02x21 - Corner of Hell

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fugitive". Aired: September 17, 1963 – August 29, 1967.*
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Dr. Richard is wrongly convicted for a m*rder he didn't commit, escapes custody and ends up in a game of cat-and-mouse with the real k*ller.
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02x21 - Corner of Hell

Post by bunniefuu »

Can I talk to him?

Yeah, you can bid him farewell.

I, uh...

I think Tully
believes this is fair.

They're going to lynch me.

That's m*rder.

Well, in our world, yes,
but this isn't our world.

What happened, Gerard?

I went out to my car.

I found the girl,
and I saw a man.

But you can't prove it.

There's nothing I can prove.

A QM Production.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim
of blind justice,

falsely convicted for
the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate when
a train wreck freed him

en route to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation,

to change his identity,
to toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave the
scene of the crime.

Freed him to run before
the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The costars in tonight's story:

R.G. Armstrong.

Bruce Dern.

Sharon Farrell.

Also starring Barry Morse
as Lieutenant Philip Gerard.

A man on the run,

convicted on
circumstantial evidence

of a m*rder he did not commit.

Calling himself Paul Hunter.

Driving relief for
Inter-South Freight.

This is his first trip.

It is to be his last.

He's only a few miles
away from a grim encounter

with truth and irony.

Excuse me. Sure.

My name is Gerard. Huh?

Lieutenant Philip Gerard.

What's up?

I have information
a man I'm looking for

was recently employed here.

I have his picture.

No, I had all my
own local g*ng here.

I know all my men.

Wait a minute. I
believe that's, uh,

what's his name? Hunter.

But the hair would be darker.

Sure it is. Hunter.

Interstate sent him
down to me to drive relief.

I put him on a run to
Waterton yesterday afternoon.

Waterton? Where's that?

Well, it's a might
good piece to drive.

You really wouldn't have to.

'Cause he's coming back.

Coming back? When?

Well, hm, hang on.

I had a load to pick up

and they probably
put it on last night

so that means they ought
to be due in here at, uh, 2:00.

What route would they use?

Oh. Right here.

They'll come by,
uh, State Highway.

Where would they be
say an hour from now?

Well, you ought to be
able to catch 'em right here,

just outside of Moss Junction.

All right. Thank you.

How do I reach the sheriff?

Oh, sure.


Uh, dial Sheriff Claypool.

Get him on the line.

I'll be doggone. Heh.

Hello, sheriff, this is
Lieutenant Gerard speaking.

You Gerard? I'm Claypool.

Thank you for coming, sheriff.

There ain't no Inter-South
rig come by here since sunup.

What's wrong?

Inter-South hired a
man about four days ago

who fits the description of
Richard Kimble, the man I want.

They sent him on a run
to Waterton and back.

The truck should pass
here within the next half hour.

We'll stop him.

Yeah, but let's get this
barricade out of sight.

I don't want to give
him any warning.

What's wrong with you?

I... I don't care what kind of
trouble you in with the sheriff,

man, you can't
outrun him in this rig.

You gonna stack us up!

There's... There's only me.

I don't want no trouble.

You had a helper. Where is he?

Well, h-he done get off
on me there back yonder.

H-He was a man possessed.

He was a man
possessed! Let's go.

No... There.

That side road. You passed it.

That's moonshine country,
all that side of the highway.

I don't care about that.

We do. We leave them people be.

What, bootleggers? Lawbreakers?

If we go in back yonder,
they set fire to the woods.

Time we put out the
fire, replant the trees,

it's cheaper and it's safer
to lose the tax on whiskey.

All right. Whiskey's
not my problem.

All I want is Kimble.
Now, please turn back.

Lieutenant. Them
people hate a stranger.

They hate a lawman.

They hate a man in
a store-bought suit.

You're all three.

You ain't even sure it was
Kimble went in back there.

No sense gettin' your head
blowed off just to find out.

Just be still, boy,
and turn back around.

That's right.

Turn all the way around.

Lieutenant, come on home
with me. Meet my missus...

Sheriff, I don't know how
to make you understand this,

but I'm not gonna let
Kimble escape this way.

Escape? Look, lieutenant,
you can forget about him.

Tryin' to escape in that country

is the same thing as
committing su1c1de.

Now, I wouldn't be going
in there after nobody.

Sounds like Cody.

Look at what ol' Cody drug in.

Looks almost like a
human, don't it, Tully?

What do you reckon that it is?

What you aimin'
to do with it, Cody?

k*ll him, Cody.

Now, somebody get me a g*n.

Cody, look at your arm.

You're bleedin', Cody.

Look at how it's spurtin' out.

Cody, you go best
wrap up that arm.

He cut an artery.

He could bleed to death.

Well, am I gonna bleed to death?

Shut up, Cody.

What do you know about it?


Can you fix it up?

Yeah, I could.

Well, then, get on with it.

Lookie there. He
stopped it from spurtin'.

Get me some soap and water.

You can fetch it yourself.


I'll need a needle
and some white thread

and a white cloth
and some alcohol.

Whiskey will do.

Elvie, he doctored
Cody up real good

and I take to that kindly.

You go easy, you hear?


Easy as pie, Pa. Ha-ha.

Now, I'd like my money back.

You got a right smart of
hardness in you, don't you, doc?

Fix you some eats, if you like.

Thank you.

Back yonder.

Hey, girl.

Just don't get excited.

Why don't you sit down?
I'll fix you something to eat.


Go on, take it.

Go on, take it. Tell
the others I'm broke.

Fix me something to
eat I can take with me.


Hey, Tull, Georgie says
there's an automobile

comin' up the trace.
Yeah. Get back out there.

Where do you think you're going?

Gotta keep moving, Tully.

Now, hold on there. I
don't know who you are yet.

I don't allow strangers to
come and go around here

as they please. Pa, he's okay.

He gave me his money.

I'm in trouble, Tully.

Keep me here,
it'll be bad for you.

Somebody chasin' after you?

That's right.

You stay right
there. You'll be safe.

You can watch how we
get shed of somebody

we don't really
want around here.

Look at him.

Look at that automobile.

Elvie, now take it easy.

Hey, mister.

You lookin' for somebody?

I don't suppose you
have a constable here?

Uh, police?

It's my pa tells
folks what to do.

Uh-huh. Come on.

Hey, Pa, I want you to shake
hands with a friend of mine.

My name is Gerard.
I'm looking for a man

who might've come through
here about an hour ago.

We don't keep
strangers here, mister.

Well, uh, look, uh,

I have nothing
against any of you but...

Hey, lookie, Tully,
he brung us a toy.

All right, the man I'm after
is a convicted m*rder*r.

I told you, mister, there
ain't nobody here you want.

I gotta tell you again?

I want my car brought back.

What car?


Come on!



What you got there?


Three hundred and forty dollars!

Hey! Let me have that, Cody!

Give me my money back!

Come on, now. - Ow! Aah!


Elvie, I won you
fair that time, huh?



Come on, Elvie, now,
don't be playin' like that.

Ol' Tully will k*ll me.


Elvie! Now don't play like that
'cause Tully's gonna k*ll me!

Wait a minute. The girl's hurt.

I can see that much.


That's one way to
get your car back.

What are you talking about?

I found her like this.

Now, you reckon she
done this to herself?

What happened here?


Who done this?

I never touched the girl.

I found her like this.

There was a man here.

I saw him running away.

What man?

A man in...

A man in overalls
and a... baseball cap.

Hey, Tull, maybe that
doc could fix Elvie up.






Doc run out on
us, Tully. Run out!

Get Roy and some of the
boys and fetch him back here.

Hey, Tull! Doc's here!

What's it about?

I know why you're
runnin' away, doc, but...

What you don't know
is Elvie's hurt real bad.

She's beat up.

Kimble, will you
tell them who I am?

Why don't you tell him
what you done to her?

Where is she?

In her bed.


I didn't do it.

Call an ambulance, Tully,

she's got a concussion.

Ain't got no way to call.

Well, then send somebody.

Gerard's car. Take her in that.

I don't see what for.

You done fixed her up
same as you done ol' Cody.

This is different.

I have no way of telling
how bad it really is.

Sorry, Tully, he kicked me.

Ah, that loony up ahead?

Kyle, take your cousin
and some of the neighbors

and go out and
fetch him back here.


What happened?

Ah, he got away.

He won't get far.




I know you won't tell on me now.

I'm gonna give
you his wallet back

and I'm leaving
all the money in it.

Please don't tell on me now.

Will Elvie be all right, doc?

Well, she can come
to in five minutes

or she may never come
to without the proper help.

If Gerard... You
get back in there

and see that she
gets the proper help!

You're gonna need
me on your side.

Don't you get me mad.


I never meant to
holler at you that way.

I need for you to
be good to Elvie.

I ain't got nothing else decent

in this whole world.

I can't send her to no
hospital 'cause, you see,

outside of here the
police want us. Everyone.

They'd take her too.

I can't have that.

Well, then, call
this off, Tully.

Gerard is the police.
He's trouble for both of us.


Now, if it wasn't for her...

I can't let nobody beat up
on my girl and get away with it.

Well, then call a doctor,
Tully. A real doctor. Let me go.

Doc, I know he says
you done a killin'.

Ain't nothin' worse
than a senseless killin'.

I believe that.

And I see'd you had a chance

and a point-blank
reason to sh**t Cody dead

and you throwed away the g*n.

You just take
care of Elvie, and...

I'll take care of
this here Gerard.

Now, wait a minute.

You all know that I been sweet
on Elvie Gage for a long time.

So I get first
licks at this man.

And I say he needs floggin'.

Mister, you ain't never
seen a man flogged

until you see him get it
with the wet end of a rope.

Hold on, Cody.

Elvie's my young'un.

Whatever is done
to him, I'll do it.

I didn't touch your daughter.

I went after my car... Shut up!

Take him into the saloon.

Bring him on here.

Put him in this chair. Cody?

Take your rope and tie
him up good and tight.

You better do better than
Roy and Kyle did out yonder.

Now, listen. I'm
an officer of the law.

I came here on
official business.

Other officers know where I am.

If I can't stop you,

just remember I can't do
anything to help you either

when they find out
what you've done.

You talking a swap of
some kind, are you, boy?

No, I came here to arrest him.

All I can do is to ask you
to let me safely out of here

with my prisoner, and
warn you that if you don't...

Hold on a minute.
Now, you say "prisoner."

You ain't got no prisoner.

That man was convicted
in a court of law.

I been lawed up to court
once or twice myself,

and I know how that is.

Fifty dollars or fifty days.

Our system of justice
may not be perfect,

but it does give every man a
fair chance to defend himself.

How about that, doc?

You get a fair chance in court?


You mean he's speaking true?

You're a k*ller?

No. I couldn't
prove my innocence.

But they let me try.

You've been to court, Tully.

At least you know
they hear both sides.

Come on, Tully, he done
got away one time already.


You've got him tied down.

Send for the sheriff.

Accuse him in court.

Any man deserves that.

My wife was k*lled.
She couldn't testify.

Elvie's still alive.

Well, wait until she can talk.

If she said he did it, then...

Ain't no tellin' what
Elvie's gonna say, Tully.

She's liable to be out
of her head for a week.

All right.

Don't hold with
nothin' senseless.

We'll wait an hour, doc,
then... You boys, y'all get.


Pa! TULLY: Elvie!

What's the matter with her, doc?

Anybody who'd do this to
her has got justice a-comin'.

And he's about to get it.

Cody, I'm gonna need
me a jury of peers.

Go out and see to it.

This here is now
pronounced a court of law,

and I'm about to try a
man for beatin' up Elvie!

You have no authority
to try anybody.

You wait and see if I ain't.

Guilty or not guilty?

I did not harm that girl.

State your name.
Now, y'all listen to this.

State your name.

I'm not gonna play
this... Say your name!

Cody, I'm a-runnin' this.

My name is Lieutenant
Philip Gerard.

I'm an officer of the law.

How do I know you're
an officer of the law?

You ain't carrying
no badge, no papers.

They're in my pocketbook.

What pocketbook?

It was in my coat.
Dr. Kimble knows who I am.

He's guilty of being a
police. Ain't that enough?

Kyle, you can witness first.
Tell what you seen out yonder.

Elvie run off with his car.

He caught up to her and
beat her up for it, is all.

Can you say that you
saw me beat her up?

We seen you stoopin' over her.

That is circumstantial evidence!

It proves nothing!

Didn't you people ever
hear of reasonable doubt?

Ain't no doubt about what
shape my little Elvie's in.

I told you that I found
her unconscious,

and I saw a man running away.

What man?

Why don't you try and find out?!

He could be running scot free

while you're wasting your
time with this mockery!

Come on, Tully, let me testify.

I was out there and I
saw what happened.

Soon as I'm finished with Kyle.


What's goin' on?

Do you know me?

Sure I do.

Here, drink this.

Elvie, you have what's
called a concussion.

Well, I got a headache,
I know that much.

Well, if you rest a
while and it'll go away.

Elvie, I know
somebody beat you up,

but they're out there now
accusing the wrong man.

Now, he's no friend of mine,
but I know he didn't do this.

And I think his life depends
upon your going out there

and telling them
what really happened.

Will you try?


All right, Kyle, that's all.

Cody, you tell what you seen.

Well, he was...

Look, why don't
you just sh**t me

and set the woods on fire?

I know very well what you feel,

what you think
you're trying to do.

Men felt like that and behaved
like that 5,000 years ago.

Well, thank heavens some
of us have grown up a little,

learned just a little.

There is not one beast
in the jungle that kills

just for the sake of k*lling.

But if you think that's
what you have to do,

then stop trying to dignify
it and let's get it over!

Now, if that ain't a confession,
Tully, I don't know what is.

The principal witness
has something to say.

Now, Elvie, Cody
and Roy and Kyle,

they said it was this
feller here beat up on you.

Now he claims it
was somebody else.

Now, I want you
to point your finger

at the one who really done it.

I don't care who it was.


That foreigner done it.

Kyle, I'm gonna leave
you and Roy to guard him.

He gets away again, it's
gonna be somebody's hide.

I got his g*n, Tull.

He wiggles, I'll
wang him with it.

Can I talk to him?

Yeah, you can bid him farewell.

I, uh...

I think Tully
believes this is fair.

They're going to lynch me.

That's m*rder.

Well, in our world, yes,
but this isn't our world.

What happened, Gerard?

I went out to my car.

I found the girl,
and I saw a man.

But you can't prove it.

Well, is there
anything else? I...

I think I can still
make Tully, uh,


There's nothing else.


nothing I can prove.

And the girl says
you're to blame.

Pretty convincing.


Uh, tell me,

how did he happen
to beat you up?

Well, I just taking his
puny old automobile to...

To fool around some and...

And he come and he drugged
me out and he whacked me.

And that's all I can remember

with this headache
and everything.

Elvie, I don't believe you.

Are you calling me a liar?

Elvie, that man has chased me.

Now, I know you think all
policemen are your enemies,

but he is all policemen to
me and he is my enemy.

Now, if he takes me away,
they'll put me to death.

Now, can you think of
any enemy that's worse?

Yeah, maybe not.

Elvie, I know he's not the kind
of man that beats up on girls.

Well, he did on me.

Hey, now, wait a
minute! That's mine!

Here, you picked my
pocket and I caught you.

When did you pick his?

I never did.

I found that right here under
my pillow and that's the truth.


Well, why wasn't it there
when I first came in?

Oh, all right.

I found it in his coat when
I taken his automobile.

Well, was that before
he beat you up?

Well, of course!

Go fetch him.


You know, Gerard
would give you this $300

if you go out there
and tell the truth.

Three hundred and forty dollars.

No, there's $300, Elvie.

Or maybe it was $340.

Are you going to sell
a man's life for that?

And Elvie, if it was $340,

then where's the rest of it?

Don't tell me that
one of your own folks

would cheat you
after you lied for them.

Shut up.

Just shut up and
get out of here!


Your daughter had his wallet.

Let's get on with it, Tully,
that don't prove nothing.

Brings up an
interesting question.

If Elvie stole the wallet,
and he knocked her out,

why didn't he take it back?

Come on, let's
get on with it, Tully.

Know what he says
don't make no sense.

Reckon they right, doc.

Billfold don't prove nothing.



Now you stay inside. You
ain't well enough to be out here.

I don't want to.

All right, let's get on with it.

You gonna give me
what you owe me, Cody?


It was mine first.
What was yours first?

It never was yours at all.

Be quiet, Elvie.

Pa, he owes me $40.

She don't mean
nothin' by that, Tully.

You stole that wallet off of
me and when you brung it back,

you held out $40!

You ain't even
feelin' good, now.

She's just lyin'. You know that.

Give me my money back!

Look, now, Tully,
she's lied all her life,

you ain't gonna start
believin' her now.

Get off me, you.

Come on, now. Let
me go! ELVIE: He a liar.

See that, Pa? Tully,
that don't mean nothin'.

You know I got them things
when I fell in the bottles.

Not them cuts,
Cody. I put 'em there!

I put 'em there, Pa!

Oh, my Pa's gonna get you, Cody!

Go fetch Cody back.

Now, I want you out of here.



You go along with her.

You take her to the hospital.

Hospital, hear?

You let the sheriff
get to her first.

I'll set the woods on fire.

You can't keep the
law out of here forever.

If you're still
protecting him when I...

You try comin' back to get him.

See what happens.

He'll keep trying, Tully.

As long as there's a
chance, he'll keep trying.


You're going to go on running?

There's a man I have to find.

Still the same fairy-tale.

So nothing changes?

And nothing changes the truth.

The truth is still that
you're guilty before the law.

What's the matter, Phil?

Nothing, captain, why?

Because I've already
heard from three of your men

about getting chewed
out this morning.

You haven't been
here three hours yet.

That's hurting your average.

I'm sorry.

Phil, what happened?

I found Richard Kimble. I
tried to take him into custody

and I narrowly missed.

It's all in my report.

I read your report.

The facts are there,
but... But what, sir?

Facts are bread and
butter to an officer of the law.

Aren't the facts enough?

Enough for me
and the department.

I hope they satisfy you.

Oh, captain. Yes, lieutenant.


would you endorse
a requisition for me?

Uh, I'll be needing
a new p*stol.

Yes, lieutenant.

Thank you.

It is a never-ending pattern.

Buy a ticket, catch a bus.

East or north, south or west.

Destination: any town.

This time maybe he'll be there.

A man with one arm.

And for Richard Kimble
the never-ending pattern

will be ended.
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