08x20 - In the Wind

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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08x20 - In the Wind

Post by bunniefuu »

What’s with this kid?

Is he trying to give me
an ulcer here, or what?

Do you want me
to page him again?

You paged him
five minutes ago.

So he’s an hour late.

I don’t care
about him being late.

I care about him not calling
to tell us.

You ready?

We’re heading down
to the d. A.’S office

To sign
a corroborating affidavit

For a dickie‐waver
we collared yesterday.

Guy’s 38 years old,

Whips it out in front
of his old junior high school.

One of his teachers
recognizes him

From 25 years ago.

Ha ha.
How’s that for bad luck?

Anyways, uh...

You paging him again?

I’m calling his apartment.

Hey, it’s andy sipowicz.

I’m sorry
to bother you again,

But if you’re there,
you might want to ‐‐

Oh, I don’t know ‐‐

Get your ass to work

Before the boss
shows up at 10:00

And finds you a. W. O. L.

[ Sighs ]

Look, just, uh,

Just give me a call
and i’ll put in a 28

Or i’ll call the sick desk,
but you can’t just not call.

Andy, he’ll be in.

I wouldn’t worry about it.

You know what?
You’re right.

I’m not going
to worry about it.

He can explain it
to the boss, not me.

I’m not his dad.

He probably just
got tied up somewhere.

It’s his business.

Maybe you should go over
to his place and roust him.

He don’t seem
to listen to me.

You want me to?
I’ll go.

I’ll go.

Want me to come along?
You stay out of this.

What do you want me
to tell the boss

If you’re not back
in an hour?

[ Sighs ] all right,
then come on.

Come with me.

We’re working
on an old case.

Come on.

This is on the q. T.,
What’s going on here.

I don’t want it getting out

About him getting his load on
last night at some strip club.

We’re closing ranks here.

Andy, I got it.


get your ass up.

This is ridiculous ‐‐

Coming here
to drag him into work

Like he’s elvis or something.


If he’s shacked up
with that girl,

I’m walking away and you
do the talking ’cause i’ll ‐‐

What girl?

That’s not a detail
you need to worry about.

I’m going to get irritated
here in about one second.




So what time did you
drop him off here?

2:00 A. M.

Was the girl here?


Do you know
who the girl is?

Kristen moore. She lives
in the 17th precinct.

So you know her.

She helped us with a case.
Wore a wire ‐‐ homicide suspect.

Is that when her
and your guy got friendly?

How long ago was this?

A week.

What else do you know
about her?

She worked at this club ‐‐

Strip club?


So she’s a stripper.


Your guy and the stripper
argue a lot?

He didn’t k*ll her.

All due respect,
if you two caught this

And one of our guys
was banging a stripper

And she ended up dead
in his apartment

And he’s in the wind ‐‐
I mean, come on.

He didn’t do it.

All right.
Anyone else jump out?

Jealous ex‐wives,


’Cause this wasn’t
forced entry.

Yeah, we kind of
noticed that.

We don’t know who did this,
but just so you know,

We’re going to be trying
to find out who did.

We’ll give you a heads up
if we find anything.

We don’t got
a problem with that,

But if your partner
contacts you ‐‐

When he calls us,
we’ll call you.

Has he called in?


Don’t you guys
take a radio with you?

He checked in yet?

No, and i’ve been paging him
all morning.

Hello ‐‐ over here.
Why haven’t you guys called in?

We got a d. O. A. Over on
avenue c and 4th.

We have to talk ‐‐

What’s going on?

Danny’s, uh...
We don’t know where he is.

You try his apartment?

We just came from there,
and that dancer kristen moore

Who wore a wire for us ‐‐

She’s d. O. A.

At sorenson’s apartment.

I’m telling you right now,
boss, he didn’t do it.

Did sorenson have any contact
with her after that case?

Yeah, I guess a little.

I pulled him out of that club
last night.

She was there?
He was drunk?

but he wouldn’t do this.

Then where is he?
I don’t know.

Me and connie are going
to make some phone calls,

Look around.

So we don’t know
where he is?

I wasn’t lying to the boss.
We don’t know.


Anything you need,
all right?

We’ll call if we do.

I’ll get his phone record,

See if there’s any activity
on his credit cards.

Call diane.

See if she’s
heard from him.


Don’t tell her
about the other part,

Just...if she’s heard.

What’s going on?

There was a problem
at danny’s apartment.

Uh, a girl got m*rder*d.

Oh, my god.

And that ain’t
for the water cooler, john.

No, of course not.

D.o.a. Is a cyrus morrison ‐‐
lives here.

Got shot a couple times
in the back

As he was running
through the rear.

Oh, here we go.

It looks like one in the head,
close range,

While he was on the ground.

You heard about this guy?

No. You?

Yeah. He was a neighborhood
witch doctor‐type guy ‐‐

Reads your fortune,
removes evil spirits.

I got a call here one time

’Cause some old lady
gave him 100 bucks

To communicate
with her dead cat

And wanted her money back
’cause I guess ‐‐

What else you got?

Another black man
was here when it happened.

Shot in the side of the head.
He’s at bellevue.

He going to pull through?

Looks like it.

He give you anything
before e. M. S. Carted him out?

He was already gone.

So who called it in?

Neighbor heard sh*ts,
called 911. She’s next door.

What’s with the cape?

He was getting his hair cut
by the guy at bellevue.

We got this now.

Catch you guys on a bad day?

Yeah, you did,

And how about
you don’t make it worse

By breaking our balls?

Excuse me.

[ Sighs ] quick canvas,
and then over to bellevue?


I am totally operating
under the standpoint

That danny had nothing to do
with that girl getting dead.

Yeah, me, too.
And you know what?

Let’s just not
talk about it anymore

Until we find out
what’s going on.


thanks for telling me now.

My guy’s in the wind.

Yeah? You too!

Who was that?

O.c.c.b. The feds had
that strip club up for months.

Yeah, we heard
they’re mobbed up.

Well, I didn’t know till now
that the feds were involved.

Yesterday, danny came to me
how the owners approached him

About running one
of the employees through b.c.i.

You let him do it?

We wanted to see
how close he could get.

You put him undercover?

He came to me requesting it,
and it got signed off on.

And you’re not telling me
until now?

Yeah, because that’s how
undercover works.

Everybody’s informed
on a need‐to‐know basis.

This kid has been
on the edge as it is,

He’s got a hard‐on
for this stripper,

And you sign off on him
going in undercover.

That’s really sharp work there,

He approached me.

I didn’t know he had
a relationship going

With a stripper
or I wouldn’t have done it.

You could’ve found out if you
pulled me aside yesterday.

This kristen helped put away
one of their bouncers.

This might’ve been a payback.

On danny, too.

That’s what I called o. C. C. B.
About, and they don’t know.

Who knows
where this kid is now?

You should have brought me
into the loop!

Yeah, I heard.

My guess is i’ll be getting
a phone call from some fed

Ordering me to stay away
from that club.

If you want to go down there
and ask questions, do it quick.

How’d it go last night?

You get danny home?

I want to talk to you.

Everybody out.

What do you want us to do, boss?

Get out of here ‐‐ now.

Let’s go.

Move your ass.


What’s the problem?

I can’t find danny.

You took him out of here.
That’s the last I saw him.

What have you heard?


I barely know the guy.

I don’t know nothing.

I think you do know, joey.

Well, I don’t.

Try that girl kristen
he’s been porking.

Maybe she knows something.
She’s gone, too.

Maybe they joined the circus.
I don’t know.

Who really runs this place here,
joey, huh?

I know you’re fronting
for somebody.

Not me, guy.
I stay out of that.

That’s a wrong‐way street.

Do I know guys?

Do they hang out here?

But no way i’m in
anybody’s pocket.

You’re lying, joey.
I know you’re hooked up.

And if you’re lying about that,

What’s to say you’re not lying
about everything?

Hey, okay.

I know what’s it like not to get
the answer you’re hoping for.

You do, huh?

It’s as frustrating as hell,

Especially when
a friend’s involved,

But I don’t know where he is.

I like danny.
If I knew, i’d tell ya.

You know what, joey?

I believe you.

Thank you. Okay.

Then can we just
bring it down a notch?

Just chill out.
How about a drink on me, okay?

Now you’re going to tell me
who you answer to.

Who pulls the strings
in this joint?

Nobody! Okay?
This place is clean.

Ow! What are you doing?
What do you want from me?

I told you everything ‐‐

I don’t know names!

I pay protection
to some guy I don’t know!

[ Gasping ] you know what
happens if I give this guy up?

You need to worry
about me right now.


Paul who?

Paul catapano.

Paul catapano!

[ Gasping and coughing ]

Craig miller?

I’m detective medavoy.
This is detective jones.

That assh*le
blew my ear off, man!

My ear!

Doctors say they’re going
to have to use

Part of my thigh
to try and replace it.

Well, you still have
the other one.

Is cyrus dead?


That’s messed up, man.

What happened this morning?

I’m giving cyrus a haircut,
and someone knocks.

I go check it out
and I tell cyrus it’s damon.

Do you know damon?

I never seen him before.
And then cyrus says,

"Well, does he look upset
or does he seem okay?"

I says he looks all right
because he did.

So cyrus says
to let him in.

He start sh**ting right away?

No. Cyrus was talking damon up

About how damon was
one of the best helpers

He ever had,
and then out of nowhere

I hear this expl*si*n,

And I hit the floor.

Background, I could hear
cyrus screaming, more g*nshots.

That’s all I can remember

Till I woke up
in the ambulance.

All right, so damon
was cyrus’ old helper

And you were his new one.
I do stuff for cyrus.

But it sounded like damon
did a lot more for a lot longer.

What do you do for cyrus
and how long you been doing it?

Odd jobs ‐‐ carrying groceries,
running errands,

That kind of thing.

Been doing it
for a couple months.

You guys lovers?

What? Hey, screw you, man!
I don’t gotta take that!

Hey, we don’t know you, craig.
We’re hearing what we’re hearing

And we gotta ask
the questions.

No, we weren’t.

Look, maybe cyrus likes guys,

But I don’t.

And don’t bring that
to me again.

And this wasn’t
one of your enemies

Come gunning for you

And your old man
got in the way?

No, or i’d be dead and cyrus
would have his ear blown off.

Don’t you think?

Man, you guys are wack.

You know what?

I’m tired
of these dumb‐ass questions.

Could you pick damon out
of a group of photos?


We’ll be back.

Okay. And when you do
come back,

Why don’t you show me
a little more respect?


Come on.

Nothing from
detective sorenson.

But your friend faxed over
danny’s phone records

From the last two weeks.

He ran this.

One call in to him
from tailfeathers

At 3:00 a.m.

Who knows?

One call out at 2:30
to karen redding

In staten island.
Who’s that?

I don’t know.

I think that may be
detective sorenson’s aunt.

I overheard him once
on the phone.

That’s who raised him,

And I don’t even
know her name.

Uh, any hits
off danny’s credit card?

Not yet.
Let’s go.


Hope you got what you needed
from that club,

’Cause the feds shut us down.

The owners report
to a paul catapano.

We’re going to look
into his places

And have a conversation.
Who’s this?

I don’t know,
but it ain’t good.

Special agent boyd.
We spoke on the phone.

We sure did.

I thought I made it clear

None of your people were
to approach tailfeathers.

My detectives had already
left when we spoke.

Hey, we got a man missing.

Yeah, and we got one
missing, too.

One of our agents,
pete mcneil,

Was inside that bar
for six months.

Detective sorenson,

As a favor to the owner,

Ran pete through b.c.i.
Now we can’t find him.

I cleared that move yesterday
with my bosses,

And sorenson reported
back to the owners

That your guy was on the level.

We’re not blaming
you guys.

Wasn’t you
that dropped the ball.

But you stay away
from that club

Till we find out
what’s going on.

We already got a pretty
good idea what’s going on.

One of the owners, joey shulman,
gave us his contact ‐‐

A paul catapano.

He’s hooked up
with the gambinos.

Let’s bring him in,

See what he knows
about danny and pete.

You can be in on the interview
if you want.

You don’t go near
paul catapano

Or joey shulman
or any of their associates.

Nobody, not until we get
our indictments.

When is this
going to happen?

We got witnesses
going before a grand jury

Next couple days.
Couple of days?

Look, we got two guys
might be in a bind here,

So how about reworking
the to‐do list?

Believe me, i’d like
nothing better

Than to haul catapano in
right now

And put the screws to him,
but orders are in no way

Is anybody to compromise
the integrity of the operation.

We got two cops missing

And his bosses
are playing scrabble.

Is that it?

Yeah. I get
any information on sorenson,

I’ll be in contact.

Yeah, whenever you get to it.

All right, now here’s
what we can do.

I don’t know
what we can do.

Look, danny put a call in
to his aunt two nights ago.

That’s who raised him.

But from what I can gather,

They hadn’t talked for a while.

We’ll head over there and see
if she can give us anything.

Where is she?
Staten island.

It’s either that or head
back down to tailfeathers,

’Cause I am not going
to sit around here doing nothing

While danny’s...

Hit it
and keep in contact.


What do you got
on your case?

Got a second victim
at bellevue, craig miller,

Tells us he opened the door
for a guy named damon.

Damon’s the sh**t.

Damon got a last name?

Same last name
as the victim?

No. What’d I say?

You said miller.

No, no, it’s harvey.
Damon harvey.

Got it from
the d. O. A.’S phone book.

Yeah, damon had a couple
of possession collars,

And we ran a photo array
for craig at bellevue

And he picked him out
right away.

We just put damon
in the pokey.

Neighbors said that damon
worked for cyrus

For a year or so,
living there on and off.

Love triangle?
Something was going on.

All right, let me know.

Anything we can be doing
for danny?

What I need for you guys to do
is run this case

So I know at least one thing’s
going right today. Okay?

Got it.

Get me the phone numbers
for every morgue

In the tri‐state area.

I’d just like to know
what i’ve been handcuffed

And dragged
out of my apartment

And pushed around for.

Nothing comes to mind, huh?

How you know cyrus?

Cyrus morrison?

No, cyrus schwartz.
Yeah, cyrus morrison.

I worked for him
for a while.

Doing what?

Assistant work.

What’s that mean?

I assisted, helped out.

Did you live
at his apartment?


Why’d you stop
working for him?

It was time to move on.

What, you’d get the load
for him,

So he got a new houseboy?
Is that what went wrong?

No, it was mutual decision
for me to leave.

It’s funny how you’re not
the least bit curious

Why we’re asking all these
questions about cyrus.

Well, maybe I haven’t asked,
but i’ve been wondering.


Did something happen
to him?

Yeah, you blew a hole
in his head.

What? No.

The guy cutting cyrus’ hair ‐‐

The guy you shot in the back
of the head and left for dead ‐‐

A little update for you, damon.
He lived.

And we got other witnesses
put you in and out

Of that apartment this morning
at the time of the sh**ting.

I was nowhere near cyrus’
apartment this morning.

Where were you?

I woke up and did
my exercises.

Then I went next door
to my church

And had breakfast.

You were at church?

I was at breakfast
at the church.

Deacon miles and his wife

Have a pancake breakfast
there every morning.

Ask them,
and they’ll tell you.

What time you get there?


Now, damon, this might be
a lot to ask for a houseboy,

But for once in your life,
stand up and be a man.

Now, we got you locked in
on this crime.

Saying you didn’t do it is
going to add on years of prison.

I woke up and went
to the pancake breakfast.

Deacon miles
and his wife ‐‐

Move it!

Has something happened
to danny?

No. It’s just not like danny
to miss work

Without calling in.

We’re sure he’s fine.

There’s some personal stuff
he was working out.

Like what?

Relationship stuff,

But we saw that
he called you last night,

And we were just wondering
if he gave you any indication

As to what was on his mind,
plans he may have had.

Well, I was surprised
that he called

’Cause I haven’t heard
from him in a long time.

I would call him, and then
he wouldn’t call back.

What was the other night’s
conversation about?

He wanted
his mother’s phone number

Back there in norway.

Uh, I don’t know

If he told you
about all that.

You raised him.

He hadn’t seen his mom
since he was a kid.


They hadn’t talked, either ‐‐
danny and his mom?

No. My sister anna
thought it was best

That there be no contact.

She thought it would be
too hard

On danny and his sisters,

And the story she made me
give them

Was that she’d passed away.

It sounds so ridiculous now.
It sounds so terrible.

And when danny found out
that it wasn’t true,

Then he blamed me,
and that was what caused

The big rift between us,

And that was why
he stopped talking to me.

Don’t ask me to explain
how a mother

Could let her children go,
but she did.

I’m sure she regretted it.

Oh, yes, she did,
but it was a little late.

Anna came to new york
three months ago

To try to make amends,

To give her version of it,

And danny’s sisters
begged him

To go over and see her
with them, but he wouldn’t.

So the other night,

Did he sound like he was
ready to talk to her?

He asked for her number.

I figured he was calling me
at 2:00 a. M.

Because of the time difference
over there.

He seemed all right
other than that?

At the end
of our conversation,

He told me
that he loved me

And that he was sorry,

And I told him
the same thing.

That’s the first time
he ever told me that ‐‐

That he loved me.

[ Teakettle whistling ]

Oh, excuse me.

Did you know about
his mom coming out here?

No. Three months ago ‐‐

That’s when he was doing
everything he could

To hold on to diane.

Ah, this poor kid.

Excuse me.
May I help you?

Booker miles?

Detective jones
and medavoy.

Is there a problem?

Uh, do you have

A pancake breakfast here
each morning?

Yes. Somebody want
their $3 back?

Uh, no, sir.

You know a damon harvey?

Sure, I know damon.
He lives two buildings down.

When was the last time
you saw him?

This morning
at breakfast.

You sure
it was this morning?

I’m sure.

What time did you see him?

Well, I opened up.
I collected the donations.

Um, he wasn’t there.

My wife took over
at the door,

So I guess it was when I was
helping serve breakfast.

Did something happen
to damon?

What time was that
that you saw him?

8:30, But he might
have been here earlier.

Why don’t you tell me
what’s going on with damon?

Uh, there’s
a police investigation.

Involving damon?
Are you sure?

Yeah, we’re sure.

Look, thanks for your time.
That’s all we need.

Do you have a card?

’Cause damon ‐‐
I know damon.

Damon’s a fine young man.


He’s volunteered for numerous
activities and events

That we’ve organized
through the church.

Yeah, well, you know,
I don’t know what to tell you.

Hey, it’s a man
of the cloth.

You might want to,
you know ‐‐

I don’t have the time
right now.

Still nothing.

What was that call in
to the aunt all about?

Family stuff.

Is that all I get?

That’s all there is.

He was facing up
to some issues

That were overdue,

But at least that shows
that maybe him being gone

Isn’t related to...

[ Telephone rings ]

I don’t know.

15Th squad.

We didn’t get nothing.

It’s for you.


Uh, yeah.


What’s the cross street?

Got it.
Credit card hit.

Danny just checked
into a motel in jersey city.

Let’s go.

Hey, you need us?

We got it.

Well, that’s good.
That’s good.

What’s going on
with your case?

A 911 call came in
at 7:55 a. M.

A neighbor called it in,
said she placed it

Like 10 seconds
after she heard the sh*ts.

The earliest damon could get
back to the church breakfast

With normal traffic
is 8:15.

We talked to the deacon.

First time he saw damon
was 8:30.

What’s this?

We went back
to the crime scene.

Stashed in a box in the closet
was a stack of porn,

Including some photos of damon
and the d.o.a...frolicking.

Get with
the d. A.’S office.

May I help you?

Uh, detective jones,

Yeah. Right here.

I’m francine miles.

The deacon’s wife.

That’s right. You are?

Detective greg medavoy.

And you?

Lieutenant rodriguez.

I understand you have
damon harvey in custody.

That’s right.

My husband said something
about not seeing damon

At our pancake breakfast
until 8:30?

That’s what he told us.

Well, I was at the door
as well,

And I saw damon at 8:00.

That’s not actually possible,

I’m telling you,

Damon was at the front door
of the church at 8:00 a. M.

Damon is
a model young man.

There’s no way he’d be
involved in a crime.

This isn’t about what you want
to believe about damon.

Damon was there
at 8:00 a. M.

Greg: on the dot?

That’s right.

Listen, if this has
anything to do

With me being short
with your husband earlier,

Then, hey, I apologize.

I don’t know anything
about that.

Damon’s being charged
with m*rder.


Yeah, and he’s being
charged with it

Because damon’s the guy
who did it.

Now, you really need
to think about

When you saw him.

I saw damon at 8:00 a. M.,
And I want to talk to him.

It’s going to be
a little while

Before you can see him,

I want to see damon now
in private,

Or I start making
phone calls.

You can have
five minutes,

But we’re in the room.


Right here.


Danny, open up!

Sure this is the room?

That’s what it says.

How long ago
he check in?

I don’t know.
I was at lunch.

Danny! Open this thing up.

Chain’s up.

Woman: aah!

Don’t sh**t! Don’t sh**t!

Who the hell
are you two?

Javier delgado, sir.

Oh, my god.

How’d you get
the credit card you used

To get this room, huh?
And don’t you lie to me.

Woman: oh, my god.
Sit down.

Found it, sir,
last night at my job

Where’s your job?

I’m a busboy
at tailfeathers strip club.

I was just sweeping around,
and I found it.

All right, get dressed.
You’re going for a ride,

And you, honey, get back

At least we didn’t find him
swinging from the shower rod.

Hurry up!

The sh**ting victim
at bellevue

Picked our suspect
out of a photo array,

Then out of a lineup
we did at the hospital.

Neighbors confirmed
he used to live there,

Worked for the d. O. A.

That is, you can tell
by the photos

They had a...relationship.

But the deacon’s wife
said she saw him at 8:00,

Which negates the timeline.

sh**ting victim
at bellevue

Picked him
out of a lineup.

I heard you, but you put
a deacon’s wife on the stand

Saying she saw him,

Everybody’s punching out early
that day.

So you’re not
going to write this up?

Not with what you’ve got.

We’ll need more to overcome

That alibi’s witness’

That’s a real gutsy
attitude there.

Hey, i’m done at 5:00.

You want to run it

By the riding d.a.
After I leave, go ahead,

But they’ll see my notes

And you’ll get
the same answer.

All right, get a statement
from the deacon’s wife

And kick damon
while we regroup.

Let us go at him again

The deacon’s wife’s
in the coffee room

About ready to flip out.

We’ll make it quick.


Hey, you got to cover
your ass like everybody else.

Aren’t I supposed
to be out of here by now?

I think I am.

Something came up.

Does mrs. Miles know
you’re talking to me?

She sure does.

I don’t think so.
I think you’re lying.

We didn’t know you and cyrus
were this close.

Where’d you find those?

Look, I don’t want her
to see those.

Those are private
and personal.

You show those
to francine,

And I will sue you.

She’s already seen them.


Right before
we came in here.

And what’d she say?

What do you think
she said?

I want to see her.
I want to explain.

She’s gone.

That’s not true.

After seeing these photos,
you think she’d stick around?

Why’d she leave?
How’d you expect her
to react?

I have to talk to her.

How long
you been banging her?

Don’t call it that!

If you love her,
then tell us what happened.

Stop lying,
or it all gets out

And everybody’s life
is ruined.

It’s already ruined!

She tried to come through
for you by backing your story,

And in doing so,
she’s in a lot of trouble

Unless you protect her
right now.

How many people are you
going to hurt, damon ‐‐

People who tried
to help you,

Like mrs. Miles,
like cyrus?

He never tried
to help me.

He used me.

He said he’d show
those photos

To the deacon
and mrs. Miles

If I didn’t...

Didn’t do more things
with him.

And that’s why
you k*lled him?

I warned him.

He didn’t believe me.

And you k*lled him.

I stood up for myself!

Please let me
talk to her.

Looks like a mob hit.

The guy has a loft
across the street,

Heard a shot,
but didn’t see a thing

By the time
he got to the window.

Typical fed. This guy’s
not saying a thing.

All right, thanks.

What’s going on?

Boyd: that’s pete mcneil.

Your agent?

Yeah, our agent.

Oh, god.

Heard anything
from sorenson?

No, we’re still looking.

So, uh, what do you got
on this?

He must have known the guy.
He was shot once in the head

From the passenger’s side,
and we got what we think

Is confirmation of this hit
from a phone tap.

But of course we still
can’t do nothing productive,

Like bring in catapano

And see what he knows
about danny

Until your bosses get
their damn indictments, right?

Between listening devices
and phone taps

We got 65 wires up,

And there’s no mention made
of a hit on sorenson.

Just a couple conversations
about how he might be receptive.

Yeah, that’s what
he was putting out there

’Cause he was doing undercover
work like we said earlier.

One of the strippers
who worked at the club

Turned up d.o.a.
In sorenson’s apartment.

Yeah, we know.

Well, it brings up a scenario.
Any chance you feel sorenson

May have been working
both sides

And he fell in
with catapano?

’Cause this is looking
a little strange.

If you’re thinking about asking
that question again, don’t.

I’ll let the boss know
what’s going on.

You guys were friends?

Yeah. This one hurts.

from detective sorenson,

But they got
a fingerprint hit

From his apartment.

What’s with
this fingerprint?

Uh, name rob lacory
ring a bell?


Those detectives
from the 94 called crime scene,

Lifted a print off the counter
in danny’s kitchen.

Latent just got a hit on it.
Came back to a rob lacory.

They want to know if he had
legitimate access.

Never heard of him.

You got a record, or are we
going through the dmv?

He got popped
for aggravated harassment

A couple of years back.

Do we have his photo?

I’m pulling it up.

How long’s that
going to take?

Right here.

Wait. That’s the guy.
That’s the guy.

From where?

Last night him and danny
got into a fight

At tailfeathers
over this d. O. A. Stripper.

I sent him on his way.
What’s his address?


Don’t tell those detectives
at 94.

I didn’t get ahold of you yet.

How’d it go?

It went.

What’s going on?

Mrs. Miles, i’m going to
do you a big favor right now

By giving you a chance
to walk out of the station house

Of your own free will.

Okay, that’s it.
That is it.

I’m leaving with damon
right now.

I’ll bring the d. A. In here
and get your sworn statement

And then arrest you

For obstructing a police
investigation and perjury.

You need to change your tone
with me immediately,

And I want damon
brought out now.

The only reason
i’m doing this

Is because i’m sure

You didn’t hatch this alibi
with damon beforehand,

And I know you have
feelings for him,

And he has feelings
for you,

Based on what
he just told us.

What did damon say?

Things you’re probably
not in a big hurry

To have your husband
and parishioners

Find out about.

Don’t ruin your name.
Don’t ruin your life.

Damon exaggerates,

But I still don’t believe
he did this crime,

And I thought I saw him
at 8:00 this morning.

You didn’t.

Go home.

[ Knocks on door ]

Man: yeah?

[ Bimbo voice ] hi.
Um, did you call my service?


Uh, somebody called
my service.

Uh, sweet dreams? No?

What apartment
are you looking for?

I don’t know.
I was just ‐‐

Remember me, assh*le,
from last night?

Hey, what the hell?!
Get out of my apartment!

I’m a detective.

That guy you were
fighting with ‐‐

Danny sorenson ‐‐
he’s my partner!
Yeah, so?

You were at his apartment
last night.

No, I wasn’t.
We got your fingerprint

You better tell us
where he is.

I don’t know what
you’re talking about.

Uhh! Hey!

What the hell are you

Where is he?
What the hell
is he doing?

Where is he?!

I don’t know!

Did you follow us
last night?

What about that girl
you were hassling

At the bar ‐‐ that dancer,
that stripper girl kristen?

Did you follow her?

No! We talked!

Did you follow kristen
to an apartment?

His partner’s
missing, rob.

You’d better tell us
what happened last night,

Or they’ll find your body

Wrapped up in a carpet

Did you follow her
to an apartment?

That was
danny’s apartment.

I didn’t know.
Where was danny?

He wasn’t there!

Well, kristen was.

Yeah, we talked,
and then I left.

[ Choking ]

You k*lled that girl, rob,

And you better tell us
how it went wrong,

Or we’ll come up
with our own version,

And it’ll include
little terms like "premeditated"

And "under cover
of darkness."

I just wanted
to talk to her, you know?

$1,200 In tips

I spent on her
in the last couple of weeks.

I deserved that much,
and I turned my back on her

Just for a second,

And then she came at me
with a knife,

And we struggled,
and then I ‐‐

I had to s*ab her
to save my own life.

[ Gasping ]

Danny wasn’t there?


You never saw him?

Before we leave,
you’re writing it down.



I need a big favor,

Whatever you need,

Can you pick up theo
from his babysitter

And get him home?

Of course.

I might be late.

Take your time.

That lacory fessed up
to kristen’s homicide.

Yeah, well,
where was danny?

Lacory told us
some pile of crap story,

But, uh,
danny wasn’t there.

You coordinate with the 94?

Yeah. Yeah, they’re
coming to get him.

Feds say they thought
they had nothing

On the homicide
on their agent.

Maybe we should ask diane
if she’s heard from danny.

We did. She hasn’t.
Neither have danny’s sisters.

Plus, we checked
with customs and immigration,

And he hasn’t left
the country.

Well, so now what? We file
a missing persons report?

Yeah, and put an alarm out
on his car.

I’ll take care of all that,
notify the chief of detectives.

All right, tomorrow we pick up
and keep going.

We won’t stop looking,
and we hope for the best,

But we got to keep going.

Last night,

When I brought him
to his apartment,

That was the first time
I ever stepped foot in there.

Two years i’m his partner,
I never came by,

Never watched a ball game
with him.

I don’t even know him.

You know that he didn’t
k*ll that girl.

But I never knew him,
not like a partner should.

I was always keeping him
in line, lecturing him,

But I should have
reached out like a friend.

Maybe he didn’t want
to let you in.

Maybe he didn’t want
to let anyone in.

Yeah, but after bobby,
I think it was more

That I didn’t want
to get close

To another partner.

I didn’t want to go through
that again,

And that probably wasn’t
the best thing to do,

Because ‐‐ because
look at this.

I don’t know this kid.

I don’t know the people
in his life,

And I got no idea
where in the hell

To look for him
right now.

[ Cartoon playing on tv ]

[ Key turning in lock ]


Hey, kiddo.

I got my reading done
before we watched tv.

Yeah? Good job.

He wouldn’t go to bed
until you got home.

That’s okay.
Thanks, john.

My pleasure.

Bye, theo.

Bye, john.

You all right?

I’m okay.


Me, too.

Hang in there.

Good night.

I’m glad you’re home,

Me, too.

Watch tv with me.


What’s wrong, daddy?


I love you, daddy.

I love you, too.
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