02x24 - Love, Mancini Style

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x24 - Love, Mancini Style

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

That's it, Jo,
I want you to focus,

and concentrate
on your breathing.

There you go.

Relax, relax, relax.

You're doing just great.

Keep breathing. There you go.

Now push. Push.

We're almost there.
One last time, Jo.

Keep pushing. Keep pushing.

Breathe. Keep pushing.

Keep pushing, Jo. One last time.

Look, it's a boy, Jo.

A boy.


No, look, you don't understand.

This isan emergency.

Yes, I know Dr. Mancini
is on vacation.

I just don't know where.

Yes... No, look, I understand.

No, no message.

Thanks loads.

Hi, Matt. Hi, Jane.

Could you do me a huge favor
and deliver these

to Michael at the hospital?

It's been months, and he still
hasn't changed his address.

And there's no way I'm going
to deliver them in person.

Yeah, sure, um, it's gonna
have to wait, though.

He and Sydney are on
their honeymoon.

They went up to
the mountains for...

I'm sorry, that's...

It... it doesn't matter, Matt.

I just figured...
All these reminders...

No, I could care less.

Sydney and Michael may be
married now, but you watch.

Given enough time, those two
will k*ll each other.

Thanks a lot.

♪ ♪

Hey, hey...

Watch that, I got allergies.


Michael, I love this place.

Really? Yeah.

It's not too far
out of the way for you?

No, it's just that it's
perfectly out of the way...

from L.A., from my sister...

from those snoops
back at Melrose.

Michael, I know
you don't believe it,

and I know there's still
some tension between us,

but I think that this
honeymoon's gonna be

a great opportunity for us

to get our whole marriage
off on a better foot.

That was the idea.

Don't move a muscle.

I'm making you breakfast in bed.

Eggs... bacon...

I'll squeeze the juice myself.


Pan... eggs...

You still like your eggs
over-medium, right Michael?

You wait and see, Michael.

I'm going to be the best
wife in the whole world.

Not for long.

Hi, Jake.

Talk. Go on.

Jake, wait up a second.

I'm in a hurry.

Yeah, this will
just take a second.

Alison and I were talking
last night about this...

feud, or whatever
it is, that we're having.

And you got to admit,
it's kind of childish...

Look, not everyone in this
building has to be best friends.

You go on with your life,
I'll go on with mine, okay?


Well, bombed out again.

Give him time, he'll cool off.

I don't know.

Anyway, we have
a wedding to plan.

Yeah, I know, I told you,
I'm fine with all of it.

With what? We haven't
done a thing.

If we don't find
a church soon, we're dead.

You'll pick a place. Any place.

I guarantee I'll love it.

Morning, Jo.

Ready for our sh**t today?

Yeah, all set.

Are you okay?

You look a little gray.

Oh... no, uh,

I just didn't get
a lot of sleep,

but I'll be fine.

I'll see you at the studio.

Okay? Okay.

Dreamy Pines.

Yes, I am trying to
locate a Dr. Mancini.

I believe that he's a guest
there with his wife.

There wasn't any answer.

'Cause they're out,
on a hike, I think.

Would you like to
leave a message?

No, I'm just trying
to see how they're doing, um,

how things are going.

They're on their honeymoon.

How do you think they're doing?

I'll call back, thank you.

Angela, um...

I need to take a sick day...

Maybe two.

Will you cover for me?

Of course, Matt.
Good. Thank you.


Down here.

Come on in.

The hot springs are something...
Like a Jacuzzi.

Oh, no, I don't swim in anything

where I can't see bottom.


Come on, chicken.

There you go.

Come on, slowpoke.

Hurry up!

It's freezing.

You're such a baby sometimes.



♪ ♪

We got company.

Hey, you kind of
snuck up on us there.

Just passing through.

Don't mind us.

Have a nice day, then.

When was the last time
I told you I love you?

You haven't stopped
since we got here.

And you haven't said it once

since that time
in bed months ago.

I didn't know you
were keeping score.

That's okay.

You'll say it again.

I have faith in you, Michael.

All the faith in the world.

♪ ♪

Next up, the -foot
pretty lady.

Impounded by the police, it's
in excellent running order.

Let's start the bidding
out at , .

, ... Got here.
How about ?

. Thank you, sir.

Do I hear , ?

? over here, got .
Let's go for .

... anyone.

... last chance, sir.

Once... twice...

Sold for $ , .

Thank you, everyone,
that's it for today.

You got yourself a great deal.

Pretty Lady,
she's a good vessel.

If you say so.

Got specific plans for her?

Yeah, strip it for parts and
sell it off piece by piece.

I'm a salvage operator. Salvage?

You make good money
doing that with a boat?

- , .

How'd you like to make
five times that?

How would that happen?

I'll tell you what,
I'll buy you a cup of coffee,

we'll talk about it.


Tense up.

Give me those looks.


All right, a little
closer together, guys.


Here we go.

Okay, another one.

Come on, give me something.



Um, excuse me.

Okay, everybody,
take ten minutes.

I want to know
what's going on here.

I guess...

I guess what's amazing
is that Amanda hasn't told

the whole building.

About what?

What are you talking about?

Well, it's that
I have this problem.

I'm pregnant...

with Reed's child.

I don't know, it's just kind of

throwing me off, I guess.

First I was thinking
about an abortion,

and then I decided no.

I want this child for me.

Morning sickness?

Yeah, all day long,

and plus nightmares when
I'm sleeping, when I'm awake.

I mean, I see him everywhere.

It's like he's not really dead.

He's gonna walk right
back in my life,

"Hey, Jo, what happening?
Want to take the boat out?"

Oh, God, I'm flipping out.

What do you expect after
what you've been through?

More inner strength.

Fewer hallucinations.

I went through the same
thing with Keith's su1c1de.

The exact same thing.

God, are we rough on
our boyfriends or what?


The point is that until
I faced Keith's death,

I couldn't go on
with my own life.

You've got to do the same thing

with what happened with Reed.

Believe me, I know.

It's just...

very difficult
when you're the one

who pulled the trigger.

This is a joke, right?

Pretty lady, police auction...

are you out of your mind?

You shouldn't go through
other people's pockets.

I don't know if you know this,

but bloodstains are really
tough to get out of wood decks.

It's gonna take you a week
of sanding at least.

How could I ever afford to buy
a boat like that, or any boat?

That's exactly what
I've been asking myself.

I'm just trying to make a deal
with the new owner to charter it.

Like Reed did.

Well, hopefully with
a little more success.

And you don't think
it's a little ill-timed

or inappropriate?

It's an opportunity.

Yeah, I'm sure that's what
they said about the Titanic.

No, Jake, I don't want
to step on your ego,

because I know
what that does to you,

but maybe it's time
you give up this

"I'm my own man, I work
only for myself," crap

and go out and find a real job.

I've got one, most of
the country has one.

No, no, no, no, don't say it.

That's not what you're about.

You're your own man.




Don't do this. Do what?

Things get
a little uncomfortable,

and I'm left with your backside.

Well, I thought
you liked my backside.

Oh, great, now make
a joke about it.

Look, Amanda, once,
in the heat of battle,

you called me a grease monkey
and a gold digger.

I'm neither one of those things.

And you may want to keep me
in denim and work shirts

and down on my luck because
it keeps you in charge,

but you better know
that I got ambitions,

same as yours,

and I'm going to make
something out of my life.

That man is the definition
of stubborn.

Yeah, you could say that.

Did you hear the latest?

He dug up The Pretty Lady?

He's got some crazy
plan to charter it.

Did you hear what I said, Jo?

Reed's boat.

Well, I don't care, Amanda.

That's none of my business.


♪ ♪

I'm being such a lousy cook.

They have none of
the right spices here.

Good trout needs, you know,
needs just the right

blend of spices.

Poured you a brandy.

How sweet.

Finally. God, you'd think
they'd put it out

where you could see it.

Okay, garlic bread
is in the oven,

salad's in the fridge...

What else do we need?



Warms the soul, right?


Aren't you
going to make a toast?

Oh, sure, right, a toast.


Uh, yeah. To us.

To our life together.

That's what's missing.

Oh! Get back! I got it.

No, don't.

It's a flambé.

Oh, Michael.

It's ruined.

The whole dinner.

Hey, hey, it's okay, Syd.

We'll go to that little place
we passed up the road.

I'll get our coats.

♪ ♪



Are you all right?



No, I'm not, actually,
I'm really pissed at you.

Yeah, join the club.

I mean, you're keeping
this boat in my life

at a really bad time, you know?

God, you had to know any
reminder of Reed is gonna hurt.

That's not what
I intended at all.

You didn't think
it would affect me?

It was a business deal,
nothing more.

I wasn't even going to tell you.

I'm sorry.

You're right.

I wasn't thinking.

Look, normally
it wouldn't matter,

but I'm just... I'm having
these troubles, you know,

and I thought that when
I accepted this pregnancy,

to keep Reed's child,

that it would help,
but it's not.

It's doing just the opposite.

I'm haunted by it, Jake.

Hey, I don't know, but, um...

maybe trying to forget
is the mistake.

And how else do I go on
unless I forget?

Still, isn't keeping the child

always going to be a reminder?

That's the one thing I can't
get past, you know?

What do I tell my child?

How do you tell a child
that you k*lled his father?


Michael, it's Matt.

I've been trying to call.

Look, I just got up here,
I'm near the airport.

I figure I can
be there by nightfall.

Look, we've got to talk
before you do anything.

Uh, bad connection, Matt,
I'm losing you.



Who was that?

Uh, nobody. Wrong number.

Listen, hurry up
and get dressed.

We're gonna go camping.

I thought we already were.

No, real camping.

You know, sleeping bags,
tents, under the stars.



It's open.


I just wanted
to check in on you.


And you expect depressive,
and instead you get manic.

God, it's so weird, Alison,

Ever since that talk
with you and with Jake,

I realized where this Reed
preoccupation's coming from.

It's not just about what
happened in the past,

it's about what's
happening the future.

Yes, he was a very bad man,

and, yes, he was going to
k*ll me on that boat,

but I can't just pretend
he didn't exist, you know.

That I didn't once love him.

I can't do it, Alison.

I can't lie to my child

when it grows up and asks
what's happened to its father.

I'm going to tell her
or him the truth.

Problem is, I don't
have anything of Reed's,

I mean, I don't even
have a photograph.

Kids always need
proof, you know?

You realize I don't even
know where he's buried?

Well, I have some good ideas
where to start though

because I made some phone calls.

You want to come?

Oh, sure.

Gotta hurry up before it closes.

Plot number is .

County cemetery in Bell Heights.

No marker.

Pauper's grave.

And his personal effects?

I already explained,

I can only show them
to the next of kin,

and nothing leaves here
without a written court order.

But you don't understand,
she is the next of kin.

She's his sister.

Okay, but I'll need
some I.D. first.


This guy's name was Carter.

That's my married name.

Sister, quick thinking.

That's it?

All we have.

There is a storage
locker up at Lompoc.

They'd be closed by now, though.

So, could you get
that address for us?

It'd be a really big help.


Wait here.

♪ ♪

We're different
from other people,

aren't we, Michael?

That's why we belong together.

We're only together
because you blackmailed me

into marrying you.

But if you believe in destiny...

I do...

Then we were always
meant to be together.

Your relationship with Jane
never worked out

because there was
something fundamentally wrong.

Same with Kimberly.

You thought you were
where you belonged,

but you were wrong.

If you say so.

Did I ever tell you
I had my first

sexual fantasy about you?

You and Jane were out
necking on the sun porch

that we had up at the lake,

and I was watching
from the dock.

It was a full moon,
so I could see everything.

You had your hand on her breast,

and I thought
I could feel it on mine.

I got completely turned on.

You know what I think, Michael?

Deep down in your heart,
you really do love me.

You better get to bed.

Did you hear what I said?

You think someone like me
knows what love is, Sydney?

Maybe you're looking too hard

and in all the wrong places.

Maybe I am.

Come on, go ahead.

So it's the ridge tomorrow?

They say you can see the whole
valley from up there.

Sounds neat.

♪ ♪


it will be perfect.


Made the deal.

I charter the boat, handle
the bookings, upkeep.

The owner takes a cut.

I haven't signed the final
papers yet, and I won't...

until you tell me it's okay.

Come on, Jake.

I'm serious.

I've been thinking
about this all day.

After what you said
at the dock...

when have I ever
stood in the way

of one of your dreams?

Never mind, don't answer that.

Jo, you've been nothing
but generous with me,

and for what it's worth,

I think you're
incredibly strong.

Well, I'm not,

but thank you, anyway.

If you need anything,
you let me know?

I will.

♪ ♪

The deal went through.

I'm in business.

I'm sure Jo was thrilled.

Luckily, white doesn't
have to mean virgin anymore.

This one's nice.

Let's see.

Yeah, it's simple, but elegant.

It's what % of Kay's
clients are asking for.

So, what are Billy's thoughts?

On wedding dresses?

Could be hemmed with Velcro
and he wouldn't care.

So we can safely say
he's not into traditional then.

I don't know what he's into.

Weddings make men crazy.

Michael was the same way,

not that those two guys
are anything alike.

I mean, Billy's
sweet and loving.

You guys have had such
a romantic relationship.

Yeah, still,
as great as it's been,

we did everything backwards...

We were living together
before we were lovers,

lovers before we were engaged,

friends before any of it.

We are so close, there's
absolutely no mystery left.

I wouldn't call it backwards,
I would call it inevitable

and very nineties.


So let it be a hip,
contemporary wedding.

I would look ridiculous in that.

Yeah, probably.

No, we are going traditional.

I am only going to have
one wedding in my life.

I've got to make it the one
I've always dreamed of.

Now, if I could just wake Billy

from his non-romantic slumber.

May I suggest a cattle prod?


Let me get this straight.

You think these
honeymooners are lost,

but they've only been gone
less than a day.

On top of that, Ed,
the owner of this place

says they have enough
provision for three days.

So, why would you or anyone else

assume they are in
some kind of trouble?

I gotta tell you, son, this all
sounds a little fishy to me.


There's more. I figured.

The wife, I think
she's in danger.

What kind of danger?

From the husband, Michael.

I think he took her
up to Wolf's Mountain,

or whatever the hell it is,
to k*ll her.

You got some kind
of proof of this?

He so much as said it
the night that they left.

I mean, I would have stopped
them, right there,

but I didn't think...
I mean, I couldn't believe...

Son, this is as wild an
accusation as I've ever heard.

Look, it's a very
twisted situation.

And if you don't
do something about it,

and something happens
to that girl,

I'm gonna hold you and
this entire county responsible.

I'll put together some deputies.

And just so you know,
if you're wrong about this,

then it's your ass...

and your bill.

♪ ♪

First thing, change this.

Move this to here.

Delete this.

This is so small,
I can hardly read it.

Amanda, can I talk
to you a minute?

Not here and not now,
we'll talk tonight.

Thank you.


Look who's walking away now.

I was hoping you would.

Not likely.

Jake, I'm not kidding.
Neither am I.

I'm sick of this,
and what it's turned into,

some little kid's game about
who's angry at who now.

We got something together.

Leave now.

So what is it?

Your successes matter,
and mine don't?

You can sleep
with an old boyfriend,

I can't even talk with
an old girlfriend

without getting
the door slammed in my face?

I am not gonna be
your boy toy, Amanda.

Either share some
of yourself with me

or you cut me loose.

My office, now!

♪ ♪

Should have been here
for the funeral.

Two cemetery guys
in a hurry to get home.

That's why I'm only four feet
under instead of six,

which is law, I think.

You have to be
at least feet under.

Me, talking about the law.

There's a good one.

Co-captain, that was
an elected position

by he way,
voted on by my teammates.

It was the one place I was
popular in high school,

the cross-country team.

Perfect sport for me,
don't you think?

Get out in front, then say,

"Come and catch me...
if you can,."

Like I did with the cops

and you... and everyone else.

You're thinking if you
don't look at me,

I'll go away.

Something like that, yeah.


I know why you dug up
that trophy, too.

It's for the kid, isn't it?

That's good. I mean, I approve.

That way, he'll know who I am.

But don't sugarcoat it,
though, okay?

Make it a lesson,
in case there's anything

to that, uh, genetic thing.

You're impossible.

Even dead, you're impossible.

Yeah, well...

admit it, though.

In high school, I was cool.

Yeah, you were pretty cool.

Well, you can tell that
to that kid, too, okay?

That being cool in high school

can lead to being
a criminal later.

And by the way,
not that it matters,

I was a dreamer, not a criminal.

There's a subtle difference.

I know why you're here, Jo.

Then you're way ahead of of me.

You want me to forgive you
for k*lling me.

Truth is, you got it backwards.

You're b*ating yourself up
for pulling that trigger

when I never gave you a choice.

Another second,

and you'd have been
the one four feet under.

I keep thinking there should
have been another way.

Yeah, well...

believe me, there wasn't.

I was the bad guy.

You just did what you had to do

to save yourself.

See, I need you to forgive me.

I sucked you in.

I let you fall in love,

all the time lying to you.

I was selfish

and stupid,

and I fell in love
with you, too.

I forgive you, Reed.



We made it, Michael,
the top of the world.

I could spend the rest
of my life up here.

I think every year
we should come back here,

right to this spot

to restate our vows,

reaffirm our love.

I knew you couldn't do it.

Do... do what?

I had faith in you.

That's not my Michael.

He's no m*rder*r.

Sydney, I don't know
what you're talking about.

See, Michael, my theory's
the right theory.


Time heals wounds,
even yours, Michael.

You walked again, didn't you,

when you thought
you never would?

And you'll love me
again... someday,

even though it may not
seem like it right now.

Thank you, Michael.

♪ ♪

You're telling me there are
that many trails up there?

I'm telling you
there are miles

of wilderness up there.

If you want to pay
for a chopper,

I'll bring one
down from Truckee,

otherwise, we're doing
the best we can.

Hey, hey! What's going on here?

Michael, oh, my God.

What are all
these cops doing here?

Why are you doing here?

You did it.

You bastard, you k*lled her.

Wait, you called the cops?

What the hell else
was I supposed to do?

Dr. Mancini, I presume.

Uh, yeah.

This was really
unnecessary, Matt.

I mean, a whole greeting party.

Where's your wife, Doctor?

My wife?

You mean my current wife?


Matt, hi, what
are you doing here?

You mean this wife?

Are you all right, ma'am?

Never better. Why?

I'll let you ask
your friend here.

We're billing you for the wild
goose chase, Mr. Fielding.

Sorry for
the inconvenience, folks.

I wish someone would tell me
what's going on around here.


I don't believe this.

You know, Matt,

you look kind of stressed out.

We're leaving today,

but if you'd like
to keep our cabin,

I'm sure we could arrange it.

A couple of days in the woods

and you'll be back
to your old self.

Honestly, Michael and I
feel like new people.

We really do.

Come on in, I'll make
you a cup of tea.

Come lie down.

♪ ♪




Is it in overtime?

No, it's the first quarter.

Then it can wait...

and this can't.

Billy, we need to talk.

If this past week
is any indication,

you haven't shown
any interest in our wedding.

You're leaving everything to me.

Because you're better at it.

Are you kidding?

What do I know about
planning a wedding?

Every time I come to you,
even just for an opinion,

you just shrug you shoulders
and say, "Whatever you want,"

or worse, we get into a fight.

Yeah, that's exactly
why I'm staying out of it,

so we won't fight.

This is so scary.

What's scary,
that I'm being agreeable?

That you've already given up.

This is a classic
no-win situation.

If I offer an opinion, I'm dead.

If I go along, I'm still dead.

This isn't supposed
to be miserable!

This is supposed
to be fun, romantic.

Since you proposed, we haven't
done one romantic thing,

unless you count
the Chinese food,

and you hogged all the moo shu

and went to bed early, so...

Okay, okay, I'll... I'll...

You're right,
I'll try and be more...


Attentive, right.

In fact, I'll...
I'll start right now.

Oh, um, there's one more thing.

I've decided
we shouldn't have sex

until after the wedding.

Our wedding night will be
the next time we make love.

♪ ♪


That's... that's weeks...
Months from now.

It will add to the excitement.

It's gonna make me irritable.

No, it will make you attentive,

and it will make
the wedding more romantic.

Hi, Matt.

Hi, Jane. Um...

Sorry about the time,
it's just, uh...

this couldn't wait.

I have to tell you, I...

Jane, there are reasons
that Michael married Sydney,

beyond whatever you think,

beyond your
wildest imaginations.

No, with those two, I doubt it.

She's blackmailing him.

Their moving in together,
getting married...

It's all a charade
instigated by Sydney

because of what she found out,

which... which is
where I come in.

The, uh...

night of the accident that
ultimately k*lled Kimberly,

Michael was drunk.

He was legally drunk,
and he bullied me

into changing his blood records.

Look, I owed Michael because
he got me the job.

At that point, nobody knew
how serious Kimberly was.

It was wrong.

There are no excuses.

A couple of quick keystrokes,
and it was done.

So, then what Michael
did to Kimberly

could be considered...


or m*rder.

Either way, he could go to jail.

Jane, yesterday, I went
to the mountains

because I thought Michael
was going to m*rder her.

Michael's that close
to the edge.

We're all that close.

God, this never ends.

Look, Jane...

I wanted to come here,
I wanted to tell you.

I wanted you to hear it from me.

I'm thinking about going to
the authorities and confessing.

I just... I don't see any
other way out of this thing.

Anyway... Don't, Matt!

Don't go to the authorities.

You'd be destroying your career.

I don't know what else to do!

I have thought and thought
about this.

There's another way
to handle it, a better way,

and the only people that
are going to get hurt

are them.


It was a perfect honeymoon...

except for one thing.

Not enough sex.

Sex is what makes
this marriage tick.

Now, go get a condom,

and I'll turn down the bed.


Oh, have I come at a bad time?

I was just in the neighborhood,

and I realized that I still
haven't given you

your wedding gift yet.

Well, according to Emily Post,

you have a whole year.

Well, why wait, I always say.

Michael knows I'm always
prompt with my gifts.

Here, go ahead,
Syd, open it, come on!

I can't wait to see your faces.

Uh, Sydney,
maybe we should wait.

Well, it's too small
to be crystal.

What is this?

I don't get it.

It's a signed
confession from Matt,

witnessed and signed
by me as well.

It implicates Michael
in the drunk driving m*rder

of Kimberly Shaw.

I got plenty of copies,

so you can go ahead
and tear that up,

eat it, do whatever
you're planning to do

to dispose of it.

Why, Jane? What do you want?

It's simple, lovebirds.

I want you to stay
out of my life,

both of you, permanently.

But, more importantly,

I want you to stay
together, forever,

in this sick, loveless marriage.

If you separate or divorce,
I lower the boom.

Well, good luck, you two.

I hope you're happy now.

I hope you're really happy now!

I didn't do this.

It's not my fault
Matt went and told Jane.

It's not... it's all your fault!

It is not!

It's all your fault! It's all...

All your fault!
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