05x02 - Brief Encounter

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Brothers & Sisters". Aired: September 24, 2006 –; May 8, 2011.*
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Mother Nora is the glue that holds the dysfunctional Walker clan together as family members face a variety of challenges.
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05x02 - Brief Encounter

Post by bunniefuu »

I wish I could help you, Diane,
but there are none left.

Sorry. Okay, bye.

Oh, my God, Mom, A-List Dish
has something about the party.

It says it's gonna be jammed
with celebrities.

Why would celebrities care
about an underwear launch?

Well, it's designer underwear.

Yeah, our publicist invites them.

- It's business.
- I can't believe I'm going.

- What are you wearing tonight?
- Oh, my God.

We got Paige the cutest outfit
at the mall yesterday.

It was just, you know, the gal pals
with mani-pedis, lunch and shopping.

We had a lot of fun, didn't we?

- Well, I did, anyway, chicken.
- Mom,

I asked you to stop calling me that.

- Please, I'm not a baby anymore.
- I know.

Just sometimes I need to call you that to
remind myself that you are my daughter.

- Why?
- Because I just...

- I barely recognize you sometimes.
- I'll get it.

- I'll get it.
- I got it.

- Hi, Kevin.
- Hi, listen, I need a huge favor.

I have to put two more names
on the list for Luc's launch party tonight.

No, sorry, can't do. You're the sixth person
to call this morning.

Yeah, but you can pull some strings.

I have pulled all my strings
trying to get you and Scotty

and the rest of the family
into the party already.

You know what? This is an emergency.

I ran into this guy Chazz from my
old law firm when I was getting coffee.

Hey, the agency sent these for tonight.

- Which one do you like the most?
- The brown one.

Mom, no way.
It's like the color of baby poop.

- Excuse me?
- Sorry, but it is.

- What about this one?
- Definitely. That one.

You could just see the pity
oozing out of him, but this...

When did you become this person?

I feel like your body's been invaded
by zombies, left you these opinions.

Acting superior like, "I admire you for
throwing away your career to help people."

The whole time,
he's twirling Bentley keys...

- You know what? I've got another call.
- No, wait...

Hey, Kitty, listen, honey. If you're trying
to get extra tickets for tonight, I can't.

Oh, God, is that tonight?

I love you for saying that.
Thank you so much.

Listen, by the way, I promised Mom that
I would go house-hunting with you today...

Oh, whatever, I don't care about that.
That's not why I called. Here's the thing.

Do you remember when I told you that
Mom keeps disappearing hours at a time

and then she's all cagey
about where she's been?

Well, get this.

Five o'clock this morning,
I walk by her room,

her bed is made and she is gone.

Where would she go so early?

Well, I'm thinking
that maybe her bed wasn't slept in at all.

- Seriously?
- Well, I mean, I fell asleep at 10:00,

so I can't be absolutely positive
that she didn't come home, but...

- You think she's having a secret affair?
- Well, it crossed my mind.

Wait a minute. Come on,
there's got to be another explanation.

- Well, I...
- Oh, God, I forgot about Kevin.

Okay, sorry, Kitty. All right. Bye, hon.

Hi, Kevin. Sorry.

Yeah. So this twit Chazz,
he has his paper open in front of him

and guess whose full-page ad
is right there? So I...

Kevin, are you still harassing me
for tickets?

Yeah, it's just two. Please, please
don't make me call Chazz back

and tell him I couldn't get him in.
I mean, couldn't you just ask Luc?

- The answer is no.
- But this...

- Oh, my God.
- What? Who is it?

It's Andrew Sims.

I'm totally in love with him. No. Okay.

Hello? Hi.

Yeah. Can you hold on for a second?

Luc, is there any way
you could please get me another ticket?

- No, no, no.
- I could try.

Mom, you don't understand.

Listen to me, you just tell him that you
are very sorry, but that you can't, okay?

Andrew, can you just hold on a second?
I'm getting another call.

Monique, Andrew Sims just asked me out
and my mom's being totally unreasonable.

- I'm so sorry, Scotty, you know...
- What? Are you kidding me?

Kevin, I cannot believe
that you would stoop so low

and put Scotty up to this
when I clearly said no.

Don't know what you're talking about
because Scotty's not even here.

- I think all invitations are already gone.
- Please, it's just two more people.

Hi, Scotty.
You know I love you and everything,

but could you pass on a message to Kevin
for me that the answer is no.

Thank you.

- She's ruining my life.
- Okay...

Bye, Monique.

Bye, Andrew.

Bye, Ashley.

That goes for you too, Kevin.

- Goodbye.
- L...

Sarah, honey,
you don't have to call me back.

I just wanted to let you know
I might be late for Luc's party tonight.

Okay, bye-bye.

- Hey. Good morning.
- Morning.

- Has she been down yet?
- No, no.

But I heard her rustling around upstairs
so I think she's up.

And it looks like she was looking
at real estate online, so...

- Look at that. That's a good sign. Yeah.
- Well.

Maybe she'll actually get dressed today.
Or not.

It's all part of the process.

Grieving for Robert. I completely get it.

I went through the same thing with...
Right after your father d*ed.

You just don't know
how to move on with your life.

You get stuck.
And, oh, my goodness is she stuck.

Hey, maybe you should offer
to go house-hunting with her today.

It might, you know, motivate her.

- Maybe I can do it later, but I...
- Good morning.

- Hey. Hey, you.
- Good morning.

So you were up and out
very early today.

What was it, 5 a. M?

Yeah. I wanted to get in
an early morning workout at the gym.

Oh, good for you, Mom.

Since when are you a member
at the gym?

It's, you know, one of those
14-day free trial things, that's all.

Wait, wait a minute.
Where are you going now?

Saul was worried about Scotty
having the night off tonight,

so I told him I'd bring over
a big pot of my crab soup.

- Let me get that. That's heavy.
- I'm fine. I've got it. I'm completely good.

I'll just see you all later. Bye.

That's weird.

But only in the way
that Mom's always weird.

So, look,
I'm doing something this morning,

but I can help you house-hunt later,
if you want.

Okay. Here we go. Here we go.

Oh, there you go. You like that one?

- It's ugly.
- Yeah, it sucks.

Okay, there you go.
House-hunting complete.

So do you really think that Mom
went to the gym at 5:00 this morning?

Why are you interested
in what Mom's doing?

- I'm not interested in what Mom's doing.
- You are.

Well, I'm interested
in what you're doing.


I'm going to Holly's.

Okay. Well, did you hear
from Rebecca?

No. But I'm gonna ask David
where she is.

I'd ask Holly, but according to Mom,

she barely remembers
she has a daughter.

Yeah, yeah. And I guess
she hasn't shown much improvement.

Well, maybe seeing you will help.

Yeah. Well, you know,
I'm kind of halfway hoping she forgets me.

That way, one member of that family
actually won't hate me, so...

- Oh, please. Good luck.
- Yeah.

- Are you going to Luc's thing tonight?
- I don't know.

All right. Yeah.

Zoe. Zoe, please, please, would you...?

Would you stop worrying?

I went to the flower market at 5 a.m.
This morning.

I got every single dendrobium orchid
that they had.

The reception isn't until 6:00
this evening.

I know.
Yes, you're my boss and you know best,

but I urge you, please, to trust me on...

Just please trust me on...
And I have to go, okay?

Okay. Talk to you later.



I brought the soup.

Anybody here?


Mateo, I don't understand
how you could do this.

Kevin got you out of juvenile hall,

we took you in for a night
when you needed a place...

He was casing the joint
so he could come back and rip us off.

Kevin, for God's sakes, you sound
like you're on Dragnet. He's a kid.

Mom, he broke a window, came in here,
he's about to pry open the cash register.

- That's burglary. It's a felony.
- No, it's not.

- Excuse me?
- I didn't get any money.

It's a business, not a residence,
so it's a misdemeanor.

- You're wrong. We live upstairs.
- A good lawyer could work around that.

Yeah, you had a good lawyer.
I can't be your lawyer anymore.

Now I'm your victim. And you're wrong
about getting any money.

Intent is intent.
So don't think you're so smart.

Give me a break, man. I'm only 14.

Kevin, get...

- What?
- I just...

Clearly, this is a very smart kid.

Did you know his mother d*ed
when he was 7?

I know the whole history. So you can put
your violin and your bleeding heart

back in your NPR tote bag
because that's not going to help him.

- Did you know he has a grandmother?
- Yes.

And his father moved him around
so much,

he lost track of her or she of him?

Do you know he's never had
a maternal figure in his life?

- And you wonder why he's so troubled?
- Okay, that's what's happening.

You're clearly having
some maternal instinct eruption,

so I'm gonna have to ask you
to step away,

get back in your car and drive home.

I found him, so I will be responsible
for him. I will talk to his father...

That's okay.
You don't have to go to any trouble.

See? Even the perp thinks
it's a bad idea.

There are agencies for this kind of stuff,
Mom, okay?

If not the police, then social services.

No, please, please, don't do that.
I'll do whatever she says.

Well, fine. Mateo, you and I
are gonna drive to your house.

I'm gonna tell your father
about your behavior

and then we'll decide what to do.
End of discussion.

Okay, Nora, I can't let you do that
by yourself, so I'll go with you.

- Scotty.
- I know your mother well enough

and we're not gonna get her
to change her mind.

Mateo, up, walk.

Okay, everyone wait.
Give me the car keys. I'll drive.

Could you keep it down?
It's very distracting. I'm trying to work here.

Oh, very funny.
This is work too, you know.

I know those abs are paying the bills
around here. Don't think I'm not grateful.

Besides, I kind of like
this living-off-a-man thing.

It's a whole new experience for me.

Agatha. Paige's friend.
I bet she wants into the party.

Don't pick up
if you're going to yell at her.

No, I like Agatha.
She's one of the sweet ones.

Hey, Agatha.
Listen, Paige isn't here right now.

Oh, hey, Nell. It's her mom.

Is everything okay with Aggie?

Oh, God. Really? No, I had no idea.

I don't know why Paige would do that.

I'll talk to her
as soon as she gets home.

She said what?

I might not remember what you say.

I'm still learning to process.

- No, I totally understand.
- And sometimes, I get confused.

I'm here to talk to you and David
about Rebecca.

I'm still working on that.

Oh, I have these pictures of her
on the counter that you might like to see.

Yeah. Sure. I'd love to.

They're part of my therapy
to look at them.

They're kind of like flashcards.
I mean, it's funny.

I still remember what flashcards are,
but I don't remember my own daughter.

Are you in any of these pictures?

- Yeah. Yeah, well, I should be.
- Yeah.

Maybe not.

- Hi.
- What are you doing here?

I'm here to talk to you and Holly
about Rebecca.

- Why don't we go talk outside?
- What's the matter?

Nothing, I just wanna talk
to Justin alone.

Well, I can see something's wrong,
so why don't you just tell me?

- Holly, let me just deal with this...
- No, no. Don't do that.

I mean, if something is wrong,
then just tell me.

- I let Rebecca down.
- Let her down?

You ran out on her
when she needed you.

I did not run out on her.

I left because I couldn't help her or myself
or anybody else after the accident.

You broke my daughter's heart

because you had to go off
and play soldier for a year.

I told my wife that I loved her
and I asked her to wait for me.

I'm trying to save my marriage
and the only way I can do that

- is if you tell me where she is.
- Oh, my God.

- Holly.
- She's your wife?


Holly, we'll go over this again.
We'll talk about this later.

I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.

He loves her.

Is this my fault?

- Holly.
- No, no.

- I mean, is that why you're not telling me?
- Holly, this is my fault.

I mean,
is that why you don't wanna talk about it?

- Is that what it is?
- No, you really...

You can't stop hurting this family,
can you? Get out.

I'm sorry, Holly.

It's okay, Holly.

He's not here. See?

Well, then I would like to leave a note
for your father.

- A note?
- Yes.

With my contact information

and that we're concerned about
your behavior and we'd like to help.

Who's gonna deliver the note? Him?

- I'll follow up with a phone call.
- We don't have a phone.

Well, I guess I'll have to come back then,
won't I?

Oh, darn it. I didn't bring my note...
Could I borrow a piece of paper?

- We don't have any.
- Oh, come on.

You're not gonna get out of this.

Maybe my dad might have some
in his room. I'll go check.

Oh, God.

Kevin, we can't leave him here.

What? Don't be so judgmental.

I mean, it's messy,
but it's perfectly adequate.

Not everyone has to live
in a mansion in Pasadena.

Maybe if you had not grown up

in that mansion in Pasadena, with all
of its advantages and opportunities...

- He's gone.
- What?

- He went out the window.
- Oh, my God.

Kevin, what are we gonna do?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe Momma should write
children's books.

What do you think of that?

I could work out of the house and I could
write books about dinosaurs.

Would you call me
if you have any word whatsoever?

Okay. Oh, there is my big boy.

Oh, you are a sight for sore eyes,
my friend.

The tickle bug is going to get you.

- Grandma.
- Hi.

Wow, this is perfect timing

because Evan and I
were just about to go out

and do some house-hunting, right? Right?
And you can be my copilot.

Oh, Kitty,
I would love to go house-hunting with you.

I'm pooped out.

Well, what happened?

I can't tell you about it right now.
I just can't.

I'm gonna sit here and gather my wits.

Well, who was it?

A friend.

I'll call back.

House-hunting, Kitty.
I'd love to go with you.

- Any time, you name it.
- Tomorrow.

- Tomorrow's not good.
- You're busy? Busy all day?

- I can go with you after 4:00.
- Well, the houses aren't open after...



I specifically asked you
never to call me on this home number.

Well, why is Mrs. Powell crying?

I've got plenty of time to get to her house
and arrange all of the bouquets.

Three o'clock? You told me 6:00.
No wonder she's crying.

Tell her I'll be there in 15 minutes.

I thought you understood my wanting
to keep this private.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I snapped at you.

It's just awkward.
I haven't told my family yet.

Yes, of course, you have needs.

Quite obviously, so do I.

It's just sometimes
you push me too hard.

I'm... Don't hang up. Don't hang up.
Don't... Please, I'm sorry. Jeez.

- Everything okay?
- Fine.

Oh, I just remembered.

I have to pick up my dress
for the party tonight.

It's at the dry cleaners.

Oh, you know, Mom,
you've had a very emotional morning.

Why don't you let me go? Why don't you
sit down and put your feet up?

And I'll go to the cleaners.

No, they know me. It's fine, it's fine.
They know me. It'll be just fine.

All right, Evan, come on.

We're gonna go find out
what Grandma is doing

that she doesn't want us to know
that she's doing.

You and Agatha
used to be such close friends.

That was in seventh grade.

Her mom said
that you won't talk to her anymore.

It's not that I won't.
I just don't that much.

- Well, why don't you?
- She's just really immature.

- Is that why you said she was stupid?
- I didn't say it to her face.

No, I know.
But it got back to her, didn't it?

She's such a baby.

She still wears a Hello Kitty backpack.

And all she ever wants to do
is make friendship bracelets.

Since when did you care so much
about what people wear?

Excuse me? Who wouldn't let me buy
the dress I wanted yesterday?

The one with the checkbook, that's who.
Paige, I'm not gonna fight about that.

I'm not happy
about this Agatha situation.

So you get to pick out my clothes
and my friends?

I'm starting to think you shouldn't go
to this party tonight.

No. Mom, stop.
It's not fair. You promised.

I never promised.
You're not entitled, Paige.

- You promised, Mom.
- Paige. Wait, wait.

Wait, both of you, please.
Let's try to find a compromise.

What if Paige apologized to Agatha?
Then can she go to the party?

That is an excellent idea.

- There's no time like the present.
- Now?

Come on, I will drive you over there.

- Thanks, babe.
- Oh, my God.

That'd be so awesome. Agatha and her
mom are gonna faint when they see you.

- Can we go to all my friends' houses?
- Come on. Just... Let's go.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Kevin. Kevin,
you're never gonna believe this.

You have to call me right back.
I think Mom's a lesbian.

One more!

- Hey, baby.
- Hello.

Gosh, she looks so beautiful.

I wanna show you off to everyone.

- Oh, my God.
- What?

Is that Paris Hilton?

Paris Hilton?

I thought she didn't believe
in underwear.

Should we check it out
and see if it's her?

- Can I, Mom?
- Sure.

Thank you, Luc.

Do you wanna come?

No, I'm gonna wait here
for the rest of the family.

- Okay.
- All right. Come on, Luc. Let's go.

Get back to me.

Not Mom. It is not possible.

Trust me, Kevin. If you had seen
what I saw, there is no question.

Anybody else, Sarah, even you.

- It's not Mom.
- What do you mean even me?

Can we talk about something else?
I'd like to enjoy this evening.

Well, Kevin, you know, it's not unusual

for women to have lesbian conversion
late in life.

- Says who?
- It's true, Kevin.

No, it's not, Kitty. 63 -year-old widows
don't suddenly try out for the other team.

Okay, give me your smartphone,
Mr. Smarty Pants.

- Fine.
- I can't believe you, of all people,

would be so closed-minded.

- What are you gonna do?
- I am Googling senior citizen lesbians

to show you
all the psychological evidence.

- Millions of references.
- Doesn't mean anything.

Oh, no. No, I don't want that.

- What's wrong?
- I accidentally opened a photo.

- How do I close this window?
- Wait, wait, wait.

- Yeah, but...
- Oh, my God.

- What did you do?
- They're all p*rn sites.

You downloaded senior citizen
lesbian p*rn onto my phone?

- I didn't mean to.
- Great.

- You hit slide show.
- Make it stop.

Guys, this is a fun party, huh?

What the hell is that?

Scotty trying to convince me
that Mom's a lesbian.


Uncle Saul was not enough for you?
Now you want Mom?

There. I stopped it.

Thank God. Justin, sorry,
that was a horrible accident.

- Oh, my God.
- What?

- Why are the police calling you?
- Well, maybe your phone is tapped.

Scotty, it's not illegal
to look at grandmas doing it.

- Are you sure?
- Positive.

Well, then why aren't you answering it?

Kevin Walker.


Oh, that's just perfect.

- Mom.
- Hi.

Hi. Welcome to the house of fun.

- Yeah. All of this for $50 underpants?
- I know.

It just is amazing
where your life can take you.

Is that Paige?

Yes. But don't be surprised
if she pretends not to recognize us.

- We're not very cool in her estimation.
- Isn't she a little young for this crowd?

I don't think so, Mom.

Look, she's found a nice young girl
her own age to hang out with.

Hey, Grandma. Hi, Mom.

Hi. Oh, my goodness. Look at you.

- You look so grown up.
- Isn't she?

I know. Mom, Grandma,

- this is Layla. I just met her.
- Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hey, Layla.

- What brings you here tonight?
- Who brings you here tonight?

I came with my parents.
One of my dad's patients invited us.

- Your dad's a doctor?
- Yes.

Well, your uncles and aunt
are in the next room.

Shall we go show them
your beautiful dress?

No. I wanna introduce Layla to Luc.

Okay. Well, have fun.

- Okay.
- Nice meeting you.

- Nice meeting you.
- Bye.

What a sweet girl.

Twenty bucks says
her father's a plastic surgeon.

So the wedding was at the beach.

There you are.

You look so beautiful.

- Justin looked so handsome.
- All right, you recognize him.

- He was here today.
- Right.

He reminds me of William.

And he doesn't talk to me
like I'm a child.

- What about her?
- It's Rebecca.

You've shown me her photograph
a hundred times.

Well, yeah, I was hoping
maybe we could talk about her a little bit.

David, I'm tired.

I mean,
you can show me these pictures forever

and I'm still not gonna feel anything
other than more lonely.

They're gone
and you are my only family now.

And every day,
I see that disappointment in your face.

No, it's not disappointment.

I just thought
that maybe I could show you these

and give you a sense
of the kind of person that our daughter is.

I can't feel something that I don't feel.

I'm sorry.

- You see her?
- Yeah.

My father did her boobs.

I don't think I should have any more.
I feel really dizzy.

You're supposed to feel dizzy.
That's the whole point.

- Mateo told the police I was his lawyer.
- Well, are you gonna bail him out of jail?

No. I'm gonna let him cool his heels
for a couple of hours.

- He might learn a lesson.
- Kevin...

Mom, I don't wanna talk about him.
If it wasn't for you,

he might not have jumped out of a window
and been picked up for vagrancy.

So let's drop it
and enjoy what's left of this party.


Don't start.

Hi. Hi, Mom.

I thought maybe
you would bring a date tonight.

Oh, don't be ridiculous.

I'm not interested in men whatsoever
right now.

Yeah. Mom, listen.

We all know your secret. Yeah.

Kitty told us.

- How did you find out?
- I followed you.

- You followed me?
- That doesn't matter. That's not the point.

The point is, is that you didn't feel
comfortable enough to tell us.

- Yeah.
- I can't believe you followed me.

Listen, Mom, what's important
is we are all okay with it.

I am not okay with it.
I'm just saying. I'm not.

- Me neither.
- You know, stop it guys.

You see, now that is exactly
why I didn't tell you.

I knew you would be critical
and try to talk me out of it.

But it's too bad. You know what?
I happen to be really enjoying myself.

- Good.
- I didn't need to hear that.

There's nothing unusual about a woman
my age who wants to try something new.

- Right.
- Told you.

All right. The truth is,
things have been a little tight lately.

- I needed the money.
- What?

Wait a minute. You're going out
with this woman for her money?

What woman?

- Your girlfriend.
- Yeah, I saw you together.

I saw you hugging her
and giving her flowers and...

- Oh, my God. You think I'm gay?
- Yeah.

- Well, aren't you?
- No.

I'm not a lesbian. I'm a florist.

- What?
- What?

- Oh, thank God.
- I got a job.

- I work at Zoe's Flowers in Old Town.
- I told you.


Paige, are you okay, honey?

Can we go home now?

Oh, my Go...
Paige, have you been drinking?

I don't feel so good.

Come on, Paige.
You don't wanna let me in?


Well, I guess she'll stop throwing up

Look, Mom, I am really sorry
that I told everybody you're a lesbian.

But I don't understand why you had
to be so secretive about needing a job.

If I had known that,
I would've been happy to give you a check.

And that's exactly why I didn't tell you.
It's not just about the money, Kitty.

God, that sounded really bad, didn't it?
Should I be worried?

No, no.
I've had some experience with this.

Puking in a public bathroom
always amplifies the sound.

Oh, that's true.

- Yes.
- Okay. Well, thanks. I'm glad you're here.

I feel bad.
You should be out there enjoying yourself.

- I'm fine.
- Come on, Justin. You're a young man.

- There's a lot of really nice-looking girls...
- I'm married.

- Okay, sorry.
- I'm not interested in meeting ladies.

And don't know why all of you think
Rebecca's not coming back

because she certainly is...
That's exactly what you're saying.

Can we...? I called the jail.
Mateo's gonna be fine.

Yeah, in your opinion.

Look, he's perfectly safe.
I will pick him up in the morning.

- In the morning?
- Can we just leave it?

There are consequences for his actions.
I hope he learns something.

- Jumping out a window. Come on.
- Stop. Stop.

Stop. I have had it
with each and every one of you.

Kevin, who are you?

When did you become
so cynical and hardhearted

that you would leave that boy in jail?

When any fool would know that he didn't
break into the restaurant for the money.

He's all alone in the world. He doesn't
have anyone to take care of him.

He broke into the restaurant hoping
that you would find him and help him.

And Justin.

Justin, if you wanna save your marriage,
you have to start acting like a husband.

A good husband takes care
of his wife's family even when she can't.

Mom, you might wanna
just take it down a notch.

No. Kitty, no.

Living in limbo and trying to avoid the
future is not gonna help you one little bit.

And neither is inventing a fictional life
for your mother.

You need to take the first painful steps
of your new life.

They don't need to be big or profound.
It just needs to be something, honey.

That was really beautiful, Mom.
She's right, Kitty. She kind of nailed you.

What, you're not gonna skip over me?

No, Sarah, I'm not gonna skip you.

What on earth were you thinking
bringing Paige to this party?

She doesn't need you to be her friend.
She needs you to be her mother.

Tell her to unlock the damn door, go in
there, clean her up, and take her home.

Why are you all standing around?
You've got things to do. Go, go, go.

Paige? You open this door
or you're grounded for a year.

- Hello? Hello?
- Excuse me.

That was really impressive.

My name's Zeke Maris.
I produce talk radio shows.

I'm putting together a call-in advice show
and I think that you would be perfect.

If you're interested,
I hope that you will give me a call.

- Really?
- Yes, really.

Well, I'm speechless.

Which hardly ever happen... It would
certainly never happen on the radio.

- That would be bad.
- So I hope that you give me a call.

- Miss?
- Walker. Nora Walker.

- Good night, Nora Walker.
- Good night.

So sorry. Is she okay?

She's upstairs working
on her first hangover.

Thank God she had the sense
to take her insulin.

I'm blown away. I never expected
anything like that from Paige.

She must've fell in
with the wrong crowd.

I don't know. I'm starting to think
maybe I'm the wrong crowd.

Why are you saying that?

You know, it was bad judgment
to let her go to that party.

And I think I did it
because I'm jealous of you.

Are you crazy?
I don't care about any other woman.

No, I'm not talking
about other woman, Luc.

I'm talking about Paige.

I think I'm jealous
because she likes you more than me.

There, I said it.

- That's even crazier.
- No, it's not. It's true right now.

I see how she admires you

and she looks up to you
and she thinks you're so cool,

which you are.

And I knew that if I didn't let her go
to the party, she would hate me.

I wanted her to think
that I was a cool mom,

so I let her get carried away by things
that you and I just don't believe in.

Look, all the stuff she likes,
it's not even real.

I'm not that guy up on the billboard.
I'm just a painter trying to make a living.

No, well, I know that.

Look, if anybody's to blame here,
it's me.


No, Luc. I'm her mother.

I should set the values around here.

- Why did you call me?
- You're my lawyer.

Okay, the police picked you up
because you were asleep in an alleyway.

There was no charge.
You don't need a lawyer.

I figured
maybe you could use the extra money.

Yeah, I'm getting rich
doing pro bono work for the likes of you.

Why didn't you call your father?
I know he has a cell phone.

Are you scared of your dad?

Only when he's around.

Mateo, if you want me to help you,
all you have to do is ask.

- Mateo?
- Give me a minute, okay?

You're not exactly the easiest person
to ask.

- Really?
- You're kind of cranky.

Yeah, I've heard that before. I'm sorry.

I don't have a place to go
and I'm scared of my dad.

I need your help.

Okay. I'll do everything I can. I promise.

But you have to trust me
and I have to be able to trust you.

So no more jumping out of windows.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Can we go now?


Just one more thing.

I'm sorry I was late getting here tonight.

I got a little lost on the way.

- Oh, come on in.
- Hey.


Hey, listen,
I just wanna say a few things...

- I'm so... Go ahead.
- You go.

All right, listen, I really appreciate your
calling and asking if you could help.

I also appreciate you
not asking me where Rebecca is.

I know.
I'm here to help Holly and you, if...

Look, your family's already helped
a lot by handling the land sale.


- What can I do?
- I would just talk to her.

When I told her you were coming,
she was really happy.

That doesn't happen a lot.

Yeah, she doesn't remember
who Rebecca is,

but I think maybe she feels
like you're the way back.

Hey, Justin.

Hey. You remembered my name.

- I know. It's great, right?
- Yeah.

Good, Kitty, I'm glad you're up.

I wanted to show you this
before I go to work.

Okay, well, I...

And before you decide
on anything, okay?

Okay. Okay.

- Walden.
- Yes.

- I marked a passage in it.
- I see that.

"If a woman does not keep pace
with her companions,"

perhaps it is because
she hears a different drummer.

Let her step to the music
which she hears,

"however measured or far away."

I like the way you changed
the pronouns.

- I didn't think Henry would mind.
- No.

But that's it, Kit.

I think you need to take a moment,
try to hear your own music.

Maybe a change of scene,
find a quiet, peaceful spot,

lots of fresh air, clear your mind,
get a new perspective.

Yeah. Yeah, like maybe getting
a quaint little cottage in the country

with a garden and a pond and maybe
even a rocker on the front porch

and maybe there could be like
a fenced-in yard for the dog.

- Oh, don't make fun of me.
- I'm not making fun of you.

I wanna show you this.

There it is.

It's in Ojai. I rented it for three months.

Oh, Kitty, it's perfect. Look at that.

- And Ojai, I love the symmetry of it.
- All right. Don't overdo it, Mother.

- Okay, it's fine.
- It's fine. It is. It's fine.

- It's very good.
- It's pretty.

But it's scary, I mean, I haven't lived alone
for a very, very long time.

Well, why would you be scared?

You're a lifetime member of the NRA,
you're armed to the teeth.

No. No, Mother. That's not what I'm...

What I mean is I'm scared that I'm...

You know, I'm gonna be lonely.

- Well, you've got Evan.
- Yeah. I do, I do.

And if you get really lonely,
I'll let you borrow Justin.

I've already promised, like, a hundred
times that I'll never do it again.

I know and I believe you.

The celebrity and the glamour,
it's pretty seductive, isn't it?


You know who's not impressed
with that stuff?

- Grandma.
- Yeah, she sees right through it.

If it's any consolation,

you're not the only daughter
to disappoint her mom that night.

- Really?
- Yeah, really.

You know, sweetheart,
when I was growing up,

Mom really set the values in our house

and we always knew exactly
what was important.

I wanna be that kind of mom for you.

I'm glad you and Luc are friends.

Our relationship,
it's a little more complicated, isn't it?

As much as I love our gal-pal time,

sometimes, I just... I can't be a friend.

Then I'm guessing
you won't be wanting this.

- What's that?
- It's a friendship bracelet.

Agatha and I made it for you.

I'm so glad you and Agatha
are friends again.

- You forced me to make up with her.
- I know.

But actually,
she's the only one of my friends

who's visited me
ever since I got grounded.

I love my friendship bracelet.

Thank you, chicken.


Are you excited
to see your grandmother again?

I hope I recognize her.
I haven't seen her since my mom d*ed.

You should've heard her on the phone
when I told her we were driving you here.

She was so happy
because she thought she'd lost you.

- This is a nice street, don't you think?
- It's a lot nicer than that group home.

- Yeah.
- I'm so proud of you

for sticking it out at that place and
for trusting me to find your grandmom.

Thanks for, you know.

What, not being cranky?
You're welcome.

Well, you should probably head on up
this time.

Won't you guys go up with me? Please?

Later. You go ahead.

Mateo, Mateo.

This is much better
than any underwear party.

I can tell just by looking at your face
that you love her a lot.

Oh, yeah.

It still amazes me that I somehow
convinced her to fall in love with me.

I was, you know,
such a screwup when I met her

and she somehow managed
to overlook that.

Is this all right if we talk about her?

- Oh, yeah. I wanna hear.
- Okay.

Rebecca has this ability
to see the best in people.

You see yourself reflected in her face
and you wanna be that.

And she would literally bust out laughing
if you get too full of yourself.

I mean, I was... There was a couple
of times where I was...

It's embarrassing, but you don't care
because her face lights up.
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