27x11 - The Greater Good

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x11 - The Greater Good

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on beast workers grid battle

force has a stockpile of legendary

ranger weapons and technology

help me and we can share in the spoils


first you must help me we'll get more

effects after we destroy the rangers


zoe they just got hit hard i can help

your friends

this is captain chaku he's one of the

good guys and we're going to work


and take down rijk

tucker what happened sorry rangers i was

too late

ryjack got away with a load of morphex

barrels just as i arrived

that's the third time this week he's

doing evox's dirty work now

yes but don't be fooled his true goal is

still to steal the ranger weapons from

your vault i've spent years chasing his

g*ng of intergalactic outlaws

and ryjax the toughest of them all and

he's loose in our city

what are we gonna do track him down and

destroy it

my superiors at g5 galaxy police are

sending me my battleship

the reptillo beast reptilla beast

awesome it should come in handy next

time we face off with ryjack

captain you do good work you've helped

us more than once

it is my duty and honor to assist the

power rangers commander

after rijac is defeated would you join

us at grid battle force

good idea commander more silver on the

team can only be a good thing



what's wrong captain well it's just that

earth is quite far

from my home galaxy but if it's for the

greater good

then yes i will join your forces cool

this is going to be great i can't wait

for reptilla beast

so then did you receive the morphix i so

easily collected sure did

thanks a bunch our supplies are tippy


yes i am impressed that's nothing

look i am this close to tunneling my

wire to the grid battle force box uh

thanks to us for telling you exactly

where to dig yeah

you're welcome quiet you two i was wise

to trust you ryjek

i don't disappoint you were right master

that fool is doing all the hard work for

us soon

all of the rangers technology will be


yes master but first you need your

morphex infusion

and do it already i've suffered long


this'll put a spring in your step

it's good

thank you for helping to set up my

quarters it's extremely considerate of


no worries captain you're right through

here lovely

so what kind of stuff did you bring from

your galaxy we're more than happy to

help you unpack

thank you but i think i'll be fine

wow cool alien plant no

don't move a mussel

why if you move that plant will

eat you eat us

oh no bad plan

let them go come on spit them out

good girl okay come on get back inside

i think i've seen enough of your planet

yeah me too

what is this stuff sorry about that

she's just a seedling and don't worry

the mucus will wash right off



what happened don't ask

you're getting so big now guess what


my science teacher said i'm super smart

just like you

that's wonderful i am so very proud of


daddy take off your helmet i want to see

your smile

oh uh i'm sorry sweetie i'm still on

duty and we're not allowed to take off

our helmets

that's okay i love you i love you too


more than you know


wait a sec taco has a daughter

kind of thought he was a robot hey

people can be both

so does she look like him you mean does

she wear a shiny galaxy police helmet

no she's just a little girl i wonder why

choco would be willing to stay on earth

and work with us when

he has a family back home yeah

it's pretty sad for her to be separated

from him he must have a good reason

shush does anyone else hear that

what is it seems like something's

happening underground

oh it could be ryjak there's a drainage

tunnel near the base

maybe he's burrowing in let's get choco

and check it out

good idea

let's go get our move on your

chubs come on dig faster

we've almost reached the vault those

ranger weapons are as good as mine

no the chicks up rangers

hello ryjack well if it isn't captain


how did you find me you're not exactly


now's your last chance to surrender

right jack not happening

so be it

i got him

good thing we're underground cause this

tunnel's about to be your grave

tower rangers






this is about to be your gray yeah

grab them hold on you're getting ahead

of yourself

now's our chance

nice one taku thanks now let's finish

him off


ready now who's six feet under you can't

destroy me


fools you need to hear a lot harder than


how that he keep doing that maybe today

isn't our day

don't worry chaku sooner or later he's

going down

we better report to the commander get

that tunnel sealed

all right captain do you have a minute

of course

is everything okay nate i hope you won't

get upset with me

but this morning i overheard you talking

to your daughter

how is that any of your business you

didn't tell us you had a family

it wasn't relevant but don't you want to

go home and see them

i have a mission here on earth i


but i saw the look on her face

your daughter really misses you i know

because for most of my childhood

my parents worked overseas i still wish

every day that they'd visit more often

your daughter wants you to come home and

nothing should get in the way of that

i'm afraid it's not that simple

why not because i'm no longer completely



in order to survive my dangerous

missions the galaxy police made me half

machine these cybernetics gave me great


but they also took away the father she


i'm sure your daughter would love you no

matter what

i wish i could believe that but this is

the life i chose


i serve the greater good now i will

never return home


i was inches from their vault when the

rangers found me

it was bad luck nothing more never rely

on luck

my friend victory comes with persistence

why don't you bring your collection of

relics here

then we can all use them against the


not so fast my collection stays on earth

hidden and well secured in my spaceship

right jack's ship is on earth huh he's

even more stupid than he looks

haven't you learned you're too weak to

beat the rangers alone

you couldn't be more wrong the power

rangers will cry out and fear

as i crush them like the vermin they are

he won't last long then

our standards have confirmed it's him

commander good

you called for us yes ryjak has been

spotted on a rooftop in sector victor


really told you get another chance then

there's not a second to waste

good luck team

over here

ranges i knew you'd all come running

now i'll prove how easily i can destroy

you all

you've threatened this city far too long

ryjack not to mention your crimes in the

g5 galaxy

let's take this rhino by the horns


activate smartphone power

the beast very animise some backup

not gonna happen

no sword for you either

you're all out of toys right jack not


i've been saving one of my favorites for

a special occasion

i found this gizmo in the ruins of


what is that stand back

you're about to find out

how is that possible

how do you like me now i'm just

how do you like me now i'm

i've never seen a device like that

before don't worry

we'll handle this be careful projects a

bigger problem than ever

finders keepers losers weepers

i'm going to have some fun with this

hurry in position

soldier zord


everyone's counting on us team ready




he's overloading my systems try the


keep it together guys this is the best

grid battle force can do

bad news the attack rendered the

ultrasource inoperable

our only option is to reboot the entire

system we're sitting ducks out here

devon we're in luck reptile beast has

entered earth's orbit

just in time summon reptilo beast


enforcer inferno


you guys ready thanks saku reboot


we're good to go

oh no you don't

get ready to jump team w*apon systems


hold on

now's our chance to take him out

transport cheetah





congratulations your final enemy is


yes my mission is complete i can retire

from the g5 galaxy police

which means i'm ready for my new

assignment with grid battle force

i'm at your disposal commander you don't

seem too excited about joining us chaku

i'm pleased to serve the greater good

before you join us officially

we have a gift for you is this protocol

not really but i believe you're a

special case

follow me captain as you wish

as much as we'd love to have you on our

team there's someone else who needs you

even more

i'm sorry i'm not sure i understand

this machine combined humans with beast


making them power rangers the same

technology made steel's robotic body

become half human

and now i've adjusted it to reverse the

process that made you part robot

it will make you fully human again fully


is that possible you've been a warrior

long enough

if you'd like you can go back to being a

dad i

i i don't know what to say


i'm ready


beginning cybernetic extraction dna




how can i ever thank you

no need to we're the ones who owe you

without you you would have never

defeated right jack

now it's time to go see your daughter

have no doubt your parents miss you too


and i know they wish you could all be

together they must be very proud to have

a son like you


before i leave is there anything i can

do for you

could i have your awesome reptile beast

he's just kidding

i really want it sorry steel i'm afraid

that's galaxy police property

yeah it was worth the shot

so long rangers


captain chaku said we could keep his

plan and we found the perfect use for it

stay back good planty

what do you do when it's hungry well huh

we don't want her to eat

us again so we've been experimenting


new food check this out


so you feed it trash oh yeah

she loves it and

that's not all any second now

should we stand back


see she spits out the recyclables wow

what a neat plant reminds me of spot

i miss spot she's still being frustrated

guys it's an incoming call from chaku

you know i bet it's about the reptilla


here it is okay starlight it's recording

what did you want to say thank you

rangers for sending my daddy home

we did good huh looks like he's right

where he belongs

and so are all of us
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