02x20 - Light vs. Dark: The Two Faces of Gaara

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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02x20 - Light vs. Dark: The Two Faces of Gaara

Post by bunniefuu »

Yeah, turn your sadness into kindness,
your uniqueness into strength

Even if you get lost, let's start walking

One more time

Are you really happy

when you're always meeting
to someone's expectations?

Even if you change to
who you really wanna be

Will you always have a great smile?

Dreaming of only "the beginning,"
I wake up

and someday, I'll live on my own.

Yes, precious things are never in shape

You never know what it is
when you get it or lose it

Yeah, turn your sadness into kindness,
your uniqueness into strength

Even if you get lost,
let's start walking

One more time

Dang it!

Darn it! Things will really be bad
if it stays like this...!

I'll have to...

I'll have to save...
everyone for sure!

Light vs. Dark.
The Two Faces of Gaara!

So you'll fight for the sake of others?!

That's why you guys are
only at that level!

You don't need a reason to fight!

Only the one who remains undefeated
can actually feel his own existence!

Come on, forget about
your insignificant friends

and fight only for the sake
of your own existence!



Those who hold silly sentiments
about fighting

should just die!

I'm sick of listening to you talk!

I'll clobber you for sure!

You guys misunderstand real strength!

Shut up!

W-Why...? Why is it?!

Why Yashamaru...?

Why did you, why...?


Love is...

a heart that desires to serve
a precious person who is close to oneself,

to love and watch over that person.

Just like my older sister did.

You are a precious person
who is close to me, Gaara!

only Yashamaru would always...

Me... always me...

It was an order.

I was commissioned to k*ll you...

By your father...

Lord Kazekage

My father...?

Why did my father...?

Why...? Why me?

Gaara, you who were born and possessed
by the Sand Spirit Shukaku...

have been watched over
as an experiment.

However, Gaara, you couldn't
control the living spirit Shukaku,

the Sand Spirit which possesses
the power of the sand.

Eventually your existence would
become too dangerous for the village.

Before that occurred...

So Yashamaru, you had not choice...

but to comply with my father's order...?

No... That is not correct.

It is true I accepted
Lord Kazekage's order.

But if I had wanted to turn it down,
I could have turned it down.


Deep down in my heart,
I probably...

hated you.

You, whose birth took the life
of my beloved older sister.

The child she left behind in death...

Thinking that you were her remembrance,
I tried desperately to love you.

However... I was not able to.

My sister didn't choose to have you.

My sister became a sacrifice
for the village,

and she died while
cursing this village!

From that time, I probably...

have been burdened with a wound
of the heart that could never heal.

Unlike a wound on the body,
there is no ointment and sometimes,

it doesn't heal for one's entire life.

A wound of the heart?

Your name...
is the name my sister gave you.

"This child's name is Gaara...

"A devil that loves only itself...

"Love only yourself...

"And fight only for
your own sake.

"If you do that,
you will continue to exist."

Such was the hope it contained.


my sister did not give you this name

because she was concerned
about you or loved you.

The reason she gave you this name,
a name so you would continue to exist...

...was so that the deep seated hatred
of my sister

who died hating and cursing
this village...

would remain...

and be known to all!

You were never... loved!

This is the last...

Please die...

I believe that my sister loved you, Gaara.


The sand automatically trying to
protect you is like the love of a mother.

I believe that sand is filled
with your mother's will.


Love only yourself.

And fight only for your own sake.

So that is Gaara...
That is me.

I finally understand.

I am alone.

I will no longer believe in anyone...
or love anyone.

I am alone!

Yes, I am all by myself.

What's the matter?
Hurry up and come at me!

Don't you care what happens
to your so-called precious friends?!


Dang it!

Naruto's not his usual self...

Did something happen between them?

In any case...

In any case,
I need to save Sakura!

But... what to do?!

That's it!

Since it's come to this...
Though it's gonna use up a lot of Chakra...

There's no choice
but to summon the Chief Gamabunta!

Summoning Jutsu!

What's this?! You're a little kid!

If you want something from me,
give me some snack!

If you don't, I won't play with you!

You know something?
I hate you frogs!

What did you say?!
Don't make fun of amphibians! Really!

Jeez, I don't have time to
play with you, little squirt!

Darn! Why is it...?

I practiced for so long, but with this,
there's no other way...

I need to save everyone!

Everyone... you say?

Don't make me laugh.

I fight... only for myself!

He...he's transforming again!

If you don't take me down,
the sand over this girl won't fall away!

Not only that, as time passes...

this sand will slowly squeeze tighter
and eventually suffocate this girl!


He's getting closer and closer
to being a Perfect Possession.

That Jutsu hasn't been activated yet,

but at this rate, I'll also be...!

Those eyes...

Sand Shuriken!

You're... really weak!

Shut up!

But what is that guy?

You're persistent...
Sarutobi Sensei!

I-It doesn't move?!

Y-You hard to k*ll fools!

Do you still not understand, Orochimaru?

The Leaf Village is my home!

I told you I am the pillar
of that house!

That's why I'm saying
I will break that pillar!

As long as the people of the village

fiercely fight to protect
their dear comrades,

the pillar of the Leaf Village will not
be broken by the likes of you!

I wonder about that.

Do not underestimate the Hokage!


Where is...?
Most of your Chakra should be gone!

Chakra and Ninjutsu are
not all there is to strength!

W-What lonely eyes...

Such lonely eyes...

This guy is also turning into a monster...
the same as me.

I hated every last one of them.

I didn't understand who I was,

why I was so hated,
why I even existed.

In other words,

you're the Nine Tailed Fox who k*lled
Iruka's parents and ruined the village!

You've been deceived by everyone
in the village all along!


When I learned that the
Nine Tailed Fox was inside me,

everyone in the village seemed
even more cold hearted...

I was so deeply troubled...


Naruto! Let's go have
ramen for a change!

Yay! I will, I will!

I'll have the one with
extra BBQ pork slices!

Huh! You loser...
If you want to beat me train harder!

Shut up! I won't lose to you!

Hey Naruto!
What did Sasuke say about me?

He didn't say anything...

By the way! By the way!
Wouldn't you rather know how I feel...?

Oh! Really, Sakura!

I'm gonna eat now!

Um... Naruto, you'll really die if you eat
only noodles and sweet red bean porridge.

You're a Ninja,
so eat more vegetables!

Here, have some!

What?! I don't like vegetables!

People appeared
who acknowledged me...

That's why I became all right,

even though there was
the demon fox inside my body,

or even if the people of the village
looked at me with cold eyes.

I wasn't alone anymore!

I never imagined how happy and
fortunate I could feel.

How really...really...

great it was.

How truly great it was
to be here.

I was relieved to know
I am allowed to be here, to exist!

That's why it scares me
to think about the past...

That suffering is agonizing...

It's a pitch black hell!

Lf...I had remained that way, all alone...

That's precisely why I understand!

So what did I have in this life,
why did I keep living?

This is the answer I came to...

I am living in order to k*ll
human beings other than myself.

I don't know what happened, but...

This guy's always been
suffering all alone...

Even now, without ever feeling relief...

Only able to believe in himself...

Even now, he's battling in hell...

That's how it is...

To him, someone like me
who's acknowledged by others...

might seem like a weakling in
a world of happiness without tension...

Can I really win against
a guy like this?

What's the matter?!
Are you afraid of me?

To fight for the sake of oneself?
To fight for the sake of others?

You should just love yourself,
and fight for yourself!

That is the definition of
the strongest one!

Now fight me!

What happened to
the boldness you had earlier?!

Show me your strength!
I'll throw that strength to the ground!

Now what's the matter?!
If you don't fight me, I'll k*ll that girl!

Darn it!

Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Wind Style!

Infinite Sandstorm Devastation!

This isn't good...
He really got me.

First, I'll toy with you
without k*lling you!

I look forward to seeing
when and how you give up

and abandon your friends!


But...what is it?

It's far from over!


What is this...this feeling?

Sand Shuriken!

D-Dang it!

Dang it!


What is this?!
This feeling that's overcoming me?


For some reason...
I don't want to lose to this guy...


...even if I die!

Everyone makes mistakes
It's nothing to be ashamed about

Don't let this scar be for naught
Walk with a smile

Yes, breathe in the air
Lift your face to the sky and jump

If it rains, take a break
Go where the wind takes you

So many regrets
Don't let this scar be for naught

Let's go carve the badges in our chest
Yes, it's Show Time, life begins now.

Everyone makes mistakes
It's nothing to be ashamed about

Don't let this scar be for naught
Walk with a smile

Transform sadness into the wind
and continue to forge on

Forge on strong

Hear! Hear! Hear! Hear!

If you're far away,
listen well.

If you're closer,
then come and watch it!

Among all the Genin in the Leaf,

I'm the only one who's
suited to become Hokage!

I turn the biggest pinch
into opportunity

with Transform Jutsu, Summoning Jutsu,
and Shadow Clone Jutsu.

I give back twice as much
when I receive a punch.

I'm the hyperactive knucklehead Ninja!

This is the start of the spiraling series
of Naruto's Ninja Handbook!
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