03x13 - Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Steven Universe". Aired: May 21, 2013 - January 21, 2019.*
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Tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe and his friends—in the fictional town of Beach City.
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03x13 - Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service

Post by bunniefuu »

- # We # # Are the Crystal #

- # Gems # # we'll always save the day #

♪ and if you think we can't ♪

♪ we'll always find a way ♪

- # that's why the people # # of this world #

- # believe in... # # Garnet #

- # Amethyst # # and Pearl #

♪ And Steven! ♪

Two forks, it's fancy.


Some mood lighting. Some classy decor.

There! Mwah! This is so nice!

Pizza time!

Kiki! Ha ha! Hey, Steven!

Cheddar cheese crust with double pepperoni?

Oh, thanks! But doesn't Jenny usually do deliveries?

I had to take double duty today because Jenny busted the pizza car.

What?! Yeah.

Who knew blasting one of Sour Cream's mix tapes could blow out the tires?

Well, his drops are pretty dirty. Guess so.

Anyways, it means I've got to deliver all these orders by foot while Jenny takes the car to the


Oh? Looks fancy!

You having anybody cute over, Steven?

You mean, besides me?

I'm taking some "me" time. You want in?

Thanks, Steven, but I still have to run around town and deliver all these pizzas.

There's a lot of other people having "me" time tonight.

But it's all right, I love running!

Anyways, got to get back to it! Later, Steven!

See ya!

Poor Kiki.

Pizza time! Whoo!

Yeah, whoo!

Oh! Oh! Oh!


Those initials are looking pretty slick, Steven.


Cool! A pizza dream!

Hey, look! It's cheese me!

Oh, gross!

Ew, ew!

Kiki?! Are you all right? My leg!

What was that thing?!

Keep going! It won't give up! Wha?!

I'll take care of this! Steven, be careful!

Don't worry about me!

Anything is possible when you have rockets for bones!

Steven, that was so brave!

Well, it's cheddar than nothing!

Oh, hey, Dog-copter.

See ya, dream Kiki!

Oh, okay. See you, dream Steven!

Dream Steven!

Man, I can't wait to tell Kiki about my weird ...

Please, Kiki, just one more time?

I seriously can't miss this show. It's Uber Rage's first concert back in the States since they got


Jenny, I'm not sure.

I've covered for you for almost two weeks now!

Kiki, seriously, this concert is gonna change my life!

And the ticket was, like, $40!

Is that a lot for a concert? It's... more than average?

Okay, I'll cover you. Yes!

That's why you're my favorite twin!

I'm your only twin.

Mwah! I'll get you a shirt or something.

Hey, Steven! Oh, and don't tell dad!

That was really nice of you!

Yep, that's me ... the nice one.

I came here to tell you I had the craziest dream about you last night, Kiki! I was flying around,

and I pulled you out of an ocean of cheese!

And then these hands formed and came after you.

And then you saved me and flew off on a rocket dog?

"Dream Kiki" was you? "Dream Steven" was you?!

I'm ... I'm so sorry!

I didn't mean to go into your mind, I ...

No, this is great! You're not mad?

Steven, I always have that dream, and I always drown!

I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in weeks!

You're my total hero, Steven. Can you do it again?

Oh... Of course! I'd really love to help!

Thank goodness! Because...

I seriously have that dream, like, every single night.

Oh, I got to go!

Seriously, Steven, thank you so much!

See you later! "In your dreams!"


I'm a dream warrior!

Hey, Kiki! It's time to cut the cheese!



Dream warrior! Dream warrior!

Prepare yourself... for my grate-est technique yet!



Dream warrior.

Dream warrior...

Dream warrior...

Here I come.

Hey, Kiki.

Huh? Steven?


You're upside down! Did you sleep okay?

Yeah, like a baby. What's happening?

Here. Pizza? For breakfast?

It's 3:00.

Oh. More of a late-afternoon lunch.



Kiki, you got to quit your job! What?

I think you have a serious problem with pizza.

I don't have a problem with pizza.

I don't know, Kiki, I think you do!

I'm sorry. I ... I didn't mean to yell.

No, it's okay. I get it.

I've been asking too much of you.

I just wish these dreams would stop.

Maybe we've been going about this all wrong.

aybe e e bee go g about t s a o g.

What do you mean? Hmm.

We've just been looking at the toppings of the problem.

We've got to track this back to the sauce!

But after this, I can't help you anymore, okay?

I'm just too tired.

I understand. All right.

Tonight, we end these nightmares once and for all!

You ready, Steven?

Time to cut the cheese. Shing!

Sorry for using the same pun twice.

That's not a pun, but I forgive you!


We can't keep fighting off the cheese ... it just won't stop! You're right!

We got to find out where all this cheese is coming from!


Look! Huh?


It's me? Now, that is nasty.


And pepperanhas!

Ahh. That was close!

Who's that?!

They sound like they're in pain! We got to find them!


Je y?


I'm here, Jenny! Oh!

Oh, no! I'll help you, Kiki!

Wait, I think she's trying to tell me something!

Kiki... What is it, Jenny?

Thanks for delivering all those pizzas for me.

Oh, it's okay. I totally don't mind.

That's what twins are for. Whoa!

Kiki, you're lying!

What? You totally do mind!

Aaagh! It doesn't matter!

Yes, it does! Your feelings matter, just tell her "no."

Ugh, I ... I can't! Why not?

I... I don't want to let her down! I'm her favorite twin!

When I said I couldn't help you anymore after this, you understood! But this is different, she's my


That's right! And she cares about you, too!

Do you think she'd want to put you through this?


Does she even know this is happening to you?

No. You got to tell her!

Hey, Kiki, I want to ask you something.

There's gonna be a really cool cheese rave in the pizza cave tonight. I have to be there.

Will you cover for me again?


Okay, fine.

You did it!

Yeah! All the cheese is gone!

Well, most of it.

Man, dreams are weird. Yeah.

They sure are.

Hi, Jenny. Oh, hey, Steven.

Is Kiki around? I wanted to see if she's doing okay.

I just spent all night helping her fight her inner cheese demons.

I don't know what that means, but Kiki is fine.

She's taking the day off. This morning, we had a twin talk.

She said I was using up all her "me" time, and I was like, if you're just gonna spend your "me"

time running anyway, you might as well carry some pizzas for me.

But I can't say no to my favorite twin.

So where is she?

She deserves a break after working so hard for me.

Right, Steven?


♪ Look at you go ♪

♪ I just adore you ♪

♪ I wish that I knew ♪

♪ What makes ♪

♪ You think I'm so special ♪
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