01x22 - Rockin' Robin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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01x22 - Rockin' Robin

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning, greg.

Attorney james sinclair
to see detective kelly.

thanks for coming in.

It's a short detour
from the court.

We're in here.

A friend of mine
needs a lawyer.

Everyone's entitled to
an attorney, detective kelly.

They're just not
entitled to me.

Would this friend be charged
with homicide, two counts?

We're talking about
janice licalsi, are we?

The deaths of angelo marino
and his driver?

Would that be a problem for you,
marino being involved?

[ Chuckles ]

My practice has exposed me
to past clients
k*lling current clients,

Current clients
k*lling former clients,

Even current clients
k*lling other current clients.

The prospect
of defending ms. Licalsi...

Would present an irony
falling short
of an ethical dilemma.

Which means
if the money were right,
you'd be up for it.

That's not a small hurdle.
I charge $400 an hour...

For prep time
and depositions,

4,000 For each day
of trial.

We get into the six figures
pretty quickly.

Mm‐hmm. Well, that's
way out of my league.

So, what would be
in your league?
Twenty‐five thousand.

Dip into your pension fund?

Pay on the balance once a week
till the fall of the republic?

That the sort of arrangement
you're envisioning?

You know what's going on here,
how they came at her,

The position
they put her in.

We would do much better
if we discussed my participation
in ancillary revenues.

Tabloid sales,
film projects.

I would expect to recover
my fees from first proceeds.

What if she were up for that?
Then I would think
we could do business.

‐ She's at rikers?
‐ She's at rikers.

I'll give her a call.

[ Door opens ]

‐ How are you doing, andy?
‐ Hey, lieutenant.

Sylvia, you got a minute?




What's this?

Open it.

It's a sea horse.
Those are actually
in the fish family.

Why are you
giving this to me, andy?

For a fresh start.
I feel like I'm on
the right track now,

And I thought maybe
we could see each other again.

Have you been
going to meetings?


Yeah, I went
to a couple of them.

I don't like bellyaching
in front of strangers.

That's my only reservation
with that stuff.
You carry your own water.

Andy, you need tools
to deal with this.
I got tools.

I got a hammer
to smash any liquor bottles
wind up in my apartment.

But you gotta deal with
the reasons they got there.

Where you getting all this?
These "reasons" and "tools"?

I've been going
to al‐anon meetings.

You talking to strangers
about us? You tell them
about my problems?

Andy, can you discuss this
like an adult?

What are you telling them?
How I embarrassed you
in front of your family?

How I didn't talk to my kid
for eight years?

That's not what I'm doing.
The way you're reacting now...

Is the reason
you still need help.

I don't want you discussing
my problems with strangers.

Don't do that anymore.

And don't get me gifts
to act like everything
is all right when it's not.

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Police radio chatter ]

Name's john goldman.
He found the body
around 7:00 this morning.

Hi, mr. Goldman.
Detective kelly. What can
you tell me about this?

Uh, I teach over
at the university.

I was walking my dog.

I noticed something strange
sticking out of the bushes.

I came over to look,
and I found this poor man.

I ran. I called 911.
Anybody else in the park
at the time?

‐ I expect
there were some joggers.
‐ Nobody to talk to?

‐ Nobody in
the immediate vicinity?
‐ No.

It looks as though
he were dragged
from here over to there.

Yeah, it does.
Do we have a phone number
and an address on you?

‐ I gave it to
the uniformed police.
‐ Okay.

‐ Well, thanks for your help.
Thanks for your cooperation.
‐ Yeah.

I feel so sorry
about all this.

Yeah. Thanks.

Cop found this
over by the trash there.

No money, no credit cards,
but there's a church i. D.

Father thomas sheridan.
He's a priest at the st. Agnes.

Anything other
than s*ab wounds?

Nothing on
the initial exam.

I'm gonna take a peekaboo
into the good father's orifices
for semen...

When I get him to the morgue.

Do wet swabs and stuff.

Get them to me as quick
as possible, all right?
Yeah, right. A. S. A. P.

A.s.a.p., You prick.

Somebody will be
right with you.
Thank you.

Hi. How are you?
[ Fancy ] run this thing
in the park for me.

Victim was a parish priest
at st. Agnes.

Multiple s*ab wounds,
and his pants were
down around his ankles,

So m. E.'S checking into
the sexual angle.

We're going back to the park
to talk to the rent boys,
see what they say.

And a truckload of reporters
chewing on licalsi.

They can make a little snack
out of this.

Excuse me, john.
The monsignor's here.

Okay, I got that interview.

There's an auction over at
the pier for cars. I'm supposed
to meet my son there.

‐ I'll take martinez
for the recanvass.
‐ Put in a 28 before you leave.

Thanks, lieu.
You talkin' to bucci, huh?

Yeah. He's been looking at cars
all day. I'll be back
in a couple hours.

Say hello
to andy j. For me.

detective john kelly.

Come on in. Can I
get you something to drink?

Soft drink. Diet.
I'm diabetic.


What can you tell me
about father sheridan?

I didn't know father sheridan
as well as I might have.

He'd been at the church
about five months,

And my health hadn't been what
I'd liked during that time.

He was very popular,
I can tell you that.

He put in a lot of hard work
with the younger persons.
Here you go.

Thank you.

You're aware of the condition
we found him in?

Detective, let me just say
that no one at the church...

Had any reason to suspect
anything untoward in
father sheridan's conduct.

None whatsoever.

Do you believe there was
a sexual element in this?

How about personal effects?
Was he wearing any jewelry?

Knights of columbus ring
he wore on his right hand,

A gold
st. Christopher's necklace,
and his crucifix, of course.

How about credit cards?
I believe so.

I believe
I verified some information
on an application, yeah.

we'll look for those.

I think that's it.

I would be very grateful
if you'd keep me apprised
of any developments.

You know, any turns
the case may take.
I'll do that.

Thanks for your help.
Thank you.

[ Door buzzing ]

I'm james sinclair,
miss licalsi.

‐ John kelly told you
I'd be coming?
‐ Yeah.

I'm not sure I want you
representing me, mr. Sinclair.

That is entry‐level perception,
miss licalsi.

Once the doors
of a courtroom close,

Reputations quickly subordinate
to the quality
of the practitioner.

Your friend john kelly
understands that.

Yeah, well, I'm not looking
to get away with anything.

That's not why I admitted
to k*lling two men.

I'm ready to pay
for what I did.

May I call you janice?

What would you say
is the proper penalty
for your crime?

‐ I don't know.
‐ Had you decided to k*ll...

Angelo marino and his driver
before you got into the car
that night?

No. I didn't know
what I was gonna do.

By that account,
you're wrongly charged.

You hadn't
conceived intention.

When you stepped into the car,
were you afraid for your life?

For your father's life
or detective kelly's life?

I knew that
if I didn't k*ll john,
they'd find another way,

And that I'd be a liability.

Meaning they'd k*ll you.

Then and there.
I was afraid and confused.

I didn't know if I
thought they'd k*ll me
right then and there.

You only know what you did.
And I confessed to it.

Then let 12 honest people
judge you, janice.

Don't do all
the parts yourself.

You've submitted to a system.
Let it work its course.

And you'll
steer me through it.
I'll steer if you'll let me.

Is there any special reason
for you to be in jail right now?

It's where I'm ending up.
I thought I might as well
get used to it.

We're all gonna die.
That doesn't mean we
have to camp out in graveyards.

I know you're aware
that john kelly is willing
to help you make bail.

I think you should
let him do that.

Janice, let me steer.

Thanks a lot, jim.

Dad! Dad,
how's it going?

How about you?


Mom says hi.
Tell her hi back.

Listen, this mr. Bucci
we're meeting's a car dealer.
I met him through work.

That's nice of him
to take the time like this.

Two and a half years back,
he sent his daughter over
to the bank with a cash deposit.

Somebody grabbed her,
and I caught the case.

So you found his daughter,
and he's grateful, is that it?

No. We never
found his daughter.

That's too bad.

That's all still pretty painful
to mr. Bucci.

Yeah. I won't
say anything about it.

Mr. Bucci.
Ah, detective.

Yeah, how are you?
Good to see you.

This is my son, andy.
Nice to meet you, andy.

How you doing?
Thanks for helping us out here.

It's my pleasure.
I thought this one
was a possibility,

But it looks like it's burning
more oil than gas.

I only got 1,200 to spend.
Maybe a little more.

Come on. Let me show you
the one that I
really think is cherry.

This one is great.
It's an '85 seville.

I mean,
the engine's sweet enough.
No bondo on the body.

If it's been in a wreck,
believe me, they did
right by the frame.

The rubber's fine.
I gave it the twice‐over.

They let you get in?
Sure, sure.

Come on.
Just get right in there.
See how you feel.

So, dom,
what do you think
this'll go for?

Well, I asked
the other dealers to lay off.
Personal favor.

If we got no civilian
driving up the price,
10, 15 percent below wholesale.

About 2,300. How's that?
In your budget?

I guess that's doable, yeah.

Excuse me a minute.
I see a dealer
I haven't squared it with.

I gotta have a word with him.

So what do you think?
It's great.

H‐hey, steve.

Steve, dom.
Dom bucci.

Sure, I remember.
How are you?
It's been a while.

Just looking at this car.
I'll see you at the auction.

‐ What does mr. Bucci
think it'll sell for?
‐ Take it easy.


What does mr. Bucci think
on the price?

He thinks we got a shot at it.
We'll see.

Mr. Bucci,
I really like the car.

It's really sweet,
isn't it?

[ Dom ]
what do you say
we take a walk around?

I'll show you some of
the backup ones.

There was an '88 baretta
sedan over here.

And there's the '87 audi.

I really like
the american cars.

So, dom, who's this guy
you said hello to?

That's steve white.
He's a buyer. Used to
work for me on and off.

He'd do auctions
when I couldn't make it.
He had a good eye.

‐ I could always move his stuff.
‐ So when's the last time
this white guy worked for you?


After jenny disappeared,
I sort of let the business
slip, you know?

‐ He drifted off.
‐ We never interviewed him.

Yeah, like I say,
he was an independent.

He probably wasn't around when
you were doing interviews.

He still in the business?
Yeah. He's got
a small lot in queens.

He sells strictly
transportation, so he's not
gonna be in on the caddy,

If that's what
you're worrying about.

Hey, andy! There's
a roach coach over there.
You wanna grab a bite?

We got some time
before they cry this stuff.

Yeah, that'd be great.
I'll meet you guys
over there.

I gotta call the office
and check in.
Get me a hot dog and a coke.

‐Mustard and relish?
‐Yeah. Still mustard and relish.

[ Chattering ]

Hey! Hey!

Could you give me
a minute?
I don't know anything.

It's about the incident
in the park.
Yeah, I know what it's about.

I already told you.
You hear any
conversation about it?

Just that it happened,
and the way they found
the body. All right?

Does that surprise you,
how he was found?

I don't get surprised
too easily, you know?

There's some money in it for you
if you heard any information.

What's your name?

You know there was a m*rder
in the park last night?

Yeah, I heard about it.
This is the guy
who got k*lled.

Yeah, that's father sheridan.

You know him?
Just to talk to him.

He talked to
a lot of the kids.
What'd you guys talk about?

What you were doing here,
and have you thought everything
through and so forth.

Health concerns.
Nice guy?

He was okay.

Was he a trick?

I wouldn't say.
He was down here a lot.

Did you
ever trick for him?
No, I never did.

Okay. Anything that can help me
that you can think of
is worth money. You know that?

Yeah, okay. Okay.

Hey, john.
What do you know, james?

Kids all said they saw him
around, but nobody saw him
in the park last night.

What'd they think of him?
They said he seemed
a pretty nice guy.

They weren't exactly sure
what he was doing down here.

How he was found,
you hate to think what
might have been going on.

Yeah. Look at this.
Mr. Goldman.

Who's this guy?
He's the guy i. D.'D
the body.

Any progress, detective?
We're still
asking questions.

You think of anything?
No. What do you mean?

‐ [ Siren bleeps ]
‐ hey, john.

‐ Excuse me. One minute.
‐ What's going on?

‐ What do you got?
‐ This kid was trying
to buy booze...

With those credit cards
you're interested in.

Store owner
gets a "no" on the card.
The kid books with the booze.

Owner chases after him.
We catch him coming
down the street.

Take him back to the squad
and I'll talk to him later.

Good job. Good job.
You got it.

Who's the person
in custody?

‐ You know him?
‐ No.

[ Siren bleeps ]
you teaching today,
mr. Goldman?

I have a class in
about one hour. Yeah.
You got my number, right?

You give me a call if you got
anything for me, will you?
All right.

‐ Your guy's in interview 1.
‐ Okay.

Here's his rap sheet
and a printout of activity
on the priest's credit card.

What about the m. E.?
Nothing yet.

Lieutenant's going with his wife
to the doctor's.

He said keep him posted.
Okay, thanks.

James, if I start
liking this guy for m*rder,

I might make
the priest the bad guy.

Your being a catholic,
how do you feel about that?

No problem. Yeah.
All right?

Want some coffee?

"William t. Martin.

Decatur, illinois."

What do they call you?

When did you leave decatur?
Two and a half years ago.

Three calls for prostitution
before the incident
this morning.

You got a straight job?
I set up sound equipment
for some of the clubs.

Puts some food on the table
while you're working
the park, huh?

I don't know why you guys
are hassling me.
I found those credit cards.

Were you in the park
last night?
I found them this morning.

Were you in the park
last night?

Do you know
richard sheridan?

They were his cards.

He was a priest.

You were popped twice
in the park where all
the kids we talked to...

Said he hung out all the time,
but you didn't know him.

Maybe I seen him.

He was k*lled
in the park last night.

You ended up with
his credit cards this morning.

Yeah, that's right.

Decatur, illinois.

Okay. Well, we got a fax
on his receipts from the card.

It says that
there was a bus ticket...

Charged to the card
five days ago to decatur.

Is that a coincidence?

I can't lie to you.
This is not a good situation.

You were hustling the park
where he wound up dead.

Then you wind up
with his credit cards in
your back pocket the next day.

That's not a good situation.
But what was the relationship?

Were you friends?
Did he let you use the cards?

What was the relationship?

It wasn't friends.
What was it?

I was raised a catholic,
all right?
Me too, billy.

All right.

The man was a priest.
Spell this out for me.
That's all I'm asking.

He came on to me, all right?
It made me sick.

‐He wanted to have sex with you?
‐Yeah, he was coming on and on,
and I wouldn't do it.

Not with the priests.
Where are we now?
In the park?

Huh? Last night?

Okay. Billy, if he
was coming on to you,

And based on
your religious background,

You didn't want to do it,
I can understand that.

I can understand that.

But I still don't get
the relationship.
You were working the park‐‐

He was coming on,
and he wouldn't leave me alone.

I told him he better, but he
wouldn't keep his hands off me.
Last night.

So finally, I cut him.
Last night.

Last night.
In the park.

I don't want to talk about it
anymore, all right?

Okay. Okay.


We're gonna take a break,
james, okay?

‐ Let's take a break.
‐ Come on.

[ Door closes ]


So you're pretty busy, huh?
Yeah, hectic.

Did you order?
Yeah, some sandwiches.

You said you didn't have
very much time, so‐‐

I just caught a case.

I don't know whether
I'm in the middle
or the end of it.

So how are things going
on janice licalsi's case?

She has an attorney, so
hopefully she's gonna defend
herself a little better now.

Jimmy's lawyer
might have me committed.

What'd you do now?
Here's your sandwich.

Thank you. I, uh‐‐

And you, sir.
Thank you.

I went to talk to him
about converting one of
jimmy's apartment buildings...

Into low‐income housing.

Mr. Gould
heard me out, but...

Towards the end he started
having a facial spasm
just on one side.

He said that if he let me
convert that building,

Jimmy's spirit would have him
clipped on the head by a flying
manhole cover or something.

Jimmy always did
have a long reach.

Yeah. So, anyway,

I thought I might take
some real estate courses...

And try and come up
with something
a little more feasible.

Actually, I'd like to take
a bunch of different courses.

You know,
I've never been to college,

And it's something
I'd really like to do.

I'd like to study anthropology,
different ways people live and‐‐

Think I could do that?
Yeah, I do.

Yeah? I do too.

You don't mind
dropping me off?
No, it's no problem.

Thanks for your vote
about school and all, johnny.

Yeah, I think
it's a good idea.

It really helps me,
talking to you.

This thing is just not‐‐
is that damn thing
not working again?

Wait a minute.
Let me‐‐

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, where'd that come from?
I don't know.

I'm a little surprised,
I gotta say.

Me too.

you okay?


I've been kissed before.

You, uh,
want to give me a ride?
Yeah. Let me get this.

[ Engine starts ]

Registration was
in his name, huh?

Okay. Give me
the date on the transfer.

[ Auctioneer ]
we have lot 458.

A 1983 buick.

A gray, beautiful buick.
What do I have for this buick?

One thousand.
One thousand.
Very good.

Yeah. Wait.
Just a second, will you?

How many times are you
gonna come back here?

I'll be done when I'm done,
all right?

I'll be done when I'm done,
you hear me?
All right.

I'm sorry.
It's some pain in the ass.

tell your d. M. V. Guy thanks.

Now I want you to run
a b.c.i. Check on this guy.

Twenty‐five hundred going twice.
Sold to mr. Alfabia
for two and a half.

That's the second time
this vehicle has been stolen.

Ladies and gentlemen,
moving right along,
we have lot number 459,

A 1985 cadillac seville.

Who will open
the bidding for me?
A thousand.

Thank you very much.
Do I have 15?
Wait. Wait. Now.

Eleven hundred.
Eleven hundred from
the gentleman in the back.

‐ Fifteen hundred.
‐ Fifteen for the man
in the jacket.

I'm done.
Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait.

Do I hear 2,000?
Mr. Bucci,
it's out of my budget.

I don't know how high
my dad can cover.

We'll take care of it.
It's okay.

Do I have a higher bid
than 1,500 for
this beautiful cadillac?

Go ahead or we're
gonna lose it.
Do I hear 2,000?

‐ Sixteen hundred.
‐ Two thousand.

I have 2,000.
This guy's in forever.

No. You can go up to 2,300.
You stay in.

I already talked to your father.
We decided that was fair.

I have 2,000.
Do I have three?

Two thousand going once.
Two thousand going twice.

Go on. Tell him.
Twenty‐three hundred.

‐ 2,300 For the young man.
‐ You didn't have to get there
all at once.

Thank you very much.
I have 2,300 for this cadillac.

Do I hear three?
Do I hear three,
ladies and gentlemen?

Mr. Bucci said
2,300 was okay.
I do not hear three.

Twenty‐three hundred.
Twenty‐three hundred
going once.

Twenty‐three hundred
going twice. Sold to
the gentleman for 2,300.

‐ Go on. Get the ticket.
‐ I'm sure you'll
enjoy this car.

All right, ladies and gentlemen.
Next up we have...

Lot 460, a 1988 passat.

I can pay you what I got,
the 1,200.

I don't know when I
can pay that off.

This is my deal. You said
they'd take my check?

Yeah, that's right.
Andy, take that.
Here, take my card.

Give it to the cashier.
That way it's under my bond.
All right?

Thanks. Thanks a lot.

I gotta talk
to this mr. White.
About what?

I never got a chance
to question him about jennifer.

I wanna question him
about that.
Are there some thoughts here?

I wanna talk to him,
all right? Mr. White.

New york city detective.
I want to talk to you a minute.

‐ What's this about?
‐ Well,

I thought maybe
we could step into
the guards' trailer there.

I got some plans today.

I'd advise you to assist me
voluntarily. Help me
clear up a few questions,

And then maybe we can all go
our separate ways, all right?

Come on. Let's go.

‐ Come on.
‐ Detective, is this
a question of thoroughness?

[ Sipowicz ]
will you just let me do
my job, all right?

Did you pay for the car?

All right.
This may take a while.

Dad, what's going on?
Just hold on.

You want to see me, jerry?
Yeah, can we talk?

No, I'm working in here.
Look, I used
my best judgment...

Advising janice
about what I thought
was in her own heart.

Haven't we
covered this already?

Well, I'm here
about father sheridan.

I'm taking
a statement on him now.
You got a suspect?

What's up?

Richie sheridan and I
went to seminary together,
and we stayed friends.

I heard how
his body was found.

I don't believe
he was a h*m*
or a pedophile.

There's something wrong
with that picture.

He was committed to his work.
He respected other people,

And he wouldn't violate
his trust like that.

I know I don't have a lot
of credibility with you, john,

But I'm telling you,
he was a good priest.

See you later.

Hey, janice,
how're you doing?

John helped me post bond,
so it'll save you
trips to rikers, huh?

Those were no trouble.

If you can call me later,
I'll be happy to talk to you.

I'll see you, jerry.

How're you doing?

I just came by
to clean out my locker.

I got some pictures
of my dad.

I, uh‐‐ I appreciate
all your help, johnny.
No problem.

Sinclair's an interesting guy.
I don't think we're
gonna be best pals.

That's not why we got hooked up
with him though, right?

I got a perpetrator inside.
I'll talk to you later.

How're you doing?
This kid finish
his statement yet?

I'm gonna indict him
for manslaughter
and look for a plea.

He gets manslaughter,
she gets second degree m*rder?

The victim bought a bus ticket
for billy martin on his
credit card five days ago.

If we go to trial
and that kid's attorney
has a functioning cerebellum,

He's gonna attack robbery
as a predicate motive,

Which leaves us with a teenager
warding off the advances
of a sexually predatory priest.

You'll excuse me
if I'm not panting
to get to the plate.

The m.e. Called
on father sheridan's autopsy.

There's no evidence
of sexual activity.

Which would support
the kid's version that he
rejected the guy's approach.

Or no approach at all.
Let's put a hold on grand jury
while I recanvass, okay?

Fine. But right now
we're at manslaughter.

Any word from andy?
I've been on the phone...

Off and on with him
for the last couple of hours.

He's had me
doing car registrations.

He's trying to pick out
something for andy j.

No, he said it was about
the bucci case.

He said he might have something
on that missing girl.

Yeah. How's it going,

[ Fancy ]
the doctor said lillian and
the baby are both doing well.

‐ That's great.
‐ He also said we're gonna
have a little boy.

‐ Hey, congratulations.
‐ Yeah.

They did this ultrasound.
They said they could tell.


‐ My wife and I
are gonna have a boy.
‐ Congratulations, lieutenant.

All right.
Looks like
a little space traveler.

There's his little thing.
[ Chuckles ]

I just don't know
what this is all getting at.
I feel deeply for mr. Bucci.

It's a terrible thing
that happened, but I
don't know anything about it.

You knew his little girl.
I'd be on his lot...

Two, three times a week,
and she'd come by after school.

I'd say hello to her.
Everybody knew her.
He was so proud of her.

You didn't want to talk
to mr. Bucci today, did you?

That isn't so.
Don't you lie to me.
I saw you.

I said hello.
I like him.

You like dom bucci?
Yeah, that's right.
I like him.

You should,
because he was your friend.

He gave you work.
He respected you.

He treated you fair.
And I know he did this,

Because that's
who that man is.

When mr. Bucci's
daughter disappeared,
four different people said...

That they saw a tan and white
chevy van.

You transferred title
on a 1990 tan and white
chevy van...

A week after
that girl's disappearance.

There must be a thousand
vans like that.
Ten thousand.

On the date, at the time,
your van was spotted.

Now, you listen to me.

The last two and a half years
have been agony for
mr. Bucci and his wife.

Now, these are
religious people.

Mrs. Bucci believes
that her daughter's soul...

May be wandering lost
over the face of this earth...

Because she hasn't received
the right burial.

You have it in your power
to stop the pain for them.

Don't make them suffer
any longer. You tell me
where you put her.

Ah, look,
I've had enough of this.

I've tried to cooperate,
but I don't like
the tone of this.

What are you, psycho?

I know you're involved in this.
I can feel it
coming off of you.

I'm gonna put this
all together.
You're wrong about this.

You're not gonna
get out of this.
I'm not gonna let you leave.

Where is that
little girl buried?

My sister‐‐

Her husband and daughter died
in a car accident
three years back.

I was gonna have to have her
in an institution, detective.

My only sister!
My kid sister!

I couldn't watch!

She didn't wash!
There was garbage piled up
all around the house!

I‐‐ she wouldn't
turn on the lights.
Where's her body?

No, we told her that her parents
were k*lled by g*ng criminals.

By g*ng criminals.
Yeah, we thought that would be
the kindest thing.

And that she would be safe
with polly,

You know,
with a new identity.

That's what we made her think.
She thinks her parents
have been k*lled.

Are you saying she's alive?

I saw her two months ago.
I had a fight with polly.

She was starting
to act weird again.

I haven't
talked to her since.

But jenny was okay
when you last saw her?

If anything happened there,

I'd feel terrible.

But it's not my fault.

Tell dom I'm sorry.
Oh, yeah.

I'll make a massive point
of that, you prick.

[ Helicopter blades whirring ]
[ men chattering ]

You and I gotta take a ride.
Did he know something
about jenny?

There's a guy cuffed
to the heater inside for
transport to the 15th squad.

He's charged with kidnapping.
He gets no calls
until I contact the squad.

Got it?
He took jenny?

Dominic, listen to me.
Listen to me.
Jenny may be alive.

You come with me,
and I'll tell you
all about it in the car.

Come on with me now.
Come on, dom.

Professor goldman,
thanks for coming in.

Is there a development
in the case?
Yeah, there is.

Let's sit down.

Now, since the last
time we talked,

I've been over
some stop‐and‐frisk reports.

You know what they are?

I'm not sure.
Well, cops file those...

When they question somebody
and they haven't arrested them.

Okay? Now, I found your name
on two separate reports...

For loitering to solicit sex
in the park.

I found that body
this morning.
I know.

I'm the one
who called it in.

I was wondering if you
witnessed the incident
last night in the park,

But waited till this morning
to report it.

No, I did not.

I have a d. A. Upstairs
working on a plea package
for this m*rder right now...

Based on
the perp's account.

You made an arrest?

Is it that boy
I saw in the car?

If you were a witness,
I understand your reluctance
to come forward,

But I need to know
what you saw.

If your account
matches his account,

Then there's no reason
your name needs to come out.

But if it doesn't...

And you
have to use my name,

Then all I'm doing is
announcing myself as a q*eer,

And all I'm jeopardizing
is my occupation...

And my reputation...

And my life.

But I think you want to help us,
which is why you came forward.

And you know what?
It's the right thing to do.

Somebody has to
represent the dead here.


Isn't that
why you're here?

Okay. All right.

[ Door opens, closes ]

I just got a different version
on what happened
last night, billy.

You said I
was gonna get dinner.

In this version,
the priest doesn't
solicit billy.

He attempts to give him
a bus ticket,
and billy cuts him,

Drags him into some bushes
where he's bleeding,

Pulls his pants down
and leaves him there to die.

In this version, billy,
a regular john at the park,

Who's planning to solicit you,
sees you do this.

The priest didn't want
to help me. He didn't
really want me to go home.

That's what he was
talking about. He was trying
to give you that bus ticket.

He was just cruising me
with that ticket
just to keep talking to me.

‐ He couldn't say what
he really wanted.
‐ He was trying to help you billy.

‐And you just k*lled
your best friend.
‐No, because no one can help me!

'Cause I'm hiv positive, man.

[ Sobbing ]

God isn't gonna help me.

‐ And you're gonna let me know.
‐ I'm gonna let you know
as soon as I know something.

We're gonna go in the residence.
When the time is right,
I'll come get you.

You're gonna let me know
if she's all right.

And if I'm fortunate enough
and she's okay,

I'm gonna go slow with her,
just like you
were talking about.

‐ Just take it
one step at a time.
‐ Right. Good luck inside.

Stay with him.
Now! Now! Now! In the back!

‐ Come with me.
‐ I got it!

Go! Go! Go!

Jennifer! Jennifer! Jennifer!

[ Dom ]
where is she?

Where is she?
Where's my daughter?

Watch your head.

[ Engine starts,
siren wailing ]

‐ Hello, jenny.
‐ Hi, daddy.

Are you all right?

[ Police radio chatter ]
[ sniffling ]

She said you were dead.
Oh, no, no.

We're‐‐ we're not dead.

They lied to you.
They kidnapped you,
and they lied to you.

Your mommy and i,
we looked for you
the whole time you were gone.

Would you like
to come with me now,
come home and see mom?

‐ I wanna see mommy.
‐ Yeah, well,

We can call mom
right now...

And let her know
that you're okay,

And she'll come
and pick us up, huh?

Would you like
to hold my hand?


Hey, jerry. Hey.
Yeah, I got your message.

We got the kid inside
who did the m*rder.

He's giving his revised
statement. We're not
gonna let the papers...

Have the sexual overture thing.
Ah, great.

You know, john,
I'm gonna feel like hell
if we're not friends anymore.

Yeah. I don't know.
I'm just struggling
with her giving herself up.

You know, she did
what she wanted to do.

You can't live other people's
lives for them,

Which is why you sent her to me
in the first place,

To find out what was in
her own heart and all.

Can we agree to disagree?
Yeah, I think so.


All the times
mr. Bucci was up here‐‐

Way to go, andy.

‐I'd love to have seen his face.
‐What did the mother say?

I didn't see her.
You know she's
gonna be happy.

Thanks, guys.

Good catch.
Yeah, well,
I'd rather be lucky than good.

How about being both?

Great job.


Uh, you want some coffee
or something?

I'll take a donut.

One donut.

No, it's not good enough.

All right. I'll have to
talk to you later about this.

‐ I'll see you later. Sylvia?
‐ See you tomorrow.

on the bucci girl.

That's‐‐ that's great.

Yeah, it was good.
Yeah, yeah.

Listen, sylvia, um,

About, uh,
that sea horse pin.

The place I got it, they,
like, got a return policy,

And you gotta have, like,
three copies of the receipt,
and I don't have any.

If you don't take this thing,
I'm gonna have to wear it.

Is that something
you want to see?

Just put it away.

Yeah. Maybe‐‐ maybe
you'd take it later, huh?

I think I'll go to a few more
of those meetings anyways.

Well, don't do it for me.
Don't do it for us.

Boy, you're pretty strict.

But I'm pulling for you.

There's my kid.
We got him a car today.

Good night, andy.

Good night.

Hi, andy.

‐ Way to go, dad.
‐ Ah, that was good luck.

You could work the job
five lives, double shifts,

Something like that
never happens for you.

They give you a decoration?

I could use first‐grade pay,
they want to give me that.

How's the car?
Good. It's good.

You, uh‐‐ you want
to get a sandwich?

I'm driving.
How about a steak?

Didn't you tap out
on that caddy?
Excuse me. I'm sorry.

Uh, I got a few dollars left.
Come on, son.

[ Chuckling ]

Good night.
Good night, donna.


How you doing?
I'm okay.

I've been thinking about
what happened in the car.

Me too.
I just wanted to tell you...

I don't
feel guilty about it.

Well, I kissed you,

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Jimmy told me you gotta do
what you can when you're alive.

And he told me
never kid yourself.

So, not kidding myself,

I'm glad you kissed me.

Me too.

Okay, i‐‐ I said
what I wanted to say.

Yeah, okay.
I, uh‐‐

You know what?
I just have a few minutes here.

You wanna go somewhere
and talk about it?

Good night, john.
Good night, lieutenant.

Good night.
Good night.

What do you think?
I'd like that.



You okay?

I'm fine.

How about you?

I'm good.

Here comes spring.

Now's the best time
in this city.

I'm really glad
I'm with you, johnny.

Me too.

Me too.
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