03x01 - Super Watermelon Island

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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03x01 - Super Watermelon Island

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ We ♪
♪ are the crystal ♪

♪ Gems ♪

♪ We'll always save the day ♪

♪ And if you think
we can't, we'll ♪

♪ Always find a way ♪

♪ That's why the people ♪

♪ Of this world ♪

♪ Believe in ♪

♪ Garnet ♪

♪ Amethyst ♪

♪ And Pearl ♪

And Steven.









Didn't you feel that?

Feel what?

The ground shook!
This could be the start

of the emergence of the cluster.

Stage 1: Slight tremors
every quarter hour.

Stage 2:
Full-scale earthquakes.

Stage 3:

The earth is destroyed!

We're running out of time.

We need to drill right now!

No, it's Malachite!



I was on mask island.

I was in a watermelon Steven.

They have a lovely community,

but Malachite, she was there.

Lapis lazuli is losing control.

Soon, Jasper will overpower her

and Malachite will be loose.

Who knows what
sort of destruction

an unstable fusion like
Malachite could cause?

All right, gems,
Pearl, Amethyst, and I

will walk to mask island.

Steven, it's
too dangerous for you.

Stay here and watch after
the drill with Peridot.

Let's go, gems.

To the nearest warp pad.

To the nearest warp pad!


So, lazuli has Jasper
trapped in a fusion?

You're joking me.

It's true! But Lapis
must be getting tired

from fighting Jasper
for so long.

Just being on a ship
with Jasper made me tired.

Whoa. Oh!

I gotta help them!

But they told me
it was too dangerous.

Why don't you just disobey them?


Isn't that like
your guys' thing?

Huh, you're right!

Ooh, I know!
I'll fall asleep

and go into a watermelon
Steven again.

This way, I can help them

and be safe, at the same time.


You're a real anarchist.

No one can tell me what to do.

What do I do now?

Don't just leave me here!

All right, let's put
an end to this.

Give up!

I'm impressed.

You really held out.


They're here.



Don't you see?

We've been holding us
back for too long.

And for what?

If we're going to be
this thing together,

why don't we have some fun?

We don't have to fight.

You're outnumbered.

I may be outnumbered,

but you're out of your depth.

I can't wait to tear
you gems apart.


Rawr rawr rawr!
Rawr rawr rawr!

Arr rawr rawr
arr rawr rawr rawr.

Rawr rawr rawr, rawr.
Rawr rawr rawr.

Rawr rawr rawr,
rawr rawr rawr rawr!

Rawr. Rawr. Rawr. Rawr.

Rawr. Rawr. Rawr. Rawr.

Rawr. Rawr. Rawr.


You know, you're right.

There really is something more

to this fusion thing.

It's not just a cheap thrill.


You've really shown me
a whole new world

of possibilities.

Keep it together.

Allow me to thank you.


Sorry, but there's only room

for one abomination
on this measly planet.






Huh? Unh!



What is this?!

You think you can hold me down?!

Nobody can.


Not anymore.


Don't forget about me.




You two should spend
some time apart.



I'm alive.


Is that you in there?

Thank you. We couldn't have
done it without your help.

Good job, melonhead.

Thank you, all of you.

You are truly brave.




It must be the cluster.

Peridot was right.

Steven, it's up to you.

The world was destroyed.

We don't make it back in time.

Wake up.

Get Peridot and start drilling.

The earth needs you, Steven.

We'll be fine.

You can do this.

We believe in you.

You got this, dude!

You know the drill.

Be careful, Steven.

Watch each other's backs.

And, Steven,

we love you.

And, Steven, we love you.

If you're done just lying there,

maybe it's about time that
we stop the world from ending!

Where are the others?!

They're stuck on mask island!

We have to drill without them!

Ugh! Am I the only one

who understands
the meaning of teamwork?!

Okay, Steven, are you ready
to drill down into the planet,

to depths never before reached
by your species

to stop the cluster before
it forms and save your world?!

I don't know.
Don't say that.

Say we'll do it together
and it's gonna be great!

We're gonna do it together,
and it's gonna be great!


Wah! Unh!

Ready or not, we have a mission.

Increasing speed.

All right.

Bracing for impact.

It's actually two more hours
to the cluster.

Oh. Wish I'd brought
some tunes.

Uh, thanks.

It's kind of freaky
down here, huh?

Why is that?

It's just dark and cramped.

I can't even...
Stretch out.

How did you think you were gonna
get everyone in here, anyway?

I don't know.
They'd shrink or something.

We didn't have a lot of time
to plan.

So, what is the plan?

We have a drill.
We're going to drill.

Get ready. We're about
to penetrate the asthenosphere.

It's all lava.

Lava is what comes out
of volcanoes.

That's superheated Peridotite.


Yeah. It's made of the same
stuff as Peridots.

You were made on homeworld,


What was it like?

I didn't exist, then I did.

I don't have memories of it,
just feelings.

I know I can never go back
to homeworld,

but it's hard
not to have some feelings

for where you came from.

But it's fine.
I have something different now.

W-what's that?

You know...

You guys.

What's that sound?

A gem mutant!

They must have buried some
prototypes with the cluster.

They're all over us!

They're attacking the drill!
What do we do?!

Pearl didn't think
it was necessary,

but I never leave home
without a blast cannon.

Something doesn't feel right
about this.

Then use the d-pad.

No, it's just...

These things, we can't just
leave their gems out there.

They're going to form again

If I could just bubble them,
then they'd be safe.

Come on.
We've got to help them.

There is no helping them.
They're too broken.

The beings who used to be in
those shards are so shattered

they don't know who they are
or what's happening around them.

They just seek out other gems,

looking for the missing pieces
of themselves,

trying to make themselves whole.

These early experiments only
combine two or three shards.

The cluster will be
a billion times bigger...

an inseparable fusion capable
of destroying worlds,

starting with this one.

We're hitting some denser rock.
This is it!

Recovery depth achieved.

Target found.

Is that...

The cluster.

What's happening?!

It's too late!
It's taking form!

Steven, I'm sorry
I couldn't save you

or the billions
of other life-forms

who matter far, far less to me.

Do you have any last words?!

I love you, Peridot.

Wow. Thanks.

It's still struggling
to take its form!

This means we still might have
time! There's still a chance!

Just a little repositioning!

Peridot, I don't think
we should hurt the cluster.

I don't think
it knows what it's doing.

It doesn't matter
if it knows what it's doing,

it's still going to do it.

Is the increased vibration

causing damage
to your head holes?

I don't know!

We're not even piercing
the crust yet!

I need to increase power!
Are you going to be okay?

Yeah, yeah.
I think its just the noise...

I think.

Keep going.

Activating triple-tip
penetration mode!

Runaway drill!

Just got to keep balance!


Aah! Aaah!

I don't know
if it's going to hold!

I don't...
Understand what's happening!

What's wrong?!

I don't know!

Steven! Steven?!

Peridot? Peridot?!

Want to. Need to.

You... Want to?
Want to what?


Aaah! Please, stop!

It's the cluster.

I'm talking to the cluster?

But how did I get
inside your brain? Brains?

Must, have to, want to, need to.

Must, have to...

Please, don't take form!

Want to, need to... form!
Form, form, form!

Want form! Want form!

Maybe instead of forming,
you could do something else?


Boy, you've sure got the
one-trackiest mind I ever met!

Need form!

To be whole.


Oh, you're shards.

You just want to find
the rest of your gems.

But forming won't help you find
the rest of yourselves.

You'll just destroy the earth.

No, no, no, no, no.

But if you want to find
other gems,

there's so many of you
right here.

Look... shard, meet shard.

Have to.
Want to.

See, you already have so much
to talk about.


This is great!
You don't even need to form!

You can just stay here!

Want to stay.


Can't stop!

Going to form!

Can't stop!

Going to form!

Help! Help!

It's okay. If I just bubble you,
you won't have to come out.

It'll keep you safe.
Here, look... like this!

I can bubble you!
I can bubble you!

I can bubble you!

Well, that's five out of...

Oh, geez.

I'm sorry!

I can't do it alone!


Steven, wake up!

It doesn't want to form!


We got to put it in a bubble!

Bubble that?!
There's no way!

They're bubbling each other!

I've got you!
You've got this!

We've all got each other!


You did it!

We did it together,
and it was great!


Guys, you're back!

Is Lapis okay?
She'll be fine.

You look happy!
Did you destroy the cluster?

- No, I talked to it!
- What?

It doesn't want to destroy
the earth.

It just wants company,
and it's got it now.

It's like a bajillion people!

They'll have lots of time
to get to know each other...

Now that they're in a bubble.

How on earth did you bubble
that whole thing?

We had a little help.
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