05x08 - (S) Match 3 Conclusion

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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05x08 - (S) Match 3 Conclusion

Post by bunniefuu »


The Hero Course of U.A. High
Class A and Class B

are in a joint training battle.

The third match began
after each class'd won one battle.


Class A managed to launch
a preemptive strike on Class B

with Todoroki's attack.

But Honenuki's Quirk turned the match
to their advantage.

Class B is slowly gaining the upper hand.

Curse it.


There's a time limit
to your Recipro Burst.

Using it at the start wasn't a great idea.

Anyway, I have to go help Tetsutetsu now.

Time limit?

That was a long time ago, Mudman.

Ingenium will never be absent
from a fight.

My legs exist for that sole purpose!

Right now,

I'm always going full throttle!

New Style: Recipro Turbo!

Ten minutes…

Within the next ten minutes,

I am unstoppable!

You trying to take me down
with your new move?


He's too fast!

It's so fast that I still don't have
full control over it.

No, this is bad.

There is no way to fight him.

Surrender yourself, Mudman!



I'm not foolish enough to fight
my opponent while I'm at a disadvantage.

It's not safe to leave Iida rampaging,
but I can't fight him right now.

In that case,
I should hurry to aid Tetsutetsu.

He undid the effect on the ice.

He hiding to start a retaliation?

He should know by now
how futile that would be.

Did he leave to aid his teammates?

Oh, my God!

Iida is moving so fast!

Recipro Turbo…

He is even faster than Gran Torino.

Your sh**t Style somehow inspired Iida
to figure out his own fighting style.

I should ask him for advice on kicking.

Enough! Look at Ojiro!

Ojiro is fighting as usual.

He may be at a disadvantage,
but he has learned much over time!

Go for it!

My chest hurts!

You can't win a fight by simply dodging.

He can easily reflect my att*cks.

I can try guarding it,

but his support item is too sharp
and tough to withstand.

You're a mean one, Kaibara!

Eat this!

-I'll put Spiral into the prison now!

I'll be gone, but it won't take long!

Ojiro, help the others!
I think Mudman's already on his way!

I'll be right back!


Even the speed of his speech
has become faster.

Let me go! It should be my turn to shine!

Stay still!

I won't let my opponent have any chance
to defeat me!

Did you let Honenuki get away?

You know how troublesome he can be.

Anyone else would have
gone after him instead.

You shouldn't interrupt
my fight, Ingenium!

My brother'd do the same.

He is the hero I must become!

If I stray from my standard
during training,

the same thing will happen
in a real battle.

You're so stubborn.

Indeed. People tell me that a lot.

Steel Fist!

He hardened his entire body,

so being partly frozen won't hinder
his performance.

His hardened skin doesn't even peel off.

Tetsutetsu, I will learn so much from you.

Stop using your ice.
It's not working on them.

You're acting like a wimp.

Your ice wall means nothing to me!

I will crush it with my fists of justice!

In that case…

I'll put up a wall of flame for you!

That hurt!

Shoji! Take care of Tsunotori!

All right!

Back down! Put some distance between us!

Why am I fighting you?

I bet you didn't know.

Your att*cks won't work on me at all!

He's turning red from the heat.

My steel is burning red!


Fight, Real Fist!

This is how my Quirk has improved!

Have you ever lived
inside a burning furnace?

Tetsutetsu is restraining Todoroki!

He's engaging him in close combat

and stopping him
from using any wide-range att*cks!

Half-Cold, Half-Hot…

Your Quirk won't work on me!

This is…

the fruition of my hard work

for going beyond my limits!

Push your heat to its limit!

Then go beyond that limit!

There is no way you can't do it.

You're not trying hard enough!

I'll keep punching you
until I knock you out.

Feel it.

The power within you
is stronger than anyone!

Why now?

Why am I thinking of him now?

Damn it!

Prepare to lose!

If my ice and fire can't hurt him…

Now you've become
the perfect improvement of myself.

Isn't it… your power?

Back down.

That burns!

More flame…

More flame…

The camera broke down from the heat.

More flame…

I can still generate more heat.

Burn on!

I must become the hero I want to be!





Young Todoroki…

He is using Endeavor's flame.

It's burning me!

This heat is insane!

I can understand your feeling, Todoroki.

I keep burning metal inside my body.

I know you're suffering.

I doubt you could last long in this state.

Well, then…

Endurance is my specialty!

Go beyond!


I won't let you get away
with just some burn marks.

If you can't risk your life in training,
you won't risk your life in real battles!

Superiority and limits
are meant to be broken!

You are talking too loud.

I can still feel the heat
at this distance.

I should go support Real Steel now.

Sorry, Tentacole.

I always skip the octopus
when I go to a public aquarium.

I don't like it.

I'm used to being feared by everyone.

I'll send you to the prison.

Let's settle the score now.

That's more like it.

Thunder Horn!


-I'm winning.

Thanks, Ojiro.

Tornado Tail Dance!

You won't be a threat to us
if you can't fire your horns.

Oh, the way you got me…

It's so darn ordinary!

I'll take her to the prison.

Help Todoroki now--


I'm taking Tsunotori back.

I'm a surprisingly loyal friend.

When he struggles to break out,
his tail will loosen up.

Curse it!

Fist of the Tail: Swamp Smack Spin!

I got you.


He put so much power into shaking me off.

Please step aside, Honenuki.

I won't let go even if you s*ab me!

I don't need you to loosen up!


I'll use my horns to send you
into the prison!

Under any circumstances,

you're disqualified
when you step into the prison.

The score is - .

What's wrong? Your flame has gone weaker.


Your movement is getting slower too.

I feel dizzy.

I can't move my body.

If I want to cool down,

I must first knock this guy out.

Go beyond.

Tetsutetsu, you're going to melt.


This is bad. I'm losing consciousness.


I won't miss again, Mudman!

That burns…

Hey, you…

Don't run away from me.

Then save him first.

I think someone that can help
a lost child when they see one

is the coolest person ever.

Mind your tongue, villain!

Saving lives must always be the priority!

I'm going to pass out.

If he lands that attack…

To think that he said he couldn't
control this power yet.

It's a fatal mistake
to leave Iida rampaging.

We're going to lose.

When I pass out,
the Quirk's effect will be gone.

I can't leave items to help my team
like Yaoyorozu did.

I don't feel frustrated.

I feel defeated.


I can't let my mistake
be the cause of our defeat!

Tetsutetsu! Push this!

What was that?

All combatants are down!

But they are still in the battle
until they are sent to the prison!

What will happen now?

That hurts…

My left arm and leg…

It's too heavy.

I can't move with just one leg.

Todoroki, I've failed you.

If I could just move faster…

Had I reached you sooner back then…

Iida is still conscious,
but he's unable to battle!

I think Kaibara's struggle
has taken a toll on him.

He struggled hard after being captured,
contributing to Iida's demise!

Well done, Kaibara!

You're the MVP of the day, Kaibara!

Mr. Vlad King is starting
his bias broadcast again.

Class A and Class B
each have one prisoner.

Four combatants are down.

All that's left is…



I can't let Shoji toss them
into the prison.

But what should I do now?

I can't defeat Shoji
even with all my horns attacking.

I will lose for sure
if I fight him head-on.

We'll be in the lead
if I send Todoroki to the prison first.

But I have three unconscious teammates.

He might catch up to me
before I can even reach the prison.

It's over if I lose.

I got you!

Well, then…

Is she…

I'll wait for my chance
somewhere you can never reach.

I can't win, but I won't lose either.

Sorry, Tentacole!

I don't want my team to lose.

She took her teammates
and Todoroki to the sky.

Shoji can't fly even with his Quirk.

She got away.

Deku, what is Class B up to now?

My guess is they are playing it safe.

Shoji would put her teammates
into the prison if she put them down.

Why's she taking Todoroki with her?

If Todoroki woke up,

it would be impossible to dodge
his ice and flame, even while flying.

She is taking him as a precaution.

But she can't win
unless she puts him into the prison.

It can't be helped,
but the outcome is almost certain.

They are running out of time!

Time's up!

The third battle ends!

Both teams got one prisoner! It's a tie!

This doesn't feel good at all! It sucks!

If this was a real battle,

the best way is to retreat
and wait for backup.


Must be hard for him to accept this.


He was awesome.

Too many combatants are unconscious.

Like the second battle,
we'll start the post mortem meeting later.

Get ready for the fourth battle!




You're finally awake.

Have a calorie bar.

Ojiro finished his and went back.


I know the battle ended with a draw,
but I feel defeated!

Your flame was insane!
We should fight again!

You are too loud.

A draw…

Had I moved faster,

we could have won.


I wasn't fast enough.

I couldn't overcome
Honenuki's flexibility in battle.

But you saved me.

I can remember as much.

Not to mention I made the first mistake.

We would be doomed
had you used your flame instead.

I'm used to striking preemptively
with my ice.

No, that mindset
had been planted into my muscles.

You were fast enough.

But I couldn't react in time.

I made you worry because I was too slow.

I must become the hero
people can count on.

No, you're definitely reliable-- Oh, God!

I must make it in time for everyone
no matter what danger awaits.

This is the spirit I inherited
from Ingenium.

Your flame and his Recipro…

I have some problems to deal with too.

Could we train together sometime?

-Of course.
-Of course.

Go back there if you're feeling all right.

Stop chitchatting in my infirmary!

Yes! We're so sorry!

There is no way out of this.

Class A and Class B have the same score.

We can win if we lose
or end up with a tie!


He has to let it out sometimes.

I'm so excited for the fourth battle!

After all, we have Tokage with us!

Isn't that right, Bakugo?

All right, let's go.

Setsuna Tokage.

Another student from Class B who got in
through an official recommendation.

She is a tough opponent!


Hold on. Are you serious?

Are you kidding me? Your strategy…

That's right.

Wait and see, you stupid Deku.

We'll start after everyone is in position!

The fourth battle! Start!

Next episode…

The fourth battle begins
with both teams scoring one point so far.

Class A is sending out Jiro,
Sero, Sato, and Kacchan.

But Class B has Tokage on their team.

Watch out. She is likely to set up traps.

Next episode, "Early Bird!"

Kacchan changed his fighting style?

No, he's evolved!

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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