21x01 - Warriors of the Deep - part 1

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*
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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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21x01 - Warriors of the Deep - part 1

Post by bunniefuu »



Part One

First Air Date: 5 January 1984
Running time: 24:48

VORSHAK: What do you think?

BULIC: Too small to be a hunter-killer.

VORSHAK: Could be one of their probes trying to locate our position. Computer scan.

SCIBUS: No hostile movements registered.

ICHTAR: Excellent, Scibus, but continue to monitor their activities. We must remain undetected until we are ready to act.

KARINA: We've lost it, Commander.

VORSHAK: Readings?

KARINA: It seems to be organic in structure, and radiating heat.


VORSHAK: Volcanic debris?

NILSON: More than possible. We're close to the oceanic fault here.

TURLOUGH: How are we doing?

DOCTOR: Oh, on target, it seems. You changed your mind about going home.

TURLOUGH: Well, I, er, I thought I would learn more if I stayed with you. It's true.

DOCTOR: Of course.

TURLOUGH: I mean it.

DOCTOR: I believe you. I'm just a little doubtful about how resolute you'll remain.

TURLOUGH: Time will tell.

DOCTOR: Yes, indeed. Aboard the TARDIS it always does.

TURLOUGH: Where are we going?

DOCTOR: Earth.

TURLOUGH: What for?

DOCTOR: I promised to show Tegan a little of her planet's future. We're almost there. You could let her know.

VORSHAK: Nothing. What's the matter?

BULIC: I think we should launch a reconnaissance probe.

VORSHAK: Forever cautious.

BULIC: I've spent too long on a Sea Base not to be. And given how unstable the current political situation is, an attack is not to be unexpected.

VORSHAK: Launch an unmanned probe.


VORSHAK: Happier?

BULIC: Thank you, sir.

VORSHAK: The base is to remain on full alert, and Maddox?


VORSHAK: If there is enemy activity outside, we could go to m*ssile run, so stand by.

MADDOX: Yes, sir.

SCIBUS: The base has launched a probe.

ICHTAR: The Myrka can deal with it.

TARPOK: We are ready to begin, Ichtar.

ICHTAR: Good. For hundreds of years our Sea Devil brothers have lain entombed, waiting patiently for this day. It concerns me that they did not wake up as we had planned in the first place.

ICHTAR: Their enforced period of hibernation may have caused much muscular and organic degeneration. We shall soon see, Tarpok. Proceed.

KARINA: What's the matter?

MADDOX: I can't do it.

KARINA: Of course you can.

MADDOX: You saw me out there.

KARINA: You wouldn't be here if there was any doubt about your fitness for the job.

MADDOX: I'm a student on attachment to Sea Base Four to study an experienced sync operator in action, not to take his place. I'm not ready.

KARINA: Until Lieutenant Michaels' replacement arrives, there isn't anyone else.

MADDOX: I know. I'd feel much happier if there'd been a proper investigation into the Lieutenant's death.

KARINA: It was a careless accident. There was nothing to investigate.

MADDOX: Lieutenant Michaels was careful to the point of paranoia. Men like that aren't electrocuted carrying out simple maintenance.

KARINA: You reported your suspicion?

MADDOX: Of course, but Commander Vorshak's not interested. He just keeps going on about what a marvellous opportunity this is for me to gain hard experience.

KARINA: The Commander's right.

MADDOX: Maybe he is, but I'm also aware that if we so go to m*ssile alert I don't think I can press that button.

KARINA: Listen to me. Don't throw your whole career away because you don't feel quite ready. That's silly. Lieutenant Michaels' replacement arrives the day after tomorrow. There may not be a m*ssile run before then anyway.

MADDOX: All right.

KARINA: Come back to the bridge?

TURLOUGH: Now what?

DOCTOR: It's my own fault. I should, er, I should have changed it for a Type 57 while I had the chance.

TEGAN: We're where we should be, aren't we?

DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Very close to Earth, in orbit above the atmosphere belt.

TEGAN: So what's the problem?

DOCTOR: Er, slight hiccup in our time zones. We're too far advanced. I'm sorry.

TURLOUGH: Doctor, look.

TEGAN: What is it?

DOCTOR: It's a robot weapons system. It seems to be scanning us.

SENTINEL (OOV.): This is Sentinel Six. You have entered a forbidden military zone. Transmit your security clearance code.

DOCTOR: Reset the coil cut-out.

DOCTOR: Sentinel Six, could you repeat your instructions, please.

SENTINEL (OOV.): This is Sentinel Six. You have entered a forbidden military zone. Transmit your security clearance code or you will be destroyed.

DOCTOR: Sentinel Six, we have no hostile intentions. Our presence here is purely temporary. All we need is a bit of time to alter coordinates.

TEGAN: Why doesn't it answer?

DOCTOR: Well, it's obviously thinking it over.

NILSON: It's time to move, Solow. We've got our man.

SOLOW: Maddox?

NILSON: Yes, you were right. He is psychologically unsuited for his work.

SOLOW: I'm glad to hear it. I must admit I was a little concerned lately that my diagnosis was inaccurate.

NILSON: No, you can congratulate yourself and stop worrying. The sudden demise of Lieutenant Michaels has paid us an immediate dividend.

SOLOW: You're a hard man, Nilson, but you forget, I'm a doctor. m*rder does not come easily to a person of my training.

NILSON: Don't bleat, Solow. We've waited long enough for an opportunity like this.

SOLOW: I realise that.

NILSON: And nothing must go wrong. So if your conscience bothers you, lock it away in a strong box until our task is completed.

TEGAN: Please hurry, Doctor. That thing isn't going to lie there contemplating its navel forever.

DOCTOR: Don't panic, Tegan. Now look, just push this. Almost there.

SENTINEL (OOV.): This is Sentinel Six. You are formally identified as a hostile intruder.

DOCTOR: Sentinel Six, we are unarmed.

SENTINEL (OOV.): Repeat. Transmit your security clearance codes. This is your final warning.

DOCTOR: Sentinel Six, we need just a little more time then we will be on our way.

TEGAN: Doctor, look!

DOCTOR: We're out of control.

TURLOUGH: We're going to crash!

DOCTOR: Not if I can perform a materialisation flip flop.

DOCTOR: Stage one.

VORSHAK: What is it?

KARINA: The reconnaissance probe's been destroyed, sir.

VORSHAK: Perimeter defence stand by. Feed the coordinates of the hostile directly to them. We'll blast it out of the water.

KARINA: I can't. The only thing registering on the scanners is marine life.

PRESTON: That can't be so. A creature strong enough to destroy the probe doesn't exist.


BULIC: Karina's right.

VORSHAK: Maddox, verify.

MADDOX: Computer has started countdown.

VORSHAK: Your assessment, Bulic?

BULIC: It's difficult to tell. It could be a practice run ordered by the computer. Equally it could have been triggered by what's happened out there.

VORSHAK: Then we must assume the m*ssile run is for real. All teams to battle stations.

PRESTON: Battle teams one, two and three take up defence position.

KARINA: Sentinel Six reports engaging unidentified flying object. Attempts to sh**t it down proved unsuccessful, but it has now disappeared.

BULIC: m*ssile computer is on a*t*matic targeting. Arming of the proton missiles is in progress.

VORSHAK: Prepare to sync up. Maddox! I said take up your position. The function of the base depends on you! What's wrong?

MADDOX: I can't do it, sir.

VORSHAK: Without you, our missiles are useless.

MADDOX: Don't you think I realise that?

VORSHAK: Sync up, Maddox. Find out what the computer is doing. Come on, we could be at w*r!

TURLOUGH: We made it.

TEGAN: I don't believe it.

TURLOUGH: I don't think the Doctor does either.

DOCTOR: Yes, well, I admit it was close.

BULIC: Relax. Just access what the computer tells you and leave the final decision to the Commander.

MADDOX: But I still have to press the button.

BULIC: It may not come to that.

BULIC: We have sync up to m*ssile computer, Commander.

VORSHAK: Go ahead, Maddox.

MADDOX: Missiles are locked onto targets.

TEGAN: Where are we?

DOCTOR: Still in the same time zone.

TURLOUGH: And on Earth?

DOCTOR: I think so. Let's find out.

MADDOX: Missiles armed.

VORSHAK: Prepare to fire.

BULIC: Countdown to m*ssile launch, one hundred and fifty and counting.

TEGAN: It's a bit chilly in here.

TURLOUGH: It seems to be a ship of some kind.

DOCTOR: Or submarine. There's no motion. It could be on the seabed. Come on.

BULIC: Thirty seconds to launch.

VORSHAK: Stand by.

VORSHAK: We can breathe again.

NILSON: Commander!

VORSHAK: Get him out of here.

NILSON: Take him to the PS unit.

VORSHAK: What a time for a practice run.

BULIC: You realise the base is defenceless with Maddox in the state he is.

PRESTON: And we still haven't established what destroyed our probe, nor what Sentinel Six shot at.

VORSHAK: Sound the all clear, but the base it to remain on full alert.

TEGAN: What's that noise?

DOCTOR: Yes, of course. A Sea Base.


DOCTOR: Oh, thank you.

DOCTOR: Ah ha. That, Turlough, was the all clear.

TEGAN: Must be some kind of research station.

DOCTOR: No, no, it's a Sea Base. A rather special kind of undersea military colony. Help me get this open, would you? Armed with the sort of missiles that k*ll life but leave everything else intact.


DOCTOR: Very probably.

TARPOK: The Sea Base has completed a practice m*ssile run.

ICHTAR: Then our presence remains undetected. Continue to monitor the Sea Base. This process will not take long. Have we any indications of the conditions within?

SCIBUS: No. The temperature level inside is below the range of the sensors.

VORSHAK: Launch another probe.


VORSHAK: Bridge.

NILSON (OOV.): Nilson here. We have a problem with Maddox. I think you should come down, Commander.

VORSHAK: Right. Bulic, you're in command. I'll be in the psycho-surgical unit.


TEGAN: What year are we in?

DOCTOR: Around 2084.

TEGAN: Little seems to have changed since my time.

DOCTOR: Absolutely nothing, Tegan. There are still two power blocs, fingers poised to annihilate each other. Hexachromite.

TURLOUGH: What do they use that for?

DOCTOR: Hexachromite gas. It's part of a sealing compound for undersea structures. It's lethal to marine and reptile life. I thought they would have banned it by now.

TEGAN: Progress doesn't seem to have solved anything.


NILSON: He's suffering from severe stress. It's our considered opinion that he's unfit for duty.

VORSHAK: But I need him. Without a sync operator, this base will cease to have any military function.

NILSON: And I realise that, otherwise I'd hesitate proposing the one option that you still have.

VORSHAK: And that is?

NILSON: Release the duplicate programme disc. That way we could probe deeper into Maddox's mind, break through the barriers and reassure him.

VORSHAK: But I can't do that, not without authority from Sea Base Command.

NILSON: If we are to maintain operational efficiency, there really is no other way.

SOLOW: I will take full responsibility. There are humanitarian as well as military considerations here. Maddox will have a total mental collapse unless treated.

VORSHAK: All right.

VORSHAK: But don't let this disc out of your sight.

VORSHAK: If it gets into enemy hands

NILSON: We understand, Commander.

SOLOW: I will return it to you immediately we're finished with it.

TEGAN: Do you know where we're going?

DOCTOR: Er, yes, yes, the bridge. Repairs to the TARDIS will take some time. Better they're done with the Captain's permission.

SOLOW: Ready.

NILSON: You're sure this will work?

SOLOW: The information on that disc is fed straight into the deepest control centres of his brain. Whatever commands we give him, Maddox has no other choice but to obey.

TURLOUGH: Up or down?

DOCTOR: Well, if I remember rightly, the command centre's at the top of the structure.


DOCTOR: No, wait!

TURLOUGH: What's wrong?


TURLOUGH: I pressed for the lift.

DOCTOR: Yes, it has to be done in sequence. It's what's called security. We must find someone in authority and quickly. Come on.

DOCTOR: Security screen.

TEGAN: What do we do now?

DOCTOR: Well, they've sealed off the area. Back to the TARDIS. We'll be safer there.

PRESTON: Perimeter defence is now complete.

VORSHAK: Where are they?


VORSHAK: Double the guard round the PS unit.

PRESTON: Battle teams eight and ten, urgent command.

VORSHAK: Katina, tell Solow and Nilson what has happened. Any sign of an intruder, they must destroy the disc. What do you think?

BULIC: First that unidentified object, then the destruction of the probe, now this. I don't believe in that much coincidence.

VORSHAK: Agreed. We must act fast. You and Preston get the combat teams moving. Whoever's in that area, find them.

BULIC: Preston.

NILSON: How do you feel, Maddox?

MADDOX: Fine, Controller.


DOCTOR: This way.

PRESTON (OOV.): Let's check the Chemical store.

PRESTON: Nothing. Come on.

DOCTOR: They're between us and the TARDIS. Come on, back this way.

SCIBUS: We are ready to enter.

ICHTAR: It has been a long time. Much could have gone wrong.

TEGAN: Why have we come in here?

DOCTOR: You didn't read what it said outside?

TEGAN: That's why I'm asking. I don't like running into chambers that have Radiation, Keep Out written on the door.

TURLOUGH: What are you going to do?

DOCTOR: Try and start a diversion.

ICHTAR: Revive the warriors.

DOCTOR: That's it.

TURLOUGH: What have you done?

DOCTOR: I've hotted things up a bit. I've set the reactor on overload.

TEGAN: It'll explode!

DOCTOR: Oh, I shouldn't think so. They've got a couple of hours to sort out what I've done.

TEGAN: This is madness!

TURLOUGH: The Doctor's right. It will tie up dozens of their people.

DOCTOR: And in the confusion, we can slip back to the TARDIS.

BULIC: No. We can't risk a shot in here.

DOCTOR: When I say run, run. Run!

BULIC: Get them!

DOCTOR: I'm so sorry.

TEGAN: Doctor!

TURLOUGH: Tegan, no!

TEGAN: Doctor!

TURLOUGH: There's nothing we can do.

TEGAN: We can't just leave him.

TURLOUGH: Face it, Tegan. He's drowned.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Janet Fielding

Mark Strickson

Ingrid Pitt

Tom Adams

Ian McCulloch

Nigel Humphreys

Martin Neil

Tara Ward

Norman Comer

Nitza Saul

Stuart Blake

Vincent Brimble

Christopher Farries

James Coombes

Assistant Floor Manager
Adrian Hayward

Judy Pepperdine

Tony Burrough

Incidental Music
Jonathan Gibs

Jennifer Hughes

OB Cameraman
Alastair Mitchell

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Norma Flint

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Peter Smee

Studio Sound
Martin Ridout

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Mat Irvine
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