04x06 - D.W. Tale Spins/Prunella Gets It Twice

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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04x06 - D.W. Tale Spins/Prunella Gets It Twice

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

( somebody whistling tune )

( imitating Arthur ):

I'm Arthur.


And this is
my doggie-woggie, Pal.

He's so smart.

He does amazing tricks.


Pal, sit.

Lie down!

Good doggie,

I found my glasses, Mom!

D.W. took them!

I'm not D.W.

I'm Arthur.


Give me back
my glasses.


I'm Arthur and some
tiny thing happened

so right away
I'm calling for help.


What were
you doing?

Proving that I could be Arthur.

I can do anything
you can do.

Oh, yeah?

I bet you
can't do this--

my math homework.

Ha! I Win!

( groans )

I sat on my dog.

( groans )

( toy squeaks )

( cooing )

Throw it back.

Like this, Kate.


Try it again.

I feel
so alone sometimes.

( barks )

A tongue
touched my nose!


Best book
in the series

is The General.

Nah, I liked
The Specific better.

And The Random was
so unpredictable.

What are you
talking about?

Nothing that
would interest you.

We're talking
about books.

I like books.

The "Vegemorph" books

make the "Scare
Your Pants Off" books

look like kid stuff.

I just read
the trilogy:

Part one;
part one, part two;

and part one,
part three.

You can't read it.

No pictures.

Do you realize I've
found something I can do

that D.W. can't force
me to include her in on?

This is probably
the greatest moment of my life.

I don't want to read
those dumb books anyway.

Don't want to?

You can't read.

I don't need to read.

I can make up better
stories than those.

Oh, yeah?


Oh, yeah?


Oh, yeah?!

Prove you can
do better.

Write a story.

Okay, I will.

Oh, yeah?


Well, I'm out of here.

This shows no sign
of ending soon.

Oh, yeah?


There you go.

Write your story.

I'll show you.

I don't know
how to write.

If you
can't write

you're wrong, right?

( moans quietly )

Then he laughed
at me

and said I didn't
know how to write

which is true.

Brothers are so mean.

I know
what it's like.

I had three
older brothers.

I bet one Arthur
is as bad as any
three brothers.

More cookies, please?

D.W., you don't have
to be able to write

to tell stories.

( mumbling ):
You don't?

A long time ago,
stories weren't written down.

They weren't?

( man speaking gibberish )

Stories were told out loud.

Like television?


These stories excited
your imagination

and filled you with wonder.

( man speaking
gibberish excitedly )

And when you heard a good
story, you'd pass it on...

( speaking gibberish
dramatically )

( audience gasps )

It was done without computers
or expensive equipment

and without even
writing them down.


I don't have to
know how to write.

I can tell a story out loud.

That's how they used to do it.

Hmm, she's right.

Hey, you should tell
the story of how I got Pal...

Nobody cares.

This is my story.

A long time ago, a brave warrior
had traveled far away...

and she really wanted
to get home bad.

And this warrior was a queen
named "O-D.W.-eus."

But the sea got made rough
by Poseidon

who was really mad
at the queen.

( travelers screaming )

What did I do?

( whinnies )

The queen forgot

she took Poseidon's
prettiest unicorn.

( chuckles meekly )

How'd that get there?

Why don't I get
to have a unicorn?

I'm a queen and everything.

It's not fair!

( all yelling )

( screams )


We're doing it!

Poseidon's wave can't hurt us...

But big rocks can.

( screaming )

( waves breaking,
seagulls calling )

We survived,
but our queen is nutty.

Don't you hate it when
you get water in your ear?

a good joke here

about her
being crabby.

But I'm not saying it.

The queen ordered her crew

to help search the island
to find a way home

because nothing was more
important to any of them

than going home.

Man, am I hungry.

Here, try these.

Just as the queen was about
to eat the strange flowers...

what's the big deal
about going home, anyway?

He's right.

Why did we want
to go home?

And who are you?

The weird plants they ate
gave them am... am-knee...

it made them forget everything.

The queen ran back to the
beach, but she was too late.

They'd all eaten
the weirdo plants

and now they didn't want
to go home

or do anything worth doing!

Oh, this is bad.

Then it got worse.

The queen found out
that this was...

Cyclops Island!

( yelling )

Cyclops brought them
to his cave for lunch

and I mean for lunch,
because he'd eat anything!

We were
going somewhere.

I wish I could
remember where.

( gasps )

( Cyclops gulps )

Is this where we were going?

Must be.

Well, I'm going
to take a nap.

Travel always
makes me tired.

The queen had a smart plan
to escape the cyclops.


An eclipse!

Hey, Cyclops!

squeezing out

under the
big boulder!

( growls )

They won't get away!

The queen and her crew
got in Cyclops's rowboat

which was just the right size
to be their ship.

Cyclops was too dumb
to untie his ear

so he couldn't stop them.

( rock splashes )

I'm bad with knots.

That's why
I don't wear sneakers.

The queen reminded the crew
they had to go home

and they all said,
"Oh, yeah," and remembered.

But the way home was
full of dangers

including the Sirens

who played music
that "hippotizes" you

so you'll crash your boat
on their rocks.

♪ Crazy bus, crazy bus ♪

♪ Riding on a crazy bus... ♪

That music!

I must go to that music!

Don't go there,

You'll crash
the boat!

But it's so beautiful.

♪ Crazy bus... ♪

♪ Sloppy, sloopy,
gloppy, gloopy... ♪

They had to tie the queen
to the mast

until they passed the
sirens' spellbinding song.

It's the most beautiful music
I've ever heard!

♪ Crazy, crazy,
crazy, crazy bus. ♪

But the worst danger
was the last.

They had to sail
between a cranky monster

and a "swirlpool" named...

Scylla and Charybdis!

You can't say "whirlpool"

but you can say
those big names?

Quiet! It's my story!

Don't you even think
about coming onto my property.

( Arthur laughing )

( shrieks )

Somebody's old sock!

How rude!

( crew cheering )

They were happy!

They got past all the monsters
and they were almost home

but... oh, yeah, they got
hit by a thunderbolt

before they got there.

( thunderclap )

After so many years,
the queen was finally home.

I made it!

I'm home!

The first thing she did

was run to tell her friends
all about her adventures...

Because that's a good way
to tell a story--

by telling it, like this.

The end.

Good story, huh?

No-- nobody fought crime

with mutant potato powers
or anything.

That proves you can't
make up a good story.

No, it proves
you don't know

what's a good story.

Grandma told me that story.

It's called "The Odyssey."

It's from long ago

and people
still read it.

I changed it a little
to test you.

Now I know
when you tell me I'm no good

you're probably just
as wrong about that

as you are about this.

Oh, what does she know?


Hey, D.W.,
I liked that story.

Would you tell me
part of it again?

Tell the part about Charybdis.

Not... that I really care.


A long time ago,
there was a warrior.

Start with the Cyclops.

He's the best.

He eats everything.

The Cyclops had
only one eye

right in the middle
of his face

and lived in a cave...

and he ate stuff.

He ate everything!

( giggling )

( panting )

Even when it's hard work

it's fun to give birthday
presents to thine friends...

especially when thou knowest
they're going to love it.

Ow! My foot,
my foot...

My foot,
my foot!
Your Highness.

Ah! Much better.

This gift is
something precious.

Very precious.

It hasn't been invented yet.

How wonderful-- we love it.

Which of thee is this from?

Both of thus.

Two peasants, one present?

We are displeased.

( both screaming )

My queen, me hopes
thou willst like this

a lot better than whatever
yonder losers gavest.

( Arthur and Buster still
screaming in distance )

( guards snickering )

The queen don't likest anything.

And I predict

that you will shortly see...

( electricity crackling )

Hold still.

Thank you, Mom!

It's the most beautiful
birthday present ever!

And it fits, too!

Here's one from me.

Happy birthday,

A Polly Locket doll.

I really wanted one!


We have
to get ready
for the party.

The best thing about presents
is the surprise!

I'm going to get
so many surprises today!

( blowing noisemakers )

I can't wait anymore,
I'm opening presents!


Another Polly Locket?

I already got one.

Two presents,
two Polly Lockets--

Oh, no, what if everybody
gives me the same thing?

I have to open
another one fast!

The electric bright
astrology T-shirt maker set!

What a surprise!

( kids laughing )

( sighs ):

This is going to be
a great party.

( kids laughing, chattering,
blowing noisemakers )

Have a good birthday?

It would've been totally perfect

if it wasn't
for that Francine.

She refused to dance.

My team would have won the
egg game, but she wrecked it.

And she didn't sing
"Happy Birthday" to me!

ALL ( to "Clementine" ):
♪ ...On your birthday ♪

♪ you're so special, holy cow! ♪

♪ Now you're older,
here's a present ♪

♪ Where's the ice cream?
feed us now! ♪

Why would she
do that?

She hates it when she's not
the center of attention.

Other than Francine,
everything was great.

( ghostly moaning )

Wh-who are you?

I am the ghost of presents past.

Present past?

You mean... present,
past and future?

No, presents past.

Presents... past.

No, I'm just not getting it.

I'm going back to sleep now.

Presents! Gifts!

I'm the ghost of birthday
presents yesterday!

Oh, now I get it.

And who's that?

This is the ghost
of lunch tomorrow.

( moaning ):
Cold pizza.

What do you want?

Well, duh--
to show you

stuff about
your birthday presents

that you don't know.

It's not like
this is a new concept.

I don't believe in ghosts.

Well, tough.



I've graded your tests.

This isn't my class--
there's Francine.

You should
haunt Francine

for ruining my party.

I'm a ghost;
I don't make mistakes-- watch!

Francine Frensky,
Good job.


Oh, mama! I did it!


( clears throat )

I'm just happy.

You have good reason--

Just turn down
your volume a bit.

Is that the test
I helped her study for?

Just keep
watching, okay?

( sighs )

Prunella! I got an "A"
on the history test

and it's all thanks
to your helping me study.

I'll repay you somehow.

No problem,
I just know history.

My sister says
it's because I
had a former life.

What are you looking at?

Polly Locket-- isn't she cool?

♪ Polly Locket has
style and grace ♪

♪ She keeps your belongings
in her face-- Polly Locket! ♪

What could be
more perfect?

You can dress her up

and stick your stuff
in her face.

I'd buy one
right now

But they're
so expensive.

( groans )

Prunella's birthday
is next week.

She had a birthday
six months ago.

That was her
half birthday.

For her whole birthday

I'll get her something
she really wants.


Did you see
the price?

Whoa! That's
way too much.

Forget it--
I'll get her
a pack of gum.

What a cheapskate.


Prunella deserves this.

I'm going to do whatever
it takes to get it.

I can't wait to see
the look on her face

When I give her
this doll!

I just need enough

to buy a Polly Locket.

You can give me
a loan, right?

Um... I guess, okay.

You'll pay
interest, right?


Uh... yeah, sure.

How much?

. % compounded daily.

Yeah... okay, fine.

I don't even know what
that means, but why not?


I'm sorry, Francine,
I can't do it--

it's just the way I am.

There are other ways
to get money.

So she began to do
extra chores...

Including caring
for her brother,
Tiny Tim.

Francine has a brother
named "Tiny Tim"?


Could we please stick
to the facts?

Picky, picky.


( gasps )


Aren't you
going to play?

No, I have to go home

and wash my dad's car.


Ow! Hey, I thought
we were ghosts!

The rules are complicated.

Would you keep your mind
on Francine, please?


( backup signal beeping )

( brakes hiss )

Thanks, Frankie.

( flies buzzing )

( sponge squeaking on glass )

Look at the hard work,
the self-sacrifice...

It looks stinky.

...the stinkiness.

( panting )

Spectacular job,

I'm going to pay
you double!

Thanks, but I thought
you wanted me to wash your car.

Hey, you can do that, too.

( shouts in dismay )


I've finally got enough money
for a Polly Locket.

Gee, I wonder what's
for lunch tomorrow.

Tuna noodle casserole.

When she went
to buy it

she found out that
for a few dollars more

they would personalize
Polly's sweater.

But she doesn't
have enough.

Oh, no! She's
begging her sister!

Don't do it!
Don't do it!

She can't
hear you.

She can't hear me but I
can get hit with a soccer ball?

What kind of rules are those?

I don't make the news,
I just report it.

You'll clean my side
of the room for a month.


It's too horrible.

( doll squeaks )

I didn't know it said that.

I never even looked at it.

I can't wait
to see her face

when she gets
this doll!

( kids blowing noisemakers )

I can't wait anymore,
I'm opening presents!

I look so cute
in that dress.

Oh... another Polly Locket?

I already got one.

Oh, no! She worked so hard!

You rotten, rude,

What am I saying?

It's me!


No wonder she was
no fun at the party.

It was all my fault.

I stink!

( yells )

I'm back!


Francine! Don't forget
to clean my side
of the room!

Yes, Catherine!

( groans softly )



I want you to see

what I put in
Polly Locket's face.

Hey, isn't that
the one I gave you?

Yes, I forgot
to thank you for it.

And inside, where
you're supposed to keep

your most special
and important thing...

( gasps )


I got my other Polly
a personalized sweater.

"Number one cool friend"--
that means you.

I want you to have
this one.

I couldn't.

I don't need two.

I want you to have it.

We can play together.

Wow, thanks.

That's really nice.

You deserve it
after working so hard:

Washing the garbage truck,
begging your sister...

Yeah... how'd you know that?!

Um... uh... well...

Hey, you know
how Polly Locket works?

That's where you keep your
most special, important thing.

Maybe this.

No, thanks.

I have a picture of my cat.


Well, okay.

( whistling )

Come in and eat lunch.

Want to eat lunch here?

Sure-- what is it?

Peanut butter
and banana sandwiches.

Peanut butter and
banana sandwiches?!

Peanut butter
and banana...

Hey, how did you know
what I was going to say?

( chuckling )

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪
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