20x03 - He Said, He Said/Bunny Trouble

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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20x03 - He Said, He Said/Bunny Trouble

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




You'll never catch me!

(laughing evilly)

Give up, Dr. Sumac!

I have you cornered!

Attack, my brothers!


(laughing evilly)


Where has your master gone?

It's feeding time!

That's not
what happened!

He leads the man-eating plant
to the lily pond,

where it gets stuck
in the mud.

No, no, no.

You're thinking of "Bionic Bunny
vs. Amphibia."

Don't you hate it
when two arguing fans

prevent you
from saving the world?




"He Said, He Said."

Okay, kids,
here are your sprouts.

These are no ordinary
Brussels sprouts, Mrs. Read.

They're my Sumac sprouts.

We eat these
every year

when we watch
the Bionic Bunny special...

"Sumac No More!"

Have you seen
Bionic Bunny, Carl?

I've watched
one episode.

It wasn't that realistic.

Well, I'm sure
you'll like this one.

Yeah, it's a "special,"
and it's called a special

because that's exactly
what it is:


D.W., what are you doing?

Bud and I are building
the highest tower of cows ever.

We're going to beat
the world record of 242.

Actually that was
a tower of pancakes,

but we don't know
how to cook.

Well, we're going to be in here,
so you have to move.

(theme song playing)

We can't move.

We're already halfway there.

But I told you!

We're watching
the Bionic Bunny special.

It's only on
once a year.

Bionic Bunny?

I've never seen
Bionic Bunny.

And you're not seeing it now!

Cows, not bunnies!

Guys, quiet.

It's starting.

And now,

Earth's mightiest superhero,
Bionic Bunny,

faces his toughest
villain yet in...

"Sumac No More!"

Will he triumph against
the fierce fiend of foliage?

Stay tuned for an hour of...

Do you think this means
that this time Sumac wins?


Press "8" if you'd like
to hear this message in Greek.

Press "9" to take
a 40-minute survey.

If you'd like to speak
to a representative, press "0".


Welcome to Elwood City Cable.

Your call is very important
to us.

The next representative
will be with you shortly.



Mom said it'll probably be
just a few minutes.


What are you doing?

Opening another box
of plastic cows.

I can see that, but why?

If the tower is going
to get any higher,

it will need more support
at the base.

Put them here,
and over there.

Thanks, Carl.

But the special will be on
in just a few minutes.

I heard that sometimes

if you turn the light switch
on and off,

the cable comes back on.

Okay, that didn't work.

Maybe we should try
yelling at the TV.

It's Bionic Bunny!

I'll give you
anything you want.

Carl, come over here.

I'll tell you what happens
in the episode while we wait.

It all starts with this
little girl on a farm.

Why, little Jo!

Your carrots
are magnificent.

Pa said we planted
enough vegetables

to feed the farm
for a whole year!


I don't remember
planting that.

It must be a weed.


Help me, Bionic Bunny!

This can only be the work of...

Dr. Sumac!

Don't worry,
Little Jo.

I'll cut it off
by its roots.

That's not
how it happened.

The special starts
on a farm,

but Little Jo is working
for Dr. Sumac, remember?

You're thinking of the episode
with Professor Kudzu.

He's the one with the little kid
working for him.

No, I'm not!

Little Jo puts the plant
in the garden

and then reports to Dr. Sumac
in the corn maze.

Corn maze?

There's no corn maze.

George, is there a corn maze
in the special?


You should put a new base
on top of that.

Then you can build it higher,
like a ziggurat.

A zigga-wha?

It's a step-pyramid.

They were built
by the Sumerians,


and Assyrians.

Now we have to stabilize it
by weighing it down.

Oh, no!

We're out of cows.

We can use those
Barnyard Blocks.

Bud, hand me the box.


What happens
with the plant lady?


And the girl who may or may not
have had her hand eaten?

I'll tell you.

I know this episode by heart.

After Dr. Sumac meets the girl,
she makes a special potion.

(laughing evilly)

With this, I can control
all the plants in the world!

Just where do you think
you're going with that?

Wouldn't you like to know!

Help me, my sisters!

¡Adios, conejito bionico!

(laughing evilly)

That's not what happened at all.

Okay, fine, now I remember
the corn maze.

But Bionic Bunny gets trapped
by poisonous vines, not corn.

The poisonous vines were
in the Jungle Boy episode.

Everyone knows that.

Are you saying I don't know
my Bionic Bunny?

Well, if the shoe fits...



Our tower isn't going
to build itself, you know.

I have to know
what happens.

Who cares about
a silly cow tower?


You're a quitter,
Bud Compson.

You're a bossy boots,
Donna Winifred.

It's Dora.


It's too noisy.

Stop yelling.

Carl, are you okay?

Do you need
more blocks?

I can't concentrate.

They're hurting my ears.

(whistling loudly)


If you want to know
what happened in that episode,

I'll tell you.


Let's just get this
over with.

Um, okay,
so back in the corn maze,

Bionic Bunny
finally breaks free.

Now, where did she go?

(laughing evilly)



(loud thud)

Oh, hello, friend.

Cup of tea?

Where... where am I?

Ferret's house.

Mine's bigger,
but his is cozier.



And then ferret launched
into a gripping yarn

about how the hedgehogs,
who had no manners at all,

had taken over
the Crumble Patch,

and then, um...

George, this story has nothing
to do with Bionic Bunny.

So what?

I like it.

It has animals
in vests.

That's because it's all from
The Breeze in the Brambles.

My mom used to read it to me
when I was a kid.

You haven't seen
"Sumac No More," have you?


But I feel like I have.

But what happens
in the show?

There's this plant lady
and a corn maze

and a little girl
who might be bad or good.

It's so confusing!

Bud, be careful!



Help me hold the platform.

D.W., take this corner.

Now what?

Your call is important to us.

You are now only
eight minutes away

from talking
to a representative.

If you want, I'll tell you
what happens in the episode.

But it isn't
very interesting.

In the beginning, the plant
att*cks the little girl

and turns her
into a plant creature.

And then Bionic Bunny wrestles
with the Venus flytrap,

and then there's a commercial
for alphabet-shaped spaghetti

and Silky Locks shampoo

and used cars
at Crosswire Motors,

and then the show
comes back on.

So then Bionic Bunny
takes off his cape

and tosses it into space,

and it covers up
the sun.

And then Dr. Sumac
shrivels up

because she can't survive
without sunlight,

and that's the end.


That is definitely
a world record.

Give up, Dr. Sumac!

I have you cornered!

It's on!


Pass me the sumac sprouts.


I'll get you someday,
Bionic Bu...


Come back to me, cape!


(theme music playing)

It wasn't as good
as I remembered it.

No, but it was exactly
as you said, Carl.


Carl's good at that.

I told you.

I watched one episode.

It was that one.

I liked your versions

I never knew what was going
to happen next.


I think it needs
one more thing.


Now it's perfect.

And now, a word from us kids!

Carl had a different way
of building than Bud and D.W.,

and they made a good team.

Today, we're working together
just like them.

(bell rings)

Ms. Moreland put us
in four groups.

we talked about

how our brains work
in different ways,

and that's okay.

We made character sketches.

You figure it out:

what about yourself
will help you be

a better problem solver?

I need a little thinking time
before I start.

I'm an artist and I'm helpful.

And then your mission is
to build.

Today, we're learning
about teamwork and positivity.

Yeah! Cool!

Nice thinking, Jonas.
Thank you.



We're taking turns
to be builder.

Now I'm the builder.

Now it's my turn.

Now give that to me.


When I ever get frustrated,

I like to step away
to try to calm myself down.

Take off the big one.

That's what's the problem.


Other way.

Other way, yeah,
other way.


I need time to think.

Sometimes, I get confused.

I'm good at helping people.

We're using teamwork so fast

that you barely even notice
that we're using it.

Then we can put the cereal box.

My advice to other kids is
be kind, be respectful,

and it's really fun to build.


And now, back to Arthur.

(sighs happily)

There are some things
you do by yourself,

like brushing your teeth
or tying your shoes.

Or eating
all the pancakes.

Did you just eat
all the pancakes?

Not all of them.


But there are some things
you need a friend for,

like playing ball
or doing homework.

What's eight times nine?


Two hundred and...



That's not right.

You didn't say you wanted
the right answer.

But if there's one thing
I've learned,

if you're looking
for a lost bunny,

you're going to need
some very special help.

And I'll tell you stories,

and braid your fur,

and let you sleep
on my pillow...

How come D.W. gets
to take Larry home?

Because it's vacation week
and she volunteered.

But we volunteered too.

Well, I just thought that
the Reads' house

might be a little more

(bell ringing)

(sighs with relief)

Okay, everyone, time to go.

Let's get those coats on.

I can't believe
she's trusting D.W.

with an innocent
little bunny.

She's going to mess up.

I know it.

Over here!

On my desk.

Caring for a pet is a big
responsibility, you know.

Not for me.

Larry and I are best buddies.

You know, liking Larry

isn't the same as
taking care of him.

You have to feed him
and clean his cage

and keep his water fresh...

You are not the bunny sitter.

I am.

It says here,

"Do NOT remove Larry
from his cage

unless he is
safely secured."

Mom, trust me.

I will be the best bunny sitter
in the whole wide universe.

Do we have any carrots?

Arthur, bunnies
don't eat carrots.

They eat pellets.

Hey, Larry.

Hey, little bunny guy.

You can go now.

Larry and I

want to be alone.

You are the cutest
little bunny!

Cutie, cute,
cute, cute.

It's so amazing!

Larry does everything
I tell him.

If I say "hop," he hops.

If I say "eat," he eats.

Bunnies always eat.

You may know about dogs, Arthur,

but you don't know beans
about bunnies.

Do you remember
Hopalong Bunny, D.W.?

That was your favorite book
once upon a time.

Oh, yeah, I do.

"He lived by the forest
and hid from the fox

"in a burrow
so snuggly and spare.

"All the day long,
he ate greeny grass

"and sniffed
the fruity fresh air.

Then home straight to bed
beneath the tool shed."

Good night,
little hopalong hare."


I love that book.

Poor Larry.

He has to live in a cage.

He doesn't get to eat
greeny grass

or sniff the fruity air.

But he has you
for a friend, right?

It doesn't get
any better than that.


We'll just go outside
for one minute

so you can eat
some greeny grass.


Can you smell it, Larry?

The fresh, fruity air?


If I were a bunny,
I'd want a cage and a yard:

a cage for when it's night

and a yard
for all the rest of the time.

And sometimes I would want
to go to the beach,

for vacation.




Help, help, help!

Are you okay?

What's going on?

Larry got lost.

I was taking him for a walk
and he ran away.

You put Larry on a dog leash?!


He needed greeny fresh air.



Not here.

Where is he?

We've looked everywhere!

Remember that part
of the instructions

where it said, "Do not remove
Larry from his cage

unless he is safely secured"?

Don't yell at me.

You lost Pal.

I know, and after that,
I was really, really careful.

While you're busy being mean,
there's a baby bunny out there,

lost and alone
in the cold, cold world!



Come on.

I have an idea.

(doorbell rings)

We need help finding a bunny.

Wait here a minute.

Ladonna's really good
with pets.

I mean, she tamed a rat.

A rat isn't a pet.

You've come to the right place.

I am very good
with bunny situations.

You might even call her

a bunny whisperer.

A what-er?

Someone who understands

who can tell
what they're thinking.


Like me.

C'mon, let's get this show
on the road.


See that broken twig?

A bunny did that.

How can you tell?

Because it's partly chewed.

And also, tracks.

Fresh tracks
made in the last hour.

So Larry slipped the leash
right about here.

He went that way
and nibbled on the bush,

then I'm guessing
he hopped on over

to the petunias

and had himself a feast.

But where is he now?

Well, if we follow
the tracks,

it looks like he came on
through here,

then left the yard.

Hm. No more tracks.

He could be anywhere by now.


My poor, poor,
lost little bunny.

Calm down, okay?

I have an idea.

Don't worry,
we'll find him.

Right now is a great time
for a bunny to be outside.


Because in the daytime,

bunnies have to hide
from foxes.

Foxes are the worst!

They can eat a bunny
in one big....

And when it gets dark,

they have to worry
about owls and such.

So right now, early evening,

is the safest time
for a bunny to eat.

Is he eating greeny grass?

Yep, greeny grass
and lots of other stuff.

I got a carrot.

Do you think
if I waved it around,

he could smell it?

Can't hurt.

But right now, I'm going to try
my special bunny call.

Bud, D.W., you need to make
like bananas and split.

Come on to the picnic table
and I'll tell you a story.

It better not be
one of your boring ones.

This might look weird,

but it worked once,
so I'm going to try it again.

If Larry shows up,
don't try and catch him.

Just tap me on the shoulder.



Can you hear me?


Larry, can you hear me?

I know you're out there.



Time for your bath, kiddos.

But we have to lasso
the mud cows.

Two minutes.

There's one!

Come here, Muddy.

It's Larry!

D.W. must have lost him.

She lost him,
but we found him.

We're heroes.



Come back here!

That's an order!

(Ladonna humming)







It worked.

You still got
that carrot?

Get him as close to me
as you can.



Did you know that turkeys will
follow you home if you let 'em?

One time, I was...

We got him!

We got Larry!


How long has she
been asleep?

Basically since
I started talking.

Let's get her inside.

Larry, where are you going?

I have the leash...

Let's sniff the greeny grass.

Let's sniff the fruity air.


What are you doing here?!

Bunny loser, bunny loser!

No, come back!


I can't run that fast.

Wait up.



Oh no, I lost him!


It was just
a bad dream.

Oh, you're awake.

It's for you.


You lost Larry.


No, I didn't.

He's right here
in his cage.

Say something, Larry.


Huh, I guess he's tired.

Oh, well.



What are you doing?

Giving Larry a carrot.

How many times
do I have to tell you?

He doesn't like carrots.


I guess I was wrong.


Maybe you do know something
about bunnies after all.

Yeah, you could say that.

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books too

at your local library.
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