05x01 - Living with Disaster

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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05x01 - Living with Disaster

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, Detective,
of all the tricks
you've pulled,

this is the meanest one

Nothing tricky about it.

Stumbled on this
in a background trace.

Whoever your Peter
really is,

he took on this identity
years ago.

He's obviously
hiding something.

If anyone's hiding
anything, it's you.

I don't know what
that picture means.

A lot of people
have the same name.

But not the same
medical license.

Peter moved
to California
from Missouri.

He used this man's

as his own credentials.

You know I can't
make you testify
against him,

but I think you should

The man you married isn't
worthy of your trust.

Nobody is, Detective,

but I'd choose him
over you any day.

Good night.

My God, Syd.

Richard's gonna
be missing

and I am
gonna be the first
person they suspect.

I mean, with the business
and the r*pe...

what was I thinking?

Well, I can't help you
with that.

But you didn't
press charges,

so the police don't know
about the r*pe.

And the rest
is up to you.

You need to act normal.

Go to work...

be concerned when Richard
doesn't show up.

Work? Which work?

Your new roomie, Sam,
can handle the boutique.

You play the worried
business partner
at Mancini-Hart.


After a couple days...

file a missing persons

Nobody will suspect
a thing.

Everything's gonna
be all right.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[knock on door]


So, I got your message
on my machine.

You couldn't make it
last night

because you had
a headache?

Yeah. Yeah, look...

I'm-- I'm still
not feeling well.

Maybe we could
talk about this later.

When later? What,
tonight, tomorrow, hmm?

Al, I was waiting there
all night for you.

Okay, it's--
that's like--

I thought we were trying
to start over.

I know. I--

I'm sorry.


You know, I know
I'll feel better
by tonight.

Like 7:00?


Okay, I'll see you
at 7:00.

I'm sorry. That was...

I know who it was.

I don't like being
hidden in the back room

while you deal
with your other


He's your friend, too.

This is gonna be tough.


I know.

[siren wailing]

I'm glad you
finally decided

to come in to see me,
Ms. Woodward.

Don't get your hopes up,

I don't buy your story,

but I do need
some information.


Information about,
say, your husband--

the man whose only alibi
is in a coma?

You want to be cute?

I'll walk right out
of here

and figure it out
for myself.

Or you can tell me
what you know about Peter.

What do I get out of it
if I do?

The slim chance
that I'll believe you.

And testify?

We'll see.

All right.

But you're not going
to like this.

Peter's real name
is Dr. Peter Howell.

he was married

to a woman named
Elizabeth Davis.

They had a nice life
back in Kansas City.

But then,
a few years back,

she was k*lled,
and your Peter

was charged
with her m*rder.

Was there a trial?

Would have been,

but old Pete
skipped town.

No one's seen him since
until now.

I suppose you have

to prove all this.

All you want.

Now, are you ready
to testify?

I'll let you know.

What else do you want?

The man lied to you.

He's a m*rder*r,
for God's sake.

He's my husband,

and before I turn him
over to you
to be butchered,

I'm going to find
some things out on my own.

[indistinct chatter]



Nope, but I'm looking
for him, too.

Hey, Jane.

Yeah, we had
an appointment.

He was gonna throw
a campaign my way.

Are you all right?


Yeah, I'm fine.

I just, um...

I've been really worried
about Richard.

He hasn't answered his car
or home phone all morning.

That's odd.

Maybe he was at the gym
or something.

Yeah. I don't know.

Do you mind going
with me to his house
to see if he's okay?

I don't really feel
like going alone.


But I'm sure
everything's fine.

I'm sure it is.

Hey, Michael.
You all right?


The nurses said you hadn't
been home in days.

You need to get
cleaned up,

get yourself some rest.

You know,
I'll tell you what,

I'll watch Kimberly
for you,

and you can head back
to the beach house for
a few hours.

No. No, I'm not leaving

Hey, uh...

no offense, but there's

not much you can do
for her right now.

And you're certainly
not helping
by sitting around here,

letting yourself
go to seed.

Oh, yeah? Well,
no offense either, Matt,

but, you know, you're
really obnoxious lately.

[knock on door]
Hey, I'm just trying
to help.

Yeah, well, if you want
to help

why don't you go back
to my house

and get me some clean
clothes and check for

Fine. Okay.

All right,
I'll be back later.

Oh, Amanda,
there's something
I needed to tell you.

It can wait. I need
to speak to Michael.

Fine, then.

I'll leave you two
charming people alone.

How is she?

The same.

Still in a coma.

She didn't
miraculously wake up

and provide Peter
with his precious alibi,

so you can stop pretending
you care about her.

I don't pretend
anything, Michael.

I need to know something
for sure, all right?

From her.

I'm sorry.
I know you're hurting.

It's just that...

it's all falling apart.

What is? What are you
talking about?

I can't get into it now.

I'm going to Kansas City
for a few days.

I'll be staying here.

Call me if Kimberly
wakes up,

if she says anything--
anything at all.

What's in Kansas City?

We'll talk later.

Mr. Wiley.

Leave me alone,
will you?

I got nothing
to say to you.

That's fine.

I thought I might tell you
a story, though.

A story?

Well, how sweet.

But I'm just
not in the mood

to listen
to a sadistic moron.

So, you wouldn't be
in the mood

for the tale
of a k*ller doctor

in Kansas City by the name
of Peter Howell?

So, you're in the mood
after all?

Whatever you found out
isn't the whole story.

Let's see...

you m*rder your wife,
then skip town.

Good enough for me.

And when I told your
present wife,

it was good enough
for her, too.


You told...

you son of a bitch!

You son of a bitch!

Get out!
Bad reaction, too.

You got to let me
use a phone. Please!

You don't understand.
You've got to let me
talk to her. Please!

I would, but I'm
a sadistic moron.

Make the request
through your lawyer

when you decide
to confess to the m*rder
of Bobby Parezi.

Wiley, please,
I'm asking you!

You don't know
what you're doing!

You got to let me
talk to her!


You don't know
what you're doing!

[door slams]

So, anyway, Alison and I
are going to have dinner
tonight, finally.

I think it's going to go
pretty well.

I get the feeling
she's preoccupied,
you know?

She hasn't mentioned
anything to you, has she?

Richard's car
is not here.

Yeah. Makes sense
if he's not around.

So, you and Alison back
on speaking terms yet
or what?

No. No, no. Not yet.


Richard, you home?

Let's check around

I don't--I don't think
that's a good idea.

It's open.

Hey! Yo, Richard!

It's Billy and Jane!
You home?

I think we'd better go.

I'll just leave him
a note.

He sure keeps
the place clean.

Hey, look.
This is weird.


Muddy footprints.

And they just stop.

It's as if he just

Um...you know what?

I got to get back
to the office.

I'm sure Richard
will show up.

[front door shuts]

I'll show up, Jane.

You can bet your life
on that.

So, we looked
around Richard's place.

Still no sign of him,
except for footprints.

You know, Jane seemed
pretty worried.

She should be happy
he took off.

Yeah. What's going on
between them, anyway?

I heard a rumor
that he att*cked her
or something.

It's a long story.

I thought we'd come here
for dinner

since we haven't
had such good luck
with the fancy places.

I like it.

I'm just going
to say this,

so don't stop me
or interrupt me.


No, I mean it.

You and I have been
around the dance floor
a lot of times.

We've seen each other

the good times and...

the god-awful

Always-- always--

we've ended up drawn back
together again.

Now, think about it,
you know?

Our--our marriage
that didn't happen,

the horrible stuff
with your father,

and, you know,
your drinking,

and Hayley,

DD, Amanda...

through all of that--

that we are inevitable,

We fit. We are a couple.

And that's why
I never lost faith.

And now--

You never lost faith?

God, Billy,
listen to yourself.

Let me finish.

Marrying somebody else is
not losing faith?

Come on, Billy,
you're talking like
you're some...

some prince
on a white horse

who's scooping me out
of my miserable life.

No, I'm not.

I'm just telling you
that I love you,


Yeah, I guess I would
like to carry you away

from being a barmaid.

You know you're better
than that.

We could do
great things together.

I decide what
I do with my life,
you got it?

No guy tucks me
under his arm

like some twit who can't
tie her own shoes.

All right, I got it.

I don't always
say it right.

I'm just saying...

I love you...

more than my own life.

And all I want
in the world

is to marry you.

That's all.

Marry me.

We'll work everything
else out...

your way, I promise.

Just marry me.


Damn it, don't you
walk away from me!

Richard's car was gone?

Are you sure?

Of course I'm sure.

It was in the driveway
when we drove off with
the body,

and now it's not.

All right, well, let's
just stay calm here.

A lot of things
could have happened.

The car could've been
stolen, repossessed.
Who knows?

And the footprints
on the rug?

What about that?

Workmen, Jane.

Think before you panic.

That's probably what
happened to the car.

It was in the way
of construction,

and so they moved it.


Oh, great.
Miss inconvenient,

the singing nun roommate,
is home.

Why did you ever
move her in here?

I have my reasons.

Hi. Hey, guys.


My mom sent me a bunch
of stuff from Maryland.


I'm kind of clumsy.

Oh, my God.
Where was that thing?


Uh, Samantha,

where did you
get this?

It was just leaning
against the door.

Jane, I swear
it wasn't there
20 minutes ago.

Is it ours?

I can't tell.

Is everything all right?


Jane is just a little
worried about some things
is all.

It's fine.

Um, we're going
to go talk.


[rings doorbell]


Mrs. Davis?

Well, yes.

What can I do for you?

Uh, well, honestly,

it's a little

It concerns someone
you may have known
a while back.

A Peter Howell?

I have nothing to say
to you.


If you don't get out
of here, young lady,

I'm going to call
the police.

No, please,
this is important.

I know he was married
to your daughter,

and I'm married to him
now. He's in trouble.

It's not my business.

Please. I just want
to know the truth.

I just want to talk.
That's all I want.

All right.

I don't know
how I can help you,

but you can come in
for just a few minutes.



Steve, I want this to be
a two-tie.

Thank you.


got two tables of 10

reserved for the same time

Better make sure
the waiters stagger
their orders,

or one of them
is going down in flames.

I'm sorry, Kyle.
I guess I didn't think.

Well, don't take it
so hard.

Maybe one of them
will order salads.

You all right,

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm just tired.


Peter. Oh, my God.

All right?


You know how
I've been saying lately

I need to get away
a little bit?


Well, I've been thinking
about it,

and I want to go
to Los Angeles
for a couple of days.

And I'll be back as soon
as I can, okay?





No, come on, sweetheart,
you got to be insane.

We got a huge night
tonight. You can't go.

I know, but look,
you're just going to have
to bring somebody in.

There's nobody else
to bring in.

Look, you know how hard
it's been for me lately.

And honestly,
a lot of it's your fault,

so just do this for me,


Taylor, get back here!

Would you like
more coffee, Amanda?

No, I'm fine, thank you.

So, um, you were saying
about your daughter?



Beth and Peter
were inseparable,

the most loving couple
I'd ever seen.

And after
they were married,

Beth's father...

my late husband...

took Peter
under his wing

and made him a part
of his medical practice.

Oh, things were so good
for awhile.


then Beth became ill

everything changed.

What was wrong
with her?


what it always is


It went through her
in a rage.

There was nothing
her father or Peter
could do to save her.

And she...

she was in so much pain.

You see,
Lou, my late husband
couldn't accept it--

what was to be done.

Peter called us
on a Sunday morning.

We were just back
from church.

He said...

he said he had done it.

Relieved her suffering.

Peter told us
he had k*lled our child.

Lou nearly lost his mind.

He brought the full weight
of the law down on Peter.

And then one day
Peter was gone.

He disappeared.

I don't know
what to say.

I'm so sorry.

It's all right.

You know,
the funny thing is,

a couple of years

Beth's diary showed up

in the bottom of a box

And her last entry
in it,

she said she was going
to die by her own hand,

that Peter couldn't do it,
that he loved her too much.

So, how long
has Richard Hart
been missing?

I'm not sure.
He didn't come to work
a couple days ago,

and I've been
really worried.

That's why I called you.

Uh-huh. Did he say
anything unusual?

Any signs of depression,

financial problems?

[door opens]
No, none that I can
think of.

[door closes]

Though he did
mention to me once

that he was tired
of the business,

and that he wanted
to see more of life.

You okay, Miss?

Yeah, I--I'm fine.

So that's all I have
to tell you.

I hope you can find him.

Well, we'll put him
in the computer and
see what happens.

I'll let you know
if anything turns up.

Thanks. Please do.



where did you find this?
[door closes]

Where did you get
this coat?

Wha--whoa, Jane.

I didn't find it

I was bringing
in your bags

from the car
like you asked me to.

Oh, yeah.
Of course you did.

I'm sorry.

Now, you'll excuse me
for saying this,

but lately you've
been jumping around

like a crab
in a steam pot.

A what?

It's an expression.

Right before they die--
blue crabs--they get all

and they'll do anything
they can to push the lid
off the top.

So you got to hold them
down in there.

That's disgusting.

Yeah. It's worth it though.
They taste great.


I'm just going to go
hang up this coat,

and then we'll get busy
stocking the shelves.

Sure. You're the boss.

Busy night tonight.


We've been kind of
avoiding each other

since your date
with Billy.

I just want to know
what's going on.

Ladies and gentlemen,
drink up.

This is the last call
for alcohol.

Come here.

I'll tell you

what I think
is going on with me.

I think I'm falling
for you, Jake.

And since we spent
the night together,

I have been

and confused...

and ecstatic...
all at the same time.

Me, too.

It's different this time.

It's like I finally
found someone who looks
at life the way I do.


There is...

one little problem.

Billy asked me
to marry him.

I walked out on him.

I didn't give him
the answer.

He knows it's "no."

But I still
have to tell him

And I want to tell him
about us, too.

Yeah, I want you to.

But I think that
we'd better be sure.

About what?

Well, it's just that
we both call Billy
our friend.

We'd better be damn sure
that being honest

is worth the pain
that we're going
to cause.


God! Jane, are you
out of your mind?


Actually, I think
I'm finally seeing

It's been you all along,
hasn't it, Sydney?

I mean, you never wanted me
to take care of Richard
in the first place,

and now you're
planting the shovel,

you're planting my jacket
in the garment bag.

Garment bag?
What garment bag?

Don't play dumb.

The one that Sam brought
out of my car with
my trench coat in it.

You're trying to put me
over the edge so that
you can get out of this,

so that I will cr*ck
and take all the blame.

No. You know what, Jane?

I ought to b*at
your fat face in...

Sydney. Sydney!
you babbling lunatic!

Let go!


I can't take this

You have been
flying around here
like a parakeet,

ready to blow
this whole thing
wide open.

Both of us are gonna
get thrown in a pit for
the rest of our lives!

Someone is trying to drive
me crazy, Sydney,

and if it is not you,
who is it?


listen to me.

can be explained.


We probably
missed the coat,

so it was still
in the car.

There are a lot
of coincidences
in life,

and I know
that sometimes,

when you're under
a lot of stress,

it can seem like
there's a plot.

Oliver Stone has made
a career out of it.

You and I are
in a different

We need to
remain calm...

at least until
the police stop
looking for Richard.

We are the ones
who set them
in motion, remember?

It was the only way
we were gonna
get out of this.


Once that happens...

everything will
seem normal again,

we can get on
with our lives.

I don't know
if I can, Syd.

I mean...

how do you get over
k*lling a man?


Come here.

I'm gonna tell you
a story, Kimberly...

a story about two people
who fell in love.

Yeah, but there were
bad times, but, oh...

the good times
were on fire.

When they first met,

he caught something
in her eye...

that smile.

And when
they first kissed...

we couldn't stop
what was happening.

And then it was like a storm
ripping through their lives,

pushing them together.

Nothing could stand
in their way,

and, I don't know,
they were destined
to be together.

They were married
for a second time...

in front of their home.

That couple...

is you and me, Kimberly.

And that home
is our home.

Come home.


Come back home.

Come home.





Oh, my God.


Nurse! Uh, get in here!
My wife's back!


[siren wailing]

Keep the light on
in Burns's cell 24 hours.

And let's keep
the noise up around--

Uh, uh,
can I help you?

I was wondering
if I could see one
of your prisoners here,

a Peter Burns.

And you are?

Taylor McBride.
I'm an old friend
of his.

Sorry. No can do.

I don't like
your attitude,

People have rights
in this country.

I'm sorry, but there
are restrictions here.

And you are?

Detective Wiley.


The only people
that can see Dr. Burns

are his lawyer
and his wife.

He's married?


To Amanda Woodward.
Do you know her?

Of course.
I'm sure we've met.

Anyway, thank you
for your time.

Do we have a number
where we can reach you,
Miss McBride?

No. You don't.

Oh, my-- Alison
looks so much better
in that sh**t outfit

than she ever did
in that stupid,
you know,

the Amanda wannabe suits
that she wore at DD.

I guess.

Guess, nothing.

Those stupid skirts
were too damn short.

You know, you don't
gotta show all that leg
to be sexy.

Hi. Uh, 2 Cuba libres
and a chardonnay, please.

Look, I understand

you don't want
to marry me.

It's cool.

Billy, not now. We'll
talk about this later.

What's there
to talk about?

You don't want me.
I accept it.

You know what?

I can still

I can appreciate,
you know,

how sexy you look
in those jeans.

Adds that mystery,
you know?

Billy, you're drunk.

Hey, don't be mad.

I should be mad.

She's right, Billy.
You've had enough.

I'm going to
get you a cab.

Come on, Jake.
Hey, I want to stay here
with my friends. okay?

All right. I'll let you
sleep it off in my office.

When we close up,
Alison and I will
take you home.

All right.

Sounds good.

It's too noisy
in there.

I can get there myself.
I'm not that out of it.


how you doing,

Okay, I guess.
You look terrible,

You should get
some sleep.

You know, you have
such a subtle way
of putting things.

Hey. Do you know what's
going on with Jo?

I've got three days'
worth of mail for her.

Oh, get--look, Amanda,
um, uh,

I forgot to tell you.

Um, Jo moved to Europe
with Dominick O'Malley.

What? For good?
She just took off
for where, Paris?

And you forgot
to tell me?

What is
going on with you?

Nothing. I'm--
I'm busy, all right?

And by the way, she's in
Bosnia, photo-documenting
Doctors Without Borders.

Well, she could be
on the moon,
for all I care.

She's not getting
her deposit back.

I don't need this now.

Is her stuff still
in the apartment?

Yeah. I'm going
to pack it up
and send it off.

Oh, fine.
When you're done,
I'll hire cleaners,

put an ad in,
show it to a bunch
of losers.

Hell, I got nothing
better to do.

if you want...

I can handle that
for you.

For a break
on my rent.


Do it, and
we'll talk later.

I'm telling you,
nothing matters.

Nothing matters
besides friendship.

the whole megillah.

That's the whole--
hey, Matt, man.
Friends, right?

Right. Listen,
just tone it down.
Amanda's on edge tonight.

We're working
on it, trust me.

always on edge.
The girl's all edge.

Shh, Billy.
Shut up.

Amanda is
the edge itself.

That's the whole


That was a really
great idea, putting him
in your office.

[door closes]

Well, how was I
supposed to know

that he was going to dig
through my desk and find
my bottle of tequila?

You know, it's true
that you two
are my only friends.



I hope
I get sick.


Yeah, well,
I hope you do, too.

Get some sleep.


[door opens, closes]

So you want to come in
for a little while?


I'd love to, but...

I really can't.


maybe just
for a little while.


Can I help you?

Yes. Is this
the apartment building
Amanda Woodward owns?

Yeah. It is. Um...
why do you ask?

Uh, no reason.
I just heard
it was a nice place.


I'm sorry. My name
is Taylor McBride.

Ah. I'm
Matt Fielding.

I'm sort of
managing the place.

Oh, really?

Oh, then
you can help me.

I'm in from Boston,
and I'm thinking
of relocating.


There wouldn't happen
to be a unit open,
would there?

there is one.

But it's
a two bedroom.

Oh, that
would be perfect!

Yeah. My husband's
coming out, and we could
use the extra room.

I mean, married couples
are welcome here,
aren't they?

I mean, it's not
a singles place, is it?

No, no. Abs--no.

I hear Amanda herself
is married to a doctor,

Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, she is.

Um...are--are you
a friend of hers?

Uh, no. Some mutual
acquaintances, that's all.

Can I see the apartment?

Yeah. Uh, it's
right this way.


Would it be possible
to put a deposit
down today?

Yeah, I--
I don't see why not.


[siren wailing]

I heard you, Michael.

You broke
through a wall
to get through to me.

You aren't giving up
on me, are you?

Never again.

I'm on you like
white on rice, babe.

I'm not gonna let you
slip away again.

You're the only one
who really cares,

Listen, uh...there's
something I need you to do.

I wouldn't ask,
but it--it's important.

You know, Peter's in jail
for the Parezi m*rder,
and you're his alibi.

You had dinner with him
that night, right?


Uh, it's okay.
I know you'll remember.

We have to get him
out of there.

I need him back
at the office.

See, the practice
is falling apart and...

well, of course
he didn't do it.

What do you
want me to do?

Very little. I'm going
to go get the police
and a stenographer,

and I just need you
to give them a statement.

Would--would that
be okay?

How can I say no
to you, Michael?

You saved my life.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Okay, I'm gonna go.

[door opens, closes]

[thunder crashes]

[thunder crashes]

I wish you could've
stayed the whole night
last night.

I was wondering
when we were going
to talk about that.

You know, this
is my first romance

with the strong,
silent type.

I just missed you
this morning, that's all.

This Billy thing.

I wish we could figure
out some way to...

be together without
hurting him, you know?

[thunder crashing]

Yeah, I know.

But until we
figure that out...

I think we'd better
just sneak around.

It'll be fun....

for a while, anyway.

For a while.

I'm falling for you,
too, you know.

I know.

Here's to the Missing
Persons Bureau,

computers, and
the overworked
LAPD in general.

Hear, hear.

[thunder crashing]


they said they just
thought he ran off?


And then
they told me to hire
a private eye.


You know, in a way,
I feel really bad about
it and everything...

but I gotta say,
I've never been happier
in my life.

I hope this means
that you can relax
now, too.


To justice, Syd...

and to getting
away with it.

[thunder crashing]


[thunder crashing]

[thunder crashing]



I'm sorry
I didn't tell you.

I know it was a lie,
but there's a reason.

I know everything, Peter.

I went to Kansas City.

I spoke
with Mrs. Davis.

You did what?

I understand
a lot of things
that I didn't before.

And I know
something else.

The charges stemming
from your wife's death
were dropped.

You're exonerated.

That's impossible.
It was open and shut.

Doesn't matter
what the reason is,

In Missouri,
m*rder is m*rder.

su1c1de isn't. They found
evidence that proved that
she took her own life.

You didn't do it.

This is one case that,

they can't punish you for
something you didn't do.

You don't understand,
do you?

[thunder crashing]

I did do it.

I k*lled my wife.

[thunder crashing]

[thunder crashing]

Be gentle with her,
okay? She's been
through a lot.

I'm just after the truth,
doctor. That's all.

[thunder crashing]

Orderly, get down here!

Where is Kimberly Shaw?

She said you told her
she could check out.
She was very definite.

You listen to me.
This is definite, okay?

If I don't find her
in a matter of minutes,

you're a dead man!

[thunder crashing]

[thunder crashing]

Good night, Sam.

Night, Jane. Listen,
thanks for everything:

the job and...
a place to stay.

Forget about it.
It's nice having you
around. Sleep good.

Thanks. You, too.

[thunder crashing]

[thunder crashing]

[thunder crashing]

Must've left it open
this morning.

[thunder crashing]

Oh, my God.

[thunder crashing]
Oh, my God.



Oh, my God, no!




Oh, my God!


Oh, my God,



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