

Lewis Carroll or The Matrix?

I'm not sure yet.

What did Beckett tell you about taking
phone photos at the crime scene?

I don't know, I wasn't listening.

- See all the stuffed animals on the bed?
- Mmm-hmm.

It looks just like mine used to.

Remember when I had
all those animals?

If by "remember when" you mean
Monkey-Bunkey, who has been washed

so many times he looks
like roadkill now, then yes.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

Oh, then you won't mind, next time
I see him, if I throw him out.

- Don't you dare. Don't.
- I won't. I won't.

I won't. I won't.

- Okay.
- Okay.

So you think the bunny has
something to do with the case.

Well, I'll let you know
when I go down the rabbit hole.


Go back to sleep.

What are you doing?

When Alexis was little,

she had a stuffed monkey
that she could not live without.

One time we went on vacation,
she forgot to pack him.

I bought her another one, but she knew
it was not Monkey-Bunkey.

- So?
- So,

there's two more pictures of her
clutching this bunny out there.

So where's the bunny?

You think whoever took Angela knew
her well enough to take the bunny, too?

But we already checked
the Candelas' list.

Couple of teenage babysitters,
a cleaning lady.

They're all being cleared.

Only not all babysitters are teenagers.
Sometimes they're people close to us.

Sometimes they're family.

When did we lose the signal
on the phone?

Right after we told the Candelas
we were tracking it.

Theresa's sister, Nina.
You got an address?

Nina Mendoza, you're under arrest
for the kidnapping of Angela Candela.

Taking your own niece.
Put your hands behind your back.

You have the right
to remain silent.

- Anything you say or do can be used...
- Hello, Angela.

...against you in a court of law.
- I'm so happy to see you.

- You have the right to an attorney...
- You wanna go and see Mommy?

Come on, baby. Look at you.

Hello. Hi, beautiful.

You want to grab your pink rabbit?
Look at the rabbit.

Oh, my God.


Oh, God. You look perfect, just perfect!

- Is she okay?
- She's fine. Yeah.

Honey, what are you doing?

She's here! She's home!

What is it? What's wrong?

What's going on?


can you take Angela?

Come here, sweetie.

Here you go, Crawford.
- Thank you.

Here we go.

What did you do?

I worked 14-hour days year after year,
k*lling myself so that we can have a life.

And what did you do?

Oh, you painted.

- All you did was paint.
- That's not true.

Really? What about that job you said
that you were going to get

so that I could cut my hours?

- I was taking care of Angela.
- Taking care?

You left her there in front of the TV.
Every day!

Do you know how many times
I woke up to her screams

because he was in that room,
blasting the music in his ears?

It doesn't give you the right
to kidnap your own child.

How is it kidnapping?
She's my daughter.

Mrs. Candela, you had your sister

climb through that window
and take her.

I gave her permission.

It doesn't matter.

You violated
your husband's custodial rights.

Custodial rights?

He didn't even notice
that she was gone.

What kind of a father does that
to his two-year-old child?

Why would you do this?
Why would you put us through that?

I mean, for God's sake,
why not just divorce me?

Oh, so that you can sue me for alimony?

So that you can get half of everything?

So that you can get custody of Angela

because I'm at work all day
and you can "be there for her"?


I've seen what happens to the guys at
work. What happened to Doug Ellers.

No way was that gonna happen to me.

You were paying the ransom
to yourself.

Once Angela returned,

I would file for the papers.

There would be nothing left
for him to take.

And if Angela was kidnapped when
Alfred was taking care of her, then...

The lawyer said that if I could prove
him negligent, I would get custody.

I wouldn't have to move out
of the apartment that I paid for

so that he could live here
with my daughter.

Do you know
how hard it was to adopt her?

How much it cost?

Ten years!

How many paintings
have you sold, Alfred?


How many?

How could you hate me so much?

You made it easy.

So, how do you think she'll do?

Well, it depends on
how many mothers are on the jury.


now that it's over,

now that I'm back, I was

thinking, maybe we could
give it another sh*t.

And when you leave again?

You come with me.

Think about it.

Nice guy.

I can see how it wouldn't work, though.

- Really?
- Sure.

- Huh.
- Handsome,

square-jawed, by-the-book.

And that's a bad thing?

Yeah, he's like the male you.

Yin needs Yang, not another Yin.

Yin-Yang is harmony.

Yin-Yin is

a name for a panda.

- Any more wisdom, Obi-Wan?
- Nope.

That's it for today. What say
we celebrate by going out for a drink?

I can't. I got a date.

A date? You date?


That's why it's called "private life".
Because it's private.

Unlike you,
I don't live my life on "Page Six".

Well, you're a mysterious woman,
Detective Beckett.

Maybe there's a little more
Nikki Heat in me than you think.

Hold the door
While I let myself in

I'm tired, boy, need a drink, need a man
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