01x05 - Date Night

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Brothers & Sisters". Aired: September 24, 2006 –; May 8, 2011.*
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Mother Nora is the glue that holds the dysfunctional Walker clan together as family members face a variety of challenges.
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01x05 - Date Night

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
Brothers and Sisters:

My husband had an affair
with that woman Holly over there.

You are so hot.

- Warren. Please. Just...
- Shut up?


Jonathan, I'm missing you badly.
Can I say that even though I cheated,

and I made the
biggest mistake of my life?

This is the lawyer I mentioned.
Kevin Walker, Randy Stewart.

- Hi.
- Hi. I've heard a lot about you.

Have you given more thought
to getting a criminal lawyer?

Talking about the pension fund?
That situation your father left us with.

- Do you have feelings for Holly?
- Beginning of a friendship? Maybe.

Diabetes is a disease
she can live with and live fully.

Dad never stopped caring about what you
did with your life. I stop right now.

They're called Santa Anas.
It's a Southern California thing.

It's these weird, hot winds that blow
out of the desert and into LA.

When I was a kid,
they used to freak me out.

I used to get so scared
that I couldn't sleep alone,

and so I'd jump
into my mom and dad's bed

and I'd hide under the covers.

I wish you could
jump into my bed. I've got an idea.

Pretend I'm not in New York.

Pretend you're sleeping with me again.

The warm wind that's blowing?
It's my breath.

- Oh, Jonathan.
- It'll be good for you.

OK. So you're lying in bed with me

and the Santa Anas are your breath.

And then I'm kissing your neck.

And now I'm moving lower.

- So hot.
- Oh, yeah. Yeah, baby. Hot. Hot.

You're wearing those pajamas
with the little blue flowers.

- How did you know that?
- It's a good guess. Take them off.

- Are they off yet?
- They're off.

Now take off your panties.

See, you're getting into this,
aren't you?

- Are you naked?
- Oh, yeah. Completely.

- You're lying.
- No, I'm not.

Now it's your turn, bucko.
Take it all off.

I know for a fact you're lying.

You OK? I'm sorry!
It was supposed to be a surprise.

Are you crazy?!

Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! You know what?

You are lucky I am the only Republican
who doesn't own a g*n.

- Oh, my God! Oh, no! Mother.
- Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty!

- Mother, it's...
- Jonathan.

Jona... Close your eyes.

I'm sorry, Nora. I just...

I knew where the key was and I just
wanted to surprise your daughter.

- I'm getting a rottweiler.
- I should clean this up.

- Oh, no. Just come kiss me first.
- Oh, God.

David, you didn't have to come.
You could have sent your guys.

Next time something jumps out
of someone's hands and hits the shelf,

- this won't happen.
- Nothing's jumping out.

It was an accident.

Oh, honey, you can't help it
if you're scared of the wind.

- I am not scared of the wind! I'm...
- Ooh, ooh, ooh!

OK. OK. OK, Mother. Enough.

I should go.
I took a suite at the Ritz.

- I'll just get my bags.
- I'll see you later.

- OK.
- I'll bring my stuff over after work.

- Maybe around seven-ish?
- OK.

Jonathan, you should stay here.

Oh, no, it could be for a while.

At least till Kitty convinces me
to move out here for good.

He's gonna be here indefinitely. We are
trying to figure out what we are and...

- He should stay here.
- You don't like him.

You have described him
as being a rabid, free-market,

capitalist sociopath, and a few other
words I won't mention in front of David.

Go ahead. I've heard all
of Nora's expletives over the years.

- Jonathan!
- Oh, no. No, Mom.

They don't get
to choose the buyer, I do.

They've got four minutes
to accept the offer or we walk.

Jonathan? Excuse me.

You know, I would absolutely love it
if you would stay here with us.

Sure. What's your fax number?

- Uh...
- She said what?

I hope you had the good sense
to turn her down. I hope he did.

Oh, Jonathan's no pushover.
He can handle her. How's Paige?

She's fine. I'm a wreck.

I can't talk about it.
I don't want to cry anymore.

You'll start crying,
and I won't stop crying.

- I want to cry.
- Ah. Kevin walked in.

- I'll put you on speakerphone.
- No, no, don't put me on speaker.

- Please, Sarah.
- Jonathan's here.

- Guess where he's staying?
- Where?

At Mom's? You realize Mom called him
"a cruel and ruthless businessman

who'd k*ll his own grandmother
to make a buck. "

- I'm not talking if I'm on speaker.
- He's cooking dinner for everyone.

He cooks?
I thought his kind only hired chefs.

- Wait, who's cooking?
- Uncle Saul and Tommy just walked in.

- Kitty's on the phone.
- Hey, Tommy, Uncle Saul.

- Hey, Kit.
- Hey. Great show last night.

You were right about Israel
and wrong about everything else.

At least we'll always have Israel.

Jonathan's back, he's staying at Mom's
and cooking dinner for everyone tonight.

Wait, your mother
is letting him cook in her kitchen?

She's not entirely aware of it yet.

Good thing Justin knows CPR.

An interloper in my sister's kitchen?
Justin should show with a defibrillator.

- And sober.
- What?

Hey? Hello?
Hey, are you guys making faces?

Come on,
this is why I hate speakerphones.

I'm signing off. See you tonight.

- OK. Bye, Kitty.
- Bye, Kitty.

The lawyer is in the conference room.
She's waiting for us.

I still don't see why we need
another lawyer. We have you.

The difference is
I took a year of criminal law.

- This woman practices it for a living.
- That makes me feel better.

How are things?

Oh, well, things are...
pretty excellent.

Ms. Walker, I'm Amber.
I'm your new intern.

If you need absolutely anything,
just ask.

Hi, Amber. You know,
you can, uh, call me Kitty.

I'm just completely in awe of you.
You're really amazing.

- You're, like, totally my role model.
- Aw, thanks.

Except for, you know, your politics.

Half-caf, half-decaf, skim milk
and The New York Times.

- Perfect. Thanks, Amber.
- Can I do anything else for you?

No. I'm pretty excellent.

- Amber?
- Yeah?

Is this your first day?

No, I started yesterday afternoon. Bye.

Oh, my God. You slept with her.

There's some good news.
None of you have done anything

that can get you in a jail cell. Yet.

Even Saul, who's raised
creative accounting to an art form.

Thank you.

We don't have to call
the attorney and turn ourselves in?

No, but the 's due
at the end of the year.

- Fifty-five hundred?
- The financial statement.

We have to list
all assets on the pension fund?

Or lack thereof. You don't
report the shortfall, it's fraud,

and that's what sends you
to jail without passing "go. "

So what options do we have?

Simple. You need $ million
in the fund by the end of the year.

Where are we gonna find $ million?

- We find out where Dad put it.
- Thanks. I hadn't thought of that.

There's got to be a way
to figure out what William was doing.

Somebody has to know
where that money is.

I can refer you to an accountant
who can work in confidence.

What if the guy can't find the money?

A, sell off major assets
of the corporation.

B, declare bankruptcy.

Or C, falsify the report
and see the inside of a jail cell.

Or D, win the lotto.


Jonathan, you're here. You got
some faxes. About pages worth.

I had to refill the machine with paper.

Thank you, Nora.
You can leave them right there.

Groceries? Do you have some sort of
special dietary needs I'm unaware of?

No. Kitty didn't tell you?
I'm cooking.

- Where?
- Here. Tonight.

I thought it'd be a great way
to say hello to everyone again.

- It's the least I can do.
- Oh, well, that is so thoughtful.

It's completely unnecessary.
I don't think anyone can come.

Hard to get them together
during the week.

Well, as far as I know,
everyone's coming.

- Great.
- Uh, two more bags in the car.

- But no peeking, Nora. It's a surprise.
- Oh! Ah...

You love those surprises.

"Found the hunt thrilling
and business lucrative"?

I don't like that. I don't want to talk
about that. I'd stick with the whiskey.

- That's wonderful!
- Yeah.

I can't believe it.

- OK. That's good.
- Thanks.

- All right. That's good.
- OK. Bye-bye.

Allow me to explain something.

You can't go around screwing women
in the workplace and flaunt it.

You could get sued, fired.
She could get fired.

It's completely irresponsible
and, frankly... gross.

When did you become
the guardian of morality?

Oh, it's not about me, pal.
I couldn't care less.

It's the lefty political correctness
police who are gonna march in

and scream "sexual harassment. "
Then you're screwed.

You care? Didn't your boyfriend come
back and move in with you and Mommy?

I would appreciate it
if you could refrain from listening in

- on my conversations.
- Quit having private conversations

in your irritating cell phone voice
in the workplace.

And for what it's worth,
I haven't slept with her... yet.

And if and when
we do choose to have sex,

it will be an act between two adults.

She's not an adult.
She's a susceptible young intern

who's impressed
with your position and your power

and your ill-informed
touchy-feely politics.

Is nothing about
that scenario familiar to you?

No. Can't think of a thing.

That's it? I'm done?
I'm not going on the stage?

It's a witness stand, and no,
they settled ten minutes ago.

But take comfort that your impending
testimony put the fear of God in them.

I'm crushed. I feel like
an understudy who never got to go on.

- Sorry.
- No, um, I'm sorry for the other night.

- What other night?
- The movies? Two for the Road.

In our case it was four,
if we count your mother and my friend.

Your friend?

You were holding hands. Unless he was
blind, I assume he's your boyfriend.

- You were hurt.
- That would imply I cared.

When can we go out again?

I don't ask guys out twice
who are currently involved.

You understand,
being the poster boy for monogamy.

There is no harm in dating around.
When I'm exclusive, I'm exclusive.

- So are you? Exclusive?
- Well, we're not registered.

And p. s., you were the one who canceled
on me to hang out with your mom.

So I'm the one who should
be offended and a little weirded out.

- OK, fine. How's tomorrow night?
- My boyfriend and I might have plans.

He can come. He's hot. How's : ?

Geriatric. Let's say nine.

It's cassoulet. It's a French
peasant food. It's kind of a stew.

Except that every chef has co-opted
this all over the entire nation.

I'd like to make a toast.

To Nora, who has kindly offered
to endure the encroachment of me

and my business in her lovely home.
Thank you.

- Cheers.
- Nora.

If you keep cooking like this,
you can stay as long as you'd like.

Kitty, could you get some more wine?

No! No, no, no, no, please. Please.

Let me do something. I can't just sit
around and do nothing in my own house.

Oh. Uh...

How do I say "I told you so" in French?

Uh, excuse us.
It's time for Paige's insulin.

- Do I have to?
- Come on. Sweetie.

Wish us luck. Come on, Paige. Come on.

Finally, our peasant has arrived.

- You look so nice!
- Don't you look great?

- Where'd you get the new suit?
- Oh, it's my bellboy uniform.

Thought they'd
give you epaulets and a hat.

- I wore that in Afghanistan, thanks.
- Very funny.

Still the silent treatment, huh?

No silent treatment.
I just don't have anything to say.

Jonathan, what exactly do you do?

- I'm a hedge fund manager.
- Come on! He's being modest.

I Googled you. He's one
of the top managers in the country.

Can't get through his office
with less than five million.

Wow, really? Maybe you
could help me with my .

So your business is making
the very rich obscenely rich.

Nora, finish your stew.

I'm sorry, all right. I'm eating.

I invest wealthy people's money
in companies that need capital.

If I pick well, everybody wins,
including the employees.

Except for the ones on minimum wage.

- Wages are set by the market.
- Oh, here we go.

The wisdom of the almighty market.

Mom, the minimum wage
is a political conceit.

He's not a politician.
He's a businessman.

I know, I know. I guess
this is his idea of clever irony?

Eating like the poor peasants while we
discuss his bazillion dollar hedge fund?

Oh, damn it, Mom.

I'm sorry.

Ow! Stop! No!
Stop, no, it hurts!

It hurts! It really hurt me!

Please, I don't want it!

- Stop! I don't want it!
- Give me this. Give me this.

Let me get over here.
Look me in the eyes.

Look me in the eyes
and make this face. Look here.

Can you make a funny face for me?

You are all done.

You did so good!
Let's bring you back in there.

You did so good.
I'm so proud of you.

Oh, my gosh, you're so heavy.
No more food for you. What?

Show's over.
There's nothing to see. Right?

You did so good!

God, you're getting heavy.
There you go.

It's harder when you're under fire.
I'm gonna get you some Band-Aids.

Are you OK?

Wow. Who was that masked man?

Yes, yes, yes. You're absolutely right!

Oh, my gosh! You're like a contractor
and designer all in one.

I just love this cork flooring.
Who knew?

Thanks for lunch.
Could you move your truck?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

No, David, wait, please.

I want Kevin to see what
you're doing. Kevin, look at this.

David's gonna take out this entire
wall and fill it with French doors.

Wow. That seems expensive.

I might have frames left
from the Sperlings' restaurant.

I love the Sperlings.
How are they doing?

They're opening a restaurant.
They're broke and medicated.

- What are they calling it again?
- Sperlings.

How clever.

You know what? They sent me
an invitation to the opening.

I'm so bad. I completely
forgot all about it. When is it?

- Tonight.
- Tonight?

Oh, no. Tonight? Ohh...

- Kevin?
- What?

- Can I?
- No.

- I can't ask you?
- No.

My son and I are no longer seeing
each other socially. It seems to be...

All right!
I'm not gonna say any more.

Why don't you go with me?
I'm down for a plus one.

- And right now there's no one, so...
- Oh.

Well, that... sure is a good idea.

I mean, I was invited too,

so it wouldn't be like I was your one.

I'm my own one, we would be your
one and my one, just two ones,

you know, going. I could meet you
there, even... would be a good idea.

- Great. I'll go move my truck.
- Thank you.

- What?
- You were just asked out on a date.

I was most certainly
not asked out on a date.

Don't you dare mention this
to your sisters.

- Who?
- Kevin.

- Me?
- Yes.

Cross my heart. Kitty Walker.

That is so incredibly nice of you!

Hi, guys!

Warren is treating me
to dinner after the show.

It's kind of a tradition
after the first week.

- I like to take the interns out.
- Know what? I heard about that.

You've been doing that
since the early ' s.

- Not quite that long.
- We're going to McKendry's.


You know what, Warren,
we ate there once together, didn't we?

I've read about McKendry's
in the magazines, so I'm psyched.

Oh, my God, what am I gonna wear?

You know what? I have an idea. Wow.

My boyfriend and I were gonna
grab dinner after the show.

Why don't we all go together?

- No way. Are you kidding?
- No.

I'm going with both stars
of Red, White & Blue?

Why not?
It would really be a lot of fun.

Oh, my God.
I so got to call my roommate.

- Tell her you're gonna be home early.
- Thirty seconds!

Whoa, whoa. So what? You're the dental
dam of workplace relationships now?

- It's obvious what you're doing.
- What I'm doing?

You're upset so you're getting back
at me by sleeping with the intern.

That girl is gonna get destroyed. I'm
not gonna have that on my conscience.

My wanting to sleep
with Amber is about you

- and not wanting to sleep with Amber?
- Clearly.

Wow. Well,
after you get your head examined,

you might want to check
with your boyfriend,

and see how he feels
about this double date.

- Well, Jonathan is not that insecure.
- Gosh, what a guy.

Hey. You guys see that new intern?

Smoking. Don't you think?

We could sell off the trucks
to shore up the ranch operation.

You won't need ranch operations
if you liquidate orchards.

You think we should sell the orchards?
That's our core business.

- Sarah, how are you?
- Jonathan.

I was telling Tommy you guys

shouldn't be too quick
to sell off the distribution arm.

- Tommy, could I have a word?
- Sarah, don't...

Excuse me, Jonathan.
I need to talk to my brother.

I understand.

- What did you do?
- I'm not an idiot.

I didn't talk about the pension.
If we auction Ojai, I want to make sure

we sell the right parts,
and Jonathan knows...

I haven't decided that.

What do you want to do? You know,
file for bankruptcy? Go to jail?

Back off, Tommy. Do you have
any idea what I'm going through?

I just came from Paige's school,

where the nurse lost my
daughter's blood-testing kit.

I've had two months from hell,
I don't need you undermining me!

Sarah, you're the only one
with the authority to fix this.

You have to own that.

Stop stalling. You have to act.

- Ooh. What are you all dressed up for?
- I'm not dressed up.

You're wearing a push-up bra.

This is not a... It's a French cup.
I got it on sale.

You know, it wouldn't hurt you
to wear a bra every now and then.

I hear you have a date
with David Morton.

I'm gonna k*ll Kevin.
And it's not a date.

I would ask you,
but you're on your way to McKendry's.

You're not the only one
that talks to Kevin.

And I must say, I find it a bit bizarre,
this Darwinian dinner date of yours.

What, do the two of them butt horns
like a pair of rams,

and whichever one is standing
at the end of the evening

- takes you home?
- We're civilized adults,

and Jonathan knows how I feel about him.

I wish he would explain it because
I don't understand the attraction.

You know,
if you feel so strongly about Jonathan,

- why did you invite him to stay?
- I was being courteous.

You were being controlling.
You don't want me to leave.

And if I'm here,
you can pick on me at will.

That's absolutely...
I have been nothing but nice...

- Nice?
- I have been so nice!

Attacking my boyfriend
in the middle of a dinner he made?

A dinner you forgot to tell me about.
You set me up!

While we're on the subject,
why do you do it?

- What?
- Why do you belittle every guy

that I've ever brought home
since, what, seventh grade?

No one on Earth wants you to find
a decent boyfriend more than I do.

But you seem to have a knack
for picking self-satisfied, smug men

who have pathologically
high self-esteem.

Handsome, arrogant,
self-centered Republicans...

Are we talking about Jonathan
or are we talking about Dad?

If I thought you loved Jonathan,
I wouldn't say a thing.

- Hey!
- Hi!

- Wow! You look great.
- Oh, no, you...

You, of course, look wonderful.
You look so different like this.

Not that you don't look great
in your khakis

or whatever it was you were wearing.
I don't remember what you were wearing.

I wasn't paying attention.
I never notice what people wear.

I would be the worst witness. Everybody
tells me. They all just say I'd be bad.


David, oh, you've done
just a wonderful job.

Holy mother of God.

Good evening, Mr. Morton.
Right this way, ma'am.


Saul? You look a little ashen.

- Did you get a bad scallop?
- No. It's not the scallop.

Good evening.

Oh. Uh, welcome back.
Can I get you some cocktails?

- Yeah.
- Yes.

Dry martini for you?

No. No, I'll just have
a glass of red wine. Thank you.

Why don't I order champagne,
since this is a celebration.

Veuve Clicquot La Grande Dame.
Put a second bottle on ice.

Yes, sir. Right away.

Would it be weird
if I took a picture of you two?

- Sure.
- I promised my mom.

Just right there like you are.
Only closer.

It's so funny. The whole world
thinks you guys hate each other.

- Get in the photograph. I'll take it.
- Oh, yeah. Awesome.

Oh. You're... You're getting a call.

It's my best friend, Jill.
I'll be right back.

Jill? We just got here. Oh, my God.
It's like a super nice restaurant.

So, Jonathan, how, uh,
how are you liking LA so far?

I always prefer
to be direct with people.

So let's just identify
the elephant in the room, shall we?

I know about you two.

Well, aren't we modern?

And Kitty is a beautiful,
smart and sexy woman.

So I don't blame anyone
for falling for her.

So I'm thinking pork chops.

Look, Jonathan. You're right.
She is all those things.

But you were wrong about one thing.
I never fell for Kitty.

What happened
between us was nothing.

It was a mistake,
and, uh, we should leave it at that.

Want to go
to Bar Marmont after this?

Oh, you won't feel old or anything.
People of all ages go there.

Oh, it is so hard to decide.

I think I'll have the sea bass.

I'm sorry. I just served the last one.
But the swordfish is wonderful.

- Fine. I'll have the swordfish.
- I will have the same.

- Good.
- Thanks.

There's a lot of mercury in swordfish.
I hope I don't turn into a thermometer.

- If you want to leave, Nora...
- No, no, no, no, no. Why?

Because my brother is with the woman
who was sleeping with my husband?

I'd rather have another
watermelon martini.

Watermelon. Can you believe it?

In my day, martinis were made with gin.
Vodka was the big experiment.

Saul? Would you please stop
looking over there? This is ridiculous.

This is not an easy situation, Holly.

I understand that.

But I don't want to be anxious
every time I go out on a date.

Is that what tonight is? A date?

Well, if such a thing is possible.

Of course it's possible.

- You look beautiful tonight.
- Thank you.

I was beginning to think
I got all dressed up for nothing.

You look the way you looked
in Girls À Go-go.

Girls À Go-go?

- You did not see that movie.
- I did.

No! I wish that I could rent

old movies of you, Saul.

- You're such an enigma.
- The movies would be boring.

Just because you've led a fabulous life,
don't imagine that everyone else has.

I think you
mythologize me sometimes, Saul.

- I'm really very ordinary.
- Hardly.

For a long time,
I didn't know about you and William.

There're probably
so many things we didn't know.

So many secrets
he only shared with you.

We loved each other very much.

That's the only secret I know.


I... I didn't mean to infer
that I could never...

No, no, Holly, please.
I understand. It's all right.

- Want to have another drink?
- Sure.

This time,
I'm gonna have a proper martini.

With me,
coming out was never an issue.

I was gay so quickly there was no use
in arguing with anybody about it.

With you, I imagine it
was more like pulling teeth.

No, I was just
a late-bloomer, that's all.

I didn't come into this world
loving clothes or musical theater.

I was keeping it all
to myself until senior year,

when I hooked up
with Danny MacCullough in his attic.

Why are you whispering?

I'm... I'm not.

Danny's older sister, Abigail,
was best friends with Kitty.

That Halloween Danny dressed up
as a French chamber maid.

- Nice.
- Abigail, no fool, figures things out.

They have a heart-to-heart. Danny tells
everything. Abigail tells Kitty.

- Kitty, bom-bom-bom, confronts me.
- What did you do?

What could I do? I couldn't deny it.
I made her swear a vow of secrecy,

but she told my brothers and sisters.

When I finally told Mom,
she immediately joined

Parents and Friends
of Lesbians and Gays.

No! No "oh. "
I became her cause célèbre.

I was an exchange student
in my own home.

How did you get so cute?

I was born this way.
What's your excuse?

I love this part. When you look
at someone and they don't look away.

Could you please pass the chutney?

Thank you.


Who are you? You couldn't
be my brother, could you?

Not if you're here with her tonight.

And who might you be?

You look like my sister,
but that's impossible.

My sister's husband just d*ed.
And you seem to be on a date.

I am not here on a date.
That is Dave the contractor.

- Whereas you are here on a date.
- If I am, then you are.

No. The difference is
you told me you have feelings for her.

I never told you I had feelings
for Dave the contractor.

We are sitting at that table,
minding our own business.

- What do you want from me?
- Fine. Shut up, then.

We're grown-ups.
I don't want to talk about it anymore.

David, I hope you don't
take this the wrong way,

but would you drive me home tonight?

I seem to have had
too many modern martinis.

Of course I will.

I'm sorry, David.

This is the first date
I've had in years.

I'm just a little bit nervous.

Nora, I hope there isn't
a misunderstanding here.

We've had lunch a hundred times,
and I didn't think this was different.

No! Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no.

Oh, I was teasing.
It was a joke.

I don't know where
my comic timing is tonight. Gone.

I just gave her the sh*t
and read her a story,

and you're not being charged.

Thank you. You know, after witnessing
your miraculous talents the other night,

I figured Paige
would appreciate the surprise.

Well, there's more
where that came from.

- What's that?
- This is saline solution.

- Don't worry, it's harmless.
- Is it for Paige?

Nope. It's for you.
You're gonna inject me.

You haven't given her
a sh*t yet, have you?

She's my daughter.
I don't want to hurt her.

You're gonna hurt her. The first
times you're gonna hurt her.

After the th time,
you get the hang of it.

After a month, she won't notice. You're
never gonna get there if you don't.

So come here.

The first thing you do is grab the skin.

Go perpendicular,
but the trick is to prick fast and deep,

like you're popping a balloon.
You got it.

- Fast and deep?
- Mm-hmm.

- How was that?
- Awful.

But I have some more saline solution,

so you get two or three
more sh*ts at this.

- Justin, you're...
- The greatest brother in the world.

Blah, blah, blah. I want to make you
guilty for the times you dressed me up.

That wasn't me. That was Kitty.

I just painted your toenails.

- OK. Just easy.
- Pop like a balloon.

Jonathan, please. You have
been on the cell phone all night.

I'm trying to apologize. I'm trying
to explain what happened. I...

Do you want to talk about it?

Want to talk about our date
with that jerk you slept with?

Want to talk about taking me to
the restaurant you went to with him?

I expected that crap
from your mother, Kitty.

- So what's the deal? Is it genetic?
- I'm sorry. You're right.

I have done everything
I could do to make this work.

I keep waiting for some
good faith effort from you.

- What I get is tonight.
- I'm so sorry.

- I'm trying the best I can. I don't...
- All this stuff.

Your job, living in two separate cities,
Warren, your family.

We could get past all of that.
I'm not sure that is the real problem.

Maybe we're the problem.

I'm still on New York time.

Let's get some sleep.
We'll talk about it in the morning.

I never know what
to do after a date in LA.

People drive around,
but that's what everyone does all day.

With the cost of gas...

Or you can go to an outdoor mall
and walk around,

but I always get depressed that
I'm not in a real city like New York.

Well, it's late,
so I'll take you home.

I don't know what happened in there,
but it was just a kiss.

I got a little anxious, that's all.

Before you say anything, this
has nothing to do with me being gay.

I'm not comfortable with public
displays. I wouldn't if I was straight.

That's impossible to know.
Don't believe you.

Some of us were raised
in a more reserved world, Scotty.

You're not reserved. You're
tangled up in your own h*m*.

Wow, you really don't know me.

What's not to know?

Your mother is a friend to lesbian and
gay people. I know you're out at work.

You go to benefits
with lots of other gay men

where you kiss on the cheeks. And I'm
sure you get lots of phone numbers.

When you get home,
more nights than not, you're alone.

The one place you don't feel comfortable
and secure is in your own skin.

I can read you like a comic book,
Kevin Walker, two pages at a time.

- Can I tell you what your problem is?
- Fire away.

You're impatient.

If you did understand me,
you'd know not to kiss me

in the middle of an Indian restaurant
while I'm working on curry.

All you had to do
was wait until we got to the car.

Let people mature on their terms.
And no,

you didn't just compare me
to a comic book.

But I love comic books.

Come on. I'll drive you home.


Can't sleep?

Stupid wind. What are you watching?

Little Women.
It's the original. It's almost over.

I'm sorry I picked a fight
with you earlier.

I've forgotten about it already.

The whole evening is a haze
of alcohol and mortification.

Do you remember that speech you made
about how you hate all my boyfriends?

Yes. Only because
I practice it so often.

Well, I need your help, Mom.

I, um...

I don't know what to do about Jonathan.

What if he's another guy that I picked
because he looks good on paper?

Or we look good on paper?

To be fair,
he looks pretty good in a towel too.

Do you really think
that I don't love him?

Kitty, I think you love Jonathan
the most when he's about to leave.

- Hmm.
- Tell him the truth, Kitty.

It's the best advice a mother could
ever give because it's always right.

Do you know what the truth is?

- No.
- Well, I can't help you there.

- Thanks.
- OK.

When did you see Jonathan in a towel?

I opened the door
without knocking once.

You've got to stop thinking
of Ojai as a fruit company.

The orchards,
the processing plant, the canneries.

The margins on all of these are too low.
The gold mine is your distribution.

Though it's percent of your business,
it's the percent you're great at.

Sell the orchards.
Make it contractual in the sale

that they use Ojai as their distributor.

I had my boys work up
a spreadsheet with growth.

- Take a look, see what you think.
- Sarah, tell me. Are you on board?

Jonathan went through things
with me last night.

I can't argue any of it. It's
kind of brilliant in its simplicity.

I'm sorry to reorganize and run.
Got some business myself.

I can't tell you how lucky we feel
to have you helping us with this.

- It's been a pleasure.
- Thank you.

Oh, come here. Thank you.

I've never been crazy about any
of Kitty's boyfriends, but you, I love.

I'll be right back.

You were right.
I was afraid to make a decision.

This is gonna cause a lot of pain
and I just wasn't up for it.

Seems to be a recurring issue
with me at the moment.

We all have issues.

For instance, I have a hard time
accepting how handsome I am.

You have an issue
with your little brother.

- That's between me and Justin.
- He really needs you.

- Sarah, don't. Not today.
- OK. OK.

So, um... we have to tell the employees.

- I'll take care of them.
- Thank you.

You got to tell Mom.

How am I gonna do that?


I... I wanted
to apologize for last night.

Why didn't you just call?

I felt like I should say this in person.

I assumed things
about you I had no right to.

I'm judging you for air kissing people
at benefits I don't get invited to.

Frankly, I couldn't afford them.
What I really want to say is,

I like you and I feel completely
and totally out of my league.

Frankly, I feel like such a loser
when I'm with you.

That's a whole other conversation.
My homework.

Scotty, stop talking.

You were right. About everything.

And frankly, I'm relieved you're not
as wildly evolved as you seem.

It can be very... intimidating.

We're doing that "not look away" thing
again you like so much.

Hi, Mrs. Berrymen.

OK, thanks.

I'm kidding. Get in here.

Hey. How was your meeting?

- It ran a little long.
- Who was it with again?

Just some old friends. They have
a company that needs some help.

- And did you help them?
- I don't know.

Sometimes I have to remember that
not all businesses want to be saved.

And the hardest thing
is knowing when to give up.

That's what you want, isn't it?

Now I know.

I don't want to be with you, Jonathan,
just because I don't want to be alone.

We go out for dinner
and we talk about politics

and we talk about business
and it works.

But it's like the difference
between looking good and feeling good.

It's funny because all this time
that's what I've been trying to do,

is make you feel good.

It's not your fault.

I just have to figure out
how to be on my own.

I don't think you'll have
any trouble being alone, Kitty.

What you need to figure out
is how to let somebody in.

I should pack.

- Hey, Mom.
- Hey.

- I saw the light on.
- You scared again?

No. No, I'm not scared.

Well, this book would scare you.

The things this government does
in the name of democracy.

Mom? Not now.



He's gone.

You know what? Sometimes the fairy tales
I read to you when you were a kid,

it was so hard
because I knew they were not true.

Mom, you never read us fairy tales.

You read us op-ed pieces
from The Times.

I... I read you... Oh, you kids
never remember anything right.

Never gonna get used to that.

- Want to stay here tonight?
- Can I?

Of course you can. Come on.


Come here. There you are.

Close your eyes.

Oh, listen to the wind.

It's just the wind.

It's not a monster.

We're safe.
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