03x01 - The Plea

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x01 - The Plea

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( ominous theme playing)

MAN (over radio): To recap
the local weather picture,

a storm warning has been
issued for the sky country area

with Southeast winds moving
at to miles an hour.

The front is expected to
pass through sometime tonight

accompanied by heavy rain.


it's Krystle.

Can you hear me?

Darling, please answer me.


I know how you
feel, Mrs. Carrington.

My husband's out there
somewhere. We have to find him.

His radio's probably
out. It happens.

Please don't worry,
Mrs. Carrington.

We'll find him
before the storm hits.


(radio buzzes)

answer me.

Say something.

(radio buzzes)

me you're all right.


( dramatic theme playing)

JOSEPH: I just
checked with the gate.

Miss Farragut did
drive out a while ago.

Was my son with her?

Was the baby in the car?

Well, the guards didn't notice.

But there's a police
bulletin out on the car.

Well, why haven't
they found her yet?

Fallon, keep calm, please.

She's wearing a nurse's uniform

and you gave a
description of the car.

What else do they need?

( suspenseful theme playing)

What are you doing?

Calling Daddy.

Where is he?


Oh, God.

What kind of a woman am I?

What kind of a mother am I?

I should never
have left him alone.

If I hadn't left him alone,

my baby would be here safe.

Come on, Fallon.

Get ahold of
yourself. Let go of me.

Look at me and listen to me.

Now, both of us are upset.

I'm dying inside
too. Understand?

But giving in to nerves isn't
going to accomplish a thing.

I just want my baby back.

If she has him with her,

she'll be back with him.

We have to know that.
We have to believe that.

Fallon, there is
a policeman here.

Where is he? Where is he?

Where is who, Mrs. Colby?

My son.

I left him up in the
nursery. Asleep.

Well, he's not there.

Where is he? What
have you done with him?

Oh, now, wait a minute.

What's going on here?

You don't know?

No, damn it, I don't.

I left for the village
to pick up a salve

for Mrs. Gunnerson's finger.

I got a flat tire on the way.

The next thing I know,
this officer stops me

and brings me back here.

I'd like to know why.

The baby's missing, Susan.


You heard him, Susan.

Don't act so surprised.

What are you talking about?

You must know where he is.

I don't believe you.


Where's the detective
who's supposed to be here?

He's not going to
believe you either.

( dramatic theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)

WOMAN (over loudspeaker):
Nurse Holiday, call Radiology.

Nurse Holiday, call Radiology.

Dr. Louden,

is he alive?

Yes, Mrs. Carrington.

But Mr. Colby has
suffered a massive coronary.

Well, he will live though.

We'll know in a few hours.

You seem to be alone here.

Has his nephew been notified?

Mr. Colby wouldn't want to
have his nephew at his bedside.

It would... It would
upset him and...

And cause him a lot of tension.

You can't go in there.

Not yet, Mrs. Carrington.

( dramatic theme plays)

Mrs. Carrington?

Doctor, in less than hours,

I was going to
become Mrs. Colby.

Mrs. Cecil Colby.

And if anybody on this Earth

is his reason for wanting
to go on living, I am.

So please let me go and see him.

I beg you.

( dramatic theme playing)

Who are you?

I'm Alexis Carrington.

Dr. Louden said that I
could visit for a few minutes.

Only a few minutes.

Would you mind
leaving us? And...

And take this young man
with you if that's possible.

It's not.

Not with a patient
in critical condition.

Then would you kindly step aside

and let us have some privacy?



Cecil, can you hear me?

It's Alexis.

Open your eyes, Cecil.


Please try and open your eyes.

I love you so much, darling.

(moans quietly)

Tell me that you
know that, Cecil.

Tell me.

Oh, Cecil, you must get better.

We've got so many
beautiful things

to do together, darling.

We'll travel.

And you'll be with me and...

And I'll give you my strength.

We'll go to wonderful
places. We'll...

We'll go to Portofino
and Cancún and Tahiti.

And then...

we'll come back to Denver.

And we'll do what we
have to do together.


I just have one more favor

to ask you, my darling.

Let this union

that was meant to be

take place now.

Do you understand
what I'm saying?

Our wedding.

I want it to be
performed here. Now.

In this room. In...
In this hospital.


Oh, Cecil, you must not die.

You must not and you will not.

Cecil, we have
work to do together.

We have to get back at Blake.


and your Alexis,

who loves you.

Who has always loved you.

And who will love
you even more...

If that's possible.

After she becomes your bride...

your wife...

your tender comrade.

(thunder crashes)

( suspenseful theme playing)

KRYSTLE (over radio): Blake!


Yeah, there was
something about the man

that bothered me,
Lieutenant Cobb.

You said he was a caretaker?


Can you tell me anything else?

Well, I went out to the cemetery
this morning with my son, uh,

to be alone with him
at my father's grave.

And this man walked up to us

and he looked at
the baby and he said:

"How my son had to be one
of the richest kids in Colorado,"

as he put it, and...

"How we must have had a lot

of security around the house."

You'd recognize him if you
saw him again, of course?

Yeah. Yeah, I think I would.

COBB: And now,
about Mrs. Blaisdel,

what she told you about
seeing someone on the road

near the greenhouse.

Might that have been someone...?

Lieutenant, you've been at this

for two hours now.

Questions. Might-have-beens.

You're wasting your time.

The woman you
should be talking to

is Susan Farragut,
my son's nurse.

Mrs. Colby, I must remind you,

Miss Farragut did
not have the infant

with her when we picked her up.

She could have easily handed
my son over to somebody.

Yes, and we are
considering that possibility.

And we are checking
Miss Farragut out right now.

We. And who exactly is we?

The esteemed Denver
Police? What about the FBI?

Why haven't they
been called into this?

My son has been kidnapped.

Yes, and they will be called.

If there's evidence
that the infant

has been taken
across the state line

and if there is evidence.

Evidence that
there's a kidnapping.

Where are you going?

To call the only man
who can handle this,

my father.

( dramatic theme playing)

(thunder crashes)

( dramatic theme continues)

( dramatic theme swells)

I don't care whether
the minister is still asleep.

I have to talk to him.

So you just wake him up,

and tell him that Alexis
Carrington is calling

from the Denver
Memorial... Mrs. Carrington.

Yes? I'm very sorry.

Sorry about what?

Is he dead? No, no.

I just talked to his nurse.

I'll call you back.

What's happened?

She told me about
your wedding plans.

I won't allow it.

Oh, but of course you will.

I just said I won't allow it.

What you just said
just may get you

into a bit of trouble
around here, doctor.

You see, my fiancé happens to be

on the board of
trustees of this hospital.

Right now your
fiancé, my patient,

is a very sick man

lying in a bed in this hospital.

And I won't permit that
kind of strain on his heart.

Look, I'm not
planning on having a...

A bevy of bridesmaids

and a champagne reception
if that's what's bothering you.

Oh, I see. Forgive me.

What you had in mind was just
a quiet little bedside wedding.

Just you, your groom

and a spare t*nk of
oxygen standing by.

Look, doctor,

I think we better get one
thing straight between us.

I have every intention
of marrying Mr. Colby.

Well, that depends on Mr. Colby,

when he gets stronger.

Or if he does.

( dramatic theme playing)



( dramatic theme swells)

( dramatic theme continues)


( dramatic theme swells)

( dramatic theme playing)

No one's going to sleep
in this house tonight.

It's just like I was,

all those nights...

those weeks,

when they told
me that Lindsay...

You know...

what I've just been doing?

I've been in my room
and I've been looking

at old photographs of Matthew

and Lindsay.

They were just pictures

that he sent me when
I was in the sanitarium.

She was very lovely.

Wasn't she?

She was so lovely,

my daughter.

What's the matter?

You didn't used to
mind when I touched you.

You never minded

when we touched one another.

Claudia, my son is missing.

My daughter is dead.

Yours is gone.

Mine is gone.

Both of us are alone,
really, but I mean,

we're without our children.

We're without anyone, really.


Would you hold me?

Would you just kiss me?

Please, please.


Well, I don't understand.
What's the matter?

I mean, you slept with me
when your wife wouldn't sleep

with you, didn't you?

That first night, didn't you?


You went to bed with me.


You said you cared for me.

I did.

And you...

I what?



I took your keys.

Oh, yes.

For your uncle.

Because your uncle
wanted the papers.

He wanted Blake's
papers. Oh, yes.

Well, look what's happening now.

God's punishing him now.

He's in the hospital.

He's going to die.

I'm glad he is going to die

because he knew about Matthew.

He knew about Lindsay.

He wouldn't tell me.

And I could have gotten to them.

I could have been with them.

And I could have saved them.

And God is punishing him.

Claudia, please.

Punishing you. He's
punishing your uncle.

He's punishing
your child. All of you.

(knock on door) (
suspenseful theme playing

Excuse me, Mr. Jeffrey.

Lieutenant Cobb just got here.

He has some information
about Miss Farragut.

Thank you, Joseph.

( dramatic theme playing)

(horse trotting)

That's right. Keep
it up. Keep it up.

It's just a little rain
and some noise.

It won't hurt us.

( dramatic theme playing)

( dramatic theme continues)



(thunder crashing)

As a nurse, I'm used to being up

at in the morning.

As a cop, I can
say the same thing.

I was up waiting
for a sheet on you

from New York City.


Was it worth the wait?

Very much so.

For one thing, I found out
that you lied to me yesterday

when we had our little talk.

Lied about what?

About why you left the
hospital where you were working

and moved out here to Denver.

The New York
Police have you listed

as a convicted
felon, Miss Farragut.

Go on.

You didn't purchase that very
expensive gold cigarette lighter

at Cartier's on Fifth
Avenue, Miss Farragut.

Is that true?

I didn't know what...

I'm sorry, I didn't hear you.

I didn't know what I
was doing at the time.


Were you under some sort

of emotional stress?

Yes, I was.

Well, why don't
you tell me about it?

I'd rather not.

I'd rather you did.

You can either tell
me about it now, lady,

or maybe you'd prefer
telling me downtown

after I booked you on
suspicion of kidnapping.

I stole it for a man
I was in love with.

He didn't love me.

But I'd given him everything
else there was to give.

Who was he, Miss Farragut?

That's my affair.

Or ex-affair.

Who was he?

He was a doctor.

Dr. Nicholas Toscanni.

( dramatic theme plays)

You followed him out here?

Miss Farragut?


But I swear I don't
know anything about this.

What's happened to the baby.

But I'm so sorry
for you, Mr. Colby.

I'm so terribly sorry.

All right, you can go now.

But don't leave the grounds.

Not now and not in the morning.

( dramatic theme swells)


I saw him yesterday
in Blake's office.

Just before he went up
to Skycrest to see Blake.


Well, I'd forgotten
what he'd said but...

He said, "Does your
son really belong to you

or is he just another possession

of Blake Carrington's?"

But the thing is,
when he said it,

there was hate in his
eyes and in his voice.

Pure hate.

( dramatic theme playing)

( dramatic theme swells)

( dramatic romantic
theme playing

( romantic theme swells)

Oh, my God.

Les, I feel fine.

Sure, Blake. I know.

There's nothing
like a few scratches

and a possible concussion

to bring out the best in us.

I don't even have a headache.

Try telling that to the
x-ray machine you just met.

Now where are you taking me?

To your room.

My room? I am not staying here.

Oh, but you are.

At least until I can
complete my tests.

Don't worry. You'll be out of
here first thing in the morning.

Just a minute. Wait a minute...

Krystle, did he
or did he not insist

on being taken here to Memorial

so that he could receive
the best possible care?

Namely mine?

That's right, Les. He did.

So that, I imagine,
settles that.

WOMAN (over loudspeaker):
Dr. Davey, call the operator.

Dr. Davey, call the operator.

( dramatic theme playing)

You've heard
about Blake already?

What happened to him?

Do you really care, Alexis?

Yes, of course I care.
I was married to him.

He is the father of my children.

Are you going to tell
me what happened?

What happened
wouldn't have happened

if you hadn't arranged that
wedding circus on our lawn

and driven us out of town.

WOMAN (over loudspeaker):
Dontch, to Pediatrics.

LES: And most important,
I want you to see to it

that this man does not...

Now, I repeat, does
not try to escape.

I'll have guards posted
at the door, Dr. Osgood.

Round the clock.

Blake, watch out
for Mrs. Kent here.

She's one tough broad.

One tough person, doctor.

That's what I meant.

See you later, Blake.

Goodbye for now, pretty
lady. Goodbye, Les.

Uh, doctor, I'd like to have
a word with you please.

Pretty lady.


Oh, thank God.

Thank God.

Come on now, darling. Come on.

Oh, I thought I might
have lost you last night.

I didn't know if
you were hurt...

or even alive.


Oh, I'm...

I'm very, very much alive.


After that, I'm
sure you'll agree

that I should get
out of this place

and that we should go home

where the two of
us can be alone.

Oh, no, you're
staying right here.

In the meantime,
I'll phone the house,

let everybody know you're here

and that you're all right

and nothing's to worry about.

Why don't you use
this phone here?

Because I had it disconnected.

I know you, darling.

You'd want to talk to the office

and half the household,

including your grandson.

Especially your grandson.


I love you.

I love you too, Blake...

so much.


Some horseman.

Spent half the night in the mud.

No wonder Nick
Toscanni couldn't find you.

Toscanni? What are
you talking about?

He told me he went
up the mountain

to find you yesterday.

Well, he found me. We, uh...

We talked.

He told me he didn't see you.

Why would he tell you that?

Now, what the hell is he up to?

( phone rings)

I'll get it.

Jeff Colby speaking.

Jeff, it's Krystle.

I just wanted you to know

that I'm at Memorial Hospital.

Blake had an accident
but he's going to be all right.

Fallon's been trying
to reach him all night.

Why? What's happened?

It's the baby. He's
been kidnapped.

Oh, Jeff.

He's gone, Krystle.

He's gone. I...

Uh, look, I've got to hang up.

There may be a call. Goodbye.



I just want you to know

that I am not going
to accept the blame

for whatever it is that
happened to Blake.

And what's more,

I am sick and tired of
being blamed for anything

and everything that
happens to either him or you

or both of you together.
Shut up, Alexis. Just shut up.

I haven't finished yet.

Yes, I know.

You're my husband's
innocent ex-wife

and the splendid,
irreproachable mother

of his two children.

Well, think of your
daughter now, Alexis.

Think of Fallon.

Her baby's missing.

( dramatic theme playing)

What? What are
you talking about?

What Jeff said to me,

I had to tell you, Blake.


Is the car waiting
for you down below?


Tell Alfred I'll be right down.

Blake, you're hurt.

Please do as I ask, Krystle.

I must get home.

( dramatic theme swells)

Blake. What are you doing here?

I'm here with Cecil.
He's had a heart attack.

Oh, God, Blake, I just
heard about Fallon's baby.

Is this nightmare happening
to us all over again?

It's not happening again.
This time, it's different.

And I think I know the
man who's behind it.

Well, Mr. Crayford, we've just
come from Dr. Toscanni's office.

His secretary said
that he'd resigned.

Now, what do you
know about that?

Well, not very
much, Mr. Carrington.

I found this note on
my desk this morning.

"As per my message,
I quit. Toscanni."

What message?

Well, his secretary
got a telephone call

from him yesterday,
long distance.

He told her to
clean out his office,

bring all his personal
papers to his house.

Well, where is he now?

Well, that, I'm afraid,
is anyone's guess.

Nick Toscanni is a
very volatile person.

You never know what
he's going to do next.

BLAKE: We were up
on top of Scorpio Peak.

He lunged at me and we fought.

Then he screamed
that he'd get back at me

because of what he still thinks

I did to his brother.

Get back at me.
To try to do that

with an innocent baby.

You think it's Toscanni?


Alone or with
someone else, I do.

I think it's Toscanni.

Oh, uh, she may be asleep.

I convinced her
to take a sedative.

She was up all
night crying so...

( peaceful theme playing)

My beautiful child.

going to be all right.

I'll get your son back for you.

I promise you that.

Lieutenant Cobb is
waiting in the library.

Oh, good. Thank you.

The house is closed
and his car is gone.

There's absolutely no sign

of Nick Toscanni at the moment.

So he could be anywhere.
Driving anywhere.

Probably carrying the baby.

Maybe carrying the baby.

I've got to do it. I've
got to make an appeal.

I'm going to call
the newspapers.

No, better yet, I'm going to go

on television with that appeal.

I'm going to offer a reward
for my grandson. Anything.

Just everything to get some
information about that baby.

Well, we're hoping the kidnapper

will contact you on his own.

The chance is
better, a lot better,

if we keep the lid on this.

Keep the lid on this?

You're talking
about my grandson.

Sir, the decision's yours.

But weigh it.

And while you're at
it, weigh your certainty

that it's Toscanni.

Face it,

a man in your
position, Mr. Carrington,

has to have more than
one enemy in this world.

( dramatic theme playing)


you've been through so much.

You're moving on raw nerve.

And you want me to stop moving.

Krystle, once before in my life,

I kept quiet about something.

It ended up in terrible pain.

I will not let this
end that way.

I heard what you said, Blake,

and I know how
you feel about me.

But I can't let you
go through this again,

not without me.

Alexis, I...

I'm part of this, Blake.

I was then and I am now.

Now, we went through
it together before

and we will again.

( dramatic theme playing)

( dramatic theme swells)


what was that all
about just now?

Krystle, I had another
life before I met you.

I never told you I didn't.

And you had another life.

You never told
me that you didn't.

But Alexis said...

I don't care what Alexis said.

It's not important.

Not necessary to
open up old wounds

and I will not do it.


You're the one
person in this world

that means everything to me

and what am I doing to you?

Darling, I have no
secrets from you.

But I just can't
talk about it now.

I can't.

Do you understand that?

I understand, Blake.

( peaceful theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)


I'm glad you're not like me.

Meaning what, Claudia?

That you have hope.

Real hope.

I can see it in your eyes.

You're not crying the way I did

when Matthew took
Lindsay from me.

When I knew I'd
never see her again.

You know different
about your son, don't you?

You have real hope, I
can see it in your eyes.

Don't let go of it.


I'm trying not to.

Well, don't.

Excuse me. What
are you doing here?

I'm sorry. I'm here on
your father's orders.

He's going on television to talk

about what's happened
and he wants it to come

from this room where
the little guy was taken.

My son.

That's what I meant. Your son.

I can tell you that
I'm really praying

this will help get
him back to you.

We're all praying.

( dramatic theme plays)

Have you heard
anything yet, officer?

Nothing. Even a wrong
number would be better

than sitting around like this.

Can I get you some coffee?

I'd sure appreciate it.

Oh, Claudia, we've
been looking for you.

We need your help.

Anything, Blake.

Now, I've been trying
to track down that, uh...

That foreign-looking
man you saw yesterday.

Now, you said
that he had a beard.

Yeah, I think he did.

But you're not sure?

He had a mustache.

Yeah, I think he had a
beard. He had a beard.

Now, was he a small
man or a big man?

You know, I don't know.
I mean, he was in a car.

And I don't know about cars. I
mean, I can't tell you the year.

I can't tell you the make but...

Yeah, he... He
seemed like he was big.

Is there anything else
you remember, Claudia,

since you spoke
to me or the police?

No, not about him.

But I'll tell you, last night,

I woke up in the
middle of the night

and I remembered it.

You remembered what?

There was a kind of emblem

on the side of the car,

you know, on the door?

A coat of arms?

I don't think so. It
was really strange.


No, kind of, um, curlicues.

( dramatic theme plays)

Could it...?

Could it have been Arabic?

Yeah, could have been.

My God.

Farouk Ahmed?

Could he be the one?

( upbeat theme plays)


Hush, hush, beautiful,

there's nothing to cry about.

You're not going to have
to spend another night here

without your folks.

They're on their way now

so you just hush there, yes.

(knock on door)


Oh, you came alone?

Well, he'll be happy

to at least be with you again.

I hate to give him up.

He's so precious.

we are in the nursery

of the Carrington mansion

where Blake
Carrington will talk to us

about his missing grandson,

Blake Carrington Colby.

Present in the room with us now

are the infant's parents,

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Colby.

Also the present
Mrs. Carrington,

Krystle Jennings Carrington

and the oil tycoon's first wife,

Alexis Carrington.

All are in a deep state of shock

over the disappearance
of the child

which police are now
calling officially a kidnapping.

According to Lieutenant Cobb,

who heads this investigation,

says that at this point,

there are no strong suspects.

And because there's no evidence

that the child has been
taken across the state line,

the FBI has not been called in.

This is Blake Carrington Colby.

He is months old.

He weighs pounds.

His hair is brown
and his eyes are gray.

Yesterday afternoon,

while my daughter, Fallon,

and her husband, Jeffrey Colby,

were away arranging
a christening

for their infant son,

someone kidnapped their son,

my grandson, from his crib.

We... Blake and
I are no strangers

to this kind of tragedy.

Alexis. To this
terrible heartbreak.

Alexis, please.

Oh, no, Blake. This
has got to be said.

Not now. Yes, now.

I'm not going to keep
quiet about it anymore.

You see,

years ago,

almost to this very day...

our firstborn child

was terribly...

and cruelly...

taken away from us.

His name was Adam.

Adam Carrington.

He was as...

As beautiful as
little Blake and as...

As vulnerable.

And one day, in...

In the village here,

he was stolen from
his baby carriage by a...

A person or...

Or persons unknown.

He was taken away
from his carriage

and he was taken away from...

From his father and me.

And... And we never heard a word

from the kidnappers.

And even when we
released the story, there was...

There was nothing but...

But silence.

ALEXIS: And so our...

Our little baby,

our only son,

our child,

was gone.


And we never saw him...


Eventually the incident
was forgotten by everybody.

But not by us.

And to this day,

we live with the brutal agony

of not knowing
whether our little Adam

is alive or dead.


BLAKE (over TV): We
want our grandson back.


No. Adam, no.



I said no.



Hey. Gram.

It's me.

It's Michael.


You are Adam.

Adam Carrington.


it's just a television
news program.

Don't let it upset you.

(knock on door)

( peaceful theme playing)

Your grandmother's
still with us, Michael.

But you should be prepared.

She may not be for much longer.

She's beginning to have
delusions, Dr. Edwards.

She just said
something very strange.


Your grandmother?

I doubt it.

Counselor, she may
be leaving us soon

but she's still the same woman

I've known for years.

Mind sharp as a tack.

Sharp, Michael.

( dramatic theme playing)

BLAKE: I beg you.

Whatever the cost,

we want our grandson back.

If you know where he is,

if you know who took him away,

contact us, please.


So I beg you.

Help me.

Help me find my grandson.

Oh, God, Blake,

what if it is like
Adam all over again?


( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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