04x17 - The Accident

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x17 - The Accident

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

BLAKE: I appreciate
your call, Dr. Winfield.

Thank you very much.

KRYSTLE: Everything all right?


Kirby's finally out of danger.

She's completely stabilized now.

KRYSTLE: That's good news.

Yes, isn't it?


I know that Adam's confession

is still tearing you apart.

And the fact that
I haven't settled

with him about
what he did to Jeff.

It's been agony.

But finally, tomorrow,

I've got to face him with it.

I don't know.

It all seems to be piling up.

First Kirby's sickness,

then losing her child,

and kidnapping of the
horse, and now, finally,

this terrible thing about Adam.

I tell you, darling,

I really don't
know what I'd do...

without you.

I don't know how
I'd deal with all this

if you weren't here.

I love you, darling.

And I'll always
be here with you.

( romantic theme playing)

KIRBY: The hospital.


Well, they've taken
very good care of you.

Since this morning.
It's night now.

Kirby, you've been
here for a few days.


And I've been with you.


I slept. Dreams.

I've been dreaming.


A little girl.

Kirby, try and go back to sleep.

And I was holding her.

She cried.


Was it a dream?

Is it true?




Where is she?

They tried... so hard.

All the doctors tried.

But you see, she was...

so small and so weak.

What happened to her?

They couldn't save her.


No, no.

Our baby is gone,
Kirby, but you survived.

And soon I'll be able
to take you home

and help you heal.

(crying): Heal? I can't.

Yes, you can. Yes, you can.

I hated that child
inside of me for so long.

For so long.

It wasn't until just
before she was born

that I realized how wrong I was.

And that I loved her.

But now it's too late.

She's gone and she'll never know

that I did love her.

Yes, she knew, Kirby.

Somehow she knew.
Somehow. Somehow she knew.

(both crying)

( dramatic theme playing)


Your message said, "See
me as soon as possible,"

so here I am.

Good. Because I have
a huge favor to ask you.


I've been going
over all the upcoming

conventions and banquets,

and I was wondering if it
would be asking too much

if I dumped them on you.

How long are you gonna be away?

Oh, I don't know. A
month, maybe a little more.

Blame it on Peter.

My impulsive fiancé
does not believe

in long engagements.

You're getting married soon?

He wanted me to be
ready by this weekend.

We're gonna have a
ceremony in Monte Carlo

and then a honeymoon in Europe.

You don't wanna do it?

It's okay, I understand.
What with Steven and Danny.

No, no, no. It... It's not that.

I just don't understand

why it all has to be so madcap.

That's my middle name, isn't it?

Fallon, I love you.
You know that.

And I really admire
what you've done

with your life, with the hotel,

but I do have some
reservations about Mr. De Vilbis.

What do you mean?

All right.

He made a pass at
me, here, in your office.

A pass?

What, did he ask you
to go to bed with him?


FALLON: Well, so,
what's the big deal?

I've seen Peter
around other women.

That's just his way of
complimenting them.

So I've found, if that's the way

you choose to see it.

That is the way I see it.

Look, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to...

Okay, well, you've had your say

along with just
about everybody else.

So I'd appreciate it if
you'd just leave me alone

so I could finish
what I have to do here.

All right. Good night, Fallon.

Good night.

( dramatic theme playing)

(door opens and closes)

TRACY (laughing): So?


So you're a very sexy lady.

TRACY: Well, you
are a very sexy man.

(Jeremy moans)

Baby, I missed you.

Tracy, I want you.

I want you, Jeremy.

Well, then, show me how much.

Like back in New York,
that last fantastic night.

Do you remember?

(chuckling): How could I forget?

What you seem to have forgotten

is that when a man and
a woman are together...

Oh. I have forgotten
nothing, nothing.

Like this...

(laughing): Nothing.

(both moaning)

If anything, I've picked
up on a few pointers

since that last fantastic night.


And you're going to show me

every single one
of them, like now.


Like, um, after we
discuss some business.


Well, is the aging,
if still attractive,

boy reporter Jeremy
Thatcher interested?

Or would you like to
catch the next flight

back to your trendy
New York pad tonight?


Now, the story you're handing me

is tasty, very tasty.

Uh, The Whisper will give you

front-page headlines,

maybe even a photo.

But what I wanna know,
personally speaking...

What's my angle?

What is Tracy
Kendall up to this time?

Yes, but, uh, the last
time you gave me a hot tip,

I nearly got burned.


If you think you're gonna
get any sympathy from me,

you can forget it.

You got a big, fat raise

and I got revenge on one
miserable Madison Avenue type.

I got a moderate raise.

And your revenge held up

only because you
were smart enough

to head back to Denver

before your Madison Avenue type

figured out who fingered him.

Smart enough?

More like survivor's instinct.

That gorgeous
quality that you and I

both have not to get caught.

To answer your question,
I do have an angle.

I was done out at the
top public-relations job

at Denver-Carrington.

And the only way
I'm gonna get it

is if I drag the lady down.

The boss' wife?

Mrs. Blake
Carrington, is that it?

The very same.


You make it all sound so easy.


Jeremy, with your help,
it is going to be a snap.

( dramatic theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

Morning, Fallon.

Good morning.

Quiet morning at the hotel?

No, not actually.

But I try to get
back here every day

about this time
to be with our son.

Look, I know I'm
going to be the last one

to be let in on the big news,

but why don't we
change that for once

and let me know up front?

Now, this wedding,
uh, when's the date,

and what are your
plans after that?

Well, there's nothing
really definite yet.

Yeah, but there
will be soon, right?

I guess so.

What happens then?

Well, good question.

Easy answer: We're
gonna live happily ever after.

Look, I asked you a
question and I want an answer.

Where and when?

What we're talking about
is strictly my business.

Except for the part
that happens to be mine.

From what I hear, your
boyfriend owns hotels

and assorted businesses
all over the world.

Six assorted continents, right.

Well, I just wanna let you know

if you decide to go jet-setting

with that guy, that's up to you.

But you're not
taking our son. Oh.

And I'm not going to
let De Vilbis play father.

Be happy with
the guy if you can,

but keep that hustler away
from anyone named Colby.

( dramatic theme playing)

(door opens)

JEFF: Hey, Tony, how you doing?

Hey, Mr. Colby.

You're too dressed up for that.

Let me give you a
hand with this tire.

Are you sure you don't mind?

TONY: I don't mind.

How's Mr. Carrington?

He's fine. Why?

Well, he was pretty upset

about that horse the other day.


I felt very bad.

I thought he kind of blamed me.

Tony, what are
you talking about?

And what did he answer?

Well, he rambled a bit at first,

saying that you might
blame him for Allegree

being kidnapped that night.

But I kept pushing him,

and I... I got the feeling
that there was somebody

he was afraid of. Who?

Well, I couldn't
get it out of him,

but I did get him to
talk about the wine

that he had drunk that night.

Now, I told the police
that he had a... A little,

like in a couple of glasses.

But he confessed
to me later that, uh,

he didn't tell the truth.

It was actually
less than one glass.

Then he could possibly
have been drugged.

Yeah, that's right, Blake.
He could have been.


It's good to have
Allegree back. Real good.

Yes, it is. It certainly is.

Jack, you've been a
trainer for Mr. De Vilbis

for quite a while now, right?

The last couple years.

Things being relative,
you could call that a while.

I'd guess that you
were a New Yorker.

Hey, better. Born in Brooklyn.

(laughs) (laughs)

Brooklyn to Brazil,
that's quite a trip.

I assume that you
met Mr. De Vilbis in Rio.

Oh, no, I met him in the States.

You see, the world of
racing isn't all that big.

And when you're very
good at what you do, like me,

the word gets around
and people seek you out.

And that's what
Mr. De Vilbis did

when Allegree was
just a -year-old

and already showing
a lot of promise.

Well, you've done a
beautiful job with it.

Well, I try,
Mr. Carrington, I try.

You must have
been really shaken up

the night he was stolen.

JACK: Shaken? I went crazy

when I heard what had happened.

I mean, here I
am sharing a pizza

and some wine with Tony,

and then I'm off
watching a little TV,

and the next morning,
my colt is gone.

From what Tony said,

that wine really
knocked him for a loop.

Did it ever. He hit
the deck like a sailor

just off shore leave
from Singapore.

But you were okay?

Me? Yeah, I was okay.

I mean, let's put it this way.

Tony is what we
would call a yokel.

I don't think he's been
out of Colorado, you know?

You travel a lot, huh?
You're used to drinking?

Right, right. Why?

Oh, nothing. Just
an observation.

Well, thank you, Jack.

And you are right, it's
good to have Allegree back.

Oh, by the way,

it was just the two
of you that night

when you were sharing
the wine and the pizza?

That's right.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Well, is that all,
Mr. Carrington?

I've gotta get
back at the stables.

No, that's all.

Thank you very
much for coming over.

( dramatic theme playing)

I think there are some things

we have to check out, and fast.

(indistinct chattering)

You don't want any?

Yes, please.

Want some salad?

Aren't you hungry?

No, not very.

Claudia, it's been three days

since those flowers and
that card were delivered.

Can't you just forget about it?

A sick joke from a sick person

and don't let it prey
on your mind, right?

Yes. Please.

You know, this
conjuring up of memories

has done something for me.


Made me see Lindsay again.

Claudia, I don't understand.


Don't worry. I'm not regressing.

I'm not worried about that.

I just don't understand
what you mean.

Last night.

I saw her.

We were back at the house.

(whispering): She
looked so beautiful.

She was wearing
this long yellow dress

that I made for her

and she was leaving for a party.

She looked so beautiful.

Claudia, you can
never forget Lindsay,

but you've got to forget
about what's happened

with the flowers and
with that message.

I know. I'm trying.
I'm really trying.

But sometimes,

it's like trying to
fight a shadow.

There's somebody out
there that hates me so much,

and I don't know who it is.

What is it, Steven?

It's Claudia.

What about her?

She's very... upset.

Someone's been
sending her violets,

with the card and
the name "Lancelot."

Matthew Blaisdel
used to send her violets

when they were first married.

Her nickname for him
back then was Lancelot.

Well, who do you
think is doing it?

We don't know.


Obviously, some perverse mind

is trying to make
the poor girl suffer.

Steven, you don't think

that I sent these
violets, do you?

You do. You think that I did it.

All right, Mother.
Let's face a few facts.

You've never approved
of my marrying Claudia.

You've expressed
your dislike for her,

to put it mildly, on
more than one occasion.

You've constantly
referred to her paranoia

and her having been in
a mental institution twice.

You haven't acknowledged, ever,

how beautifully she's
come through all of this.

How good a mother
she is to Danny

and a wife she is to me...

All right, all right, I
acknowledge that

if that's what you want.

I think that she has
done an admirable job.

But if you're talking about

some of the minor criticism
that I've leveled at her,

well, that's nothing compared

with this cruel
and vicious thing.

Oh, Steven.

Steven, I had nothing
to do with any of this.

Oh, I'd be hurting you too.

And I love you much
too much to ever destroy

anyone that you love.

Oh, you must believe
me, Steven, you must.

I'm sorry for what I
was beginning to think.

Please forgive me.

Of course I do, darling.

I'll see you.


If you need any
help with any of this,

just let me know.

I will. Thanks.

( dramatic theme playing)

(door closes)


Yes, Mr. Carrington?

Find Dex Dexter and tell him

it's important that I
see him, right now.

And when Adam comes in,

you interrupt anything
I'm involved in,

you understand?

Anything. Yes, sir.

You want some coffee
or something right now?

No, thank you very much.

(door screeching)

(door closes)

( suspenseful theme playing)

JEFF: Victor, it's Jeff Colby.

Look, I've got another job
for you and your people.

And no, this time
it's not oil research,

it's jewelry.

Yeah, that's right. Diamonds.

Two million dollars'
worth bought

by a guy by the
name of De Vilbis.

Peter De Vilbis.

What I want is proof

that the guy really
did buy them,

or proof that he didn't.

Well, I got your message, Blake.

What's so important
that I had to come

down here on the double?

Got a phone call from
your father a while ago.

He wanted me to talk to you.

Sit down, won't you?

I suppose you're
going to tell me

he's accusing me of
betraying Denver-Carrington

by going out on my own.


I happen to think
you are guilty of that,

but that's not
what this is about.

Look, Blake, if he wants
his power of attorney back...

He doesn't. He's
a very sick man.

Not so sick that he still

can't manage a phone call.

All right. What is this about?

He has heard from
more than one source

that you're not just partners

with Alexis in business.

Maybe in the bedroom as well.

Well, that's none of
his damn business,

and certainly none of yours.

I couldn't agree with you more.

But your father
and I are old friends,

and he did ask me...

No, he pleaded with me to see

if I could straighten
your head out.

I promised him I'd try.

Okay. Tell me about Alexis.

She's a shark.

She'll use you for as
long as you satisfy her.

In business and/or
in the bedroom.

And then she'll go for blood.

She'll try to destroy you.

And she'll get rid of you,

with no time for any questions.

Is that it?

No, there's quite a bit more.

Well, I don't wanna hear it.

Not from you, not from anybody.

Now, let me tell you
something, Blake.

My father is a
spineless, useless man

that would be no worth

if it weren't for his
father and for me.

You may not know
this about Sam Dexter,

your old and good friend,

but once, after
a drink too many,

he told me that he'd
had a thing with Alexis

when you were
still married to her.


Well, first the
father, then the son.

Gotta hand it to her,
she's a real humdinger.


You just remember this, Blake.

I'm a better man than my father.

I'm my own man.

And I choose my
own business partners.

I choose my own women.

And now you've chosen Alexis.

Well, I've not only chosen her,

I've fallen in love with her.

All right. I've done
what I promised I'd do.

Now I'd like to add
something of my own.

If you think what you're getting

with Alexis is love,

I wish you luck, my friend,

because, by God,
you're going to need it.

( dramatic theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

(indistinct chattering)

Steven shouldn't have told you

what's been happening, Alexis.

And I shouldn't be
burdening you with this.

Burdening me?

I was the one

who insisted that you share it.

After all, it's our problem.

We are a family toward you.

I just keep thinking
about those violets

and that card with
the same message.

Who could be so cruel?


People are cruel.

I should know that
more than anyone.

But I also know that you mustn't

let them get away with it.

So, what I suggest that you do

is to take those
cards and letters

and bring them to the police.

But Steven threw
away the first box,

and what good would it
do to bring the other one?

Claudia, it would
do a lot of good.

For one thing, the
police could help

track down who's
doing this to you

It could give you
some peace of mind.

I've thought about that,

but how can the
police trace a plain,

unmarked florist box

and a typewritten card?

And... besides...

Besides what?

They'd remember those
newspaper headlines:

"Crazy lady on the roof

with a doll who
thought it was a baby."

They'd treat me as if I
was still mentally disturbed.

I don't want to hear you
use that expression, Claudia.

Now, that is all in the
past, do you understand?

I don't want you to think
about it for a moment.

I try not to, but it's there.

And if someone like
Steven is having his doubts,

and I know that he is,

what are strangers
going to think?

Mrs. Carrington?
The chef would like

to see you for a minute.

Something about
tomorrow night's banquet.

Oh, sure. Thanks for that.

You're welcome.

You don't mind, do you, Alexis?

No, of course not.


( dramatic theme playing)

Yes, Kirby's out of danger.

Then we can talk, you and I.


About what you began to tell me

at the hospital the other night.

Jeff's office.

Mercuric oxide.

Your mother knew
nothing about it.

That's what you
told me, isn't it?


You tricked her into signing

those purchase papers,
that's right, isn't it?

I did.

And it was your idea?
It was your doing, hm?

My God.

I can't believe you'd do that.

How could you have done it?

Do you realize that you
could have k*lled Jeff?

I never ever
intended to k*ll him.

You have to
believe that, Father.

I only...

Only what, damn it?

I only wanted

to weaken his ability

to think straight for a while.


Because I wanted to see

that Mother got what she wanted.

The power she wanted.

So that...

So that what?

I could earn her love.

Earn her love?

Even after you told
me that you tricked her

into signing those papers

so that everyone would believe

that she was the guilty one?

You could do that
to your own mother,

and then you tell me

that you want to earn her love?

Father, I've learned since then.

Love is something that is given.

It can't be bought, negotiated.

And I have suffered since then.

I've lost my child.

But I know that
nothing, not even that,

can make up for what I did.

So after I tell Jeff
the truth myself,

I'll come back to you

and face whatever
decision you've made

about my final punishment.

My decision?

I don't know what
I'm going to do.

( dramatic theme playing)

I'm your son.

I'm a Carrington.

I'll accept whatever it is.

(door opens and closes)

( dramatic theme playing)

All right, Blake, it's
after office hours.

So, what's all the urgency?

I tried to tell you
on the telephone

that it was a personal matter.

Alexis, in the past,

I've accused you
of a lot of things.

I believe with very good reason.

But I've come here
today to apologize

for ever doubting your
love for your children.

I know now that you must
love Adam a great deal.


What does he
have to do with this?

You could have exposed him

and you could
have saved yourself,

and you didn't.

Look, Blake, whatever it is

that you're talking about,

you got what you wanted.

The merger was canceled.

Now I consider that
this conversation

is terminated. I
have things to do.

Alexis, you don't have
to go on protecting him.

Adam has told me
everything that's happened.

About the paint,
about the compound,

those forged purchase
orders implicating you.

The sacrifice that you
made, not saying anything.

That mother's need
to sacrifice herself

for her child.

And now I need your help.

For what?

I want you to help me understand

how he could have
done what he did.


The almighty giant
asking me for help.


Does the unforgiving
Blake Carrington

really give a damn?

Yes, of course, I give
a damn. He's my son.

I'm desperately trying
to understand him.

Don't you realize the
position that I'm in now?

I've got to make a decision.

I've got to decide what
to do about all of this.

Do I call in the police?

Do I see him prosecuted? What?

Help me.


I know what you're
going through.

It's exactly what I went through

when I first found
out about this.

I wanted to disown him.

I couldn't possibly believe

that he was my child, or yours.

I don't understand.
Then why didn't you

do something about him?

I did.

I flew out to Billings to
talk to this Dr. Edwards

that he's grown up with.

I just wanted to hear
that he wasn't my child.

And then I heard
about the breakdown.

What breakdown?

He had a history of
dr*gs as a teenager.

He was a very lonely boy.

He had no real
family, no real friends.

So he suffered a nervous
breakdown, a serious one.

So his mind still becomes
disoriented at times.

That's why he did
this thing with Jeff.

It was for me.

He wanted to win my approval.

He wanted my love.

Lonely boy. God.

Maybe when he was kidnapped,

if I didn't insist

on finally calling
off that search,

we wouldn't be in this...

Blake, don't. It's
all in the past.

Yes. Yes.

And perhaps...

Perhaps what Adam needs
is not more punishment, but...

But more love and help.

I ask your forgiveness again,
Alexis, and I thank you. I...


I thank you very
much for helping me.

( dramatic theme playing)

I took the liberty of giving

your bodyguard the night off.


Let's just say,

I wanna guard your body tonight.

Darling, you'll have
to excuse me tonight.

I'm very tired and
I need to be alone.


Well, I'm sorry,
ma'am. I cannot oblige.

Now, just as it
takes two to tango,

it takes two to propose.

Propose, as in marriage.


That's very sweet of you.

A passionate reaction

is more than overwhelming.

I don't know

if I can take any more of it.

Dex, don't joke,
because I'm serious.

Seems obvious.

Well, what should be obvious

is what I've told you before.

I have very strong
feelings for you, darling,

but I'm... I'm just not
ready for marriage.

I want our relationship to go on

just the way it's been going.

It may be enough for
you, Alexis, it isn't for me.

I don't want a bed
partner, I want a wife.

Look, I do not need this scene.

Not after what I've just
been through with Blake.

Oh, your ex-husband?

Whom you can't seem
to get out of your head,

or your life, or your heart?

That's not true.

You know that I hate
Blake for what he did to me.

Hate and love can be very close.

Not in this case. Oh!
Will you please go?

All right!

But I want you to
know something.

I'm not taking that
no for an answer.

Whatever you really do
feel for Carrington, Alexis,

I'm personally gonna make you

forget you ever met him.

How about that?

( dramatic theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

Yes, operator,

I do know that I
can direct-dial Paris,

but I want to speak to
the Princess Maria-Elena

person to person.

It's Alexis Colby
calling. Ring me back.

That's the same lady whose name

you threw at Fallon, correct?

Correct. Now...

Order you a two-minute
egg? Butt out? Uh-uh, Alexis.

I don't think I'll
butt out on this one.

You see, I have a hunch
this has something to do

with you trying to
screw up things between

Fallon and this guy
that she's involved with.

Your hunch is duly
noted and unwelcome.

And I'm also beginning
to think that the idea

of your being my bodyguard
has outlived its usefulness.

McVane was right.

McVane? What about McVane?

He and I had a little talk,

and he predicted
that you'd think

about dumping
me sooner or later.

Well, may I ask
what you were doing

talking to that man?

The other day, remember?

You ordered me to
escort the ex-congressman

out of your office?

I did, we talked,

and he was right, wasn't he?

(sighs): You know,

really your opinions

have absolutely
nothing to do with me.

So go and just show off
your legs on the tennis court.

(phone ringing) This
is a personal call.


Maria-Elena, darling.
It's Alexis. How are you?

Oh, no, I didn't just
call up to say hello.

I've got a lot more
than that on my mind.

The subject is playboys.


To be precise, Peter De Vilbis.

Do you remember him?

( suspenseful theme playing)

What are you doing here?

I've got some news
I want you to hear.

More news about
Peter and the princess?

You already told
me that. It's garbage.

Does my being happy
really drive you up walls?

I checked out that
garbage myself

a little while ago
with Maria-Elena,

and she told me the
truth about why your fiancé

walked out on her.

She was pregnant with his child.

Now, he didn't want children,

so he told her to
abort it. She refused.

So he dumped her.

All that from dear,
impeccable Maria-Elena

herself, huh?

My guess is that
she tried to trap him

and he refused to be trapped.

Oh, Fallon, I suggest that
you be very sure of that.

What if he wanted
you to leave Little Blake

and jet off around the
world just with you and him?

You and Jeff ought to cut
a record of that together.

Look, Peter loves me.

I'm sure he's going
to love my child.

You listen to me, Fallon.

I know what it's
like to be deprived

of one's own children.

So I suggest very strongly

that you check him out again

to make sure it's true.

Or is my oh, so
independent daughter

afraid that it just
might be true?

(door closes)

( dramatic theme playing)

All right if I barge in?

Oh, sure.

This article in The
Whisper, have you seen it?

No, I... I don't read
these kind of papers.

I don't blame you.

The gist of this slander is

that you're supposed to be
a responsible spokesperson

for a huge corporation,
namely Denver-Carrington.

"She is really only the
spoiled wife of a tycoon

"playing at being a career lady.

"When her lavish wedding
present was stolen,

"she cried on her wealthy
husband's shoulder

"to buy him back secretly,

without bringing in the police."

And then this business here,

about how when you
were married to Blake,

you were still married
to Mark Jennings.

Character-assassinating lies.

Krystle, there has got to
be somebody in this town

who wants to see
you embarrassed.

If you have any idea who it is,

I would be happy
to go after him or her

and take whatever comes.


I appreciate your
loyalty, Tracy,

but I think it's best
just to leave it alone.

Look, I know this
type of magazine.

They latch on to
something like this

and they just don't let go.

Please let me do something.

I'll call in the top sports
writers here in Denver.

The Chronicle, The Reporter,

and we'll have a
press conference.

Then they'll
understand the reason

why the police
weren't brought in

till after the horse
was returned, okay?

No. No, it's not okay.

I... I don't wanna
make any more of this

than is necessary.

My God, they're dragging

your reputation through the mud

and you say, "So what?"


I admire you.

But I'll tell you this:

If anyone ever did it
to me, I'd fight back.

But then I'm not
the person you are.


( suspenseful theme playing)

JEFF: All right,
put him through.

Hello, Victor, what
did you find out

about the diamonds?




WOMAN (on intercom):
Mr. Colby on , Mr. Carrington.

Yes, Jeff.

JEFF (on phone):
Blake, it paid off.

Meet me at La Mirage

and we'll take care
of De Vilbis together.

Good. I'm leaving right now.

( suspenseful theme playing)

Thank you.

Yeah, I'll... I'll be there.

I wanna talk. Let's
go into the office.

Jeff, what are you doing?

I'm here waiting
for your father.

And I'm also here to tell you

a little story
about your fiancé.

Oh, God, not...

Fallon, the guy is a crook.

Well, the last time we
talked, he was a hustler.

You know something, Jeff?

I'm beginning to think
you don't like Peter.

Come on, Fallon, would
you get serious once

and listen to me?

I think the person
that stole Allegree

was his half owner.

Well, that could be
Krystle or it could be Peter.

Try Peter.

And I also think
that Jack Crager,

one of his trainers,

at De Vilbis' orders
drugged Tony

and took off with the horse
while he was unconscious.

And you of course have proof

of all of this deep
thinking of yours?

No, I can't prove that.

But I can prove
there was no one,

including De Vilbis,

that bought $ million worth
of diamonds in Los Angeles

on the day he said
that he flew there.

Don't you see, Fallon?

He never put up any of
his own ransom money.

He took Blake's million dollars

and probably cabled
it out of the country

to Rio or Zurich.


Okay, I've listened to
this little story of yours.

Now you listen to me.

I am sick and tired
of you and my mother

inventing garbage against a man

I happen to be in love with.

I finally find a
little happiness

and everybody's
trying to destroy it.

So, what's the next step, Jeff?

Do you take your
little theory to Blake?

Before you do, I'm gonna
put a stop to all of this.

(door slams)

Peter? I'm afraid he's gone.

Well, when is he coming back?

No, you don't seem to
understand, Mrs. Colby.

He's left the
hotel, and the city.

What are you talking about?

I'd rather we didn't
pursue this at the moment.

I have some important
phone calls to make.

But you said he was gone,
I need to know where he is.

I'm not sure about where.

But he did leave
a message for you.

I was going to write it down

and drop it off at your office

before I checked out.

What message?

Yes, it was essentially this.

That he doesn't want
you to seek him out,

because, to be blunt,

he doesn't want
to see you again.

What kind of a joke
is this, Mr. Maurier?

What kind of game are
you playing with me?

Look, Mrs. Colby. This
romance of yours is over.

Peter found you very
beautiful and amusing.


And now he's had to leave.

Had to leave?

My father's money.

Did that have
anything to do with this?

I can't discuss that.

The horse, the kidnapping.

I can't discuss
any of it with you.

I'm sorry.

Oh, God.

BLAKE: You should know more
about the man you'll spend...

ALEXIS: He's decadent.

CLAUDIA: He made a pass
at me here in your office.

JEFF: He's a
crook. He's a hustler.

CLAUDIA: He made a
pass at me right here...

JEFF: He's a crook.

Can I get you your
car, Mr. Colby?

No, thanks.

Jerk bartender wouldn't
serve me a drink.

He wanted to call me a cab.

May I get your car, sir?

I'll get my own car.

Hey, watch it.

(engine starting)

(tires squealing)

Take it easy.

You shouldn't even be driving.

Fallon. What?

Look, I'm sorry I came
down hard on you like that.

It doesn't matter anymore.

Well, it does matter.

Fallon, I care about
you and I want to help.

Fallon, what's the matter?

I don't wanna talk to
you about it anymore.

(tires squealing)

Would you just wait a minute?

Just let go of me!


(tires squealing)

No! Ah!


My God.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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