02x22 - With This Ball and Chain

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x22 - With This Ball and Chain

Post by bunniefuu »

Shut up.

Reynolds, Jobeth.

Let's go.

Are you leaving?

Donna, you're losing your baby.

Oh, your sweet stuff is
leaving you, Donna, baby.

Bye, baby.

Just shut up!

Uh, Jobeth Reynolds, right?

Yeah. Who are you?

I'm Benjamin Skyler,
public defender.

I've been assigned your case.

When did they pick you up?


I was on this boat...

Yeah, I can see that.
Lots of cash onboard.

You k*lled a man.
Ooh, suspected drug dealer.

What? Did you and this guy
have a business disagreement

or you just didn't like him.

No. It was self-defense.

He was trying to k*ll me.

Well, that kind of thing
can happen

when you go out on the water

to do a drug deal
with an ex-con.

Wait a second. You're my lawyer.

You're supposed
to defend me, right?

I didn't know about the dr*gs.

Look, Miss Reynolds,

I can only help you if you're
straight with me, okay?

I've been doing this
for five years,

and nobody is ever innocent,

So, look, you tell me
everything that went down,

and maybe I can do
some horse trading

with the D.A.'s office.


Oh, speak of the devil.

Hey, Ben.

How are you doing?
Oh, hey, Quint, how are you?


You must be, uh,
Miss Reynolds, right?


I'm Quinten Benson

from the district
attorney's office.

I'm sure Ben here told you

that we are ready to deal
your case down a little bit,

but before we do that,

we'll need everything
about the drug deal...

Who you and Reed sold to,
your suppliers.

I didn't know about the dr*gs.

He was trying to k*ll me.

Look, uh, Jo,

I suggest that you talk to me,

and I suggest
you talk to me now,

or things are only
going to get worse.

Quint, we want a deal, up front,

in writing before she says...

You listen to me!
I did not know about the dr*gs!

He did.

But we can't ask him, can we?

You blew a hole in his gut.

I had to k*ll him.

Don't say another word.

You're just gonna
get yourself in trouble.

I didn't have a choice.

I want a phone call.

Don't I get a phone call?

Yeah, you get a phone call.

I came in here
prepared to give you

a little bit more than that.

I'm not feeling
so generous anymore.



Jo, where are you?

If it's about cash for bail,
I can get it.

I got a bike I can...

Doesn't matter if you had
a million bucks, kid.

Jo Reynolds can't be bailed out

'cause no bail's been set.

When does that happen? Tomorrow.

Okay, okay, let me
just see her, all right.

Sorry. No can do.

I just want to see if she's okay.

This ain't a hotel, kid.

You want to see her,

you see her at her
bail hearing tomorrow.

This is not Iraq, man.
She's got rights.

You are getting on my nerves.

Now get out of here.

Good morning,
"Escapade Magazine".

May I help you?

Is Nancy ready for me yet?

I don't know.
I'm not a receptionist.

Celia, you just
walked out of her office.

Yes, and you walked out

on the chance of a
lifetime in New York,

so don't expect me
to help you get

your old job back.

All right. Forget it.

I thought we used to be friends.

You were junior editor,
Campbell, and you quit.

Why? Because you were
lonely for your girlfriend?

Good God,
why don't you just grow up.

Hey, don't blow a gasket,
all right?

The job's open, you can take it.


Yeah, he's right here. Hold on.

Your little sweetheart
tracked you down.

Oh, and, by the way,
there is no job to take.

Because you were such
a grade-A L.A. flake,

they plugged in
someone from New York.

So, you see, you ruined it
for both of us

just by being you.

Thank you.

Hi, Alison.

Hi. I was wondering
if you were free for lunch.

Uh, I don't know.

I don't even know if
I still have a job.

I'm sorry about all this.

I wanted to talk about
what you asked me last night,

about our life together.

Well, why don't you
just tell me now.

I'd like to know

how much of an ass
I made of myself

before I go see Nancy.

I really need to see you

Nancy's ready for you, Romeo,

and she's not very happy.

Mm-hm. Um, look, I got to go.

I'll see you at : .

I love you.

Was that Billy? Um, yeah.

How long have you
been standing there?

Don't worry.
I wasn't spying on you.

So the boomerang boyfriend

is back from New York, huh?

Yes, he is, and I don't
mean to be rude, Amanda,

but I don't think it's
any of your business.

I was just wondering
if Billy was here to stay.

An unstable relationship

affects one's work performance.

Never knowing if he's moving

to New York or Little Rock
or Saskatchewan...

He's staying, all right?

As a matter of fact,

um, he asked me to marry him.

I see.

What a wonderful gesture.

Um, I'd give that commitment

a lot of thought if I were you.

I'm saying this as a friend.

I know things about him

that you don't even know.


What are you doing here?

I live here, remember?

Just thought I'd have
lunch at home.

Throwing away old junk?

Not exactly.

I'll see you later, okay?

Syd, wait.
Don't throw away Puddle.

You've had him since you were .

, actually, and I'm not
throwing him away.

Hey, is something wrong?

Oh, nothing.

I'm moving, that's all.


Wait. Is Amanda kicking you out?

If she is, I'll talk to her.

If it's about money, I can help.

I don't need you to take
care of me, okay, Jane?

I'm moving 'cause I want to.

All right.

Where are you going?

Look, I don't think
you want to know, all right?

Of course I do.

We're friends again. Remember?


Have it your way.

I'm moving in with Michael.


I said I'm sorry, Jane,

but it's love.

These kind of things
just happen.

I'm sorry if I hurt you.


after everything
we have been through,

this is the worst...

The worst thing
you have ever done.

I am an adult now
in an adult relationship,

and if you don't
understand that...

Well, it's been
nice knowing you.

Did you ever notice that every
time you spring for lunch,

we end up eating hot dogs
in the park?

What can I say?

I like the simple things
in life.

No, you're just cheap.

Well, if I'm going to go along

with your big plans,

we're going to have
to start saving some money.

Is this some kind of
backwards way

of accepting my proposal?

Well, weddings and honeymoons
aren't cheap, you know?

Oh, you've made me so happy.

Wait, Billy. One thing.

I don't want to do this

unless we can be totally
honest with each other.


Wait. Listen to me...

for a second.

Right after we got
off the phone this morning,

Amanda said something
that really bothered me.

You know, we also stopped
listening to Amanda.

She said she knew
some things about you

that I didn't know.

Do you have any idea
what she's talking about?

No, I don't have
the faintest idea.

Alison, you know me
better than anybody else.

I don't know why.

Amanda's lashing out
at everybody.

And to tell you the truth,
I really don't want to know.

I just want to forget about

all the garbage in the past

and live now with you.

I want to build
a future together.

I want to wake up every morning

for the rest of my life

knowing that I'm with you
and only you.

Because in the whole world,

all I really care about is you.

Well, in that case,

you better marry me,
Billy Campbell.

You mean it?

You really mean it?

Yeah, I do, more than anything.


Come on, Amanda,

I know you have
the legal connections

and I know you have
the money to help out Jo,

and I'm the one who doesn't buy

the mean bitch routine,

I just don't believe
you're thinking clearly

that's all.

With the money invested in Reed,

we're already tied to this.

And it won't look good.

And The police could
assume we were investing

in Reed's drug business.

Jo's looking at a m*rder charge.

I know she's in a terrible mess,

but if it really was

then they'll let her off.

And we won't
have to get involved.

Amanda, you said it yourself

Reed duped us too, right?

We can't sit by and watch Jo

twist out there by herself.

Reality check, Jake.

Neither you nor I sh*t anybody.

You know,
somehow I thought you had

a little more
integrity than that.

This is not about integrity.

Yeah, that's exactly what
this is about, Amanda,

Nothing else.


You gonna be in here
a long time.

Well, you're looking

a little bit better
this morning.

Must be the outfit.

Your arraignment's
in three hours.

I hate to tell you this,

but after yesterday's meeting

and review of your case file,

I'm not very hopeful.

I'm shocked.

You were so upbeat yesterday.

Look, Jo, either you've
got to give them

everything you know
about the drug deal

including names,

or they're going to charge you

with m*rder one

and they're probably
gonna get a conviction too.

I told you yesterday.

I'm going to tell you again.

I don't know anything...

Anything about what
Reed was doing.

The dr*gs... anything.

You also tell me you didn't
have an arrest record.

And then I find out last year

that you were charged with
having a concealed w*apon.

Oh, God.

I forgot.

I forgot. That's all. Really.

It wasn't a big deal.

Well, it was a big deal to me.

It's going to be
a big deal to the D.A.

Jo, you know what,
you got to stop lying.

It's the only way
that I can help you.

I'm telling you the truth, Ben.

I swear.

Well, if that's the stand
you want to take,

I'll... I'll do the best I can.

I hope you change your mind
before the arraignment.

Jo's in jail, and Reed's dead?

That's impossible.

They really think
she k*lled him?

She did,

but it was self-defense.

I tried to find
you guys last night.

Where were you?

We were out late celebrating.

God, we've got to do something.

Well, she's being
arraigned soon.

We need to come up
with bail money.

We can pull the limit
on our credit cards.


Great, I found a place
that'll hock my Harley.

Let's go.

What about Amanda?
I'm sure she's got some cash.

I brought it up with her.

She was less than helpful.

Why am I not surprised?

Juice, sweetheart?

More coffee?

Put a cork in the sunshine act,

will you, Syd?

Now, Michael,
don't be so grumpy.

I'm just happy everything's
out in the open.

I even told Jane yesterday.

Oh, great.

She's happy for us.

I think she finally
understands about you and me.

Look, Syd, I really don't want

to hear this
load of crap, all right?

Come on, Michael,
why can't you cheer up?

Gosh, I don't know. Let's see.

Uh, my fiancĂŠe is dead.

You're blackmailing me,

and Levin still won't
let me see patients.

You're right.

I'm a happy man.

Well, you should take the bull
by the horns, sweetheart.

Tell Levin you're tired
of administrative duty.

Don't call me sweetheart.

And what?

You think I haven't
already tried that?

I told him
I was off painkillers.

Thanks to me.


Anyway, Levin
thinks I'm a flake.

There's got to be
something we could do.

There's no we, okay?

This is my life, not yours.

The only reason you're here

is you put a g*n to my head.

"Arraignment case number - .

State of California
vs. Jobeth Reynolds."

All parties present?

Quinten Benson
for the state, your Honor.

Benjamin Skyler for the defense.

Your Honor, I beg
your patience for a minute.

I'm locating the case file.

Hurry up, Ben.
Full docket today.

I got it, your Honor.

Good. Let's get going.

I don't suppose
you changed your mind.

I told you I don't know anything

about the dr*gs.

Your Honor, the state requests

that the defendant,
Jobeth Reynolds,

be arraigned on the charge
of first-degree m*rder

and held without bail.


The defense requests
a bail of $ , .

The defendant
is not a flight risk.

Your Honor,
the defendant has not

been a resident
for more than a year

and only six months ago

was brought up
on a weapons charge.


Uh, no. No arguments.

In that case, I have no choice

but to remand the defendant...

Your Honor,
may it please the court,

Walter Kovaks
representing the defendant.

Mr. Kovaks, this is unusual.

I wouldn't think this case

was nearly high-profile
enough for you.

I've been retained
to represent Miss Reynolds

by a family friend, your honor.

Ms. Reynolds, does that
meet with your approval?


Change of representation
is noted.

Ben, you're dismissed.

Yes, your Honor.

Mr. Kovaks.

Defense requests the
arraignment be postponed

until tomorrow, your Honor,

to give us a chance
to review the case

and to give the defendant
a chance to confer

with her new attorney.

Your honor, I think
changing attorneys...

Defendant is remanded
to the county jail

until arraignment.

Tomorrow at : P.M.

Next case.



Don't be. You're on
the road out of here.

Let's go talk.

Excuse me.

Well, this looks good.

Jake Hanson.

That was a nice thing you did.

Why does that
always surprise you?

It doesn't.

So you and Alison
are getting married.


And as a matter of fact,

there's something
you should know.

I'm gonna tell Alison about us.

Don't even think about it.

You wanted it secret,

and that's what I've been doing.

If Jake finds out that
we slept together again,

he'd k*ll me.

Look, when Alison
hears about this,

she's gonna
hear about it from me.

She won't have to hear about it

if you keep your mouth shut?

I would, but I don't trust you.

That was always
the problem wasn't it?

What are you two
talking so intently about?


Billy just can't believe
I'm a nice person, that's all.


Ha ha ha!

You are a very funny young lady.

Mancini, your girlfriend here

does the most dead-on
impression of you I've seen.

Do it for him, it's hilarious.

Michael, we were just
talking about

how much you love
being a doctor.

Oh, is that so?

What are you doing here, Sydney?

Don't be mad.

I was just bringing
you a cappuccino.

Hey, lighten up, doctor.

Sydney's been telling me

how hard you've been working

getting yourself back together.

And she actually
has me convinced

you've kicked the painkillers.

But I told you that last week.

Yes, but I believe her.

Anyway, I better be going.

Sydney, it was
a pleasure meeting you.

It was nice meeting you.

Oh, I'm afraid
I have your coffee.

Listen, why don't you come by

my office later,

and we'll talk about getting
you back on rotation.

Sure. That... that would be great.

And Mancini, you screw up

one more time on job,

and you're gone.


Yes, sir.


You know, I'm really grateful
for what you did today.

It showed a lot of class.

Would you expect anything else
from a classy broad like me?

No, I guess not.

To tell you the truth,

it had a lot to do with you.

I mean, that little fight
we had yesterday

had an effect on me.

You've had an effect on me.

Well, you've had
an effect on me, too.

Jake, there's something
I have to tell you,

and you have to promise me
not to freak out.


Uh, a couple of months ago,

before Christmas, uh...

when we were
kind of broken up...


Anyway, I was very angry
and upset with you.

I thought you had
betrayed my father.

Which I didn't.
I know. Just listen.


I slept with someone else.

I mean, it was revenge,
nothing more.

It didn't mean anything to me.

With who?

Oh, come on, Jake,
that doesn't matter.

It matters to me.

Let's just get it
all out, all right?

I-it was Billy.

Jake, please, forgive me.

I never thought
I'd say this to anyone,


I love you.

I don't want to lose you.

I'm so sorry.

It was the biggest
mistake of my life.

I'm not angry at you.

I don't blame you.

It's great that your lawyer

got them to let you
have visitors right away.

Yeah, he seems to
have a lot of pull.

I just hope he can get me
out of this mess.

God, Alison, look at me.

How did I end up like this?

I keep thinking
I'm a kid, you know,

and I just made a mistake,

like I broke a neighbor's
window or something.

You know, soon my dad will come

and tell everyone
to leave me alone,

pull me into his arms,

and make it all go away.

Then I woke up this morning

in this cage...

And I realized

I k*lled another human being.

I don't know if this
fancy lawyer can help me now

or anyone can.


Jo, you were defending yourself.

You had to.

Please, don't worry.

We'll have you out of here
before you know it.

God, I'm so afraid.

Look, Jake and Amanda

are going to the D.A.
tomorrow with what they know.

And it'll all be cleared up.

Listen to me.

You don't belong in here.

We'll have you home soon.

I don't know.

I know.

In plenty of time
to be my maid of honor.

Your what?

Billy and I are getting married.

And I want you
to be there with me.

Will you do it?

Are you kidding me?

Of course I'll be...

I mean, if you don't mind

my shackles clanging
down the aisle.

Oh, my God, Alison,
I'm really happy for you.


It's going to be a great party,

and you'll be dancing
in the middle of it.

And all of this will be
a part of the past.

Yeah, I hope so.

I really hope so.

Hey, Sydney!

What's that truck
doing in the driveway?

Oh, hi, Michael.

Guys, the rug couldn't
have just disappeared.

I mean, it's a x .

You, get rid of this stuff.

Uh, guys,

why don't you
go back out to the truck

and check there?

Whatever you say, Mrs. Mancini.

Mrs. Mancini?

What the hell do you
think you're doing, Sydney?

Well, I'm making
our house a home.

I'd think you'd be
a little more appreciative.

Where did you get all this,

and who's going to pay for it?

Well, you are, doctor.

I borrowed one of your credit
cards for a down payment

and financed the rest.

All right.

All right, look,

you're not going
to do this, okay?

It's not going to happen.

Not only do I hate
all this chi-chi stuff,

but I can't afford it, okay?

So we're getting rid of it.

Don't be so insecure, Michael.

You're a physician.

You've got great
earning potential.

Now, come in here
and see our new bedroom set.

Sydney... sweetheart.

Will you do me
a little favor, okay?

Send it all back,

all of it,

and then when you're through,

I want you
to make me dinner, okay?

We'll talk later.

No, we're talking now.

And something else.

You're not Mrs. Mancini.

There's only one Mrs. Mancini,

and that's my damn mother.

Do you understand that?

Michael, you're making me mad.

Don't ever make me mad.

Bad things can happen.

Do you understand?

I can't thank you guys enough

for all the help and support,

the lawyers, everything.

You should've seen us
in there with the D.A. today.

They kept us through lunch.

He thought we were
a couple of co-conspirators,

but we stuck it out.

Walter thinks
he may be coming around.

Really? That's great.

Yeah, yeah.

He's sure he can get
bail set today, too,

but the thing is

that it may be as high
as $ - , .

I don't know where we can come
up with that kind of money.

What about your father?

Jake, I couldn't tell him this.

It would break his heart.

Anyway, he couldn't help me

because his business
is going under.

Well, it's a tough one.

But we're going to have
to think of something.

You can't spend
another night in jail.

Tell her it's taken care of.


Tell her I'll take care
of the bail.

How can you do that?

Did you hear the kind of
money we're talking about?

Look, Jo,
don't worry, all right?

I'll tell Walter that I'll put
up the apartment building,

and I'm sure he can
work out the rest.

I don't know what to say.

I wouldn't have expected...

I just thought of it myself.

What can I say?

I guess Jake's been
a good influence on me.

Besides, it's only collateral.

I only lose money
if you jump bail,

but I think you're probably
a pretty good risk.

Well, I better get to Walter's
office and get this going.


Thank you.

Don't mention it.


You guys, I'm so grateful
for everything you've done.

I didn't really
expect it from you two.

I mean... I didn't mean that.

I meant, not just you guys...

It's all right.
You're exhausted.

We know what you mean.

We're just glad you're
home safe and sound.

We'll see how long that lasts.

I still have the trial.

Don't start worrying about that.

Everything's going to be fine.

Listen, when Billy and Alison

heard you were
getting out today,

they decided not to cancel
their engagement party

and make it a

welcome-home thing for you, too.

So why don't you
come by sh**t?

Everyone would love to see you.

Oh, I don't think so.
What Jo needs now is rest.

Jake, let the lady
speak for herself.

Actually, he's right.

I could really use some
time alone in my own bed.

But you guys go
and have a good time

and say hi to everyone,

and thank you very much.

You're welcome.

Take care. Sleep tight.

I'm not going to this party.

Let's go have a pizza
or something.

Oh, come on.

We have to at least
make an appearance.

No, we don't.

Excuse me!

Excuse me. I'd like
to make a toast.

Thank you.

Now, we are not only celebrating

how blind lucky Billy is
to be engaged to me...

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

But also and more importantly,

that Jo Reynolds
is back home at the building,

due in large part to the
efforts of Amanda and Jake.

Yay! Yay!

And so to Jo's freedom
and the end of Billy's.

Whoo! Whoo!

Okay, so we've made
our appearance,

we've toasted the happy couple.

Now can we get out of here?

Sure, you've been great to come.

Let me just say
goodbye to Alison.

I'll see you down there.

Hold on one second.

Hey, Jake.


Where've you been, man?

I haven't seen you all night.

Yeah, I'm really not
in the mood for a party.

Well, let me buy you a drink.

I want to ask you something.

I really don't feel like it.


You're making me ask you this

in front of God and everybody?

Jake Hansen, you've been
a great friend of mine.

For the last couple of years

and I want you
to be my best man.

Go to hell, you son of a bitch.


Hold it, relax, man.

All right. All right.

Back off.

Excuse me.

Are you all right?

Oh, God.

I think so.

Get him some ice.

I was afraid this might happen.

What do you mean?

Come on, Billy didn't tell you

the weekend you were
at the ranch with Steve

that we slept together?


Oh, God.

Wait. Wait, Alison.

You're unbelievable.

So I'm told.

Alison, are you awake?

I was waiting
for you in the kitchen.

I made some coffee.

I've been sitting here
since : in the morning

trying to figure out
what's going on.

I guess there's...
nothing else to say


I'm sorry.

You know, I...

we talked so much about trust,

and I go and do
something like this.

I didn't even have
the courage to tell you.

I guess
the engagement's off, huh?

Does it hurt?


It doesn't feel too great,

but I guess I deserved it.

No, you didn't.

I've been thinking

that you do deserve
some understanding.

When I went up to see Steve,

I really did

intend to sleep with him...

and make you a part of the past.

So I guess I really
can't blame you

for anything you did
while I was away.

Oh, God, I love you.

I love you, too,

and I still want to marry you...


if you ever lie to me again,

I will make what Jake did to you

look like a walk in the park.

I love when you're tough.

Ow. Ow.



You are so nice.

Ha ha ha!

Thank you.

I missed you last night.

I hope all this
hasn't come between us.

I meant it before when I said

how sorry I was.

Look, Amanda,
I'm still pissed off,

but I really don't blame you.

Just give me a couple of days,
and I'll be fine.

All right. A couple of days.

You and I need
to have a little talk.

Hey, you know
you should just back off.

If you know what's good for
you, you'll stay away from me.

Come on, man, we're friends.
Let's work it out.

Is this what you wanted?

I've been beaten to a pulp.

My friendship
with Jake's ruined.

What else do you have planned?

You started it.

I love an appendectomy
in the morning.

It sure feels good to be
back in the saddle again.

Mancini. I'm glad I caught you.

I'll take over this little job.

Wait a minute. Why? It's a simple
procedure, I can handle it.

I'm aware of that, doctor,

but Sydney, she's got
some kind of an emergency.

So go home and take care of it.

There'll always be plenty
of abdominal surgeries.

Look, I don't
have to go anywhere.

My duties are here first.
I'll call her later.

Take it easy.

I said I'll
take care of this one,

and I won't hold it against you.

Now, I think we've
all learned it's important

to take care of your
family life, too, right?

Yeah, but she's not exactly...

Listen, this girl has really
turned you around

since your days with Kimberly.

And she sounded upset,
so go take care of it

and get back here.

Joan, are you ready?

The District Attorney's
office has brought

a recently completed
forensic investigation

to the court's attention.

The prosecution feels
and the court agrees

that the examination
of the yacht Pretty Lady

shows sufficient
physical evidence

to support
the defense's contention

of self-defense in this case,

therefore, all charges brought
by the state against the defense

are dismissed.

Although, personally,
Ms. Reynolds,

I'd be a little more selective
in my choice of companions.

Defendant is free to go.

How did you do this?
How did you make this happen?

It was simple, really.

After a little prodding,
they let it out

they were only interested in you

if you were part
of the drug buy.

The m*rder charge, well,
that was just a tool

to get the name
of Reed's partners.

You mean,
they were just using me?

No, not at all, really.

It just how it works.

Besides, it took
some time to get

the examination of the boat,

and they were pretty sure
it was self-defense.

Pretty sure?

Hey, no one was there
but you and the bad guy.

But to tell you the truth,

once they were convinced
you didn't know anything,

they just didn't give a damn.

That boyfriend of yours
was scum, Jo.

But I loved him.


Let's go.

What's going on here?

What are you doing
calling me at the hospital?

You know,
in case you've forgotten,

I'm just back on rotation.

This is important stuff
you're messing with here.

Our future is important,
too, Michael,

and I think we should
make some decisions...

What kind of ceremony to have,

who to invite,

and, of course, honeymoon plans.

Wait. You called me
out of surgery for this,

for your demented fantasies?

Michael, it's time you got
your priorities straight.

If you don't take care of me,

you don't have
a medical career, remember?

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

You seriously
want to get married?

Oh, Michael...

I thought you'd never ask.
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