05x04 - A Righteous Kiss

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Brothers & Sisters". Aired: September 24, 2006 –; May 8, 2011.*
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Mother Nora is the glue that holds the dysfunctional Walker clan together as family members face a variety of challenges.
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05x04 - A Righteous Kiss

Post by bunniefuu »

- Where are you going?
- Go back to bed.

I was gonna say the same thing to you.

I don't know if we should have done this,

I guess it's a little weird with us
being technically divorced and all.

No, there's no technically.
We're divorced.

Well, I've never slept with a divorc?e

- Justin.
- Am I allowed to think that's hot?

- All right, I'm gonna cook you breakfast.
- What?

Yep, I learned how to make
this amazing breakfast in Afghanistan.

And guess what,
I'm gonna cook it for you.

Oh, really. What breakfast?

Sandy eggs and water that may
or may not have cholera in it.

- You can't pass that up.
- No, you can't pass that up.

So I'm gonna start grinding the sand.

- Justin.
- Yeah?

Nothing. You need help?

No, I got it.

Hey, babe. What are you doing?
I thought the costumes were finished.

No, Lady Capulet's cloak was too plain,
so I had to add some trim.

And Friar Laurence is a complete disaster
so I have to rip him up and start again.

Come jogging with me.
You need a break.

How can you say that?

The ladies from the drama committee are
gonna be here at 10:00 to pick all this up.

Why are you so afraid
of this ladies' committee?

Not afraid.
It's just that Gloria Pierson-Davenport

happens to be associate director
of admissions at Flintwood Academy.

And Bitsy Fairbanks' husband donated
$1 million to the Flintwood library fund.

Damn it. Every year, five places
open up in the sixth grade, okay?

I'm gonna get one of them for Cooper
even if I have to bleed to death.

Listen, honey,
could you just go jogging or something?

- It's distracting me.
- Okay.

Mom, Mom, it's me.
Could you please call me?

- Hey, Kev.
- Calling to see how it's going up there.

- Everything's... Everything's fine.
- Are you sure? What's that sound?

- I'm just pounding a very stubborn pole.
- Oh, really?

I once spent a hot weekend in Aspen
with a guy from Warsaw.

It's 9:00 in the morning. And it's gross.

I am pounding a wooden post
into the ground

because I am helping to build a pergola
on Pond Field Road.

Whatever it is you're trying to hide, you're
gonna have to come up with a better story.

- Okay, go to video and I'll prove it.
- Going video.

Okay, do you see this cut?
I made that cut.

How many former senatorial candidates
do you know that can make a cut like that?

Wait, is that Jack? The guy I met?
The one you cooked dinner for?

Kitty cooked dinner for a guy?
I'm impressed.

So did this pounding start this morning
or was it continuous?

This morning. This morning, okay?

And this is purely professional.

I am the apprentice and he is the boss.

- Is that Kevin?
- Oh, let me say hi.

- All right, well, you behave yourself.
- Hey, how's it going?

- Hi, I'm Scotty.
- Hey, Scotty. Nice to meet you.

- Okay, that's enough.
- Nice work, Kitty, I'm impressed.

You know what?
There is zero going on up here.

- I am just helping him with a job.
- Come on, give us another look.

No, this is not a peep show.

Speaking of shows,
are we seeing you at Cooper's play?

No, I'm not gonna leave here
for a while.

Sarah is fine with it
and I sent Cooper cookies.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
my poles need to be drilled.

All right, I'm done harassing her
for the day, now it's your turn.

If she can get that far
out of her comfort zone,

I think you can invite your friend
to Coop's stage debut.

Please, I am not inviting Charlie
to a family affair.

We're just friends.

Okay, seeing somebody three times
a week is pretty advanced for a friend.

Yeah. Aren't you having brunch
with him today?

Yeah. So?

Do you always spray on a little
Acqua di Parma for a casual brunch?

- Take the cashmere out of the closet?
- Wind up the Patek Philippe?

- Oh, brush off the suede loafers?
- Trim your cuticles?

Would you stop? Just stop, stop.

Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps
he doesn't like me as much as I like him?

- Oh, come on. How could he not?
- I don't know.

But until there's incontrovertible proof
that he does,

I am not inviting him to my great nephew's
production of Romeo and Juliet.

And that's it. Shut up.

- Could you pass the milk?
- Yeah, sure.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah... No, just tired.

I didn't sleep very much last night.

Well, I happen to have the cure for that.

Triple sh*t Oaxacan coffee,
cinnamon and a dash of cocoa, right?

Sorry, it's my dad. Hi.

Your mother was in bad shape
after you left last night.

She kept forgetting things.

- It's like she took ten steps backwards.
- Oh, no.

I woke up in the middle of the night,
she was gone.

- Well, where did she go?
- I don't know. I just called the police.

So she's just out there?

I always love coming here, Sarah.

The second you walk in this house,
you know people live in it.

- Yeah.
- Me? I am so terminally OCD,

one pillow upside down
and I am calling my support group.

I am exactly the same.

The real secret
is to buy a house as cozy,

- manageable as this one is.
- Right.

That way, you don't need a whole army
of third-worlders

running around losing your socks,
shrinking your sweaters.

You're a very smart woman, Sarah.

- Time to get those costumes to school.
- Oh, God, you know what?

I have to say,
I caught the last rehearsal.

Your Tucker as Tybalt?
It floored me. Like...

- Oh, thank you.
- Incredible.

I would hope so,
after the coaching he got from Denzel.

- So are the costumes...?
- Oh, God, yes.

We're almost there.
I am a little bit of a perfectionist.

And I'm not 100 percent happy
with the beading on Romeo's vest.

Also, Benvolio's collar to me
is a little more French than Italian.

So if I could just take,
like, a couple of hours and...

- Luc, You met Bitsy and Gloria?
- No, enchant?.

- Hi.
- Gloria.

- Gloria.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Hi. Hi.

Okay, Sarah, can I just k*ll you now?

Gorgeous, French, an artist,
a celebrity and so young.

Yeah. Well, you know, I got lucky.

What an awesome life experience
you're giving to your kids.

Exposing them to so much
at such a young age.

- Yeah.
- We'll see you at the show.

Yes, yeah. Look, I'll be there.
You won't be disappointed.

It'll be incredible.

Good luck finishing.

Excuse me, miss, can you please tell me
where Sarah Walker has gone to?

Because if Sarah Walker was here,
those two especes de putains

would not have walked out
this house alive.

- Luc, just don't even start, okay?
- If that's the way they're treating you,

there's no way Cooper is gonna get
into this school.

No, they're testing me, and I will pass.

- Fine, I'm gonna take a shower.
- Oh, come on, Luc.

Some of us have to live
in the real world.

We can't all be artists
and underwear models.

Sarah, honey, I'm sorry
I didn't get your message before this,

but not to worry,
the cavalry is on its way,

armed with pinking shears
and a fully loaded pincushion.

Oh, somebody's at the door.
Listen, I'll see you soon.

Romeo will not go naked
onto that good stage. Bye.

Is William here? I need to see him.

That's not possible, Holly.

- You know that's not possible.
- So you know who I am.

- He told you?
- I know.

Look, I know that you hate me,
but I need to talk to him, please.

Just for one minute, then I promise you

that I will never, ever come here
ever again.

Holly, listen to me.
There has been an accident.

You were hurt. You're confused.

You're not gonna stop me
from seeing him.

William! William!

Holly, William is dead.
He's dead, Holly. He d*ed five years ago.

Oh, my God.

What am I doing here?

- What is happening to me?
- I don't know.

You've been trying to get better.

Nora, help me.

Please help me.

Did you check the old apartment
on Edge Cliff?

Okay, officer,
this is not just a missing person,

this is a woman
with significant cognitive impairment.

All right, well, thank you,
and I'll check back later.

Okay, Mom, I'm gonna have to call you
back. Holly is missing and... What?

Rebecca's right here.
I'll put you on speaker.

- Hold on one second.
- She's here, Rebecca.

- She's here. She's fine.
- Thank God. Dad, she's at Nora's.

- Okay, Mom, we're coming right over.
- No, just sit tight.

She made me promise
I wouldn't let you all descend upon her.

So just stay where you are.
Tell David I'll call him.


With the grain. You always wanna try
to stay with the grain.

Oh, okay. I get it. I get it.

- How do I know when I'm finished?
- When it feels like silk.

Yeah, well, silk, I know.

Wow, you know, it really is beautiful.

It will be.

All right, if you made
dining room chairs or a bed,

do you have any idea
what you could sell it for in New York?

I mean, I know a dealer in SoHo
and I could introduce you.

Oh, my gosh,
you would make a fortune.

Here. You wanna try
to use longer strokes.

Like this.

There you go.

You know,
I also went to school with a woman

who is an editor now
of Architectural Digest

and she could probably do
a very big spread on you.

I mean,
you would have to open up a factory

for all the work that you would get.

Kitty, are you trying to figure out
something new about yourself

or are you trying to change me?

No, no, no. I'm...

No, I like you fine just the way you are.

Well, that's good.
Because I wouldn't want a factory.

You get tied down, you always know
what's gonna happen next.

Yeah. Yeah, no, exactly.

That's one of the reasons I came up here
in the first place, to see, you know,

how it would feel if I didn't know exactly
what was gonna happen next.

And how does it feel?

- Well, it's scary.
- Scary is good.

Once you cut the ropes,
anything can happen.

Yeah. Yeah. It...

Okay, so I'm...

I'm supposed to just go with the grain,

- That's right.
- Okay.

Okay, where's my grommet puncher?
I just had it.

It was just here a second ago.

- You have it.
- That's my grommet puncher.

- Keep track of your puncher.
- Where is mine?

I can't finish Lady Capulet's dress
without a grommet puncher.

- It's right here, Sarah.
- Thank you, Charlie.

And thank you for giving up your brunch
to come

and help me with my wardrobe crisis.

It's no problem whatsoever.

You've eaten one eggs Florentine,
you've eaten them all.

Right, and I'm very happy to pinch hit
when my sister's on a mission of mercy.

Well, it took us two crises
to finally meet you, Charlie.

Before we have a third, Kevin,
might I suggest

that when you're fixing a skirt
to a doublet,

you may wanna try a cartridge pleat.

Well, I thought with velvet this heavy,
I'd be better off basting and gathering.


Well, Juliet's done.

Let me get my hands on Mercutio.

Oh, my God, Charlie,
this beading is extraordinary.

Well, I guess the hours I spent
slaving in the costume mines

of the Paris Opera are finally paying off.

Wait a minute.
You made costumes at the Paris Opera?

Well, just for a semester,

when I was studying at the Sorbonne
in '65.

Sixty-five was the year Renata Tebaldi
sang Lucia di Lammermoor.

- Performance where she held high C...
- In II dolce suono for a minute and a half.

They had to flash the lights
to get the crowd to stop cheering.

- It didn't stop me.
- You heard it?

I heard it from the costume shop,
but I heard it.

Oh, my God, look at the time.
I can feel the claws

of Gloria Pierson-Davenport
into my flesh.

Nice timing, Cooper. Come, I wanna make
sure this doublet's long enough on you.

You should be checking to see
if it's long enough for Ricky Berkowitz.

- Why? Who's Ricky Berkowitz?
- The understudy.

He's the one
who's gonna need the costume

because I'm quitting the stupid play.

Holly, you've been in there a while,
are you all right?

Holly, say something.

I can't keep doing this.

You've been getting so much better.

You don't get it.

The more I remember,
the more I realize how much I have lost.

I saw Rebecca last night.

And I know she is my daughter,

but she doesn't mean anything to me.

Well, you have to keep talking to her.
Be patient with yourself.

I can't go on living like this.

What are you doing in there?

Holly, open the door. Open the door.

Holly. Holly, listen.

Listen, the doctors keep saying
that you go on improving

as long as you fight.

I've called you a lot of things in my life,
Holly Harper,

but coward is not one of them.

Look, Holly,
you have so many people who love you.

There's David and Rebecca
and me, for God's sakes.

We don't give a damn
if you remember who we are or not.

Look, you have no right
to cause the pain you would cause

if you do something stupid.

Open the door! Holly, open this door!

I'm gonna kick it in! Open the door!

You don't need to do that.

- What are you doing?
- I don't know.

I don't even know how I got here.

- I could've k*lled somebody.
- But you didn't.

I think you need to take me
to the hospital.

I don't understand, Cooper.

You were so excited
when you got this role,

and why are you doing this now?

Because Shakespeare's stupid,

and wearing tights is stupid,
and I'm not doing it.

Okay. Everybody's gonna think
you're a quitter.

I don't care. I'm done.

Could you please tell me why?
And don't tell me it's because of the tights.

Because Will Ferrell wears tights

in Blades of Glory,
and you watched that three times.

Yeah, well, Will Ferrell
doesn't have to kiss any stupid, gross girl.

Is that...? Is that what this is about?
You think that Margaret Hartley is gross?

I don't think it, I know it.

And besides, you don't even care
about the play anyway.

You just want to kiss butts
so I can get into some lame school

- I don't even wanna go to.
- Okay, mister.

No child of mine is gonna let down
their classmates

- Sarah. Love.
- On the day... What?

- Can we have a minute, please?
- You talk sense into him.

No idea the decision he makes
is gonna affect the rest of his life.

I'm not talking middle school,
I'm not talking high school, I'm talking for...

- You okay, bud?
- Yeah.

So in all those rehearsals,
you still didn't kiss this girl yet?

No. I just kind of, you know, pretended.

But Mr. Ingle said that tonight

- I have to actually do it.
- And this girl who is playing Juliet,

- Margaret, right?
- Yeah.

- Do you like her?
- No. Of course not.

Right, but Romeo,
he loves Juliet, right?

Yeah, he says she's like the sun.

Tonight, you are Romeo.

That's it. Do what Romeo would do.
Then the kiss will be perfect.

And remember, you don't kiss with this,
you kiss with this.

Cooper is back in the play.
Yeah, Luc saved the day.

Saul, call Charlie, he'll be thrilled.

Scotty, Scotty, what have you done?
You've ruined this soup.

There's enough cumin in here
to choke a camel.

Relax. It's an experiment.

What is with you?
It's obvious Charlie's crazy about you.

He made half the costumes,
how can you not invite him?

Because I'm crazy about him too,
that's how. And...

- And what?
- And...

And I haven't told him that I'm...

I mean, I wanted to,
it's just hasn't come up.

We have these insane discussions
about travel, and opera, and wine,

and new-wave French cinema, it...

What was I supposed to say?
"Oh, Charlie,

know those great nim scenes
from the Last Year at Marienbad?

"Oh, by the way, I'm HIV-positive."

Saul, I think in this day and age,

two mature, intelligent men
can negotiate...

Come on, Kevin.
That's not the issue. It's not the issue.

I'm afraid that if I tell him,
I won't have him anymore.

If you don't tell him,
you won't have him anyway.

- Where's Rebecca?
- She's with David, talking to the doctor.

- Good.
- Thanks.

Oh, God,
I wish there was something I can do.

It feels like the night of the accident.

She's much better than she was then.
Didn't bring her on a stretcher.

When I called you this morning,
Rebecca was there.

- Does that mean you were together?
- Yes, it does.

- That's good, right? That's good.
- Yeah. Yeah.

I mean, I hope so.

Look, obviously,
we have a lot of stuff to work out, but...

God, you know, the hardest part
is now that I've been with her,

I want her back that much more.

You know, when I...

When I see my future, Mom,
I see Rebecca standing right next to me.

And when I imagine what my kids
are gonna look like, it's her, and...

Oh, Justin.

I know how hard you work for things.
You're... You'll figure it out.


No, that quote
was completely taken out of context

and I would like them
to print a correction.

Yes, yes. And an apology.

Yes, thank you.

Oh, my God. Sorry.
I'm so sorry, but I have to handle this.

Amazing that civilization managed
to last 80,000 years without cell phones.

Oh, let me guess. You don't have one.

What was it Gandhi said?

"In silence, the soul finds the path
in a clearer, brighter light."

You sound like my sixth grade teacher.

"Silence is golden, Kitty."

- Well?
- Are you saying I talk too much?

There's nothing wrong with talking,
you know?

- Oh, I know what you're thinking.
- Yeah? What's that?

You're thinking
that I'm hiding behind my cell phone

because what happened
earlier this afternoon

freaked me out
and I don't know how to deal with it.

You've been on the phone
pretty much since then.

Cell phones have been
a very important part of my life.

Long before you and I
did anything crazy and impulsive.

Well, what's wrong
with crazy and impulsive?

Listen, Mr. Gandhi.

What happened over there
was nothing more than a hot day

and a fleeting, brief impulse.

- Well, it was about more than that for me.
- Really?

- Because you just met me yesterday.
- A lot can happen in 24 hours.

Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't think
I'm the only one feeling something here.

You think that I am actually...?

Are you serious?

- I'm sorry. I'm moving too fast.
- You think?

I know you just lost your husband.

Yes. I did.

And that's the reason I came up here,

something that you seem
to know a lot about, quiet.

I mean, do you have any idea
how much noise

- you've just put into my head?
- Forgive me.

If you had any idea what I've been through,
you definitely would not have kissed me.


- Hey. What's going on?
- Hi. How's she doing?

She's sleeping.

Do you want anything?
Want some food?

Maybe yogurt or something.

- Sure. Mom, do you want anything?
- No. I'm gonna take off.

I'll talk to you guys later.

So my mom wants to see me.

David said it was something
that you said to her.

Well, I just told her you love her.

I don't know what to do.

The past two times I've seen her,
it's been a disaster.

What did the doctors say?

That I could either help jog her memory

or make it worse like I did last night.

So basically,
it's up to me if I see her or not.

What do you think?

Like I have too many decisions
to make today.

I'm tired.

Did Justin tell you
we were together last night?


But only because I asked.

Nora, I sent out my photography portfolio

and I got offered a job
at Tribeca magazine in New York City.

Oh, my God, Rebecca, that's wonderful.
That's your dream.


Yeah, it's great.

I didn't tell Justin.

I just... I couldn't. I didn't...

I didn't know how.

It's not the same with us.

Maybe it doesn't need to be the same,
maybe it could be something different.

I still love him so much.

He loves you too.

I know.

I know.

What should I do?

I don't know.

I think you need to do
what's right for you.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't be talking to you about this
of all people.

It's just ever since I came
into your family,

you've been like a mom to me.

Rebecca, listen to me.

You can come to me with anything,

No matter what happens
with you and Justin.

Thank you.

Two households, both alike in dignity,

In fair Verona, where we lay our scene...

- Stunning job on the scenery, Gloria.
- Thank you.

A pair of star-cross'd lovers
take their life;

Whose misadventured
piteous overthrows...

- That one's mine.
- Oh, you must be so proud.

Yeah. The velvet on that doublet
was impossible to work with.

Their children could only end,
nought removed.

If which you with patient ears attend,

what you shall miss
and toil shall strive a mend.

Is the day so young?

Thanks for coming to see me,
though I don't know why you would.

Because you're my mom.

And I love you
and I'm worried about you.

You know, I wish someone
would just cut the crap for a second.

- What do you mean?
- Oh, I am just so sick

of, "Oh, Holly, I love you so much.
You were the perfect mother."

"You were the love of my life."
"Oh, you were my best friend."

That's probably why
I'm not getting any better.

All anyone is feeding me is that B.S.

But I do love you.

I remember enough to know
that anybody who says

that they had a perfect relationship
with their mother is lying.


You're right.

Our relationship
was not always perfect.

Well, thank God for that.

I ran away when I was 15.

I'm sure I gave you plenty of reasons to.


But, you know, it was mostly me.
It's a long story.

I've got nothing but time.


What lady is that,

which doth enrich the hand
of yonder knight?

O, she doth teach the torches
to burn bright!

Did my heart love till now?

Forswear it, sight!

For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.

This, by his voice,
should be a Montague.

To strike him dead I hold it not a sin.

So when you and Dad
got back together,

it was like
I had the family that I always wanted.

And you guys were so happy.

I can't believe that you lived
with Nora Walker for an entire summer.

You and I weren't even talking
at the time.

But we were good, right?
Before the accident?

Oh, we were great.

I promise.

I love a story with a happy ending.

But what about Justin,

your handsome Prince Charming?

It's been tough.

Three months after we got married,
he went back to Afghanistan.

And you know all about that.

Someone you love going off to w*r.

I don't know what you're talking about.


How do you know about Daniel?

I never told anybody about him.

You told me.

When I was 18,
how you met in drama class

in freshman year of high school.

On your 16th birthday,
you both drove to Las Vegas

and got married,
and never told your parents.

Never told anybody.

Except me.

And when you graduated, he enlisted.

But he wrote you every single day.

Until he stepped on a mine
in Khe Sanh.

So every day for a year,

you brought flowers to the place
where he first kissed you.


If I told you all of that,
I truly must have loved you.

But why don't I feel that now?

I'm sorry.


I'm so sorry.

But I can't make myself feel something
that I don't.

Have not saints lips,
and holy palmers too?

Ay, pilgrim,
lips that they must be used in prayer.

- This is when they kiss.
- I know.

Let lips do what hands do;

They pray, grant thou,
lest faith turn to despair.

Saints do not move,
though grant for prayers' sake.

Then move not,
while my prayer's effect I take.

Thus from my lips, by yours,
my sin is purged.

He did it!

Of course,
I will pay for any costs incurred in...

Well, that's not gonna help
that traumatized little girl.

I don't think she'll be too traumatized.

Cooper apologized to her
and he said she's fine,

and she's backstage eating pizza.

She wouldn't be the first female
to self-medicate with carbohydrates.

Well, I'm sure she's a little embarrassed,
but she'll be fine.

How can you be sure
about somebody else's child

when you obviously have no control
over your own?

Well, I will be talking to Cooper
and I will tell him, in no uncertain terms,

that he crossed a boundary tonight.

I don't think I'm looking at the best source
for a lesson in boundaries.

What with images
of a nearly naked co-parent

- plastered on every billboard in town.
- I think what we saw tonight

is the direct result of being raised
in an over-sexualized home.

You're right. You are absolutely right.

What a terrible, terrible thing
I've done to my children.

Terrible. I'm so sorry about that.

How completely irresponsible of me
to have shacked up

with a slightly younger artist
who I am passionately

and deeply in love with,

instead of snaring
a considerably older gazillionaire

with pending indictments
on how many charges

of tax evasion and mail fraud?
And you, Gloria,

I really should have raised my children
exactly the way you have.

How I envy the structure
of your household.

Week in and week out,
we all know every Tuesday

it's the pool boy in the guest house.

Come Thursday, it's the landscape dude
up there in the library.

Why I think you're probably
the last woman in southern California

that actually has a milkman.

Sarah. Is everything okay?

It's fine. In fact, you know what?
It's great.

Come here, you sexy French beast.

Let's go home
and do some nearly naked co-parenting.

Shakespeare has certainly changed
since I was in school.


everything's changed
since we were in school.

I played Romeo once in college.

You did?

And I played third spear carrier
from the left.

And I dropped it.

You know,
there are certain lines I've never forgotten.

O, that I were a glove upon that hand,

That I might touch that cheek!

So are you sure you wanna do this?

I'm positive.

I'm HIV-positive, Charlie.

I'm sorry, I should've told you sooner.

Are you angry at me?

Anger is the last thing I feel for you.


It's not that I'm afraid
that if I kiss you I'll get sick.

I lived with a man for 20 years.

And for the last 10,

he was struggling with AIDS.

I was with him every day till he d*ed.

I don't have it in me to do that again.

But my health has never been better.

I mean, come on,
cholesterol will get me before HIV does.

I know, I know.

But I know myself.

I'm not strong enough to take the risk.

You loved him.


Yeah. I'm glad for you.
I'm glad you had that in your life.

I was beginning to think
that maybe I could have that too.

I'm sorry.

So am I.

- Hey.
- Hey.

How is she?

She's sleeping.

Which is good.

Did your mom make it
to Cooper's play?

I don't know.

Too bad we missed it.
That's kind of our play.

Romeo and Juliet.

A pair of star-crossed lovers
take their lives.

All right, nobody is taking any lives.

We're still here.

We have a chance to make this right.

My mother is not getting any better
with me being around her.

It's making her worse, actually.

I got a job offer in New York,
taking pictures.

You went away, Justin,

because you needed to.

And you grew up so much.

I need that now.

This is my chance.

I have to go.

I saw you with your mother tonight,

trying to make things
the way they were before.

And I guess
that's what we were trying to do.


But we can't go backwards.

It's time, Justin.

It's time.

I love you.

I wouldn't even be alive
if it wasn't for you.

Are you kidding me? Do you remember
the girl that I was when we met?

I don't think I would be here either.

A pair of star-crossed lovers.

Who saved each other's lives.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Rebecca told me she stopped by,

so I just wanted to see
how you were doing.

I'm fine.

I'm good at saying goodbye
to people I love.

I've done a lot of it in my life.

If you were that good at it,

why are you making
enough peanut butter cookies

to feed the Grand Army
of the Republic?

Because they're Cooper's favorite,
and I missed his play last night.

I'm not above buying his forgiveness.

And they keep my mind off of Rebecca
and other things.

Maybe I should help.

Rebecca told me
how steady and strong you've been.

Mom, stop.

Justin, I know you.
You must be dying inside.

Okay, Mom, stop,
because if I start, I'm not gonna stop.

Well, then don't stop.

There's no one here but me.


Oh, sweetheart.


I know.

I know.

- He couldn't handle it, huh?
- No. He couldn't even finish his cognac.

Oh, Saul. I'm so sorry.

- Yeah, we pushed you into it.
- Practically at gunpoint.

Come on. If you hadn't pushed me,

I'd probably still be standing
at the edge of that cliff, afraid to jump.

So I jumped, I hit the rocks, it hurt like hell,
and I'm still standing.

- Could I have the stapler, please?
- You don't have to do the accounts.

- Take the day off.
- Yeah. Go swimming at Nora's.

- Yeah.
- Would you stop? I'm fine.

I'm... I'm better than fine.

Look, I realized how lucky I am, okay?

Charlie's lover d*ed.

I've been symptom-free
for probably 30 years.

And we know that could change, right?

So the next time I'm on the edge
of that cliff, I'll probably leap even faster.

Just keep pushing me.

I could always use a little shove.



Well, I know this lawyer.

- He's about your age.
- Kevin, just relax.


Oh, not Stanley.

Oh, that's such a good idea.

- Who's Stanley?
- I'm gonna be in my office.

- Let me know if you wanna go jumping.
- Who's Stanley?

Wait. Who's Stanley?

- Hey, Mom.
- Oh, hey, honey.

You're kind of like famous around school
right now.

Oh, dear.

What are they saying?

Everyone is going around
calling each other "pool boy."

Listen, I'm sorry I pushed you
into a school like Flintwood.

if Gloria Pierson-Davenport's mentality

is any indication
of how that school thinks,

- I don't want you going there either.
- Like, duh.

That place
is the weenie capital of the world.

Hey, Cooper. It's for you.
It's Margaret Hartley.


She says she needs help
with her geography homework.

Oh, so now it's geography?

At lunch it was math.

One kiss and I can't get rid of this girl.

Oh, dear. You've created a monster.

Thank you for coming over.


I'm sorry I ran away like that.

I do talk too much.

You know, I think it comes from a family
where if you didn't talk,

they didn't know you were there and...

- Oh, and then I have this father who...
- Kitty.

Right. Right.

It might be impossible.
It might be that I'm incapable...

It's okay.

And the real reason that I ran away

was because you're right.


I do like you.


Are you sure it's not too soon...?

Enough said.
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