04x20 - The Voice - Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x20 - The Voice - Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( peaceful theme playing)

Good morning,
Fallon. Good morning.

Gerard, just coffee for Mrs.
Carrington and me right now.

Yes, Mr. Carrington.

Oh, I haven't seen you in days.

You know what might be,
uh... What's the word for it?

Nice one morning?

Mm-mm. What's that? If
you actually waited for us.

And we could all have
breakfast together.

Well, now that
I'm walking again,

I have a few things to
catch up on at La Mirage.

You're a working woman now,
Krystle, you tell him how it is.

That's how it is, Blake.



So you're off to
Hong Kong today?

Yes, that's right.

To make another
deal of the century?

Gee, that's got
a nice ring to it.

What makes you call it
that? Don't you remember?

When I was a little
girl, you used to say,

"Every morning is
a new time of hope

and every business
day can produce

the deal of the century."

He had this way of combining

Main Street and Wall
Street philosophies.

Go on, get out of here.
I'll miss you, goodbye.

Bye. Bye.

She's wonderful, happy.

Yes, she is.

And so is my wife.
Well, I should be.

You've asked me to
come on this trip with you,

this tremendous adventure.

And then you're going to let me
announce the deal in Hong Kong

once it's finalized.

Well, I don't see anything
so special about that.

Isn't that what you
public-relations people

get paid to do?

Now, how would
you like one of these

corn fritters smack in
the face, Mr. Carrington?

I would much prefer
another good-morning kiss,

Mrs. Carrington.

( romantic theme playing)


CLAUDIA: "Steven,
darling, I've gone to Peru.

I've got to find out for myself,

on the spot, if Matthew is dead.

Please, understand. Claudia."

( dramatic theme playing)

KRYSTLE: This deal is
a tricky situation, Tracy.

There are conflicting
territorial claims

in the China Sea area.

And the press may try to
make a political issue out of it.

And of course, our response is

that Denver-Carrington
is not political.

But we're going in to that
part of the Far East to find oil,

a potential source of energy
this country needs badly.

Right. Krystle,

if you have any other
notes for me, please...

Oh, as a matter of fact, I
was gonna give you these.

( dramatic theme playing)


Honey, what is it?
Is something wrong?

No, I'm all right. I... I
just have a headache.

I think it's called
something technical

like, uh, "The
lady's very excited."

I'm all right.

Well, you can rest on the plane.

We've got a long
flight ahead of us.

Well, I hope it won't
be too much for you,

I... I mean, pregnant...


I'm sorry, Krystle.

But when I found
out that you had

an appointment
with an obstetrician,

I just assumed that you...

Excuse me for a minute.

(door closes)

( dramatic theme playing)

I didn't tell you
because I'm not sure yet.

Oh, I wanted the baby so
badly and I know how you felt.

Darling, you know how
much I want your child.

But even more, I want you.

And I want you alive and well.

And I don't want you
to go through anything

that might cause
you disappointment.

Or danger.

Blake, Dr. Nolton wasn't
completely against it.

He said that if I were careful
and didn't do things to excess,

that I had a chance.

That I really had
a chance this time.

So I won't go climbing
Pikes Peak, all right?

You're not angry
with me, are you?


How can a man be angry at
a wife who wants to give him

the most precious gift
in the world, a child?

Their own child.

( romantic theme playing)

ALEXIS: Of course I'm
not disagreeing with you

that Claudia shouldn't
be left on her own in Peru.

What I am disagreeing with

is who should be with
the poor, troubled girl

who's obviously at
the end of her rope.

Now, surely you must have
been thinking about that.

Maybe when I first got the note,

but no, I am not
thinking it right now.

My wife has been driven
to desperation with fear.

God knows who's tormenting her.

I hope that you're
not still harboring

the dreadful suspicion

that I'm the one who's
been tormenting her.

No, I'm not.


Well, I think you should
be aware of a few facts.

I met with Claudia
on several occasions

and I pleaded with her to take
the proper and logical steps

and go to the police to
get to the bottom of this.

But instead, she refused.

She did the totally
illogical thing

of rushing off in the
middle of the night

on a wild journey without
telling her husband.

And you are being
totally illogical too

in thinking you're the
one who can give her

the help that she needs.

Then who is going to help
her, Mother? You again?

Your tone is uncivil, but
I'll answer your question.

I think that you and I should
both drive up to the sanatorium

where she was locked, um...

Where she was a patient.

We should visit with the
doctor who treated her,

and should pay him
anything that he wants

so that he can fly to Peru

and give her the treatment
that she so obviously needs.

Let's face it, Steven,
you are not a doctor.

Does that make
sense or doesn't it?

( dramatic theme playing)

Whoa. Wait a
minute, wait a minute.

Jeff Colby, if that's
another present for me...

What present? Oh, you
mean this present here?

Well, as matter of fact,
it is. You wanna open it?

Come on.

(Fallon chuckles)

( romantic theme playing)


What is this? Your
everyday gallon size?

Well, not quite, but almost.

Jeff, this has got to stop.

The bracelets and flowers... No.

For a beautiful woman
who saved our baby's life?

As far as I'm concerned,
that's just the beginning.

How about that?

Yeah, I was gonna go to
La Mirage and see you there,

but they told me you'd come
home to see Little Blake.


Because I have a
proposal to make.

A what? A proposal.

A very important one, so I want
you to prepare yourself for it.

Jeff, we both know we've
been getting along better.

Oh, we certainly have.

Well, let's not get
carried away with things.

Fallon, there are risks in life,
but you only live once, right?

Besides, the snow
hasn't been better in years.

The snow? Just what
kind of a proposal is this?

That we fly to Aspen
tomorrow and go skiing.

My, my, how you've changed.

Tell me about it.

Well, you used to be the epitome

of a three-piece
suit kind of guy.

Compulsive worker,
kind of a stiff, actually.

Now you wanna ditch
everything and fly off

like some sort of a playboy.

Hey, you know, it's funny

how you can say that
word and still smile.


He was a real winner, wasn't he?

Yeah, he sure was.

Well, life goes on, doesn't it?

Yeah, let's dump
everything and go skiing.

And then?

We'll talk about that later.

KRYSTLE: If the doctor
tells us that I'm not pregnant,

it won't be the end of
the world, our world.

I know that.

But I won't say that I don't
hope that he'll say yes.

Yes. Hope with all my heart.

Excuse me, um, Mrs. Carrington,

there's a Dr. Nolton
calling for you.

Thank you.


( dramatic theme playing)

Hello? Yes, doctor.

I see. Thank you.

(hangs up the phone)

It's a yes.


( dramatic theme playing)

(sighs and chuckles)

( Andean theme playing)

(speaking in Spanish)

(speaking in Spanish)

Do you have a reservation?

Yes, I'm Mrs. Steven Carrington.

Oh, yes, of course, of course.
We have a lovely room for you.

Oh, good. Thank you.

Mrs. Steven Carrington.
From Denver, right?

Yes. Hi, I'm Pat Dunne.

Albuquerque born and bred,

but I went to School
of Mines in Colorado.

Same class as Matthew Blaisdel.

If I'm not wrong, you were
married to him at one time?

Yes, I was.

Do you work here in Peru?
On and off, I'm a geologist.

I was working down here
at the time of Matthew's...

The accident. I guess that's
why you've come to this place.

To find out more about it?

Yes, I did.

He was with my daughter.
Did you know her?

Not very well,
but yes. Pretty girl.

Look, if I can be
of any help to you...

I don't know.

Why don't we talk about
that later? Maybe at dinner?

Right now I've gotta go, uh,
meeting. Mucho big types.

And you look like you could
use a nap after your flight.

So dinner, ? Yes, fine.

Great. Okay, bye-bye.

BLAKE: I'm quoting Dr. Nolton
now. He's a specialist.

"The first couple of months
are gonna be the trickiest,

so you've got to
get a lot of rest."

Well, he said to take it easy
and not to go to Hong Kong.

But he didn't say anything
about going to bed.

And he certainly
didn't say anything

about having a private
nurse at all times.

All right, all right,

we'll drop the
subject of the nurse.

But as for taking it
easy, humor me, please.

After all, I'm an
expectant father.

And as such, I would like you to
accept a few tokens of my love.

( romantic theme playing)

A sable coat?

Oh. Blake, it's the most
luxurious thing I've ever seen.

Oh. Frederick.

I don't want you
driving anymore.

Frederick is your new chauffeur.

It will be a pleasure,
Mrs. Carrington.

BLAKE: All you have to do

is choose the color
that you prefer, madam,

and we will have
the proper vehicle

delivered to you in the morning.



Thank you, Frederick.


This is all so in... incredible.

Darling, you don't have to
give me gifts for everything.

Got what I want.

I got you and we have
a wonderful life together.

And I'm gonna have a baby.

What more could I
possibly want? All right.

But take these, just this once.
I mean, they are very useful.

They're things that you need.


Made up my mind about something.

I'm gonna let my
legal department

handle that Hong Kong deal.

Or better yet, I'll have the
Hong Kong people come here.

I am not going to
leave you here alone.

Alone? Darling, I couldn't
be alone in this house

if I wanted to be.

You have to go, I know how
important this deal is to you.

And take Tracy
with you in my place.

Now, Blake, you
have to indulge me.

After all, I am an
expectant mother.

Uh, Dexter.

(people talking indistinctly)

Hello, Jennings.

Saw you on the court the
other day. It was a good game.

Yeah, well, nearly
as good as yours?

Uh, nearly, right.

Dexter, I don't like the
idea of being on the outs

with a guy who handles
the racket as well as you do.

Maybe it's because there just,
uh, aren't that many around.

Well, to be frank with you,

there's a woman we
both know, Alexis Colby.

Mm. What about her?

Well, I work for her,
you work for her.

How about if I buy you a
drink and we toast the lady

and just forget this
grudge we both got going.

She doesn't like it, I don't.

And, uh, I don't
really think you do.

How about it? Drink?

All right. Good.

( dramatic theme playing)

(door opens)

Uh. Darling, I'm
sorry I'm so late.

Well, there goes
another curtain.

Oh. I just got
here a martini ago

after having one with
an employee of yours.

Tennis bum who plays bodyguard.


I wouldn't have thought

that you and Mark had
a great deal in common.

Cheers. Cheers.

I'm wondering, why is he
trying to pump me about you?

Is he? Mm-hm.

Don't worry, I
didn't say anything.

He's as subtle as a rhino.

But he is trying to sniff
something out about you.

And your business operates.

Maybe he wants
to invest in Colbyco.

Darling, I'm really
not in the mood

for talking about
Mark Jennings tonight.


All right, what are
you in the mood for?

A nice, early night.

Okay, Alexis, let's hear it.

Which of your kids
has turned a deaf ear

to your maternal
advice this time?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I can look behind those
emerald eyes of yours and see it.

Worrying. About Fallon,
or Adam, or Steven.

So which of the
triumvirate is it?

Adam? Ah, no.

I'm used to his misreading
my motives by now,

whatever I say or do.


Mm-mm. No, she and Adam
are cut from the same cloth.

Ah. Which leaves us: Steven.


You know, I always thought

it was different with
my youngest son.

We had something so special.

And I... I thought
that no other woman

could ever interfere with that.

Little boys grow up and other
women come into their lives.

The other woman
being Claudia? Mm-hm.

Alexis, face it,
he's happy with her.

Very happy.

I hope so, Dex.
I really hope so.

( dramatic theme playing)

( cheerful theme playing)

Here you go.

You know something? We never
did this when we were married.

What's that?

Oh, just got away from
it all like normal people.

Not a Carrington and a Colby.

Just two people taking a
good look at each other.

Well, I like what I see.

You're pretty cute yourself.

Tell me, Fallon, where do
you think we went wrong?

The truth? I thought
you were sweet but dull.


Okay, you tell me the truth.

I thought you were
fascinating but shallow.


And we never took the time out

to find out how we honestly
felt about each other.


Oh, I do not find you
dull at this moment.

That's interesting, because
I don't find you shallow.

( romantic theme playing)


I'm sorry, it's my head again.

Well, you fractured your skull

and the doctor said you were
going to be having headaches.

Well, I feel it's my fault,

wanting you to ski a
few extra runs with me

when I should've
realized you were tired.

Oh, no, it's not your fault.

The pain will go
away in a little while,

I just have to rest.

You don't mind, do you?
No, no, of course I don't mind.

Why don't you take a nap
and call me when you wake up

and we'll have
dinner together, okay?

( dramatic theme playing)

( Andean theme playing)

PAT: I'm sorry

if I haven't been all that
much help to you, Claudia.

Oh. It's not really your fault.

Maybe if you had been
working at the same company

when Matthew and
Lindsay disappeared...


But you will follow my advice

and go to the local
police tomorrow, hmm?

Oh, sure. I mean,
I don't really...

I don't really know
what else to do anyway.

Thank you for the
dinner, Mr. Dunne.

Hey, I thought we
settled that. It's Pat.

Well, anyway, it's still
thank you and good night.

You're welcome, but
the evening is young.

I could come in and
call down for a nightcap.

I'd rather not. Come on.

We're two Americans
in a strange place,

why don't we relax and, uh...?

I want to be alone, please.

Good night, Mr. Dunne.

Didn't you hear the lady,
mister? She said good night.

Who the hell are you?

I'm her husband,
how's that for openers?

(clears throat)

( dramatic theme playing)

You're a lucky man, Carrington.

Good night.

You're here.

Oh, I need you so much.

( dramatic theme playing)

Hey, there.

(with French accent): This is a...
A Châteauneuf-du-Pape, uh, '

which is very, very délicieux.

Won't you join me in
a glass? No, thank you.


I just couldn't sleep.

A glass of wine might help.

Help me forget about my mother?


you promised me
not to dwell on that.

And you promised to go
with me to help find her.

Yes, I know.

But right now, I
have to be here.

I'm... In a few minutes,
Blake lands in Hong Kong.

And in a few hours, he'll
be in intense negotiation.

Kirby, you should be

as interested
in all this as I am

because we both stand to share
in the success of this mission.

You know that, don't you?

I know that you can't
do anything here, now.

And I feel that...

Are you just gonna
hold that wine?

Don't you care
about what I feel?

I'm beginning to think you have
something in common with Alexis.

Neither of you give a damn
about my finding my mother

because of what she did.

What she did was to
commit an unfortunate act.

Oh, of being unfortunately
out of her mind?

Don't be so condescending.
I resent that, very much.

( dramatic theme playing)

Because you're wrong.


How many times
do I have to tell you

I wanna marry you as soon as
your divorce from Jeff is final?

How many times
do I have to tell you

I want that child
as soon as we can?

Now, as for Mother.

I loathe her for hurting
you the way she did.

Do you? Yes.

Anyway, it's Father's feelings
that count. And Blake loves you.

And have some wine and
then get some sleep. Hmm?

See, dark circles
aren't all that becoming

on a beautiful woman who's
gonna become my beautiful wife.

( exotic theme playing)

BLAKE: Yes, you're
right. I am upset.

Both Miss Kendall and I reported
some of our luggage was missing.

Now, how long does it take
you people to find those things?

(knocking on door)

Will you please track them down
and get them over to our hotel

as quickly as you can?
Thank you very much.

( dramatic theme playing)


Yes, Carrington. Rashid Ahmed.

What are you doing here?

Perhaps if you'll allow me
to enter, you will find out.

It has been said

that the two great cuisines
of the civilized world

are Chinese and Italian.

So it is appropriate
that we two gourmets...

Gourmets of power, that is.

Met first in Rome
and now in Hong Kong.

If I were to speculate, I
would say that you were here

doing business for
your government.

Except from what I understand,

you were exiled from your
country by that same government

after you pocketed the money
you got from my company.

So whatever your reasons
are for knocking on my door,

you'll have to excuse
me, I have an appointment.

Yes, to discuss a deal
with another government.

Yes, I am representing
that government.

You are what?

Blame it on my
innate brilliance.

Blame it on my
expertise in the field of oil.

Blame it on what you will.

But these people needed
someone very special

to protect their interests
and, uh, I am that man.

You can turn right
around and tell them

that their man is
unacceptable to me.

I will never deal with
anyone named Ahmed.


You will deal with Ahmed
or you won't deal at all, get it?

( peaceful theme playing)


Where are you going?

Well, I thought I'd go
back to my room and pack

since we're leaving at dawn.

I have a very good
relationship with dawns.

I can hold them back at will.

All right.

I don't want to
compromise your reputation.

I mean, I am, after all, still
technically a married man.

So you're dangerous to be with.

I love living dangerously.

Come on, keep me warm.

I think these last few days
have been fun, haven't they?

They've been more than fun.

It's given me a chance to put
a lot of things into perspective.

In fact, I'm gonna
act on one of them

as soon as we
get back to Denver.

Are you gonna let me in on it?

Oh, I'll tell you when I
ask you to drop me off.

Right now I'm cold.

How cold?

Really cold.

JASON: Oh, and, uh, by the
way, Mr. Colby's office called

and said he
wouldn't be in today.

He is off skiing. Skiing?

I haven't shushed
in years. Well...

(door opens)

Hello, Adam.

I want to talk to you. Now.

All right. Thank you,
Jason, that will be all.

Don't you ever listen?

Mother, I warned you
to stay out of my life.

I am going to marry Kirby.

And if you do anything
else to hurt her,

I promise you, you'll regret it.

Before you start
throwing threats around,

you listen to me.

Now, let's start with the
basic. You and your future.

Meaning what?

Meaning that you better
start thinking seriously

about what you're going
to be doing in years.

The sort of success
you're going to have.

The sort of woman that you
want to share that success with.

I've thought about it
and I've made my choice.

And her name is Kirby? Yes.

Kirby Anders? That's right.

A girl with no class,
no background

and a lot of
skeletons in her closet.

Adam, we've talked about you

maybe going into
politics one day.

Consider the
liability, consider...

Excuse me, Mrs. Colby.

Mr. Carrington, your father's
phoning you from Hong Kong.

You can take it on Line .

ADAM: Thank you.

(door closes)

Yes, Father.

What are you doing
at Colbyco, Adam?

ADAM (over phone): Mother and I have
something to discuss, nothing important.

Well, when you leave there,

I want you to do a little
research job for me.

And don't, I repeat, don't
let Alexis in on any of this.

BLAKE (over phone): Rashid Ahmed
is claiming that he's the representative

of the government of
these China Sea leases.

I'm checking it out on this end,

I want you to check
all your contacts there.

See how legitimate

this gentleman is
considered these days.

You're dealing with him there,

and you want me
to check it out here.

Yes, absolutely.
Goodbye, Father.

We were talking about politics

and your last word
was, I believe, "consider."

Yes. Why don't we
just leave it at that?

I said all I have to say,
to go on would be futile.

I just want you to
think very hard, Adam,

before you make the
biggest mistake of your life.

( dramatic theme playing)

(door opens)

(door closes)

"Rashid Ahmed leases."

(phone ringing)

Mark, what exactly do
you think you're doing?

Well, I was, uh, I was just
about to answer your phone.

What you were just about to do

is to spill that drink
all over my carpet.

Would you please
take it to your room?

Hello? Hello,
Cyrus, how are you?

Oh, I'm doing
wonderfully. Thank you.

But I didn't call to
talk about my health.

I'm phoning about
Blake Carrington.

I understand that he's
there in Hong Kong

making some sort of a
deal with Rashid Ahmed.

I wanted you to find
out what it was about.

Get back to me as
soon as possible,

can you do that, Cyrus?

Good. Bye.

( Andean theme playing)

As I wrote in my
original report,

Matthew Blaisdel
and his daughter,

your daughter, were driving
in a jungle area in a jeep.

The vehicle went off into
the ravine and it burned.

This is that ravine and that
is the remains of the jeep.

( dramatic theme playing)

No bodies were ever
found, Captain Cordillo?

That is correct, señor.

You said that you and your men
conducted a search of the area.

As much as was humanly possible.

I want you to initiate
another search now.

CORDILLO: You do not seem
to understand, Señora Carrington.

The jungle has a way
of claiming everything.

But how can you be sure
that anybody died in that crash?

Because there were no bodies.

I do not wish to
have to tell you this,

but under the circumstances,
that is not unusual.

The jungle is
filled with animals.

And the bodies,

they were undoubtedly
dragged away from this spot

by those animals
during the night.

(animal growling)

CORDILLO: It happens
often here at night.

I am very sorry.

Oh! Oh, God.


It's all right, it's all right.

(sobbing): Oh, God.

Go ahead and cry. Oh.

Cry it out.

( exotic theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Well, it was
generous indeed of me

to give you an extra
hours to make up your mind,

considering I have the whole
world clamoring at my door.

What... What is she doing here?

I thought this was to be a
private meeting, a private deal.

Miss Kendall is
here because I've had

other private deals
with you before

and lived to regret them.

So she's not only my
public-relations representative,

she's also, more
importantly, my witness.

( dramatic theme playing)[font color="#ff "][/font]

Shall we get down to
business? Yes, to business.

All cards on the table.

How else? All right.

To begin with, I've
had you checked out.

Here and back in the
States, I assumed that.

You assume well.

And how did I rank
in my "report card"

as your school children say?

Pass or fail? You
passed, this time.

At least in this deal,
you are legitimate.

Good, and now that we
have that established,

I prefer to talk about money.

Do you have it?

I am raising the $
million for the oil leases,

but I have to go back to Denver

to handle the thing
properly by myself.

RASHID: I trust you have some
good-faith money to provide.

I have. Cashier's
check for $ million.

For which I want a -day option

to deliver the
remainder of the money.

That is too long.
Take it or leave it.

I repeat, Carrington, that is
too long. Two weeks or nothing.

Thirty days.


Let's forget it.

( dramatic theme playing)

Thirty days?

Thirty days is acceptable.

As for the rest of the deal,
you have my hand on it.

I'd rather have it in writing,
Ahmed, if you don't mind.

( dramatic theme playing)

FALLON: Hello, Mother. Fallon.

I told the doorman not to
announce that I was here

because I was afraid

that you wouldn't
agree to see me if he did.

And what I have to say
is too important to put off.

Oh, what's important
is that I can...

Ah, I can see for
myself it's true.

You're walking.

I tried to call you when
I first heard about it,

but you'd already left.

I'm so happy for you, Fallon.

You're wary about my being
here and I don't blame you.

Last time I saw you,
I was in the hospital

and I ordered you to leave.

I wanna apologize for that.

And for some of the
things I said to you

when you tried to tell
me about Peter De Vilbis.

I was wrong. I...


Well, let's just say I realized

that even though
parents and children

don't always get along,
there's a bond there.

That's important.

So I'm sorry. I hope
you accept my apology.

And me.

Oh! Darling.

Accepted. Of course.


Come, sit down. Have
some of these strawberries.

They're out of season,

but they were specially
flown in from Patagonia.

Wherever that is.

(both laugh)

Have one.

Yes, Blake Carrington.

(knocking on door)

Come on in, Fallon.

I see. Well, tell
him his wife called.

Thank you.

I just heard the news from
Jeanette, you're pregnant.

(Krystle laughs)

It's wonderful.
Oh, I think so too.

And everything's gonna
be all right this time,

I just know it. Oh.

Oh, you all right?

Nothing, I think just too
much fresh air in Aspen.

I'm so happy for you, I just
wanted to tell you I love you.

I love you too.

I'm gonna go kiss my son

or he's liable to think
I abandoned him.

( dramatic theme playing)

You know, it
really is a privilege

to work for Blake
Carrington, Mr. Carrington.

Why, thank you very much, Tracy.

I'm sorry we had to work,
but I'll make it up to you.

In the meantime, I'll see
you in the morning, huh?

Let's just hope our missing
luggage shows up by then.

It better, I'm
running out of shirts.


Mr. Carrington, does this
evening really have to end?

Well, I mean, unless
you're too tired,

there's still a few details
I'd like to discuss with you.

The notes are in my room,
it won't take long, okay?

All right, fine. Oh,
great, I'll be right back.

You can clear this stuff
up, we're all finished now,

thank you very much.

(door closes)

Operator, what's the
time difference again

between here and
Denver, Colorado?


Would you try that Denver number
for me once more? I'll hang on.

(knocking on door)

Come in, Tracy.

Oh, keep trying, operator,

and ring me through
here on the room.

Thank you.

Well, I brought
the notes and this.

( jazzy theme playing)


That's very pretty.

Well, I saw it when
I was out shopping.

And I just couldn't resist.

I was wondering, uh,

would you like for me to
buy another one for Krystle?

Oh, we can discuss
that in the morning.

Ah. Okay.

Uh, may I see
those notes, please?

Oh, sure.



You know, it's really
quite late, Tracy.

Why don't you leave these
with me and I'll go over them

and we can discuss
them tomorrow?


I'm expecting a phone
call from my wife.


Well, good night, Tracy.

Good night.


I'm not gonna ask you if they've
been taking care of you, chap,

because from the looks of it,

you've gained a
good pound and a half

since we left.

Oh, it's good to
be home, Krystle.

It's been a long couple of days.

I'm sorry about the
news, Claudia. Very sorry.

Thanks, Krystle. I know.

But in a way, it's
a relief to know

that finally, it's
all behind me.

That whoever sent those violets
and that snapshot, it wasn't...

GERARD: Excuse me, Miss Claudia?

There's a telephone
call for you.

Would you like to
take it in the hall?

Oh, sure. Thanks, Gerard.

( dramatic theme playing)


Hello? MAN (over
phone): Claudia.


MAN: We need you, Lindsay and I.

Matthew, is that you?

MAN: We need you,
Claudia. We're family.

Matthew, where are
you? Where's Lindsay?

Where? Where is she?

STEVEN: Claudia.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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