08x07 - In-Laws, Outlaws

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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08x07 - In-Laws, Outlaws

Post by bunniefuu »

Ah, stopped for gas,

I almost k*lled some
non‐english‐speaking refugee

Who had the balls
to raise the price

Another nickel a gallon

While I'm standing
on the pump.

So, how'd it go
last night?

What, with cynthia?

It was good.

So you going
to see her again?

Actually, we're talking
about tonight.

D.o.a. In the alley.
Day manager saw him.

Plus, some waitress
working double shift

Maybe seen something.

Where is she?

Danny: where's the body?

Go in the alley.

Look at all the garbage
in this alley.

Wait, is that ‐‐

Excuse me.

You see
who this is?

Yeah, it's your
homeless guy.

It's nicholas.

Wait, how's he get here
when he's supposed to be

In a cell
at the station house?

So, I see the bum out front,
try and wave him off,

So len don't flip out.

After len
eighty‐sixed him?

Len's in back ‐‐
opening boxes ‐‐ comes out,

Finds him
telling the customers,

"Don't eat the meat 'cause
it's still got feelings."

Len doesn't
like that.

No, len grabs him
by the neck,

Takes him
around the corner ‐‐

Now, I know he still had
the box cutter,

But I don't know
if he'd k*ll anyone.

I left specific word
at the desk ‐‐

Make sure nicholas sleeps
in his cell.

Before you jump down
anybody's throat,

Maybe it was nicholas' idea

The waitress says the d.o.a.
Used the pay phone out front,

Then had a beef
with the owner

Who might have stabbed him
with a box cutter.

Hey, listen, soon as
crime scene's finished,

Make sure and get
nicholas' shopping cart

Up to our station house.

Hey, sarge, last night
I arranged

For a nicholas gilbert to stay
in one of the cells.

Yeah, I chased him.
Narcotics made a sweep,

And they had
two female prisoners.

I needed the cell.

I left a very specific

To let a bum sleep it off
in there?

What do you think this is ‐‐
"mayberry rfd"?

What was the name
of that town drunk?



Maybe I can leave
the keys

By the door next time,
so your buddies

Can let themselves
in and out.

There's a roster upstairs.

Maybe you could've
called me at home

And let me come
take care of it.

It was 1:00 a. M.

But I tell you what,
next time I will.

I'll definitely
wake your ass up

And give you an earful.

Hey, the guy you booted ‐‐

He got k*lled
a couple hours later.

Yeah, I know. That's why
I'm still here

Waiting for the duty captain
so we can make out a 49.

This is exactly the way
I wanted to spend my morning.

The guy who k*lled him
is most likely the guy

I was trying
to protect nicholas from,

By keeping him safe
in here!

Then you should have made him
a material witness

And had him
lodged somewhere.

If you would've
got off your ass

And called me,
he'd still be alive!

You need to haul your
baby‐faced partner upstairs!

Andy: don't add fuel
to the fire, mahoney.

You add me now
to the list of people here

That think
you're an assh*le!

Get him out of here
before I lose my temper!

Come on. What the hell
is wrong with you?


I talked to this lawyer
bill steding.

He's got nicholas' dad
coming in.

What went on

You mean,
with mahoney?

He's a boss.
He makes a call,

You could wind up
back in the bag.

Mahoney screwed up.

Last night,

I leave nicholas in a cell
for safekeeping.

Mahoney chases him
and nicholas winds up dead.

Well, you bought yourself
a problem.

Boss, don't make me
go down there and apologize.

Let me talk
to mahoney.

So where are we
on nicholas?

Yesterday, he gives up

Diego and mauricio
for whacking this jefe.

Being mauricio spent the night
in the system

Leaves diego
as a candidate.

Medavoy and jones are
bringing mauricio back

From rikers.

Maybe let them
go fresh at him

On locating diego.

Sure. There's also
the owner of the diner,

This leonard pluto.

The waitress sees
him and nicholas

Go at it
out in front,

And pluto's holding
a box cutter.

What does pluto know?

Gone to atlantic city.

Waitress gave us his pager,
but he hasn't called back.

She also saw nicholas
on a pay phone,

So we got
a phone dump coming.

Okay, let me go try

And clean it up
with mahoney.

Listen to this one ‐‐
"dear nicholas,

"I'm writing to ask you
one more time

"To let me help.

"You know I would give
my own life

"If that would
make you okay.

"If you won't call me,

"Please call bill steding.

His number's on the card.
Love, dad."

I put him someplace better,

Maybe his dad gets to see him
other than at the morgue.

found the box cutter

In the kitchen,
stuck behind some cans.

See any blood on it?

Nothing visible.

Crime scene
sent it to the lab.

I think I'm going to check
the stop‐and‐frisks,

And see if anything
jumps out.

It's okay.

I should bring
that little hothead up

On insubordination
is what I should do.

He feels responsible
for this homeless guy's death.

I needed the cell,
plain and simple.

I didn't toss that bum
for no good reason.

No one's saying
you didn't.

Sorenson is.

He's come down off that.

Like I said,

He's feeling guilty
for what happened.

Plus, he's been going
through some personal issues.

Yeah? Boo hoo hoo.

Must be
a rough transition

Going from banging franco
up in anti‐crime

Over to banging russell.

People got eyes
around here.

Did I come down
to talk about that?

Did I need to have sorenson
call me an assh*le

In front
of this whole station house?

Screw him.

Nice 5‐day rip
might do him good.

A couple of years ago,

I came down
looking for a voucher.

I recall finding
a couple of flutes

In your desk drawer.

Did I bust you for it?

Or did I pour it
down the sink

And leave it at that,

Other than reminding you
it wasn't 1965 anymore?

So why don't we

Keep this one
in the family, too?

That booze ‐‐
later, I came to you

And, like a man,
I gave an apology.

You can expect one
from sorenson.

Check out mauricio,
all buffed up.

Got himself
a shave, a haircut,

Good meal in him

With all those essential
vitamins and minerals.

Got to make prison
work for you.

That's what I keep telling
those fools,

Wasting their time

Reading law books
in the library.

Let it go, man.

Got everything you need
in there,

Except women.

There's ways around that.

So you can do
the time.

I can do whatever, man.

So, what we doing today?

Today's going to consist
of you telling us

Where to find diego
and us going to pick him up.

And if I don't?

What you gonna do,
throw me back in jail?

Ha ha.

We're going to throw you
back on the street.

Let's do it.

After we put out word
you're a rat.

That's why
you're getting kicked.

You gave us diego.

Nicholas gave you diego.

Nicholas is crazy.
Everybody knows that.

Who would believe him?

After we get word out
to our stools,

We're going
to pick you up

In front
of all your friends,

And you're going
to put up a fuss.

Then drive you
around for an hour,

Stuff a couple of $20s
in your pocket,

And dump you back off
where we got you.

Same drill every day,

And afterwards
we're going to have

Other detectives come by
and grab everybody but you,

And they'll tell them

They're looking
for a guy named diego

That our little friend
mauricio told us about.

We're going to turn you
into a rat

Who's got a side deal
with the cops, mauricio,

And you'll get
very unpopular very quickly,

Believe me.

Or you give us
diego ‐‐

His full name
and where he is.

He gets rung up
for k*lling jefe,

Goes upstate,

And you'll never
see him again,

And you're back
on the street, my brother,

The wind
beneath your wings.


All right!

Uh, john gilbert.

I'm looking
for detective sipowicz.

I'm here
about my son.

Mr. Gilbert,
I'm danny sorenson.

My partner
andy sipowicz.

How do you do?

This is my daughter
ellen scott.

That's her husband ross.

How about we talk
in here?

Is that nicky's?

Uh, yeah, yeah,
that's his cart.

Come on.

Mahoney will drop it,

But he wants
an apology.

Soon as I can
get to it.

Make it good.

Get you some coffee?

No, thanks.
I'm on medication.

My father has cancer,

But he's going
to beat it.

We're, uh, sorry
about your son.

Who would do
such a thing?

Why would anybody
k*ll nicky?

He got stabbed
in an alley.

We're looking
at a couple of leads.

This is so awful.

You should have known him
before all this.

He wouldn't hurt
a fly.

When was the last time
you talked to your brother?

About six months ago.

He was living
behind an abandoned building.

But, uh,
he moved since then.

He moved a lot.

Last, he was staying
under a bridge.

We tried to find him
for christmas,

Bring him home
for dinner

At our place
out in short hills.

Would have meant so much
to my dad.

That the last time
you talked to him, ross?

Yeah, same as ellie.

Um, I never got
to know him, really.

Nick was already
pretty far gone

When ellen and I
started going out.

What happened to him,
you don't mind my asking?

Freshman year at brown,

He stopped going to class,

Got paranoid,
started mumbling to himself,

Wearing heavy woolen gloves
and the hooded sweatshirt

Even when it was hot,

And sunglasses ‐‐
day and night, sunglasses.

We thought it was a phase.

We thought it was
adolescent disaffection.

Oh, it was so hard
on my wife.

Yeah, I'll bet.
You don't know

What it's like
to lose a son.

I lost mine
when he was 24.

I'm sorry, detective.

I don't mean to imply

That I had a monopoly
on grief.


it feels like that.

Worst thing was

He didn't have to die
like that,

Die like a dog.

He could have used
some of his money

And at least
have been comfortable.

What, nicholas had money?

When my wife died,
she left enough

For ellie and nicky
to set them up for life.

I begged him.
I said, "get a place,

Get live‐in help."

I guess
he had to be out there.

I'm not feeling well.

I have to go now.

I'm going to die soon,

Get who k*lled
my son.

We'll let you know
when we find something.

if anything comes up,

We'll be in town
at my dad's.

How about that?

The kid could have lived
on park avenue.

He sleeps
under a bridge.

I got leonard pluto
coming in.

He called from the road,
halfway to atlantic city.

We told him there was
a problem at his diner.

on the box cutter?

Still waiting
on the lab.

This came off the fax.

The dump from that pay phone
nicholas used

Shows a 7‐minute call
to short hills, new jersey

At 2:30 a. M.

Number being the home
of nicholas' sister ellen

And her husband ross.

Someone must have talked
to him.

Also, someone's lying
when they said

They hadn't spoke to him
in six months.

Let's get the sister
and her husband back in.

You talk to mahoney?

Haven't had a chance yet.

When will you get
a chance?

Might sound better

Coming out of my mouth
once I calm down.

Yeah. Okay.
Make it soon.

Little, uh,
hanky‐panky going on

With a couple
of our coworkers, I guess,

Huh, d.?

Although, uh,
what I gather,

I guess
it's over with.

Well, I'm staying
out of it.

Yeah, me too.

Their business, right?

It ain't mine.
That's all I know.

Lesson to be learned there.
I'll tell you that much.

I had to tell
that a. D. A. Hayward

To quit hassling me
for a date already.

[ Laughs ]
you're a piece of work.

Why don't you
ask her out?


Both single.

Both black.

Don't give me that.
Come on.

Have you thought
about it?

About a lot of things,

So you have.




All right,
this is him.

How's it going,

I'm not diego.

Hey, don't get bashful
on us now.

I've been called diego.

Get your hands
out of your pockets.

Is that a crime now?

Easy or you may
never find out.

You're going to be
disappointed, officer.

I don't want
to get your hopes up.

Another one with a mouth.

A tongue, too.
I can touch my nose.


Still going to be able
to pluck cans

Out of the dumpster
with a broken arm?


We appreciate you coming back
on such short notice.

Does that mean

You have some idea
who k*lled nicky?

We're working on it.
In the meantime,

We have a few questions
for you.

Fire away.

Last night,
before your brother got k*lled,

He made a call
on a pay phone

To your home number
in jersey.

How come you didn't tell us
about that?

Nicky called our house?

There was no message
on the answering machine,

Not even a hang‐up.

The call lasted 7 minutes.
That means

He had to talk to somebody

Or at least somebody
had to answer the phone

And stay on the line

Even if all they heard
was him breathing hard.

I'm sorry.
There's just no way

Nicky called our house
last night.

There has to be
some mistake.

No, um...

It's ‐‐
it's not a mistake.

You talked to him?

You were sleeping
and he sounded upset.

He say
what he was upset about?

Well, he didn't exactly
make himself clear.

You know, uh,
paranoid non sequiturs

About alien birds,
poisoned food, uh,

Some guys
he was afraid of ‐‐

Uh, jefe?

Some other latino name?
I said to him,

"Please, now I got you
on the phone.

Please, let me
come and get you,"

But he wouldn't say
where he was

Or ‐‐ or if he was trying
to tell me,

Then I couldn't
figure it out,

But I didn't have a clue
he was really in trouble.

So how come you decided
not to mention this before?

When he turned up dead,
I didn't have the guts

To tell my wife
or her dad.

It wasn't you
who made nicky crazy

Or put him
out on the street.

It was just
a matter of time

Before something
like this happened.

I just...

I wish
I would have gotten him.

If something else comes up,

You'll be
at your dad's apartment?

Working out
funeral arrangements.

Thank you.

They have an explanation
on the phone call?

Son‐in‐law holds up.

He's the one
that talked to nicholas.

He says he don't want
to admit it.

Since nicholas wound up d. O. A.,
He'd look bad.

What did
the wife say?

Seems like she didn't know
before she heard it here.

Can't hurt
we check them both.

Run their cars.

You think
you've calmed down enough?

Could be.

Well, let's just say
you have.

Go make it up
with mahoney.

let me go do that.

You know what they say
about eating crow, danny.

It goes down best
with a smile.

You sure that's crow
we're talking about?

Yeah, isn't that the phrase ‐‐
"crow‐eating grin"?

I'm looking
for detective russell.

Next floor up.

Ahem. Hey, uh, sarge,

Um, you got a minute?

Yeah, I got a minute.

Um, can we talk somewhere?

No, right here is fine.

Ahem. Um, I was
out of line earlier.

You're damn right you were.

And I'm here to apologize.

Yeah? Well,
look at me then.

Better have
your eyes checked.

No, I see them.

I didn't know

That guy was in danger
for his life.

You didn't put that
in your note.

Sgt. Clancy, who was
working the 4:00‐12:00,

I told him the deal.

It was my understanding
he was going to relay that

To the sergeant
working 12:00‐8:00.

I figured that,
with my note,

Would cover it.

I was pretty busy
in here last night.

I guess i...
I didn't hear

All the particulars
from sgt. Clancy.

I guess not.

Either way,
this falls on me.

This don't fall
on nobody.

What happened is
what happened.

to, uh, cut short

Your trip
to atlantic city.

I probably would have
lost my shorts anyway.

Hey, I'm not being
sued here, am i?

No, that's not
what this is about.

You know
a nicholas gilbert?


Homeless guy,
white, 30s,

Hangs out in front
of your diner on occasion,

Shopping cart
full of electronics.

Oh, yeah ‐‐ wacko joe.
That's what I call him.

You had a run‐in
with him last night?

I have a run‐in
every night he comes by.

Parks out front,
jawing at my customers

About how meat is m*rder
or some crap.

Last night
get a little heated?

What, wacko joe's
pressing charges?

How about all the times
I called the cops,

Asking to remove this bum
from in front?

Where are you guys then?
But no, I get it.

Definitely side with some
crazy stinking bum

And ignore the taxpaying
small business owner.

All right, let's get back
to last night.

Did it get
a little heated?

Yeah, I got pissed off
him driving off a four top

Before they move up
to my door.

You take him out to the alley
beside your diner?

and I smacked him around.

I wanted him
to get the message.

He got it.

Good. You know what?

I don't regret it, either.

You bring your box cutter
out with you

When you
smacked him around?

Maybe. I can't remember.

You don't remember
bringing your box cutter out,

But you remember
cutting nicholas,

Wacko joe to you?

Cutting him? No ‐‐
is that what he's saying?

Then he's lying.

Maybe I nicked him
with something,

But I didn't cut him,
i...you know...

Then I left him there
and I went back to work.

Nicholas was found
stabbed and k*lled

In the alley
where you left him.

Hey, I did not
k*ll that guy.

Come on, why would I
throw my life away on him?

You got pissed off,
blood pumping, you lost it.

We can understand that,
but don't say

You don't remember doing it.

I get pissed off plenty,
but I've never lost it.

I owned an irish pub
for eight years.

Believe me,
if I was ever going

To lose it
with a customer,

I had a thousand chances
back then.

That bum was still standing
when I left him.

I did not k*ll him.

This is your problem.
We got witnesses

That saw you
strangling jefe

Under that bridge
yesterday morning.

You guys should

Paint this room yellow
or something.

It's depressing.

what you're doing, diego,

Other than entertaining us here,
and me holding my sides

Because you're
so damn funny,

Is you're making us go
with the version

Our witnesses are giving us,

And that's plenty
to put you away.

Greg: you got a chance
to help yourself here.

Tell your version
of what happened with jefe.

Maybe you were provoked.

What you fine gentlemen
don't understand

Is I know exactly
what's going on.

I know who said what,

And I know
when they said it.

Nicholas, mauricio...

Ooh, oh, ooh,
how does diego know that?

Because diego can see
for miles,

And what I see is
a whole lot of nothing.

So if it makes you boys

Go ahead and take out
your bag of tricks

And perform for me.

I won't be offended.

Do you mind
if I take a crack?

It's your guys' case.

We better get andy.

Look at me, diego.

You're going to cop
to k*lling jefe.

a very unhappy person.

Here we go, here we go.

Did you strangle jefe
under the bridge yesterday?

First, we got to talk
about this unhappiness

That's eating away
at you. Uhh!

Andy: danny!

We got all day.

Did you k*ll jefe?

We argued, then we fought.
Maybe I fought too hard.

Then you k*lled nicholas
last night

To shut him up, right?

Nicholas means
nothing to me.

What could he do
that would be a threat?

I did jefe,
but I didn't do nicholas.

Hitting me more isn't going to
make me lie and say I did.

2 D. O. A. S, apartment,
east 13th. You're up.

I talked with that
diner owner ‐‐ leonard pluto.

Admits smacking
nicholas around

But swears he didn't
k*ll him.

We're waiting
on the m.e. To say

If the wounds are consistent
with pluto's box cutter.

All right, hold off
going to the d. A.

Till we hear
from the m.e.

You want me and greg
to go with diane, boss?

What else are you doing?

Andy and danny
took over diego

So we're
more or less free.

So I guess you answered
your own question.

That mean we should go?

Come on, greg.

Could've just said yes.

How'd it go
with diego?

Got his statement here.

He gave it up on jefe.

What about nicholas?

Says he didn't
k*ll nicholas.

We got the son‐in‐law
coming back in.

So I'm assuming everything's
clear with you and mahoney.


Arthur: good.

Hey, john, any chance

You can look after theo
again tonight?

You've got
another engagement?

As a matter of fact...

Is this the same woman?
If you don't mind my asking.

It's the same.
Can you do it or not?

Sure. I'll get
some new puzzles.

Say, 7:00?

With bells on.

Mr. Gilbert,
how you doing?

Anything about nicky?

Nothing solid yet.

Have you got
a minute to talk

About something unrelated?

Yeah, sure, come on.

There you go.

I need your help.

Didn't know
where else to go.

Well, that's okay,
mr. Gilbert.

What's on your mind?

My wife died
five years ago,

My poor dear boy is stabbed
to death in an alley,

My daughter's married
to a degenerate gambler,

Substance abuser.

What is it you want us to do,
mr. Gilbert?

You see, the kids' trusts
gives them their money

When they hit 30
like ellie just did.

Last two years,
she and ross

Have borrowed so much
against it,

There's just
half a million dollars left

Of the original three.

Now with nicky gone,
his part goes to her,

So she and ross
will piss that away, too.

Why don't you change
the will?

It's my wife's will,

The trusts
are inviolable.

I'm the executor,

But anytime I try
to put my foot down,

Ellie stops talking
to me.

I was thinking maybe
you could arrest him.

Arrest ross in regards
to this drug use?

No, no, no.
I was thinking

Maybe you could arrest
his bookie bogo.


Last year so ross didn't
get his legs broken,

I filled a gym bag
with $300,000 cash

For this bogo,

And 10 days ago
he called me,

Says ross owes him
another $350,000.

So you're thinking
if we arrest this guy,

Then ross won't have
to pay him back?

I'm thinking I've got
to do something,

Or ross will piss away
her entire inheritance.

You got a number
on this bogo?

I've got his pager.

You think bogo could've had
something to do

With your son's death?

I just don't know.


D.o.a.s are
in the bedroom.

Names ‐‐ yvonne
and pablo ruiz.

It's their apartment.

Who called it in?


I'll talk to her.

Hello. I'm detective jones.

I don't got all day.

I got two drains,
six light bulbs,

And a clogged toilet
to deal with.

Lady, we got two people
dead in there.

Don't call me "lady,"
all right, pal?

I'm just saying
I got work to do.

Well, I'm not on vacation
here, either.

Now you and me
are going to talk.

Shot in the back,
probably running for the door.

Powder burns
around the left temple.

It's definitely
a contact wound.

b*llet exited the head
and went through the window.

Figure a m*rder/su1c1de?

Looks like.

It's funny how they never do it
standing up.

Falling's the scary part.
Maybe scrape a knee.

My marriage to marie
was no walk in the park,

But this is taking it
too far.

Yvonne and her husband
get along?

You ever hear them fight?

Never heard
any complaints.

She was a cute little thing,
smart, too.

I don't know what
she sees in him.

The officer said it was
you who found the bodies.

Got a call from jill ‐‐

Lives in 6‐d,
works with yvonne.

She didn't show up today.
Would I take a look?

Where does she work?

Citiwide courier ‐‐
on the radio,

Sends people out...

No one around here
heard any sh*ts?

Neighborhood like this,

Unless you hear
four or five sh*ts,

You just figure
it's a junker backfiring.

Okay, annie,
thanks for your time.

After crime scene
gets finished,

Get this computer
to taru.

Have them check out
the hard drive.

Look at this.

The super said the wife worked
dispatch at citiwide courier.

Isn't that the same place
where harry denby works?

Yeah, it's a big company,

So, I hope your inviting me back
is a good sign.

Okay, let's go back
to last night, ross.

My conversation with nick.

Yeah. Actually,
we're wondering

About after your conversation
with nick.

What'd you do then?

Me? I went back to sleep.

You see, ross,
that's another lie,

'Cause somebody drove
your s. U. V. Into the city.

See, every time you pass
the tollbooth,

The magnetic strip
on your ez‐pass registers

Whether you use it
or not.

You passed through
the tunnel at 2:56.

Okay, uh,
after I talked to nick,

I couldn't
get back to sleep,

And I called
my favorite escort service.

You drove all the way
into the city to see a hooker?

I've been married
six years, detective.

I work in the city.
That's who I know to call.

You know a bookmaker
named bogo?

Jeez. How'd you guys
get that one?

We talked to bogo.

Your father‐in‐law's

You're going to piss away
your wife's trust.

Listen, ellie spent
enough herself.

She's the one who keeps

Going back to the old man
for money.

How about the time
you got arrested

For copping dr*gs
down on avenue c?

I threw a disk playing
hockey at dartmouth.

The surgery didn't help
as much as the pain pills,

But I'm clean 14 months
going to meetings,

And coffee is my only
remaining adjustable vice.

How about the gambling?

Bogo, right?

Well, he must have told you
I owe him more money.

You're a smart guy, ross.
You see how this looks, huh?

You use up most
of your wife's trust.

You owe bogo another wad.

That would
just about clean you out,

But if something should befall
her crazy brother,

She gets his share.

Now, nicholas calls you.
Guys are after him.

You figure it's your chance.
Who's going to know?

So you k*ll him.

I'm thinking maybe
I should get a lawyer.

If you want a lawyer,
that's up to you.

Your car downstairs?

We already got a warrant
to search that.

It's getting impounded
as we speak.

Next we search your house
for the knife,

For blood traces,
for dna.

It's up to you whether you want
to explain to us what happened.

I went to see him.

I mean nick. I thought,
this is my shot.

I could bring him home.

I could be a hero to john.

Meantime, yeah,
I could work on him.

He didn't want that money.
It was just sitting there.

So you brought a knife?

Nick was talking about
these guys coming to k*ll him.

I figured I should have

I found him
outside the diner.

I said we could take
his shopping cart in my truck,

But he didn't want to come.

No, he flipped out,
just came at me.

I have no doubt in my mind
that he would have k*lled me.

I had no choice.

I was in fear
for my life.

Okay, that's good.

Why don't you write
that one down?

And we'll make a call
to the d. A.

This guy in there
thinks he's putting one over

On us dumb cops
with that story.

Try and relax, danny.

I can't.
I feel like I'm involved.

Yeah, I got that.

Are you saying
you never tuned anyone up

That you knew
was guilty?

The point is,
that's all it was,

Not about getting out
your frustrations,

Losing your head.

I don't think
that's what I was doing.

Okay, then.

Long as you know
the difference.

I just said I did.


I'm writing it all down,
as plain as I can.

We got a little
problem, ross.

What kind of problem?

We just spoke
with the d. A.,

Who talked
to the medical examiner.

Seems like nicholas' wounds
aren't consistent to your story.

What do you mean?

He's got cuts
all over his fingers,

Which the m.e. Makes
as defensive wounds,

Plus he's got two
entry wounds in the back.

That don't match up
too well

With your claim
of self‐defense.

I don't know
if I'd want to go up

Against a jury
with that,

Not on a charge
of m*rder one.

You got to help
yourself here, ross.


Try the truth.

You had pressing debts.
You were getting threatened.

You got a drug problem.
You weren't in your right mind.

I have never done anything
remotely like this before.

No, you'll probably never
do nothing like it again.

I'll make a statement
explaining how it was

Just some insane,
spur‐of‐the‐moment thing.

That's probably
your best tactic.

Would you talk to my wife
and her dad

About getting me
a lawyer?

Sure. We'll do that.

Now write the truth.

The, uh, couple
over on east 13th?

Preliminary m.e. Report
tags it m*rder/su1c1de.

You have a problem
with that?

Just the wife works dispatch
at citiwide courier,

Same as harry denby.

I made a call.

Denby's been moved
to dispatch,

Same office
as the d. O. A.

Plus, taru's
checking her p. C.

Sent a printout
of her e‐mail addresses.

They're working together.
That could explain it.

Did they find
any correspondence?

If there were,
she must have deleted it.

Taru's still working
on it.

Meantime, I left word
for denby.

Ross made a statement.

Ellen tells me
you brought ross back

For more questions.

Uh, mr. Gilbert,

I'm valerie hayward
with the d. A.'S office.

We just took
a video statement from him.

A statement?
What kind of statement?


He k*lled your son.

Oh, my god.

I told ross
I'd ask you for him ‐‐

He wanted help
getting a lawyer.

Ross wants us
to help him get a lawyer?

He's going to have to
k*ll me next.

That's your answer,

Tell ross
he's on his own.

I'm sorry
for your loss.

Daddy, I'm so sorry.

Thank you
for all your help.

Oh, detective,

Nicky kept a photo
of the two of us.

Did you see it
among his things?

Considering ross has
already given a statement,

I don't see
how it could hurt

If you can find it.

Detective sorenson?


Is this the one?

Thank you.

You can't tell me
on the phone?


All right, I'll come
and meet you. When?

That was denby.

He's outside. He wants
to see me alone.

That's probably off
my leaving him two messages

About this d. O. A.

He worked with
at citiwide courier.

Diane, I'm not
moving in on your case.

He asked to talk to me.
You want me to see him or not?

That should be me
he's talking to.

Then by all means,
you go down and talk to him.

The d. O. A.'S name
is yvonne ruiz.

She and her husband look
like a m*rder/su1c1de,

But she's got denby's e‐mail
address in her computer.

I got it.

Thanks for meeting me.

Yeah, great.
I wouldn't miss you.

Ooh, I detect
a note of sarcasm.

It's cold out, denby.

A coworker of mine
died today ‐‐ yvonne ruiz.

I got a message
from detective russell.

I figure
she caught the case.

So then you also figure

You'd talk to me
and not detective russell.

Yvonne ruiz was

A very attractive
young woman.

She came on to me.

With my low self‐esteem,
I can't resist that.

So you had
an affair, right?

What did
her husband think?

completely misrepresented

Her domestic situation.

When I found out
she was married,

I broke it off,
but her husband found out.

She told you that.

He came to see me.

He threatened if I ever
laid hands on yvonne again,

He'd, uh, what was it?

Slice my balls off.

Very dramatic,

Though, in hindsight,

I guess he did have
a violent streak.

Being how he k*lled her.

I still don't get how come
you're talking to me

If this is
detective russell's case.

Come on, danny.
A m*rder/su1c1de,

Me coming forth to admit
a romantic entanglement ‐‐

my past with diane,

It could get messy.

What's with these
veiled comments

You're always making,
denby, huh?

Why don't you come out
and just say what you mean?

She's your girl now.
I can't reveal to you

Any of her mysteries
or talents

That you haven't already
discovered yourself,

Though I must admit,

With a gorgeous woman
like diane,

I am tempted
to compare notes.

I'm not.

Perhaps some other time.

What did denby
have to say?

He was banging
the d. O. A.

That's it?

You mean other than
reminiscing back

When you and him
used to play bouncy‐bouncy?

And you believe that?

Whatever, diane.
Doesn't matter.

Oh, it doesn't.

None of my business.

You know what, danny?

Grow up.

It's an insult, danny.

You really think I'd sleep
with someone like denby?

I don't know, diane.
All I kept hearing about

Is how you were
still hung up on bobby.

And you think
that was all crap?

I don't know
what I think.

You're being
such an assh*le, danny!

I'm an assh*le?

I'm sorry things didn't
work out with us.

Doesn't give you a license
to act like a 2‐year‐old.

And whatever troubles
you've had

Is no excuse for you acting
any way you want now.

I don't owe you
an explanation.

Good, 'cause
I'm not listening.

[ Door slams ]

[ Footsteps ]

[ Door slams ]

There's this boxer gym
over on third ‐‐ the lido.

How about
we go down there?

You can take it out
on the heavy bag,

I'll yell at you
to keep your left up.

No, I'm good
right here.

[ Sighs ]

You're heading for trouble.
The only question is,

How deep a hole
are you going to dig,

And if it's going
to end up being one

That you can't
get back out of.

Andy, you got to let me
ride this out on my own.

You may not like it,
but that's the way it is.

I can do that.

Then it looks like
we got a deal.


You know who to go to
if you need anything.


I'm glad
he warned me.

About what?

About cops.

Or does that term
not apply to you

'Cause you're a detective?

No, "cops" is fine.
What did he warn you about?

That you only really open up
to other cops.

I've been
a little quiet?

A little, which is fine,

But I want you to know
you can share anything with me

If you feel like it.

My partner, uh...

He was seeing somebody.

They broke it off
and, uh...

He's not doing
too good about it.

The danger with that
on this job

Is that if you want,
you can...

Take it out
on somebody.

That's right.

20 Years ago,

What happened in a room
stayed there.

Now you're in the news.

And off the job.

I'm sorry
I've been preoccupied.

It's okay.

Do you have time to come up
for a little while?

I got a babysitter
who's waiting.

Go home.

I had a great night,

So did i.

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