05x11 - Christmas Present

Episode transcripts for TV show, "Everybody Loves Raymond". Aired: September 13, 1996 – May 16, 2005.*
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Ray is a successful sports writer and family man who deals with a brother and parents -- who happen to live across the street from him.
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05x11 - Christmas Present

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, Deb. You wrapping
Christmas presents?

A tie, huh? Ooh, jazzy.

- Yeah, it's for Ray.
- Hey, everybody.

Hey, my brotha!

Good to see you,
my brotha!

All right, come on. Don't ever
do that unless I'm on fire.

Even then, ask first.

So, are we going away
on a golf weekend, or what?

Yes, we are. I spoke
to my connection in Myrtle Beach,

he pulled a couple
strings, we're in!

This is gonna be beautiful.

I'm gonna buy a new pair
of plaid pants.

I just gotta check a couple
things out first.

What do you mean?
You said we're in.

You haven't asked
Debra yet, have you?

Not yet, but I'm just...

I'm laying the foundation, okay?
It's a whole process, man.

You gotta make this
happen for me, come on.

I need something to look forward to
in my soup-for-one life.

I know, it just requires
a little finagling, that's all.

Oh God, what
are you gonna do?

Don't worry your large,
rectangular head.

Okay, I gotta go
pick up the kids.

Hey, Deb. Hi.

You look nice.

Totally gross, I haven't
had a chance to shower yet.

Aw, you'd never know it.

Okay, wait. Wait wait.
What do you want for Christmas?

- Honey, I gotta go.
- I just want to know. What do I get

- the world's most beautiful woman?
- Oh God.

Well, I don't know
what she wants,

but I could use a crock pot.

- A crock pot?
- Yeah.

- Cause of the melted crayons?
- Yeah.

- That was Ally's idea.
- Yeah? She said it was Daddy's.

Well then,
she's a little liar, isn't she?

Maybe I'll see
Myrtle Beach from heaven.

Relax, man.
I'm working on it.

I just got some
important information.

What? You suck
at finagling?

No. Crock pot.

Rlght, she's gonna let you go
on a golf weekend

because you're getting her
a crock pot.

No, you idiot, I'm not
gonna get her a crock pot.

A crock pot just sets the level.
I have to work above that.

I gotta get her something
that's gonna turn her all goopy.

And it has to be better
than what she's getting me.

Oh, I know
what she's getting you.

What? What?
Come on, what?

It's a Christmas present.
I can't ruin it.

Hey, you want to go
to Myrtle Beach or not?

I'm finagling here.
You're impeding the finagle.

It's a tie!
She's getting you a tie!

A tie, oh, that's great.

Yeah, an ugly tie.

Beautiful! That stinks.

Oh, I'll get her
something really great.

That'll make her feel like crap.

- Like what?
- Anything! What? It's an ugly tie.

I got stuff under the seat of my car
that could b*at that.

Oh, good work, Robert.

You know, I...
I feel a little dirty.

I like it.

Oh-ho, look at that,
it's the crock pot.

How did you know?

A cute little birdie told me.

- But I thought you were...
- Ba! Ba!


Here we go.

That one is for me?

Just a little something
else for someone who's...

- something else.
- Oh, Ray!

What'd you do?

Oh my gosh!
It's all new cookware!

Oh, sorry.

Oh, look at this,
it's beautiful!

I love this, but the crock pot
would have been enough.

No, no it wouldn't have.

Oh! Thank you!
I love it.

Here's one,
"From Debra to Enormo."

It doesn't say that, Dad.

You knew who I was talking
about, didn't you?

This must be the Ferrari
I asked Santa for.

Oh, this is a mistake, Dad.
This one's for Raymond.

No no, that's for you.
That's for you, Robert.

When you caught me with it
the other day,

I had to tell you it was for Ray
so it would be a surprise.


- Yeah.
- What?

No, this is what I got for Ray.

You mean I'm not
getting that great tie?

Nope, this is for you.

Oh, that's big.
That's a big present.

Wow. That's not
a tie unless it's...

one of those novelty
giant ties.

Here you go.
Merry Christmas.

- Whoa, hey, that's heavy.
- Yeah.

That's heavier than a tie.

Heavier than
a crock pot, too.

Come on, open it!
Come on!

Oh my God.

A DVD player.

What is that?
Like a hi-fi?

What'd you do?

- She got you a DVD player.
- Yes!

Isn't that cool?
This is the best one they make!

- What'd you do that for?
- Yeah, what the hell?

Oh! Got you
some movies too.

Oh, no.

- What? Don't you like it?
- No, I love it, it's just...

it's more than
I expected, you know?

I would've been
happy with the tie.

I knew you would like this.

And I love my pots!
I'm gonna try 'em out right now.

Well, I better go help her.
They're not magic pots.

Nice going, Raymond!
No golf!

I know, instead of playing
at Myrtle Beach this spring,

I'll just hang myself with
the world's tackiest noose.

Hey, look,
don't blame me, all right?

You're the one who told
me she was giving me the tie.

- You gave me faulty information.
- No, she fooled us.

She's too good.
I'm not cut out for this!

What did you do?
Try to soften her up

with a big present
so you could go play golf?

For your information, Dad, it's
a little more complicated than that.

You're an idiot.

Give me that chocolate.

Sit down.

Let me tell you
something about women.

You think you've got to butter them up
to get what you want.

That is a poor man's game.

Oh, sweetums,
here's some flowers.

Can I go to the lodge?

Not for me.

Not for me!

I don't do that nice crap.

So how do you
get what you want?

I've learned to do without.

Look, this would've worked

if I'd gotten that stupid tie!

- You want the tie? I'll take the DVD.
- Put that down!

You're not taking the DVD.

Hey! You don't
get it, do you?

- It's staring you right in the face!
- What?

You're so worried
about your offense,

you didn't play defense.

The question isn't "Why didn't she
give me that tie?"

The question is "Why did she
give me that DVD thing?"

What are you talking about?

I'm her husband,
she's my wife.

Don't I deserve a great...


Wait a minute.

You're saying Debra
got Ray a DVD player

because she wants
something from him?

Of course.
Where you been?

Wait, that's so weasily.
That's not her, that's...

- You.
- Yes.

Okay! Who wants
a little hot chocolate?

Heated up the milk in my
new two-quart saucepan.

Here you go.
Here you go.

Thanks again for these pots, Ray,
I really love them.

Oh, I got me
a black magic woman.

Like what is she up to?
What is she sucking up to me for?

Maybe she wants to sleep

with the bag boy
from the A&P.

I'm serious, Dad.

Have you seen the bag boy?

Will you stop?

Hey, don't sh**t
the messenger.

Come on, I gotta think,
what does she want?

What do women want?

I think it's a bag boy.

I'll right. I'm gonna
find out what's up.

I think his name is Larry!

- Hey, Deb?
- I'm making brownies for later.

- Would you like to lick the beater?
- No.

No, Ma. Why... okay.

Yeah, okay.

Listen, Deb, I want
to ask you something.

Yeah, whatever
you want, honey.

Mmm, chocolate.

- What's with you today?
- Nothing. It's Christmas.

The kids are having fun, I'm having
a nice time with your mom, I'm happy.

So what did you want, Ray?

- What did I want?
- Mm-hmm.

What did I want?

I know what he wants!
Walnuts in the brownies.

Not now, Mom.
I... okay, yeah.

All right,
here's what I want.

The guys are thinking of going to
Myrtle Beach for a weekend for golf.

And I was thinking
I wanna go with them.

Yeah. How's that
grab you?

For a whole weekend?

Yeah... a whole... matter of fact
I think it's a three-day weekend.

So, yeah, I feel like going.
I think I'm gonna go. All right?

Well, that's three days
with just me and the kids.


You should go.

All right!
What's going on?!

What is going on with you?
Give me that!

What is wrong with you?

I want to know, what's
going on with the kissing

and the marshmallows
and the letting me play golf

and the big,
expensive DVD player.

Is that what this is?

You're worried
about how much it cost?

What is the cost to me?

- What is a DVD player?
- Not now, Ma, please.

Is it for p*rn?

Yes, Marie, I got
Ray a p*rn machine.

I don't like that, Debra.

Look, don't change
the subject here.

I don't like being played.

You think I got you that DVD
thing because I want something?

No, because you
love me! Come on!

What is it?
What do you want?

We're waiting.

I don't want anything.

I was trying to get you something
I thought might make you happy

because, as a matter of fact,

I do love you.

And it's Christmas

and I wanted to get
you a DVD player.

Oh, well...

thanks, then.

I'm gonna go set it up.

Just a minute.

Did you get me those pots
so I would let you play golf?

Whoa, whoa.

Come on! What?
Where's this coming from?


Oh, that's terrible,

- You tried to bribe me!
- No, it's not bribing.

It's just... it's getting
you something nice

so you would give me
something nice, huh?

I got you this engagement
ring so you would marry me.

Yeah, I fell
for that one too.

We should keep
our voices down.

You know, Marie,
would you mind?

- But I'm baking.
- I'm trying to talk to my husband.

Fine, Debra.

So what, Ray?
Is this what you always do?

Have you ever gotten me a present
without expecting something in return?

- Yes, plenty of times.
- Yeah, it's just like the kissing.

You only kiss me 'cause you think
it's gonna lead to sex.

Baby, that is not true.

You know, the worst part isn't
that you're a manipulative jerk,

it's that you think I'm like you!

No, I don't think you're
manipulative. I think you're pretty.

Come on!

Those could've had
walnuts in 'em!

Look, if it's
gonna be a problem,

- I don't have to golf.
- Is that all you care about?

No, I... that's just it.
I don't care! I don't care!

All right? I don't care at all.
It's just... it's just...

Robert might hang himself.

You know what?
Oh, I don't care.

I said you could play golf,
just go play golf.

All right.
Well, thank you.

- Whatever.
- Listen...

if there's something fun that
you want to do, you should do it.

- Yep, all right.
- No, come on.

You deserve
to have fun too.

Yeah, okay.

When the kids go to college,
I'll see a movie.

You don't have to wait. You want
to go to the movies? Go.

Go today if you want.

Yeah, I'm gonna
go on Christmas.

Jewish people do.

All right then,
you go this weekend.

Yeah, like that'll happen.

I'm saying it'll happen.
Go to the movies!

Come on. I'll take care of the kids,
I'll take care of everything.

Come on, it'll
make me feel better.

I don't want
to get a DVD player

and golf and niceness

and you get... pots.

- Come on, go to the movies.
- Thanks anyway, honey.

Come on, it's like you don't
even want to go to the movies.

It's okay.

Wait a minute.

You want...

to not go to the movies.

- What?
- Yeah, that's right.

Because then if you go
to the movies,

you don't get to say "I never
get to go to the movies."

- When do I say that?
- You say that all the time.

"I never get to do anything."
You love that.

You're like one of those...
what do you call them?

- A martyr?
- Yes!

I'm not a martyr.

Then how come
I don't help out around here?

How come you don't
help out around here?!

Because you don't want me to!

'Cause you want to do it all

because then
you can feel superior!


You stammer because
you know I speak true.

Do you know how close
you are to the end of your life?

I'm not scared.
I'm not scared

because I'm onto
something here.

Like the DVD player.



Why, after years

of complaining that
all I do is lay around

and watch television

would you buy me a device

that is designed

to make the television
watching experience

even better?

We must ask ourselves...


You're right.

Why the hell would
I buy you a DVD player?

- You have problems.
- I do!

- What is wrong with me?
- I do not know.

I should make you help
me out more around here.

Well, it's not like
I have nothing to do.

No, really, you know?
I work too hard.

I don't need to be a martyr.

I don't think you want
to give it up cold turkey.

You know what?

I've been up since 5:00.
I'm gonna go take a nap.

Okay, but what about
the Christmas dinner?

Your mom can make it.
She wants to anyway.

Listen, would you mind
straightening up the living room?

And make sure the kids
get washed and dressed, okay?

Thanks, that'd help me a lot.

I'll do all those things,
but then I get to golf, right?

- No, I don't think so.
- Yeah, but...

I mean, how could I not think
of myself as a martyr

if I'm stuck at home
with the kids

while you're golfing
with your buddies?

Yeah, about martyrs,
a lot of them became saints.

No, you're right.

And thank you, 'cause
you really helped me.

This is a great

But... look.

That's not really what
I was talking about.

What are you doing there?


- Marie, come here.
- What?

What is it?

- Here.
- For me?

Yeah, Merry Christmas.

Frank, you already
gave me lottery tickets.

Those were a bust.
Just open it.


Oh, Frank, earrings.

They're beautiful.

Oh, thank you.

Okay, listen, just one thing.

You didn't get those from me.
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