06x05 - The Gown

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x05 - The Gown

Post by bunniefuu »

You know, Danny,

I bet we could play hide-and-seek
in this house for a week

and still find new places to hide in.

You want to, Mommy?

Right now, I think
it's time for your bath, don't you?

I don't need a bath.

I love you, Danny, but I'll love you
even more after your bath.

Well, hi, there, big fella.

You want to play hide-and-go-seek?

Oh, I'm sorry, I can't.
Gotta go to work now.

But we'll do it later, okay? Promise.

- Morning, Sammy Jo.
- Good morning.

Uh, Gerard told me
that you were here.

I do have visitation rights.

I know. That's not what I wanted
to talk to you about.

- I'm on my way to the ranch.
- Please, it'll only take a minute.

Krystle is very pleased
that you two have made peace.

She cares a great deal, you know.

I care too, Blake. Very much.


I hope it's genuine, and not just, uh...

Not just lip service on your part.

I've never been more sincere
in my life.

In fact, I've never had Auntie Krystle
on my mind as much as right now.


RlTA: I heard Sammy Jo on the phone
with the decorator.

She said to be sure and get rid
of all those dumb horse pictures.

This must be the one
she wants to go up there.

Better, huh?

All a matter of taste.
Where is Sammy Jo anyway?

At the mansion, probably eating.


You know, Joel?
I could get used to this place.

We could just sit back, kick up our feet
and let life come to us for a change.

Life has come to us, princess.

All we have to do
is reach out and grab it.

Now, you and Sammy Jo begin
your elocution lessons in the morning.

She's gonna teach me how to talk?
I'm the actress.

She's the one
that knows her Aunt Krystle.

After that, you work on poise,
movement, attitude.

You'll begin at :
and go right through lunch.

- What about a break?
- There is no break.

From now on, you're Mrs. Carrington,
hours a day.

Even in your sleep, I want you
to dream Krystle Carrington.


May I speak to Miss Reece, please?

Is she there? Thank you.

I wanna see Mrs. Carrington in action.

Why? You're not the one
who's gonna play her.

Rita, I'm directing this production,
so please leave everyhing, eve--

Sammy Jo? Joel.

Where do I see Mrs. Carrington
and when?

There we go. There. Nice.

Good morning. Did you sleep well?

As a matter of fact, no.

And I bet neither did you.

Oh. I slept like an angel.

Well, angel,

we need to talk.

All right, talk.

is this your idea of a marriage?

Separate bedrooms, separate lives?

A crisp hello in the morning
and then a goodbye?

Well, it seems to me
to be about all you can handle.

Because if I don't do
everyhing that you want

and say all the words
that you want to hear,

you just storm out
and slam the door.

You never listen
to my side of a story, ever.

Maybe you're right.

But I do listen to you
as long as I can.

And all I hear is your obsession
about another man.

I'm your husband.

All you've got on your mind
is a dead king in a dead country.

Listen to me.

Galen was the first man
that I ever cared about.

When I was a young girl, I needed help
and he was there for me.

Now I'm gonna do my damndest
to be there for him,

because I believe he is still alive.

I am alive. And I love you.

No, I didn't sleep last night,
because I wanted to be here with you.

To have you next to me in bed,

to feel your body next to mine.

And to know that in the morning,

the first person I'd see
is the one I love.


I want that too.

Maybe we should both try
a little harder.

I will, I promise.

Good morning.

Good morning.

And unfortunately, goodbye.

Oh, goodbye.

I'm due in the field.

Have a nice day.

You know, I bet

that, uh, they serve angels
breakfast in bed.

Ha, ha. Darling,
that's what heaven's all about.

See you later.

There you go.



Come in.

Excuse me, Mrs. Dexter.
You have a visitor.

She says her name
is Sister Theresa.

Sister Theresa?


Mrs. Dexter?


What can I do for you?

This is for you.

What is it?

Read it, please.

Please sit down.

Oh, my God.

I was right.

King Galen is alive.

They're keeping him alive,
Mrs. Dexter.

He's still of great use to them.

Who gave you this?

There are some of us
who are still very loyal to our king

no matter what the cost.

There are others
in the new government

whose loyalty is for sale.

The man who gave me that note
can be bought.


Yes, well, for $ million
he can be bought.

I know that they're not letting
very many people out of the country.

How did you get out?

Do I look like a security risk to you?


Mrs. Dexter, if you can manage
to get that amount out--

Oh, yes, I can.

--into Moldavia,
into the underground there,

you can save the king's life.

Just tell me what I have to do,

- Are you happy?
- Mm-hm.

And I'm full.


- Then we'll have lunch in.
- Heh. Sure.

Well, we had dinner in
and we had breakfast in.

I think we should have lunch in.

- Good idea.
- Mm-hm.

We made love in.

CLAUDlA: Do you know where we are?
- Mm-hm.

- Do you know what that is out there?
- Mm?

- That's San Francisco.
- Yeah.

I think you should see the sights.


I'm seeing all the sights I wanna see.


- This is a private tour.
- Ha, ha.

And this is the first stop.

And second stop.

This private tour
can get us our next stop.

- Oh? How?
- It could also go on forever.

- Forever.
- If you want.

We can take out the licence
this morning.

And then, when you're ready,

all you have to do is say l--


You see? I was right.

That letter proves
that Galen is still alive.

If he is still alive.

They're holding him prisoner
in the palace.

Blake, you've got to help him.

Alexis, listen to me. Be realistic.

First of all, you don't know
if he is indeed in the palace.

And if he's alive,
you don't know what condition he's in,

whether he's capable
of being moved.

Look, the revolutionaries
are in power right now.

But if the loyalists rebel,
Galen could be k*lled.

We've got buy his freedom.

We've got to get that money
in to the right hands.

With what guarantee?

Now, once you pay that ransom,
they're free to do whatever they want.

Blake, you got us all out before.

I know you've got contacts
in Moldavia

who could get the money in
and the king out.

I am not going to risk
the life of one man

on the slim possibility
that another man may be alive.

So you're turning me down.

Yes, under the circumstances,
I'm afraid I have to.

Thank you, Blake.

As ever.

- Hello, Alexis.
- Hello, Jeff.


I hope you're not busy,

because there's something
I need to speak to you about.

No, come on in, Jeff. What is it?

Uh, you haven't made a decision

on the Carrington-Colby
pipeline deal yet, have you?

No, not until I get all the facts.

Now, Jason is threatening
to withhold all his tankers from me

unless I agree to his proposal.

I tell you,
I hate being pressured like that,

especially by a man like him.

you're not gonna like this either.

You're looking
at Jason Colby's new partner.

What are you talking about?
Partner in what?

Colby Enterprises.

That doesn't make sense.
Jason Colby's never had partners.

Well, he does now.

And he doesn't like it one bit,
I can assure you of that.

Well, how did this come to pass?

- I mean, what brought it out?
- Aunt Constance.

That's why she sent for me
in California.

A present.
Fifty percent of Colby Enterprises.

Constance gave you percent?

She gave it to you just like that
without Jason's approval?

She's a very independent lady.

I don't even think
she asked for his approval.

I had the option
of simply moving back to Denver

and voting my shares
or moving to California

and becoming Jason's partner.

Knowing you, of course,
you accepted the challenge.

I had to.
He thought he could buy me out

and I'd turn tail
and run back to Denver.

- I can't do that.
- Of course you can't.

You can't turn you back
on something like that.

Well, you've got a chance to run
a company bigger than most nations.


Jeff, I've watched you grow
from a little boy playing football

with Steven and Fallon
out on the front lawn.

Now you're a fine,
bright, young man.

I'm gonna miss you.

Thank you, Blake.

And I know there's always someone
I can turn to.

I know that will never change.

But my father was a Colby, and l--

I just feel I owe it to him
to meet Jason head-on.

I'm just sorry that--

Well, I'm gonna miss you
and Denver-Carrington very much.

I won't pretend that I like the idea
of you going to California

and taking my grandson with you.

But you'll always be a part of me
and part of Denver-Carrington.

Jason knows that.
He's gonna have to live with that fact.

California just may be the answer.

To what?

Barbara, will you get Jason Colby
for me, please, in Los Angeles?

- Thank you.

Now, I'm talking about
the Carrington-Colby pipeline.

Now, Jason is trying to strong-arm me.
I need his tankers.

But with a man like you at his side,
I'd have someone there I could trust.

Consider it done.

Jason never thought
he had an equal.

You'll come as quite a jolt to him.



About that pipeline,
you've got a deal.

Alexis, I'm sure you didn't invite me
here just to sip iced tea.

Why did you call?

Michael, when I offered you my help
to rescue your father,

you told me to stay
out of your affairs.

I still say it, Alexis.

But you also told me
that you had your own contacts

and you were working with them
in your own way, is that still true?

- It's still true.
- I need those contacts, Michael.

I've got to get into Moldavia.

Alexis, I appreciate your concern.
Really, I do.

But I do not need your help.

Now, nothing's happened
to make me change my mind.

Oh, yes, it has.

In that case,
I think I should show you this.

This was hand-delivered to me
this morning.

- Who gave you this?
- I've never seen her before.

A nun, Sister Theresa.

Ten million dollars?

Michael, the money isn't important,
but your father's life is.

We've got to get him out of Moldavia
before it's too late.

Alexis, listen to me, please.

I know the man
who wrote this letter.

- You do?
- Yes, and I don't trust him.

They need money to secure
their project, and you're the target.

Do you mean to tell me, Michael,

that you're just going to sit back
and do nothing?

Alexis, all I think about is my father
and my country.

But I will do nothing to play
into the hands of these butchers.

I'm sorry.

I'll take that.
I've started an account here.

Miss Samantha Reece.

- Thank you, Miss Reece.
- Thank you.

- You didn't have to do that.
- I wanted to.

All my life I've had to sit back
and wait for others to pick up the tab.

It feels good to know that
for once, I can treat you.

Well, thank you, Sammy Jo.

I owe you so much, Auntie Krystle.

How can I ever repay you?


Just seeing you happy
and our being friends, that's all I want.

That's all I want too.

Now, let me walk you out to your car.

That won't be necessary.
I'm just parked out back.

Then it's out back we go.

Danny's so cute.
We had a great time with his new toy.

It was so much fun.

- lsn't it amazing how big he is?
- Yeah, and so well-mannered.

Who taught him?

Do you know what else is
in Los Angeles besides the Dodgers?

- No, Daddy, what?
- Disneyland.

- Can we go every day?
- Every day?

I don't know about every day,
but we'll go, I promise.


L.B., Daddy's gotta go
to California alone first

to find us a place to live.

As soon as I get settled,
I'll send for you right away.

You know who's gonna take you riding
and read to you and tuck you in?

- Your very favourite, Krystle.
- She is? You promise?

Of course.

Daddy, if Mommy was alive,

she would go to Disneyland with us,
wouldn't she?

Of course she would.

You know she would, son.

Now, why don't you do me a favour
and, uh, gallop on downstairs

and I'll see you in a minute, okay?



So, what would my lovely lady like
with her soda water?

- Nothing, thank you.
- Are you sure?

A pretzel?


Nuts from the Orient?

No, thank you.

An olive?

No, thank you.


What was that?

- I asked you if you wanted an olive.
- No, after that.


- You're proposing to me?
- Yes, I am.

Do you always make marriage
proposals that casually, Miles?

I don't. In fact,
I've never made the offer before.

So, what do you say, Randall?

Look, I thought
you were supposed to be helping me

with no ulterior motive.

Is that what you call it when I ask you
to spend the rest of your life with me?

I've never felt this way
about a woman before. Never.

A woman you don't even know.
A woman who doesn't know herself.

You're not gonna start
with that again.

It's a fact of my life.

Damn it.

It doesn't matter to me
what your real name was,

where you come from.

None of it matters.

Don't you understand?

You are you.

I love this you.

That's all that's important.

Getting angry
isn't gonna change my mind.

I'm haunted
by enough things already.

So why don't we start with an olive?


- You've got to help me, Dex.
- Why?

Blake doesn't buy it, even Michael.
The king's own son refuses to help.

Why should l?

Because If I can't turn
to my own husband for help,

who can I turn to?

You want me to risk my life,

not to save a king,
but to save a lost love.


I am not the king's fool, Alexis.

So you'd sentence a man to death
because of jealousy, would you?

Now, I can forgive cowardice,

but I cannot forgive
letting a man die out of spite.

That is not what I said
and you know it.

All I know is that I'm going to Moldavia,
even if I have to go alone.

If you do,
that's the end of our marriage.

Then consider it ended, lover.

I'm gonna name this one
Tobias Tiger.

Why Tobias?

After Toby,
a boy I used to date in school.

- Dangerous?
- No, no, he was cute, wasn't he?

I think I'm jealous of Tobias.

Oh, you mustn't be.

Actually, he's kind of balding rapidly,
getting real fat.

- He was cute. Ha, ha.
- Ha, ha.

Oh, Adam,
I love these presents you won for me.

I'm not a bad shot, am l?

Mm-mm. You're great.
You didn't miss a single balloon.

I'll tell you how I did it.

I took aim and I decided to knock out
every obstacle in our path.

Everyhing and everybody,
including my father.

What's wrong?

- Who's that man over there?
- What man?

The one with the scarf. He's been
looking at us all through lunch.

I don't know, but I've paid the bill.

Let's gather up the menagerie
and leave.

- Are you ready, Tobias?
- Ha, ha.

Yes, I'm ready.

- [lN NORMAL VOlCE] I love a mime.
- So do l.

Thank you, sir.

We should come
to San Francisco more often.

You don't mean to tell me
you're actually having fun.

- Yes, I am. Well, a little.
- Ha, ha!

- Adam.
- What?

- There's that man again.
- Where?

He's over there.

Come on.

He's probably just a tourist.

We're all tourists here together.
It's a street fair.

Oh, he's not just an ordinary tourist.

When we walk, he walks.
When we stop, he stops.

Well, one way to escape him
is to go to sea.

- Go to sea?
- Yes, to sea.

CLAUDlA: What is that?
- Let's go, come on.

You thought I was kidding?


Amanda, l'd, uh--
I'd like to have a word with you.

Michael, I'm late.

Please, I'm--

Amanda, look, I'm sorry
about what happened last night.

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

Just because I wanted to make love
and you didn't?

Just because I wanted to talk about
what was bothering you

and you didn't?

Why would silly things like that
hurt my feelings?

Look, I know they did.

But I come from a world
you know nothing about.

And I have to spend all my time
and energy on one thing:

Saving my country and its people.

All I'm asking for
is a chance to help you

and to share
what you're going through.

And all I can do is apologise.

No, that's not all you can do.

Michael, when you decide
that I'm a part of your life

and not merely
some royal decoration,

maybe then we can have a marriage,
and there'll be no need for apologies.

Excuse me.

Oh, can we stop now, Steven?

- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

I just can't keep my mind
on the game, that's all.

Tell me what's bothering you.
I have a very sympathetic ear.

It's not worth your trouble.

You know what your problem is?

You missed out
on the Carrington initiation.

Whenever Fallon and l
would mope around,

Blake would grab us like this
and go for the ribs.

- Amanda.

I came here to make you understand,
to apologise even further.

But now I think it's you
who should apologise.

For what?

You said you wanted
to be a part of my life.

I'm in mourning, Amanda.

But instead of sharing that,

I find you making
a public spectacle of yourself.

Michael, it was my fault. I'm sorry.

Forget it, Steven.


Don't talk to her like that,
not in front of me.

Amanda is my wife.

She's also my sister,
and you're very lucky to have her.

This has nothing to do with you,

You clearly have no understanding
of even the rudiments of protocol.

Michael, this is Denver, Colorado.
Moldavia is a long way away.

When Amanda married me,
she married a lifestyle.

Now, that was her choice, Steven.

If she'd wanted to be
a Denver housewife,

she should have married
a Colorado cowboy.

Do you remember one night,
we were in bed,

we just made love,
we were just holding each other,

and I said, "Do you know
what I promise to give you one day?"

And you said, "What?"

- And I said, "The world,"
- Mm.


I remember.

Well, there it is.

Out there.

It's yours.

It's ours.

All the way to China and beyond.

- You know what?
- What?

I think you're getting away cheap.

I mean, I thought you meant a little trip

- around the world, the Pacific.
- Ha, ha.

Oh, I love this.

I love it. I love it. Oh. Mm.

And me?

- Of course, you.
- Ha, ha!

- Oh, Adam.
- Oh, don't tell me.

Yes, it is. It's that man again.

Oh, I'm really getting frightened.

I think it's time
we straightened this out.

Be careful.

Mr. Carrington.

Are you ready?

I am.

But I'm not sure about the lady.


What's going on?

Well, I thought that if we are going
to spend the rest of our life together

on a ship of beautiful dreams,
we should at least get married on one.


Oh, Adam.

Well, Mr. Carrington,
do we start the ceremony?

The world is yours.

All you have to do is say,
"Yes, I'll marry you, Adam,"

Oh, Adam.

Oh, yes, Adam.

I'll marry you.

JOEL: Look at the way she carries
her bag, the way her arm moves.

Now look at her stride.

Steady, certain.

As if she knows exactly
where she's going.


Let's try it.

Sure. It's easy.

When we're through,
we'll go over the lady's list of friends,

where she went to school,

clubs she belonged to,
distant relatives.

How's this?

Don't let your eyes wander, Rita.
You saw the tape.

Hers are always focused.


Good. Very good.


Let's go over the kidnapping.

Charity ball.

Sammy Jo rents a limousine with
darkened windows, which I will drive.

And I'll be in the back seat
with Sammy Jo.

While you park the--

You'll park the car and Sammy Jo
will go to the reception area

and ask to speak to her Aunt Krystle.

Then she'll bring her back to the car.

Where I'll be waiting
with a few drops of chloroform.

We put her into the limo
where you dressed identically,

we'll get out
and replace Mrs. Carrington at the ball.

Then Sammy Jo comes back
and leaves with me.

And you return
to the mansion later with Blake.

Joel, we've just got one more week
to work this whole thing out.

The thing that scares me the most
is being alone with him.

So I think Sammy Jo should come
back to the mansion with me.


You trust me, don't you?

If I didn't think you could handle this,
don't you think I'd tell you?

- Uh, I guess so, but--
- But you know so.

The charity ball is the perfect place
to make the switch in public, Rita.

You're going to walk in

right in front of an audience
of hundreds of people.

You're going to become
another person.

And they're going to believe it,

because you're going to
make them believe it.

Oh, but there's so much to do
between now and then.

And we'll use every second.

But in one week, you become

Mrs. Krystle Carrington.

You're asking me to duplicate
the dress your aunt is wearing

to the charity ball?

Now, I simply can't do that.

If you weren't the best dressmaker
in Denver, do you think I'd ask?

You may not recall, Miss Reece,
but a few years ago,

Mrs. Carrington
and the present Mrs. Dexter

arrived at the same function
wearing the same dress design.

But this is for a friend of mine
in New York.

She wears the same size as my aunt,
and she's always admired her beauty

and the gowns she wears,
your gowns.

Now, think of it, Mr. Beaumont.

Your gowns being worn
on the same night

on the opposite sides of the country.

What a coup.

Well, if Mrs. Carrington
gave me permission--

Permission for what?

Auntie Krystle.

Well, I suppose I have to tell you,

even though
I wanted it to be a surprise.

Surprise me with what?

Well, the truth is,

I have such trouble picking out
the right colours and the right style,

and, well, I've always admired
your taste in clothes.

So I asked Mr. Beaumont

to create a duplicate of the dress
you're wearing to the charity ball.

Miss Reece, you said it was
for one of your friends in New York.

Either you didn't listen,
or you misunderstood, Mr. Beaumont.

It's for me.

I didn't think you'd mind.

Oh, I'm very flattered, Sammy Jo,

but, frankly, I think that dress
would be wrong for you.

But I'll think about it.

Besides, I'm sure whatever you wear,
you'll look beautiful.

Thank you, Auntie Krystle.

Congratulations, Mr. Colby.

- For what?
- Your success.

I can't tell you
how proud I am of you.

I know how hard it is
to leave the people you love.

But that's what sets you apart, Jeff.

You are willing to move on.
You're not afraid to say goodbye.

Well, there's some things
that I'll never say goodbye to.

I understand pain, Jeff.

Pain can paralyse you in one spot
for the rest of your life.

I don't think Fallon
would want that, do you?

Dominique, I was in Los Angeles

and a policeman
identified Fallon's picture.

Now, apparently
she doesn't know who she is

or where she's from,
but Fallon is alive.

Jeff, you have got to stop
looking for Fallon around each corner.

You are going to miss
your chance at life.

- Your life is too important for that.
- I know what my life is worth,

and I know what it's worth
without Fallon.

Now, I don't believe
that it's a coincidence

that Constance would give me
half the Colby fortune

or that I'm moving to California.

No. Fallon's out there in California.

And I'm gonna find her.

Randall, look at this.

It's beautiful. It's so delicate.

It looks like it could break
at the slightest touch.

Looks like it's survived
a lot of touches.

- You like it?
- It's lovely.

It's yours.



MlLES: Randall? Randall, what is it?
Hey, you okay, Randall?

You take it back. I don't want it.

- Randall, what's up?
- I don't know.

What I do know
is that I'm sick of running.

I don't even know
what I'm running from, Miles.

I'll take care of you, you know that.

But I don't wanna be taken care of.

I'm just wasting your time and mine.

I've gotta find out who I am.

I know who you are.

You're a bright, wonderful woman,
and that is all that is important.

Can you imagine living like this?

Not knowing your identity,
not knowing where you're from?

I keep thinking mountains.

Something in my past
about living near mountains,

but I've gotta find out where.

You want mountains, I'll take you
to every mountain in the world.

But I'll be damned
if I'm gonna let you go alone.

None of these things are right,

Would you go into the
downstairs closet and get my jeans?

You're serious, aren't you?
You're really going to Moldavia.

Dead serious.

Yes, and dead
is how you may end up.

Ha, ha.
Don't worry, I've got nine lives.

Alexis, what if Galen's dead?

Then you have risked
everyhing for nothing.

That's a risk
I'm just gonna have to take.

I am not going to take the word
of a bunch of hoods.


Then you'll need some help.

Someone who knows
what he's doing.

There's only one man I know
who could really help.

Alexis, you and our marriage are
the most important things in my life.

Now, I will risk my life if I have to,
but I won't risk losing you.

- Oh, Dex.
- Ah.

One condition.

- I'm an expert at this.
- Oh, yes.

You do things my way?
No questions?

- No arguments?
- No.

Your way and anything you want.

Darling, where are you going?
My, you look beautiful.

Why, thank you.

Blake, I got the most wonderful
compliment from Sammy Jo today.

Well, if she's complimenting you, she's
got a lot better taste than I thought.

- What's this?
- Dress I wore to the Governor's Ball.

I'm gonna take it to Sammy Jo.

If she likes it,
I'll have it copied in her size,

and he'll send me the bill.

You mean, he'll send me the bill.

No, no, no.
That's very generous thing to do.

Well, I just want her to know
that I'm happy we're becoming friends.

- I'll be home early.
- All right, bye.

No, no, Rita, it's too self-conscious.

Joel, please, I'm tired.
I need a break.

Let's wait till Sammy Jo
gets back from the stables

and we'll do it for her, all right?

Rita, in one week,

there'll be no resting,
no taking a break.

You'll be living the part,
not just rehearsing it.

We'll have everyhing
we ever dreamed of, everyhing.

- Is that understood?
- Yes.

But give me a few minutes, please.

All right.

While you're resting,
let's go over a few things.

The mansion. You're at the mansion,
you're gonna tell Mrs. Gunnerson

to serve lunch on the patio.

"Mrs. Gunnerson, it's lovely outside.
I think I'll have--"

Don't give her a reason, just tell her.

I am.

But right now all I can think about

is how we're gonna make the switch
at the charity ball.

It's all worked out.

No, it isn't.

Sammy Jo
couldn't even get a copy of that dress.

We won't need it.

The limousine
will have smoked windows.

Nobody can see in.

While Mrs. Carrington's unconscious,
we'll make the switch in the limo.

All right?

All right.

Let's get back to your
handling the staff.

Wait a minute,
I need a list of the entire staff.

We'll go over each one again.

Keep practicing.

Mrs. Gunnerson,
please serve lunch in the--

Please, or no please?

Sammy Jo, l--



What's going on here?

- Look, l--
- Answer me.

- What are you doing?
- Calling my husband.

By the time he gets here,
you'd better have an explanation.


What have you done?


You weren't supposed to hurt her.

What did you expect?

Let her get on the phone
with her husband?

Oh, Joel, what do we do now?

Listen to me.

Now we can't wait a week.

Ready or not, from this second on,
you are Mrs. Blake Carrington.

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