02x08 - The Mid-East Meeting

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x08 - The Mid-East Meeting

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

I'm glad I caught you
before you left for the office.

Well, I've been
waiting for that, Joseph.

Well, here it is.

Mr. Bellamy opened
the shop himself

when I told him it was important
that you have it immediately.

Thank you.

How is Mrs.
Carrington this morning?

I don't know.

She didn't come
down for breakfast.

Well, I'm sure
Hilda sent up a tray.

No, she didn't want a tray.

She, uh...

She didn't want anything.

I know how difficult
this is for you both.

Your wife losing the baby

and you having to see
how despondent she is,

but you know, it takes
time in cases like this.

Yeah, but...

It's been weeks.

It's been enough time.

Well, I know how you feel.

At least how I feel when
someone close to me is ill.

I resent it because I want
that someone to get well.

( dramatic theme playing)

WOMAN: And that
French boutique, Nicole's,

called and said they have
a new shipment of silk knits.

Won't show them
till you take your pick.

Jeanette, phone
them and tell them

I won't be coming into town.


you know Madame Nicole.

She'll be more than glad
to bring the clothes here.

And she's so full of those
funny little jokes that you'll...


Uh, would you excuse
us, please, Jeanette?

Beautiful day, isn't it?

A lot like that first day
we met, remember?


Well, let me help you.

You came into my
office for that interview

and I asked you what,

other than the job with
that prestigious outfit

at Denver-Carrington...

What was the most
important thing to you?

And you answered what?

I don't know.

You said, life.

Living life to the fullest.

And then you said,
"On a day like this,

why, it's all made
that much easier."

Darling, it's that
kind of a day again.

Why don't we enjoy it together?

I'll have Alfred come
pick you up at : .

Then we'll go to
lunch at Romand's...

Blake, stop it, please.

You don't wanna be with me?

It's not you.

It's me.

It's just how I feel.

Well, tell me, how
do you feel, darling?

Try to tell me, please.

( melancholy theme playing)



Well, that'll pass.

You know that.

I want to know that.

Well, when I want
something, I reach for it, like...

Like I reach for you.

Blake, I...

I'm just tired.

( dramatic theme playing)

For Mrs. Carrington,

with love, from Mr. Carrington.

I don't want it, Blake.

Why not?

Because I could
never wear it without...

remembering that you gave
it to me for having failed you.

Oh, Krystle.

Krystle, not being able
to have another child

is a great disappointment
to both of us,

but just read the
morning newspaper

and you'll see that we're not
the only tragedy in the world.

I try, Blake, but I can't.

Not yet.

I want you to take this.

I want you to put it on later,

and I want you to be ready

when Alfred comes
to pick you up.


I'm sick. Can't you see that?

Can't you?

(sighs): Yes.
Yes, I can see that.

I'm going to have Nick Toscanni

stop by to see you.

Dr. Toscanni? Why?

Because I think
you need some help.

Blake, he won't help me.

Just like these
pearls won't help me.

But what will help you?

I don't know.

Well, that's just
the point, isn't it?

You don't know
what's best for you,

but I do know.


don't make me
talk to him, please.

Whether you want
to or not, you will.

I have my own share of
problems right now, darling,

but believe me,

there's one problem
I intend to solve.

( dramatic theme playing)

Thank you.

Good morning, Blake.

Morning. Oh, Jeff.

Yes, Blake?

Now, when you get to the office,

the minute you get there,

call Washington and
get ahold of those lawyers

that we retain there.

About Rashid Ahmed, huh?

Right, the mystery man.

And the key to my oil.

There's no word on him yet?

Nothing except that he's
somewhere in Europe.

Now, you tell those lawyers

that I must know where
that somewhere is.

( dramatic theme playing)


How nice!

How very, very nice, Aldo.

My favorite suite in all Italy.

ALDO: Management's
pleasure, Signora Carrington.

If not, that of one of
your countrywomen.

Oh, did I dispossess someone?

(speaks Italian)

Um, a very nasty, as you say,

lady from the
state of Tennessee.

We hope the flowers please you.

Oh, yes.

They're absolutely beautiful.

As usual.

And this one...

This one deserves
this place of honor.

Grazie, Signora Carrington.

If there is anything
else I can do for you...

Oh, yes, um,

please distribute this
amongst those lovely boys.

And, um, tell Carlo...

He is still the wine
steward here, isn't he?

(speaks Italian)

Well, tell him
that I'm expecting

a very important visitor
tonight, and I'd like a...

A chilled bottle of
Dom Pérignon '

ready to be sent up.

Sì. A servizio.

And, please,

enjoy Rome.

Oh, I always do, Aldo.

(speaks Italian)

( mellow theme playing)

I know that it's a first
appointment for me

and that you're all booked,

but I'd rather not wait.

I'd like to see Dr. Holton
as soon as I can.

Today, if possible.

Oh, no?

Tomorrow morning?

Oh, that's awfully early.

Is that the only
appointment she has?


Yes, i-it's a
little early but...

But : , I'll be there.

I just wish...


A penny for your wish.

Oh, it's hardly worth it.

How about if I up the ante?

What are you talking about?

I wanna know who you
were on the phone with.


Call it husbandly curiosity.

Well, call it a wife
making an appointment

with her hairdresser."

Oh, he does hair too?

He's a she.

Estelle, you know that.

What's his name?

What's whose
name, for God's sake?

This guy you've been seeing.

This guy you were
just on the phone with.

How paranoid can we get?

Very, when we're
dealing with a Fallon.

Okay, I'm trapped. I confess.

There's this guy,
this fabulous guy.

Consummate lover.

The only thing is, Jeff,

I'm very careful not to call
him until you're safely at work.

( dramatic theme playing)

Have you seen Joseph
around? I've been...

Sorry, no.

Hello, Dottie?

No, this isn't Bill,
this is Steven.

Steven Carrington.

Remember we met the
other night at the Blue Onion?

Right. Listen, I thought maybe
if you weren't too busy, uh...

tonight we...


And what about tomorrow night?


I'll pick you up.

Seven o'clock.

Did you find Joseph?

No, no, no, he's out.

He's getting
something for Blake.

I-I came back to
see you and ask you,

why are you sore at me?

Listen, why would
I be sore at you?

I don't know. I...

I figured it might
be a reaction.

You know, my
being hired by Blake

and working at
the office with him

and you off at
the refinery. I...

That? You wanna know
what I feel about that?


You're the son Blake
ought to have had and...


No, I'm not, and
I don't wanna be.

Listen, Jeff.

You and my father fit.

You work hard, you're organized,

you're deft at what
he considers deft.

You even married what
he calls the right kind of girl.


Is everything okay with you two?

I mean, the way you sound...

Is the way I feel.

I'm afraid there's another guy.

Come on, Jeff.

Now, you're wrong. No.

She said you two were
trying to have a kid.

I mean, how could
there be another guy?

There is.


I don't know.

All I know is I love her.

You know, I-I'd fight for
her if I knew who to fight.


The thing is, we end
up fighting each other.

Let me talk to her.

Sometimes, she
even listens to me.

Thanks, but that's my territory.

(both chuckle softly)

Trouble is it's getting
tougher and tougher

to make an appointment with her.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

NICK: I got your message, Blake.

What's so urgent?

Thank you for
coming, Nick. Sit down.

You know my situation.

I've got pressures coming
at me from all sides,

including five
tankers filled with oil

that I can't get my hands on.

What, the general took
over that country go bananas

and you want me to go
there and straighten him out?

No, it's uh...

It's Krystle.

Oh, still depressed?

She's getting worse.

I can't get her to
leave the house.

I see.

Well, what can I do to help?

I want you to treat her.

I want you to take
her on as your patient.

She agree to that?


You did talk to
her about it though.

Yes, but...

You see, she's in no condition

to know what's best for her.

The answer's no, Blake.

No? Why not?

Simple, basic.

If she doesn't want my
help, I can't give her help.

Well, Claudia Blaisdel
didn't exactly welcome you

with open arms, as I recall.

Look what you did for her.

She's gone through our
training program here.

She's working, she's beginning
to function as a normal person...

They're two different
people, Blake.

It's a different situation.

I don't wanna hear that, Nick.

Now, you're a doctor.
You're a psychiatrist.

Now, be one for my wife.

She needs your help. She...
She's crying out for your help.

No matter what she thinks.

I love the woman.

I don't want to
see her die inside.

Now, will you...

Will you see her today, please?

( ominous theme playing)

All right, I'll do it.

Thank you.

When you wanna help somebody,

there's no stopping
you, is there?

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Joseph said you were here.

Good afternoon.

Looks like you're
not too happy about it.

My appointment book shows

you were supposed
to be at my office

at : this
afternoon. You weren't.

I'd like to know why.

I went out for a
walk, and I forgot.

And then when I
remembered, it was too late.

I-I know you have
other appointments.

That's right, you
could have phoned.

You ever think of that?

Yes, I-I was going to.

What happened?

I just told you.

You're trying to dodge
this whole thing, aren't you?

Look, I just said it,
I was out walking.

I know what you said.

But you haven't given me
an answer to the question.

Now, look, if you don't
want me to treat you,

just tell me.

All right, I don't
want you to treat me.

I didn't make the appointment.

Your husband did.



All right, no problem there.

I have plenty of other patients
who can't seem to resist me.

And they even call
me on their own.

You know, Krystle,
when I, uh, first met you,

you were a
beautiful, lively lady.

Now, you're a
beautiful, lifeless lady.

To me, if you're
happy the way you are,

that's your business.

Your husband's secretary
booked a whole slate

of appointments with me.

If, uh, you want, I'll
cancel them, okay?

Okay, Mrs. Carrington,
I'm a busy man.

Very busy.

If you happen to change
your mind, you call me.


( dramatic theme playing)

Don't get me wrong,
Jeff. I admire it very much.

Your backbone
in quitting Colbyco,

that took guts.


And now that you've
x-rayed me, Uncle Cecil...

I want you to come
back and work for me.

I know,

you think you're
your own man now.

But Blake and I
are just the same,

captains of the ship.

And no one is his own man

as long as somebody
else controls the tiller.


With me, you're family, Jeff.

With Blake, you're
just an in-law.

How's Fallon by the way?


I hear she wants
to start a family.

Splendid news.

Well, I don't expect
an answer now.

Just think it over.

I have.

No way.


I'll have to try again someday.

By the way, I hear

working on a new process
for extracting oil from shale.

Splendid news too, uncle.

Look, I'm not a spy for you.

If you wanna learn
about, uh, oil and shale

and Denver-Carrington,

why don't you ask
Blake at the tiller?

Or aren't you two sailing
the same waters these days?

( dramatic theme playing)

Oh! I'm so sorry.

Oh, no, it's all right.


Mrs. Blaisdel?

Oh, hello, Mr. Colby.

Hello to you.

And to your new look.

We first met at that, uh,
dinner party at Blake's.

You appeared so uncomfortable.

Now, you're...

Well, now, I feel good.

I mean, better.

Ever since I got the job here

with Mr. Carrington...

Yes, I heard about that.

Uh, what's Blake got you doing?


Well, at the moment,

he's got me going
over these files

and correcting them for errors.

It's a beginning,
but it's exciting.

I'll bet.

Especially the oil-shale file.

Haven't gotten to that one yet.

Well, I'm sure you will.

It was nice seeing
you, Mr. Colby.

And it'll be nice, very nice,
to celebrate this new job

of yours with
you, Mrs. Blaisdel.

If I may, I'd like to take you
to dinner tomorrow night.

I don't think I can.

Why not?

Do I frighten you?

Believe me, those
rumors about me

are grossly exaggerated.

I wish they weren't,
but they are.

So do I hear a yes?

Yes. Good.

I'll have my secretary
call you for your address.

We'll make it an early evening

because tomorrow I have
to be in San Francisco.


(door opens)

(door closes)

( majestic theme playing)

(knocking on door)


(speaks Italian)

MAN: Rashid.


Darling, you look wonderful.
You haven't changed a bit.

To which I must say
the same thing, Alexis,

about you.

But it would not be a lie.

You are beautiful.

You... You don't
even show any jet lag.

Ah, well, I fight
that like a savage.

Besides, I had this
terribly boring seatmate

who lulled me to sleep

with stories of
intrigue in Washington.

Midnight here.

What time is it in your Denver?

Oh, I don't know, : , : .

What difference does it make?

Time never meant anything to me.

"The beautiful woman

"who is always too
busy enjoying herself,

"wherever it is,

to be worried about what
time it is wherever she is not."


You remember me saying that.

Um, Capri, wasn't it?

Oh, yes, I remember.

The terrace.

The evening.


To Capri.

To Portofino.

To Dubrovnik. (glasses clink)

How sweet of you to
remember everything.

And how sweet of you
to leave Santa Margherita

and come and see me in Rome.

For... this rendezvous.

But... tell me, Alexis,

what sort of rendezvous?

(whispers): Pleasure?

With you, Rashid,
what else would it be?

An impulsive desire
for me again suddenly,

would you not say?

( seductive theme playing)

You know, for a businessman,
you kiss extremely well still.



You have always been
the most fascinating one

I've ever known.

Despite your sex.


what is the deal this time?

Deal? Oh, Rashid.

What on earth are
you talking about?

I'm talking about Alexis.

There is a deal, I presume.

You know, you can be
very presumptuous at times.

And usually right.

Well, yes, there is a deal.

You owe me a favor.

You don't think I've
forgotten, do you?


So, what is it for?

Oh, just five tankers of oil.

Very romantic.


Shall we talk about them

after I've ordered
some musicians

to play in the background?

A very businesslike tarantella?

No musicians, Rashid.

And no talk.

Not tonight.


We'll talk tomorrow.

( dramatic theme playing)



How'd the checkup go?


I, uh...

Doctor told me to
keep taking my pills,

so I had to come
back and pick them up.

I'm not fooling with
this jitney of yours.

I'm just looking.

Yeah? What do you see?

Needs a tune-up.

You know, I couldn't
tell just by looking.

Some girls know
about stoves or clothes,

I know about motors.

Pop used to say I
could just hear a noise

and know where to look.

Steven, I could
tune this up for you,

and it'd do a lot
better out at the track.

Or maybe we could
take the Trans Am.

Oh, that'd really be something.

Oh, sure. We'll talk about it.


I gotta punch a
time clock right now.

I'm late enough as it is.

Um, Steven.

We could take the
Trans Am out tonight

when you come home.

I have something to
do tonight, Sammy Jo.

But we'll do it another time.



( dramatic theme playing)

Are you looking for something?

No, I just...

I just love this
car. All these cars.

Aunt Krystle's Rolls-Royce,

your Clennet.


Sounds prettier when you say it.


it sure does pay to
be a girl in this family.

And what about your family?

When is your father
due to pick you up?


( dramatic theme playing)

You can get dressed
now, Mrs. Colby.

Then come on into my office

and we'll discuss
what you're to do

for the next several months.

Am I pregnant?

The tests appear to be positive.

Congratulations, Mrs. Colby.

And to Mr. Colby.

All of your other
tests are excellent.

You're a very healthy
young woman. It's going to be

a good pregnancy.

Now, this is all good
news to you, isn't it?

Can I ask you something, doctor?

Something of a...

personal nature?

Well, of course.

What, Mrs. Colby?

( dramatic theme playing)

Thank you, Severiano.

May I ask you something,
uh, rather private, Claudia?

You can try.

Well, maybe it's
not all that private,

but I'm curious.

Why did you go
to work for Blake?

Well, partly because he was
good enough to offer me a job.

And the other part?

Matthew... That's my husband.

Took my daughter away from me.

Yes, I know.

Well, Mr. Carrington
and his people

are trying to locate them
so I can get Lindsay back.

I wanna be near them
while they're trying.

It's that simple.

I see.

Have these people had
much luck as far as you know?

No, they haven't.

Well, you know,
Colbyco is much bigger

than Denver-Carrington.

We have offices
all over the world.

Why don't I drop a discreet
word about this to my people?

That is, if you don't mind.

No, I don't mind.

That's very nice of you.

As you get to know me
better, you'll discover...

I'm very nice.

( dramatic theme playing)

Well, as a plot to
cheer up Krystle

and welcome her
back to human society,

this family gathering's
turning into a wake.

FALLON: Where is she anyway?

She'll be down in
a couple of minutes.

Steven coming, Blake?

Well, he said he had a date
that he would rather not break.

And I didn't ask him to do it.

Oh, Steven and his
mysterious dates.

And what about Sammy Jo,
also conspicuous in her absence?

Probably roller-skating
in the attic.

I'm sorry it took me so long.


Krystle, you look beautiful.

Thank you, Jeff.

FALLON: You do.

And I love your new worry beads.


A woman can always
use more worry beads.

Blake surprised me with them.

They are lovely, aren't they?

A little white wine?


When I walked in, I
heard you were talking

about roller skates.

Is Sammy Jo here?

No, I bumped into her
earlier in the garage.

She was caressing my Clenet.

Your niece, Krystle,

is very impressed
with how, in her words,

"How it pays to be
a girl in this family."

FALLON (scoffs): Well,
who can blame her?

She sees you get a
Rolls for expecting a baby,

pearls for losing it...

( dramatic theme playing)

Knock it off. Oh, I...

Excuse me, I...

I left something upstairs.

(angrily) Fallon.



Darling, she didn't mean that.

I know. She says things...

You were all nervous
tonight because I was nervous.

I'm just not ready, Blake.

No, no.

Please, don't go upstairs.

Let's go for a drive.

Maybe stop off at the St.
Dennis for drinks and dinner and...

Not tonight.

You go. I'm tired.

You did it again, didn't you?

Okay, I said something dumb.

Really dumb.

I'll apologize for it tomorrow.

Why not right now?

Because I have to go.


The Junior League.

I'm into good works
finally or haven't you heard?

What's his name?

Oh, we're not gonna
start that again, are we?

If you're so sure
I'm cheating on you,

why don't you follow me?

I'll drop a rose petal
every quarter of a mile

if you should lose me.

I don't wanna lose you.

Can't you understand that?

Guess not.



I think you're making
this all up, Stevie.

Oh, do you?


Like you make everything up.

I mean, do you really
expect me to buy that line

about your working
in a refinery?

Oh, I do work in a refinery.

What kind of refinery?

A very fine refinery.

(Dottie giggles)

Hey, what do you
say we split this place

and, uh, try another place?

Or, uh,

my place.


Definitely your place.


Come on, let's go.

Good evening, Edward.

Oh, good evening,
Mr. Carrington.

I don't need a table.

I just dropped
by for a nightcap.

Well, now, look
who we have here.

Dottie, this is my boss
who runs the refinery.

Boss, this is Dottie.

How do you do?



( dramatic theme playing)

Give me a double, please.


I'm different with you than
I've been with any man.

My thing has always
been conquest.

Scalps on my belt.

And I don't want
your scalp, Nick.

That's nice to know.

I want you to like me.

Oh, I do. I do.

I think you're adorable.

No, I mean really like me.

And someday, I want
you to respect me too,

the way I respect you.

Respect me?

You hardly know me.


I know that I
can't outthink you,

and I can't manipulate you.

I don't want to.

I think, actually,

you're the first grown-up
man I've ever met.

Oh, God, who wants
to be grown-up?

I want to.

And I wanna marry a
grown-up man that I love.

I love you.

I wanna marry you.


You're looking for a way
out of an unhappy marriage.

Falling in love is a well-known
escape hatch for that.

Solving all the
problems you can't.

You think? Hm?

Don't turn psychiatrist
on me, Nick.

Not in bed.

You just said you were
in love with a psychiatrist.

Well, that doesn't mean
you're always right, doctor.

I'm not trying to dump
my problems on you.

I have one.

The worst one I could have.

And I'm gonna solve it myself.

I'm pregnant.

It's not yours.

It's not mine either

because I disown it.

I mean, I shouldn't have
it if I don't want it, right?

I'd be a lousy mother.

I really would, Nick.

I don't even know who I am.

Look, um,

if it's Jeff's baby, um...

What does he have to say?

He doesn't know about it,

and he's not going to.

I see.

Have you given it a
lot of thought, Fallon?

I mean, just like that, you're
gonna disown your child?

I mean, your
father's grandchild.

It's my body.


Listen to me.

I was married to
a beautiful woman,

who was told that
if she had a child,

she could die.

But she had it anyway.

And it k*lled both of them.

I had a lost...

(clears throat)

It was a tragic way
for something to end.

It was the wrong way.

So is your way, Fallon.

All right.

I didn't mean to use
you as an escape hatch.

I said I have a
problem, and I'll solve it.

And when I'm clear,
I'll come back to you

and I'll ask you
again to marry me.

And if you can't say yes,

please don't say no.

You're the most important
thing in my life now.

( sentimental theme playing)

( uplifting theme playing)

Tomato juice with raw egg.

Well, Steven, don't
expect a miracle.

You know there's nothing
worse than a brandy hangover.

How would you know, Joseph?

Oh, I was younger
and less wise once.

And I know.


Good morning, Mr. Carrington.

Would you like me to tell

Mrs. Gunnerson to
prepare your breakfast?

In a few minutes,
please, Joseph.

How's your memory
this morning, Steven?

It's fine.

I remember running into
you last night at the club.

Yes, with that sweet, modestly
dressed young woman, um,

Dottie, wasn't it?




Uh, yeah, what about her?

Just this, that I've
seen that young woman

at various times with, um...

With boyfriends who
pay for her services.

You said to me
that it made you sick,

me putting my hands
on another man.

Okay, I'm putting them on women.

I mean, aren't you satisfied?

Steven, don't you
see what you're doing?

No, you tell me.

All right, I will.

Now, you're trying
to live down...

what you once were.

And in doing that,
you're going overboard.

Now, wait a minute.

You told me to...

To get out and
sow some wild oats.

Well, I'm doing it,

and I'm having
a hell of a lot of...

I'm having a hell of
a lot of fun doing it.

But who I do it with is no
concern of yours anyway.

My concern is you.

Famous last words.

I just can't win with
you, can I, Dad?

( dramatic theme playing)

Telephone call for
you, Mr. Carrington.

Thank you, Joseph.

It's the ex-Mrs. Carrington

calling from Rome.


What in the world are
you doing in Rome?

ALEXIS: Blake, darling,

I've finally located
the elusive Mr. Ahmed.

BLAKE: Alexis, how did
you get to Rashid Ahmed?

I'll fill you in on that
when you get here.

The most important thing, Blake,

is that he can
arrange for the release

of your oil tankers.

Blake, can you hear me?

Yes, yes, I heard you, but

just exactly how is
he gonna do that?

How...? How should I know?

He... He's got the right
connections, obviously.

Blake, I care about this.

I really do.

So don't quibble about how

when millions of
dollars worth of oil

could be on its way
to you any day now.

What's in it for him?

Ten percent. A
bargain, admit it.

But time, Blake.

Time is the most
important thing.

You've got to be here tomorrow.


Krystle is in no condition
to travel yet and...

I just don't want to leave her.

Are you telling me

that you can't leave
her for a day or two

when you've been
sweating over this oil deal

for God knows how long?

Will he meet me in Rome?

He leaves tomorrow night.

That's cutoff time, Blake.

But this is vital.

Don't tell Krystle.

Don't tell anyone.

Rashid said that
if there's a leak,

it'll k*ll the deal.

So is it a deal?

( dramatic theme playing)

All right, I'll
leave right away.

I'll call you from
the airport in Rome.


We'll be waiting.

Ciao, Blake.

He's on his way.

And you are pleased.


Alexis, Alexis.

The way you handle
men is most extraordinary.

Oh, not really.

In business, as in
personal matters,

one is either an
amateur or an expert

and I choose not to be
an amateur at anything.

Tell me, what will you say

when Carrington walks
through that door and sees

that we are not waiting?

That Rashid has flown?

I want to be alone with Blake.


I'll think of something.

I usually do.

( dramatic theme playing)

(phone ringing)


WOMAN: Is Mrs. Colby there?

No, Mrs. Colby isn't available.

Who's calling, please?

( woman speaks indistinctly)

I see, uh...

Well, Mrs. Colby
wanted me to be sure

to take the message for her.

Please tell her that her
appointment's been...


Hello, darling.

I came back from my walk

and Joseph told me
you're flying to Europe.


I've located somebody

who'll contract to get
our tankers released.

Now, I can't let
him represent me

until I know he's
on the up-and-up.

isn't just one man.

Can't you send somebody else?

On a deal this
big? No, no, I can't.


Darling, I would have
thought you'd been grateful

to get rid of me for a
while, the way I nag at you.

"Get well, Krystle,
please get well."

I'll only be gone
a couple of days

and Dr. Toscanni will
keep an eye on you.

How'd your appointment go?

I didn't keep it.

He came by later to see if
he could change my mind.

He didn't.

I see.

So you wanna keep
on suffering, huh?


Oh, Blake, please listen to me.

I lost a baby,

and I learned I can
never have another one.

Isn't this a natural period
of mourning for me?

I'm getting better.

I'll have to be
the judge of that.

Now, Krystle,

I cannot wake up at night
anymore and worry about you.

Now, please help me to help you.

I'd love your help. I don't
want Nick Toscanni's.

I've tried. I don't know how.

He does.

Now, damn it, will you
or will you not see him?

That's not a question.
That's a command.

And if you want it that
badly, you've got it.

( dramatic theme playing)

I'm glad you're here.

I guess it's time
to have that talk

you've been asking for.

I wish I couldn't see
myself through your eyes.

But I do.

Too clearly.

What do you see?

I see a self-centered,
spoiled, rotten brat

who's made you and
herself very miserable.

And if your life isn't
now, it will be soon,

because God knows you
bring out the worst in me.

I don't know why.

It isn't your fault.

I just don't know why.

Yes, you do.

You weren't in love with
me when you married me.

I was with you but
you weren't with me.

Our marriage.

Jeff, let's end it

before we both
become awful people.


Please divorce me.

Or allow me to divorce you.

It's pretty odd
timing for a divorce.

Considering the fact

we've been planning
to have a family.

Well, we're lucky
it didn't take.

I guess that's a sign
that it wasn't meant to be.

Do you really think so?

How do you know you're
not pregnant right now?

Jeff, I'm not. I...

Your abortion is
set for Tuesday.

A message I took for you.

Pick up the phone and cancel it.


And you can't stop me.

Look, it's my life.

It's my body,
and it's my future.

You're carrying a
life that's half mine.

You can have your divorce
but only after it's born.

You're not going
to destroy my baby.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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