04x03 - Yes, We Have No Cannolis

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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04x03 - Yes, We Have No Cannolis

Post by bunniefuu »

Yo, Simone.
Remember me?

Mel, right?

How long you been out?
Couple of weeks.

Yeah, yeah.

How come Darryl Boland's
still in the joint?

I don't know
who that is.

Done five years
on some payroll thing
and he didn't do it.

I‐I don't know
the case, Mel.

It was some payroll thing,
stickup at a stove factory.

They're driving off,
get into a wreck
and k*ll some woman.

How do you know
he didn't do it?
Check it.

They only caught one of
the guys there at the wreck.
That was Alvin Moore.

The other guy got out
and took off.

Then a couple days later,
they pick up Boland
and said it was him,

but it wasn't.
You know that?

I used to know
one of the guys
in the other car.

He told me back then
Boland didn't have
nothin' to do with it.

‐ And what's this guy's name?
‐ Name, Boyd Rollins.
Got shot a year or two ago.

I'm only telling you
'cause he's dead now.

He tell you who else
was involved in this?

No, he just told me that
Boland was the wrong man.

Said he didn't have
no idea who Boland was.
So, how come you all arrest him?

That's why I couldn't believe it
when I bump heads with him
up in the joint.

This is your precinct.
How come you all didn't
straighten this out?

Wait, wait,
you got that wrong.

That's five years ago, Mel.
I don't have anything
to do with it.

I wasn't even working here then.
It's not my case.

Well, when all
is said and done,
you treated me decent.

Didn't try to lay off
no phony charges on me
or nothin'.

And you seemed like
you had nothing personal
against me.

Well, you got caught up.
I was just doing my job.
I appreciate the compliment.

Look, I got to know
Boland some upstate.
He's a good guy.

He don't deserve
what happened to him.
That ain't justice.

his first name again?

‐ Darryl.
‐ Boland, right.

‐ You got a phone
where I can reach you?
‐ No, man, not yet.

You give me a call
tomorrow, okay?
We'll talk about it.

Yo, you know anything
about any kind of
outside work, laborer?

When you give me a call,
we'll talk about that too.

Okay, all right.

[ Flushes ]

Hey, Andy, I wanted
to ask you something.

Anything on that homicide
in your building?
They're not telling me nothin'.

I know Savino some.
You want me to reach out?

He called and said he was
gonna stop by. Let me see
how that goes, all right?

Hey, guys,
I won the election.
Way to go, James.

Yeah, I was just at the hall.
I won by three votes.
Congratulations, Martinez.

‐ Hey, thanks, Andy.
‐ Here you go, delegates first.

‐ Good morning.
‐ Hey.

Hey, hey, there he is.
Hey, guys, how about James, huh?

Yeah, I called
Greg at his apartment.

‐ News is all over the city.
‐ "Martinez elected delegate
in mild upset."

I stopped and had it made.
Beautiful, huh?

My loyal,
fellow detectives.

‐ How's it going?
‐ [ Simone ] Hey, Vince.

Hey, Vince.
I hope there's
no hard feelings.

I, uh, hope I can make
a good delegate like you.

Yeah, so now I'm booted aside,
right, Martinez?

I sweat my ass over a hot stove
to make homemade cannolis...

for you bums,
and this is the thanks I get.

You want the kid, you got him.
He don't know nothing
from nothing.

Come on, Vince.

Bunch of ingrates.
Sixteen years.

‐ What's your name, dear?
‐ Geri.

You wanna sleep
that off, Vince, huh?
Let it go till you nap.

Did you vote for me, Andy?

Hmm. You wanna
borrow my Lavoris?

Did you?
'Cause I'm feeling like
a thrown‐away shoe.

[ Sighs ]
Yeah, I voted
for you, Vince.

And I feel like a dope
for doing it, with you
carrying on like this.

Now pull yourself together
and go home.

You're right.
You're right.

Exception of Andy,
if any of you
day‐tour guys think...

that you'll be seeing
any more of my homemade
cannolis again,

you're dumber than you look.

[ Scoffs ]

Say, Andy, you remember
a stickup at a stove factory,

worked out of the squad
like five years ago?

Getaway car's in a wreck
and there's a woman k*lled.

There was this guy
that I collared a while back.
He just got out.

Says the wrong guy's
doing time on that.

It was George Harper's case
Did you know him?

Harper? Yeah, I met him
at a couple of rackets.

He, uh‐‐ He got three‐quarters
a couple years ago, right?

Yeah. Devastating accident
in a department vehicle.

Harper stopped at a light,
another car hits him
from behind.

The other car might have been
going as much as five,
six miles an hour.

Your guy say it was Moore
that shouldn't be in or Boland?

He said Boland
shouldn't be in.

You remember that
pretty good, huh?

Det. Savino for Det. Simone.
All right.

‐ How's it going?
‐ How are you doing?

‐ All right.
‐ How's it going, Savino?
‐ Good, good, good.

Just, uh, working this homicide
at your partner's building.

‐ Yeah? Is Simone a suspect?
‐ [ Chuckles ]
We just about ruled him out.

Listen, Nick, uh,
thanks for your thoughts
when my boy passed,

‐ what you did with
the Widows and Orphans.
‐ Yeah, I got your letter back.

‐ We can go talk in here.
‐ All right.

I think that's
still pretty fresh.
Oh, thanks.

Yeah, I wanted to,
uh, catch you up
on the investigation.

I appreciate that.
So far, uh,

‐ that guy don't fit,
uh, Henry Coffield.
‐ How's he handling himself?

‐ Oh, got a smart mouth on him.
‐ Oh, yeah, that's his act.

He seems like he's halfway
trying to cooperate. He cops
that he's jammed up financially.

It was a big setback for him
when his mother passed,
didn't leave him the building.

The reason why that building's
in hock now is off her trying
to help him when she was alive.

Yeah. Asked was someone
squeezing him or bad pissed‐off,

uh, you know,
he gives up some names,
but, uh, nobody looks right.

Twenty‐four hours before
that girl was k*lled,
this guy tells me...

‐ somebody's gonna sh**t
him through the peephole.
‐ Exactly how she got k*lled.

‐ He says his reference was
general v*olence in the area.
‐ Baloney.

No, there had been a bunch
of muggings. Stickup the week
before a few doors down.

He didn't say stickup to me
or "I'm afraid
about getting mugged."

He said somebody's gonna
sh**t him through the door.

I'm not arguing with you, Bobby.
I'm here to ask you
if you'll talk to the guy.

You know, I haven't even gone
over to the building. I'm just
staying out of your way.

He seems to feel
a rapport with you.

He's worried if you
still think he's involved‐‐
Yeah, we're real close.

Anyways, I'd appreciate
any impressions.

You haven't reached out
on other aspects of the case,
have you?


Anything on the girl's end?
Nah. We talked to her parents,
bunch of friends.

No enemies,
no jealous boyfriends.

You know, I'd really hate
for this thing to wind up
a mystery.

Well, I'll get in touch with you
as soon as I talk to this Henry.

All right.
Well, take care.

‐ Hey, take care, Andy.
‐ Yeah, all right, Savino.

He warmed it up.
Wants me to talk
to that twitch tenant.

That stove factory stickup?

I got the names
of the witnesses
picked this Boland out.

‐ Yeah, huh?
‐ They're both in the precinct.

‐ Thanks.
‐ Wanna talk to the boss
about it?

‐ Yeah, all right.
‐ Hey, Lieu.

Oh, more of that
root canal, huh?

Yeah, it's a whole
periodontal thing.

I got an old collar
who just told me that
the wrong guy's doing time...

on a stickup homicide
that worked off the squad.

That stove factory stickup
five years ago, where they run
the woman over getting away?

‐ George Harper's collar?
‐ Simone's guy says that Darryl
Boland's a wrong collar.

The second one
Harper picked up.
You wanna look at it again?

Well, I know Harper's
gonna be thrilled.

Story sounds like
there could be
something to it.

All right.

I used to have
just the cure for that.

I'm a fifty‐cent cab ride
from trying it.

‐ Hey, Lieu, I, uh,
won by three votes.
‐ Oh, that's great, James.

Yeah, thanks very much.
I'm looking to hold
an olive branch out...

to, uh, Vince Gotelli,
but he's a little sulky
right now.

‐ Yeah, it'll work out.
‐ Says no more cannolis,
so forth.

Look, I don't wanna
talk anymore, James.
Yeah, sure, all right.

Okay, thanks a lot.

Get it there by 12:00,
it's framed by 3:00.

Oh, yeah? They can
frame the headline?
Yeah, get it framed up for ya.

Lieu was just kind of short
with me. I wonder if he was
a Gotelli supporter.

Well, I know he has
a hell of a sweet tooth.

You, uh, figure
the cannoli angle?

I gotta say I'm kinda surprised
that you're willing
to take a look at this.

Yeah, well.
Excuse me, we're looking
for a Theodore Wisotski?

‐ Yeah, that's me.
‐ You'd be Ready Teddy then?

That's me.
What can I do for you?

This is about the accident
where you were a witness.

That was a long time ago.
What do you want to know
about that for?

We're taking a trip
down memory lane.


Well, it was right there.

Them robbers
was going like crazy,
smashed into that woman's car.

Her head went through
the windshield.

You could see she was
in bad shape. Then the robbers'
car door opens.

It was turned over on its side.
This guy climbs up
out of the car.

He was limping.
He'd hurt his leg.

Still he got away
before the cops came,
and they got the other guy.

The one trapped in the car?

And you picked out
this other guy,
the one who limped away?

‐ It was three days later.
‐ You got a pretty good
look at him, right?

Yeah, it was a big limp.
Uh, you know, he'd hurt his leg.


You picked him out in a lineup.
How'd you know he was limpin'?

Well, when they stood up,
I saw he was favoring one leg.

And that's why
you picked him out?

‐ Did you get a good look
at his face?
‐ What are you getting at?

Did I go and pick out
the wrong guy?
No, no, relax, Teddy.

Just answer the man's question.
Did you recognize his face?

What the hell did I do, huh?
That cop said I had
the right one.

Who was that?
That detective.

He said they got the guy.
They had him in the lineup.

He gave me, uh, the thumbs‐up.
I figured I picked out
the right one.

Yeah, but you were
guessing who it was.
Yeah, off his limping.

Did I send
the wrong man to jail?

We gotta look into it some more.
But thank you for your help.

‐ Thanks for being honest.
‐ What if he's the wrong guy?

Then he got a bad break.

You believe this, Andy?
We're gonna have to
reopen this case.

Oh, yeah, we're gonna
make a lot of friends.

My part with this
five years ago,
I was working another case,

but I saw the photo array
Harper put out
for the witnesses.

When they picked out
this Boland.
It stunk.

But then I hear there's
all kinds of other evidence
on the guy,

so I figure it's okay.
And you were working
on the other case.

This is all gonna be
a big consolation to Boland.

‐ Don't they keep you guys
busy enough?
‐ Why, you taking a survey?

Did you get us
the orders to produce?

People who prosecuted that case
still work in my office.
I had to fly through some flak.

You see, that's why we sleep
easy, Cohen, knowing you're
up there in the fighter plane.

The order's in work
on Alvin Moore,
Boland's already here.

‐ For what?
‐ They brought him down
for his brother's funeral.

He's at the Tombs.
Goes back tonight.

Where is that working?
What did you just say?

‐ Excuse me.
‐ Hi.

‐ Hey, Gina.
‐ Did your election results
come in?

I won. Yeah, I left you
a message on your desk.

‐ Great, congratulations.
‐ Yeah, I was very pleased.

‐ I'm Assistant
District Attorney Cohen.
‐ Gina Colon. How do you do?

Leo. Fine.
That could be temporary,
him being fine,

because he needs
to learn some manners.

Anyways, pleased to meet you.
I owe you a victory toast,
James, with your tea mug.

Yeah, I'll be up to collect.

Don't refer to her
with that type of attitude.
Do you understand me?


See, now
that was pushing it.
Cool, cool, James.

Detective, that little twerp
with the glasses
has been waiting for you.

Thanks, Geri.
I put him in the coffee room so
I wouldn't have to look at him.

We don't want to
miss with Boland.
Twenty minutes, Andy.

I'd like to give
that Cohen guy a smack.

Line starts
up on Fourth Street.

How's it going, Henry?
They told me you were
gonna talk to me.

I wanted to
get it out of the way.
I was gonna see you tonight.

I just want to get it done with
and that you realize
I wasn't involved.

I liked that girl, Sara.
We had some talks.

‐ Oh, yeah?
What'd you talk about?
‐ About me wanting to k*ll her.

Henry, I don't‐‐

I don't think
that you k*lled her.
All right?

I also don't need
any smart mouth coming
out of you right now.

I just asked you
a simple question‐‐

‐ What were you talking about?
‐ Things.
Her being here.

‐ That it's not being
so much fun.
‐ About being here in New York?

‐ The Big Apple, yeah.
‐ She's from upstate
somewhere, right?

Utica, yeah.
Her parents called me.

‐ When was this?
‐ After they got told
she was dead.

They called thinking
your mother was still
the landlord of the building?

I had to talk to them.

Uh‐huh. So you kept
your mother's phone number?

That's exactly my point.
That's what I was trying
to bring up here.

I know what you're trying
to bring up here, Henry,

all the suffering
that the world's
put you through.

‐ You think it was fun
talking to them?
‐ I don't care if it was fun.

The only thing that
I want to find out right now
is what the hell you know.

So that past grieving,
that girl's parents don't
have to go to sleep at night...

knowing that that k*ller's
still on the street.

Look, look, I know
you think I'm a creep.

And somehow 'cause I got
money problems and bad habits,
I must have been involved.

I'm not saying knowingly.

If I was,
I don't know how.

I gave that Detective Savino
everyone I could think of
who could be pissed off.

And he told me
that he checked
all of those people out.

So, I don't know
what the hell
to tell you.

I can tell you
it feels pretty lousy
having everyone feel...

that you're responsible
for something like this.

And it's been
a pretty lousy year

my mother
and everything else.

This is just
the maraschino cherry
on the whipped cream,

‐ feeling responsible.
‐ Feeling the way you are.

Because that's how everyone
seems to be holding me.

'Cause maybe someway you figure
that they're right?

If they are,
I don't know how.

I've been racking
my brains.

Now if you think
you can help just stay
as big a jerk as you are...

and maybe
you can get something.

Because I don't want
her parents awake
any more than you do,

or her k*ller
out on the street!

Look, Henry, I‐I gotta‐‐
I can't talk to you no more.

‐ Yeah, that's perfect.
‐ I gotta go.
I promise that I'll‐‐

I'll talk to you again later.
All right?

Take‐Take a minute here,
you know.

Maybe we can come up
with something.

All right.

Just take as long
as you need.

Boland. Your people
are here to see you.

How's it going, Darryl?
Uh, we're detectives
from the 15th Squad.

This is Detective Sipowicz.
I'm Detective Simone.

I'm not informing on nobody.
I just come down
for my brother's funeral.

Yeah, we heard about that.
We're sorry for your loss.

‐ We wanna talk to you about
the stove factory stickup.
‐ I wasn't there.

‐ All right,
get up for a second.
‐ What?

Get up for a second.
Let me see you walk.

What for?
Is that so damn hard?
Just do it.

What's this, some kind
of trick or somethin'?

You were limping
when you got arrested, right?

Huh? And you had
a bulletproof vest on
and a g*n.

What was that about?
Why are you asking?
What you tryin' to do?

Darryl, put your paranoia
on hold for just a minute,
okay, and listen.

We got some information
that you might have got mistaken
for somebody else.

Is that what
this is all about?
You lookin' to get me out?

Good Lord,
you're gonna help me?

God bless you. God bless you.
God bless you.
All right, Darryl, calm down.

All right, Darryl,
just calm down.
Sit down.

I give up hope.
I've been waiting five years,
but they just forgot about me.

I'm just one more black man
that got locked up.

You were limping when they
collared you, same as the
suspect seen leaving the wreck.

Yes, sir, I was.
I'd been shot
a couple of weeks before.

That's how come I had
the bulletproof vest on.

Somebody was out
to k*ll me.

It was a drug thing.
I was all mixed up
dealing coke.

How was I gonna tell that?
I was just out on parole.

The lawyer told me
not to say nothin'.

And I thought I could beat it,
'cause I wasn't there.
Look, look. Look at this.

‐ Whoa, whoa.
‐ No, no. Look, look,
look at this here.

See that, a b*llet hole.
Come out back here.

Darryl, that don't prove
you weren't in the car.
You didn't have an alibi?

A guy was gunning for me.
I wasn't going anywhere.
I was at home.

I was by myself.
Honest to God.
I had nothing to do with it!

Did you ever find out
who they confused you with?

Some guy named Blueford,
was upstate.

I tried to get myself
transferred up there,
but I couldn't bring it off.

All right, Darryl.
On the gate.

Wait a minute. Wait.
You can't leave me
here like this.

I'm the wrong guy.
I didn't do it.

Please don't give me hope
and just walk away like this.

Pull your pants up.
We'll get back to ya.

Wait, you just can't
leave me like this!

I didn't do it!

Thanks a lot.

‐ No good?
‐ [ Man ] Have you decided
or shall I come back?

He flakes half the time
I'm supposed to see him,
this Henry.

So we don't have to
rush through dinner.
Yeah, that's right.

How did it, uh,
go at court?

I'm selling the testimony
so hard, I can never tell.

D.A. seemed to think
it went good.


I've missed you.

Yeah, I missed you too.

A lot.

Wanna do anything
about that?

Oh, yeah, every day.

But then I feel
there's something
I still don't understand.

I don't think
we should get back
with each other until I do.

What don't you
understand, Bobby?

I've got problems
and they're mine to solve.

And meanwhile we were happy.
I think you're
solving 'em pretty good.

I have to be the judge of that.
And maybe you just
don't wanna see it.

And why would that be?

'Cause then it would
just be us in love
and ready to take our shot.

Diane, you‐‐
you think our being happy...

is like some trick
you bring off,

being so smart and pretty
and all the lights
going in bed?

What do you think?
If we get married, I'm gonna
see behind that curtain?


Well, seeing
behind the curtain's
when I fell in love.

I like the lights,
you know.

I like smart and pretty.

But it was the way
you were with your mother
and your brother.

It's the way you've been
with me, you know,
helping me get past myself.

That's why I know
I wanna make a life with you.

You want too much, Bobby.
I don't have it to give
to you right now.

I would have taken my chances.

I think you're selfish.

Like the rest
wasn't enough.


Uh, I'm sorry for
taking up the table there.
No problem.

Can I bother you
for the phone again?


Night's still young.

I'm just gonna listen
to this bozo's phone
ring for a while.

[ Line Ringing ]

‐ Morning, Mr. Stoltz.
‐ Yeah, good morning.

Is this gonna be
about the stove factory?
Uh, yeah.

I'm Detective Simone.
This is Detective Sipowicz.
How's it going?

I talked to
a Detective, uh, Harper.

Yeah, he's retired now.
Yeah, so am I.
[ Chuckles ]

Only dealing
I ever had with the police
was over that robbery.

That's why I figured
what this was about.

You were a guard
at the factory, right?

Retired last year.
I was in the back room
guarding the payroll.

They paid cash there.
It's a union requirement.

And as soon as they came in,
held up the clerk,

I slammed the door
and locked it.

It was an iron door,
so that fixed 'em.

I set off the alarm,
and they took off.

Mr. Stoltz, did, uh‐‐
did you get a good look
at the stickup guys?

Just a quick look.

At the lineup,
you I. D.'d a Darryl Boland.
Right, that's correct.

But you didn't I.D.
the guy that got convicted
with him, Alvin Moore.

He didn't look familiar.
But Darryl Boland did?


What are you guys after

‐ You got doubts about him?
‐ Do you?

[ Sighs ]
I don't know.

I felt I was sure
at the lineup
and the grand jury.

You see, his brother
worked at the factory,

and I'd see him
now and then.

This started me
doubting myself.

I got to thinkin'
maybe I really didn't see
Darryl Boland at the holdup.

Maybe he looked familiar
because he resembled
his brother.

I mean, I don't know.

Knowing I had to testify
at the trial,

I thought I better stick
with what I said before.

I was afraid of
what my boss would think
if I changed.

‐ How's it going, Harper?
‐ What's going on, Andy?

Who's this guy Simone,
running to the D. A.?

That would be me.
I'm Simone.
George Harper.

You drove
the commissioner, right?
That's right.

Well, see, I was an actual
detective, and you're screwing
up a case that I cleared.

‐ This was my push, Harper.
‐ Look, we got information...

one of the guys you collared
might be wrong for that stickup.
Darryl Boland?

That's right.
Is that why he was wearing
a bulletproof vest...

‐ and carrying a nine‐millimeter
when we collared him?
‐ How's it going?

Great. I got a security
business on the island.
This is just what I need.

Did you authorize
the reopening
of this case?

Yeah, I did.
I ran every one of those workers
in that stove factory...

and every member of their
immediate family through B. C. I.,
and I came up with Boland.

He's got a sheet.
He's got a brother
working in the factory.

We go to see him, he's limping,
which one of the perps
was limping after the stickup.

The payroll guard
said it was him.

The other witness,
he I. D.'d him.

And now I got
some chauffeur here coming
and telling me I screwed up.

Hey, assh*le,
I had my shield before
I drove for the P. C.

And there were reasons
why I took that job.

Well, if you think I'm taking
this too personally, that's
the way we used to do it, kid.

That must have been before
you took three‐quarters off a
five‐mile‐an‐hour fender bender.

Is that how
you told him the story?

No, I told him
it could've been six, George,

but we ain't here
to talk about how you got
your medical pension.

If it's the wrong guy
in the joint,
he is supposed to come out.

Sure, but I don't wanna see
anything about this
in the papers...

till you guys find out
where it stands.

‐ Nobody's bringing it
to the papers.
‐ I got a livelihood.

‐ I got a reputation.
‐ [ Fancy ]
You made your point, George.

I want to be kept informed.
Sure. Go home.
Wait by your phone.

They brought
those guys down.

Moore, the one that
got convicted with Boland
and a guy named Blueford.

‐ He's the one that Boland says
might've done it with Moore.
‐ Go talk to 'em.

How about the balls
on this guy, huh? Acts like
we're looking to hurt him.

You can't worry
about that, Andy.

Nobody wants to hurt
the lazy bastard.
Come on, partner.

Like we wanna spend our day
in the Tombs.

Over there.

Alvin, I'm Detective Simone.
This is Detective Sipowicz.

‐ Uh‐huh.
‐ We're here to talk to you
about the stove factory job.

‐ Yeah.
‐ Sit down.

We're looking
into the possibility, Alvin,

that Darryl Boland
might not have been
in on that stickup with you.

You never made a statement.
We're looking for your help
on just that one part of it.

Look what he did to me.
Look what he did to my face.

You crazy if you think
I'm gonna help you.
Boland did that?

Hell, yeah.
Right after the jury come back
and say we're guilty,

‐ they put us in a cell,
come at me with a razor blade.
‐ So that was over the verdict?

Every day at the trial,
he was telling me
to say he wasn't there.

But I ain't saying nothing.

'Cause if I say it wasn't him,
meant I was guilty,
knowing who was there.

Well, Alvin, if Boland
is the wrong guy, we need
to straighten this out.

What's in it for me?

We can get you
a couple hundred dollars
in your commissary account.

‐ My face only worth
200 bucks, man?
‐ Hey, that's all we can get.

‐ What else do you want?
‐ I want a transfer.

I got family.
It's hard for 'em
to see me upstate.

I don't get much visitors.

I want a transfer
to a joint down this way.
How about Green Haven?

How about it?
You saying
you can get me there?

Yeah, we'll get you there.

I never seen Boland
before the trial.

‐ I didn't even know who he was.
‐ Who did the stickup
with you, Alvin?

Didn't know him too well.
Some guy from down south

He's long gone now.
No telling where he is.

We don't play that
with you, Alvin.
No name, no transfer.

Well, you ain't gonna
find him anyway.

Man's name
was Larry Blueford.

On the gate.

May take some time,
getting you to Green Haven.
Maybe a month.

Let Boland know, I see him,
I'm gonna k*ll him.

‐ You wanna see Blueford now?
‐ Yeah, please.

I got that weigh‐in
with Medavoy.

Oh, yeah?

I feel like I might have
lost a few pounds.

Been watching what you eat?
Fish and chicken exclusively.

I'm trying to take walks
after dinner.

Yeah, because I've seen Greg
on that step deal.

I'm not gonna make
no damn fool of myself
in front of 74 people.

I'm out taking a walk
like a normal person.

Larry, Detective Sipowicz.
I'm Detective Simone.

What you all
wanna see me for?

‐ Where you from, Larry?
‐ Helena, Arkansas.

That near where our blowhard
president grew up?

I don't know.

All right, we're here
about a stickup
at the Hamilton Stove Factory.

It took place,
like, five years ago.

‐ Somebody steal some stoves?
‐ We heard you were in
on the job.

You heard a lie.
Some woman must have
told you that.

We got a witness.
I think you know
a lot about this case.

We're not looking to hurt you
here. We just need to know if
our information is right or not.

'Cause a wrong man
might be doing time.

And you wanna
give his time to me?

No, it wouldn't
work like that.

You'd get immunity
for the information you gave.

You know
a Darryl Boland, Larry?

Alvin Moore?

Past the immunity,
maybe we could steer
some privileges your way.

You get me
some conjugal visits?

‐ Where's your wife at?
‐ I'm not married.

That could hold you back some.

You all could, you know,
bring a hooker up here
and say we're married.

Get serious, Larry.

I wish I could go
to one of them work farms.

I'm a country boy.
I'm going crazy
in that cell.

How much time you got left?
528 days.

Suppose we get you
on a work farm.

And I get immunity for saying
who it was or wasn't?

You don't give up
a statement until
we get the whole deal okayed.

Okay. Okay.

Get me the work farm
and immunized,

I'll tell you all
everything you wanna hear.

And you'll stand
in a lineup for us?

On the gate.

‐ Alvin Moore give me up?
‐ Nah, it didn't come down
like that.

We're ever in the same
institution, he's best
to stay off the yard.

Won't happen, Larry.
'Cause you're gonna be
on a nice work farm.

Yeah, that's good.

You recognize any
of those men, Mr. Stoltz?

One I picked before
is number two.

He's the brother of a fella
who worked in the plant.

Would you tell him
how sorry I am?

You recognize anyone else
in the room?

Number four.
He's who did the robbery.

Thank you.

Transfers for the other two
will take a few weeks.

Once the judge
signs the writ,
Boland's on the street.

Make sure the other two
stay segregated
till the transfers.

Nice little black eye
for all our departments.

You won't hear Boland

There goes Mr. Joy Boy.

‐ What do you want?
‐ Let's talk in here.

Hey, James, uh, number two,
keep him here
for a couple more minutes.

Okay. It worked out
all right for him?
Yeah, it did.

Number four,
he goes back to the Tombs.

The rest go back
to the V. A. shelter?

Have a seat, George.

Sure, you've been
so considerate right along.

Darryl Boland's wrong
for the second man
on that stickup.

‐ Is that right?
‐ Yeah. Your first perp
just gave him up.

Alvin Moore.

What did you give Moore
to have him say that?

‐ This Blueford
copped to it, Harper.
‐ What did you give to Blueford?

‐ Oh, this guy's a peach.
‐ It happens, George.

[ Scoffs ]
You guys are assholes,

and I'm gonna pay
the consequences.

The three of you make me sick.
How do you figure it,
George, huh?

'Cause you screw up,
we gotta take your abuse?

‐Mm‐hmm. And you'd rather
listen to skells.
‐Nobody listened just to skells.

How about a witness saying
when he's looking at Boland
in your lineup,

you give him
the high sign?
Ah, he's lying.

Yeah, him too, huh?
I saw your photo array
when this went down, George.

Midgets, hunchbacks
and Boland.

I didn't hear
any reservations back then.

I told my bottle.

George, you wanted
to be kept informed.
This is how it came out.

Well, inform the family
of that dead woman that
Boland's back on the street.

You can tell 'em
the P. C.'s driver
cracked the case.

You just keep mouthing off,
Harper. I'll make
your three‐quarters legit.

We're done, George.

I am ashamed
I was ever on this job.

Yeah, I guess
that makes it unanimous.

Okay for me to tell Boland?

Harper, Vince,
want you to do
handstands for 'em...

'cause they're still
drawing breath.

Yeah, and Vince has to answer
for some of my molar work.

Your mouth any better?

Still feels like
I took a good right.

That's how Patterson felt
after the first Johansson fight.

Had to go back a while,
huh, Andy?

A white heavyweight
who could punch?

Man, you guys
are something else.
I can't believe you did this.

Nobody's every done
nothin' like this for me
before in my life.

Give me a holler,
I'll take Darryl over.

Now you understand
it's gonna be a couple days.
Yeah, sure. I understand.

Hey, man, thanks.
Thanks for what you did, man.

You've got to be
the finest men in the world.

Yeah, you wanna thank us,
don't be comin' back
in handcuffs.

Hey, you don't have
to worry about me
coming back ever.

Try to put all this behind you.
A lot of guys,

they get their minds
tied up with lawsuits
and everything else.

Hey, you don't have to worry
about me getting near any dr*gs,
'cause first day out,

I'm getting up early,
going to the employment office,
get a job.

I'm gonna work hard,
'cause I know my freedom's the
most important thing there is.

These two guys,
I owe them everything.

They got me released
for something
I didn't even do.

‐ James.
‐ They're good guys.

Yeah, they're good guys.
You ready, Darryl?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey, thanks, man.
Thanks a lot.

If you feel the need
to put your bulletproof vest
back on, Darryl,

that's probably a tip‐off
you're hanging with
the wrong crowd.

Sure you're right.
Thanks for the advice.

Figure a week
till he's selling dime bags?

Just wanted to steer him away
from suing Harper.

Why ruin a distinguished
police career?

Big drumroll, Andy.
Time for the first weight check.

‐ Yeah, huh?
‐ Yeah, I'm eager
to see where we stand.

Don't be putting your foot
on the scale behind me.
None of them butcher's tricks.

A‐A‐Are you kidding, Andy?
I'd never do something
like that.

I feel so lousy, Bobby.

Yeah, I‐I felt lousy
when you left the restaurant.

Can we at least be friendly
with each other?


So when we see each other
we're glad, instead of
it's hurting so much?

Yeah, sure, Diane.

I need you to at least
be my friend.

Me too.

‐ Good night.
‐ Night, boss.

Night, Lieu.

[ Geri ]
Good night, Lieutenant.

Good night.

Good night.

That's wonderful, Andy.
You've lost three
and a half pounds.

Yeah, one pound
less wonderful than you.

But I've eaten nothing today
since a light breakfast.

And just prior
to our original weigh‐in,
you ate a lot.

Yeah. And didn't relieve
myself afterwards.

Just write
the weights down.

Done and done.

I think the both of us
are doing sensational.

Of course, uh,

possibly the StairMaster
is giving me a slight leg up.

My beginning
exercise program.

See that, Andy?
I made a pun.

Slight leg up
with a StairMaster.
I feel mentally alert as well.

Yeah, your mind's been
sensational lately.

And my sense of humor's

Let's not get all touchy‐feely,
all right, Medavoy?

Sometimes I realize
that people
are just having fun.

I shouldn't take 'em
so seriously.

A Gary Norcross
is downstairs to see you.

Have him stay there, Geri.
I'll talk to him downstairs.

All right.
Yeah, keep him there.

‐ Good night, Andy.
‐ Night.

Night, Greg.
Four and a half pounds
I lost, Bobby.

‐ Andy lost three and a half.
‐ Attaboy, Greg.

Yeah, we're both
very enthused.

‐ Lookin' good, Andy.
‐ Yeah, thanks.

Course, you looked
good to me before.

You're aware
I'm a married guy,
correct, Geri?

Yes, I am.

All right then.

Mr. Norcross,
thanks for coming in.

It's a m*rder investigation.
I didn't think I had a choice.

This is really more like
an informal conversation.

What do you mean?

I'm actually the landlord
of the building
where Sara was k*lled.

I mean, I'm a detective too,
but, uh, you know, you
could be hearing later on...

from someone who's dealing
with the case officially.

And who would that be?
Uh, that's probably
a Detective Savino.

Sir, Sara and I,
we talked a little bit
the day before the sh**ting.

She said she'd had
Buster about three weeks.

She bought the dog 19 days
before she was k*lled.

I mean, are you interested
in the time and date
that she bought the dog,

or, uh, my impression of
her as a person, or what?

When she bought the dog,
did she come up
to Poughkeepsie?

She took the train.
I met her at the station,
and I brought her to the kennel.

You looked up the ads
for black Labs in the paper.
Is that how you found me?

Did she say
anything at all about
why she was getting a dog?

She'd been mugged.
She wanted a dog
for protection.

But she wanted a breed
that was friendly.

Did she mention anything at all
about what the guy looked like
who mugged her?

Just that he was white.

Say anything at all about
being afraid that this guy
might come back?

Anything like that?

How did it come up
that the mugger was white?

I may have asked.
Did I need your approval
for that?

‐ No, absolutely not.
‐ I thought this was
still a free country.

You mean I didn't have a right
to move out of New York?

Take it easy, Mr. Norcross.
I don't like
what's going on here.

You ask me to come in here,
and then I find out that this
conversation isn't required.

That I may have to do this
all over again
with a Detective Savino.

Well, it's not even sure
that he'll call you.
What kind of procedure is this?

If you're not investigating
this case, why the hell
are you making me talk to you?

I explained that to you,
Mr. Norcross. I'm the landlord
of that building,

and she was a nice girl.

I don't want to be
bothered again. When this
Detective Savino calls me,

I'm gonna tell him
to talk to you.
Thanks for coming in.

This Brooklyn case.

Guy got anything important?
Oh, definitely
worth the jackpot.

He's gonna put me
in with Savino.

You got
the guy's phone number?
I'll head him off.

This guy I was talking to?

I'll call him and thank him
for his cooperation tomorrow.

‐ As you?
‐ I'll call him as Savino.

You think with a better
social life, you'd be going
easier on this homicide?

I got left
this building, man.

So you're interested
as a landlord?

[ Sighs ]

When I get jammed up,
I'm looking to make a move.

For some reason
or other I can't,
and then I'm frustrated.

I‐I got all
this energy built up.

I wind up throwing punches
over a parking space
or something else bright.

You're saying this
is off of Diane. I'm looking
to make a move with her...

and having to wait.
I'm saying what I do.
I mix apples and oranges.


I start going with
fruit descriptions, generally
the conversation's losing value.

Hi, fellas.
How's it going there, Vince?

I'm too old to get
a load out anymore, Bobby.
I'll tell you that right now.

Nothing a few days
without moving won't cure.

I hope I didn't burn
any bridges upstairs‐‐
offend Martinez and so forth.

‐ I hope I didn't say
anything hurtful.
‐ No, you're all right.

You know, time moves on.
If you don't accept that,
it runs right over you.

Extra hours now, Vince,
you could lecture at libraries.

Oh, don't joke, Andy.
With being done being delegate,

I'm thinking I may
try collecting my thoughts,
my job experiences, you know.

‐ That's a good idea.
‐ Sure. Round 'em up.

Yeah. Well, anyways,
I'm still on night duty.

‐ Attaboy.
‐ I'm not out to pasture yet.

‐ Throw in some recipes.
‐ What?

In the book,
throw some recipes in.

I'd do it, Andy.
I wouldn't begrudge it.
My cannolis and the rest of it.

Bring his book out,
he'll wind up on Jay Leno.

He'd fit right in
with that hump.

[ Knocking ]

How's it going?

Sorry I messed up

I'm getting
your act down, Henry.
You gotta miss an appointment...

so that you can take
the next one seriously.

I'm gonna confide in you.
I didn't tell this to Savino.

I borrowed some money
from some guys.

getting the building.



And you didn't
keep up the vig?

I'm two and a half payments

I made half a payment
on the late payment
from three weeks ago.

And the last two weeks
I'm fully behind.

Give me who we
gotta talk to.

I'm ashamed.
I'm ashamed of myself.
I was too ashamed to say.

I got her k*lled, didn't I?

Al Solestri
and Steeney Leone.

‐ Yeah, right.
‐ Are these established shys,

or just some assholes
putting money on the street?

That one guy's crazy,

Naples Pizza.
That's where they
can look for them.

That guy Solestri,
he owns it.

I'm ashamed.

You should be.
She was a nice girl,
and she wasn't bothering nobody.

I just didn't wanna believe
that it could be connected.

That someone would do
something like that
to a stranger.

Shut up.

I'm ashamed.
Shut up.
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