04x01 - Boob Job

Episode transcripts for TV show, "Everybody Loves Raymond". Aired: September 13, 1996 – May 16, 2005.*
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Ray is a successful sports writer and family man who deals with a brother and parents -- who happen to live across the street from him.
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04x01 - Boob Job

Post by bunniefuu »

- Will you come on?
We're gonna be late.

Every time.

- Coming.

- I can't believe
you're gonna miss this game

Just to go to some stupid
school parents' night.

- You think I want to?

I just want to go,
so I can get back.

- You are some
special kind of lady.

- Will you come on?

- Here you go, boys.

- What's that?
- Just some snacks.

- Oh, those are your calzones,
your homemade calzones.


Stupid parent night.

- Relax, raymond.
I'll save you some.

And then we'll dance around
in fairy land.

- The cheese is burning
the inside of your mouth,

Isn't it?

- I don't care.

- Oh,
did you do that yourself?

- They're coming.

[dramatic music]

- Hey, can we go?
- No, wait a minute. Come here.

I have such great dirt.
Come here.

- What?

- You know cheryl kaler?

- No.
- We're at her house, ray.

- Oh.

- So she's showing me around
upstairs, right?

But she was wearing
this tight pink outfit.

So anyway, she says, "well,
I had a little work done."

And she says,
"yeah, what do you think?"

And she goes like this.

- You're kidding.
- No.

Then she shuts the door,
and she lifts up her blouse.

- What?

Well, where the hell was I?

- So I was just like,
I said, "wow."

And she says,
"they are so natural.

Go ahead.

- [gasps]

She wants you.

- I mean, she was, like,
acting all proud, you know?

And she tells me
the whole story,

She has it done in the morning;
she's home in the afternoon.

It was unbelievable.

I'm down here eating
bowls of crap, and you get...

You get
"come in, tokyo."

- Well, that's your fault.

- This is incredible.
Which one is she?

'cause I told your mom
we'd be home by 10:00.

- Well, no, no, wait, wait.

- I'll get my purse.

- Come on.

I'm an involved parent here.

- Oh, hi...Ray.

- Hi. You must be cheryl.

- Yes.
- Yeah.

- Have we met?

- No, no.
No, we haven't, no.

Not until right now.
Yeah. Yeah.

It's a great party, though.

[clears throat]
these are good.

- Hey.
- Hey, ray, you missed it.

Phenomenal game.

Well, but at least I saved you
some calzo--



- That's okay.
I don't care.

- So how was your party, dear?

But then it turned out to be
the best night of my life.

- Come on.

- Tell 'em what you saw.

- Nothing.
- Tell 'em.

- One of the mothers in ally's
class had breast implants.

- Oh, I don't like that.

- And at the party,
she showed 'em to me.

- What?
- What do you mean?

- Wait a minute.
- She just showed you?

- Both of them?
- Shirt on or off?

- With a brassiere?
- What were you wearing?

- All valid questions.

- What is the matter
with you guys?

Come on.
How old are you?

Good grief.

What's the big friggin' deal?

She touched 'em.

- Oh, come on.
Come on.

- That's right.
That's right.

- See, I expect this
from frank,

But you boys have no reason

To have any interest
in such things.

- Why not?

- Because I never nursed them.

- What the hell
are you talking about?

- Everybody knows
that if you breast-feed boys

They're gonna grow up to be
obsessed with breasts.

- That's why you didn't
breast-feed me?

- That, and the two of you
were almost the same height.

We were getting looks.

- Oh, debra, dear,

I'm curious.

What were they like?

- Ugh. They were totally fake.

- Well, well, go on.
I mean, they weren't fake.

They were real.
They do exist, you know.

If they fell down
in a forest,

They'd make a sound.

- Well, I think it's sad when
people start having surgery

To make themselves bigger.

- Marie did it the natural way.

Pound cake.

I think a boob job is
a totally stupid procedure.

- But fantastic
when done properly.

- [laughing]

Ohh. Whoo, boy.

I didn't think
that was gonna happen

After that look
you gave me downstairs.

- Well, a rule is a rule.

You know, you're going
on the road for a week.

You got to get
the proper send-off.

- Nothing proper about
what you just did, young lady.

- Mmm...

So, ray...

You don't think I need
a boob job, do you?

- No.

Not if you think
it's stupid.

- What's that
supposed to mean?

- What? Nothing.

- Really?

- Hey, you know I like them.

- Yeah.
Okay, ray, okay.

- Come on.
- All right.

- You know I love
barnes & noble.

Come on.

Come on.
- It's fine, ray.

It's just fine.

- I love them.

- Yeah.
Don't worry about it.

- I always loved them.
- Don't worry about it.

- Hey, I'll write 'em a poem.
- No, thank you.

No, thank you.

- I think
that I shall never see--

- Okay, yes.
Thanks. Forget it.

- Don't get mad.
I didn't mean anything by that.

I say a lot of stuff.
You shouldn't listen to me.

Usually, you don't.

- I know.
Forget it. Forget it.

It's stupid. Forget it.

Good night.

- All right, good night.

- Hey, nickel, I'm back.


- Yeah, hi, honey.
I'll be down in a minute.

- Okay.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- Hey.
Saw you pull up.

- What's up?

- Aw, nothin' much.
How was your trip?

- Yeah, fine.

- Yeah. Good flight?

- Yeah.

- How was the, uh...

The weather there?

- All right,
what game is on?

- Seattle, tampa bay.
Dad's giving me 7 1/2.

- When are
one of you guys gonna get

Your own satellite dish?

- Shut up.

- Sorry that took so long.


Hi, guys.

It's just that
geoffrey was having

That humpty-dumpty dream

You know, all the king's horses
and all the king's men

Couldn't put
dada-da-dada-da-da, you know.

He just has a real hard time
with that one.

I think that's why
he won't eat eggs, so...

How was your trip?


- Nothing, nothing.

New haircut?

- No. I am using a new
conditioner, though.

- Looks nice.

Adds body.

- Look, debra and I
got to talk, okay?

So go away.

- No.

- Come on, look,
I just got home,

And I'm awfully tired here,

- We're watching the game.

- Raymond, dear, ohh...

Ooh, you must be famished
from your trip,

So I brought you
some ravio...Li.

I--I'll just go
warm this up.

- I'll take it, ma.

- You know, dear,
I'm thinking

Maybe you use
the wrong setting on your dryer.

- Look,
all right.

Listen, guys,
I'm really tired.

I'm tired here,
and debra and I,

We got a lot
of catching up to do,

So if you'd all be
so kind as to leave now,

I'll give you each $1,000.

- No.
- Oh, come on. Come on.

Come on.
Oh, frank.

Stop it.
Come on, stop it.

Come on. Come on.

This is
none of our business.

- Raymond gets everything.

- I kind of wanted you to be
the first one to see.

What do you think?

- I think...

I don't believe it.

You didn't really...

I was gone a week.

- You like 'em?

- I--I--I...

Let me see.

- No, no, no, no, no.

I mean, not here.

Do you want to go upstairs?

- Do I?

- I think you do.

- I think I do.
- Okay.

I'm just gonna brush my teeth.

- I'm going upstairs.

Well, how's it going
in there?

- I'll be right out.



- Okay.


How you doin'?

- Fine.

You know, it's not really
polite to stare, ray.

- Sorry.
It's just..

What did you do?

- I, uh, made
some improvements,

Don't you think?

- Really?


This is just...

You know...

One time, I went on the road,
and I came back;

You had the driveway sealed.

I got a little turned on
when I saw that.

But this is...


- It is better...

'cause you couldn't
use the driveway

For a couple of days.

- Heh-heh-heh.

Oh, my god.

- So you're okay with this.

- Okay?

- I mean, it doesn't bother you
that I look different?

- Hey, look,
if it doesn't bother you,

Then who am I to say,

Whatever--what you do
with your body,

And I think that you made
two excellent choices.

- You're happy, right?

- I just...
I love you so much.

- Ah-ah-ah-ah.

- What? Oh.
Are they still tender?

'cause I can be gentle.

- Okay.

- Oh...You want
to show 'em to me.

- You might want to back up.

- Heh,
you might want to back up.

- Idiot.

- Socks?
- You are a jerk.

- You're really disappointed
now, aren't you?

- I'm not...Disappointed.
I'm scared.

That I was gonna have
plastic surgery for you?

- Yeah--well,
what do you--no.

- I did not.
You just wanted me to so badly.

- What?
When did I say that?

- The night
of the parents thing.

And you said, "not if
you think it's stupid."

- Okay, so what's wrong
with that?

- "not if you think
it's stupid"?

That means you don't think
it's stupid.

And you just said,
"two excellent choices."

- I thought
that you had surgery.

I thought I was being
supportive, that's all.

What, do you want
to come back from surgery

And have me go, "ehhhh"?

- What you should've said was,

"I love your body
the way it is,

And you shouldn't change it

- I do love your body
the way it is.

All I had to do is stuff
a couple of socks in there,

And you're hyperventilating.

- That's entrapment.
- It is not.

- Yes, of course it is.

You're walking around like...

- Oh, I didn't do that.
I didn't do that.

- Oh, then what did you do?
What did you do?

Seems like you went
to a lot of trouble

Just to get me to say
that I like breasts.

- Big breasts.

- Yeah.

Yeah, okay,
and a nice butt too. Huh?

I'm sick.

Is when I say I don't like
those things.

- You are obsessed
with those things.

- And all those times you say,
"hey, you look great,"

- Oh, come on.
I mean it when I say that.

All right, sometimes I mean,
"hurry up; we're late."

But usually,
I mean you look great.

- Right, right.
- It's true.

- Oh, god, I am so sick of
this juvenile preoccupation

With boob size and perkiness
and cleavage and...

I've had three kids, you know?

These are not just for show.

These were working breasts.

- Come on, honey.

Aw, come on.

You say that
like they're retired.

They're still useful.

They can do some
occasional consulting work.

- Forget it.

I know what you're
really like now.

- Oh...

I really like you.

- I just don't know why
looks are so important.

I don't care how you look.

- What does that mean?

- Nothing.
- No, no, wait a minute.

I mean, you always
used to say that,

"oh, you're so cute."

I'm still cute, right?

- Ray, your being cute
has nothing to do

With your appearance.

- Then what the hell is it?

- Oh, nothing.
I just meant, you know,

I don't care if you've gone,
like, soft in the middle

Or your hairline's receding

And you have this concave ass.

Cute is just who you are.

- Concave?

Hey, you know,
these jeans are relaxed-fit.

If they were regular,
my ass would come alive.

- I don't need it alive.

I'm fine
with the way you look.

- No, you're not.

- Ray, I happen
to love you for you.

- I don't care about that.
I want to be a hottie.

- So did I.

- Yeah, well...

You're a hottie
even without...The socks.

- Ohh.

Oh, you said
I didn't need socks.

- All right.

I like you
and your breasts.

- And I like you
and your breasts.

- Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.
What did you say "breasts" for?

- Yeah, well, you have breasts.
I don't have breasts.

- Pecs.
I meant to say pecs.

- I know what you said,
and I know what you meant.

You meant
my sagging breasts.

I've had three kids too,
you know.

- You want my socks?

- It's not
what it looks like.

I saw a mouse.
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