02x20 - (S) Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x20 - (S) Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past

Post by bunniefuu »

It was only a short time,

but thank you for taking care of me!

I don't feel like I did anything

I need to be thanked for.

Your internship ended up the way it did, too.

No, it was thanks to your instruction in

ideas and your continuous sparring with me

that I was able to do something

even against the hero k*ller.


Against a hero k*ller that wasn't serious!

Well, it was better than if you tried

for a single k*ller shot at %

and then ended up missing,

I guess I should say.

But that arm had stress fractures, didn't it?

At the last minute, you went

over the permitted % limit.

"Nag Nag Nag"

At the last minute, you went

over the permitted % limit.

"Nag Nag Nag"

You still strain yourself

in your impatience,

"Nag Nag Nag"

and when you lose focus,

your control wavers.

You must always be alert and calm.

I'm sure you already know this,

but if you want to become

a great hero like All Might,

then you still have a lot to learn.

Yes, sir!

See you around.

C-Can I ask you o-one last thing?

I thought it was rude,

so I never got a chance to ask...

I could never find a good time for it, but...

Hurry up! I want to eat taiyaki!

Even though you're really strong

and even trained All Might,

the name "Gran Torino" is almost u-unknown...

Is there a reason for that?

Oh, that's because I was never

interested in working as a hero.


I had a goal in the past that required

me to be able to use my Quirk freely.

That was the only reason I got my license.

It'd be better to hear

more about this from Toshi--

I mean, All Might. Expect more from him.

All Might...

That's all! Be well!

Yes, sir!

Thank you very much! Excuse me!

The greatest hero, huh...?

You're completely different

in appearance and personality,

but he certainly is just like you, Toshinori.

The man chosen by my sworn friend...

And the one that man

chose to inherit One For All...


Who are you?

You're asking now?!

Um, well... I'm Izuku Midor--

That's not it, is it?


I'm Deku!

Let's watch over him together, Toshinori.

Until the day you pass into history...

Until the day the name "Deku"

is celebrated as the Symbol of Peace...

Breaking through deception

See the blue sky

Eternity has flown away

If I sing to the sky

I have no chance to deny regrets

Inevitable Inevitable

The future is determined

So rebel against it


I've paddled through the river of tears

For a long time


I have to go

No matter what I will lose

Never forget my chagrin and humiliation

I'll decorate my heart with them

Breaking through deception

See the blue sky

Eternity has flown away

If I sing to the sky

I have no chance to deny regrets

Inevitable Inevitable

The future is too bright to be abandoned

So rebel against it

"Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past"

Seriously?! Seriously, Bakugo?!

Stop laughing!

My hair's gotten used to it,

so it won't go back even after I wash it!

Hey, stop laughing!

I'll k*ll you!

I'd like to see you try, Side-Part Boy!

What'd you say?!

It's back!

Wow, you even got to fight villains?

I'm so jealous!

I just helped people evacuate

and did logistical support,

so I didn't do any actual fighting, though.

It's still amazing, though!

All I did was train and go on patrols, too.

There was just one time when we caught

smugglers from a neighboring country.

That's crazy!

What about you, Ochaco?

How was your week?

It was very worthwhile...

Ochaco's awakened, huh?

She went to that battle hero's place, right?

That's a huge change for just one week...

Change? That's not it, Kaminari.

Women are all demons.

They're just hiding their true personalities.

What did you see at Mt. Lady's place?!

I was kind of fawned over and had a good time.

But the ones who changed the most,

or at least went through the most

were you three, right?

Oh, yeah! The hero k*ller!

I'm glad you guys made it out alive! Seriously.

I was worried.

I heard Endeavor saved you, right?

That's amazing! As expected

from the number two hero!

Yeah. He saved us.


I saw on the news

that the hero k*ller was

connected to the League of Villains.

Imagining someone that

scary coming to USJ freaks me out.

He is scary, but did you see the video, Ojiro?

Video? You mean of the hero k*ller?


Seeing that, you can see how he's

really single-minded and, like, tenacious.

Doesn't it almost make you think he's cool?



Oh, Ii--


No, it's fine.

It's true that he was tenacious.

I understand how people could think he's cool.

But he chose purging as a result of his beliefs.

No matter what he thinks,

that part is definitely wrong.

In order to keep anyone else

from turning out like me,

I will once again walk on

the path to becoming a hero!

Yeah, Iida!

Now, it is time to commence class!

Everyone, take your seats!

He's so loud...

It's 'cause you talked

about weird stuff, Kaminari!

Sorry about that.

Until I become a true hero,

I think I want to leave my left hand as it is.

You're cool, Iida!

Okay, I am here.

Anyway, we'll start now.

Right. It's hero basic training!

Long time no see, boys and girls!

How've you been?

For this time's hero basic training--

Since you've all just

gotten back from your internships,

we'll have some fun with a rescue training race!

If we are doing rescue training,

then shouldn't we do it at USJ?

That place is for training for disasters.

Do you remember what I said?

That's right! I said "race"!

This is Field Gamma!

A dense area filled with factories

laid out like an intricate labyrinth.

You'll break up into four -person groups

and go through the training one group at a time.

When I send out a distress

signal from somewhere inside,

you'll all start at once

from the outskirts of the city!

It's a race to see who will rescue me first!

Of course, you'll have to keep

damage to buildings to a minimum.

Don't point at me!

All right, first group, get in place!

Iida hasn't completely recovered yet, right?

He should just watch.

This group has everyone

in the class with good mobility.

Hmm, perhaps Midoriya

is at a slight disadvantage.

That's true. Honestly,

I'm still not sure how good he is.

And whenever he does something,

he always gets badly injured...

Who do you think'll win?

I think Sero'll be first!

But Ojiro's there, too.

I think it'll be Ashido. She's really athletic!

Deku will be last!

Even if he's injured,

I still think it'll be Iida.


Okay, here we go!


"st Place"

"st Place"

See, look!

In a place all jumbled together like this,

it's standard practice to go up!

Which means, Sero's got an

advantage since he's good in the air, huh?

Hey, isn't this place

a little too perfect for me?

It's too perfect... for the training I did!

Wow, Midoriya?!

What's with those moves?

No way!

Yeah, now that I think

about it, those moves are...

Wow! He's hopping... like...

My moves!

While I was spending

my time uselessly at my internship...



Midoriya's jumping?

His broken bones are already healed?

Calm down!

I can do this. Just calm down! Stay at %!

Always be alert and calm...



"Thanks for saving me"

"Thanks for saving me"

Thank you! And congrats.


--I can't believe this!

--Midoriya, are you all right?

I see, when jumping in

an area with unstable footing,

I have to take where

I'm jumping into consideration, too...

I have a lot to learn.

Young Sero came in first,

but compared to the beginning of the year,

you've all gotten a lot

better at using your Quirks.

Keep going like this and

start preparing for your final exam!

Yes, sir!

Group one, you can leave the field.

Next group, get ready!

You surprised me. I couldn't believe my eyes!

Come find me after class is over.

Yes, sir...

The time has come when I must tell you

about me and One For All.

That was some hard training.

Our first class in a while made me sweat!

I need to work on my mobility.

You must compensate

for it by gathering information.

That'll put me a step behind everyone.

I'm jealous of guys like you and Sero.

I wonder what he wants. It's a little scary...

Hey, Midoriya!

I discovered something crazy!

Come here!

Look at this hole, Shawshank!

It is probably thanks to the

efforts of those who came before us!

Next door is, you know--

the girls' locker room!

Stop this, Mineta!

Peeping is definitely a criminal act!

My little Mineta is already a criminal act!

Yaoyorozu's ample yaoyoro-boobs!

Ashido's slender waist!

Hagakure's floating underwear!

Uraraka's fine uraraka-body!

Asui's unexpected boobie--

Jiro's Earphone Jack!

With its brutal combination of precision and

surprise attack abilities, it's super strong!

Thanks, Kyoka.

How despicable.

Let us close this up right away!

I'm the only one he didn't say anything about...

My eye! My eye!

Excuse me!

Have a seat.

He seems... different...

You went through a lot, huh?

I'm sorry I couldn't be nearby.

That's... not something you

need to apologize for, All Might...

More importantly...

Um, what did you mean when you

said you wanted to talk about One For All?

I heard...

....that the hero k*ller got a lick of your blood.

Oh, yes...

His Quirk was one that could keep someone

from moving after ingesting their blood...

What about it?

Do you remember what I said

when I gave you my power?

"Eat this."

No, not that part.

I said that it didn't matter what it

was as long as you took in my DNA.

Th-Then d-don't tell me,

the h-hero k*ller has One For All now...?!

No, that's not it.

I thought you might've

been worried about that, but...

I see... You forgot about it, huh?

One For All cannot be transferred

to anyone unless the bearer wishes it.

It cannot be stolen by force.

It can be transferred by force, though.


Kind of like this:

This is just out of obligation! Obligation!

Why are you there?

It's a special Quirk.

Yes, and this is how it came about...

One For All was derived from

a certain Quirk that existed in the past.

A Quirk that existed in the past?

The name of that Quirk is "All For One."

A Quirk that could steal Quirks

from others and make them the holder's,

and one that could give those Quirks to others.

"All"... Everything for one person...?

This was when superpowers

were first showing up,

before society had figured out

how to deal with the changes.

With the appearance of Quirks, suddenly,

what made someone

a normal human crumbled away.

"Protect humans!!!" "Humanity's crisis"

"Give people peace of mind"

With just that, laws lost their meaning,

"Don't come here!!" "Don't let the monsters in!"

"Protect the peace!!" "Eliminate the monsters!!"

and the progress of civilization stopped.

It was literal decay.

"If superpowers had never appeared,

then humans would be taking

interstellar holidays by now."

Someone important said that in the past.

That's right.

During that chaotic period,

there was someone who was

the first to unify all the people.

I'm sure you've also heard of him.

He stole Quirks from people

and with his overwhelming power,

he spread his influence.

He moved people in a calculating way,

committing evil acts to his heart's content.

In the blink of an eye,

he became the leader of the evildoers

and ruled over Japan.

I often see rumors about this online,

but isn't this a fabrication?

It's not in the textbooks or anything...

They can't put secret dealings

in textbooks, can they?

If people get powers,

they look for places to use them.

How does this relate to One For All?

I said that All For One

could give Quirks to others, right?

He made others trust him or

surrender to him by giving them Quirks.

But apparently, there were many

given Quirks who could not bear the burden

and became like living dolls who couldn't speak.

Just like the Nomus.

Meanwhile, there were also Quirks that

changed or mixed once they were passed on.

He had a Quirkless younger brother.

His brother was small and sickly,

but he had a strong sense of justice.

It pained him to see his older brother's deeds,

so he kept resisting him.

He forced a Quirk that could

stock power onto his younger brother.

At this point, it is impossible

to know if that was out of kindness

or to force him into submission.

Don't tell me...

Yeah. He was thought to be Quirkless,

but there was something inside him.

Something that neither he himself

nor those around him noticed.

He had a useless Quirk

that could pass on Quirks!

The Quirk to stock power mixed

with the Quirk to pass on Quirks.

That was the origin of One For All.

It's ironic

that justice always comes from evil.

Hey, wai--

I understand how that came about,

but why are you bringing up

an evildoer from so long ago now?

He can steal Quirks, you know. Anything goes.

A Quirk to stop aging...

He probably stole something like that.

The Symbol of Evil was pretty much immortal...

With the huge difference in their combat

abilities and the state of society at the time,

the defeated younger brother decided

to entrust his Quirk to future generations.

He believed that even if he couldn't win then,

if he slowly cultivated the power,

then one day, it would become

strong enough to stop his older brother.

And then, when it was my turn,

I was finally able to defeat him!

At least, that's what I thought,

but he survived

and has started moving again as

the brain behind the League of Villains.

One For All is power inherited

to defeat All For One, so to speak.

You may one day have

to fight against this great evil...

This is harsh on you, but--

I'll do my best!

I'll do whatever you ask of me,

no matter what it is!

As long as you're with me, I can do anything!

That's what it feels like!

Tell him, All Might.

You must...

That's not it, Young Midoriya...


Thank you...

That's not it, Young Midoriya.

Probably, by that time...

I won't be able to be by your side anymore...

I can't imagine you ever giving up

But I'm sure you've had days

that were empty and miserable

If you think you'll have

many once-in-a-lifetime endeavors

Then I want to see those moments

Even if there's only one lifetime,

there are many chances to be together

You're the strongest, giving me,

with absolutely nothing, meaning in life

"Hooray! Hooray!" What's this ability

you have to make me say this over and over?

Keep standing your ground

and giving me courage

"Hooray! Hooray!" Even all the

insignificant things are calling out

When I look at your eyes, I can run, too

I want to try carving out the best finale

'Cause you're my hero.

Well, it's almost time for summer vacation,

but of course, it wouldn't make sense

for you to rest for the whole month.

Don't tell me...

During summer vacation,

we'll have a training camp in the woods!

I knew it! Yes!

Let's test our courage!



Open-air baths!


Hot springs!

If we're out in nature, we will have

to work under different conditions, right?

No matter what the environment,

we must choose wisely...


Eating and sleeping with everyone!

I'm getting excited!





Those who do not pass

the final exam before that...

...will be in summer school hell.

Everyone, let's do our best!

This is damn stupid.

Girls, do your best!

It's true that what All Might

said was mind-blowing,

but our daily lives continued like this,

and in the end,

what I need to do hasn't changed.

Now that I think about it,

All Might didn't say anything about himself.

Hero k*ller...

I didn't think he'd get caught,

but everything else

pretty much went as expected.

With this, those who want to go wild

or who sympathize with him

will seek out the League of Villains

as a place to release their urges.

Tomura Shigaraki will be put in

a position where he must unify all of them.

I believe things will move faster

if you go out before them, though, Master.

Then hurry up and fix my body, Doctor...

If only we'd gotten our hands on

super regeneration five years earlier...

After your wounds healed,

it was just a useless Quirk.

The leader of the League of Villains, huh?

I wonder if that child can really do it...

It's fine. I'll have him work hard--

in order to have him become the next "me."

That child was born with

the twisted sense needed for that.

Celebrate while you can, All Might--

Celebrate this farce of a temporary peace.

Here's the preview!

The final exam is about to begin.

Setting aside the written exam,

what's the practical exam going to be like?

Midoriya, it looks like we'll be fighting

against robots in the practical exam.

It'll be easy!

Ashido, I think the content

of the test changed...

Let's see... Students form pairs...

...and fight against one teacher?!

Against pro heroes?!

What the heck? We can't beat them!

Next time, "Gear Up for Final Exams"!

Yes! Actually, I'm in trouble

for the written exam, too!

"Next time: Gear Up for Final Exams"

Go beyond...

"Next time: Gear Up for Final Exams"

Plus Ultra!
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