01x09 - Mistakes Were Made (Part 2)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Brothers & Sisters". Aired: September 24, 2006 –; May 8, 2011.*
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Mother Nora is the glue that holds the dysfunctional Walker clan together as family members face a variety of challenges.
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01x09 - Mistakes Were Made (Part 2)

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
Brothers and Sisters:

- Hello. Just getting in from your date?
- Rebecca is my father's daughter.

- She's not.
- Why did adding her initials to ours

unlock the accounts
I have been trying to open for months?

If he knew I was having his child,
he would be compelled to leave you all

and I couldn't have that.
So I told him it was someone else's.

I just got a letter from the Army.

- What does it say, Justin?
- They want me back.

- Not going back is a felony.
- I don't care. I'm going to Mexico.

- Justin!
- What do you need?

- The usual.
- Justin, wake up!

- This is my fault.
- It's his fault.

...need an ambulance right away.
- Justin? Oh, Justin, please.

We're in your hands, Lord.
Look after us. Amen.

- Amen.
- Amen.

Here, will you pass that?

- Justin, what's the matter?
- Nothing's the matter.

- You want to say something?
- Yeah, I, uh...

I enlisted today.

- Enlisted in what?
- In the m*llitary.

Is this like that time you wanted
to be a roadie for Linkin Park?

- Yeah, or open the brewery.
- Or the karate school.

- "Dude. It's called a dojo. "
- Guys, I'm serious.

I went to
the recruitment office and joined.

As in the Army? The actual Army,
guys with missiles and tanks?

- It's too soon to be making jokes.
- Yeah, it is.

He's not joking.

The recruiter says they're
getting volunteers and...

- No. No, I'm sorry, but no.
- No what, Mom?

You're not going.

Dad, would you explain to her?

I understand wanting to serve your
country. It's a noble instinct...

It's not an instinct. I'm doing this.
No one's gonna stop me.

The hell I'm not. I will not have
a child of mine putting themselves

in harm's way because they're
caught up in nationalistic fever.

I may be your son,
but I'm not your child.

I'm an adult.
I make my own decisions.

Come on. You don't carry credit cards.
Think you're old enough to carry a g*n?

I'm three years older than Dad was
when he joined the Army.

That was a completely different time.

Know what? We talked about this.

You said that we need to do something,
we're not safe.

She's a radio personality.
Half of what she says she doesn't mean.

You're serious about this?

Yeah. I bought a plane ticket and I'm
reporting to Fort Bragg next Friday.

Then Godspeed.

- What? Dad! You cannot...
- What?!

Mom? Mom?

- Mom.
- What?

Are you OK?

Yes, I'm just making
my market list for Thanksgiving.

- Thanksgiving's a week away.
- I know,

- but when I'm nervous I make lists.
- Mom, he's gonna be fine.

- Doctor's here.
- This way. Through this door.

Dr. Harris, please report to the...

- Hi. He'll be OK.
- Really?

We pumped his stomach,
gave him naloxone.

It's gonna keep him out of it
for the next to hours,

- but he should make a full recovery.
- Thank you, doctor.

You are a doctor, aren't you?
You look so young.

- He looks...
- I discharge him tomorrow.

- What's his living situation?
- He's coming with us.

Good. Keep a close watch on him
for the next few days.

I'm recommending
the following rehab facilities.

- Thank you very much.
- Thank you.

"New Horizons, Sunset Acres,

Bradley Ridge Detox and Spa. "

Maybe we can get a family rate.

Using the password we discovered,
your father's account

contains shares of a holding company.

- Holding what?
- -acre parcel near Firth, Nevada.

it's in the middle of the desert.

We're estimating its value
at less than one point two million.

If the land's worth a million,
where's the my father borrowed?

The land is worth one point two million,
but it looks like your father paid .

Great. He'd have been better off
buying swamp in Florida

- or a bridge in Brooklyn.
- Thank you for your diligence.

Step into my office and
I'll give you a check for your services.

- With any luck, it won't bounce.
- Thank you.

Yeah, thanks.

I know a firm.
They can recommend a good realtor.

- Give them a call.
- No. I don't want to sell it. Not yet.

Whatever Dad might have been,
he wasn't stupid. He knew land.

He bought orchards
up and down the West Coast.

His judgment failed
when he moved investments inland.

- Right.
- I'm not signing off on any sale

until I see it. I'm sorry.

As VP, he has to consent
the conveyance of any asset

- valued over a million.
- I'm a mother.

I'm responsible for yams
at Thanksgiving.

I don't have time
to road trip to Nevada.

It's five hours each way.
We'll be back by dinner.

As company president,
you do have a fiduciary obligation

- to make an informed decision.
- No.

- You do.
- Stop saying legal things

just to piss me off.

- OK, if I'm going, you're going.
- Fine. I love road trips.

- And driving.
- Still love them.

- Both ways.
- I hate road trips.

Box him in. Ask him about
UN sanctions for North Korea...

Stem cell research.

You know this is a -minute interview?

Ask the senator about his divorce.

- Is this interview-by-committee?
- It's McCallister's first

since splitting from his wife.
He shouldn't get a pass

because he's being interviewed
by a fellow Republican.

- Divorce is not news.
- Messy divorces are news.

This one was messy.
The guy's the best looking man

in a -square-mile radius of D.C.,
and his wife left him

- for his chief of staff.
- She found him in bed with the nanny.

- So she says. The nanny denies it.
- See? News.

He's a decorated vet of the Gulf w*r,
two-term senator,

and not to mention frontrunner
for vice presidency.

Yes, of course,
I'm going to ask him about his divorce.

Knock them dead.

Hey. You OK?

There's been some talk around these
parts of you acting like a Republican.

- Oh. You mean bitchy?
- You said it, not me.

It's my brother Justin.
They called him up

and they're sending him
to Iraq this time.

- Oh, God, Kitty. I'm sorry.
- Yeah.

- Is there anything I can do for you?
- Yeah.

Yeah, you can find a way
to withdraw from Iraq.

- Come here.
- Thanks.

Whit wants you
to ask McCallister about his...

Oh. Um...

- It can wait.
- Amber, it's...

I'll go to your loft
and get you some clothes.

As a matter of fact,
I'll take everything.

From the looks of things, they haven't
seen a washer or dryer in months.

I can stop by the video store.
Want anything?

Yeah. Black Hawk Down.

Nice to see attempting su1c1de
has not hurt your sense of humor.

I didn't attempt anything, Mom.

It's called overdose
because I overdid it.

Tear my head off and get it over with.

Go upstairs, lay down.

When you feel better,
then I'll tear your head off. I promise.

Mom? Mom?


I hate it when you do that.

You're not the final say in this house,
not when it comes to my children.

- His mind is made up.
- No, it's not.

You have to talk to him.
He's not ready for this.

- Neither was I!
- William, he's not you!

He doesn't have your strengths,
he doesn't have your capability.

I'm doing this.

I'm going, Mom, and there's
nothing you can do to stop me.

Wow. When did Ojai Foods
get into the pie-making business?

Do you think these pies
bake themselves every year?

I do the baking and then cooking,
stuffing and potato-mashing

on the day of.

Besides that, I just wanted this
to be a special Thanksgiving.

It's the first one without your father
and the last one before Just...

I just wanted to bring my A-something.


I have an interview
with Senator McCallister,

but when I come back,
I'd love to help.

Oh, Kitty, sweetie-pie, I don't know
how to say this delicately,

- but I'm not cremating anything.
- You know, I'm an excellent cook.

In fact,
some people even call me a chef.

Some with a really
good sense of humor.

So... you're OK? We're OK?

I'm OK. And we're more than OK.

Just go do your McCallister interview,
and don't forget to ask him

- if he slept with the nanny.
- Oh, Mother, not you. It's not news.

No, no, no. But it's very interesting.



You don't always have to be strong.

I'm not.

They're gonna take my boy.
They're gonna take my boy.

No, no. We're gonna do something.
Kevin's gonna do something.

No. No, he came by earlier this morning,

about four pies ago.

There's nothing he can do
to keep Justin out of it.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

He has to report in two weeks
or they're going to arrest him.

I don't know how I can do this again.

I was afraid to answer the phone.

I was afraid they were calling
to say that... I don't know.

God, how many times
do I have to lose my boy?


This is ridiculous.
Country, light country and static.

- Pick the static.
- What CDs do you have?

- Kevin, you are such a cliché.
- What did you expect, Ludacris?

- OK, Apocalypse Now.
- Is that a band?

Cinema. Last man standing gets
to control the dial for the whole trip.

Whale Rider. Apocalypse Now
ends with a "W", so Whale Rider.

A movie that starts with "R," Kev, go.

- I know the rules, Einstein.
- Just go.

Rambo: First Blood Part II.

No sequels. I'm gonna come up
with a movie that begins with "two"?

- Fast Furious.
A Space Odyssey.

- What's that smoke?
- Don't think that's a movie.

Doesn't start with "two".

No, there is smoke
pouring out the front of your hood.

- Oh, God.
- It's OK. I have this under control.


If only to prove to you two
I'm not a cliché.

- Oh.
- No one panic.

I'm going to stretch my legs.

He's gonna get himself k*lled.

Pouring water in the radiator.
He'll be fine.

I'm talking about Justin.

He can handle himself.
He's not a baby.

- I didn't say he was.
- But you treat him like one.

You all do. You complain and worry
and don't see you're responsible.

- How am I responsible?
- We all are.

Every self-destructive thing
he's ever done, including enlisting,

he did to prove that he's
not the baby of the family.

Cliché that.

You were saying?

Excuse me. Senator McCallister,
hi, I'm Kitty Walker.

- Call me Robert.
- Really?

Hell, no. Campaigned through a primary
so people would call me "senator. "

- Give me the room.
- Sure.

I just came in to introduce myself
before the interview,

and is there anything else
we can get you?

Three more votes on my bill
to stop funding of stem cell research.

It's already been stopped
for the last six years,

- except the existing cell lines.
- You're one of those Republicans.

Why? Because I support
federal funding for stem cell research?

You support federal funding
of issues which are not federal.

There's a reason they say
our spending is out of control.

Why is that?

They're right. I mean, why can't
the states who are in favor of it

fund it? We did in California.

I'm not sure that America
is ready for us to run the country

like we run California.
Not even Californians.

Isn't this more fun
than asking me about my divorce?

I don't know. I haven't asked you
about your divorce yet.

OK, I have an idea.

How about instead of grilling me
on my private and intensely painful

public divorce on television,
I take you out for an espresso?

An espresso?

Look, this is my first on-camera
since Courtney and I split.

If I can get a bye here, it allows me
to establish myself as a senator

- and not an ex-husband.
- Right, but you are a senator

and an ex-husband. Talk about both.

I will. But I promise you my
thoughts on immigration won't be

the pull-quote from the AP
or the clip downloaded on YouTube.

It'll be what I say about Bridgette.

- I'm assuming Bridgette is the nanny.
- You've never been divorced, have you?


Believe me, there are days
when you wake up

feeling like a failure at the one thing
you've worked hardest at

in your whole life.

And today is one of those days.


Come on. Isn't there anything
I can say to persuade you?

It's the weirdest thing.
It just d*ed.

It didn't just die. It overheated, you
did something to it and then it d*ed.

You drive this thing into a lake?
The engine's flooded.

- With water.
- With Evian.

- Put it in the fill hole.
- No gay jokes.

- You poured water into the oil pan?
- How long is this gonna take to fix?

Three, four hours tops.
We'll have to flush the engine.

There's a sandwich shop nearby.
They make a mean patty melt.

Oh, come on.
That was an innocent mistake.

- You still love road trips?
- Hey, Joe, it's me.

I'm going to be longer than I thought.

Will do.

Thank you very much.
That's all we have time for.

- And we're out.
- So when does this air?

Tomorrow night. Don't worry.
You were great. Thank you very much.

- Thank you. Take care.
- You too.


- Good luck to your brother.
- Thank you.

- What was that?
- What was what? I thought it was great.

Yeah. For him. Did you completely
forget about the divorce?

And "Good luck to your brother"? How
does he even know about your brother?

- Kitty, tell me you didn't?
- Didn't what?

Didn't ask for a favor
concerning your brother.

You didn't jeopardize your integrity
and this program in one fell swoop.

- Warren, that is... I didn't.
- Just tell me you didn't.

I didn't.

What is this?

A letter I downloaded off the Internet.

"I have decided
to withdraw my choice of enlisting. "

Justin decided to withdraw?

He needs to send that in
before reporting for active duty.

But he actually
hasn't sent it in yet.

He won't do it if I ask him,
but he will if you ask him.

- No. No, Mom. I won't do it.
- Please. Please.

He's making a terrible mistake.

I actually don't think
he is making a mistake.

If he is, well,
then it's his mistake to make.

You can't actually agree
with him going off to w*r...

- Mom. We are not at w*r yet.
- Oh, please!

We were att*cked. This country's gonna
b*mb something. The American way.

That's right. We were att*cked.
And now it's time to strike back,

and I am very proud of Justin for being
so patriotic that he wants to be a part.

This isn't your show. This is
your brother we're talking about.

How do you know that enlisting isn't
actually going to be what he needs, Mom?

Dad is talking about
how the Army taught him discipline.

And what good is discipline
if you're not alive to have it?

Mom, this might just be what Justin
needs to turn his life around.

There's a reason
the greatest generation was veterans.

It was different! You said so.

How is it different?
Our way of life is being att*cked.

Justin is trying to protect
and defend all of those rights

you taught us to value.

- I know what's right for my son.
- I'm sorry,

but I don't see it that way,

and more importantly,
neither does Justin.

He just wants
to be a part of something, Mom.

He is a part of something.

He is a part of this family, and even
if you don't appreciate that, he does.



Is it hopeless?

- Justin or the car?
- Both.

- There's a fix for the car.
- What about those rehab resorts?

We were taking him.
Isn't that the plan?

It was until I found out the m*llitary
insists on treating Justin.

While angry insurgents fire at them?

That's how he got into trouble
in the first place. Doesn't make sense.

When this w*r starts making sense,
let me know.

Good as new.

I even changed your spark plugs for you,
free of charge.

OK, $ , right?

- No. Cash. We're cash only.
- God.

Why didn't you
tell us this four hours ago?

You weren't paying four hours ago.

Besides, the signs
have been here the whole time.

- Do you have an ATM?
- The nearest one's in Ruby Valley.

I wouldn't recommend walking.
The car rental place takes credit.

Wait a second. You can use
a credit card to rent the car,

- but not to get the car you own?
- They take credit.

- You know what you...
- Shut up!

Whit, I don't want to do a piece on what
Thanksgiving means to Republicans.

That's not what I want
to talk to you about.


Amber has brought a matter
of some concern to my attention.

OK. What's the concern?

That you went easy on the senator
in return for a personal favor.

Wow. OK, well, Amber,

can you tell me where
and from whom you got that idea?

Are you saying you did?

I'm saying it's not professional
and responsible

to make accusations without any proof.

You didn't ask about his divorce...

When you conduct the interviews,
you can decide what gets asked.

But do you have any knowledge
of McCallister throwing me any favors?

- No, but I know...
- No. No.

I'm a little confused
as to what we're doing here then.

Sorry, Kitty.

Can I talk to you for a minute, please?

Two hours and you have
to go tattle to your little girlfriend.

- What are you talking about?
- Whit called me.

He's accusing me
of bribing McCallister.

- Kitty, I didn't tell Whit any...
- You told Amber.

I told her what I thought.
Didn't think she'd say anything.

- Really? Little Miss Blonde Ambition?
- Besides, you denied it.

You told me you didn't do anything.
You telling me something different?

All right.
When Justin went away, I went away.

I went to New York.
I missed the holidays without him.

I missed the meals without him.

I missed all the fights my mother
and my father must have had.

And that was when we were winning
the w*r. That was when the...

When we knew
what we were fighting for.

Now it's more dangerous than ever
and he's going back and I'm here.

And my mother, who is so strong,
she is so heartbroken.

So, yes.

Yes. Of course I asked
McCallister to help me and he said no.

So I thought if I did him a favor
and didn't ask him about the divorce,

that maybe he could help me.

I thought maybe
he would change his mind.

And you know what?
I don't care if it was wrong.

I did it for my brother, for my family.

And you know what?
I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I just...

- We got a problem.
- What?

No motels in this town.
No motels, no hotels.

Closest thing is miles away.

That island on Lost has more
civilization than this place.

- Where you going?
- If I'm gonna sleep in a rental car,

- I'm not gonna do it sober.
- No! Whoa! Sarah!

Now is not the time to get your buzz on.

Oh, wow.
This is straight out of A Few Good Men.

More than a few.
Three beers, please.

I thought you wanted to get wasted.
Three bourbons too. Thanks.

- To William's folly.
- Come on. Could you show some respect?

Sorry, Tommy, but parentage
isn't a free pass to cheat and steal.

- Look, I know, but...
- He was also our dad.

To William. Cheers.

Excuse me, ma'am.

We don't get too many
civilians in here. Are you lost?

- I might be.
- She's not.

- Sorry. You her boyfriend?
- Brother. Plus, she's married.

In case you hadn't noticed,

there's, like, the entire
nd Airborne in here.

So I'm sorry. He gets a little
protective. Has done since puberty.

I wanted to see
if the lady wanted to sh**t pool.

Actually, the lady would.

Don't worry, Tommy. It's only a game
of pool. My virtue will remain intact.

Excuse me.

Don't worry about that, man. Dan's just
happy to see a woman out of uniform.

Life on the base is pretty much
a l sausage fest.

That sounds pretty...

That sounds pretty horrible.

- Hey.
- Hi.

- You're alive.
- Are you?

Oh, this. I had a run-in
with some siding. The siding won.

David, please, come in.
This is a surprise.

A very nice one, but unexpected.

I'm sorry to just drop by like this.
But things were left unresolved.

No. I'm so sorry, David. I'm so sorry.

It was a lovely, lovely evening,
but things happen with...

Life happened and I got distracted.

Well, I get that. Life happens.

Why don't you tell me what's going on?

I've got five grown children
and two grandchildren

and a house full of problems
I can't quit thinking about.

Well, then maybe
you're not supposed to.

You're so sweet, David.

I really think you should run screaming
from me as if you were on fire.

No. You're not getting off that easy.

I don't ditch friends because
they're going through a patch.

- Friends.
- That's what you want, isn't it?

Yes. Yes, I truly do.


- So we're OK now?
- Yes.

Yes, we're great.

Don't be a stranger. I don't want you
to feel every time you come

you're always required
to nail something.

I didn't say that right, did I?

Sure you did.

- I'll be around, Nora.
- I hope so.

Hey, you're back.

So where did you put that letter?

- What letter?
- The form letter.

The one you were trying
to get Kitty to get me to sign.

- Yeah, you're busted, Mom. She told me.
- I'm sorry, Justin.

It's cool.
I just want to see it, that's all.

I've been doing some rethinking.

Well, that's great. I threw it out.

Kitty told me you wouldn't
be interested, so I threw it out.

You sent it in already.

I knew you would
eventually change your mind.

What are you doing?

I'll call the recruiter
and tell them to ignore that letter.

- Justin.
- I should've done this long ago.

Kitty knew. She knew the only way
she was gonna have a life

- was to get away from you.
- I want you to have a life.

That's the whole point. Please.

I don't want you to do something
I know you will regret.

You know, right? You know what I
should do and how I should do it, Mom!

Because you're my whole life.

No, Mom. I'm your son.
I've got my own life.

You Shook Me All Night Long]

- Where'd you learn to break like that?
- Three brothers and a dad.

You done having... fun yet?

I love this song.

- Come on. Dance, Tommy.
- Could you just k*ll me instead?

Yeah, baby!

- Your sister has how many kids?
- I honestly don't know anymore.

- How about you?
- No, I don't have any kids.

I don't envision that happening anytime
soon because for one thing, I'm gay,

so an unplanned pregnancy
isn't really a risk for me.

For another,
you need to be in a relationship,

and my boyfriend
just broke up with me so...

So you're single?

I was hoping you'd say that.

Good news. No, great news.

I've got a line on a place
for us to crash tonight.

You're incredible.

We come to an Army bar
and he gets laid.

Well, not yet, but I am working on it.

You're either about to do something
very naughty or you already have.

What gave me away?

The night before you cheated
on Mrs. Worthington's spelling test,

you ate a whole pint.

You remember every bad thing
I've ever done, don't you?

I remember every bad thing
we've both ever done.

Well, I've got a new one.
One for the record books.

I, uh...

I tried to bribe
the senator to help Justin.

To get him out of the m*llitary?

Yeah, I thought that he'd be able
to help Justin and get him off the hook.

And me too, I guess.

It wasn't your fault
that Justin enlisted. It was mine.

- What are you talking about?
- I pushed him.

He was about to change his mind
and I pushed him the other way.

And I blamed it on you.

I was too angry and scared
to blame it on myself.

No. No, Justin would
have never enlisted if I hadn't...

You're both crazy.
I enlisted because I wanted to.

I went back and forth about a
thousand times in my head before I went,

and nothing anyone said or did
was gonna change my mind.

It was the best and worst decision
I've made in my life.

But you know what? It was my choice.

So I'm not gonna fight the recall.

I'm going back.

- Whoa.
- Oh, oh.

I feel like Nick Nolte's mug sh*t.

That's what happens when you
do Jell-O sh*ts with enlisted men.

If we're not as chipper as you are, Kev,
you didn't sleep on the floor.

That's right, Tommy.
I certainly did not.

"One day, son,
this will all be yours. "

OK, Tommy, miles,
two cars later, are you happy now?

Yeah, come on, Tommy. Let's go.
We've got a long trip ahead of us.

I don't get it.
How could he be this stupid?

- No, how could you be?
- Screw you!

- OK, let's calm down!
- I'm sick of her cracks about him!

I don't care about the mistakes
that he made. I don't care!

- Fine.
- All right, he was our dad.

- Not just ours.
- Excuse me? What?

What exactly does that mean?
You just said, "not just ours. " What?

He had another kid.

With Holly.

Remember that photo we found
up at the ranch? That was her.

Her name's Rebecca.
Dad kept her photo.

Of course.

And, um... Wow.

So does, uh... does Mom know about this?

No! And Kevin, she never will, OK?

And have you met her?
I mean, are we gonna meet her?

No. And no.

- We are talking about another sister...
- We're not talking

about her anymore ever again, OK?
Can we please just go home?

- I don't think we should leave...
- Kev, Kev, Kev!

Just let it go, OK? There's a bank
in town. We'll get cash there.

Yeah, sure. Yeah.
Yeah, let's let it go. Of course. Wow.

Hey, Jack? If it's OK with you,

I'd like to introduce
the McCallister segment.

- It's your interview.
- We're on in three...

- Thanks.
- Two...

Welcome! Obama mulls an ' run,
election day fallout,

and we go toe-to-toe on gay marriage.
But first, an exclusive interview

with Senator Robert McCallister, who
sat down yesterday with Kitty Walker.

- Kitty?
- Thank you, Jack.

In the interview that you are about
to see, I asked Senator McCallister

about his stem cell bill,
his position on Iraq

and his aspiration towards
higher executive office.

What I didn't ask him about
was his recent divorce.

I wish I could say
I didn't ask about his divorce

because of high-minded
journalistic integrity,

but it was just the opposite.

I have a brother
who served in Afghanistan

and was recently called back
to serve in Iraq.

I did the senator a favor
in the hope that he would do me one

and use his influence
to keep my brother home.

To keep him from fighting in a w*r
I have defended on this very program.

Senator McCallister
rightly refused to help me.

His integrity remains intact.
But mine, however, less so.

Mistakes were made.

President Reagan
said those words years ago,

at a time when admitting a mistake
was perceived as strength,

not weakness.

I made a mistake.

I made a mistake in compromising
the interview that you're about to see,

and I made a mistake
in continuing to defend a w*r

that is in desperate need
of reexamination.

Reexamination which cannot come
until we acknowledge that the w*r itself

was a mistake.

None of this is meant to serve
as an excuse for my own conduct,

but I do hope that you will find it
in your hearts to accept my apology.

Thank you, Kitty. And now, our interview
with Senator Robert McCallister.

And back in .

- Get ready for the tag.
- Kitty.

Standing by.

You were right to say something.

Do you realize with gas, food and the
car, this trip actually cost us money?

It's just I never remember
Dad coming out here.

- Well, he must've at some point.
- What?

- This is the only bank.
- Yeah.

Maybe this is
where Dad got the mortgage.

Excuse me.
Hi. My father passed away recently,

he might've had a loan
through your bank. William Walker.

Let me check the records.

Dad bought that land for a reason.
I mean, he must've had a reason.

- Maybe the reason's in the loan docs.
- I agree.

I'm sorry.
There's no loans to a William Walker.

But he did maintain
a safe deposit box with us.

I'm the executor of Mr. Walker's estate.
I'd like to see that box, please.

Well, I'll need a death certificate
and then a copy of the will.

Of course. What's your fax number?

No, they're just papers.

It's a letter for Mom.

- What's that?
- It's an easement.

It's... It's kind of a free pass
to use someone else's land.

Look, Dad gave permission to the Army
to drive over the land he bought.

- Oh, my God.
- Don't tell me, Dad used to be a woman?

No. No, there's a survivorship clause.

Upon Dad's death,
we can sell the land to the Army.

The sale price of the land
is, uh, is liquidated.

It's a set amount.

Is it enough
to pay back the money Dad stole?

Yeah. Yeah. And then some.

William's Folly is worth...

...over million dollars.

- No.
- Yeah.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- It's your brother!
- Hey!

Hi. I'm hungry.

Warn me which entrees were prepared
with Kitty's loving hands.

You guys know
I'm standing right here, right?

- Morning.
- Good morning.

- Wait, you're cooking?
- Under the proper supervision.

I can see your appetite's returned.

- Kitty, phone call.
- Take a message, please.

Sure. What should I tell the senator?




Happy Thanksgiving.

And good interview.

I thought I came off particularly well.

That's probably because I didn't ask
if you slept with the nanny.

If that's regret I'm sensing,
for the record, no. I didn't.

So how fast did they fire you?

Well, they haven't fired me yet.

Really? Too bad. I was hoping
you'd be back on the market.

Excuse me?

I could use somebody like you
on my communications staff.

You're offering me a job on your staff?

No, as my nanny.

You don't have to say yes right away.
Just tell me you'll think about it.


Well, yeah.
Yeah, I'll think about it.

- Happy Thanksgiving, senator.
- You too.

- That's incredible news.
- Yeah. It is incredible.

- So we're gonna be all right then?
- You could put it that way.

We're not going into bankruptcy.
That's the main thing.

We were looking through Dad's stuff
and we found this addressed to you.

We didn't open it.

It's Dad's handwriting.

I know he wasn't perfect, but...

...still, he was a lot more than what
we've been giving him credit for lately.

Yeah. He was.

My dearest Nora.

There's a part of me
that hopes you never read this.

If you are,
it means that you've discovered

some of the mistakes
I've made in my life.

While I've tried to set those right,

I know that I'll never be able
to completely repair your trust.

It tortures me to think that I've
ever caused you a moment's pain.

But I know I have.

I only hope that you
can find it in your heart,

a heart which is far better and purer
than mine, to forgive me my sins.

Because despite my mistakes and errors
in judgment, I have always loved you.

I have always treasured your love
and the love of our children.

Each one of them
is a little piece of you.

Each one is so lucky
to have gotten your kind heart.

No matter what mistakes I've made

or to the extent of the pain
those mistakes may have caused,

I know I've done at least
one right thing in this life.

And that was to fall in love
and make a family with you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you all so much for being here.
It means so much to me.

Especially after these past few months.
We have all been through so much.

And I'm...

I'm so grateful to all of you.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
- Happy Thanksgiving! Cheers!

Go ahead. It's the right time.

Right time for what?

We're having a baby.

Because our family
means so much more to me

than my mistakes suggest.

Our family is everything, the best thing
I ever did in my entire life.

With love and remorse, William.
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