01x22 - Three's a Crowd

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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01x22 - Three's a Crowd

Post by bunniefuu »

Here's to a great
working relationship.


How did you get started in advertising?

When I graduated Cal Arts,
I had a decent portfolio

and I landed a job as
a junior art director.

- Here, you take the last one.
- Oh, no.

I remember when I used to
live off happy hour free hors d'oeuvres.

Well, welcome to my life!

I'm going to my parents'
lake house this weekend.

Do you want to join me?
We could water-ski, get a jump on work.

I promised Billy I'd go
to the snow with him this weekend.

Bring him. I'd bring my boyfriend,
except he lives in New York.

- We're bi-coastal.
- Really?

- How long has that been going on?
- About two years.

- How long have you lived together?
- Six months. He's not my boyfriend.

We need t-shirts that say,
"We're platonic, we swear."

Well, bring him along platonically.

God. Oh, I just remembered!

I was supposed to
meet Billy to rent skis!

- You go. I've got this covered.
- Thank you.

You're welcome. See you later.

Oh, hi.

- Hi.
- Did you just get off work?

Usual Friday.

This is a preview.

- A preview of what?
- What are you doing tomorrow night?

I have to reprint these a million times.

- Wrong.
- Oh, yeah? Why don't you tell me then.

Tomorrow night,
I'm going to take you to dinner.

Then we're going to come back
and then we're going to make

wild, passionate love.

Oh, really?

Well, I guess it is about time.

Wait, wait, wait.
Tomorrow. Remember, your idea?

Better get some sleep tonight,

cos we've got a really
big night ahead of us tomorrow.

Billy, will you please stop sulking?

I'm not sulking. I'm hungry. I waited
for an hour at that insane sale.

I am really sorry.

You haven't been this flaky
since you were dating Keith.

I'm sorry, it was a work thing.

I had to go out for a drink with Amanda.
I just spaced.

- You had to?
- How can I say no to my superior?

Just cos you work full-time doesn't
mean you're an indentured servant.

I guess we can always
rent skis up there.

Well, the thing is...

I made other plans for us,
if it's OK with you.

No, I just got new long underwear, tuned
my skis, I'm going with or without you.

I know and I want to too, but...

Amanda invited us to her parents'
lake house for the weekend.

It's important for me to have an
ally at work. I couldn't say no.

Really? She invited both of us?

How did my name come up?

Did she specifically request my presence
or did you push her to bring me?

A little bit of both. But don't
get your hopes up. She has a boyfriend.

Oh, I figured she had to.

This isn't going to be
one of those work talkathons,

with you two ranting
about Lucy in surround sound?

We'll try to control ourselves.
Come on, we'll have a great time.

All right, I guess
I can go skiing anytime.

Thanks, Billy.

Besides, how often do I get to spend
the weekend with two beautiful women?

Jane insisted I keep the dress
even though Terrence and I split up.

She broke out with hives
before she married Michael.

- Maybe you'll change your mind.
- You're behind me on this, aren't you?

You did handle it kind of abruptly, but
maybe that's the way to make it stick.

Yeah, except, it's not sticking.

It's normal to have cold feet
about your cold feet.

Well, that's not exactly it.

There I was, in the
middle of low-impact class,

and in walks this messenger
with this letter.

"Dear Rhonda, it's not my style
to linger where I'm not wanted,

but I can't accept losing you.

I keep imagining our life together,
and then remember it's not to be.

I know we can work this out
if we put our hearts together.

- Please call. Love, Terrence."
- Poor guy.

Thank you, Matt.
That's what I need to hear.

- It just sounds like he's in such pain.
- Look, I would like to call him.

I don't want to lead him on.
I am not ready to get married.

And there's nothing I can do.

Oh God, I can't remember
the damn code.

Oh, that's right,
my parents' anniversary.

For a second there, I thought
we were breaking and entering.

Oh, Billy, look.

Amanda, this is beautiful.

- Thank you.
- I'm in heaven.

Great weather, house, gorgeous women.
What did I do to deserve this?


OK, sleeping arrangements.

Alison and I can stay in my room.
Billy, the library couch folds out.

I didn't think you'd mind
sleeping with great authors.

- My dad collects first editions.
- I could spend the whole day reading.

Reading? The weekend's slipping away,
as we speak, here's the plan.

We water-ski first before it gets cold.

You both have done it before, right?

I'm an old pro. Then, I think,
volleyball, and maybe a nature walk.

Our own personal camp counselor.
How perfect.

No, he just wants
to see us in our wet suits.

Oh, well, I guess
I'll change into mine.

This is a great idea, Alison.

Alison, come on.

So you really were a camp counselor.

Two summers in high school,
Santa Monica mountains.

I went to girls' camp there.
Maybe we met.

I was the one with his head stuck in a
book, too scared to ask you to dance.

That's funny. I have a hard time
picturing you as a shy type.

You were probably Miss Popularity.

The guys loved you, the girls
were afraid to admit they hate you.

Your biggest sin was
making secret caricatures.

- Oh, you spied on me.
- Yeah.

God, it's perfect out here.

Out on the water is like
taking a leave from real life.

- No rules, no responsibilities.
- Just water-skiing.

Well, you're up old pro.

Well, my water-skiing skills
lie mostly in my steering.



- My God, she's down!
- sh**t.



Here you go, drink this.

Oh, thanks.

I knew we had these somewhere.
Take two every six hours.

I don't believe it.

I get out of town for the
first time in months,

- and I get sick.
- It's my fault.

We shouldn't have water-skied. The sun's
warm, but the water's freezing.

Tell me about it.

I know we talked about going out to
dinner, but I don't feel up to it.

- We'll stay here.
- And starve?

No, you guys can go out

and I'll just take a nap
and put myself out of my misery.

We'll get take-out and bring it back.

- Only if it's not too much trouble.
- We're the three musketeers, remember?

And then I spent a year in Italy
during college studying art.

- It was amazing.
- I bet.

My fantasy is to go to Europe
and be an expatriate writer.

Spend a decade on a great novel.

Fitzgerald, without the
elitist self-destruction,

Hemingway without the g*ns, or...

...Joyce without the sexual guilt.

Yeah, my favorite aunt lives in Paris.

I dreamed about being
one of those people

who sell watercolors by the Seine.

You managed to funnel your art
into a career where someone pays you.

Believe me,
if I had the guts, or the talent,

- I would have stuck with my painting.
- Talent's so subjective.

I spent college getting A's on modern
lit essays and preparing to be a writer.

Now I'm making a living as a cabdriver,
just clinging onto the dreams.

- And how's it going?
- Oh, I'm keeping the faith.

I'd love to read something sometime.

You're a brave woman.

So tell me about
that boyfriend of yours.

Oh, Alison mentioned that?

Yeah, it came up in conversation.

You know, sometimes when you
paint a watercolor,

you capture the moment for what it is,
not complicate it.

Fair enough. I retract the question.

We walked way past
the Chinese take-out.

- We must've been preoccupied.
- We must have.

I didn't think you'd show.

I appreciate it.

I feel a little awkward, but...

Turning down cries for help
has never been my forte.

I left a message on the
right person's answering machine.

Depends on what you want.

I want to be here with Rhonda.

To be showering her with
ruby heart-shaped earrings,

hearing her say,
"You went overboard, Shyboy."

Watching her light up.

She would have.

See, the rational side of my brain,
you know the macho side,

says, "Terrence, forget her."

But in my heart...

...I ache for her, Matt.

I just can't accept the fact
that it's all over with.

I think she's afraid.
Is that what she's telling you?

Terrence, I can't
tell you what Rhonda says to me.

- If she even knew that I was here...
- I understand, it's OK.

We'll keep it about me.

I'm .
I've been directed all my life.

I've had to be.
Its served me well.

And I started to just
wipe out Rhonda from my brain...

...but I know she's not herself.

You've got to tell me
how to win her back, Matt.

- That's stepping over a line for me.
- All I'm asking is be a good friend...

...to Rhonda.

You feel amazing.


I'm sick of first courses.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

I think we're misbehaving.


I want you... Now.

- Now?
- Right here.

OK, let's eat at home, all right?

Come on.

No, let's go, come on.

- Oh, we couldn't wait.
- Sorry.

That's it, you got it.

- Yes.
- Bingo!

OK, who wants to taste
some of my Dad's best Cognac?

- Do you have to ask?
- Alison?

- Best thing in the world for a cold.
- Sure.

- There you go.
- Thanks.

This fire was a great call.

- Good stuff.
- It goes straight to my toes.

Maybe there's an old movie on.

Oh, unfortunately, there's no TV.

A little eccentricity of my dad's.

Oh my God! No TV?
What are we going to do?

Well, I have an idea.

Why don't we play truth or dare.

- I love truth or dare!
- Alison?

Oh, how about a good old game
of Scrabble or Charades?

She's got something to hide.
All the more reason to play.

I do not.

All right, I'm in.

Alison, let's see... Biggest lie.

Oh, you'll appreciate this.
I lied to Lucy.

That's your biggest lie?
We're getting deep confessions.

Quiet. I want to hear this.
How? Why?


I got involved with this very cute,

semi-married guy, Keith.

And all my priorities got screwed up.

- Putting it mildly.
- Anyway...

I was supposed to stay
and work with Lucy.

And I told her I was sick.

And I went and stayed
at Keith's all night.

- Did you pull it off?
- No.

I'm a terrible liar.
She totally saw through it.

And I'm not seeing Keith anymore.

Well, I have a lie
from the Keith annals, too.

- What?
- He called once and I didn't tell her.

- Billy. When?
- Right after you broke up with him.

I was trying to protect you.

Thanks, I guess.

Well, since we're on
the subject of romantic lies...

- I've got one, too.
- Spill it.

Well, the truth is...

- I don't really have a boyfriend.
- Really?

- Why did you tell me you did?
- Well, he exists.

It's just that we see each other so
rarely, maybe only a week this year.

- But we write.
- That's a pen pal, not a boyfriend.

- Not if the feelings exist.
- They're not.

Honestly, I think I use him as a crutch,

so I have an excuse not to
get involved with anyone.

I was afraid that a relationship
would get in the way of work.

Trust me, it can.

Yeah, but you can't sacrifice your
heart or your emotion to ambition.

- Said the idealistic young writer.
- It's not idealism, it's common sense.

All right, truth or dare?

Has anybody here ever
really been in love?


I can't believe this, I am so nervous.

Me too.

It's just all this build-up.

I guess you want to come in.

I feel like I'm .

You know...

...Jo, if it's too soon...

No, it's not.

It's not, I just...

I don't want it to be anticlimactic.

It won't.

Well, what if it's too good?

Well, lucky us.

I know a really good way
to soothe performance anxiety.


Yeah, so do I.

This is a nice shirt,
but it will look better on the floor.

That goes double for you.

- That's the last of it.
- Great teamwork.

- So what's next?
- Bed.

I'm b*at from all that relentless

- How about you, Amanda?
- Exhausted.

I'll just get Billy some sheets
and I'll join you in a minute.

Night, Alison.
Thanks for a great day.

Goodnight, Billy.
So long, Amanda.


She's terrific. I haven't made a friend
like that at work in a long time.

Yeah, she's really great.

And such a go-getter.
Without being pushy.

It's just really nice to work
with someone that I like and...

- Goodnight, Billy.
- Goodnight, Amanda.

Billy, don't forget to put out the fire.


- Morning, sleepyhead.
- Morning.

- This was all I had left in the fridge.
- Wow!

Did you have a good time last night?

Which time?


Oh, yeah.

Well, so much for your
performance anxiety.

I didn't know you
were such a neck man.

You know...

...this stuff was one of my
last memories of my old man.

He used to put the canned
whipped cream crap on Jell-O.

I squirted him with it once.

He got so pissed off. For the longest
time I thought that's why he left us.

My last memory of my father

was him telling my husband
where I was hiding out.

- He loved Charles' money.
- He'd hate me.

Yeah, he would.

You know, it's funny.
I have a kid, and you've been married.

- Yeah...
- Between the two of us...

...we're an entire nuclear family.

Oh yeah, a toe man, too.

Jake, that tickles.

You're ticklish? We better
find out where you're ticklish.

- No, I'm not!
- Let's find out where exactly.

You're ticklish.

The secret to the perfect eggs
is to whip them up nice and fluffy.

And now for the
world famous Campbell omelet.

And, in your honor,
monsieur, champagne.

- Right.
- OK.

- She's a tough one.
- She blows, come on now.

I almost got it.

Oh, my God!

Get off of me!

What're you doing?

Good morning.

Good morning.

Amanda accidentally spritzed
some champagne on me

and I was trying to get her back.

- Thank you.
- Champagne?


I think I'd like to go back early,
so it doesn't get more serious.

My cold, I mean.

- OK, whenever you want.
- Thanks.

What? You saw Terrence?

- Look, he needed someone to talk to.
- Why you? Why my best friend?

Because I am your best friend,
because I know you.

- He has some points.
- Wait a minute.

- You're on the wrong side here.
- I'm not on his side. We're adults.

Why are you suddenly
so invested in my relationship?

If it's over, why are you so sensitive?

Don't treat me like
your halfway house runaways.

- You're running with the best of them.
- OK.

Maybe I didn't handle this
in the most mature way.

Maybe you care about him
more than you thought.

- Did you forget anything?
- Well...

...I didn't bring very much, did I?
- No.

- But if I did.
- You'll send for it, right?

No. I'll come back and get it. OK?

Yeah. Why does it seem that when you
leave, nothing's going to be the same?

It's weird. I'm only going
a couple of blocks.

Must be sleep deprivation.


- It was great.
- Yeah, it was.

Anything for me?

Thanks. You've been sulking
since we left the lake.

I have not been sulking.

Here, have another bill.

Well, it's clear you don't want to
discuss what's bothering you. It's fine.

One would think you'd have the sense

to hit on someone other than
the woman I work with every day.

I did not hit on her.
We just got along well.

Oh, please, Billy.
I am not blind.

I know you.
And you are such an obvious flirt.

- It's amazing that you try to deny it.
- Why are you getting so upset?

Don't you know how important it is
to keep work and home life separate?

I don't work at D & D, remember?

Billy, Amanda is my superior,

if things don't work out with you two,
she could sour on me.

I didn't plan this, Alison.
There's an attraction.

A chemistry.
Something I hardly ever felt before.

Give me a break. You fall
in and out of love every week.

It never crossed my mind
this would be a problem.

Well, it is.
I feel like I don't have a private life.

Anything personal I tell you,
you could inadvertently tell her.

It just makes it tough
for us to be friends.

You're blowing this out of proportion.
I'm not allowed to go out with her?

I'd rather you didn't.

I got the demographic breakdown
on those Nike spots.

- They can be a real help.
- Great. Are you feeling better?

Yeah, thanks. I got to bed early.
The sleep really helped.

Isn't re-entry tough after a great
weekend? I really had fun with you.

Yeah, me, too.


We're a team...
We can be candid, right?

- Absolutely.
- Well, I really think Billy's great.

He's smart and funny.
So why aren't you guys together?

Me and Billy?

I'm sorry.

I mean, Billy is a great friend,
and he pays the rent on time.

It's just the thought of
being in a relationship with him...

- Is he seeing anyone?
- Oh, yeah.

I mean, he's completely in love
with someone every week,

then it's just out of there.

- He dumps them?
- No, it's usually the other way around.

I mean, he's just so adorable.

Amanda, I'd hope your criteria
extends beyond adorable.

Of course, but that's a start.

So... I guess we'll be here
pretty late tonight?

Well, I have an idea.

Why don't we work
over dinner at your place?

Wouldn't we get more done here?

Another eight hours in this place and
we'll have earned a cell with a window.

- OK. We'll order in.
- Good.

I just clipped an article
on subliminal imaging.

- I've got it in my bedroom.
- Great.

I'm storyboarding attractive,
successful people with copy about

maximizing your advantage...


- Hi.
- Hi.

- Thought you'd be working.
- No, I just drove all day.

What a surprise.
What are you up to?

Working, Billy.

Talking about Lucy. Stuff you hate.
We won't be offended if you leave.

I can help.

We're working on our first commercial.

Let's see.
Maximize your advantage.

OK, maximize your advantage

in life and love,
it might make the difference.

Not bad. We could do sexy
before and after success stories.

Alison, can I see that article
you were telling me about?


It's great to see you. I was going
to call you today to say hello.

- Well, you should have.
- Really?


Listen, I want to talk
to you about something.

Do you think we could
get a drink when you're done?

- How about . ?
- OK, Cafe Ami.

- OK.
- We'll keep it between us for now?

- OK.
- Found it.

I'll let you guys do your work,
I'm out of here.

- Nice seeing you, Amanda.
- Nice to see you.

- Bye, Alison.
- So long.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

So we meet again.

You've got a lot of nerve.

Not much right now.

I mean calling Matt.

It was hard enough pushing you away.

Well, you sure made it look easy.

Terrence, I care about you.

I need to think about a decision
like marriage for more than a few weeks.

- Well, why didn't you say that?
- I was flattered.

No one's ever asked me
to marry them before.

And I've always had
a hard time saying no.

Particularly to a stubborn SOB
who knows exactly what he needs,

and pushes the envelope to get it.

I can't help it.

I want to spend my days
and my nights and my life with you.

Sometimes I look at Jane and Michael

and I think I want to be like them,
you know, have it all set.

And other days, I think...
that's for later.

I don't know what I want
to do in the interim,

but maybe that's what this time is for.

That empty space... To figure it out.

Well, I'll go any speed you want.

Fast forward, rewind.

How about we just
press pause for awhile?



Sorry I'm late.

- Sit down.
- Thanks.

- It's . . I was about to leave.
- Your roommate's a workaholic.

- I thought she'd never quit.
- Or she knew we had a rendezvous.

Why do I feel that you two are married
and neither one wants to admit it?

- Believe me, I'm not married.
- Well, that's good.

Excuse me. Could I get
a cappuccino, please?


You don't know how many nights
I've spent here, writing in my notebook,

watching the cars go by.

Just wishing that I was...

...sitting across from
somebody as beautiful as you.

You are romantic, aren't you?


- Is there something wrong with that?
- No.

It's exactly what I've been missing.

It's a good thing
you and Alison shared a room.


If you had slept alone, a wild animal
might've crawled under your covers.

- Oh, really?
- Really.

Billy, why are we
trying to keep this a secret?

What is there to hide?

Alison wants to keep her home
and her work life separate.

I'm a little torn.

I want to see you
and I don't want to hurt her.

- I thought this was the best solution.
- Not for me.

Alison is my partner, my friend.

We're all grown-ups.
I don't want to keep this from her.

Four miles. Not bad.

- I'm exhausted.
- So am I.

- Hey.
- Hey, Jake.

I was looking for you this weekend.

Oh, yeah. Well, I lost
a couple of days there.

Yeah, so was it a good lost?
You know, a special weekend?

Not bad. Not bad at all.

- I'm not surprised.
- Only problem was that it ended.

- I'll see you guys.
- I thought he was going to work.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- I just woke up.
- Yeah, I just woke up myself.

- Did you sleep well?
- Yeah. Actually, like a baby.

I was going to call you last night,
but I passed out.

I even left film in the developer.

I got home last night, laid down and
thought about coming to visit, but...

I didn't want to crowd you, you know.

Dreamed about you, though.

I think we both need some coffee.

- Jake, you are allowed in.
- I know.

You'd think after a weekend here,
I'd feel more at home, not less.

- How was work yesterday, dear?
- Anticlimactic.

And really lonely.

I warned you about us
being too good together.

I thought about calling
you yesterday, but...

Well, I thought about calling you
at work, but... same thing.

Well, at least we're both
experiencing similar stuff.

Yeah... It's so strange.

I mean, we live in the same apartment
building but not together...

But we stay together,
I mean, at least for a weekend.

And we don't want
to assume anything.

What do you want?


But, I mean, I don't know what I want
in a big cosmic sense.

Same here. So we're too good together.

Well, we're good together, that's great.

Why don't we make it up as we go along?

We can try.

So tell me about this dream you had.

Give me that.

I'll show you.

Jake, before breakfast?

Alison, this budget looks great.

When did you find the time to do it?

Last night after you left.

I really want our partnership to work.

Me, too. I think there's
something we should discuss.

Sure, go ahead.

Well, the thing is...

I really like Billy
and he seems to feel the same.

We're just really connected.

I want you to know we're dating.

I see.

- When did this happen?
- Well, we went out last night.

Last night? When last night?

After we finished working.


...you guys just snuck off together?
Why the big secret?

I told him he was being dramatic.
That I didn't think you'd mind.

No, I mean, why should I?
What am I, your parents?

No, it's just Billy thinks a lot of you.

He's sensitive about keeping your
professional and personal life separate.

Is he? How sweet.

I like you and don't want
anything to hurt our relationship.

- And I promise you, this won't.
- Why should it?

I mean, whatever you guys
want to do is fine with me.

I'm glad we cleared all that up.

- God, I'm eating all your salad.
- Share and share alike, right?

Hi. How was work?


It is just so humiliating!

I leave the room for one second

and you sneak behind my back
and sleaze your way into a date!

Just cos you met us first, doesn't
mean we need permission to go out.

What's more, you told her
everything I confided in you.

I'm sorry about that.
That was on my mind.

I didn't want her to know how I felt.

I saved that for someone
I thought was my best friend.

You're over-reacting.

What's next? Kissing up to you
for brownie points at work?

This isn't about work, all right?

This is about my love life.

Just cos you don't want others
having what you and Keith lost.

You admitted the other night you
tried to keep me and Keith apart.

Wrong, I was trying to protect you.

Thank you for looking out for me, Billy.
You've done a really great job.

I loved your story.
Especially the ending.

- Thanks for reading it.
- Thanks for writing it.

You're a great writer.

- I'm jealous.
- I'm jealous of this place.

- God, it's fantastic.
- Well, use it all you want.

When I'm not here, when I am.

Have a seat.

I don't know why I'm feeling so weird.
I think you're wonderful.

There's a part of me that feels like...
I don't know.

If you're worried
about Alison, forget it.

I talked to her today,
she's fine about us.

- That's what she told you.
- Yeah, that's what she told me.

Unless I need her written permission.

No. Look, let's not talk
about Alison, let's talk about us.

Let's not talk at all.

Hi. This is Keith. I'm not in right now,
but leave a message at the beep.

I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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