04x07 - Binky Barnes, Wingman/To Beat or Not to Beat

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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04x07 - Binky Barnes, Wingman/To Beat or Not to Beat

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪

( laughs )

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other. ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪


Hey, D.W.



( crash )

Everyone's got
a favorite pastime.

Reading is mine.

Hey, Arthur!
your delivery's here!

( beeping )

But sometimes your favorite
things can get out of hand...

Like Buster and his snacks.

Wow! The ultimate
chocolate sundae!

( sickly ):

The ultimate chocolate sundae.

( groans )

Or like the Brain and science.

( door opens )

But I can't go to bed now.

I'm on the verge of
discovering a new galaxy.

( yawns )

Or like Binky and...

Hey, do you even have
a favorite thing?

I don't know.


( grunting )

It's coming!

It's coming!

( truck horn beeps )

( music playing )

It's here!

It's here!

( gasps )

Giant bugs in school
can only mean one thing!

A massive radiation leakage
in the cafeteria?


It's bug week!

Elwood City's annual festival
of six-legged things

that crawl, sting, bite
and make life oh-so-pleasant!

Now, remember,
over the next few days

each of you will make
a presentation

on the bug, or bug-like creature
of your choice.

Any questions?



It's getting hot in here.

Then, when the spider--

played by me--
has the helpless fly

wrapped up in silk,
it sinks its fangs...


Arthur, I don't want to hear
about this before dinner.

Me neither--
I'm playing the fly!

You guys better
watch out for me.

I'm playing a honey bee,
and they pack a sting!

Sorry, I'm doing bees--
queen bees.

Okay, I'll be a termite,
then I can

really bring down the house!

I'm doing termites.

Then what about
those things with
a gazillion legs?

A centipede?

No, the other one.

A millipede?

Yeah, that's it!

Sorry, Binky,
that's my project.

Oh, man, all the good bugs
are taken!

...Here the honeybee workers

feed what is called "royal
jelly" to the future queen bees.

And what would royal jelly be

without a little
royal peanut butter, hmm?

( kids groan )


Just what I'd expect
from a class full of drones!

Now the stink bugs

will demonstrate...

( with nasal voice ):
their most unusual method
of defense.

KIDS ( coughing ):
Eww! Yuck!

George, did you bring enough
clothespins for everybody?

Uh... well... no.

( kids groaning disgustedly )

In an orderly fashion please,
single file.

Is that your
bug week project?

Yes, I'm showing
how the praying mantis

inspired an effective
fighting style.

Want a demonstration?

( cautiously ):
No, I believe you.

So do you have a bug
for your report yet?

No, I wanted fleas,
but Molly has them.

How about butterflies?

Nobody's picked
them yet.

( insulted ):

They're for girls!

I was just trying to help.

Some help.

Giving me a girls' bug.

Man, look at all
the neat colors.

Butterflies come
from creepy-looking worms?


( grunts )




( grunts )

They seem to prefer
your lunch meat to mine.

That's because mine
is pate de fois gras.

( Binky breathing heavily )

Is it Halloween

( breathlessly ):
Big... blue... butterfly.

Which way'd he go?

Binky Barnes?

Chasing butterflies?

Tell me!

You can't get away from me!

Binky, are you up there?

I found some bugs
good for boys

if you still
need them.

He's not here.

He's out hunting.



He's gone butterfly-crazy.

He wants to collect
every one he sees.

Especially a big, blue,
hard-to-catch one.

He's been chasing it
for days.

It knows I can't leave school.

It's mocking me.

Now that we know

the eating habits of termites,
let's meet a real live colony.

I don't see anything.

They're inside, working.

Can you... ( yawns )
wrap it up, Buster?

Any second now, really!

I think I hear them coming!

( all groan )

Then-- whap!

A great big hand came down
and squashed me.

And so ended my exciting life
as a bloodsucking mosquito.

( all cheer )

( rings )

Don't expect all homework
to be this much fun.


Who has time for fun?

My prize catch is
still out there!

Binky, are you in there?

Hey, close
the flap quick.

Don't let them out.

( zips flap )

Neat collection, huh?

Monarchs, swallowtails,

I got them all.

I've never had a real
cool hobby before

and I owe it all to you!

Binky, those butterflies
can't last in here.

They'll die.

Relax-- it's only
for one more day.

Oh, good.

You'll free them after
you finish your project.

No way!

I'll move them
into a bigger tent.

Well, back
to the hunt.

My collection is nothing
without him!

Oh, he's clever

but he's going to make a mistake
and I'll be ready!

Binky, stop.

You're hunting
that poor butterfly

like Captain Ahab
hunted Moby d*ck.

You don't expect me
to read that?

Besides, I'm nothing
like Captain Ahab.

Moby d*ck was a fish.

A whale.

I mean, you're going
too far, Binky!

No, I'm not!

I've worked hard to catch
the big blue butterfly!

He's mine! Mine!

Well, see ya!

What have I created?

( Brain counting aloud )

He even looks
like Captain Ahab.

Brain, what are we
going to do about Binky?

How am I ever going to prove
that millipedes

don't really have
a thousand legs

if you keep
interrupting me?

( sighs )

One, two, three...

What happened to you?

Buster got mad.

He said he was tired
of being a free meal.

Arthur, did you get
a chance to talk to Binky?

He won't listen.

He's busy chasing
that butterfly.

He's like...

Captain Ahab in Moby d*ck.

Isn't it possible you two
are simply overreacting?

Thar she goes!

( Binky panting )


Butterfly... seen it?


Don't kid around.

That's just a moth!


Sue Ellen, I got it!

I got Big Blue!

It's so pretty.

I'll say.

Well, me and Big Blue
are going to the museum.

The museum? Why?

I'm going to offer
my collection to them

So everyone can enjoy it.

Wait up!

I bet they've got
a real cool place

for their butterflies
to live.

( gasps )

They're not moving...

What did you

Haven't you
ever seen a real
collection before?


( wings fluttering )

( echoing ):

Don't look at me like that.

What do you want me to do?

If I let you go, I'll fail.

I worked really hard on this!

Then when it's ready to eat
the poor, helpless fly

the spider moves in,
fangs ready...

( Kate giggles )

( kids laugh )

Oh, how cute.

Thanks a lot, Kate.

I was supposed
to have

the most frightening
report in the class.

You're the last to go, Binky.

You do have a project,
don't you?

Sure I do.

But can I do it outside?

I wanted everyone to enjoy

my extra cool
butterfly collection

and this is the best way
to really see it.

( kids exclaim in awe )

That was really neat.

I didn't think
you'd let them go.

Very impressive work, Binky.

I look forward to reading
the written report.

Oh, I knew I forgot something.

Francine Frensky can do
a lot of things well.

( kids shout excitedly )

She can hit farther
than anyone I know...

And she can argue better
than anyone I know.

I know I'm right

and if I were wrong
I'd admit it

but I'm never wrong.

You're messing with
the wrong person.

If you think you can...

Okay, okay,
you win.

A tomato is not
a vegetable.

It's a fruit!

But today she wants
to do something

I don't think even she
should try.

Well, here I go.

I'm going to fly.

Aren't you going
to tell her?

You tell her.

She'll hurt herself.

I guess it's
for her own good.

stop it!

You're going
to get hurt.

Kids can't fly!

They can't?

No! It's impossible.


( screams )

Don't you hate it when you
have to burst someone's bubble?

I know you're concentrating
on the talent show

so I'm giving you extra homework

so you don't forget
what's important.

( all moan, bell rings )

I've got new jokes
for the talent show.

What's orange
and sounds like
a parrot?

Give up?
A carrot!


Hey, Francine

what will you do
for the talent show?

I'm not telling.

You'll have to be surprised.

What will you do, Arthur?

I've been practicing
tricks with Pal.

Pal, sit.

Good boy!

Pal, shake your...

( barks )

Uh, tail!

Good boy!

Oh, brother!

We're not quite ready yet,
but Pal's smart.

What about you,

I am Correcto,
the human calculator.

The audience will shout out
math problems

and I'll do them
instantly in my head.

What if Ratburn
asks a question?

I never thought of that.

If a train carrying
, scoops of ice cream

leaves Chicago
at : a.m.

and the freezer
stops working

how fast would it
have to travel

to reach New York before
half the ice cream melts

factoring in
a melting rate

of six scoops
per minute?

Maybe I should juggle.

( rhythmic wailing )

What is that?

It's coming
from that direction.

You know what
it could be?

I saw an ad for
an exterminator

who uses sound to
get rid of termites.

( wailing )

( rhythmic wailing resonates )

( frantic squealing )

There's a rhythm
to that noise--

like an engine.

( wailing echoes )

It'd have to be one
gigantic engine.

( sucking, pumping )

( rumbling, sucking, wailing )

Whatever it is,
it's coming from
Francine's roof!

( rhythmic wailing )

( drums pounding )

( howls and wails )

Hey! No fair.

This was supposed
to be a surprise.

Oh, well, uh,
we're surprised.

I didn't want you to hear me
until the talent show

But what do you think?

You haven't heard it all.

I'll start over.

I have to type up the errors

I found in the encyclopedia!

I have to clean my room
and wash the dog!

I have to dry his dog!

( slurping )


So, what do we do now?

Get another shake?

What do we do
about Francine?

We have to tell her
how awful she sounds

before the talent show.

We do?

She'll get booed
off the stage!

We shouldn't say anything.

It's not nice
to tell someone they're awful.

What if they really are awful?

It's not polite,
and you might hurt her feelings.

Don't you want
to order more shakes?

We've got to do

Don't we?

I have to tell Francine.

I bet she'll thank me.

Who am I kidding?

This is Francine!

What if Brain's right
and I hurt her feelings?

( violin plays somber music )

You don't believe in me.

I'm a failure!

( blows nose )

How could you have
been so cruel?

( crying and sobbing )

Oh, no!

What have I done?

What if I'm wrong?

Thanks for telling me

how bad my song
was, Arthur.

I'm glad I didn't go
to the talent show.

( drumming, wailing, howling )

Hey... that
sounds like you.

( drumming and wailing
continue )

What a fantastic song!

It's breaking all sales records

in every country
around the world!

That could have been me!

I could have been famous!

( laughs nervously )

Guess I was wrong.

( growls )

It could happen.

You were right, Arthur.

We've got to
convince Francine

to quit
the talent show.

I'm not so sure anymore.

I mean, what if we're wrong?

Maybe Francine's music could be
the next big thing

and sell millions!

Let's ask Muffy
if she likes Francine's song.

She knows what's popular.

But Muffy wouldn't
say anything bad
about Francine.

There's got to be a way
for Muffy to hear the song

without knowing it's Francine.

( Francine off-key ):
♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, I can, I can fly ♪

♪ Yeah, you can fly ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

( Francine wailing )

( yelps )

( howling and wailing continue )


♪ You can fly. ♪

What in the world is that?

Turn it off!

So it's bad, right?

The worst!

That's Francine
practicing for
the talent show.

Francine's usually
a great drummer.

How come she sounds so... bad?

Her bad singing
must be affecting

her normally
good drumming.

If that's true, then she doesn't
have to quit the talent show.

She just has
to stop singing!

How do we tell her?

I mean, it's Francine.

I'm her best friend,
I'll tell her.

She wouldn't
believe me.

She said I was jealous.

Why don't you
try, Arthur?

If two people say it,
she'll believe it.

If three people
tell her

she has to believe it.

Four's a good
strong number.

How could she not
believe four people?

She'll have to believe it

when everyone boos
and holds their ears.

Poor Francine.

She's here--
Francine's here!

It worked.

She thought about it
and she knows we're right.

One of you dropped this
in my hall.

I've never heard anything
so awful in my life!

What is it?

Oh, that?


What is that,

Well, Francine,

it's an audio

Muffy, what's
it a tape of?

It sounds like
an elephant

Ratburn's car.

Um, I, uh...

It's you, Francine.

We recorded you while you
were drumming and singing.

What kind of friends
are you?

Why didn't anyone tell me
I sounded so bad?

We all told you.

Oh... yeah, I guess you did.

Your drumming
always sounds great

when you aren't

Singing is just as important
to me as drumming.

You know, you're
a really good drummer.

Maybe I'm not ready
to do two things at once yet.

I agree!

You're right!

I guess I should
only do one.

Thanks for warning me.

I better practice.

The talent show's

I can see all.

I see into the mind
of Mr. Ratburn.

He's thinking about... yes.

He's thinking
about giving a lot of homework!

Absolutely supernatural.

I don't know
how she does it.

Our next contestant will be
Francine Frensky.

I feel so much better

that Francine's

going to play the
drums and not sing.

I hope she's thankful.

( applause )

No drums?

Oh, no, she got
it backwards!

I can't look.

I don't want to hear this!

( gasps )

( music starts )

( slightly off-key ):
♪ You can fly... ♪

( carefully ):
♪ If you try ♪

( soulfully ):
♪ You can fly if you try... ♪

She's good.

She's really good.

She's exceedingly good.

I knew she was good all along.

You guys were trying
to convince me I was wrong.

♪ You can do most anything ♪

♪ Even learn how to sing ♪

♪ Flap your wings. ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ You can fly... ♪

♪ You can fly. ♪

I would have been
so embarrassed

if you guys
had let me

sing and play
the drums.

Ah, it was nothing!

If you can sing

and play
the drums so well

how come when you did them both
at the same time

it sounded so...

You mean, bad?

Well... um...

Guess I need
more practice.

I knew you'd be great.

I bet you win,

And the winner is...


( applause )

George again?

He always wins.

You should have
won, Francine.

I'll keep drumming and singing,
then next time I'll win.

Maybe you should
sing, play drums

and hop
on a pogo stick.

( wailing ):
♪ I can fly... ♪

I guess she sounds
a little better.

You really
like it, Muffy?


You say something?

( wailing fades )

♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen
to your heart ♪

♪ Listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ And I say hey! ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪
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