07x03 - The Man with Two Right Shoes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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07x03 - The Man with Two Right Shoes

Post by bunniefuu »



This some kind
of freaky‐deak?

I can work with you.

How’d you sleep?


[ Alarm buzzes ]

That’s my fibber’s buzzer.

I heard you up
five or six times.

You mind my scoping
an unfamiliar apartment out?

Just realize
I count my utensils.

My sisters drew those pictures
when they were little girls.

Yeah, I saw the one
"to my brother danny."


"C‐cat"? That’s from
my sister laurie.


Serious, I had a tabby
named "c‐cat"

After how she spelled it
in that picture.
[ Chuckles ]

Our dad passed
when I was 6.

Our mom couldn’t
keep us,

So she sent us to live
over here with her sister.


I was born in norway.
You believe that?

Outside of oslo.

Over here,
we grew up in albany.

So am I your first
norwegian screw?

Not even close.

It’s good
that you kept

The pictures
from your sisters.

They were presents
they gave to me.

You give my place
a good toss?

You never know, pal.

I know where
your coffee is.

Do you want me
to make you some?

You want to use
my coffee maker?

You are so strange.

I’m the not one
I awoke to find upside down

Like an eerie
creature of the night.

How’s it going, katie?

Hi, andy.

Did you drop off theo
at nursery school?

Yeah, I dropped him
at school.

How was your meeting?

I didn’t go
to my meeting.

I was counseling
with a poor young man.

I need to ask you
some advice.

Sure, andy.

Theo’s getting willful,

Almost disobedient, like.

In what way?

Disobedience ‐‐

He asks for different
type foods and so forth.

So, different from what
you’re used to preparing?

Look, I mean,
I never confused myself

With a master chef.

And then he’s willful

With our after‐school

Don’t like our rides
no more

That I enjoyed walking
around with him on.

That poor
young crackhead

I met with
this morning, andy ‐‐

If you could see
the place he was living in...

What’s that got to do
with the concern

I just asked you
about theo, katie?

Not to mention,
what are you doing

Going to a place

Where a crackhead’s
living at?

It was filthy ‐‐ pornography
on his computer screen ‐‐

Oh, my god.
Have you lost your mind?

He’s lost everything.
He lost his girlfriend,

He lost his job,
and she took his cat‐‐
which she should’ve done

Because he wasn’t
feeding it anyway.

Well, this is
just great, katie.

Thank you very much
for the good specific advice,

Not to mention the peek
into realizing

The crazy way
you are living your life.

Do you have to go
on a case?

That seems to be
the drift of things, yes.

Do you have
an immediate emergency,

Or can I talk to andy
one more second?

Sure, no problem.

What, you want
to tell me

The porno titles
this guy’s watching?

That d. O. A.’S not going
to get any more dead.

When you asked me
about theo ‐‐

Why I was telling you
about john, andy ‐‐

John ‐‐ your good friend
the crackhead porn fan?

In his room this morning,
when he didn’t want any help,

I got so upset with john,

And the more upset I got,
the more I was thinking

About his
character defects,

But then, god gave me
to understand

That past a certain point,

I couldn’t
make myself feel better

By setting my own schedule
for how he was supposed

To live his life.

I could only
pray for his welfare,

That some steps
john had to take alone,

And that came
as a blessing to me,

Accepting that.

If that helps with theo...


I don’t know.

Anyways, I got to go.

I do, too. I’m going
to a later meeting.

Take care, andy.


I got to buy
one of them rearing books.

Room clerk found the body,
called it in.

We were securing the scene

When the smoke detector
went off.

Cigarette in the bed,
I guess.

The d. O. A.?

The firemen
do their number,

Which is why it’s wet.

And the crime scene’s

where’s the body?

It’s in the bathroom.

Thank you.

Look at this poor guy.

s*ab wounds, mutilation.

I’ll say.
His d*ck’s gone.

Who is he?

Darryl conners, 34.
Virginia driver’s license.

Clerk says
he’d stay here regular,

Bring in male prostitutes.

Well, let’s talk to him.


Excuse me.

This here’s the hotel clerk
larry hanson.

How you doing, larry?

I’m kind of bowled over.

Yeah, it must
have been a shock.

You know, when I
first found darryl,

He was wearing
his rolex and a gold ring,

And when I went to identify
mr. Conners with the officer,

He wasn’t wearing
any jewelry.

I have an image in my mind
of that beautiful watch

Against the porcelain
of the bathtub.

What can you
tell us about him?

He’d stay here
once a month or so.

Comes up from richmond.

Comes alone?

Yes, but he’d go
find company pretty quickly.


He was very candid with me.

Showed me his money clip
of $100 bills.

"These will all be
in strange men’s pockets

By the end of the night,"
he’d say.

How many guys would he
bring up in a night?

Say four.

All right,
we’ll look into that.

Hold on a second.


What’s your name?

Jeff chase.
I’m checking out today.

You stay here
last night?

Yes, but I didn’t
see anything.

Okay, you got
to wait up.

I didn’t see anything.

Just a guy ‐‐
maybe 27 with tattoos ‐‐

Stormed into the hall,
but that’s all I know.
That’s all, huh?

One’s a 10.
One’s an 8 1/2.

Both lefts.

I’m booked to leave
in two hours.

I wouldn’t be here to testify.
I don’t live in new york.

You’re an eyewitness
to a m*rder.

You got to stick around.

I got a ticket to chicago.
I have a gig.

Now you got a gig
in the big apple.


I found the penis, guys.

I am sonia lopez.
This is my son jason

Who I am reporting
for stealing.

I’m not stealing.

You see this jacket?
That’s expensive.

I’m detective russell,
mrs. Lopez.

You can file your report
with me.

Something has turned this boy
from how he was raised.

Why don’t you and I talk
in the coffee room?

This is detective martinez
and kirkendall.

Jason lopez.
Hi, jason.

James martinez, jason.

His mother’s concerned
because he came home
with an expensive jacket.

And rollerblades.
I didn’t steal any of it.

Come on in here, sonia.

Let’s grab a seat and let
me and detective kirkendall

Hear your side of this.

I don’t steal, all right?
I’m not a thief.

You know, sometimes
mothers get wrong ideas

Off being worried
about their kids.

Yeah, my mother’s idea
is wrong, all right?

Let her put me out.
I don’t care.

Well, that’s
no good, jason.

Jill: so, jason,

Where did you get money
for the things

Your mom’s worried
you might have stolen?

You know, I got a job
doing computer graphics.

Your mom doesn’t know
about that job?

She doesn’t
understand computers.

Well, we need you to write down
your boss’s name

So we can verify
what you’re saying is true.

He never used to be bad,

But this teacher
started influencing him.

What teacher?

He never used to steal.

Has to be her influence.
He wants to impress her.

She’s the new thing
in his life.

Could the jacket
and rollerblades

Have been gifts to jason?

No, no, he’s stealing.
It can’t be anything else.

He’s got to go
to foster home

And a new school.

Say we verify
what you’re telling us.

Won’t that mean you need work
on communicating with your mom?

Yeah, I guess so.

How about your dad?
You got your dad to talk to?

Uh, no, no dad.

So jason says
he earned the money

His mother’s worried about.

He wrote down where he works
so we can check.

I ask if you’re
working after school,

And you don’t say anything.

Anyways, let us check
this information out.

Then we’ll see how
you want to proceed.

I don’t think he’s got any job.
I think it’s her influence.

We’ll look into things,
mrs. Lopez,

And then we’ll be
in touch with you.

Now I got to take him to school
to her influence,

My boy that I tried
to raise right.

We’ll be in touch.

[ Sighs ]

She thinks he’s involved
with his teacher.

Involved how?

She thinks
the teacher gave him

The rollerblades
and jacket.

Jill: the computer store’s
not open yet.

But I mean, involved
with his teacher how?

Maybe we take a ride
over to the computer store.

What are you
doing in new york?

There was an open mike
I played at.

What time
did you get back?

Around 3:00 a. M.

You heard fighting
in darryl’s room?


I was having trouble
with the, uh,


Uh, the electric key thing.

I was trying
to figure that out

When this guy storms out,
goes to the elevator ‐‐

The 27‐year‐old?

I sensed trouble.

Get to the tattoos.

The thing is
I don’t vibe with new york.

Hey, did you hear me?

I can’t get
mixed up in something

That brings me back here
for a trial or whatnot.


A blue dagger
on his hand.

What else?

And the name tommy
on the back of the neck.

See, that’s
extremely helpful to us.

Yeah, it’s good for you,
sucks for me.

Look, I helped you out.
Can you help me back?


I’m maxed out
on my credit cards,

No cash.

In fact, I still
kind of owe the hotel.

We’ll do what we can.

This blows.

Detectives russell
and kirkendall.

You’re the owner?

That’s right.

Martin evers?

Does a jason lopez
work for you, martin?

Take these on in, donny.

Yeah, jason lopez is
in my apprentice program.

What’s that about?

Well, the program
is essentially training kids,

Exposing these kids
to the work environment.

They do graphics,

How many other kids
in the program?

How many?


At present, jason’s
the first, actually.

Ah, he’s
the only apprentice.

Actually, that’s right.

Martin, is jason’s teacher
jenny peters

Involved in this someway?

I had him here one time
and showed him around.

Favor to jenny,
exactly like you said.

She just said
say he works here.

Look, she’s a good person.

She’s one of these saint
crusaders for latino kids.

She treats them
really special.

Oh, you think
she’s a crusader

For latino girls, too?

What are you imputing?

Nothing, martin.

Stick around where we
can find you.

Thanks for your help.

So none of you ems’s
was there prior to the cops?

Thank you very much.

Detective sipowicz?

That’s me, andy sipowicz.

Denny phillips.

You called me
at the firehouse.

You were
at the scene

At the ellsinor hotel
this morning?

Cigarette in bed
set it off.

Yeah, you’re also aware

That there was a homicide
in that room?

That’s what all them cops
were doing there.

Evidently there was a d.o.a.
In the bathroom.

Evidently, yeah.

There’s been an allegation

Cops might have took
some jewelry from the d. O. A.

Whoo, whoo, whoo.

What is that, "whoo, whoo"?
Are you a train whistle?

I don’t know
about that.

You didn’t happen
to see any jewelry?

No. Like I say,
I didn’t even know

The guy was there
till we were gone.

Nothing you can remember
that would shed any light?

We were done. We left.
Cigarette in the bed

Didn’t have nothing to do
with the guy’s death.

Back to the firehouse, huh?

We were in and out ‐‐
five minutes.

No lives to save.
We left.

If you guys
got personnel problems,

I’d just as soon
stay clear of that.

Okay, thanks
for coming by.

Sure thing.


Ooh, ooh, ooh,
andy, andy.

Ooh, ooh, what, what?

The d. O. A.
And his johnson ‐‐

Separate funerals?


Detective russell
or kirkendall?

Hi, i’m detective russell.

Jenny peters.

I’m jason lopez’s
english teacher.

Oh, uh,

We hadn’t gotten around
to contacting you yet.

I’d like to set the record
straight about jason.

Uh, jill, james.

Diane: this is detective
martinez, detective kirkendall.

How you doing?

Ms. Peters is here
about jason lopez.

Who came to school
this morning in tears

Because his mother wants you
to charge him as a thief.

What can you tell us
about jason?

He’s 15 years old.

He’s very mature emotionally.

He’s thoughtful and joyful,

And he writes poetry
that would make you cry.

He’s bright?

He can have anything
in the world,

And his mother
wants to squander that.

She says
jason’s been stealing.


He turned up
with new clothes

And couldn’t say
where he got the money.

Jason makes money working.
I got him that job,

So I can vouch
that he’s definitely working.

Sonia is uneasy about your
influence over jason.

let sonia file a complaint.

I mean,

What is the problem here?

Do you have something against
white people helping latinos?


No, i’m not aware
that we had that policy.

I’m not saying
sonia’s not a good person.

She’s very sweet.

She doesn’t
have sophistication.

We do try
to keep our women simple.

I can teach jason things
that she can’t.

That’s why she resents me.

I guess she feels you’re
overstepping, ms. Peters.

I’ve been overstepping
for 15 years.

I take these kids
to the museum, to concerts.

They come to my home.

Have you had jason
in your home?

I want to help him.

He likes you
helping him?

He depends on it.

All right, ms. Peters,
thanks for coming in.

I’ll do whatever it takes.

I have finally found a boy

Who is completely worthy
of my efforts,

And i’m not letting him fall
by the wayside.

That’s very big
of you.

Andy: sipowicz.

You got the witness
a hotel?

Yeah, we told jeff,
being it was

On the job’s nickel,
he’d have to downgrade
to travelodge level.

Yeah, we ran the tattoo
he described on a perpetrator

Through the catch unit.

Matches a tommy bolomo ‐‐

A couple collars
for gay prostitution.

You got an address
for this male prost*tute?

Just his mother’s.

You talked
to the fire lieutenant?

Who had nothing.
That was richmond p. D.

Darryl had a big reputation
down there cruising boys.

Yeah, stop the presses.

Richmond p. D.
Will notify the family.

We got this tommy’s
mug shot.

I suppose you want us
to hit the fairy bars.

You want me to hit
the fairy bars with them?

Yeah, hit the bars
with them.


How you doing?

We’re looking
for a male, white, late 20s.

Aren’t we all?

Tommy bolomo ‐‐
you recognize him?

Let’s see.

For god’s sake.

Yeah, he comes here,

Go put an apron on
right now.


Why? Because your buttocks
is exposed.

I wipe my hands
on a towel exclusively.

Oh, are you a big wit
besides going through life

With your crack out
in public?

You seen him today?

I was here five minutes before
you strolled into my life.

I haven’t checked out
the clientelle yet.

How many back rooms
are there in this place?

Where’s your dungeons?

No dungeons.

Where’s your bathroom?

Right through
the chain‐link fence.


Andy, andy, andy.


What am I doing?

You’re guarding
the front door.

As what?

As greg medavoy.

Hey, tommy?


What are you knocking here for?

My name’s steve.

Steve what?

Steve wynn.

I’m a casino owner.

This place is loaded
with comedians.

I have to piss,

But how the hell can you
urinate in this environment?


Hey, steve, how far

You coming along
in that process?

You down
to the paperwork yet?

Screw you.

Open the stall

And pull up your pants.

My name’s not steve‐‐
hey, hey.

And you don’t
own casinos?

My name’s tommy.

Check the neck.

Yeah, we know about the neck.
We know about the scimitar.

How about you coming along
for a ride, anyways?

We’ll give you
some counseling

On adding roughage
to your diet.

On what basis
am I being in custody, huh?

We’ll explain that
at your next stopping place.

Interesting footwear there,

Hey, leave my footwear out
of this.

What, were you born
with two right feet?

Get these things off me!

Is this our guy?

Can I
take this off now?

Something stinks
between this teacher

And jason lopez.

She’s got this dimwit
at the graphics company

Lying for him, plus she admits
to having him at her home.

Just part of her effort
to save downtrodden latinos.

You think
she’s screwing around with him?

We don’t know,
but that’s our guess.

That would be
a felony, right?

She’s over 21.
He’s under 16.

That would be r*pe three.

That’s an "e" felony.

You bringing the boy
back in?
I think we should.

The deal I would go for
if I were you, tommy ‐‐

You offer a full
statement in exchange

For us not telling
the whole world

That for at least 12 hours
after you did this homicide,

You ran around with two
right sneakers on your feet.

Is this supposed
to be amusing?

Just tell us what happened

At the ellsinor hotel
last night, tommy,

Between you and darryl
conners of richmond.

I don’t know the guy.

Your trick last night
with the fat ass.

Do I give your memory
a jog, tommy,

Reminding you
you stabbed the guy 47 times

And you cut
his johnson off?

Not guilty.

Tommy, you were seen
leaving the crime scene.

The witness described
to a "t"

That idiot scimitar
you got on your wrist there,

And we found you
in a gay toilet

With one of the d. O. A.’S
sneakers on your feet.

All circumstantial.

What mutual agreement
can we start with here, tommy?

Is it fair enough
to say

That you play
for the other squad?


Meaning, tommy, when given
the whole smorgasbord

Of places of concealment
in this city,

You tend to hide
among fruits.

So from where you’re sitting,
that makes me q*eer?

And combined with us
finding you running around

With two right sneakers,
it makes you a q*eer moron.

So if you found me

In an automobile
assembly plant,

You’d accuse me
of being a car?

Help us out
with that, tommy.

I earn my living
in a gay venue.

That’s all I do there.

A gay venue

Is your occupational
venue exclusively.

Period, end of story,
as far as gay.

h*m* behavior
you might engage in

That’s strictly
commercially motivated.

And I pitch exclusively.
Oh, here we go.

So your whole career,

Coming up or here
in the majors,

You never once
received a fast ball

In the catcher’s mitt.

Correct. Exclusively.

for that story, tommy,

We saw last night’s date.

I pitched to that guy

No, tommy, you could not
successfully pitch

To that fat‐ass catcher
unless you got the tendency.


Tommy, he’s got a point.

The guy’s 5’9".
He had to go 240 minimum.

You want to bring in
any private enthusiasm?

I mean, for you
to grab this guy’s popo,

You probably had to
prop his belly roll

Up there
on the nightstand.

I didn’t grab popo.

He wanted a spanking,
wanted to lick my feet,

And he wanted
a bang in the ass.

I did not grab popo.

He says he didn’t
do that, andy.

Let that go.

Hey, i’ll let grabbing
the guy’s popo go

Once tommy here
explains to me

How he goes
from spanking a guy,

Letting him lick his feet,

Giving him a commercial pop
in the seat,

To stabbing him

And cutting
his popo off,

Because to me ‐‐

Call me crazy,
but that suggests more

Than a guy carrying
his lunch bucket,

Just showing up
at his gay venue,

Merely putting in
a day’s work.

I think that’s back
over the net to you, tommy.

I will screw you,
I will spank you,

And you can lick my feet,

But do not try kissing me.

Who is that
addressed to?

It was addressed
to the richmond blimp.

You were that straightforward
with this darryl conners?

I am telling you
the exact language that I used.

I mean, what part of that
is so tough to understand?

Did you go into

The consequences
with him, tommy?

"I will do ’x’
and ’y’ to you,

You can do ’z’
to me ‐‐"

What’s "z" to me?
You don’t do "z" to me.

Well, that’s like
him licking your feet.

Oh, okay. "Z" to me...

"But i’m on record,
don’t you try ’q,’"

Which is kissy‐face...

"Or i’ll s*ab you 47 times,
cut your d*ck off,

And leave it
in your underwear."

Look, I got the 150 bucks
that he paid me,

That I earned.

I stopped at the sink
to clean up a little,

And from out of nowhere,

This pig comes up
alongside me, grabs my face,

And sticks his dirty,
fat, wet tongue in my mouth.

Whoa, whoa.

I mean,
what would you have done?

Say no more.


Uh, hi.


I was, uh,
told to come in.

What’s going on, jason?

Let me get
the other detectives.

Can we have
a man‐to‐man talk?

Sure. Why don’t we
talk back there?

Are you going
to arrest me?

I got to find out
what’s going on,

But I don’t see you
getting locked up.

I did something bad.

Honest to god,

I think this is going
to be all right,

And you’re going
to feel better,

Whatever it is,
getting it off your chest.

I’m, um,

I’m having relations
with miss peters.

We seduced each other

And if we have to,

We’re going to go
to new mexico,

But I don’t want to go,

And I didn’t ever want
to have relations.

I don’t feel i’m as special
as she says I am.

You know what, jason?

Why don’t we go upstairs?

We got a totally
unofficial room up there

Where we could talk
about this a little more,

But I promise you
on this spot,

In front of this witness,

You’re not
getting locked up,

And this is going
to be all right, okay?

Hi, jason.


We need to get miss peters
back in here.

Jason confirmed
what we were talking about.

Can’t I just
write her a letter?

You’re not going
to have to talk to her, jason.

We’ll take care
of the conversation.

I thought I was tough,
getting double pierces.

How does putting
a metal stud in your tongue

Make you feel cool?

There’s our girl.

Hey, jenny.

Where’s jason?
He wasn’t in class.

He’s at
our station house.

What are you trying to do?

Come with us, jenny.

I don’t think so.

You want to cooperate
or make a scene?

’Cause we’ll embarrass you
in front of these kids.

Want to keep it up?

This is wrong.

Go to that car now.

This is wrong!

This is what
the police are like.

This is oppression.

Shut up.

You are such stupid women.

Get in the car.

Careful with
your screwed‐up head.

Hey, sipowicz.

How’s it going, gibson?

You look good, fit.

Come on back here.


What’s it about, andy?

I just got these pictures in,
and we got a big problem.

Over this
gay homicide?

Yeah. You took
these photos?


Look at these pictures.
You notice any differences?

What’s the problem, andy?

Here, the guy’s got
a gold ring and a watch.

These other three,
he’s got no jewelry.

That’s crazy. I mean,
how could that be?

You were there
when that stuff
disappeared, eddie.

Andy, we were heading back

From homicide
in the fifth precinct,

Heard the job
at the hotel, come over.

We get there
right after uniform.

This guy’s in the tub.

I figure, "let me
get my pictures."

I get one picture,
the next thing you know,

The fire department’s there.

"Clear the room,
let us do our job."

You know how they make
high drama about it.

The smoke alarm
notified them.

We get kicked out
into the hall.

The firemen
douse the place.

In five minutes, they leave.

We go back in, I finish
taking my pictures.

I never noticed
any difference.

You were there right before
the firemen come.

And i’m back
the second they’re gone.

If that jewelry’s missing,
them firemen have it.

Those arrogant humps.


Pokey room clear?


You want
something to drink?

Please don’t act
like my friend.
Fair enough.

Don’t be lookin’
to run this for the boss.

He’s down at the borough.

How’s jason doin’?

He’s upstairs
in the crib.

He’s pretty withdrawn,
that kid,

As a result
of his contact with her.

So, are we going to go at
this miserable bitch?

Maybe let us
finish with her, james.

Why? On what basis?

She has so much attitude
towards you, you know?

Oh, you think so?

You feel she shows
a little arrogant,

Patronizing attitude
toward my direction?

Why let her
distract herself with you?

Yeah, yeah, why let her
distract herself

From making
her statement,

This biased,
arrogant bitch?


You want to watch
from the observation room?

Yeah, yeah, i’ll watch
from the cheap seats.

I’ll watch
from the latino section.


You dragged me in here
like a criminal.

Why don’t you let us
set the table here, jenny?

Explain your situation.

Do you know
the damage you’ve done

To those children,
their idea of a teacher?

You think seducing a kid
who’s been taught to trust you

Might throw jason’s idea
of teachers out of whack?

I’m not going

To talk to you
about my personal life.

When you have
sexual relations

With a 15‐year‐old, jenny,

Your personal life
stops being personal.

Then you’re a collar
for statutory r*pe.

Jason lopez is no
ordinary 15‐year‐old.

Not in my soul
and not in his

Is anything
that we have done,

Including what you call
sexual relations,

A crime.

You might want to check
jason’s thinking on that.

Oh, i’m sure
that when sonia

And the rest of you
are through,

Jason’s thinking will be
tortured and confused.

You’ll have him thinking
that i’m a predator

And he’s the victim
of some evil,

But in part
of jason’s soul,

Which you will never
be able to reach,

Jason will remember.

Jason will feel the truth.

Which, deep in your soul,
is what?

I could never
explain that to you,

But jason will remember.

Oh, we’re all going
to remember you, jenny.

Do you think his mother
is going to support jason
in his academics?

Let him go to college,
where sonia’s terrified

He’s going to take up
with strong, smart women?

That’s your
point of view, jenny.

I think you ought to put
those opinions on paper.

This is his future.

She will take him
out of school.

She will browbeat him
and frighten him

Until she stamps out
any idea he ever had

Of being anything other
than a laborer or a busboy.

Maybe one day
you will see him ‐‐

Half deaf,
breaking up concrete

With a pneumatic drill,

Squinting because
he can hardly see

Because the sweat
is burning his eyes.

But when you look at jason,

You still won’t be able
to see what’s in his soul.

You won’t be able to know
what he’s remembering.

He’s going to be
remembering his teacher.

He’s going to be
remembering me.



Ooh, denny.

I understand
that you guys

Made an arrest
in that hotel incident.

Made an arrest
for the homicide, denny,

But we still didn’t
locate the whereabouts

Of the d. O. A.’S
missing property.

That part
continues a mystery.

Why don’t you come in
and sit down?

Frankly, andy, as far
as that property goes,

I’ve got nothing new
to contribute.

Aw, denny, come on.
Take a load off.

Look at some
d. O. A. Photos for me.

I don’t like
looking at corpses.

Well, just focus
on the corpse’s wrist.


Look at this photo
here, denny.

Give it mental label,
group "a."

Group "a"?
That’s one photo.

And these here ‐‐

Let’s label these
group "b,"

After the firemen
have gone.

What items are on
the d. O. A.’S wrist there

In the group "a" photo, denny,

That are conspicuously absent
once the firemen have left?

A ring and timepiece.

Possibly a rolex?

Assuming these photos
are unretouched,

This is not
my bag of crap.

If the missing property
comes found, denny,

You don’t
have to hold it.

No follow‐up
interdepartmental brouhaha?

You got a line
on its whereabouts?

I know who to talk to,
believe me.

So near term,
p. A. A. Irvin can expect

That watch and ring
to show up on his desk?

Appropriate to widen
the loop that way, andy?

One outside witness ‐‐

That makes me feel
more comfortable

As far as avoiding
a double‐cross‐arooskee

Where you lay off
the missing‐property bag

On me there, denny.

You follow my drift?

When in rome...

Oh, I realize you’re
way out of your depth.

I just hope
my friend here knows

When to turn his head
to the wall.

And when not to.

She’s in holding?

Yeah, jenny’s awaiting
her coach ride to the tombs.

I’ll bet james
would volunteer.

James drives,
he may get lost

And drop jenny
off the pier.

[ Sighs ]

Did you happen
to talk to don?

Yeah, I said
to stay away from us.

Good for you.

I said not to
come see us anymore.

Especially if he may
take a collar.

Less you have to deal
with him, the better.

You didn’t put yourself
in the middle,

Did you, jill?

What do you mean?

In terms of giving him
a heads‐up,

Where you could get
in trouble yourself.


Good thing you’re not
a collar yourself, pal.

That "oh" could be
taken for evasive.

See you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.

No, no, no.
We’re on this now.

Go fast! More faster.

More faster.
This is fast enough.

I want to go
on the slide.

You know, theo,

Lately, every time
we come over here

For you to enjoy
this ride here,

All you talk about is wanting
to go on the slide.

How come?

’Cause it’s more exciting.

All right. Come here.

[ Sighs ]

Sure you don’t want
to stay on this ride?

This is fun.

No. I want to go
on the slide.

If we go on the slide,

I’m going to have to go
up there with you.

I want to do it
by myself.

[ Sighs ]

Okay, well, here.
You hold on.

Can you make it up?

I don’t know if this
is a good idea, buddy.

I’m going
to hold your hand.

Here, give me your hand.
Give me your hand, theo.

Give me your hand.
Come here.

Don’t let go
of my hand, now.

Okay, now i’m going
to hold your hand

Going all the way down.

I want to do it by myself.

No, i’m going to be
standing alongside of you.

I did it!

Yes, you did it.
You did it.

Now, wasn’t that fun, now?

[ Sighs ]

We did it.

We did it, pal.
[ Chuckles ]

♪ ♪
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