01x29 - Goku Strikes Back

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x29 - Goku Strikes Back

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time,
on Dragon Ball Z!

Evil rained down upon
an unsuspecting Earth!

And the quiet of
a peaceful morning

in the city
was shattered,

as two Saiyan space
pods came crashing

to the
planet's surface!

After a year-long
journey through space,

the dreaded Saiyan warriors
have finally arrived!

And the Earth's
greatest defenders

are ready to
meet them...

Goku's friends have
already used the power

of the Dragon Balls to restore
the fallen hero back to life.

And with his super-charged
strength and speed,

he has launched into the
two-day trip down Snake Way!

Every second counts.

Over a day still remains
in Goku's journey.

But the Saiyans
attack... Today!


Oh, my...

He's getting out!

So what should we do
with these gawking fools!

They bother me!

Wh-Who are they?

What are they?!

Oh, I don't know.

Why don't you decide for once?

Heh! Really? Thanks, Vegeta.

This is going to be
a lot of fun for me.

Don't mention it.

Try to hold on!

What are they...
What are they doing?!

This is intense!

Do you think I was trying too
hard to impress them, Vegeta?

There isn't anyone
left to impress, Nappa.

I should have known better
than to let you have any fun.

But why?

Hey, c'mon! A little
destruction won't effect

the sale price of this planet.
What's the big deal?

Try to use
your brain...

We came here for the Dragon
Balls, remember, for the wish.

You remember the wish,
don't you, Nappa?

Well, yeah,
we were going to wish for

immortality, weren't we?

Good, and we need all
seven balls, right?

So let me ask you...

What if one of the
balls happened to be in

the city you
just destroyed?

I'm sorry. I guess I just
forgot about that, huh?

Well, let's
both forget about it.

What's done
cannot be undone.

Now, first we
need to find out

who has the highest
power level.

He'll be the one who
finished off Raditz.

Huh? More than
half-a-dozen people

on this planet have power
levels over a thousand!

How is that possible?

How should I know?

Maybe they've been preparing
for us... Not to worry.

Let's start out by finding
the strongest one.

I just found
two of them.

They definitely have the
highest fighting power

on the planet.

Really? Good then. This may
be interesting after all.

To repeat...

An unknown force of
devastating power

has completely destroyed
all of East City.

Government officials have
ruled out the possibility

of foreign
acts of w*r.

There were no
earthquakes in the area,

but noted physicists
have said

that the bright white light
that surrounded the city

could have been caused by
a multi-dimensional shift.

Well, the day has
finally arrived.

C'mon, let's go
help the others.

I can tell you
where they are!

What? Are you crazy?
What are we going to do?

You're such a coward!

Yeah! We're
going to help!

You just tell us what to do,
Master Roshi, and we'll do it!

Sorry, g*ng.
Oolong's right.

- Huh?
- What?!

I'm afraid
it's true.

This sort of battle is just
way out of our league.

We'd only get in the
way of the others'

if we were there
with them.

Yeah, I guess so.

Oh my goodness!

Goku! Where are you?

Hold on everybody!
I'm coming as fast as I can!

I know you can
do it! Hold on!

Heh! Amazing! This
planet's weak gravity

makes me feel like a kid
again. I'm invincible!

It's time!
Man are they movin'!

All right! Well, at that speed
it won't take them very long

to get to Piccolo
and Gohan!

Goku, you better
hurry up and get back!

You know how much I hate
fighting without you.

Gohan! Get ready, they're
headed straight for us!


Chiaotzu! Look, why don't
you just stay here?

No way! I'm coming! I didn't
train so hard for nothing!

Besides, I'm
sticking with you!

I can't believe it!
There's nothing left!

All right! Let's move it!

Say something, Ed!

It's reading a
little hot. It's safe though.

As you can see,
East City is gone.

Only a crater remains where
the great city once stood.

How and why the city
vanished earlier today

remains a mystery...

Any guesses yet, Sir?

I'm afraid not.

At this point, we're
completely baffled.

Yeah, well
I know what happened!

Who's that?

Oh, man! I was right!
The Saiyans are here!

And I'm supposed
to help fight 'em.

Maybe I can just go back to bed
and pretend I didn't see this.

Hey, you over there!

You had something to do with
all of this, didn't you?

Oh, yeah right!
Like I can destroy cities.

Inspector Bonehead.

If I could do that,

I wouldn't be shaking
right now, would I?

You freeze, Mister!

You're going to tell
me what you know!

Hey! Easy, Inspector!


For the last time!
It wasn't me, you dope!

It was
the Saiyans!

The Saiyans? And
just who are they?

What do you think!
They're aliens!

Really scary ones!

And they're gonna
blow up the world!

But, me and my team...
We're gonna try and stop 'em.

See, we're like a
secret task force

that protects
the Earth.

Now do you get it?

Thank goodness!

He's gonna save us from
the little green men. Ha!

Really, we're
lucky! Right?

Listen, that's great if you
want to save the world,

but could you do
it somewhere else?

This is a
restricted area!

What a scoop, huh?
You can have it!

Heh, heh! No thanks!

You think you're so smart!
Right! You're fools!

I can prove my
story's true! Heh!

You want proof? Just
take a look right there.

What are we looking at?

You going to do a
trick for us now?

You moron!
Look behind me!

How dare you!

Look! These things
right here!

They're space
ships, okay?

Space ships?!

H-How do you know?

Just come look.

Men! Search over here!

Yes, Sir!

Check out
those round things!


Hey, listen pal! Can we talk
for a moment here, privately?

I'd like to run your
story, if you'll tell it.

Sure, but we super-heroes
have to eat you know.

Oh... Well, how about
I take you to lunch?

Excuse me, Inspector!

I don't know what this stuff is,

but I've never seen anything
like it before, sir!

Huh? You're kidding!

Five thousand!
For an exclusive!

How's that for lunch?

Now, can you tell me why these
space men came down to Earth?

Hey, buddy, not so fast!

We want to hear
the story too.

We've got money
and plenty of it!

So do we!

We'll give
you whatever you want.

Us, too!

Let's hear it!

Easy, there, Inspector,
first things first!

My stomach's growling!

Money I don't really
need, but hot dogs...

Here, it's not much!

But with that badge
you get free doughnuts!

I've got it!
They went that way!

I mean that way!

Let's see...
They're definitely there.

About three thousand
miles in that direction.

See you there.

You bet!

Heh, heh. Hey! If you're
smart you'd take my advice.

Don't go anywhere
near those Saiyans.

Those two will be
a living nightmare.

I say last one there
is a rotten egg!

Eat my dust!

Let's go, men!

We've got to go
find those aliens!

Hm! Losers!
Oh, well, Ha...

I've got better things to
do now, like chow-down!

Though, maybe I should
blow off dinner

and go help them fight
the Saiyans... Na!

They're on their way here!
Gohan, do not be afraid!

Your preparation
has been excellent!

Have faith
in yourself.

I'm ready.

What is this?
There's someone else coming!

It looks like there might be
one more than we expected!

But I thought you said
there were only

to be two Saiyans!


It's Krillin!

Right! How 'bout
some help? Heh, heh.

Yeah, sure,
why not!

But things are going
to get intense!

You might just slow
us down, Krillin!

I doubt that! I've been doing
a little training of my own!

So you have.

I can feel a significant
increase in your power level.

Man! Goku's
running late.

We'll have to hold out
without him, somehow.

He's coming? I mean you really
know that for sure, Krillin?

Huh? Of course he is!

Master Roshi just talked
to him the other day!

Don't worry, Gohan.
He'll be here, alright.

Wow! That's great.
Thanks Krillin.

Hey, you grew up with
my Dad, didn't you?

He said guys thought
you couldn't fight

because you
were so short.

Short, huh? Actually,
we were the same size.

But then he kept
growing and I stopped.

By the way.
Are you all right?

No one's ever trained
with Piccolo before.

Aw! It wasn't
that bad!

Once you get used
to him, he's great!

Hey! That's enough of your
small talk! They're here!

So, one more joined them!

What do you suppose
these three are doing

out in the
middle of nowhere?

I think they were waiting
for us. Yes, I'm sure of it.

Whoa... This is it.
It's really happening.

So these are the Saiyans.

Can you feel
those power levels?

They're even
stronger than I imagined!

What're we
gonna do, guys?

So, we meet
at last!

The pleasure's mine.

I'm only
going to say this once.

Leave this planet.

This is your first
and last chance

to get out of
this alive.

That voice!

I see. You're the one who
defeated Raditz one year ago.

My voice?

Right. Didn't
Raditz tell you?

Our scouters also work
as communicators.

The green one's from
Namek, isn't he?

Yes. He's
from Namek all right.

No wonder Raditz had such a
hard time with him and Kakarot.

I'm from Namek!

Eh? Piccolo! I didn't know
you were from outer space!

Of course...
It makes sense.

Is-Is that true,

You didn't know?
Well, what a surprise.

Surely you must have suspected
something before now!

The green skin
and pointy ears

are a dead give away,
don't you think?

So, I'm from the planet Namek!

I can't believe it, but at the
same time, I know it's true!

Yes! It's true!

It was you who told Raditz
about the Dragon Balls!

Now tell us!
Where are they?

But, no one knows
where they are!

Not for a whole year!

That's enough. We know
the balls are down here!

Make no mistake!

We will find them with you
alive or with you dead!

It's your decision!

Tell us where they are
or you will all be k*lled!

Heh! I want to
thank you...

Because of you, I now know that
I come from the planet Namek.

But, this is
my planet now!

And no one is going to tell
me what to do with it!

So, back off! We're not here
to bow down to your demands!

We're here to fight!

So go ahead and do whatever
it is you came here to do!

Are you okay?

Yes... I'm fine,
Mr. Popo.

For the first time in my life
I have heard about my origin.

Now I know the reason why I
have always had special powers.

You see, they just
said I'm from space...

A place
called Namek.

It all makes sense.

When I created the Dragon Balls
I fulfilled a deep yearning.

The blueprints for the balls
existed in my mind and heart

long before I was
able to give them form.

When I finally succeeded, I
felt as if I had made it home.

Or rather, as if
a piece of home,

had found its
way to me.

Let's get out of here!

I guess they're
not going to tell us

where the Dragon
Balls are, Nappa.

You wanna bet?

Alright! Let's see how
strong you really are!

The kid's
at a thousand.

The Namek is at
fourteen hundred,

and the midget's
at eleven hundred.

You fools! Do you really
think you can beat us

with such puny
power levels?

Hey, Nappa...

Take your
Scouter off.


It seems they know how
to concentrate energy

and raise their
fighting powers.

These figures
are most unreliable.

Hey, right, good call!
Now I remember.

That pathetic loser, Raditz,
let himself be fooled

by all of their
power readings.

You two be
ready for them!

Wait, Piccolo, if they're
stronger than Raditz,

and Goku isn't here,

how can you expect to
defeat them with just us?

Oh, well, guys...
Let's just do it.

Nappa, I believe it's time
we have a little fun with them.

Better yet, get
those Saibamen out.

There should be six of
them left... They'll do.

You're too much! You really
know how to have fun!

Huh? Saibamen?

I don't see
any men.

You're right,
there are six.

Maybe the Saibamen
can persuade them

to tell us where the Dragon
Balls are, huh, Nappa?

Oh, I think they
can arrange that.

Uh, okay, what
are they doing?

I think we're
about to find out.


Well, at least...
they're shorter than I am!

They're brainless,
crazy monsters!

They're strong, too.

This should be a
pretty good match up.

These Saibamen
seem spunky.

I'll take
the two on the left!

I've got
the two in the middle.

The two on the
right are yours, Gohan!


Will these
sprouted Saiyan spawn

prove to be more than
our heroes can handle?

Or will they somehow
be able to withstand

the onslaught long enough
for Goku to return?

With the fate of the entire
world in the balance,

Goku's help can't
come fast enough...

On the next episode
of Dragon Ball Z!
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