05x14 - The Will

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x14 - The Will

Post by bunniefuu »

- Blake, where were you?
- What is it? What's wrong?

l got home from La Mirage
and you weren't here.

- Were you worried?
- Well, yes, l was.

Oh, you thought l might have been
in an accident and maybe hurt?

- Is that it?
- Yes.

l went for a drive.

Now you know how it feels.

Now you know how l felt
that day you were at the stables.

Blake, let's talk about this, please.

l'm sory, Kystle, l'd rather not.
Not right now.

l got a phone call a while ago
about my father.

He's vey ill.

He's, uh-- He's dying.

Oh, Blake, l'm so sory.

Right now, l'd like to be alone,
if you don't mind.

Are you sure it wouldn't help
to talk about it?

And tell Rogin to check
the order on those drill-bits,

see what the delay is, and tell
them we cannot tolerate the delays.

Yes, Mr. Carrington.

lfyou need me at all while l'm gone,
l'll be at my father's home.

Yes. Sumatra, City of Teluk-Betung.

- Did l pronounce it right?
- That's close enough.

Oh, and cancel me out
at the university.

Tell them l'm sory
l can't join their forum,

but to check with me ne_ year.

Excuse me.

Alexis, if you've come here
this morning to argue about Amanda,

l don't have the time.

No, l iust heard about Tom.
Are you going to see him?

How did you know?

Third hand, no details,
except that he was vey ill.

ls it true?

He's dying.


Oh, God, no.

- Where is he?
- Why?

Because l want to go and see him.

l know how you felt about him,

And you know why too.

You always took his side, though,
didn't you?

He was vey special to me.

Yes, you admired his predatoy ways.
Much like yours.

l respected him as a winner.

And for the love that he had
for our children, especially Fallon.

You think he loved our children?
He's not capable of love.

Oh, yes, Blake, he did love them.

And he cared deeply for me.

After Adam was kidnapped,

in those terrible months
that followed,

he'd call me all the time
and we'd talk for hours.

He helped keep me sane, Blake.

He made me want to live again,

and l wanna be there for him
when he dies.

Well, l know
that you two were close.

But l see no reason for you
to come with me. None whatsoever.

l don't care what you want, Blake,
l'm gonna be there.

And nothing's going to stop me.

Why are you here, Claudia?

Danny has a doctor's appointment.

He hates to go,
so l thought l'd take him.

Thanks. But right now
he's getting ready to go with Rita,

so why don't we iust let her take him.

Damn it, l'm going to take him.

l told you, he hates to go.

Look, is it worth upsetting him
just to score a point with me?

No, it's not.

Thanks, l appreciate the gesture.

Steven, don't go. We have to talk.

We have to discuss last night.

You made your feelings vey clear.
There's nothing left to say.

What do you mean? You came
charging into the room like that,

you treated me like l was a whore.

l'm sory for the way l acted.

But my attempt, however clumsy
and inept, was to ty to get you back.

- Hi.
- Hi.

l've iust been told you were
going to Washington on Tuesday.

Yes. Yeah, l am, yeah.

l have a meeting
with the State Department.

They want to use La Mirage
for a conference.

Well, good for you. l'm going to
the same place on the same day,

and l'd like some company
on the flight.

- Thanks. l accept.
- All right.

Gerard, have the bags put in the car.
l'll only be a few moments.

l left some reports in the libray
l wanted to take with me.

- Yes. l'll take care of that.
- It's not gonna be easy for you, is it?

l should be coming
with you on this trip.

Oh, the baby's still in the hospital.

One of us should be here.
l feel safer that way.

l think you'd be
better off here anmay.

You'd iust be sharing
in a lot of bad memories.

- Blake, he's your father.
- l know.

He might as well
be my mortal enemy.

That's a terrible thing to say.

Yes, l know.

l should have some pity right now,
some compassion,

but l can't.

He did some terrible things.

With no regrets.

Now, l might have lived
with that if only...

lf what?

lf only he'd treated my mother better.

She was a good woman,
incredibly good.

And he treated her like dirt.

Drinking, telling her about
his affairs with other women,

laughing at her pain.

She forgave him for that,
but l could never forgive him for it.


we both know some marriages
just aren't meant to be.

People change they grow apart.

Yes, people do change.

lt's inevitable.

But what l feel for you...

What l feel for you
will never change.

And if we have problems,
we can work them out.


As soon as you get back,
we need to have a long talk.

You better be leaving.
It's getting late.

l knew you were a lot of things, Dex,
but a hero?

What do you have there?

Oh, l found it
over there on the desk.

lt must have fallen out
of one of the folders

you were going through
this morning.

So aren't you going to tell me

about this adventure you had
with the handsome Mr. Reece?

Some other time.

- Where's Alexis?
- Gone.

Where'd she go?

She left a note saying that she
had to leave town on business.

To Nome, of all places.

She's probably buying
into that Alaskan Forest Field.

She knows how l feel about that.

And then to leave town
without even letting me know.

My mother's
a vey independent woman.

You knew that
when you married her.

Dex, l think we should be
honest with each other.

l don't think either one of us wants
to admit what's really happening.

What are you talking about?

l was iust about to suggest

that if staying here
with me alone is a problem,

you could move
into a hotel for the duration.

So that you and l
don't end up in bed together?

That's over with, Amanda.

You're vey sure about that,
aren't you?

What l'm saying is,

it was a purely visceral attraction.

lt didn't mean anything.

Then l suppose it is my problem,
isn't it?


Luke, come on in.

Hello, Steven.

l iust wanted to find out
how you were feeling today.

Heh. Not too bad.

l really ought to thank you
for making me drink all that coffee

- before l went home.
- What are friends for?

- Well, thanks. l mean it.
- Well, this is a first.

You smiled. Really smiled.

We've known each other
for a while now.

And you've always
seemed distant, cool.

l tried to figure out why.

l'm a decent enough guy.
Easy sense of humour.

And then it dawned on me.

He probably knows l'm gay,
and thinks that l'm coming on to him.

Are you?

Steven, l like you.

But l'm as capable
of a platonic friendship as you are.

l know you're married
and l respect that.



Now that we have that out of the way,
how about dinner tonight? Just friends.

l don't know if l could make that.

Well, l guess it was short notice.

Wait a minute, Luke.

Why not?
We're friends as you just said.

And l need somebody to talk to.

Right. See you then.

What the hell are you doing here?

l wanted to see you again.

You think l'm going to die, don't you?

Well, don't bet on it, sonny.

What is it then?

No, don't tell me.

You want to make amends,
tie eveything up nice and pretty.

Get all those things off your chest

you've been pushing down
all these years.

Like telling me what a nasty,
wretched old man l am.

All right, go ahead then. Tell me.

Oh, or is it the money? Hmm?

God knows you've got plenty.

You wouldn't say no to mine,
though, would you?


No, l wouldn't.

lt might make up for a lot of things.

- Meaning, your mother?
- Yes.

Meaning, my mother.

At least you're still honest.

You've always been
a paragon of that peculiarity.

Not like that brother of yours, Ben.

Oh, is that why you came here?

Did he come here with you?

l haven't seen or heard from him

ever si nce you
kicked him out of the house.

And disowned him,
which you approved of at the time.

Yes. l still do.

After what he did.

All right then.

But why did you really come here,

l told you,
because l wanted to see you again.

And because l wanted you
to meet someone.



Laura's daughter.

Your daughter.

We gotta fly to Miami and then
catch an eight-hour flight to Bolivia.

lt is still what you want to do?

Yeah, it is. But there's no big rush.

l've had second thoughts
about the trip, Jeff.


Because you're going there
to find Fallon,

and there's no place there for me.

Look, Nikki, l've loved Fallon ever
since l was old enough to love anyone.

Can't you understand that?

Now, it's a chapter in my life
that l have to close.


Before l can work,
or love, or do anything.

l probably sound like a monster,
Jeff, but l love you,

and if you're gonna find Fallon,
you're gonna have to do it without me.

l want you, Jeff, not the statue.

Don't you understand that?

Thank you.

Thank you.

You know, my father took me
to the state fair when l was a boy.

We went on the Ferris wheel

When the wheel got to the top,
it stopped.

lt was stuck.

Nothing we could do,
so we just sat there and waited.

And all of a sudden,
the weather turned nasty,

and it began to rain.

Then it began to pour.

With thunder and lightning.

lt seemed like
we were up there for an eternity.

l was scared.

And he knew it.

And he--

He took my hand in his

and he squeezed it,


He didn't say a word.

But it made me feel better,
not so scared.

lt was the only time that my father
ever held my hand.

The only time we ever touched.


Yes, Blake, Alexis.

l told you that nothing
was going to stop me.

How is he?

Miss Deveraux, you may go and see
him now, but only for a few minutes.

He's vey weak.

What right
does she have to be here?

Alexis, l thought l made it quite clear
that l didn't want you to come here.

Oh, yes, Blake,
you made it quite clear.

But l don't arrange my life to suit the
gospel according to Blake Carrington.

Now l asked you what that
cabaret singer was doing here.

None of your damn business.

Well, l'm gonna make it my business
as soon as l've talked to Tom.

What do you want?

l want you
to admit that l'm your daughter.

Except you're not.

Let me refresh your memoy.

l'm the same Millie Cox
that came to see you

when l was years old.

l told you then
that my mother had died,

and before she died,
she told me about you.

You do remember that, don't you?

l remember telling you that your
grieving had driven you to foolishness.

Oh, how l hated you for that then.

l hate you for it now.

ls that the way you wanna go,
Tom Carrington?

Being hated by your own daughter,

the way
some other people hate you?

By your own flesh and blood?

Just leave me alone.
Just leave me alone.

My mother loved you.

She never would have given herself
to you if she didn't love you.

l hardly knew the woman.

You are a liar.

You are a liar!

Laura loved you
and she bore me out of that love.

Even though she knew
l would have to spend

the rest of my life
without a true name.

But that was her way of thinking.

That is not my way of thinking.

l want my rightful name.

l want my rightful name, old man.

l want you to tell that to your son.

would you please come in here?

Now you tell him.

Damn it, you tell him.

Get her out of here. Get her out!


Carrington residence.

Oh, yes, sir, she's right here.

Mrs. Carrington, it's for you.
Mr. Carrington.


Oh, l'm fine.

And Kristina's doing beautifully.

Dr. Miller said l can take her
home tomorrow. Isn't that wonde_ul?

Yes, it is.

l'm so sory l can't be with you both,

but we'll celebrate her homecoming
when l get back, all right?

All right.

- How's your father?
- Not good.

The doctors
don't seem to hold out much hope.

Blake, l'm sory.

Has Dominique seen him yet?

Yes, with Alexis waiting in the wings.

Well, what's she doing there?

Well, she and my father
always liked each other.

Oh, l see.

What time
are you picking Kristina up?

l'll probably drive out
to the farm to see Verdad

and then she'll be ready
to be picked up.

When you're out at the farm,

are you gonna be discussing
business with Daniel Reece?

No, he's out of town.


Oh. This connection is vey bad.

Um, Kystle,
why don't l call you back later.

Say, about, um-- Hello?

Blake, l can't hear you.



l'm only gonna be gone
for a few days.

So you can have fun
with Rita, all right?

- And with Daddy too.
- Yes, darling, with Daddy too.

Give me a kiss.

l love you.

Come on.

- Hi.

Adam was delayed,
he'll be down in five minutes.

- Would you like some coffee?
- Yeah, sure. Thanks.

What's wrong, Claudia?

Oh, nothing.

lt's Steven, isn't it?

He's been looking as depressed
as you have been these past few days.

Now l know you both
still care about each other

and l know there must be a way
for you to work this problem out.

There isn't, Kystle.

Just like that? ''There isn't''?

That's not like you, Claudia.

l was unfaithful to him.

l made love to another man.

l was desperate and needy.

And he was vey sensitive
and caring, and l...


l don't know.

l know this must be painful
for you to talk about.

Yes, it is.

But l'm never gonna
Iet that happen to me again.

l don't care,
even if Steven never forgives me.

He will.

Would Blake forgive you, Kystle?

Hello, Tom.

Alexis, come on in.


Blake didn't tell me you were here.

Your son still doesn't go out
of his way to include me in anything,

not even conversation,
but here l am.

The beautiful girl that likes
to shock eveybody, just like me.

Remember that tango we did
together at your wedding to Blake?

Oh, yes.
We put Astaire and Rogers to shame.

We shocked eveyone.

We sure did.


- Let me get you some water.
- No, no.

l've had enough water
and assorted libations

to float me to the Pearly Gates.

Or wherever it is,
l'm going there soon enough.


You're looking as beautiful as ever,

Prettier than any movie picture star.

Thank you, Tom.

And Fallon, how is she?

Did my granddaughter
come with you?

No. No, she--

Oh, l can guess.

She's too busy to come,

her flying around
from one place to another.

ls she as beautiful
as l remember her?

Oh, yes, she's vey beautiful.

Have you got a picture? Recent?

Oh, l certainly do.

ln fact, this one was taken about--

About a year ago.

- There.
- Ahh.

You and your grandpa.

We had a few nice times together,
didn't we, Fallon?

A few Christmases and birthdays.

Your father told me once
that it was my fault

that we didn't see more of each other,
but that's past.

No sense in going over all that now,
is there?


Tom, what's Dominique Deveraux
doing here?


That woman that's with Blake.
He says she's his business associate.

- Oh, her.
- Yes.

Oh, well, she's iust here, visiting.
Ha, ha.

Nothing else, all right?

Well, besides, you know,
you're the one l'm most happy to see.

l've always liked your spunk, Alexis.

And l can say this too now,
l've always liked your looks.

But about my will.

l want you to know
l haven't forgotten you.

Oh, Tom.

Tom, that is not why l'm here.

All the same, you wouldn't mind having
a piece of my money, now would you?

There's plenty of it.

And would you buy something
special for my granddaughter?

- Will you promise me that?
- Yes.

Yes. Yes, l promise you that.

Beautiful girl.

Beautiful Fallon.



lt's the middle of the night.

You should get to bed if you don't
want to wake up with a stiff neck.

You're so concerned about me,
aren't you?

Well, don't be,
because l don't need your concern.

l don't need anything from you.


- Good morning.
- Hello.

Well, l accepted your plane ride.

Now l'll take you up on your ride
to the State Department.

But l want to finish my coffee first.

Sure. What's on your agenda?

Well, l'll be lobbying
to pressure the Chinese

into reopening negotiations
with Blake.

To get them to remove their na_

and honour the leases
in the South China Sea?

- Exactly.
- What do you think his chances are?

Well, given Rashid Ahmed's
confession, pretty good,

if the State Department agrees
to act quickly and discretely,

as Blake will, of course.

you don't want to hear any of this.

Your mind is obviously elsewhere.
Is it Steven?

Things haven't been
all that great lately.

Sometimes l don't understand him.

He's got you, he's got Danny.

What more can he want?

Steven's a good man,

but sometimes he's overly emotional,

iumping too fast
to the wrong conclusions.

Don't assume it's all Steven's fault.

l'm probably as much to blame,
maybe even more.

So keep out of it.

- No.
- All right, l will.

- You forgive me?
- Oh, of course.

Then prove it
by having dinner with me tonight.

We won't talk about family, about
business, we'll just have a good time.

Do we have a date?



- They're here, Jeanette.
- Oh, my.

Come on.
Quickly, eveybody, get organized.

- They're here, they're here.
- l want to make sure Mr. Carrington

- will be able to share this moment.
- A lovely idea, Hilda.

Just don't use the flash
because of the baby's eyes.

Oh, don't wory, Jeannette. l've had
a few babies of my own, you know.


Thank you.

Hello, Mrs. Carrington.

Welcome, baby Kristina.

- Thank you.
JEANETTE: Welcome, Kristina.

- l'd like you all to meet Kristina.
JEANETTE: Isn't she cute?

May we meet her too?

A little poof of hair.

Of course you can.

Little Blake and Danny,
this is Kristina.

lsn't it wonde_ul to have her home?

What a beautiful baby.

Oh, l love the baby.

Red light.

Daddy, when are you
going to take me to the zoo?

Soon. Vey soon.

l promise you.

- You promise?
- Mm-hm.

Big promise.

l wish Mommy could come with us.

So do l.

l'm gonna bring her back to you,
SOn .

l promise.

Get on your bike.

Green light.

Yellow light.



Can l come in?

Uh, l don't apologise
in hallways and drafts.

l've been thinking about it
and you're right.

l was a fool not to see
that Fallon was a part of my past.

And a bigger fool not to see
how much you've given me.

Please believe that, Nikki.

l'd like to.

But you don't.

lt's hard, Jeff.

After eveything that's happened,
it's hard.

l want you to show me
the way to a new life,

a happier life.

Let's start with that trip.

Look for that statue.

lt will be an adventure.

we can both share together, okay?

Here's my half of the map.

Oh, your room
Iooks suddenly bigger to me.

Bigger than mine. That's not fair.

Same number on the door,
it's got to be the same size.

l shouldn't have had that cognac.

How tall do l look to you right now?

You? Oh, you look feet tall.

- You wanna play some basketball?
- No, l don't, thank you.

ls this the magazine you said
l could take to my room?


Ahh. That's nice.

- Shall we?
- Oh, no, l'm a terrible dancer.

Come on, l'm sensational,
so we're even. Come on.

- Come on.
- Okay.

l had the nicest time. l really have.

Oh, l have. Much better
than l've had in a long time.


Adam, don't.

l should go.

l really should.


Thank you.

- It was a lovely evening.
- Mm-hm.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Come here.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Blake, you've always known me
to be a stubborn old goat, right?


Well, l'm tying like hell
to hang on to my life right now.

But l'm not doing it vey well.
Don't think l am.

But if you'll all hear me,
hear me out, all of you.

Come a little closer so you can hear.

- Alexis.
ALEXIS: Yes, Tom?

You've always been
a p*stol in my book.

The world might slam

all the doors in your beautiful face,

but you iust push the doors
open again and fight right on.

Well, don't ever change.

l don't think l will, Tom.

Good, good.


l haven't been the best of fathers,
but that's no secret.

Well, maybe l haven't been
the best of sons.

No, let me be the one
to make amends, if l can.

You see, there are men
who give their best to other people,

but not their families.

l'm one of them, l guess.

l ignored your mother,
but she loved me so much.

And l took her love for granted.

And l ignored you too. Why?

Maybe because l was iealous of you.

Maybe because

l knew you'd grow into
a better man than me.

But l want you to know
now that l'm sory

for any harm l've done you.

And there was something else
l'd like to say too.

Look after your sister.

She's family
and l want you to be good to her.

Millie or Dominique

or whatever you like
to call yourself these days.


No tears, please.

They don't become
that beautiful face of yours,

iust as beautiful as Laura's was.

Remember one day
on an old Ferris wheel, son?

Yes, l remember.

How it was raining,

and we were stuck?

Well, l was nearly as scared as you.

But l didn't let on, did l?


No, you didn't.

Do l look scared now?

No. No, you don't.

Well, l am.

A little.

But it pleases me
that it doesn't show.

Mr. Carrington requested
that his will, his new will

be read as soon as possible
after his death,

since he knew that all present here
would be anxious to leave Sumatra.


''l, Thomas Fitzsimmons Carrington,
being of sound mind--''

We're all familiar
with the formalities,

iust get on with the reading, please.

Here they are.

''The bequests.

Five-thousand dollars
to each of his household staff.

All of them named herewith.

The bulk
of the Thomas Carrington estate,

estimated at $ million
and consisting primarily

of oil, timber, rubber, and other
precious holdings in Sumatra,

is to be divided equally
between his son, Blake Carrington,

his daughter, Dominique Deveraux,

and his former daughter-in-law,

Alexis Carrington Colby.''

The will further declares that according
to the wishes of Mr. Carrington,

Dominique Deveraux
is appointed the will's executor,

for reasons forever to remain private.

Thank you.


Executor of the legacy that Blake and
l were going to leave to our children?

l'll fight this travesty
through evey possible court,

and l'll break it.

Just a moment, Alexis.

Now, you loathe me
and l despise you.

But it is time for us to face the fact.

We're all one big family now.
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