02x07 - Cracked China

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Robot Chicken". Aired: February 20, 2005 –present.*
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American adult animated comedy with a series of pop-culture parodies about everything.
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02x07 - Cracked China

Post by bunniefuu »

It's alive!

- Boy, pull my finger.
- Don't wanna.

Well, I reckon
you better do what he says, boy.

Hey, guys.
Ready to snort some whippits?

Dude, that's so .

We're into numb chucking now.

Numb chucking? Like Ninjas?

- Numb!
- Oh, my God!


That was awesome.
I didn't feel a thing!

Numb chucking!

Numb chucking!

That was fun!

One, two...

Numb chucking!

A hybrid!

Hey, guys. Numb chucking today?

Nah, dude. We're into pot now.


- Brains...
- Hello. Excuse me.

Are you radioactive zombies
looking for brains...

or survivors thanking
the one attribute that's kept you alive?

- Zombies.
- OK.

- Didn't feel right to lie to you.
- Of course.

- Are you kids being bad?
- Yeah!

- You know what that means.
- Punishment from above!

¤ My Little Pony, Apocalypse Pony ¤

¤ Punish mankind for their sins ¤

I'm Pestilence Pony!

I love you, Pestilence Pony!

I'm Famine Pony!

w*r Pony!

¤ My Little Pony, Apocalypse Pony ¤

- Now what's all this racket?
- My goodness!

And I am Death Pony!

How sad.
The poor thing can't hear.

No, mom, I think he said...

¤ My Little Pony, Apocalypse Pony ¤

¤ Punish mankind for their sins ¤

I love you, Apocalypse Ponies!

Was I speeding, officer?

No, I pulled you over
because I love you.

I'll never forget
the first time I met Eagle Eye Smith.

I was at the bar late one night when...

The name's Eagle Eye,
and I'm a champion.

I challenge you three
to a game of pool.

I was the only one near the pool table.

That's when I realized
that Eagle Eye was blind as a bat.

I'm gonna break this puppy wide open.

I couldn't help
feeling sorry for Eagle Eye...

so I picked up two pool balls
and held them close to his ear.

Good shot, Eagle Eye.

Damn straight, fat ass. I'm Stripes.

Eagle Eye hit a lot of balls that night...

but not any on the pool table.

ball, corner pocket.
I'm a champion!

And though he didn't win the game,
he certainly won my heart.

- Home run, Eagle Eye.
- I'm a champion!

- Strike, Eagle Eye.
- I'm a champion!

- I can't wait.
- Keep your ski tips up.

We're almost at the top of the lift.

- I'm gonna be a champion!
- OK, this is it.

These Alps are my bitch, mother f...!

Eagle Eye, are you OK?

Sometimes, Johnny,
it's scary being blind.

Well, Eagle Eye,
nobody else can see, either.

- The sun went out years ago.
- Really?

- So we're all champions?
- Yeah. We're all champions.


I ain't gonna laugh at you.

All right,
don't get all gay on me, fatso.

I'm gonna go show
my girlfriend a good time.

Have fun, Eagle Eye.

How do you like that, baby?

Eagle Eye.
You're so big.

- You know it, woman!
- You're a champion, Eagle Eye.

That's right. I'm a champion!

- Pikachu.
- Jigglypuff.

Chu! Chu! Pikachu!

Back into your Pokéball, Pikachu.

I wonder what it's like
inside those Pokéballs.

I wonder when you'll shut up
and make my dinner.

- Are you ready to battle, ass?
- My name is Ash!

Pikachu! I choose you!

I choose you!

Pika. Pika.

Go get him, Pikachu.

He said he would phone,
and yet he hasn't phoned.

He knows how I worry.

Yeah. King me.

King this mofo right now.

You think you're so great, Louis.
I hope you die of a stroke!

Louis, we've come
from many galaxies away.

We have been monitoring
your great checkers prowess.

We have determined
that you are the champion...

we need to save our civilization.


- Are you ready, Louis?
- No sweat.

- Here they come!
- Save us, Louis!

Sit back and watch the show, bitch.

King me, you extraterresticles.

In your face! Yeah!

Pull back!
Their champion is too great!

You saved us, Louis! Saved us!

Saved us, saved us, saved us!

You saved us, Louis! You saved us!

Mom! Mom!
I think Louis had a stroke!

King me.

Hold on to your hats, folks.

Terry the Great stands poised
to deliver the finishing blow.

One, two, three.

And here comes dad!
Top contender for Billy's title.

- No, dad, wait!
- Flying dad b*mb!

- Honey, come in here and count this.
- OK. One, two, three.

Dad wins. Now come to dinner.

Dad is the champion.
You're a loser.

Your boss at the accounting firm
tells you to collate the data...

but Excel hasn't backed up the file yet.

Saving throw!
Then I do a saving throw!

Dorothy here,
drinking my prune juice martini.

Recently, my sex drive
has taken a menopause.

I decided to meet up
with Rose, Blanche, and Sophia...

at Katz's deli,
for some pastrami on rye...

because Lord knows my dry old pastrami
wasn't getting any action at home.

Girls, let's tell our nastiest sex stories.

- Check, please.
- Blanche, you start.

Well, a few weeks ago
my good friend Alberta passed away.

Now, I knew Alberta's husband
was a real shaker in the sack.

See, he had Parkinson's.
We met that night.

My body was tingling all over
from the sight of his manhood...

so I said,
"Do you want a gummer?"

Right in the middle
of my no-denture adventure...

his spirit released itself,
in more than one way.

- He died?!
- Blanche, it goes to figure...

the only way you could keep
a guy stiff is with rigor mortis.

Looking for that check.

Rose, what was your dirtiest sex story?

Two nights ago, I met up
with an old boyfriend from St. Olaf...

who I hadn't seen in years.

Let's just say
it was an affair to forget.

Sven, remember when we did it once...

in the ice shed by the lake
and we got stuck to the ice?

I love that movie.
Are you my daughter?

Sven had Alzheimer's.

- Say my name.
- Margaret?

No, that's not it.

- Judy!
- No.

- Roger?
- Good enough.

- OK. Now it's my turn.
- Come on!

We all know as well as you do
that the closest you'll ever get to a man...

is by looking in the mirror.

- Mom, you're being testy.
- You have testes.

Fine, mom.
Why don't you tell a story?

My nastiest sex story would have to be...

when I was a cheerleader
for the high school basketball team.

Sophia, I never knew
you were a cheerleader in high school.

I wasn't. This was last week.

Go, team!

It was wonderful!
They ran a train on me.

All aboard.

I had more balls in my face
than a circus seal.

I'll just leave some money on the table.

The girls like it wild...

but I prefer a quiet night at home
playing Jeopardy...

with my hand on the buzzer.
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