01x30 - Goku vs. Vegeta... a Saiyan Duel!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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01x30 - Goku vs. Vegeta... a Saiyan Duel!

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time,
on Dragon Ball Z!

Having completed their
year-long journey to Earth,

the two sinister Saiyans
made their presence known

with expl*sive style!

The Earth's fighters
could only look on

in horror as the
destruction began,

for they had little hope
of defeating the Saiyans

without the help of their
greatest champion, Goku,

who was racing down Snake
Way to join the battle.

Unfortunately, the Saiyans
weren't willing to wait

for the hero's return.

They sought out their targets
with cruel precision,

hoping to learn the secrets
of the seven Dragon Balls.

Now Krillin, Piccolo, and
Gohan stand face to face

with these
Saiyan monsters,

and the diabolical henchmen
they've brought with them.

This should be
a pretty good match up.

These Saibamen
seem spunky.

Can our heroes
hold their ground long enough

for Goku's help
to arrive?

Find out, as the battle for
the Earth begins... Today!

Gohan! Pay attention!
Your thoughts are unfocused!

Uh, okay...

You don't have
to be scared!


Gohan, believe
in yourself.

I'll try...

Don't try! Do it!


Aw, isn't that cute?

It warms my heart...

Don't listen
to those jerks, Gohan!

They'll get what's comin'
to 'em soon enough!


Hey, you guys!

Hi, Krillin!

for dropping by!

We could
use the help...

Looks like
the Saiyans brought

some of their friends
along for the ride...

No, they grew
them here...


Don't ask...

That's okay. It doesn't
really matter...

Who's the kid? Is that
Goku's little boy?

His name is Gohan.

Piccolo's been
training him.

Hm. He's bold,
like his father.

Enough of this
garbage! Saibamen!

I want to hear
them beg for mercy!

Wait for me!

What's up?
Sorry I'm late!

H-Hey! Yamcha!

So, why is everyone acting
all serious around here?

Look, Nappa,
now it's six against six.

Their warriors
against our Saibamen!

How perfect.

This may just prove to be
interesting after all...

Heh, heh, heh. I can't wait.


How would you like to
make a match of this

and fight our
soldiers one by one?

Well? Answer.

We're not here
to play games!

And we're not going to
fight on your terms!

We'll take you
all on at once!

Hey, now... Easy!

We're still waiting
for Goku to show up!

We can buy ourselves some time
by playing it their way.

I'll go first! I'm not afraid
of these little creeps.

It'll be a
good warm-up!

That's the spirit!

Fresh meat for
the grinder!

But just wait...

You won't be so
cocky when you see

what these 'little
creeps' can do!

Well! A lot of noise,
but no volunteers!

All right, you go. But don't
hold anything back... Got it?

Hey, Tien!
Be careful!

Don't get too close...
That big bald one is loaded!

We're just gonna ease forward

until we can get a
good shot of the aliens!

That's it.
There they are! Back a little...

Hey Mike!
We got it!

Can you zoom
in any more?

So you want some news, do ya?

Now you are the news!

No more distractions!

Now whadda ya' say we
get this fight started!

- Mister Yajirobe!
- You there!

Mister Yajirobe!

If you are a member
of the special forces,

why aren't you
there with them now?

I'm hungry! That's why!

What horrible manners!

Look! It's a strategy!

The other guys are wearin'
'em down in the first round,

and I'm saving my
energy for round two!

And who are
the other members of your team?

You've probably
heard of them...

You might've even
seen them in action

in the Worlds Martial
Arts Tournament.

First, there's Goku. Then
there's Yamcha and Krillin...

You know Goku?

Know him?
I'm his trainer!

Yeah, Goku's definitely
our best man.

That is, if he makes
it back in time...

Where is Goku now?

Ugh! I can't believe this!

Hey, g*ng!

Ox King!

Hey there, Ox...

Thank goodness you didn't
bring ChiChi with you.

That was a good move!

Oh, well, uh...

Please... What's happened
to Gohan? Where is he?


Master Roshi! You have to tell
me! I can handle it! Please!

He's on the b*ttlefield
with Piccolo.


Wow. Thanks.



Way to go, Tien!
Great move!

Alright! Heh!

You're the best, Tien!


It looks like you got
a hold of a weak batch, Nappa.

No! They're all good!

These are the same
ones that survived

that crazy
battle on Tratak!

He should have won!
His power level's 1200!

All of these Saibamen have
the same fighting power as...

As who?

As Raditz.

Now do you
see my point?

Well, I think so.

Do you?

Well, don't
strain yourself,

just leave the thinking
to me from now on.

Uh, Tien? That one's
getting back up!

Vegeta! Why?

He wasn't of
any use to us any more.

I know, but...
he was... alive!

I-I don't understand...

It would
have been pointless

to let him continue,
Nappa. He was losing.

Which leads me to believe
he wasn't trying his hardest.

I specifically told him
not to hold anything back.

Whoa... Talk
about ruthless!

No mercy.
Even for his allies...

He won't be taking prisoners.
We're fighting for our lives.

This is just crazy! I've never
seen anything like it!

Remote One,
report to control!

Wow! There's enough
energy bouncing around out there

to light up
a whole city!

Mike, we're having
trouble holding a signal here!

Yeah, I copy that.
Just do the best you can!

So... Who's going next?

All right! If no one steps up,
we'll have a free for all!

That's fine
with me! Let's do it!

No! I'll go next!

Hold on, Krillin!

What's up?

Let me go,
would ya?

I'm really anxious
to show these guys

what we're all about
down here on this planet.

That's great, but,
I got this one, okay?

You've already
been wished back

with the Dragon Balls
once. I haven't.

So if anything happens,

at least we know that
I can be revived...

Sit this one out
for me, Krillin...

You'll get your chance,
don't you worry about that.

'Kay... He's all yours.

How touching. I'm all
warm and tingly. Heh!

Now go k*ll him!

Alright then... C'mon!
Let's get this thing over with!

Huh... This one
seems eager.

Yeah, right...

Eager to die, that is...

It seems one
of the little green men

is about to take
on another member

of the Special
Forces team.

The leader of this elite
task force, Mr. Yajirobe,

will be available
for comment...

Oh, brother...

After eating.

Ew, look how
ugly those things are!

No kidding!

It looks
like the Special Forces

are ready for action!


Isn't he great? I've never
seen him look so confident!

It's not just appearance!
He's reached a new level!

Excuse me!

Hey, Bulma...
Something caught your eye?

Huh? What do
you mean?

Oh, don't mind
him, Bulma!

I think
it's wonderful

that you're still
in love with Yamcha!

Oh, well, I guess
it's pretty obvious.

Ahh! What was that for?

Hey, look!
There's Piccolo!

Boy, he doesn't
look too happy, does he?

Oh, wow, Ox!
Look who it is!

Huh? Gohan's huge!

Where's Gohan?

Oh, my goodness!
What happened to him?

Nothing! He's just bigger
and stronger, that's all!

Oh, Gohan... You've been
growing up without me...

He looks like
Goku when he was a boy!


Don't tell me
my little boy

is going to have to
fight those monsters!


If only
Goku were here...

They... vanished!

Nonsense! They're just
moving very fast!

Try to feel out
their energies...

Feel their

All of us are
watching them right now,

except you, Gohan!

What? You can see
them? 'Kay...

Don't focus
on a specific point.

Let your eyes take in your
entire surroundings...

Remember, you're not
trying to see their bodies

but the light that the energy
in their bodies gives off.

Uh! I can
hear them, Piccolo!

Now stay relaxed.

Continue to look...
Don't blink your eyes.

Now you see.


Oh, no you don't!

- Alright!
- Yay!

Wow... Great.

Yay! He did it! Way to go!

That's two!

That was easy.

Looks like we're in a
different league altogether

than your little
green goon squad!

You cocky...

Nappa! Relax.

Now then, whadda you
say I just take on

the other four
by myself?

Are you nuts?

Now that, I'd like to see.

Too bad I won't
get the chance...

Oh yeah?
Bring 'em on!

Let go!

It's over...

Ah! Oh no...


Well... I guess
it's a draw.

No way to defend...

Ah! Is he...

No... He's dead...

Hey, what happened,
you guys?

It looked like he...
was going to win...

I don't exactley know, Bulma...
But it doesn't look good.

I'm sorry, everyone...
I'm afraid we've lost him.

No! Yamcha!
Please! Don't go!

No, no, no, no!

Bulma, it's
okay to let it out...


Oh, Master Roshi!

That's it.
Let it all out.

Everything's going
to be all right.

But why did it
have to be Yamcha? Why?

Now why'd you have to
go and be the hero,

you big,
stupid, jerk...

It was my
turn to fight.

It shoulda' been
me in there...

You hear me, Yamcha?
You can't die!

It should've been me!
It should have been me!

Oh, shut up! It doesn't
make any difference

who goes
down first!

Don't you get it? You're
all going to die in the end!

Calm down, Nappa.

Give them a moment to clear
this trash off the b*ttlefield.

How dare you!

You guys stay
out of this!

This is between
me and them now!

'Kay buddy...
This one's for you.

I won't let you
down again...

All right, come
on! I'm ready!

I'll take on all
four of those g*ons at once!

Just like
Yamcha was going to do!

The demented Saibamen
have claimed their first victim

on the b*ttlefield...

Now, fueled by rage,

Krillin intends to ensure
they do not claim a second.

Can Krillin avenge
his fallen friend,

and put an end to the
Saiyans' twisted game?

Don't miss the action
when Krillin strikes!

Next time,
on Dragon Ball Z!
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