05x20 - Hammer Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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05x20 - Hammer Time

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, andy.


What do we got,

This one's ex‐husband
shot her boyfriend.

Did she see it?

She was
in the middle of it.
Her name's rose carlton.

How bad's her boyfriend?

One in the shoulder.
He didn't look too bad.

He's getting patched up
at bellevue.

Ex‐husband's already
on his way in
to the house.

Where'd they
pick him up?

Walking around
the street here.

Wasn't looking to run
or nothing.

He didn't make no trouble
when the sector car
pulled up.


Rose carlton?


My assh*le ex‐husband everett
shot my boyfriend lonnie,

For no reason whatsoever.

That's all I have to say.

Could you show us
where he shot him?

How you feeling, andy?


Mind your own business,
you dirty sex fiend.

This was on the floor.

We were watching tv,

And boom, everett busts in.

He's screaming like a madman.

So lonnie
took out his g*n,

But everett took it away
and shot him,

'Cause he couldn't
stand the thought

Of another black man
having me.

Russell: took lonnie's g*n.
So your ex‐husband came in

Everett could've had
something concealed
on his body.

but you didn't see it?

No. Things were
pretty crazy.

You say he busted in?
This door
don't look damaged.

Yeah? So?
I said what he did.

you let him in?

Yeah, that's right.

Heard a knock,
opened the door,
and he busts in.

That's what I said.

You smoke crack?

What'd you say?

Crack. This yours?

I don't know why
you got a problem with me,

But I am not taking
a collar for that.

And you have no right

To be nosin' around
in there like that!

Hey, hey.

Take it easy.

I told you
the situation.

I give you
enough details

To hang that sucker
by the balls.
Now, are we done?

No, we're not done.
You're gonna have to come
to the station house with us.

You're gonna have to give us
a formal statement.

What do you mean, formal?
I just‐‐i just gave
a statement.

All right, cut the guff.
You're comin' in.

Rose: I want a guarantee
that I am not a collar
for that pipe,

Which ain't mine!

You got it.

Simone: hey.

Who's this?

It's my daughter.

She's with
her grandmother
in cleveland now

Off of my fear of
everett's harassing me.

And she's not involved
in this.

Fancy: so, the crackhead
woman that's in
the coffee room?

The crackhead woman's
minding her own business,

Getting loaded
with her boyfriend,

Claims her ex‐husband
knocks down the door.

Says the ex‐husband
was jealous and bore her
a grievance

'Cause she don't let him
see their daughter.

This guy must be
a real clock‐stopper himself
to be jealous of this beast.

Sector car brought in
the ex‐husband.

He's in the pokey.
We'll talk to him now.

You talk to
the boyfriend?

No. Convalescing
in the emergency room.

We'll talk to him later.

Uh, this detective savino
from brooklyn

Says they got a problem
up in the building.

What kind of problem?

I got a tenant missing
for 3 days‐‐

The old woman who paid
$135 a month rent.

That makes you a suspect.

You want to take
some lost time?

Yeah. Savino wants me
to peel my head case super
henry off the ceiling.

We're ok.

Don't linger over there.

You holding up ok,

As long as
I don't have to leap.

I'm detective russell,

This is detective sipowicz.

How rose's boyfriend?

He's gonna be ok.

But you're looking at
attempted m*rder.

But i‐‐

I wasn't there
to hurt nobody.

He went and got a g*n.
What am I gonna do?

I tried to take it away.
We was fightin' on the floor,

The g*n just went off.

That's not what
your ex‐wife says.

She's got you
grabbin' it
and blastin' him.

You can't believe
nothin' out of her.
She's a dope fiend.

What were you doing
at her apartment?

I come looking
for my 5‐year‐old daughter

That's my child with rose.
Come all the way from atlanta.

I think something bad's

I haven't talked to her
in 2 months. I used to
talk to her every week.

Rose says vanessa went
to live with her grandmother
in cleveland,

But that's a lie.

How do you know
it's a lie?

Her grandmother
don't have her.

I called the school here,

Rose told them
vanessa was living with me.

Why'd you
leave your daughter with
a crackhead, anyways?


The court gave her to rose.

Said I was...

Unfit. I...

I'd get so upset with rose,
I hit her.

Rose did 3 weeks
in the rehab clinic

Before the custody hearing.

Gave the judge
a good impression on herself.

You got
the grandmother's
phone number?

In my wallet.

Cops took it.

Blanche carlton‐‐
that's her name.

You're gonna have to
go back in the pokey
a while.

Man, i‐‐

I'm not lyin'.

I promise you.

Yeah, we're gonna
check your story out.

Wake up.

[Knocks on table]

We talked to
your ex‐husband

And just spent
about 20 minutes
on the phone, rose.

We got a few more
questions for you.

where's your daughter?

I told you.
She's in cleveland
with her grandmother.

We called there.
Your mother hasn't seen
vanessa for over a year.

My mother is old,
and she's crazy.
Vanessa is there.

Don't say your daughter
is in cleveland again.

You call child welfare!

I told them
that's where she'd gone
2 months ago.

Why'd you
tell her school
vanessa went to atlanta?

That school's
all mixed up.

Everybody's mixed up
but you.

And you don't believe me
because I date interracial.


What happened
to your child?

Nothing. She's fine.

Except she fell off
the face of the planet.

It's everett's
telling you that.

And I told you why
I hid her from him.

Is your daughter dead?

Who said that?

Did you k*ll her?

I would never
hurt vanessa.

I love her.

Then where is she?
Prove she's alive.

You tell us what happened,
or I'm gonna make you sorry.

I love that child!

I would never harm her!

What kind of a woman
are you? What kind of
a mother are you?

Wh‐what are you doing?

You shut up.

He pissed himself!

You shut up
about what he did.

I need the cell phone,



It wasn't me k*lled her.

You get me a lawyer,

And‐‐and I'll tell you
how she died.


Yeah‐‐yeah, I'm ok.

Are you at the 2‐7?

I had an accident,
and I need more pants,

And I'm, uh,
embarrassed to go outside.

[Outer door opens]

I'm in here!

I'm sorry to ask you.

Thanks a lot.

Yeah, it's, uh,
greg, andy.

I'm in here.

I‐‐i have an extra
pair of trousers

From when I was
staying in the crib.

I was wondering
if you might want
to borrow them.

Yeah, I would.


No problem.

Thanks, medavoy.

I‐‐i think
we're ballpark
in the waist.

I'm not guaranteeing
the length.


Sure, andy.

I disapprove of this.

Crackhead or not,
this is the girl's
mother, andy.

Anything you get
out of this woman

After she asks
for a lawyer, the d. A.'S
gonna be afraid to use.

Her daughter's dead.

She wants immunity
in exchange for
who k*lled the girl,

The body's disposition,
and chapter and verse
how it happened.

How's she gonna give
chapter and verse
if she wasn't an accomplice?

And she was powerless
to help.

Cohen: right now,
you got no proof
of any crime,

No body, no witnesses,
no evidence.

Do you
have to give her
full immunity?

I'll just make her
queen for a day.

How's it going, savino?

Hey, how you doin'?
Thanks for coming by.

That's your missing
tenant's nephew.

You ever seen him


He's who
reported her missing.

Where's henry coffield?

Interview room.

Refusing to give
no information

Until he talks
to you.

Talk to the nephew

Stay there.

Jerry murphy.

Meet detective simone.

How's it goin'?

You also own
my aunt's building.

Yeah. I took it over
a couple years ago.

Should I tell him
what I told you?

Yeah. Go ahead.

I been trying
to reach edith 3 days.

I'm calling
and get no answer.

I‐‐i go over there

Nothing but the cat
meowing when I knock.

Are you in regular touch
with your aunt, jerry,

Or, uh, you had some
special reason you were
trying to contact her?

No reason in particular.


By now,
the third day of this,

I'm worried, so...

I get your building
manager to let me in.

Henry coffield.


If my aunt met with
foul play,

It wouldn't surprise me
if this guy's involved.

Well, how'd you
come to that?

Let's say, very near

Half the time
I would call my aunt,

That one
would be in there.

And his tone would be

And when she
comes on the line,

I'd still hear bickering
back and forth
between them.

Are you saying
he would answer the phone?

A number of occasions
it'd be him picking up.


She mention
any disagreements
she was having with him?

She would say
he was difficult,

And then he'd ask me,
right in front of her,
on the phone,

Did I have any plans
moving her out?

Would you say
off your own experience

That sometimes your aunt
could be difficult?

My aunt could be
a tremendous pain
in the balls.

But that don't earn her
foul play.

Well, let's hope
that's not what happened,
you know.

I asked jerry
to be thinking about
any places

His aunt possibly
could have gone to.

Come on, detective.

This is
a 78‐year‐old woman
in frail health

Who don't gamble.

I mean, where is she
gonna go?

Ow! God.

So your missing persons
report's filled out?

I'm just about done.

All right, go ahead,
finish that up.


Tenants said this one
was always making

Complicated homicidal
threats against her.

No, he's a jerk,
but I'd be surprised
if he had m*rder in him.

What's goin' on here?

Edith murphy is missing.

I know that much.

When did you
see her last?

Like, 3 days ago.

Is that the last
that you tried
to be in touch with her?



I'd go,
I'd knock on her door,

The last 3 days
she didn't answer.

And you didn't use
the passkey.

She forbade me.

What does that mean,

She forbade me
from entering her apartment

Without her permission.

Did you call her
on the telephone?

Why would I try
to call her
on the telephone

When she didn't answer
when I was knocking?!

Sit down.


This woman sulked.

It was not uncommon
for her to refuse
to answer her door,

Or also her phone.

Many times when
I'd be in her apartment,
she'd make me answer

So‐‐so she wouldn't
have to deal with it.

She‐‐she said she didn't
want to hear
no heavy breathers

Or‐‐or her deadbeat

This is jerry murphy?

Deadbeat jerry murphy.


Lookin' at me
for doing her harm,

This savino's making
a profession of that.

You suppose
you announcing

Homicidal intentions
towards edith

To every other tenant
in the building

Maybe nudged savino
in that direction?

You think
I k*lled this woman?

I don't know, henry.
She's missing,

And apparently
you told people

That you wanted
to croak her.

She was getting
afraid to go out.

No, I don't know
what the hell
happened to her.

I thought she was
pulling a sulk on me.

I swear, I knocked
on that door

2 Or 3 times a day.

Yesterday, I climbed
on a neighboring roof

Trying to look in
with binoculars.

That's how worried
I was.

Oh, that poor old...

I'm gonna go talk
to those tenants now.

Hey. Take what they said
with a grain of salt.


Can I help you?

[Australian accent]
I sat in that chair.

Is that right?

I worked in exactly
your position
for several months.

A few weeks ago,

Someone else stopped back
and said hello

Who was a p. A. A.
Here before‐‐

Some gay guy who's
in computer graphics now.

I, uh, don't see
detective simone

No. He's in brooklyn.

I sort of wanted him
to see me in uniform.

Is that a good approach
with him?

Well, I confided
in detective simone

My hopes someday to work
in law enforcement.

And when we last
saw each other,

I had encountered
an obstacle,

And I wanted him to see
how I came through.

Do you want
to write him a note?

Oh, I couldn't find
the right words.

If you'd just
let him know
I stopped.

Naomi reynolds.

Eternally grateful
for his hand offered
in friendship...

When she very much
needed one.

Why don't you
write that?

Your attorney's made clear
anything you tell us today

Can't be used in any
criminal prosecution
against you?

Nor can anything
directly derived
from what you say.

I'm ready to tell how
vanessa lost her life.


When and where
did the incident

You're about
to describe
take place?


On march 21
at my apartment.

And what happened at
that time and place?

I come home from
grocery shopping,

And I heard
my boyfriend lonnie

Gruntin' and cursin'
from the bathroom.

So I went in there,
and I saw...

I saw that he had
a hammer in his hand,

And he was holding
my daughter down
on the ground

And beating her on the head
with the hammer.

Why was he beating
your child?

She had a problem
with wetting herself.

And when I went out,

She had did it
on the couch.

And lonnie said
he just got fed up.

And he was smoking crack,

And his temper
got the best of him.

That was his pipe that
you found this morning.

When you found lonnie

Hitting your daughter
in the head
with a hammer,

What did you do?

I screamed, "what
are you doing?"

And I grabbed his arm
to stop him.

And when
I had him controlled,

I put my finger...

To vanessa's neck...

But she didn't
have no pulse.

My baby was gone.

She had died...


What happened
after you realized

Your daughter
was dead?

Lonnie said
to help him

Or he would
k*ll me, too.

So we put nessie
in a garbage bag
in a suitcase,

And lonnie took
and put it in a dumpster

Right up the street.

While you stayed
in the apartment.

He made me
clean up the blood.

And being by yourself,
you didn't call the cops?

I knew if I ever
went against lonnie,

He would k*ll me, too.

That was what happened
to vanessa.

Sylvia: how are you?

Good. How are you?


Whose are those?


Oh. Medavoy's.

He give them to me
right after I talked to you.


This woman's involved
in k*lling her child,

And cohen
gives her immunity.

Well, to give evidence
against an accomplice?

Yeah, her crackhead

Well, he must have felt

That there wasn't
a case without her.

Involved in k*lling
her own child.


Andy, do you think
you might have
come back too soon?



Where are
your other pants?

I'll take those
and greg's

To the dry cleaner's.

No. I'll do it
on the way home.

I wish it was you
working this case.

It doesn't sound
like I would do
anything different.


Thanks for coming over.

Look, I don't
write good lefty,

So this statement's
gonna be messy.

Before you write
your statement

What rose's ex
did to you this morning,

We got something else
to talk about.

Rose told us about
her daughter,

What about her?

What about her?

We want to hear
about vanessa,

And you'd better
talk fast.

What in the hell
did rose say?

You don't worry
what she said.

You worry about keeping
yourself healthy

In this hostile

Tell us exactly
what happened
to vanessa,

Or my partner's
gonna move your arm

Way down the list
of your physical

In no way am I responsible
for that little girl.

She's not my child,

And in no way do I even
know what you guys
are talking about.

I'll bring the whole
damn toolbox, assh*le.

I won't just
bring the hammer.

Oh, god.

Look. Look, can I go
talk to her, please?

You gotta
be kidding.

I'm gonna start
to hurt you

Like you hurt that kid.

Look, I'm not
responsible, man.

I was only
trying to help.

Beating that girl
with a hammer.

Look, the girl was
gonna die, man.

I put her
from her misery.

Shut up!


All right. I came
in the apartment,

And rose had her
in the bathtub

With her head
below the water level,

That she had
had it with vanessa

And she was
gonna drown her.

And the little girl's arms,
they was just flailing,

And she was suffering
and she was suffocating.

And you pitched in
a helping hand, huh?

Because rose was committed
to k*lling that girl

Just because of her wetting
and stinking up the place.

Look, she just
didn't understand

That with the hammer
hitting the water,

That it didn't
have no force.

And that's
the only thing I did.

Just took vanessa's head
out from the water.

Where's the body?

I put it
in a blue suitcase

Inside a hefty bag
in the closet.

But rose must've moved it,

'Cause in the morning,
it was gone.

You weren't with her
through the night?

I knew I wasn't gonna
be able to sleep there

With the child's remains.

What did rose say
in the morning

About the body
being gone?

Just that she had
taken care of it.

Write it.

You gonna have some trouble
making it out because‐‐

Write it!

The woman
received immunity.

So, uh, detective savino
tells me

That several of you feel

That henry may have
had something to do
with edith's disappearance?

Henry coffield,

Super of this building
owned by you,

m*rder*d edith murphy.

You have no proof
of that, doreen.

Oh, you heard him
say it more than once,

And so did
miss high‐and‐mighty.

Being he knows all of you,

I wanted detective simone
to help sort through
your suspicions.

He knows us,
does he?

Don't start with that
nonsense, dorreen.

I don't call repairing
a laundry machine

And one under‐decorated
christmas party

Making friends
with the tenants.

Have you given henry
some sort of ownership
in the building?

Uh, yeah. He was on
the mortgage with me
at the bank.

Because after
he told me that,

About getting
part ownership
in the building,

That's when
he started his plans
for murdering edith.

He kept saying
that her rent
would've been low

When milton berle was
still on television.

Dorreen: tell him
about the milk.

What about the milk?

Well, he'd talk about
a plan he had

Where'd he'd leave
milk at her door
3 times a week,

Make her think
that the dairy
confused the delivery.

Edith watching
her dimes and quarters,

She'd be happy
at the free milk‐‐

For her tea, and, uh...

To give the tabby.

Dorreen: at first,
to quash her suspicions,

He'd leave her
good pure milk,

Then add poison till he
got it to a lethal dose.

Paddy: last week,

He said he'd found a spot
on a roof across the street

With a clean line of sight
to edith's kitchen window.

He said he hid
a lawn chair up there

So he could be
good and comfortable

Until he got her
between the cross hairs.

He once told me

He'd cut her up
once he done her in

And bury the pieces
at a farm he knew upstate.

I never let
the conversation
get that far.

Any reason
you could think of,

If he intended
on k*lling her,

Why he would talk
about it so much?

Who was that m*rder*r

Who blabbed his plans
to all the papers?

The unabomber.

Thanks. We appreciate
all your input. Thanks.

So we're done?


We were gonna ask him
about the light
in the hallway.

Paddy: no,
not now. Later.

No, he doesn't have
time for that.


Picked up
this rose's sister.

Russell's with her
in the pokey.

I thought the ex‐husband
was in the pokey.

Well, he's not no more.

He's in holding

Anyway, given
the immunity agreement,

What you get
from the sister

Can't in any way
be based on information
from rose's statement.

A case against rose

Only makes with evidence
developed absolutely

Of what she gave us
in that interview.

I'm gonna go
talk to her.

Does detective russell
understand that?

You probably don't want
to use that tone with me.

Go ahead and talk
to her, andy.

Believe me, we try
and prosecute,

This woman's lawyer's
gonna go over every inch

Of what your people do
from this point forward

For predicate information
harvested from his client's


This is detective
sipowicz, sandra.

This detective says

This is about my niece
being missing.

We spoke with
your sister's

And that was
his concern.

Well, what does rose say?

Just now, we're interested

In any light
you can shed, sandra.

I don't know
anything about it

Except to say vanessa's
a very nice girl.

My sister and I
aren't close.

she's my half‐sister.

Is that
a recent thing,

The two of you
not being close?

Are you aware of any
problems she has?

We know at your sister's
apartment this morning,

Her ex‐husband
and her boyfriend
had a fight

And her boyfriend was
shot in the shoulder
with his own g*n.

Crack was being smoked
at that apartment.

Are you aware
of your sister's
involvement with that?

I have no use for dr*gs.

Sandra, your sister's
ex‐husband came up
from atlanta

Because he tried
to reach his daughter

And he hadn't been able
to talk to vanessa
in a long time.

What does my sister
say about all this?

What do you
say about it?

Please don't scare me.

We need your help
with this.

Do you think
vanessa's dead?

No one's
heard from vanessa

Or seen her
in several months.

Oh, my god.

Well, did she just die?

I mean...

They didn't k*ll her,
did they?

You mean rose
and her boyfriend?

I know she left
her husband

Because he disapproved
of her crack use,

And I know this one
smokes it with her.

Are you aware of them
abusing that girl?

She's not satisfied
ruining her own life.

She gotta ruin it
for everyone around her.

Why do you say that,

Look, I have
no information for you.

I don't have to do
with my sister.

I've seen her once
in 4 months.

What happened when
you saw her then?

She borrowed my car.

Do you know where she went?

No, I don't.

Came back with
next to an empty t*nk.

I counted myself lucky
I got it back at all.

How long
was she gone?

Um, not sure.

Uh...6 hours maybe.

Look, I don't know
what she did

Or where she went
or anything else,

And I don't know nothin'
about vanessa.

My sister
just fights with me,

And that's why
I don't see her.

What does she fight
with you about?

She says
I'm racially bigoted,

But I'm not racially
bigoted at all.

I disapprove of her
using the crack,

But she makes it
about the other thing.

You know something
about that car trip,

And you're
holding it back.

No, I don't‐‐

You loan your car

To someone you don't see
for months at a time,

And you don't ask her
where she's going?

I didn't want to know.

Then what'd you
lend her the car for
at all?

I don't know! Why don't you
ask rose these things?

'Cause we're asking you!

Now you've made me cry.

All right, sandra.

I try to lead
a decent life.

All right.

We're worried
about this girl.

Rose got herself a ticket
in some national park
in queens.

I found the ticket in my car
a couple weeks ago.

Good, sandra. We can look up
where she got the ticket.

So maybe that's where
she must've been.

Thanks a lot
for helping us.

It's talk, simone.

I went up on that other
building's roof after,

I found your lawn chair.

I go up there
and smoke reefer.

For god's sake,
I told you about
being on the roof.

Henry, do I think
that you k*lled
edith murphy? No.

Do I think that
you're an idiot
with a big mouth?

You get no argument
from me.


Do you think that this nephew
could've been involved?


He's the one
you should pin it on.

We're not gonna pin it on him
if he didn't do it.

I mean pin it on
in the sense that he's
the most likely culprit.


Because he's a hump

And a tube‐steak

after her money.

She ever say anything
about being afraid of him?

The only thing
that woman's afraid of

Is heavy breathers
on the phone.

Am I gonna be held
in custody?

It's gonna be up
to detective savino.

You don't mind putting in
a good word for me, do you?

They just found her

Under the westside

Well, maybe you don't
tell this one,

Let him go, see if
he goes over there.

Yeah. I don't think
he did it.

How often do you find
an i. D. On a dump job?

When they want you to know
the victim's dead.

This is sylvia costas
from my office.

Anything further
from my client

Is covered by her
immunity agreement.

That immunity agreement
covers exactly nothing

Because your client's
a liar.

I've told nothing
but the truth.

You keep quiet till I
explain your situation
to your lawyer.

Who died
and made you pope?

Let's hear what
they have to say.

I'm not even
going to discuss
the propriety

Of this agreement's
being offered
to begin with.

But what you need
to understand

Is that evidence
developed independent
of her statement

Makes her indictable.

You said a signed agreement
was unbreakable.

It is.

You got a moving violation,
march 22, in queens.

3 Hours ago,

Cadaver dogs found
your daughter's body

75 Yards from where
the ticket was issued.

Your boyfriend lonnie

Remembers your daughter
being m*rder*d
on march 21.

My boyfriend lonnie

Don't remember
what year it is.

Be quiet, rose.

He remembered the date
exactly, rose.

And we've got
a witness now

That puts you where
vanessa's body was
buried the next day.

What witness?

The cop that gave you
the ticket, you moron.

That's circumstantial
and also irrelevant
to the capital crime.

I'm dying to watch you
in court

Try to preserve
an immunity agreement

That didn't produce
one ounce of truth,

Including where she
disposed of the remains,

From a mother who
brained her daughter
for wetting herself.

I had to go get
a spic legal aid.

Well, what are they
offering me now?

For full testimony...

5 Years with treatment
for her drug addiction.

How about with no treatment?


I got bad news
for you, mccrae.

[Exhales sharply]

I‐is vanessa gone?

Your ex‐wife and that boyfriend
you had a beef with

Did away with her
a couple of months ago.


Please help me,

I'm sorry.

W‐was it the crack
moved her to do it?

Yeah, I guess
you could say that.

Moved her to k*ll
her own blood?

k*ll our child?


This here,

The d. A.'S not
gonna prosecute you

On the trouble
in that apartment.

We'll get you out of here
as soon as the paperwork's

When can I get
my daughter?

The m. E.
Had to do some stuff.

We'll get her remains
released to you
as quick as possible.

Have you got the means
to see to her?

I gotta go get money
for that.

Now, don't do nothin'

Are you...

Ebenezer baptist.

I haven't lived there,
though, in 3 years.

Well, reach out to them,

And if you have any trouble,
get back to us,

And we'll see can we help.

They'll be down for you
as soon as the paperwork's

Can I help you?

Oh, jerry.

Thanks for coming over.

There's news on edith?

Uh, yeah, on a couple
of different fronts.
Have a seat.

A‐‐she might be
in binghamton.


A woman your aunt's
description exactly

Turns up
at a bus station there
about 2 days ago‐‐

No purse,
total amnesia.

I'm gonna be surprised
if that's edith.

She never mentioned
binghamton in her life.

The other front‐‐

Are you sure
about this animosity

Between her
and that henry coffield?

Tell binghamton
take a snapshot
and send it down,

And I'll i.d.
If it's not her.

This other front‐‐

We found a will
in your aunt's apartment

Where she leaves him
her estate.

To who?

Henry coffield.

That document's
a forgery.

What's the date
on that document?

I'd have to look.

I have a document
dated 4 days ago

Showed up
in my mail.

Well, who's the beneficiary
in that one?


And I'll contest
any document supposed
to be more recent.


In brooklyn,

You say,
"no special reason,"

When I ask you why you were
looking for your aunt.

A normal nephew looking
to talk to his aunt?

She signed her estate
over to you 4 days ago.

I was following up
to see how she was doing.

Jerry, why did edith
make out that will?

Said she wanted
her affairs in order.

are you addressing me
still as her landlord

Or as a detective,
or what?

No. He's gonna be
addressing you
as a detective.

Detective savino.

We found
your aunt's body

By the westside
highway, jerry.


Mmm. Yeah.

I.d. Still on it.

You know, like somebody
wanted to make sure

We'd know who it was.

Poor edith.

Poor jerry.

No patience to do
a homicide right.

Wants to get the wheels
turning right away

On getting
his aunt's estate.

That's some leap on your part
accusing me of something
like that.

You know
how many vagrants
are on the eye

Around where you
dumped your aunt,

Looking to earn?

3 Different
homeless people

Saw you put your aunt
over there.

Believe me, I don't look
that much different
from henry coffield.

Jerry, the person that they
described had long hair.

Henry coffield is bald.

You never heard
of a wig?

Want us to bring
these guys in,

Have each one
pick you out?

Lose your opportunity
to show your remorse
to the judge.

Well, excuse me for letting
a bunch of homeless bums

See me dumping edith.

Excuse me for not being
a professional m*rder*r.

Let's you and me
work out

The best light
to show this in,
all right?


He admit it?

The son of a bitch!

Henry, savino is in there
getting jerry's statement.

Louse that up, and next
they'll be taking mine
about what I did to you.

So you didn't need me
to lie to jerry

About her making
the will to me?

Gave us confidence just
knowing you were available.

I...i feel so bad about
this old battle‐ax.

You and her were
getting along better
towards the end, huh?

She didn't want to be
gotten along better with.

Me giving her meanness
back to her how I did,

I think that was a relief
to edith.

She didn't have to feel
all remorseful afterward

Like she did
with normal people

About...being such
a battle‐ax herself.

I'm humiliated
about talking
to those busybodies

About murdering her.

They'll find out
it wasn't you.

How that talk

You put my name co‐owner
of that building,

And her only paying
$135 a month rent.

Now when I smoke
my reefer,

I gotta run off
my mouth

With my mope loser idea
how a co‐owner talks.

I'm not a kid anymore,

If you can't be kind
about the people

You feel kindness
you're no damn good.

The way I look
at that, henry,

If we're still
drawing breath,

We got a chance
to do something
on our shortcomings

Besides piss and moan.

You gonna see to edith's


Thank you.


He asleep?



You were gangbusters

You were hard
on leo, andy.

Tch. I'm 30 years late
for being hard enough
on leo.

I told you I would've made
the exact same deal leo did.

I mean, you realize that
my putting the knock on him
for making that deal,

That was just to intimidate
that woman.

In other words,
this was a form of
prosecutorial deception.

And thanks
for everything else.

You're welcome.
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