04x02 - Melrose Is Like a Box of Chocolates

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x02 - Melrose Is Like a Box of Chocolates

Post by bunniefuu »

[Sydney singing]

Would you you
hurry it up?

I'm going to
be late.

Sydney, you have been
in that damn shower

for 20 minutes,
and I have
a 9:00 meeting.

Just can't seem to get the
old motor running in the
morning without a hot shower.

Oh, and while we're
on the subject,
I've been thinking

I really should get first
dibs on the phone, the TV,
and the bathroom.

After all,
it is my apartment.

What do you think
you're doing?

If you don't get
out of there now,

I am tossing your butt
out on the street.

Oh, and Sydney, while
we're on the subject,

since you're living
here rent-free,

you can pay
the utilities,

including all the hot
water you're wasting

getting your old motor

Look, if I'm
you in any way,

you just say the
word and I'll get
a hotel room.

No. I would love to
have a roommate, Matt.

An alleged m*rder*r?
Oh, come on.

Anyone that knows you
knows that that's bull.

Paul Graham
m*rder*d his wife,

and your lawyer
is gonna prove that.

Besides, you're
doing me a favor.

With all
that's happened,

I don't want
to be alone.

Jake, you all right?

Oh, yeah.
Never better.

Matt, I was bummed
when I heard you
were in jail,

but it looks
like you're out.


Hey. I'm having
a party at sh**t
Wednesday night.

Drinks are on the
house. You're invited.

What are we celebrating?

Oh, you're
a smart chick.

You figure it out.

What was that all about?

I have no idea.

Ever since Jess died,
he's been really weird.

Yeah, well, there's only
so much a guy can handle
before he self-destructs.

breakfast is ready.

[knocking on door]



Hi, Jane, I was just
on my way to work.

I thought
I'd check on Alison.

Well, she's okay.
She's coping.

Oh, that's good.
I'd like to talk to her.

Look, Billy--

Can't I come in?

Billy, no.

I haven't
changed my mind.

I still want you
to leave me alone.

We're friends.
I care about you.

You have a wife.

Care about her.

Billy, I'm going
to be fine.

I'd rather live
my life in the dark

than have to see you
with Brooke.

Okay, I'll go,

but I'm always going
to care about you

whether you like it
or not.


That was quite a speech.

So when do you plan
on telling Billy

your blindness
is only temporary?

It's really none
of his business.

I know what you're
up to, Alison.

And I've got
to tell you,

the way you're
handling poor Billy
is inspired.

I don't know
what you're
talking about.

You're playing
your pity card.

You're pushing him away
with one hand

while drawing him in
with the other.

Oh, oatmeal's at 12:00.

Juice, coffee,
and silverware is at 3:00.


Jane, I am not
manipulating Billy.

I'm just sick and
tired of not getting
what I want.

Tell me about it-- God,
for years, I have watched
certain people in my life

get everything
their heart desires

because they don't care
who they have to step on.

Well, I'm not a doormat,

and neither are you.

I think it's time that
we did some stepping.

What do want
besides Billy?

Oh, uh...

I'd kind of like
my old job back.

Well, then go for it.

I'm serious.

Demand that Amanda
hire you back.

Jane I can't even
button my blouse.

I can hardly design
an ad campaign.

To hell with the blindness!
You're good at what you do.

I don't know.

Yes, you do.

And you're going to
promise me--

no--we're going to
promise each other

that from now we look out
for number one.



Thelma and Louise forever.

Ha ha!

All right.

But no driving
off cliffs.

Dr. Peter Burns.

Thank you.

Where have you been?

I've been going crazy
in here.

I'm so scared.

I know.

We need to talk.

No, no,
I don't want to talk

about anymore how I
blew up that building
or I blinded poor Alison

or k*lled some woman
that I don't even know.


I've been going
over it and over it,

and I didn't do it.

I'm a doctor.

I've spent my life
saving lives.

I don't know how
to build a b*mb

or blow up a building--
I mean, besides,

only a crazy person
would do something
like that.

That's right.

What are you saying?
You think I'm crazy?

Come here.
Sit down.

In the next few days,

you're going to be
indicted by a grand jury.

They're gonna charge you
with first-degree m*rder,

among other things.

And at that trial, Michael,
Amanda, Sydney,

everyone who lived
in that building

is going to testify
against you.

I'm going to have to
testify against you.

Kim, if you're not crazy,
at best, you're gonna spend

the rest of your life
in prison,

probably even face
the death sentence.


Now listen to me.

I don't want to lose you.

So do this for me...
for us.

Tell them you're insane.

Plead insanity.

I can't.

Then I can't help you.

That's it for today,
Mr. Armstrong.

Keep working on
that backswing.

Thanks, Steve.
I'll see you next week.

Well, I hate to say
I told you so,

but your room at home
is ready and waiting.

Sorry to disappoint
you, Daddy,

but Billy and I are
deliriously happy

in his apartment.

Well, then I am deliriously
happy for you.

Let's not fight,

I just stopped by

to see
how you're doing,

and to find out
if you talked
to your lawyer yet.

Yeah, John will meet
with us the day after
tomorrow at 2:00.

Well, I guess if I've
waited this long,

I can wait
a couple more days.

How much
do you think
Mother left me?

Brooke, maybe you'd
better not start counting
your money until aft--

let's face it.

Mother loved me, and
more than anything,

she wanted me to be
financially secure.

And now
that I've satisfied

the last condition
of her will

by getting married,
I'm going to be.

You mean you and Billy
are going to be.


Daddy, I hate to ask
you this,

especially after
all you spent

on my beautiful

but I'm
a little short,

so I wondering
if I could please
have an advancement

on next month's

You want an allowance,
ask your husband.

Daddy, be serious.

You married
the wrong guy, dear,

and for better
or for worse,

you're Billy's
responsibility now.

Straight ahead.

Here's Billy
right in front.


what are you
doing here?

Hi. Um, I'm here
to see Amanda.

No pun intended.

it's Brooke.

Amanda has
a full schedule.

Do you have
an appointment?

Get out of
my way, Brooke.


God, that felt good.

Mm-hmm-- Just keep
reminding yourself,

the best defense
is a good offense.

Oh, be careful in here.

She's rearranged
the furniture.


what a surprise.

Um, it's good to see
you up and around.


So, what did the doctors
have to say?

I hope it's good news.

They've advised me
to take it
one day at a time.

That's good advice.

Not easy to follow,

So, uh, would you two
like to sit down?

I could get you
some coffee.

No, no,
I'd rather stand.


Amanda, I want
my old job back,

and if you refuse to
give it to me,

I am prepared
to sue you for

against the visually

Alison, you don't
have to thr*aten me.

I meant what I said
at the hospital.

I feel responsible
for what happened to you.

This whole thing
with Kimberly

has forced me
to re-examine my behavior

towards certain people,
especially you.

And I have a lot
to make up to you.

So if you want
your job back, it's yours.

Just like that?

Yes. I'd be thrilled
to have you at D and D.

You'd be an asset
to any company.

When would
you like to start?

Uh, I'm-- I'm sorry.

I didn't expect you
to be this easy.

Sorry to disappoint you.

How does tomorrow
afternoon sound?

It sounds great.

I'll cut you some slack,
but if supervising
Kimberly's recovery

starts to interfere
with the rest of your work
here at the hospital,

all bets are off.

I understand.
Well, I don't.

Why are you wasting
your time treating
a lunatic?

I don't want to discuss this
with you, Michael.

You're a surgeon.
What are you gonna
do for her?

Cut out the bad
part of her brain?

There won't be
anything left.

Did you ever really love her
or were you just using her?

Come on, it takes one
to know one.

Gentlemen, time-out.

It seems to me if you two
intend to be partners,

you should at least
try to get along
with one another.

You're right.

I was
out of line.

I apologize.

Apology accepted.

Speaking of partnerships,
Dr. Hobbs,

Michael and I are looking
for some office space.

Preferably here
at the hospital.

Well, unfortunately,
I don't have any
vacant offices.

But if something
opens up--

He's got a lot of nerve
showing up here.

Why? He hasn't
been convicted
of anything.

Actually, Fielding
is here to see me.

He's dropping off some
papers, filing for a
leave of absence.

And then, good riddance.

Enjoy it
while it lasts, Paul,

because the truth is
gonna come out

and everyone's
gonna know you're
a cold-blooded m*rder*r.

Just stay the hell
away from me, Fielding,

or I won't be
for my actions.

Take my advice.
Watch your back.

Paul kills everybody
that he gets involved with.

Matt! Matt!
Come on!

I want to k*ll him.
Come on, he's
not worth it.

Shut up.
Shut up.

Don't say that too loud.

People might think
you really mean it.

Come on.

[TV playing]

[knock on door]

Could you get that?

[knock knock]

Hi, Sydney.
Is Amanda in?

For you,
I'm not sure,
but I could ask.


I need to talk
to you...please.

And I suppose you'd
like me to take a walk?

The exercise
will do you good.


it's not like it's
my apartment or anything.

Come in.

In case
you're worried,

I didn't come here
to talk about us.

I realize that
I blew it with you--

Get to the point, Peter.

I had myself assigned
to Kimberly's case.


Couldn't fraternizing
with a mad bomber

be detrimental
to your career?


But my career is not so
all-important anymore.

I realize that people
matter, too.

Oh, then you must be

the new and improved
Peter Burns.

Look, Amanda, I know
that I have a credibility
problem with you,

but I honestly
care what happens
to Kimberly

and I don't want to
see her locked up

for the rest
of her life.

Why not?

She's a female terminator
who kills everything
in her path.

She was pushed to do
what she did-- and
pushed hard--

by Michael
and Sydney...



Well, I admit I feel
some culpability.

If I had steered clear
of Michael--

And if I would've
been honest with her

about my feelings
for you...

But we all have
our regrets, don't we?

The question is,

what are we going
to do about it?

You tell me.

If you decide to file
stalking charges
against Kimberly

on top of all the other
charges she's facing,

the court won't
show any leniency.

Are you asking me
not to file?

I'm begging you.

Well, when you
put it that way...

my answer's still no.

That scene you caused
in the cafeteria
didn't help your case.

As a matter of fact,
it made it a lot worse.

I didn't know it
could get any worse.

Well, as far as the
police are concerned,
it was a lovers' quarrel--

further proof that you and
Paul conspired together
to m*rder his wife.

I know, all right?
Look, I'm sorry.

It was a mistake.
I ju--honestly,
I just lost it.

I mean, he's
sitting there with
some playmate,

masquerading as
a candy-striper,

acting like
he doesn't have
a care in the world.

I don't care
why you did it.

Just don't do it again.

You have my word.

Now sit down.

I talked to a source
down at Parker Center

that Paul's been in
for questioning
at least twice.

That's good, right?
I mean, sooner or later,
he's bound to break.

Not necessarily, if he
were to admit his guilt
but implicate you.

Why would he do that?

By branding you
the mastermind behind
the m*rder plot,

he could try to cut
himself a deal--

immunity in return for
his testimony against you.

But his testimony
would be

a complete fabrication,
a lie, perjury.

You and I
know that, Matt,

but if a jury
of your peers doesn't...

Then I spend the
next 25 years to life
behind bars.


Amanda, I heard
a rumor I was hoping

you could confirm
or deny.

Yes, Alison is
coming back to work.

Have you forgotten about
all the trouble we went
through getting her out?

What we did
to Alison was
down and dirty.

We owe her.

she needs to work,

focus on something
other than her

Fine-- let her enroll in
a school for the blind

and learn how to crochet.

I have already made
my decision, Brooke,

so henceforth, your

will be shared 50-50
with Alison.

I'm not sharing
anything with that woman.

Alison will handle
client communications.

You'll oversee
copy and design.

Her title remains
the same as before--

senior ad executive.

But I'm only
a junior exec.

Seniority does have
its privileges.

Amanda, what is
going on with you?

You're not
getting soft?

No. I'm growing up
a little. You
should try it.

We start breaking
the Tyde-Wear campaign
at 2:00.

Don't be late.

What I want here
is a thinner sleeve
with a 5-inch slit

and the hint
of a rolling cuff.


Excuse me.

This is
too radical.

Jane, this is not
the way we do it
at Mackenzie Hart.

It is now.

Why don't you ladies
take a break?

Lighten up, Richard.

A rehash of Mack's
tired old designs

won't get us
a spread in Vogue.

Well, that's not
your call, is it?

Fine-- Then you can
just go into the antique
clothing business,

and while you're at it,
maybe you can bring
back the bell-bottom.

I resent the hell
out of that.

Mack was a star. She set
trends in American fashion.

Who the hell are you
to criticize her?

You didn't use
to feel that way.

That's right,
but you've changed, Jane.

Your ego is so overblown
that you can't even see

that this isn't about
you or us.

This is about
the inadequacies
of your designs.

Fine-- If my designs
are so inadequate,

you can get some hacks
in here to finish
the line,

but I'm not hanging
around for the wake.

This space is ideal
for two partners.

There are two
large offices,

an examining room,
and a reception area.

Oh, yeah.
I could really
get used to this.

Well, there's
even a pharmacy
on the first floor.

And a nice view,

Come on, Peter,
what do you think?

You think
Dr. Mancini and I

could have
a few minutes to
talk things over?

Well, sure, but you
should know, there are
already two bids in.

If you want the space,
we're gonna have to
move quickly.


I think we
should go for it.

I mean, you might even
like this place so much,

you'll stop wasting
your time on nutburgers

like my soon-to-be

On the subject
of Kimberly...

I think it would
be wise to...

not go through
with the divorce.

Call me stupid, then,
but the sooner I'm free,
the happier I'll be.

She can't handle
a divorce right now.

Peter, what is your deal
with Kimberly?

I don't want to see her
get screwed over...

so I've advised her
to plead guilty

by reason of insanity.

Oh. So, you're
her doctor, her lover,

and now her lawyer.

I hope she has you
on retainer.

She refuses to believe
that she's insane.

Now, if you
rock that boat...

You know, you've got to
have an angle,

and it can't be love.

Maybe lust.

Listen, you
ungrateful little twit.

Those are my coattails
you're riding.

There's no partnership
without me.

Now, if you want
this to work...

get off my back
about Kimberly.

Fine. Whatever you say...

but I have dibs
on this office.

Just tell me
what you see.

This isn't going
to work, doctor.

Just tell me
what you see--

whatever pops
into your mind.

Okay...I see a depressed,
middle-aged Freudian

with unexpressed
h*m* leanings.

What I need is
someone to talk to,
someone who'll listen,

not some robot headshrinker!

Kimberly, as I've
told you before,

I am not your

Now, I've been
appointed by the court
to run a few tests

to determine
whether you're fit
to stand trial.

Then I demand to see
a real shrink.

Well, Dr. Burns will
be here shortly.

You can take
it up with him.
Now sit down.


you win...

but I can draw better pictures
than Hermann Rorschach,

so why don't you
give me a pencil and
a piece of paper,

and I'll draw pictures,
and you can decipher
their hidden meaning.

I said sit down.

Doctor, I'm a unique person.

I can't be pigeonholed
by standard-issue inkblots.

Don't you see?

I'm losing
my identity here.


Very well.


We'll try it
your way.







Kimberly, stop!

It'll be okay.

I refuse to spend
the rest of my life
in an insane asylum.

I'd rather die.
Don't do this.

Why? Because
you care about me?

No one cares.

Stay back!
I'll handle this.
I care about you!

I won't let
anyone hurt you!

That's bull.

You might have
slept with me,

but you don't really
care about me.

You don't--

you don't love me.

I need to be
loved again.

Can you tell me
that you love me?

Can you?



I love you.

Alison, Tyde-Wear

is a conservative
clothing manufacturer.

They're still resisting
the catalog business.

But their
resort line
is evolving.

Alison's right--
new fabrics, new colors,
updated styles.

Is that what our
target consumers
are buying?

Well, I don't mean
to speak for Alison,

but maybe we should
try something new.

Design the campaign
to broaden Tyde-Wear's appeal.

Reach out for
the younger consumer.

And risk disenfranchising
the existing ones.

Billy, a lot
of companies
have tried it.

And some of them
have been successful.

Of course,
others have failed,

but Alison has been
at this longer.

I guess we have
to trust her instincts.

I always have.

Alison, you
have the floor.


I'm sorry, Amanda.

I really have to use
the rest room first.

Oh, of course.

We could all use
a 10-minute break.

I-I'm going
to need some help
getting there.

No problem.

Brooke, could you
help Alison to
the ladies room?

Is there a problem?


I can't.

You'll--you'll just
have to take her.

It's all right.
I know my way.

No, it's not. I thought
we were all gonna try
to work together.

Wait, Billy.
Let me go.

Brooke, stop acting
like a green-eyed bride

and go apologize
to Alison.

I can't.
You can if you want
to keep your job.

Fine. I quit.

Don't be ridiculous.

No. It's
for the best.

I'm coming into
a great deal
of money,

and I don't need
to work.

Well, I think I've
waited long enough
for my inheritance.

Let's get started.

It's not quite
2:00 yet, dear.

Ah, there he is!

Honey, what are
you doing here?

Well, your father
called me and asked me
to meet you here.

What's going on,

Oh, just boring
family business.

Nothing you'd be
interested in.

If you'd take a seat,
we'll get started.

Daddy, Billy has
better things to
do with his time.

Not really.


Hi. Billy Campbell.

John Friedman.

on your marriage.

Thank you.


as you all know,

pursuant to
Mrs. Armstrong's

at the time of her
death, a trust fund
was set up

for her
only child--Brooke.

It was her further
wish that the moneys
in that fund

be given to you
in equal annual

over the next
10 years,

with the first
payment coming due
upon your marriage.

Why didn't you
tell me about this?


How the hell am I
supposed to live
on $10,000?

I'm sorry if you're
disappointed, Brooke,

but, uh, the money
was never intended
as a dowry,

a wedding present.

Oh, that's it.

I can explain.

No, that's okay.

Why are you so determined
to destroy my happiness?

Don't blame me
for your troubles.

Marriage is based
on trust.

And as far as
Billy's concerned...

well, he simply
can't trust you,
can he?

[knock on door]

I was afraid
you wouldn't come.

The thought had
crossed my mind.

You were way out of
line the other day,

but I care
about you.

I really do.

Maybe too much.

Jane, I'm sorry.

The last thing
that I wanted to do
was hurt you.

It's just that
you don't understand

my relationship
with Mackenzie.

It was more
than business.

Mack, uh...walked
into my lecture hall
at Harvard,

and it was like
I had known her
my whole life.

She was my best friend.
She was...my lover.

She was my teacher.

We had problems
with our marriage, but...

our bond as friends,
that never changed.

We trusted each other.

We always told
each other the truth.

That is, uh...

until I fell in love
with you.

And if I had just been
honest with her,

she wouldn't have
followed me to your
apartment that night.

Richard, it's not
your responsibility.

It was Kimberly.

She k*lled

I'm sorry.

I've been
so insensitive to
your feelings and...

your loss.

I hope you
can forgive me.

[rock music playing]

Look, Matt, I'm sure
that your lawyer is
just saving her ass

and presenting
a worst-case scenario.

No. She told me
to prepare myself
and my parents.

Those were her
exact words.

Jo, maybe--
maybe the only
way out of this

is for me to--

I don't know--
confront Paul.

You know, force
him to confess.

What? No. No.

Matt, I've been there.
Trust me.

If I would have just
listened to my lawyer

and not been
so bullheaded,

I might still
have my baby.

Oh! Hey...

Uh, maybe you
should slow down.

Maybe you should
lighten up.

This is supposed
to be a party.

And I-- you know,
I have a toast.

I have a toast!
I have a toast!

To all of us.
To the survivors!


Hey, Brooke, now that I'm
designing for Mackenzie Hart,

if you're interested,
I could probably get you
wholesale less 25%.

Oh, Jane, that
would be great.
I love a bargain.

Yeah, Brooke's really
watching her pennies
these days.

Excuse me.

Hey, bud,
how's the leg?

Hey, thanks, man.

Hey, Jo.
Hey, Matt.

Hey, how's it
going, champ?

Where do you
think you're going?

Uh, heh...home.
My shift's over.

Now, what is the matter
with everybody? Come on,
let me buy you a drink.

Uh, no--
Unlike you, Jake,

when tragedy strikes,
I don't kick up my heels

and wrap my lips
around a bottle.

Oh, ho ho!

I'll see you tomorrow.

Not if you don't let
me buy you a drink.

You can't be serious.

Well, what's it
going to be?

Listen, Jake, you can sit
here and self-destruct,

but I'm not going
to help you.

You're fired.

Too late. I quit.

She's just trying
to be a friend.

Excuse me.

Come on, Jo.
This is our song.

Dance with me.

Wha--? I thought
the doctor told you

to keep your
dancing shoes off

until your leg
got better.


Come on, I mean, I don't
want to dance with you
when you're drunk.

"No" wasn't in
your vocabulary

when you were
with my brother.

Hey, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

Jake, let me go.
I shouldn't
have said that.

Let's just dance.
What is your problem?
Let me go!

Stay the hell
away from her!

Hey, back off!



I k*lled my brother.

I k*lled my brother.


Well, thank you
very, very much.

We will be in touch.

Um...I believe
you're next, miss.

We are very sorry
for wasting your
valuable time, ladies,

but the position has
already been filled.

Thanks for coming.


What are you
doing, Peter?

This is the most
fun I've had

since I graduated
medical school.

I have a bypass

If we hire a receptionist
that looks like that,

we're gonna spend our entire
time chasing skirt and
competing with each other.


So, you're gonna call
the employment agency

and have them
send over someone
that neither one of us

could possibly
be attracted to.


Don't let me
down, Michael.

Wow, Michael,
this is really nice.

Can I have a tour?

What are you
doing here, Syd?

Passing time.

Quit my job
last night,

Yeah, right before
the big fight.

If you ask me,
it was a smart move.

off the deep end.

Jake's just having
a rough time 'cause
of his brother.

Well, I'm sure
you're busy,

so, um...if you hear
of any job openings...


how would you feel about
working for Peter and me?

Well, I don't have
any medical training.

Don't worry.

Thanks to Billy,
you have five minutes
for the mea culpa.

Thank you, Amanda.

I got some work
to do,

so good luck.

4 minutes
and 30 seconds.

You were right, Amanda.

I let my personal feelings
get in the way

of my professional

I'm sorry for walking
out on you and for
all the things I said,

and I would do anything--
even answer phones,

if you could find it in your
heart to hire me back.

What happened to
all that money you
were coming into?

Well, money or no money,

I need a career
to feel fulfilled.

I realize that now.

Well, lucky for you
I've grown soft.

That was what you
accused me of, right?

So you can come back
to the agency,

but not
as an executive.

As what, then?

Alison's assistant.

Take it or leave it.

Well, I must have
grown soft, too.

I'll take it.


Kimberly Shaw
is competent
to stand trial.

What exactly do you
base your opinion
on, doctor?

On the fact that
she's vicious,

and still has
the, uh, marbles

to manipulate
even you, doctor.

Well, I guess it is
a lot easier to drop kick
the tough cases

into the court systems
rather than to cure them.

First, I am att*cked
by a pencil-wielding

now by a love-struck

Peter, he, uh--
he does have a point.

I'm not in love
with Kimberly.

We're friends, and my
friend has a long and
drawn-out trial to face.

What about your
other friends who
were her victims?

Calvin, please.

Kimberly's not
just a patient here.

She's a doctor on staff
at this hospital.

Now, if there's any question
as to her sanity,

don't we owe her
another session with
a new psychiatrist?

Okay. I'll see
what I can do.

You're wasting
your time.

Look, if it
makes you happy,
put it in your report.

[knock on door]

I'll get it.

Look, um, uh...

I'm sorry about
last night.

I was
a real jerk.

Yeah, you were,
but who hasn't been
at one time or another?

I need you, Jo.

I need you, too.

Al, it's me.
Food's here.


What? What?

What did you do?

Ohh! I...

I slipped
getting out
of the shower.

Oh, honey.
Just hold onto me.

You okay?


Let me get a towel here.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Alison, I'm home!
Oh, I've got so much
to tell you.


Hey, Billy.

If you're going
to bring food over
for Alison,

can you bring something
other than Chinese?

It's so fattening.
I'm starved.

Oh, yeah. I got to
get going, all right?

Aren't you going
to stay for dinner?


Hey, what's up
with him?

Guess it's been a while
since Billy's seen me naked.

you're so bad.

[knocking on door]

It's awfully late
for a social visit.

Where's Billy?

Back at the apartment.

Trouble in paradise
so soon, dear?

No. Billy's forgiven me

for not telling him
about the inheritance,

or a lack thereof.

Will you forgive me,

Of course.

You're my daughter.

I love you.

I love you, too.


Could I have
a brandy, too?


Mm, it almost feels
like old times,
being here with you,

drinking by the fire.

I've got some good news--
I'm back at the agency.

Oh, that's my girl.

Yeah. Amanda
was really great
about it.

Of course,
I'm working
for Alison again.

That can't be
easy for you.

Well, I am
trying to be
mature about it.

I mean,
the poor thing
is blind.

Yeah. I always
really liked Alison.

I was sorry to hear
what happened to her.

Yeah. Me, too...

even though I know
she is still in love
with my husband.

Oh. I'm sorry.

I wish things could
have worked out better.

Sorry enough
to float me a loan?


I know what I just said,

but I just can't be happy
with Alison around.

I've got to get
away from D and D,

out of that damn
apartment building,

away from her.

How do you intend
to explain $100,000
to your husband?

I don't.

I'm gonna get a separate
checking account
at a different bank.


There is, however,
one small condition

to the money, Brooke.

You don't get it
until you file
for divorce.
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