01x20 - The Legend of the Saiyans

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x20 - The Legend of the Saiyans

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time
on Dragon Ball Z,

Goku kept on running down Snake
Way trying to find King Kai.

Unfortunately, an unexpected
detour lay just ahead.

After hitching a ride
with a street cleaner,

he caught some shut eye,

but a bump in the road sent him
hurtling into the underworld.

Unaware of how he got
there or where he was,

he got an even
bigger surprise when

he met two
rambunctious ogres

who were eager
to play with him.

But there was no
time for games,

and Goku was eager to get back
on Snake Way any way he could.

The ogres made him an
offer he couldn't refuse.

If he could beat them
in a competition

he would be allowed
to leave...

And sure enough, he did...

Happy to win the grand
prize, as well as steal

some very special fruit that
gave him some extra strength,

Goku made a hasty exit.

But as everyone knows,
you can never trust an ogre!

Sure, Goku was allowed
to leave the underworld,

but he was sent right back
to where he started from...

To King Yemma's house!

Uh... hi there,
great King Yemma!

I thought you were
on Snake Way?

Uh, I am!
I mean, I was! I mean...

I should get going.
Bye, bye!

Hm. Goodness.
How strange.

Now Goku
has really got to hustle

if he wants to
find King Kai

and get that special martial
arts training he needs...

There are two Saiyans
on their way to earth

and he's got to get back
before they get there!

Let's hope that
he makes it!

I think I'm almost back

to where I was
when I fell off!

No-good hoodlum!

If that guy
doesn't slow down,

I'm going to have to clean him
off the back of this baby!

Hey! Slow down!

Holy cow! That's that same
guy I ran into the other day.

Boy, I tell ya, that guy
should get a ticket

for reckless running!

While Goku gets
back on track, on Earth,

deep in the desert, Piccolo
is focusing his powers

and working on his own
special kind of training...

Huh? It's Piccolo!
Wow! That's great!

High atop Korin Tower,

the other members of the Z
warriors have gathered...

Eagerly they await their first
martial arts training session

with the one
and only Kami.

I'm glad to see that you
two guys were called up.

This is great!
I'm totally psyched!

Me too! It'll be a treat! This
training should be excellent!

Nice crib!
I'll bet the food's good!

We're not here
for a barbecue, Yajirobe!

Man! King Yemma really
knows how to grow fruit!

I feel incredible!

I might make it to see King
Kai in time after all!

Huh? Wow. Check that
out. This must be it.

This place looks like
it's fit for a king,

but it doesn't seem
like anyone's home!

Whoa! Man! Ahh!
This is crazy! Ahh!

Ow! Man!

Summon the princess! A visitor
just dropped in to see her!

Excuse me, princess.
You have a visitor.

What? A visitor?

Yes, ma'am.

What fun! It's been so long!

Let's take a peek,
shall we? Hmm?

From what I can see,
he seems nice enough!

Let's get a better
look... Oh, my!

Ah...! Mmm, goody,
he's handsome, too!

Yes! I think I'd like to
meet this young gentleman!

Her highness
has arrived!

Whoa! King Kai's
a woman?

Uh, sure enough!
And cute, too!

Oh! My, aren't
you bold!

Oh, sorry,
your highness!

I came here to study
with you, if that's okay?

Look at her highness!

I haven't seen
her so excited

since King Yemma dropped
by a long time ago.

Ah, what a
hunk of a man!

It's hard to believe a
thousand years have gone by

since he was
here last!

Wow! Really?

Okay, well...

The real reason I came here
is to receive your training

so I can help my
friends back on Earth!

Oh, training! I'm
flattered! Alright, then!

My goodness!

Are you sure you haven't
had any training before?

Wow! This is
kinda strange!

So this is the famous
martial art of King Kai?

You're a natural! Next
time I'll let you lead!

How does that sound,
to you, my boy?

Hey, I must
be doing really good

if she's gonna let me lead...
Whatever that means.

Now I get it!
King Kai is testing me!

She wants me to find
the vulnerable moment

and try an attack!

Wow! I didn't know
King Kai was so weak!

That's not King Kai...
She's Princess Snake!

She won the Other
World Beauty Contest

and she's known for her
beauty all over the land

and you must apologize
to her right now!

Gosh, I'm sorry. I thought you
were King Kai. See you later.

Oh, don't go!

Stay a while!

I'm kinda in
a hurry, Ma'am!

Oh, at least
stay for dinner!

Huh? Dinner?

Oh, yeah. It's been so long
since I've been hungry

because I ate that piece of
King Yemma's special fruit!

But it's been over
three months now

and I'm working up a pretty
good appetite. Sure! I'll stay!

Oh, that's

Girls, I want you to prepare
a banquet fit for a king!

Yes, ma'am!

the Princess has really

got the hots
for this one!

Yeah, I hear
he's good enough to eat!

Girls, it's been
so electrifying

having a
man around

that I'd like him to
stay a little longer!

Get it? Our guest
won't be leaving!

You'll make sure of
that, won't you?

Sure, no problem!
I've got the very thing!

I'll just grind it up and put
it in the soup broth...

And he'll fall right asleep
just like a little baby!

It's a little crude, but it
sounds like it should work!

All right, good!

Wonder if this
guy has a tender heart?

I hope so...

Your dinner is served!

There's brazed crocodile head,

sautéed paw of bear,
Mussels au Gratin,

and roasted turkey if all the
rest of it doesn't fill you up!

And of course we've prepared
three types of desserts,

so you be sure to save
some room for that too!

Wow! Ooh!

Dig in! You can start
whenever you want to!

Oh, boy!
Thank you!

You guys want
some of this?

Uh... Should
we give him more?

Yes! Won't you have some
of mine? I'm so full!

You're full? But you
didn't even eat!

Thanks! I'll take that...
And that...

Ahh! Boy oh boy!
Mmm mm! Hit the spot!

Shall I prepare a bed? You must
be sleepy after all that food.

Well I guess I am a little
bit... But I have to go.

I really need to get to
King Kai's place.

We can't let him go to bed
without dessert, can we?

Uh, yes, dessert!

No thanks!
I really need to go!

Oh! But you
can't go now!

Yeah! You haven't
had your bath!

You better get
cleaned up!

Especially if you're on your
way to see King Kai!

That's right! King Kai gets
offended by dirty people!

Well I guess I am a little bit
smelly... I'd better wash up.

Ah, this is
the life for me!

Yep, it doesn't get
much better than this.

Hoo! This feels great.

Hi there! How's
the bath going?

Fine! It's a little hot,
but it feels good!

Those are hot springs
you're sitting in...

The temperature
stays at a constant

three hundred degrees...

Wow! That's strange...

It feels like it's been
getting hotter in here

for the last
half hour!

Sunset program activated!

A normal man
would have boiled alive,

but I knew someone as strong
as you could handle it!

I just looked up

and it became night
all of a sudden!

I guess I've been in
here for a long time!

I hope I'm not
all wrinkly!

Mm, look at that!
All those stars!

Can you feel the excitement
In the air tonight?

It's just wonderful!
Tell me you feel it...

Are you still there?

Hm... Hey!

Where did he go?

Oh, no, I've done it! I've
boiled him! It was too hot!

Huh? Oh, my!

Now that was refreshing.
I can't thank you enough.

That was

But oh, my,
what a bod!

Man, I feel great!
I'm ready to go!

Goku, please don't go! No!

Girls! He's leaving!
Look sharp now!

But I have to go.
You don't understand...

My family and all my
friends are counting on me

to make it back
to Earth in time

to save the planet
from being destroyed!

You can't leave yet.

I've got something to
show you... And it's my g*n!

It gets so boring around here
sometimes, I just go crazy.

So once in a while I pull
out the ol' six sh**t

for a little
game of chance.

A game of chance,
you say?

Uh... Something tells me I
don't want to know the rules.

No way! It's a lot of fun,
I haven't lost a game yet!

You just use
one b*llet...

Give the chamber
a good spin...

And now's the time that you
place your bets, if you want!

Five to one odds
say you'll live!

Place the g*n to your
head, then bang...

You're off to
the races!

Personally, if I
was given a choice

I think I'd rather
play checkers!

Wait, weary traveler!

Allow us to perform
a sacred dance

in honor of your
family and friends!

Yes! You can't miss the ritual
dance of good family fortune!

Oh, I guess
I'll watch it.

Relax... I'll make you
some fresh-squeezed juice!

Make sure he
gets a special cup of juice.

We'll put enough special
stuff in his juice

to knock out an
elephant this time!

Sounds perfect!

Here you go!
Fresh juice! Yum!

Hey! Thanks!

Hm? Who is this guy?

How can he still be awake
after eating and drinking

all the drugged food?
He's not normal!

Goodness! He should be out for
three days after all that!

He's extraordinary,
isn't he?

Yes, I've never seen
anything like him!

And yet, he's so
simple and sweet!

Oh! I've always wanted
a pet like him!

Go... Gohan...

Hm? Oh, I think
he's dreaming!

Quick! Bring me
the Dream Mirror!

Yes, ma'am!

If you want to learn about
a man, just watch his dreams!

ChiChi, Gohan...

Now I'm jealous!
Who's this woman and kid?

Well, it must
be his family

that he was talking
about earlier!

This one's far too tame
for me! I'll just eat him!

Please save
us some!

Yes, please share!

We let King Yemma escape,
but that was a long time ago

and he's the only one
that ever got away!


Alright, Gohan... I'd like
for you to do this next problem

all by yourself.
Can you do it?

Okay, then can I go
out and play, Mom?

We'll see!

Oh, no...

Uh... Mom? Where's Dad?



Oh! I was dreaming! I don't
remember falling asleep.

You fool! You said
three days! Bah!

Oh, man! I forgot!
I gotta get going!

Relax! I'm sure
Chichi and Gohan are fine!

Hey, that's strange...
My wife and my son!

Who told you
their names?

Uh... Why, you
did! At dinner!

No, I didn't!
I would have remembered!

Curse you!

Stay away
from me! All of you!

Too late... You're already in

way over your head!

Oh, my dear,
perhaps it's true

that I wasn't able to deceive
your heart, but your eyes,

what about your eyes? Have
they been deceived all along?

You poor blind fool.

You can't even see what's in
front of you anymore, can you?

Uhh... I'm... in a...

A snake! You're in
the belly of a snake!

My belly, that is!

Oh, and watch out for
my digestive juices!

They're hot enough to melt
even the toughest of men!

Man, I've got to get out of
here before I turn into goo!

Come on!


Whew! That
was close! Ahh!

Sss, you rat!

Ah... That does it!

Ka... Me...
Hey, wait! I can't!

She gave me
that nice meal!

Hey! How 'bout
we call a truce?

All I really want is to get
back on the road to King Kai's!

I'll chase you for
eternity if I have to!


I know!



Bye! I'd stay a while,
but you're all tied up!

Wait! Come back!

These men are full
of fire, but it's not enough!

Goku, we need you!

For centuries,
outer space has been known

to be peaceful...
Until now...

On the outskirts of
the solar system,

two beings with
incredible powers

are on their way
to planet Earth.

And if they make it, they will
change our world forever...

That is, unless they
can be stopped!

Goku has escaped yet again
from another dangerous trap

and is back
on Snake Way.

He is still in the
running to save Earth,

but first he must
find King Kai.

He needs to learn a special
kind of martial arts

that only the
King can provide.

But the Saiyan warriors
are getting closer,

and the clock is
ticking towards

the day of
their arrival.

The Z warriors have made
it to Kami's place,

and are busy training for
their inevitable meeting

with the
deadly duo...

But will they have
they strength

to face them
in battle?

Or is Goku our
only chance?

Find out on the
next Dragon Ball Z!
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