04x13 - (S) Infinite 100%

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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04x13 - (S) Infinite 100%

Post by bunniefuu »

"Shie Hassaikai"
"Residence of the head"

"Immediately after the start of the raid"

Suspect restrained.

"Villain - Rikiya Katsukame
- Quirk: Energy Suction"

His bark turned out
to be much worse than his bite.

No kidding.

Rikiya Katsukame.

He inhales the life force of those
he touches and uses it to enhance his size.

"Pro Hero - Ryukyu - Quirk: Dragon"

Isolate him before he regains consciousness.

Yes, ma'am.

"Nejire Hado - Quirk: Surge"

There's a lot of commotion inside.
We'd better hurry.

"Tsuyu Asui - Quirk: Frog"
"Ochaco Uraraka - Quirk: Zero Gravity"

We're off to a late start,
but let's head after Nighteye.




He's inhaling their life force?!

How? He's not even touching them!

The boosting drug I got
from Irinaka finally kicked in.

I feel...

Oh no!

...full of energy!

His Quirk's been boosted!

They've been robbed of their
life force and can't even stand up.


Full charge!

"Nejire Hado - Quirk: Surge"

Nejire Hado.

Quirk: Surge!

She converts her life force into energy,
which she sh**t out as shock waves!

But, for some reason they twist,
so they lack speed.

The drug wore off.

Let me feel you up, cutie pie.




I came to call for backup!

Our objective is directly
beneath that intersection.

The pro heroes are pinned
and need reinforcements!


Nejire, hit us with everything you've got!

How come these broads can still move?

Because every day...

...we're told:

"Go beyond...

...Plus Ultra!"

"Infinite %"


You guys!

Deku! Huh?

Then who was the Deku we just saw?

"Villain - Himiko Toga - Quirk: Transform"

Go entropy! Plus Chaos! Am I right?

"Villain - Twice - Quirk: Double"
"Villain - Mr. Compress - Quirk: Compress"

Put some clothes on!
You're gonna make me flustered.

So you duplicated me so I would dig you out?

Yes! Use my clear picture
of Mister to make a duplicate.

Use Mister's Quirk to dig
through the underground.

Escape to the surface.

Toga disguises herself and
notifies the heroes. That was the plan.

But that's not all! Listen up, Mister.

Until today the yakuza wouldn't let us near
the kid who forms the crux of their plan.

The crux is a kid?

That's right.

So get down there and nab the crux.


You're a copy, so you should bear the risk.

What? The "Plus Chaos" thing was
also about revenge for my arm, right?

But you're a copy!

Get going!

Jeez! They really are crazy!

I was an idiot to think they were nice!

The League of Villains!



"Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All"

Take care of Nighteye!



"Villain - Overhaul - Quirk: Overhaul"

Everything's messed up.
You pieces of garbage!

I won't let you!

Grab her!

For sure this time!

So obstinate!

That got flung up, too? Disgusting.


That's enough.

I don't want anyone to die.

I don't want that.

Why do they keep...

I will become your hero!

I will never make you sad anymore.

Chisaki, do you remember my daughter?

That's her daughter.

The stupid girl abandoned her child.

"My husband died. The girl
is cursed," she said.

Apparently, one day, when her husband
reached for the child, his whole body vanished.

An ability manifested, one that doesn't
take after either side of the family.

It's called a mutation.

It's no curse. I hear it's
extremely rare, but it happens.

I'm told she doesn't know how
it works or how to use it.

And that she isn't aware of what happened.

But it's similar to your Quirk.

Look after her. And while you're at it,
investigate her Quirk.

I know you're good at that kind of stuff.

Similar to my Quirk?


It's not repair or restoration.
It's on a completely different level

How astonishing.

This is Eri's Quirk.

The power to rewind!

These people aren't going to give up.

Not until I'm saved.

Even if it means they'll die.

I have to let them save me.

I have to go back.

I have to go back!

Into his kind arms!

"Izuku Midoriya"
"Quirk: One For All"
"Smashes villains with a super power passed down from one generation to the next."

"Affiliation: U.A. High School Hero Class -A"
"Birthday: / "
"Height: cm" "Blood Type: O" "Likes: Pork Cutlet Bowl"

"Affiliation: League of Villains"
"Birthday: Unknown"
"Height: Unknown" "Blood Type: Unknown" "Likes: Unknown"

"Quirk: Overhaul"
"He can dismantle and repair anything, whether it is made of organic or inorganic materials."


Save her, Izuku Midoriya!

You have to!


You already...

...let go of her once.

This time, make sure...

...to keep hanging on to her!

I'll never...

...let you go again.

Give her back!

I can't move well in midair.

I won't let go!

I'll never, ever let her go.

I'll never...

...let her go through that again!

What kind of hero do you want to be?

I want to be strong enough
that no one will worry about me.

To always win...

To always save everyone...

What... just happened?

Where's Deku?


Did I blast off in my attempt to kick?

Like All Might's New Hampshire smash?

The air pressure propelled me at high speed?

Did I lose control like
when I fought Kacchan?

Even though I never told her what
her power was--or how to use it...

Eri. Naughty girl. You know you belong to me.

In other words...

...I used One For All at %?

Wait! Wait a minute!

That would mean my leg is...

In order to realize the
old man's greatest wish,

I need you, Eri.

Oh no!

It's… fine...

...for you.

At least for the time being,
he won't target any of you.

He'll head to the surface
in pursuit of Midoriya and Eri.

"Pro Hero - Sir Nighteye - Quirk: Foresight"

Then, he'll k*ll Midoriya.

We have to--

I want to move, but I can't!


I saw it...

We can't do nothing after hearing that!

With the shape you're all in,
you couldn't beat him if you tried.

So what?

We can't just do nothing!

You don't know how the future'll turn out!

I'll twist that future!


Mirio should be beyond
that hole in the wall. Help him.

Uravity, Ryukyu, take me...

Head to the surface with me!

My body's on fire! No wait, it's cold...

I used % of my power.

And yet my bones are intact!

My injuries are even healed.

Is this... your power?

Wh-What's happening?

It's like my body is being
pulled from the inside.

She has no control.

She may have activated it at a good time,

but she doesn't know how to stop it.
Isn't that right, Eri?

She rewinds humans. That's who Eri is.

Depending on how you use her,

it might even be possible to turn
a person back into a monkey.

If you keep carrying her like that,
you'll be annihilated.

Everyone who touches her
will be rewound into nothingness.

That girl's Quirk is cursed.

Hand her over.

There's no way to stop her
other than to disassemble her.

Unless you want to
be annihilated, hand Eri over.


So that's it. The moment my leg broke,

you wound it back to before it had
broken--before I could even feel the pain.

Your Quirk is such a blessing!

Now that I've experienced it,

I understand the speed at
which my body continues to rewind.

So, if I constantly sustain major injuries
at an even greater speed...

One For All...

...Full Cowling...

... %!

Eri, will you lend me your power?

Neither you nor Eri knows
the value of her power.

Quirks progress markedly
when you develop them.

By conducting countless experiments,
I extracted Eri's power

and succeeded in bringing
it to its end point.

As a result, it doesn't stop
at simply winding back the flesh.

It winds back on a much greater scale.

It rewinds the course of the
species--to its unmutated form.

That's the kind of power Eri possesses.

The power to annihilate Quirk factors
and turn humans back to normal!

Enough power to destroy this world built
upon Quirks--to destroy the natural order!

That's Eri.

You don't know Eri's value!
A punk like you can't exploit an asset like her!


Dang, Izuku.

Hey, what's Mister doing?

Don't wait for us, Uravity!

Take Nighteye to an ambulance!

Stabilize the fragment in
his stomach. Don't remove it!

Eri's power has gotten stronger.

Chisaki said she doesn't know how to stop it.

Just like I was when I
first used One For All,

she doesn't know what she's doing,

and she's just letting it all out.


I'm told you started another fight.

You left your opponent in critical condition.

I just laid out a chump
who was moving in on our turf.

Our name recognition has been falling lately.

We have to set an example
so they know who's boss.


I know you started a
new racket without my approval.

I told you not to get involved in dr*gs.

I appreciate that you're just trying
to repay me for taking you in.

Still, you always go too far.

Stop straying from my path.

Ideals won't turn back the tide.

Why don't you get that, old man?

Well, it does seem divorced from reality...

...for the yakuza to rule
the underworld again.

I'll make it happen.

If my plan succeeds,
there'll be no stopping the Hassaikai.

First, as part of the research process,
we'll release some of the unfinished product.

We'll let them catch a whiff.

It can neutralize the
meddlesome hero industry.

It will be irresistible.

And once we've fanned up a hunger for it,

we'll sell the finished
product at exorbitant prices.

Then, we'll dangle a serum in front
of them that rewinds to restore Quirks.

While we sell the g*ns
and b*ll*ts to the villains,

we'll sell the serum to the heroes.

Since Eri's flesh is the source,

we'll have a monopoly on
the market and control it all!

Then the Hassaikai will once
again rule Japan from the shadows--


I told you to stop this.

That girl is a person.
Does that mean nothing to you?

If you want to go against our ideals,

then I'm through with you.

That's not it.

You took me in.

I just want to repay you.

Don't worry.

Just sit back and relax.

I owe you my life.

Those diseased hero pretenders
backed you into a corner.

Once my plan is on track
and we make it big, I'll repair you.

Look forward to it, old man.

Why won't anyone...

...look at the big picture?

What I'm going to tear down
is this world--its very framework!

Your justice is small.
You only see what's in front of you.

It's mere sentimentalism.

You hero pretenders...

Stay out of my way!

If I can't save...

...the one small girl in front of me...

...how can I become...

...a hero who saves everyone?



I-I saw it.

Chisaki succeeded in his escape,
and Midoriya lost his life.

That's... the immutable future I saw.

I... did not see...

...this future.

Does that mean...

...it can be changed?

Even if that was already decided...

...I'll twist that future!


Here's the preview!

I managed to defeat Chisaki

thanks to Eri's rewind Quirk.

But the sacrifice was much too great.


Kirishima and Fat Gum.

Rock Lock.

Mr. Aizawa.

Uraraka and Asui.

And finally...

Next time, "Bright Future."

"Next time: Bright Future"

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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