01x05 - The Ultimate Fight on King Kai's Planet! Goku vs. the God of Destruction Beerus

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Super". Aired: July 5, 2015 — March 25, 2018.*
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Sequel that follows the adventures of Goku and friends during the ten-year timeskip after the defeat of Majin Buu.
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01x05 - The Ultimate Fight on King Kai's Planet! Goku vs. the God of Destruction Beerus

Post by bunniefuu »

Don't you wanna dream again?

Now it's calling for me go back to the start

Wishing on the starlight

In the sky, let's paint a door for tomorrow

Just step on the new stage don't be shy

Gonna take the challenge of God


Let's! Go! Go! Big panic

I don't care 'bout limits, no regret

Make me tougher even though I lose

Nothing gonna stop me no mo' try me


Let's Go! Yes! Give a kick!

Keep on going power pumpin' up

something greater waiting not so far away

[NARRATOR] Previously,
on Dragon Ball Super,

a fearsome deity,
known as Lord Beerus,

awoke after a nap
of thirty-nine years.

He had dreamt of a warrior who
could rival him in battle,

and his Oracle Fish
confirmed the rival's name:

a Super Saiyan God.

With the help
of his servant Whis,

Beerus has learned about Goku,
and hopes the powerful Saiyan

can help him find
the so-called Saiyan God.

Meanwhile, Bulma's birthday
party has kicked off on Earth,

with none of her guests
knowing anything

about the peril looming
in the stars above.

[KING KAI gasps]

[NARRATOR] Goku and Beerus
meet at last. Now!




Wow, so that's
Beerus the Destroyer, huh?

He definitely looks strong.

But it's weird,
I can't sense any energy.

Without my eyes, I wouldn't
even know he was here!

Ah man, this is so cool.
I'm really excited!

Keep your voice down, Goku!

You're not supposed
to let him find you!

Oh, Lord Beerus,
what a pleasant surprise.

Welcome to my humble abode.

I appreciate you coming
all this way to see me.

Uh, you look well.

It's been quite a long time,
hasn't it, North Kai?

What? That's Beerus?

Get down!

How many years
has it been, exactly?

Oh, uh, let's see here.

One, two, three-four,
five, six, seven, uh--

Three hundred twenty-seven
Universal Standard years.

Oh! I was counting to the
exact month and day, Lord,

but if you're fine with
rounding, yeah, 327.

I knew that like a minute ago.

I'm sure.

King Kai looks so nervous;
he's shaking like a leaf.

It's like he's
terrified of the guy.

Is Beerus really
all that strong?

If ignorance is bliss,
then you've got it made.

You know, I'd forgotten

just how tiny
this planet is now.

[KING KAI] Well, I like to call
it cozy--and easy to clean--

but--but of course
you're right, lord.

Please excuse the
cramped accommodations.

But I definitely
want to make you comfy.

Can I offer you
something to eat or drink?

Is it something good?

Oh, absolutely!

Nothin' but the most delicious
for us deities, right?

[GOKU] Something delicious?
Where's he's been hiding it?

If I'd known that then I
would've eaten it already.

Though you'd better hope

you're not overselling it,
North Kai.

Or this time I'll make
your world even smaller.

Maybe the size of that shed.

Eeeh! Bubbles,
what are you waiting for?

Bring him a plate!
The good stuff!

On the top shelf,
next to the brownies I made!

But on second thought,
I'll decline.

I did just stuff myself
on the way here.

Oh, right! I haven't had mine!


Oh, okay, no problem.
Maybe just a snack then?

I've got some crackers
shaped like planets!


I just told you
I don't want anything, Kai.

Don't make me say it again.

Or I will destroy
what's left of this world.

Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Please forgive me!

I thought everyone
liked crackers!

You can save them
for another time.

Oh yeah, great idea!

So I have to ask.
If you didn't come for

the culinary tourism,
Lord Beerus,

then what is the reason
for your visit?

Well. There's a small matter
I'd like to discuss

with that Saiyan
you're harboring.


Aah! Busted!

I told you this would happen.

Oh, where are my manners?

I--I should have
introduced you to him.

Goku! Were you raised
in a mountain hut?

Stop being rude and come
say hello to Lord Beerus!

Now he wants me to come out?

Can you please just
pretend that you're polite?

Yeah, yeah. Of course.

Hey, my name is Goku!


I had a feeling
you were going to say that!

You're old enough to know
how to offer a proper greeting

and show some respect!
Start over!

Ow, that hurt!

Right, sorry.

Hello and good morning,
Your Greats.

I'm Go--I mean.
My name is Goku, sir!

And it is an honor
for you to meet me! Sir!

Okay, if you say so.

Now that that's
out of the way,

there's something I was
hoping to ask you about--

Let's see, uh... Super...

Super Saiyan God, my lord.
Shall I write it down?

Yes, yes, I knew that.

So what can you tell me
about the existence

of this Super Saiyan God?

Super Saiyan God,
let me think.

I mean I know all about
regular Super Saiyan, sure.

But that's a "no"
on the God stuff, buddy.


Ah! I know not of it, sir!

[KING KAI] I can't say I've
heard of it either, Lord Beerus.

It sounds like
a dead end you probably

shouldn't worry about anymore.


Well that's too bad.

But my servant Whis,
here, tells me

you defeated that bastard
Frieza in battle.

Uh. Oh yeah, I kicked
his butt a long time ago!

I mean-- Yes, lord.

Mm. Mm? Mmm mm-mmm.

No. It doesn't seem possible

that you could defeat him
as you are now.

But I understand you're
capable of transformation.

Becoming a "Super Saiyan,"
as you call it?

Yes, that's right.

It's an interesting power-up,
though not that interesting.

For someone of your caliber,

it'd be more like
a trick you do at parties.

Then not a Super Saiyan God.

See, my lord,
it's as I suspected.

This wasn't a true premonition,
it was just a dream;

the random thoughts
of a sleeping mind.

That makes a lot more sense
than a mysterious warrior

no one's heard of
who's somehow capable

of matching your power.


Possibly. Except I'm not
the only one who dreamed it.

The Oracle Fish saw it as well.

Let's ask Prince Vegeta
what he knows.

Planet Earth should be
relatively close to here, right?

Planet Earth?

Are you sure you're up
for more traveling?

It takes at least
three minutes to get there.

Just three minutes?
Why would I care about that?

It sounds like you don't
want me to go, Whis.

Is this going to be an issue?


Not at all, my lord.
We'll go wherever you like.

Uh, about that.

You're not planning to destroy
the earth or anything are you?

Not so long as
nothing there annoys me.

Come on, Whis. Let's go.

As you wish, Lord Beerus.

Hey listen, you're
supposed to-- Sorry.

I mean, Lord Beerus sir,

I have heard that your lordship
is incredibly strong.

How 'bout showing me
a teensy bit of your strength

so I can know if that's true?


How could he ask that?

So you want me
to demonstrate my power?

In what way?

Nothing big. We could go
toe to toe in a sparring match,

even if only for a minute!

That's enough out of you.
Let the adults talk.

I'm sorry, Lord Beerus,
I'm still civilizing him.

He's sort of like a puppy
you to try to housetrain

but he keeps soiling all
the carpets, and the walls,

and the furniture,
and the ceiling, and...

I've lived hundreds
of millions of years.

Yet never in my existence
have I been issued

a challenge such as yours, Goku.

You must be strong indeed to
have that degree of confidence.

Either that, or you're
just an arrogant fool.

Yes, that's it. He's a fool!

He's a big, dumb,
stupid fool. Just look at him!

Why not.

Go ahead and come at me
with all you've got.


Oh sweet! Uh!

I mean, thank you
very much, Your Lordness.

Why don't you get
how stupid this is?

He's not a fighter
in a tournament!

Or even some alien
trying to conquer a galaxy.

Beerus is
a Destroyer deity, okay!

He's on a whole other level,

other than anyone
you've seen before!

He's got enough power
in one breath

to knock you to the other
end of the universe!

You're the dust in his nostril
when he blows his nose!

All the more
reason to fight him;

to see where I need to improve!
Aw man, this is gonna be great!

[KING KAI] I swear
you have brain damage!

I'm bored.
Are we doing this or not?

[GOKU] Yeah, yeah. We're
doing it, we're doing it!

Very well.
Whenever you're ready then.

Well I could try fighting
you in my normal state,

but that might be an insult to
your power, Your Destroyerness.



This level is called
a Super Saiyan.

Interesting. So you relied
on this to combat Frieza.

And you do seem to have
powered up a little bit.

As I said, att*ck when you like.

Uh. I can't believe
this is happening.

Would you like to
share some of this lunch

while we wait?

Let's get one thing clear.

I don't want you holding
anything back in this battle

'cause I'm giving you
all I've got.

Yes, please do.


[WHIS sighs]

Come on!

He's evading Goku
like it's nothing!

[WHIS] Mm. It appears
there won't be enough time

for a proper lunch today.

[GOKU yells]

Damnit, I'm not even
laying a finger on this guy.

Yeah, I told you, dummy!

Now stop while you still can!






You're a decent fighter
aren't you, Saiyan?

Now I see how
you could defeat Frieza

after reaching this level.
But even with this increase

you're only slightly
stronger than he was.

I bet you barely scraped by.

Ha! You don't
mince words, do you?

But I'm a lot tougher
than you think!

I was expecting
a good deal more from you.

What a disappointing trip.
You ready to go, Whis?

Always, my lord.

No wait! This fight isn't
even close to finished!


[GOKU] Get a load of this!
It's called Super Saiyan Two!

Hey, can you please
stop now while we still exist?


Oh? You found another level?

Seems you're more clever
than I thought.

Maybe this has something to do
with the Super Saiyan God

and it's not
a wasted trip after all.

Super Saiyan Two,
how fascinating.


No, I still don't
think there's time.

When I'm this level
you won't get off so easily.


[BEERUS] Oh. So that's
all he has to offer.

[KING KAI cries out nervously]

Aw, not this wall, too!

Time out!

--[BEERUS] Hm?
--[WHIS] Huh.

Look, Lord Beerus. You're
clearly great at dodging,

but could you fight back
a little, too?

I mean how can I appreciate
how strong you really are

if all you do
is get out of the way?

Shut up!

Very well.

[KING KAI gasps]

But only if you can
show me you have enough power

to make even my
slightest effort worthwhile.

--Oh yeah?

All right,
if it's proof you want...

...then proof you'll get!

Damn it, there's no point.

His guard's completely up!
Gotta change that!


No one can blame me
for what happens now.

Aw, come on!

Even after powering up
to Super Saiyan Two

I can't land a single blow.

You're amazing, Lord Beerus.
On a whole other level.

I literally said that!



Are you finished yet?

I won't fight back if this
is the best that you can do.


Of course,
you haven't fooled me.

I can sense there's still more
your body is capable of.

So stop holding it back.

Show me your all
if you want any hope

of witnessing
a Destroyer's power.

Well when you put it like that
I guess I don't have

any other choice.
Just remember you asked for it!


[GOKU bellows]


[KING KAI exhales quaveringly]


[GOKU] This is it, Beerus.
This is Super Saiyan Three!

Aah! Run for cover!

[ALL yell]

[KING KAI yelps]
Bubbles, help.

Aah. Super Saiyan Three.

Seems you've been
working hard over the years.

Compared to
your previous forms,

the increase in power
is indeed considerable.

Perhaps you're not the total
imbecile I took you for.

This third level really does
seem to be different.

Guess I am eating, then.

All right, Beerus,
you see my real power.

So does that means you're gonna
start fighting back now?

Well. How can
I know it's enough

until I've seen you
put it into action?

Say what?


I can only use this power
for so long,

so let's make it count!


[GOKU yells]

Goku's power is awesome,

but why does he have to pick
this guy of all people?

Mmm. Mmm!

This cluck-bird is exquisite.
I have outdone myself!

[BEERUS chuckles]

[ALL yell]

I can't tell.
Is Goku somehow winning?


Huh? Did that work?


[ALL yell]


He deflected the
whole blast! He's amazing!


What in the--?

It's like my feet
just moved on their own!

Rather impressive, Saiyan.

The truth is that you finally
convinced me to att*ck you,

which I was about to do
in that moment.

If you hadn't jumped back like
that this fight would be over.

Your instinct saved you.

You can't sense my energy
yet your body avoided me,

even if your mind's
still catching up.

You truly are
a gifted warrior,

one of the best I've seen.
But I don't suppose

there's something
you're keeping from me?

Like a level that could
actually challenge my power?

Like Super Saiyan God,
is that it?

Well, now you're just
mocking me.


He's dodging again!

[GOKU] I thought he couldn't
after I went Super Saiyan Three.

Unless he was taking
my earlier att*cks on purpose,

just to show he could.


[ALL yell]


Well, I guess that's all.

And while this is a letdown,

you did give me
an entertaining show.

So I'll thank you by
showing you something, too.

A very small display...
of a Destroyer's power.

[BEERUS chuckles]


Aah! Goku!

Goku! You okay?

All right, Whis, let's go.

Yes, sir.

Excuse me, monkey?

Would you mind washing
this for me please?

[BUBBLES chatters]

Why thank you.

Till we meet again, North Kai.

Uh, all right! Bye!


[GOKU groans]

[KING KAI] Oh, so you're
still breathing. Good.

You're just lucky
that Lord Beerus was in

a good enough mood to
hold back his actual power.


But now we've got
a bigger problem.

[fog horn blares]


Oh, so you did show up!

You act all tough, but I
know at the end of the day

you just can't stand the thought
of your lovely wife being sad.


[BULMA] Come on, the rest
of the g*ng is here, too.

Let's go over and make
a big entrance together!

Yeah, sure.
Let's go see Yamcha!

Oh I see. You can't even
pretend to be happy?

Of course not.

Okay fine! Suit yourself!


You Saiyans are such a pain!

I hope you get a sunburn!

[KING KAI] Vegeta, this is
King Kai. Can you hear me?

King Kai? What could you
possibly want from me ?

Yeah. Drop the attitude
for a few seconds,

I'm trying to help you here.

There's a being called
Beerus The Destroyer.

And he's headed to Earth
as we speak.

Beerus the Destroyer?

I think I've heard
that name before.

[KING KAI] Well good for you.
I'm sure you're very

worldly and cultured.
Now he's awake and looking

for a challenge, so do not
engage him in any way.

That means no insulting,
no fighting,

no Vegeta-ing of any kind.

Otherwise, if someone
or something sets him off,

it'll mean the complete
destruction of Earth!

You really think he'd
blow up the earth?

And just in case you have
delusions of grandeur

and think you could
fight him, well, don't!

He already b*at Goku
in two blows!

Are you serious! He defeated
Kakarot that easily?


That easily.

[GOKU groans]

Oh, look who's conscious!

Wow. He really is awesome.

I can't believe
he's that strong!

Even though we told you,
like, repeatedly?

[KING KAI] You should thank your
lucky stars he didn't k*ll you,

not to mention destroy this
whole quadrant, you ignoramus.

Now what do I do?

The only way I could
boost my strength quickly

would be to maybe fuse
with Vegeta again, right?

But I don't even think
that would do the trick.

What are you talking about?

Are you actually still
thinking about fighting him?

But what was that
Super Saiyan God stuff

he kept talking about?

Is that a level I could reach
if I train hard enough?

Or is it the name of one Saiyan

that we didn't
even know existed?

Wow. You are beyond help.

But King Kai...
We have to warn Earth!

He's headed there now!

I already took care of it.
I told Vegeta.

He's the one I'd bet on
to stir up the most trouble,

not counting you.

Vegeta and Beerus.

Yeah you're right, that could
get ugly pretty fast.

I need to get down there, too.

Stay down, you're hurt!

I can't sit here
while the earth's in danger!

I have to find a way
to stand up to this guy!



I see all these kids as I walk to school

Their colorful bag, that's so unique and cool

I can't help but wonder which color I'd choose

If I still were a kid,

Where would I run off to?




How am I looking now that I've grown into an adult?




Do I look like I'm proud of who I've finally become?

If I know I've made mistakes

but I'm trying to get it right,

And I'm willing just to wait for the moment I can shine

This anthem is the story of all time

Hey! It's me, Goku!

And this is strange. Beerus is
crashing Bulma's birthday,

and it kinda seems
like she likes it!

But everybody's
gotta be careful!

They don't realize
how dangerous he is!

Vegeta, we're counting
on you now!

No pressure or anything,
but keeping the earth

from getting destroyed
is totally up to you.

Next time,
on Dragon Ball Super:

Come on, King Kai.

Are you sure I shouldn't
go down there, too?
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