02x18 - (S) The Aftermath of Hero k*ller: Stain

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x18 - (S) The Aftermath of Hero k*ller: Stain

Post by bunniefuu »

From the news chopper to the studio--

I'm reporting live from the skies of Hosu City!

I'm reporting on a

different story, but look at this!

There is fire and smoke rising

from different locations on the streets.

Are these from accidents,

or from rioting villains?

We are not getting any

information about any of this.

I will report as soon as I know the situation!

Okay, cut!

Keep sh**ting.

I wonder what that is...?


Over there.

By the water t*nk on

top of the highest building.

Can you get it?

There are people! Two of them!

Curious onlookers?

In a place like that?

Let's go back.

Were you satisfied with

the results, Tomura Shigaraki?

Idiot. That depends on tomorrow.

Breaking through deception

See the blue sky

Eternity has flown away

If I sing to the sky

I have no chance to deny regrets

Inevitable Inevitable

The future is determined

So rebel against it


I've paddled through the river of tears

For a long time


I have to go

No matter what I will lose

Never forget my chagrin and humiliation

I'll decorate my heart with them

Breaking through deception

See the blue sky

Eternity has flown away

If I sing to the sky

I have no chance to deny regrets

Inevitable Inevitable

The future is too bright to be abandoned

So rebel against it

"The Aftermath of Hero k*ller: Stain"

"Hosu General Hospital"

Were you able to sleep, Midoriya?

No, not really.

I didn't think so.

Me neither.

Thinking about it now,

we did something amazing, huh?


Seeing an ending like that really makes

you feel like it's a miracle we're alive.

With my leg like this, he probably

could've k*lled us if he'd wanted to.

Yeah. We were obviously left alive on purpose.

You're amazing to have been able to face him

after all the murderous intent directed at you.

No, that's not it.


Oh, are you wounded kids awake?

Gran Torino!


Kid, I've got a lot of complaints for you.

--Oh! S-Sorr--

--But before that, you've got a visitor.

Hosu's chief of police, Kenji Tsuragamae.

Tsuragamae! Ch-Chief?!

Oh, you can just stay seated, woof.


You must be the U.A. students

who brought down the hero k*ller, right?


The chief of police came all this way... Why?

Regarding the hero k*ller we arrested...

He had fairly serious injuries,

with burns and broken bones,

and is receiving treatment

under strict guard, woof.

Since you are U.A. students,

I'm sure you already know

that when superpowers

were still becoming the norm,

the police attached high importance

to leadership and standards

and made sure Quirks were not used as weapons.

And then, the profession of

"hero" emerged to fill that gap, woof.

For an individual's use of force

and power that can easily k*ll others--

actions that normally would be appropriate

to denounce--to be accepted officially

is thanks to early heroes who followed

the ethics and rules of the profession, woof.

Even up against the hero k*ller, for uncertified

individuals to cause injury with their Quirks

without specific instruction from their guardians

or supervisors is a clear violation of the rules.

The three of you, and the pro heroes

Endeavor, Manual, and Gran Torino

must receive strict punishment.

Wait a minute.

If Iida hadn't done anything,

Native would've been k*lled.

--If Midoriya hadn't come,

the two of them would've been k*lled.


No one realized that

the hero k*ller had appeared.

Are you saying we should've followed

the rules and watched people get k*lled?


Are you saying that as long as it turns

out all right, it's okay to bend the rules?

Isn't it a hero's job to save people?

That is why you are not a full-fledged hero yet.

Goodness, what are you being

taught by U.A. and Endeavor, woof?

You dog!

Stop it. He is absolutely right.

Hang on a minute. Hear him out until the end.

That was the official opinion of the police.

And the punishment and such would only

happen if this were all made public, woof.

If this were made public, you would

probably be applauded by the public,

but you would not be able to escape punishment.

On the other hand, this is a bit

underhanded, but if it is not made public,

the hero k*ller's burn scars would support

Endeavor being the hero who saved the day,

and it would end there, woof.

Thankfully, there were very few witnesses.

This violation could be crushed here, woof.

But this would also mean no one would know

about your good judgment or achievements.

Which do you prefer?

Personally, I don't want to be the one

to find fault with promising young ones

because of one big mistake, woof.

Either way, we will need to take responsibility

for being negligent in our supervisory duties.

I am truly sorry.

All right. You'll cause trouble for others!

If you understand, then don't do it again!

I won't!

I-I'm sorry.

Please take care of it.

Because of the unfairness of adults,

you will not be able to receive the

praise you would probably have gotten,

but at least, as someone who also

protects the peace, I can say thank you.

Please start with that next time.


The fight in the alley that

started in an unexpected way

ended like this without anyone knowing about it.

But its influence would continue to

eat away at us without anyone the wiser...

They said they arrested the hero k*ller!

Wow! Amazing!

Seriously? Who beat him?

Endeavor! As expected of the number two hero!

I feel better, but it's kind of unfortunate.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

The three villains arrested

and restrained during Hosu City's riots

are all men with unknown

addresses and identities.

Based on their distinctive appearance

and the presence of two people

NHA TV filmed by chance,

there are those saying they are

connected to the League of Villains

that att*cked U.A. High School last month.

The hero k*ller, Stain,

has k*lled more people on his own

since the appearance of All Might

than any other individual criminal.

With his arrest, everyone around

Japan can rest a little easier.

The seriously wounded hero k*ller, Stain,

is currently receiving treatment

at a hospital under police guard.

The police are awaiting

the recovery of the victims

to investigate further into

the motive behind the crime.

This villain will certainly leave his mark in

the history of crime in Japan--no, the world--

Hero k*ller: Stain!

Why did he keep committing crimes?

What is he after?

I'm reporting live from

Ekou Street in Hosu City.

Last night, just after pm, Hero k*ller: Stain

was arrested by Endeavor on this street.

It's all anyone's talking about.

Are the Nomus just secondary?

Once the night is over,

the world will have forgotten about you.

Not only have they not forgotten,

but we ended up being the side story.



Regarding the incident last night

in Hosu City in west Tokyo

with the arrest of Hero k*ller: Stain

and the villains that resembled

the Nomu who att*cked U.A....

You are probably all

worried about that right now.

Yes, it is something

I am also very worried about.

People tend to only pay attention to big events.

However, it is especially at times

like this that heroes must remain calm.

Chaos can sometimes tempt people

and draw out the cruelty that

lies sleeping inside them at their core.

Which means, it will be business

as usual for us today, as well.

Let us brace our minds

and bodies with our tight jeans.

Sure, Best Jeanist!

I... I want to go home right now...

"Fourth Kind Agency"

Oh, I got a reply from Midoriya!

It was at Hosu City, so that location

information was an SOS after all, huh?

I'm glad I reported it.


Fourth Kind's gonna hit you!

Let's get going!

Wait a sec! I'm gonna reply.

Didn't I tell you that

you must always be punctual?!

S-Sorry, sir!

"Chivalrous Hero" "Justice"

All right, we're going on patrol!

"Chivalrous Hero" "Justice"

Yes, sir!

No matter how damaged your hair,

the new ingredient,

U will penetrate deep into each hair.



Curl, all you want.

Easy curls with just a spritz!

Hair spray, UNERI.

Letting women ride the waves of the times.

They sure work fast.

This is a demo, so it'll

air on TV in about a month.

With lots of CG!

We're gonna be on TV, huh?

Heroes... We are heroes...

Now, shall we go on patrol?

Yes, ma'am!

"Mind, Skill, Body"

I see, well, I'm just glad

you and Iida are both okay.

When I got just the address,

I got really nervous.

Sorry, Uraraka. There was a lot

going on, so I couldn't contact you.

I know you went through a lot.

Get some rest! And tell me more about it later.


Uravity, we're starting basic training.

Oh, right, sir!

Well, I'll see you at school.

Sorry to bother you while you're busy! Bye!

Your boyfriend?

N-No! That's not it!


"Telephone Corner"

"Telephone Corner"

Talking on the phone with a girl is... amazing!

Man, her voice was so close!

Oh, Iida, just now, Uraraka said...


Iida just finished getting examined.

My left hand might have long-term damage...

Long-term... damage...?!

Long-term... damage...

Both of my arms were pretty beat up,

but it looks like the damage

to my left arm was especially severe.

There was damage to my brachial plexus.

But it just means that I'll have

trouble moving my hand and fingers

and experience some numbness.

Apparently, there's a possibility that it

can be healed with nerve transplant surgery.

When I found the hero k*ller,

I stopped being able to think.

The first thing I should've

done was tell Manual.

But I forgot myself in my anger.

Being taken in by the hatred before you

and trying to fulfill your own desires...

That is the furthest from what a hero should be.

I hate him, but he spoke the truth.

That's why,

until I become a true hero,

I think I want to leave my left hand as it is.


Back then, if I had been more emphatic...

No, stop.

Iida's already accepted it.

It would be rude of me to apologize.

Iida, I feel the same way.

I will let this hand guide me.

Let's become stronger... together.

I feel... kind of bad...

About what?

I feel like if I get involved...

other people mess up their hands...

Is it a curse?

"Hosu General Hospital"

Todoroki, I didn't know you could make jokes!

No, I'm not joking.

I'm like "The Hand Crusher" or something.

"The Hand Crusher"!

"Staff Room"

A phone call... is here!

A phone call... is here!

A phone--

Yes, hello?

That ringtone is annoying as usual.


Izuku Midoriya! Goodness!

"Telephone Corner"

"Telephone Corner"

Thanks to him, I'm getting a pay cut,

and my teaching license

is being revoked for six months.

Well, considering the extenuating

circumstances, it couldn't be helped.

The part where he just starts moving

without thinking is just like you, Toshinori!

I humbly apologize!

It is because of my insufficient teaching...

To cause you such trouble...

Oh dear...

I don't care about my teaching

license anymore anyway.

I only got it to teach you so I could keep

my promise to your predecessor, Shimura.

And I truly appreciate what you did.

I am who I am today because of your teaching.

You say that, but you never come to visit.

I-It's just that...

my new life as a teacher is so busy...

I called today to talk about the hero k*ller.

I only saw him in person for a few minutes,

but even so, he had me shaking.



To be able to frighten

someone like you, Gran Torino...

But he had already been

tied up, so what was it...?

The pressure I felt from him

was probably his strong ideology...

...or the intimidation from his obsession.

I'm not saying this to praise him,

but it's the same quality as that

"Symbol of Peace" thing you have.

The same quality...

To put it simply, it's charisma.

"Hero k*ller: Stain's Ideology"

"Hero k*ller: Stain's Ideology"

As the investigation continues, his ideology

and opinion will be all over the media--

online news, TV, magazines...

The current age, for better

or worse, is one of suppression.

People influenced by

his ideas will definitely appear.

It's true that there will be

those influenced by him,

but they will probably appear sporadically.

When they appear one by one, heroes

will take care of them like they did this time.

That's where the League of Villains comes in.

The Hosu incident suggests that Stain

and the League are connected somehow.

With this,

the League will go from being thought of as a

bunch of juvenile delinquents that att*cked U.A.

to being recognized as

the group with that ideology.

In other words, there's a

receptacle ready to receive them.

Even if the malice of each individual is small,

if all that evil gathers under one will,

it will swell up to hundreds of times that.

If the enemy general knew

this would happen from the beginning...

...then he's pretty good.

He's steadily getting rid of obstacles, trying

to create conditions to further his own purpose.

When I heard from Tsukauchi

that Nomu had multiple Quirks,

I had a bad feeling...

The man who k*lled my

sworn friend and your master,

the previous One For All holder, Shimura,

and opened that hole in your stomach...

All For One must be starting to move again.

For him to have survived after that injury

is a reality I don't want to believe.

Toshinori, that child admires you so bravely...

You should find time to tell him properly

about everything concerning

you and One For All.

Two days after the Hosu incident,

the hero k*ller's identity started

being exposed from various angles.

Recently, there've been

less people willing to break the law.

My buddies are all complaining

about not being able to sell anything.

It's a pain.

'Cause it's a serious crime to develop or sell

support items and costumes without a license...

On top of that, there have been rumors

recently that legit support companies

have been selling on the black market

to people without hero licenses.

I miss the days back before All Might...

I was still young back then, too.

The villains were wild and impulsive,

and that turned into enthusiasm

the whole country was teeming with.

It was a good time.

But when All Might appeared, everything changed.

It's all thanks to that Symbol of Justice.

Maybe it's time for me to retire.

About that.

Listen to this.

Just between you and me,

I know of a way to make some cash.

I'm only telling you because

I know you guys have quality goods.

Have you seen this video?

Huh? Who's this?

It's a video of the "hero k*ller."

He's hot right now.

Hero k*ller: Stain. Real name: Chizome Akaguro.

All Might's debut left a deep impression on him,

and he set his sights on becoming a hero.

He enrolled in a private hero high school

but was disappointed in the fundamentally depraved

view of heroes taught by the educational system.

He dropped out in the summer of his first year.

Until the end of his teenage years,

he called for a return to the old idea of heroes

making speeches on the street until he

realized resignedly that words had no power.

For the next ten years,

in order to fulfill his "duty,"

he studied and trained

in k*lling techniques on his own.

During this time, his parents passed away,

and that affair was considered non-criminal.

He emphasized a return

to the old idea of heroes.

Heroes should not seek compensation.

The title of "hero" must only be granted

to those who epitomize self-sacrifice.

The present-day heroes

are fakes who are all talk.

He wanted society to realize this

through his purges one after another.

Someone must be dyed in blood...

I must take back what it means to be a hero!

Come! Try and get me, you fakes!

The only one I'll let

k*ll me is the true hero...

...All Might!

This keeps getting uploaded and taken

down online, like a game of cat and mouse.

Both sides have realized...

Especially the last part...

This guy's way of life is infectious.

From scoundrels with countless

previous convictions to felons on the run,

all the major players...

Including me, of course...

Not that many people have noticed yet,

but the evil that was scattered, hiding deep

and quiet in places where no one could see them,

has now been hit by a single fever...

To go to the organization

Hero k*ller: Stain is part of...

They have started heading

to the League of Villains.

I can't imagine you ever giving up

But I'm sure you've had days

that were empty and miserable

If you think you'll have

many once-in-a-lifetime endeavors

Then I want to see those moments

Even if there's only one lifetime,

there are many chances to be together

You're the strongest, giving me,

with absolutely nothing, meaning in life

"Hooray! Hooray!" What's this ability

you have to make me say this over and over?

Keep standing your ground

and giving me courage

"Hooray! Hooray!" Even all the

insignificant things are calling out

When I look at your eyes, I can run, too

I want to try carving out the best finale

'Cause you're my hero.

Here's the preview!

I wonder how everyone's internships

went while I was in the hospital...

You curious, Midoriya?

Asu... I mean, Tsu!

Then we'll respond to your request

by showing Class A at their internships.

I'm looking forward to that.

But then, your part in

the episode will be smaller.

Ribbit, ribbit.

Next time, "Everyone's Internships."

You can enjoy watching me

in this anime-original episode!

"Next time: Everyone's Internships"

Go beyond!

"Next time: Everyone's Internships"

Plus Ultra!
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