03x17 & 03x18 - They sh**t Mothers, Don't They?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x17 & 03x18 - They sh**t Mothers, Don't They?

Post by bunniefuu »

Jake? Jake?

Jake? Jake.

Jake, please,
I need to talk to you.

What is it?

My baby! Is he sick?

It just happened...
No, the nanny!

The nanny, she took him!

What? We were on our
way to the airport

and I just put Austin
in the car seat,

then I was going around
to the other side

to get in,
and she just took off!

So I went running
after her, screaming,

but she was gone, and... and...

Oh, God! I just... I...

I want to call the cops,
but I can't,

because if they find him, then
I'll lose him to the Carters,

and if I don't, he stays lost
out there with some lunatic!

I'm stuck, Jake.
I'm really stuck.

None of this makes any sense.

I mean, it's not like
she took him off the street

or from a shopping center.

I mean... it's like she went
out of her way

to do it like this.

Oh, my God.

Jake, she didn't want
just any baby.

She wanted Austin.

Well, he seems to be doing
better, don't you think?

And you gave him some Ativan?

Then he's probably
calming down a bit now.

I know you have him,
you crazy bitch,

and I'll die before I let you
take my baby away from me again.

Don't you wish they'd move
the psych ward

to the fourth floor?

Excuse me, won't you?

Take your hands off me.

Not until you tell me
where he is.

I don't know what
you're babbling about,

but I happen to be on duty.

Don't you play dumb with me.

I know that you and the nanny
were operating together.

Where's Austin?

Are you saying someone
stole your child?

Where is he?!

For your information,
I'm in the process

of adopting a child of my own,

so I have no interest
in your offspring.

But you know who does,
don't you?

Well, I can't be sure,
of course,

but I did place a call
to the Carters recently.

You called them?

Mm-hmm. Why?

To let them know that their
grandchild was very much alive.

Frankly, I felt
it was my civic duty.

♪ ♪

Call security!


Worked up quite a sweat,
didn't we?

Mm-hmm. Care to test
your stamina again?

Oh, please, no.

Look, I'd love to, but I can't.

It's late,

and I want to beat Mancini
into the office.

This guy's become my shadow.

The junior extortionist?

Explain to me again why
you're letting that idiot

within 10 feet of you.

I have my reasons, Caitlin.

Hmm, that's what I'm afraid of.

You had your reasons
for signing Amanda

to a three-year
contract at D&D.

I had to pacify her.

Besides, it bought us
some time, didn't it?

Well, time's up.

I've all but completed my study

of the company's infrastructure.

Now all we have to do is
put me in the driver's seat.

Why do I get the feeling

that you know exactly how to
nullify Amanda's contract?

♪ ♪


you're a very smart man, Peter.

Hi. Hi.

Oh, uh... listen, I wrote
my rent check out yesterday

and I was gonna drop it by,

and then I got called into
work at the last minute...

Tear it up. Excuse me?

Well, you'll have to
write a new one, of course,

but it will be
for a different amount.

I don't get it. Why?

I've been in negotiations
with the rent control board

for months, and as of
yesterday, I won approval

for an across-the-board
rent increase.

Congratulations... uh, I guess.


Um, so, how much
more will it be?

Like, 5, 10%?

Well, actually, these apartments

have been undervalued
for so long,

I've been authorized
a fairly hefty hike.

Your apartment, for instance, will
be an additional $200 a month.

You can't be serious.


Then I won't be able
to live here.

Sounds like
you've got a dilemma.

Either way, I need full rent,

or 30 days notice
by the end of the week.


I don't know if you're
gonna go for this,

but I think it's good business.

First Security
Insurance Company?

Decent reputation. What else?

Very decent premiums.

Their rates are
significantly lower

than D&D's current provider.

Define "significant."

Close to 40,000 a year.

Oh, now you've got my attention.

So? What's the hitch?

There isn't one, really.

Their only requirement is
all employees take

a mandatory drug test.

I hardly see that as a problem.

If anything, it's a solution.

Considering what Allison's
rehab cost us,

weeding out other substance
abusers is a smart thing to do.

Fine. Then I'll start
the arrangements.

Only... I think
the announcement about

the mandatory drug testing
should come from you.

Your employees already think

I'm big brother around here.

They don't need more evidence.

All right,
I'll round up the troops.

♪ ♪

Hi, Peter, it's Caitlin.

It's your turn now, darling.

Go to work.

Jane: And I've never
been late before.

Look, all I'm asking for now

is an extended grace period.

End of business day Friday.
You have my word.

Thank you.


How's it going?

Obviously, I've had better days.

What can I do for you, Syd?

Well, I was just
wondering if you'd heard

about the rent increases
at the building.


Mine's pretty stiff...
200 bucks a month.

Has Amanda told you
how much yours is gonna be?

No, we've been exchanging
phone messages.

Did you come all the way down here
to complain about your budget?

Because if you did, you're not gonna
find a sympathetic ear today.

I've got my own money problems.


The way I see it,
we can k*ll 2 birds

with one stone
by moving in together.


You've got to be kidding.

Think about it,
even if she ups you to eight,

between the two of us,
it'd me a measly 400 apiece.

Sydney, the only place you and I

will ever live together again
is an old folks' home.

And even then, I would
request another wing.

What am I supposed to do?

I work my fingers
to the bone just to scrape by.

I gave you any money
that I had saved up, and now...

First of all, the money you gave
back was mine to begin with.

And secondly, why don't you do
something normal for a change

and find yourself a roommate?

In an effort to provide
savings to the company,

D&D will be switching
to First Security

as its health insurance carrier.

Despite the fact that
they're less expensive,

your coverage will not
change in any way.

The only real difference is,

mandatory drug testing
required for all employees.

And, for the record, drug use is
grounds for immediate dismissal.

In any event,
this shouldn't be an issue

for anyone who doesn't
have a problem.

You will be notified
with your testing time

within the next day or so,

and the results
a day after that.

That's it. Thanks.

She is so transparent.

This is probably her way
of trying to catch me

with alcohol on my breath.

Listen, I need to talk
to you about something.

You want to grab
a bite together?

Actually, um...

I already have plans,
but I have a few minutes now.

What's up?

Well, it's about Caitlin...

and Peter.

I saw them together,
in the biblical sense.

What? How?

I was dropping something off at
Caitlin 's house the other day.

Anyway, the problem is,
should I tell Amanda?

Oh... I wouldn't.

I mean, I've been there before,

and if you tell her, it'll
only come back and hurt you.

And you don't think she has the right
to know what she's up against?

Billy, do yourself a favor
and stay out of it.

Yeah, but...
Trust me on this one.

Listen, um, I've got
to get to my A.A. meeting,


Hi. Hey.

Terry, you remember Billy.

Hey, nice to see you again.

Uh, I'll meet you
out front, okay?

Sure. Heh.

Listen, um,

sometimes these things go long,

so if it runs late,
would you just tell Amanda

that I had a dentist
appointment or something?

Yeah. It's, uh...

pretty convenient, isn't it?

You get to eat, see him,
and go through

the 12 steps
all at the same time.


Terry is a friend from A.A.

We try to support each other
as often as possible

by going to meetings together.

Unless you've been through
it, it's a concept

you can't possibly understand.

♪ ♪

It'd be nice if you could tear
yourself away from your magazines

long enough to care.

I washit in the face
today, after all.

Sure, hon.
Just let me finish this,

and we'll get you all fixed up.

I don't understand
your sudden fascination

with expensive real estate.

Anyway, we're supposed to be
saving money for the baby.

Well, who says the 2 things
have to be mutually exclusive?

My, my, we're feeling awfully
confident about our futures.

Well, what can I say?
If a man has friends,

he's a very wealthy man indeed.

Meaning what?

Have you ever noticed
how well Dr. Burns lives?

He's rich even
by Doctors' standards.

Well, I never really
thought about it,

but what does that
have to do with you?

Well, I did a little
digging and found out

the good doctor's getting
kickbacks from medical suppliers.

Yeah, he gets his
extra cash funneled to him

through his research projects.

Is that so? Mm-hmm.

Well, one word from yours truly,

and he's ex-chief of staff.

Yeah, Burns has no choice
but to be nice to me.

In fact, we got a golf date
in the morning,

and the subject of joining
his Beverly Hills practice

will definitely come up.

♪ ♪

I love it when you exploit
your resources, baby.

Dinner... was wonderful.

So, what's the next course, kid?

Uh, I was hoping it'd be sleep,

if that's all right with you.

Really? Long day?

Well, they all are lately.

I'm sorry.
I'm just a little tired.

It's okay.


You know, you feel
a little bit warm.

Probably from being
in the kitchen.


Honey, your glands
are swollen, too.

You know, you might've
caught yourself a virus, kid.

Lucky for you, I've got
a traveling pharmacy in here.

That's one thing we doctors
are never in short supply of,

medicinal samples.

I am perfectly fine.

I want you to take
these antibiotics,

and I'm gonna get you another
full prescription tomorrow.

I really don't think
that's necessary, Peter.

I know, but I'm the doctor,

and I do.

Good girl.

Now, if I sound
like I'm being bossy,

it's only because I care.

Did you find anything else out?

No, and I don't need
to investigate it anymore

because I know
who's responsible.

What are you doing?

I'm packing.
I am borrowing Matt's car

and going up to the Carters',
and I'm taking my baby back.

By force, if necessary.

What do you think you're gonna do,
have some kind of sh**t with him?

You're being stupid, Jo.

No, I have to take matters
into my own hands.

I'm not gonna let you do that.
Give me that.

No! Yougive methat! Hey!

Don't you understand? I can't
just sit around and do nothing!

Yes, I understand!

And I agree with you.

But I think it's a lot smarter
if you leave this at home

and take me with you instead.


Are you sure?

We'll leave in the morning.

And this stays here.

♪ ♪

Thank you.

Thank you so much, Jake.

So, do you honestly think

that I'm gonna let you
strong-arm me

into taking you under my wing?

Well, I'll put it this way...

If I have to go
to the medical board

about your medical supply
company kickbacks,

then you can say adios
to your illustrious career.

If I keep my mouth shut...

viva la doctor.

I see.

Uh, naturally,
I plan on assisting you

in every major cardiac
operation you perform,

as well as being assigned a larger
number of my own surgeries.


Oh, you know what,
I was also thinking

that, um, maybe
in our spare time,

we could co-author
something for the journal,

which would be great
for the old resume.

Nice shot.

Thank you.

Mancini, after listening
to your requests,

I'm sure that we can
work this out between us.

Oh, I never doubted it
for a minute.

There is something, however,

I need you to do for me.

And what would that be?

There's a pharmaceutical company

I've given a lot of business to.

Now, they're interested
in giving us money

for our little
research projects.

I'd like you to head that up.

Oh, yeah?

It'd be a simple matter

of handling administrative
financial details,

under my guidance, of course.

Do you think you could
fit that into your schedule?

Oh, it would be
my pleasure, doctor.

Only thing...

I need you to make sure that
the little research project

stays long-term.

I just bought
this ski house in Aspen,

and the mortgage is k*lling me.

Ah. Heh.

Could you page
Dr. Burns, please?

I don't believe he's in.

Well, that's surprising.

He said I could pick up
a prescription this morning.

You must be Amanda. Yes.

The doctor left these for you.

Four times a day,
every day, for five days.

There's quite a bad bug
going around.

Yeah, there is. Thanks.

Well, what brings you
to our fair hospital?

Oh. Well, I came by
to see Peter,

but, unfortunately, he's not in.

No, of course not.

He is probably
on the fourth hole by now.

He and Michael are playing
golf this morning.

Peter's playing golf
with Michael?

I'm surprised
you didn't know that.

Oh, that's right,
it's Wednesday, isn't it?

Almost slipped my mind
for a moment.

Listen, since the boys
are so friendly these days,

we really ought to have the two
of you out to the beach house

for dinner sometime.

Why don't you give me a call
and let me know

what would be a good time
for the two of you.

Right. I'll let you know.

Excuse me.

The first of the month isn't
for another week, Amanda,

and, you know, I gotta tell you,

the rent increase
is totally out of line.

I am not here about the rent.

I want to ask a favor.

Really? I'm fascinated.

I need you to do a little
investigating for me.

There's a research grant that Peter's
supposed to be involved with.

I want to know if it's legit.

I mean, I have a hunch
that it's not,

but I'm hoping
you'll prove me wrong.

What are you suggesting,
that he's on the take?

Dr. Burns is the chief
of staff here, Amanda.

Rank never stopped anyone
from padding their income.

Why come to me?
I mean, by now, you know

plenty of people
on the staff here.

As it happens, I went to
Michael first, and he assured me

that the grant was
on the up-and-up.

And you didn't believe him...

because you think
he's involved, too.

Let's just say
all signs indicate yes.

Hm, you're probably
not far off the mark.

Michael is definitely a man
who lives to profit.

So you'll help me?

I can't say I'm not
intrigued, Amanda,

but really...

why should I?

Let's just say
it might not be necessary

for me to raise the rent
on everyapartment.

♪ ♪

Here's the name of the company.

See what you can find out.

We've been on the road
since 6:00 a.m.

You need strength.
Eat something.

I'm not hungry.


I'll get the check. Wait, Jake.

Listen, I know I haven't said
much in the last few hours,

but I want you to know that I
am glad you're here with me,


Me, too.

♪ ♪

Stop her! Stop her!

That woman has my baby!

Everything's okay.


Hey, we're almost there.

Come on.

♪ ♪

Your order's almost up. Thanks.

Listen, you want
a magazine or anything?

I always like to read
when I eat alone.

Oh, no, it's okay.
I'm used to it.

How come?

You new in town or something?

No, I've just been spending
a lot of time alone lately.

Hmm. That's too bad.

What's it like?

The apartment.

Oh. Um, it's clean,

it's in a good area,
it's a one-bedroom

with a pull-out couch.
Um, there's a pool.

I don't know,
it's pretty nice, I guess.


Why, do you know someone
who's looking for a roommate?

Yeah, actually... me.

I've got to get out of
the place I'm in now.

I made the mistake of moving in
with the world's loudest person,

and I work a lot of nights,
being a waitress.

You know what I mean?
Yeah, I know exactly.

I'm a waitress, too.

Is that right? Where?

At sh**t.
It's a bar on Melrose.

Yeah, I know it. Cool place.

So listen,
I'm off work tomorrow.

Can I come by and see it?

Yeah, that'd be great.

Um, here, my number's on this.

Cool. I'll call you.

My name's Rikki.

I'm Sydney.
It's good to meet you.

Good to meet you. See ya.

I don't think
they're here, Jake.

Maybe they took off already.

We should've come sooner.

They could be long gone by now.

Yeah, well,
if we can get inside,

maybe we can find out
where they went to.

This window's
not latched, but...

It's jammed.
Give me a hand with it.


What do you think you're doing?

Uh, heh. Hi.

We, um, we're looking
for the Carters.

They're on vacation.
Who's asking?

We're relatives of theirs. We
were just passing through town,

though we'd stop by
and say hello,

but I guess we missed 'em.

Are they vacationing nearby?

I mean, if they are, we could,
um, go visit them there.

They're up at the lake.
Which lake is that?

Seems to me if you
was relatives,

you'd know which one.

I think you'd best get off their
property before I call the cops.

Oh, hey.
There's no need for that.

We were just leaving.

He knows where the lake is.

Let's just go.
The last thing we need

is to be arrested in their town.

Hey, Billy. What,
Allison not home?

No, she never is.

She's either at work
or an A.A. meeting lately,

and I don't even know
if she sleeps here anymore.

That's pretty typical behavior
when someone gets sober.

The only way they feel they can
take control over the addiction

is to completely
restructure their lives.

Yeah, but to the point
where they exclude the people

they supposedly care about.

Well, for her, dealing with the
addiction is primary right now.

Which, I guess, makes
everything else secondary.

Look, all I can tell you is,

the best way to stay
close to someone

who's going through something like
this is to be 100% supportive.

I have been.

Really? Have you gone
to any meetings with Allison?


It's not because
I haven't thought about it.

You know, she's got
her routine and her friends

and this whole new life
revolving around A.A.

That I'm on the outside of.

Billy, admission is free.

Just go to a meeting
with Allison

and show her that you
care enough

to find out how it all works.

I just never realized
how deceptive it was.

I thought that...

drinking gave me the courage
to tell people off,

to tell them
how I really felt, but...

now I see it for what it was.

You... you can't be honest
with your words when...

When you're slurring them.

I mean, the fact is,
what you're really doing

is being dishonest
with everyone,

including yourself.

So, in my sobriety,
I've made a vow

to be truthful with the people
who mean something to me,

even if that might seem
inappropriate to some.


for instance, there's...

someone who's helped me a lot.

I... I couldn't have made it
this far without him.

Getting sober and meeting him

are the two best things
that ever happened to me.

Hopefully, of course,
he feels the same way.

Thanks for letting me share.

You need to get some sleep.

I can't.

All right, that's it.

Come here.

Come here.

We need to get some rest
so we can regroup.

I can't close my eyes.

It just feels like...

like... I don't know...
Giving up.

Well, that's not gonna happen,
not by a long shot.

After today, it just seems
even more hopeless.

Whatever it takes, Jo,
we're gonna find your son.

I promise.

Jake, I don't know what
I'd do without you right now.

Well, you don't need
to worry about that

because I'm always
gonna be right by your side.

♪ ♪



Only one night, then?

Yeah, we're just
passing through.

Oh, that's too bad.
It's a beautiful area.

Takes more than one day
to appreciate it.

Now that you mention it,
actually, we were thinking

of taking a breather from the
drive, maybe grabbing some RR.

I hear there's a lake up here
that's supposed to be pretty nice.

That'd be Clear Lake.

It's about an hour's
drive north.

Got good fishing
and camping up there.

Great place for the family.

Yeah, I got a friend.

I think he said he's got
a cabin up there.

Maybe I'll look him up. You got
a phone book for the area?

Sure do.

What's your friend's name?


Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Hey, wake up.

We're goin' fishin'.

You didn't sleep well
last night, did you?

How'd you know?

Tossing and turning all night.

So, what's bugging you?

It's nothing to do
with me, I hope.


It's just...

I don't know how anything
fits together anymore.

I go from being
so clear about my sobriety

and so close to you...

to feeling completely
alienated from...

Billy and everyone else
from my drinking life.

You're not the only one
who changes

when you get sober, Allison.

So do the rest of
the people in your life.

Sometimes they roll with it
and sometimes they don't.

The ones that don't
become dead weight.

You either cut them loose
or you drown trying to hang on.


I guess you're right.

Doesn't make it
any easier to face.

And no one says
you have to face it,

not this minute, anyway.

What you need to do

is to get away for a while...

get a new perspective.

Come to Miami with me.
Watch me win the big game.

My treat.

What? When?

The team leaves tonight.


I'd love to, but there's
no way I can leave work

on such short notice.

So I'll have a ticket
waiting for you at the airport.

You can come at the end
of the work day tomorrow.

Stay with me for the weekend.

You don't work weekends, do you?


Good, no excuses, then,
you're coming with me.

Okay, why not?

Nice pool.

Nice place, actually.

Glad you like it.

Um, so your share of the rent
would be $400 per month,

including utilities.

It's quiet, clean.

It's very centrally located.

What are the cons?

Well, the other tenants
can be a little nosey,

and the landlord
is a real wench.

I can deal with people
like that easy.

Any cute guys?

A couple. Good...

'Cause they're
essential to the mix.

So, uh, what do you think?

I like it...

a lot.

In fact...

I feel like I'm home already.

Fine, just make sure
the last of the drug testing

is wrapped up by day's end.

We've already wasted
enough manpower on this.


Hi. Hey.

Thought I'd drop by with
that info you were after.

You feeling okay?

I'm fine. Why do you ask?

I was just asking because
I saw you taking pills.

Oh, well, I have the flu.

But I'm fine.
So what'd you dig up?

I found out about Peter's grant.

According to the hospital
computer files, um,

it doesn't exist.

The bastard lied to me.

And, as a matter of fact,

I ran across
a new research grant

provided by the same company.

Only Peter's not
the one handling it,

Michael is.

♪ ♪

You selfish little worm.

That greeting needs
a little work, Amanda.

Anybody else might think
it's kind of bitchy.

You found out exactly
what I suspected...

The grant was bogus.

Only instead of telling me,
as promised,

you use
the information for what?

A promotion,

country club membership?

Let me tell you something.

If you think you're pulling
this off, you're a fool.

Peter is a serious player.

And what am I, an amateur?

To be honest, yes.

You don't know who
you're dealing with.

He'll squash you,
Michael, like a bug.

Thanks for the tip,

but I can take care of myself.

Unlike you.

You got to get
some rest, Amanda.

You don't look so hot.

♪ ♪

You want to talk
about last night?


Look, I can't handle, you know,

anything like "I'm sorry," or
that you regret it happened.

Not right now. I just can't.

I don't regret anything.

Then what?

Maybe it's the situation,
maybe it's because

I remember what it used
to be like between us,

but I feel close to you, Jo,

probably closer
than I ever have.

I loved being
with you last night.

I really needed it, Jake.

But you know, my relationship
now is with my child.

And emotionally, that's...
That's all I have room for.

Any anti-depressants?


Any medication at all?

Just some antibiotics
I'm taking.

Any use of
non-prescription dr*gs,

recreational dr*gs?

Absolutely not.

All right. That about does it.

We should have the results
of your test back

by the end of the day
tomorrow, Miss Woodward.

And you'll have the company's
overall results as well?

Yes, ma'am. We pride ourselves
on being expeditious.

Well, your company's
been wonderful.

I only wish we had
switched to you sooner

and these tests could
monitor alcohol usage.

We were stuck
with a huge rehab bill

for one troublesome employee.

Hopefully, there won't be
any other substance abusers.

More than likely,
there'll be a few.

In most companies,

2% to 5% of the employees tested

come back positive for drug use.

Well, that's a sad state
of affairs.

I'm fairly certain that
we have a clean staff here.

But it'll be interesting to see
who comprises the 2%, won't it?


What time is it?


Getting tired?


Yeah, me neither.

Where is he? Do they have him?


Maybe we're wrong, Jo.

No, we're not. We can't be.

Jake, they have my baby.

I know it. I can feel it.

And I'm not leaving
until I get him back.



Peter: It's me. How you feeling?

Not much better, to be honest.

This bug is really
starting to wear me down.

But we are going to take

our entire course
of antibiotics, right?

Every last pill.

Yes, of course.


You on your way to work?

Well, I'm trying to anyway.

What are you doing?

Oh, I'm just lying here
thinking about you.

I do miss making love
to you, Amanda.

Do me a favor.

Save that thought
for tonight, okay?

And make it early.

Hang up already.

Hi. Hey, roomie!

Let me get that for you.

Thanks. Where should it go?


Next time, I'll make sure
the junk I buy weighs less.

Junk? This stuff is great.

You like that?

Yeah. Where'd you get it?

Italy. When I was
there last summer.

You can have it if you want.

Oh, no. I just thought
it was neat.

You don't have to... Keep it!

Woman: Rikki!


Hey, guys.

Just set 'em down over there.

Hey, Syd.

This is Trish, Anna, and Becky.


Best pals a girl
could ever have.

Hey, Syd, Rikki's told us
all about you.

The place is great.


They seem nice. They are.

And you're gonna love
having them in your life.

Because you know what?

Not only did you get
yourself a new roommate,

you got yourself
a whole new set of friends.

That's cool.

It's gonna work out
really great, isn't it?

I wouldn't be here
if I didn't think so.

Ready to grab the next load?


He's cute.

Ever do him?

No. Why not?

He looks ripe for the picking.

Uh, I don't know.

I never thought about it.

Well, you need to start
thinking more like me.

'Cause I'm planning
on the two of us

getting into a lot of
trouble together, Sydney.

Peter, what's going on here?

Amanda, come in. Have a seat.

Wow, surprised
to find you all here.

To what do I owe this honor?

Amanda, we have
the drug test results in

and we have some rather
unfortunate findings.

You want to take over from here?

Miss Woodward,

your tests came up positive
for traces of THC,

the active ingredient
in marijuana.

♪ ♪


We ran the test twice.

It's really quite conclusive.

Your employment contract

strictly prohibits
the use of dr*gs on the job.

You leave the board no choice.

We have to let you go, Amanda.

Well, this is ridiculous.

I don't use marijuana.

And there's obviously
been some mix-up.

Peter, you know
I don't do dr*gs.

This was a set-up, wasn't it?

You set me up.

With that... that virus
you said I had

and those pills you prescribed.

What kind of twisted game
are you playing?

This isn't a game, Amanda.

We need you to turn in your
files, keys, and company items,

and leave the premises
as soon as possible.

I thought we had
something together,

that maybe we were
even made for each other,

but this was all
a scheme, a trick?

We're sorry to lose you
here at D&D.

You were once a very
valuable employee.

God, you get off
on this, don't you?

Messing with people's minds,
screwing them over.

Don't blame me for this one.

You did it to yourself.

You clawed your way to the top,

but you couldn't handle it.

You were too weak.

So you turned to dr*gs
as a crutch.

You are lying,
and everyone here knows it.

They're probably
in on it in fact.

Sounds like paranoia to me.

That's an obvious indicator
of marijuana usage.

That's right,
enjoy the moment, Peter.

Because guess what?

This game is not over.

It's my move.

And I'm gonna be handing you
your jewels on a silver platter.

♪ ♪


Come in.

I didn't expect to see you

for at least another hour.

My plane was early.

Well, remind me to send the
airlines a thank you note.

Nice room.

I was afraid you might
not show up, you know,

change your mind
at the last minute.

♪ ♪

I know what I want.

Oh, my God, that's her.

Are you sure?

Hey, we're here.
Yes, sweetheart.


Hello, there.

Oh, my God, that's him.

I knew they had him.

Here, let me get that.


What, they have my baby?
I have to get him back.

No, that's not the way, Jo.

What are you doing? This
is what we came here for.

Jo, look.

Let me go, damn it!

We've got to call the cops now.

They're just gonna take him
away, and you know it.

No. Jo, Jo.

If we don't,
it'll never stop, Jo.

You'll get your baby back, and then
the Carters will come after you.

It's like a crazy circle
with these people,

and you'll be stuck
in the middle of it.

You'll always be looking
over your shoulder...

both of you.

The Carters are guilty
of kidnapping.

We can prove that.

If we go to the cops now,
they'll be arrested.

And more than likely,
they'll be jailed.

With a good lawyer, you'll
probably get custody back.

But I couldn't stand losing
him again, Jake. I couldn't.

The only way to make sure
of that is to do this legally

and then no one can ever
take him from you again.

There's a pay phone
at the bottom of the hill.

Let's drive down and call.


By the time we get back
they could all be gone.

I'm not leaving my baby
out of my sight again.

Please don't ask me
to do that, Jake.

Okay, look.

I'll run down there,
I'll be right back.

You stay in the car,

and we'll wait
till the cops get here.

Stay in the car.

All right.

I want to report a kidnapping,

and I know where
the kidnappers are.

It's a cabin up on Hollow Creek.

I'm about half a mile
from there now.

It's a couple,
a man and a woman.

They're middle-aged.
Name's Carter.

No. There's no
missing persons report.

Come on. Come on.

Who's out here?

Is anybody out here?

You have my baby in there.

Oh, my God.

How did you find us?

He does not belong to you.

You're trespassing.

Now get out of here. Get out!

Stop right there.

Stop her, Dennis, stop her!


Aah! Unh!


She's gonna be okay, right?

She's got a b*llet in her back.

We won't know her chances

till the doctors check her out.

Sheriff, my name is Jake Hanson.

I witnessed the sh**ting.

This man tried
to k*ll my friend.

He shot her in the back.

That is a lie.

And this woman
told him to do it.

That makes her an accomplice.

You prepared to make
an official statement?


Sir, please turn around,
put your hands behind your back.

What are you doing?

That woman tried to
kidnap our grandchild.

It's all right, Marilyn.

Mr. Hanson, we've got to move.

You better pray
that Jo recovers.

You're gonna have me
to deal with.

You think that
Peter drugged you?

Oh, I'm sure of it.

He made me think I had the flu

and prescribed antibiotics.

Only the antibiotics
weren't tetracycline.

I should've listened to you.

You told me to watch my back.

Peter and Caitlin
rolled right over me.

There's something
I didn't tell you.

The night that I dropped off

the performance reports
at Caitlin 's house...

Peter was there.


So they were going at it
like minks in heat.

That son of a bitch.

He not only gets me fired,
he cheats on me, too.

And why the hell didn't you
tell me about this sooner?

Well, I mentioned it to Allison.

Oh, wait, let me guess.

Allison, in all of
her vast wisdom,

told you to stay out of it.

Sorry. I thought it
was the sensible thing

to do at the time.

Forget it.

I mean, at least it's
all starting to make sense.

Peter wanted me out of D&D

so he could move
his latest lover in.

I had an airtight
3-year contract.

He got me to violate the terms.

By failing the drug test.

Help me move this dresser.

I know it's got
to be here somewhere.

Well, if you tell me
what you're looking for,

maybe I can help you.

I dropped the bottle of
antibiotics the other morning,

and a pill rolled
behind the dresser.

I got him, Billy.

I got him.

Your father's so handsome.

What line of work is he in?

He's a businessman.

Owns a couple companies.

That's great.

My dad never owned anything,

except the reputation as the
biggest loser in Athens, Ohio.

I was talking to one
of the other tenants,

and he mentioned
that your sister

owns her own clothing
design business.

Yeah. Jane's the successful one.

There are worse things
than having a rich sister.

Not that she's gonna
hand any of it my way.

Well, your parents must
help you out financially.

No. We're not really close.

Martin says the trouble
with life today

is parents who refuse to take
responsibility for their children.

Who's Martin?

He's this great guy.

You'll meet him.

Is he your boyfriend?

No, he's the leader of this
personal fulfillment seminar

I've been taking.

I guess you could
call him my guru.


How are you feeling?

I'm in the hospital?


Doctor says you're
gonna be fine, though.

I'm sorry, I never should've
left you back at the cabin.

When I saw Carter
with that g*n...

I don't know what
I would've done if...

I'm just glad you're fine.

Jake, what about Austin?

How is he? He's fine.

He's with a social worker.

I want to see him.


There's gonna be
a custody hearing

in a few days back in L.A.

No. No, I can't do that again.

I talked to your lawyer.

Waxman says don't worry.

Just concentrate
on getting better.

Oh, God, Jake, I blew it.

If only I had just
listened to you

and not got out
of that damn car.

Hey, you didn't pull
the trigger.

Dennis Carter did.

Did they arrest him?


He got out on bail
a couple of hours ago.

He's got the home-court
advantage here, but in L.A...

everything's gonna
work out fine. You'll see.

No judge is gonna let your baby
live with the Carters

after what they did to you.

I want to believe that.

Believe it.

♪ ♪

Are you okay?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm great.

I just threw 3 interceptions,

and the Dolphins
are going to the bowl.

What could be better?

I'm... I'm sorry,
I don't know what to say.

Well, don't say anything, okay?

Because I don't want
your sympathy.

What I need is a drink.

No, Terry, no!

We can get through
this together.

Fine, we'll both have a drink.

Don't throw away six weeks
of sobriety on a football game.

It's not just a game, Allison!

It's the playoffs!

The ticket to the Super Bowl!

You wouldn't understand.

One drink is not gonna hurt.

Oh, God, who do you
think you're fooling?

Come on, let's...

Lets make love or go
to a movie, take a walk.

All I can think about
right now is booze.

We'll get through this
one minute at a time,

one hour at a time.


But you better get
these bottles out of here.


We'll get through it, Terry.

What are you saying,
that Peter set you up,

he caused you
to fail a drug test?

He's desperate, Matt.

The man will do anything.

Please, I need you
to get this analyzed.

This is insane.

I wouldn't even believe you
if it weren't

for the other detective
work you have me doing.

Come here, look at this.

I constructed a paper trail.

Something's definitely fishy,

especially Peter handing off
his research to Michael.

I need more than
speculation, Matt.

Unfortunately, most of the incriminating
documents aren't on the computer.

They must be in
Peter's personal files.

The man thinks of everything.

Maybe not everything.

What are you doing here?

You haven't won, Jo.

Dennis and I will never give up.


Even if you win custody now,

we'll keep you tied up
in court for 10 years.

Can't you just leave
me and my baby alone?

That baby is the only thing
I have left from my son...

my son that you m*rder*d
in cold blood.

Get out of here before I scream.

I won't let you have
my grandson, too.

I'd rather see God take him

before I let that happen.

You must've been feeling great.

I just got a call from the lab.

The antibiotic Peter
Peter prescribed for you

was really THC.

I knew it.

The "marijuana in
the brownies" routine.

Can the drug be traced
back to Peter?

Well, it's a
federally-regulated drug,

so, yes, it can be traced.

How long will it take?

Couple weeks.

D&D's board of directors
is meeting in two days.

Amanda, I'm doing
the best I can.

I know that, but without proof,

it's my word against his,

and I'm an alleged dope fiend.

So bluff.

Bluff Mr. Machiavelli himself?

You got to be kidding.

Look, just hit the ball
back into his court,

make him worry.

Meanwhile, I'll keep digging.

Matt, this is a side of you

I've never seen before.

I like it.

Don't push your luck, Amanda.


What's going on?
Why's Marlene crying?

Well, Caitlin fired off

the first round of pink slips
this morning,

and we're still at 30,000 feet.

Told Marlene and the others

that they had 15 minutes
to clean out their desks.

Well, I'm sure I'm next.

I'll get
a jump-start on packing.

Well, don't sweat it.

I had dinner with Caitlin
the other night.


Business or pleasure?

She told me that heads
were gonna roll, but not mine.

I asked her to keep you on, too.


To be honest, I don't know.

I must be a glutton
for punishment.

Excuse me.

Allison Parker.

Terry. Hi.

No. No. I just walked in.

It'll just take a minute.

How are you?


Don't say that.
My feelings haven't changed.

I don't believe this!

We're talking about
your future and you...

take a call from your lover.

I went to the mat for you.

Terry is a friend from A.A.
He's having a bad moment.

I'm sorry. So am I.


We need to talk.

Then you should make an
appointment with my secretary.

Fine. If you don't
mind me telling her

how you've been drugging me.

Drugging you.

I had one of those capsules
you prescribed for me analyzed.

If you had a reaction to tetracycline,
Amanda, don't blame me.

D&D's annual board meeting
is day after tomorrow.

You're gonna go
in front of the board

and publicly apologize to me.

You know, it kills me
to see you like this.

You're gonna tell them
Caitlin's out and I'm in

and that, regrettably, you're
severing all ties to the agency.

Do you really think

that you can thr*aten me?

Do it, Peter, or I'm gonna
hand your head to the A.M.A.,

not to mention
have you arrested.

Scream all you want,
honey. You got no proof.

Besides, nobody's gonna
listen to the sour grapes

of a recreational drug user.


if you'll excuse me.


you've been too good a teacher.

I wouldn't be here
if I didn't have proof.

♪ ♪

We've got big problems.

Now, I don't know where the hell
Amanda got her information,

but she knows enough to ruin
everything that you have

or want, Mancini.

Well, how did this
get to be my problem?

Amanda claims that I
drugged her with THC...

Which you know
that I wouldn't do.

But the only THC
used in this hospital

is signed out to
your research project.

Oh, how convenient for you.

Don't worry. I'll cover for you.

How are we gonna
get Amanda off our backs?

I'm gonna offer her
a financial settlement.

Pay her off?
Money's her weakness.

The only problem is
Amanda's not speaking to me.

Big surprise there.

That's why I need you
to set up the meeting...

Tomorrow night, midnight.

Why midnight?

With all that's gone on at D&D,
Amanda's drug problem,

I can't be seen
talking with her.

And how am I supposed
to get her there?

Use your charm.

But doctor, don't tell her
about the payoff.

I wanna surprise her
with that myself.

Careful, it's hot.

Oh, thanks.

I'm gonna make some calls,

see if everything's running
smoothly at sh**t.

Make sure she behaves herself.

Jake's a great guy.

Yeah, he is.

I wouldn't have made it through
the last few days without him.

I don't know how I'm gonna
make it through tomorrow...

or another custody hearing.

Jo, you'll do it.

And your friends
are here for you.

I'm terrified, Jane.

I have no idea
what's going to happen.

I mean, my life
is so out of control...

I mean, my God,

I can't even protect my own son.

I get him back from Kimberly,

I let the Carters kidnap him.

What kind of mother am I?

Jo... you risked
your life for Austin.

You're a wonderful mother.

It's just... life can
be so unpredictable.

You gotta roll with the punches

and know that sooner or later,

things have a way
of working out.

You know...

I just wanna do what's right

and what's best for my baby,

for his welfare.

Well, then that's what you'll
concentrate on tomorrow.

Austin... and what's
best for him.

♪ ♪


Jake, are you okay?
I was so worried.

I heard that Reed's
father lost it

and started sh**ting
at you and Jo?

Yeah, look, Sydney,
I don't really have time

for an instant replay right now.

Sure, I understand.

I'll see ya.

See ya.

So that's Jake?

Seems like a great guy.

Wow, what a bod.

Too bad you lost him
to another woman.

They're just friends. Jo's
going through hell right now.

Sydney, if he wanted to be
with you, he'd be with you.


I feel much better now.

I didn't say it was hopeless.

You can get him back.


Come to a meeting. Meet Martin.

The last thing
I need is a lecture.

It's not about words.

It's about love.

Syd, I used to be a loser, too.

I didn't have any friends.

Nobody liked me or supported me.

Martin showed me how to make
all my dreams come true.

And it won't cost you a penny.

It's free.

♪ ♪

Allison, I, uh...

almost screwed up back in Miami.

If you hadn't
been there for me...

But I was there.


I just wanna say
I'm sorry. I lost it.

It'll never happen again.

Or maybe it will. I...


we're gonna be there for each
other no matter what, right?

I talked to my sponsor about it.

He hooked me up with a shrink

who handles a lot
of top athletes.

Let's face it, if I'm gonna
keep playing football,

I'm gonna occasionally
lose a game.

I gotta find some way
to deal with it.

I'm so proud of you.

I have something for you.

The minute you walked into
the room at the Twin Oaks,

I knew I wanted to spend
the rest of my life with you.


Oh, Terry, we're both trying
to make changes in our lives.

We're... we're newly sober.

Newly sober, newly married.

Marriage is a big decision.

Keep it as a friendship ring,

token of how much
you mean to me,

whatever you want...

Just keep it.


Allison, you deserve it
for putting up with me.


I can't promise anything.

That's okay with me.

For now anyway.

The couples that shower
together stay together.

I'll tell you what.

I'm feeling pretty clean.
You go ahead without me.


Yeah, Amanda, it's Michael.

You know, you were right.
Burns is out to destroy us.

Well, in your case,
I hope he succeeds.

You want your job back,
don't you?

Why should I trust you?

Because I owe you one.

Because you were straight with me
and... well, I wasn't with you.

I'm listening.

All right, Peter's
palms are greasy,

and I got the documents
to prove it.

The problem is they're
in his personal files.

I thought we could meet at the
hospital, say around midnight.

We can sneak into
his office and copy them.

If this is another one
of your tricks...

Trust me. I got as much
riding on this as you do.

Look, I gotta go.
I'll see you later.

♪ ♪

Amanda can be a snake,
but at least she knew

how to launch an ad campaign.

More than I can say
about Caitlin.

Is this what I think it is?

Oh. Sort of.
You just met the guy!

I probably know more about him
from watching him play football.

I know all I need
to know about Terry.

Well, you're just, uh,

substituting one
addiction for another.

Billy... I wish, as a friend,

you could just be happy for me.

You're a classic co-dependent.

Who made you the expert?

You did.

Mrs. Carter, do I understand
you correctly?

You fear for your life,

perceive Ms. Reynolds
as a threat?

She's unstable.

Anyone with her history
doesn't deserve to be a mother!

Ahem. My client means,
your honor,

is that Jo Reynolds has
repeatedly threatened her

and her husband.

That's a lie.

Dennis Carter, your honor,

is the one who tried
to k*ll Jo...

Not the other way around.

My God, she came to our house,
to our cabin!

She already k*lled our son!

I was just protecting my family!

You hired a woman
to impersonate a nanny

for the sole purpose
of kidnapping your grandson.

She made us think he was dead!

The court gave us custody.

He was ours!

Just stop it!
Just stop this madness!

If you can't control
your client, Mr. Waxman...

Jo, please. No.

My baby is just 8 weeks old.

He's been through hell!

He needs peace.

And if I can't give that to him,

I want you to find
a family who can...

a family who will love him
as much as I do.

No, no, it's a trick!

Your honor, I don't want my baby

to be in the middle
of this unholy w*r

between me and the Carters.

That's how much I love him.

How much do you love him?

Oh... how noble of you, Jo.

You lost custody
three weeks ago.

We are going to take
ourbaby home!

I disagree. Sit down.

Why don't you take your seat,
too, young lady?

Mrs. Carter, you and your
husband have, by your actions,

shown yourselves
to be morally bankrupt.

As far as this court
is concerned,

the sh**ting
of Ms. Reynolds has nullified

the current custody agreement.

Jo, I've been considering
the same solution you suggest.

With your permission,
I'd like to explore it further.

Look, everyone, it's Sydney!

Hi, Sydney. Hello, Sydney.


The meeting's
just getting started,

but afterwards,
I'll introduce you around.

Oh, I don't know
how long I can stay.

I just wanted to...

Well, you can stay for as long
or as short a time as you like.

Choice is yours.

Hi. I'm Martin Abbott. You
must be Rikki's new roommate.

Sydney Andrews.
It's nice to meet you.

It's nice to meet you, Sydney.

Sydney, um...
why don't you sit up front?

Okay. Okay.

We allow people to treat us

the way we think
we deserve to be treated.

If your life's a mess,

don't blame your parents

or your sister
or your boyfriend.

Blame yourself.

Numero uno. Buck stops with you.

If you think you are crap,

people will treat you like crap.

It's mind over matter.

Change your mind...

change your life.

♪ ♪

Let's make this quick.

Just being in Peter's office
gives me the creeps.

Yeah, uh, file cabinet's
over there.

Stop right where you are.


Amanda, breaking and entering.

Getting rather desperate,
aren't you?

Hardly, but I'm willing
to do almost anything

to beat you at your own game.

My sentiments exactly.

Aah! Hey!

What are you doing? Michael!

What the hell's going on here...

Michael... Ow! Ow!

Thought you just
wanted to talk to her.

I changed my mind.

Michael, you set me...
Oh... oh, my God.

That's the drug kicking in.
It causes abdominal spasm.

It must be extremely painful.

What'd you give her?

It looks like a clear case
of appendicitis.

Wouldn't you agree, Doctor?


Open the door. What?

Open the door!

Open it!

Oh, my God... ow...

Peter, why are you doing this?

Just offer her the cash.
Trust me, she'll take it.

I'd love to sit
and chat with you,

but this girl
needs to be operated on.

It doesn't look as though
she's gonna make it.

I'm calling the cops.


You've got a bright
future, Mancini.

We could be running this hospital
together in the next few years...

Two of the richest, most
powerful surgeons in town.

Now, don't be stupid.

You've lost patients before.

One more's not gonna
make a difference.

Nurse: Ready, doctor.

Peter: Let's open
her up, Mancini.


Not me. Him.


Eh... I... I can't do this.

Aren't you the one
who's been bitching

about not getting
enough hours in the O.R.?

How do you expect to join
my Beverly Hills practice

if you don't put in your time?

Now... cut her open, Doctor.

That's an order.

There's nothing wrong
with this patient!

Burns drugged her.
He wants to k*ll her!

Go ahead, check her white count!

Have you lost your mind
or just your nerves?

Get this doctor out of here.
He's clearly unstable!

Yes, sir. Come on, Mancini.
You're calling it a night.

No, you gotta... you gotta believe me!
I'm telling the truth!

I'll make the first cut.

The appendix has to come out
before it ruptures.

Give her a milligram of
minaxolone in an I.V., stat!

Unless you wanna be
an accessory to m*rder.

Nurse: Just do it!

You better get
a plastic surgeon down here.

I think I broke his nose.



Anybody home?

♪ ♪



She doesn't mean anything to me!
Let go!

That's not the impression I got!

She's just some no-name
bimbo who hit on me.

It's part of my addiction.

Oh... how convenient!

Don't take responsibility.

Just blame it on your addiction.

You know what I think, Terry?

You don't want to get better
and spoil all your fun.

You just wanna talk about
being sober and being faithful.

Talk is cheap.

And I'm not.

Allison, don't go.

I need you.

Frankly, Terry,
I don't need you.

Give it to the bimbo.

♪ ♪

Oh, no.

Can't be 9:00.

Where are my clothes?


Where do you think you're going?

I've got a meeting to get to.

Peter injected you
with a very powerful drug.

Now, as your doctor,
I'm telling you

to get back in bed
and sleep it off.

Michael, you don't understand.
My job's on the line.

Yeah, well,
don't worry about it.

I told the cops everything...
Well, almost everything.

Your boyfriend's going away
for a very long time.

Ex-boyfriend. He's going to beat
me if I don't get to that meeting.



Thank you.

Now, don't I get some thanks
for saving your life?

Yousaved my life?

Yes, and got cut doing it.
10 stitches.

Just ask the nurses
in the O.R. Last night.

I was unbelievable, a real hero.

If you say so. Thanks.
Now get me my clothes.

No. I'm not signing you
out of the hospital.

Then I'll get them myself.

So how did you like Martin?

I liked him.
He made a lot of sense.

There's still time to sign up
for his new course.

It probably would be
very educational,

but with my salary
and these measly tips,

there's no way I can
shell out 1,200 bucks.

I know it's a lot
of money, Sydney,

but most people
earn at least $50,000

in the first 6 months after
they complete Martin's seminar.

You're kidding!

One guy I know
earned half a million.

That wouldn't happen to me.

Besides, takes money
to make money.

I understand.
And so does Martin.

Teaching is a labor
of love for him.

Let me talk to him, Syd.

Maybe you can come
to work in the office.

And then when you're able
to contribute, you will.

You're saying I can take the
course without paying for it?

We're just here
to help you, Sydney.

Because we care.

Miss Mills, if you'll
give us a few moments,

I think the board's
about ready to take a vote.



Surprised to see me alive?

Forgive the interruption,
but I have information

relevant to the appointment
of Miss Mills

as president of D&D.

How dare you!

This woman is no longer
an employee of D&D.

Miss Woodward, if you have
a grievance with this agency,

I suggest you pursue it
through the proper channels.

My grievance is with her.

Amanda recently failed
a mandatory drug test.

Oh, I failed the test,
all right,

because her lover,
Peter burns, drugged me.

Are you going to listen to
the ravings of a drug addict?

Peter told me I had the flu

and prescribed antibiotics.

The capsules he gave me
contained THC,

the active ingredient
in marijuana.

I'm calling security.
Here's the lab report.

I'm Michael Mancini,
Amanda 's doctor.

I confirm those results.

The only THC available
at the hospital

was registered
to a research project

I was conducting with Dr. Burns.

What Peter may or may not
have done is irrelevant.

Are you saying you had nothing to do
with his attack on me last night?

What attack?

I'm afraid Dr. Burns
is in police custody,

charged with attempted m*rder,
among other things.

This is unbelievable.

You're right. Pure fabrication.

What's unbelievable

is that Burns' former secretary

can hold herself out
as executive material

and get away with it.

She was his secretary?

Yeah, back in Minneapolis.

And from what I hear,
they were quite close,

both in and out of the office.

Are you going to take the word
of a disgruntled employee

and her boyfriend over mine?

Do you have any proof
of this, Doctor?

No, but I can put you in touch
with a couple of doctors

back in Minnesota who do.

I've proven I can run D&D
better than she ever could.

She's running it
into the ground.

That's a crock, and you know it.

I'm one of the best account
executives in this business.

My record speaks for itself.

That's right. Everybody knows
you're a self-centered,

back-stabbing twisted tramp.

If I'm guilty of anything,
it's trusting Peter Burns

for being what
he appeared to be,

an honorable and decent man.

Like you know anything
about being decent.

I am so sick and tired
of people usurping my power.

Good Lord, doesn't anybody
have a brain in here?

Can't you see what's going on?

Can't you see what
she's trying to do?

I'm not having it!
I will not have it!

♪ ♪


It's up to you to decide
who you want running D&D.

I think it's pretty clear.

Well, even though most of us
here were brought in by Peter,

he's evidently displayed

an appalling lack of judgment.

I don't think a vote
will be necessary.

Miss Mills,

I think you need a vacation...

somewhere else.

You got five minutes to pack up
your office and get out.

One day...

you will all be so sorry
you ever messed with me.

I'm already sorry
I ever met you.

Oh, well. That covers it.


I have nothing to say to you.

Listen, I know
how you must hate me,

but I'm begging you, don't
turn your back on me now,

not after all
we've been through.

Let's talk about what happened.

We'll go to a counselor.

Whatever I need to do to win
your trust back, I'll do it.

It's too late.

Allison, I thought giving you the
ring would keep me faithful,

but I was wrong.

Afterwards, all I wanted to do

was dive on anything
with a pulse.

I don't really
want to hear this.

Allison, I made
an unforgiveable mistake.

But I had to hit rock bottom
before I realized it,

and I do now, and I'm gonna
get my act together.

I swear!

Terry, maybe you can
fool yourself,

but you can't fool me.
Not anymore.

I saw you clearly for
the first time last night.

Allison, please...

Falling off the wagon
and bedding groupies

is who you really are.

You're angry right now.
I'm not angry!

I'm just being truthful.

And the truth is,
we don't have anything

in common except our addictions.

It's over.

Fine. If that's
the way you want it.

Hey, I'm a famous football star,

and you're nothing but
the big loser

in this relationship.

I can have any woman I want.

When I first met you,

I thought you were arrogant,

but... I was wrong.

You're pathetic.

♪ ♪

Jo, with Matt's help,

I've bought you a few
minutes with the baby.

Ohh... thank you.

Thank you, Matt.

May I hold him?

This is highly unusual,
but, uh...

Let Mommy look at you.


I miss my baby so much.

The most beautiful baby
in the world.

If you asked me, I'd say you
looked just like your mom.

What about the family
who's adopting him?

They're good people, Jo.

And I've had you registered
with child services.

When Austin's 18,
he'll know where you are

and be able to contact you.

Could I have a moment
alone with my son?

It'll be okay.


I'll just be down the hall.

I think we'll join her.

See you, guy.

I know you're too young
to understand

what I'm about to tell you,

but I hope that...

maybe in years to come,

like when you're a young man...

you'll remember me.

Oh, Austin...

I'm gonna think about you
every single day

for the rest of my life.

You'll never leave my thoughts,

never leave my...

my prayers.

Please don't hate me for this.

There's nothing I want more

in the whole world
than to be your...

your mommy...

to be with you...

to watch you grow up.

But I have to do
what's best for you.

I'm sorry.

It's time.

You're gonna have
a wonderful life

with people who can
give you all the things

that I can't.

Please don't forget me,
Austin, okay?

Don't forget how much
Mommy loves you.

♪ ♪
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