01x18 - Beauty and the Beach

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x18 - Beauty and the Beach

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I want to be the very best
Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause ♪

♪ I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide ♪

♪ Teach Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ It's you and me
I know it's my destiny ♪

♪ Pokémon! Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend ♪

♪ Pokémon! Gotta catch 'em all
A heart so true ♪

♪ Our courage will pull us through ♪

♪ You teach me and I'll teach you
Pokémon! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all
Pokémon! ♪

[Ash] Blue skies.

[Brock] White clouds.

[Misty] And see as far as you can see.

Oh, I wish that ship could take us
off this island.

[narrator] We find our heroes
stranded at Porta Vista,

the only town on the island
with ferries to the mainland.


[narrator] It seems
our friends have missed the boat.

It'll be a long three hours
until the next ferry.

-Pika. Chu chu!

Oh, look. It's a Horsea. How cute.

Huh? Where? Hey!

I'll just get Dexter to tell me about it.

[Pokédex] Horsea, a dragon Pokémon.

With this unique Pokémon species,

thousands of eggs hatch every spring,
and then the male raises them himself.

-It looks like it's injured.


And there's no Pokémon Center around here.
I know what.


Horsea, Horsea.

It's saying something.

We have to try to take care
of its wounds first.

I'll capture it in my Poké Ball.


Oh, no! The boat!

Look out!

[Ash] I wonder what's happening.

[Misty] We've got to act fast.

My water Pokémon can help those people.

Staryu, Starmie, Goldeen, go!

I didn't know you can do that.

Don't just stand there,
go look for a boat to help them.

[both] Right.

[groans then screams]

-This way! Carry them all to our boat!


[man] It's terrible. Terrible!

He seems like he's paralyzed.

Hey what happened to you out there?

The boss.
I've got to tell the boss what happened.

I'm the boss. Nastina.

[all yelp]

I understand that you helped
to save the men on my ship.

Thank you very much.


You're very welcome.

I wonder if you could give us a ride
to the mainland.

Hm! You don't think you're going
to get away that fast do you?

Not till you see my new resort.


It's not finished,
but it'll be spectacular.

The world's biggest luxury resort.

[Misty] Is that it out on the ocean?

[Nastina] Yes, that's it.

That's Nastina's paradise,
a super luxury hotel,

The hotel to end all hotels.

It'll have hundreds of luxurious suites,

surrounded by the world's
most beautiful coral reef.

But only if those Tentacools
stop interfering with construction.

The Tentacool?

I get it.
The Tentacool paralyzed your sailors.

Because of those Tentacool,

all the tourists have been staying away
from here.

I don't know
why such despicable creatures even exist.

Did you say despicable?

They're disgusting,
you can't even eat them.

And they're hurting my profits.

I was hoping the three of you
might be able to help me

take care of my little problem.

Do you have to the skill to handle
a Tentacool extermination project?

[all] Huh?

Of course I'll pay you well.

-[both] Whoa!

If you succeed, you'll get world-class,

all- you-can-eat luxury dinners
for one year, $1 million in cash

and vouchers for free stays in the hotel.


First you have to exterminate
the Tentacool,

every last one,
then I'll pay you the reward.

[angry grunt]

That's disgusting!

[angry grunt]

[Ash] Misty.

There's a girl who can't be bought.

-Hey, wait up.
-What are you so mad about?

Doesn't that old woman make you sick?

Well, she's not really my type but--

She wants to destroy the Tentacool.

[both] Huh?

And they're all so cute.

They're cute?

[Pokédex] Tentacool, a jellyfish Pokémon.
99% of its body is made up of water.


I guess ugly
is in the eye of the beholder.

If Tentacool are attacking humans,

then there must be a very good reason
for it.

Do you really think so?

Of course.

Tentacool are so squishy and nice
when you hold them,

and they call the pretty red spot
on their heads the ruby of the sea.

Who calls it that?

Well, I call it that. It's my name for it.

When you talk about water Pokémon,
it's like you get a different personality.

I don't understand
why you can't see their charm.

Water Pokémon are so beautiful
and have such depth.

[sighs] Like that Horsea we saw.
It was a talented artist.

Art? You mean that ink
it spit out if its mouth?

Chu chu. Chu!

Horsea. [giggling]


Horsea! [giggles]

How do you feel? Are you okay?

The super potion seems to be working.

Thank goodness. [laughs]

They're really communicating.


Huh? What is it?

-What are you trying to say?

Say didn't that picture it drew
look like a Tentacool?

Maybe it was telling us
about the Tentacool

and why that ship was sunk.

Is that right, Horsea?

Sea, sea. [whimpers]

Citizens of Porta Vista listen up!


Effective immediately,
I am recruiting volunteers

to exterminate the Tentacool
terrorizing our town.


I will award $1 million to anyone
who can exterminate the Tentacool.

Isn't Nastina generous?

She'll do anything to destroy them.

Anyone who wants money--

I mean, wants to help the development
of our town,

come to the yacht harbor immediately.

Huh, she expects to get people
to destroy the Tentacool for money?

How ridiculous.

[Ash] Oh, it's not ridiculous to them.

[Horsea whimpers]

[all yelling]



All right, which one of you
is going to win the $1 million reward?


[grunts then gasps]

Oh, who is that?

-[Jessie] Prepare for trouble.
-[James] Make it double.

To protect the world from devastation...

To unite all peoples within our nation...

To denounce the evils of truth and love...

To extend our reach to the stars above.



Team Rocket blast off
at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare to fight.

Meowth! That's right.

Hey, they got a lot of spunk.

That's a new definition of "spunk."


Look at that hair.

[both yelp]

I don't need your beauty tips!

I need to get rid of Tentacool!

It's a very distinctive style.
Just don't sh**t.

You mean dis-stink-tive.

Oh, we are terribly sorry.

Yes, very sorry.

Please leave your little Tentacool
extermination project to Team Rocket.

This crew might just pull it off.

We sure will, Nastina.

Sounds good.

If you exterminate
the Tentacool completely,

the million bucks is yours.

Isn't Nastina generous?

Yes, we heard you the first time.

Just get the dough ready for us.


They're disrespecting the ocean.



We're going to make a million.

Just for getting rid of some jellyfish.

-And it's going to be so easy with our...
-[all] Super-secret stun sauce!

[Jessie] We'll just pour it into the ocean
all over the Tentacool.

[Meowth] Then we'll catch them
and open up a fish market.

And we'll make even more money.

There's nothing like making money.

Mm? What?


Why are we going back?

[yelps and stammers] T-t-t...

[all] Tentacool!

-[man] What are they?
-[Ash] All of those things are Tentacool?

Get the stun sauce! Get the stun sauce!

We don't have enough of it.

There must be 10,000 of them!

[all screaming]

[all screaming]

We super-sized it!


This is impossible.

Even at its greatest height, a Tentacruel
shouldn't be more than seven feet tall.

[Pokédex] Tentacruel, a jellyfish Pokémon,
an evolved form of the Tentacool.

Its numerous tentacles
serve as a powerful w*apon.

It is known as the gangster of the sea.

That must be the g*ng leader.

Oh, no! Tentacruel's in trouble!

How dare that thing crush my hotel!

Commence fire!



[grunts] Leave my hotel alone!

Tentacool! Tentacool! Tentacool!


Tentacool! Tentacool! Tentacool!

We've got to try to protect Tentacruel.

-But there's going to be a tidal wave!

[people screaming]

Tentacool! Tentacool! Tentacool!

Oh, thank badness we survived.

We're high and dry.

It's a good thing
we grabbed onto this pole.

It should be safe to climb down now.

[both whimpering] Help!

Oh, it's a good thing
I just got that insured.

That's the last straw Tentacruel!
I'm coming after you!


[Tentacruel growling]

So this is what that Horsea
was trying to warn us about earlier.

I don't understand.

Why would they do a thing like this?

Now everyone will be against them.

Pikachu, do something.
[Pikachu gasps]

-You're right.

There's no way you could battle
against something that big.

Just leave this to me.

-Wait. Up there.

-It's Meowth.
-Meowth has abandoned us.

Oh, it's a Tentacruel world.

No time for drama. Let's get out of here.

[both yelp]

We are Tentacool and Tentacruel.
Hear us now.

Humans have destroyed our ocean home,
and now we will have our revenge.


Tentacruel's using Meowth as a puppet.

Now we will begin
to destroy your world, your home,

as you have so cruelly tried
to destroy ours.

And not one of you
has the right to complain about it.

Their homes must've been
where that hotel's being built.

That's right. The coral reef.

[gasps] That's exactly what Horsea
was trying to tell us.

I should've understood
what it was trying to say.

And I call myself a water Pokémon trainer.

[people screaming]

Horsea. [whimpering]


It's too late, Horsea.

No matter what you think,
we cannot turn away.

We must teach humans
the pain of having homes destroyed.


A spineless attitude like yours

will only allow humans to be more cruel
and inconsiderate in the future.


So you say we're the spineless ones?

For that you must be punished!




Grab him, Pidgeotto!



Good work, Pidgeotto.


[Misty] I'm sorry, Horsea.

You got beaten up,
and you did it all for us humans.

-Thank you.
-[whimpering] Horsea.

Pika, pika, pika, pika!

-You want to try your luck?

All right full power attack now!





Starmie, Staryu and Goldeen!

-Get ready, Zubat!



Hey, Pikachu, don't let the Tentacool
get any closer to us!

Send them back to the sea!

[Butterfree tittering]

[Bulbasaur] Bulba, Bulba, Bulba!

[people cheering]

Huh? Hey where's Misty?

You are all Pokémon.

Why are you battling
to save the destructive human?



[Starmie grunts]




-Ah, Zubat!

Though you are Pokémon,
if you take the human's side,

you are our enemy.

[Pidgeotto caws]

Pika! Pika, Pikachu!

Pikachu, pika!



-Pikachu's reasoning with it?
-I'm counting on you, Pikachu!

Pika, pika, chu.


Chu! Pika!

[Tentacruel grumbling]

Pikachu. Pika!


Pika, pika, pika, Pikachu!


[Misty] Please stop, Tentacruel!

Please, take them all back to the ocean!

-[both] Misty?

Please listen, Tentacruel.
This is enough!

We humans understand that we've hurt you.


We won't destroy your homes anymore.

We're sorry, so please...

If this happens again,
we will not stop. Remember this well.

Meowth. Where am I?

For the moment...

We've got our feet on the ground.

[both groan]

Tentacool! Tentacool! Tentacool!

[grunts] You think you can get away
that easy, do you?

Take this!

I'll capture you, throw you in a t*nk,
and charge admission.

Eat lead, squiddly!

-She doesn't get the message, does she?
-Let's go!

Come on, you big jellyfish. I'll show you.

An overgrown squirt!

What's wrong with you, Nastina?
Don't you understand?

What you're trying to do
is wrong for everybody

because it hurts Pokémon and humans.


You stuck-up little brat!



Well, Tentacruel,
glad to see you're wising up

and coming over to my way of thinking.

Now, why don't you and me
go into business together?



So long!

Mm. Huh? Oh.

Goodbye, Tentacruel. We'll remember.




Whew. Huh?




You shouldn't drop in on me like this.

I thought that's what cousins are for.


[ship's klaxon blares]

It's kind of weird,
but Tentacruel turned out to be okay.

You're right.

So, Misty, you still think
jellyfish Pokémon are cute?

Sure do.

[both groan]

[chuckles] But right now
Horsea's the cutest Pokémon of all.

Come on, Horsea.


Horsea, you're my Pokémon.

Wait a minute.
That's supposed to be my pose.

I know, but I've always wanted
to try it out for myself. [giggles]

That's a good idea. Next time I'll try it.

Oh, why don't you guys
just think up your own poses, okay?

[Brock] You should be flattered
that people want to try out your pose.

-[Misty] That's right. Don't be so greedy.
-[Ash] What?

The ocean has become peaceful once more,

and as they leave Porta Vista behind,

Our heroes set off
for their next Pokémon gym

and their next Pokémon adventure.

[all] We'll get them next time.

-♪ Pokémon! ♪
-Attention, all Pokémon trainers!

Do you got what it takes to be
the best?

Today, we’ll do 30 Pokémon!

It’s the ultimate test!

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all, yeah! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Articuno, Jynx, Nidorina, Beedrill
Haunter, Squirtle, Chansey, Pokémon! ♪

♪ Parasect, Exeggcute, Muk, Dewgong
Pidgeotto, Lapras, Vulpix, Rhydon ♪

♪ At least 150 or more to see ♪

♪ To be a Pokémon Master is my destiny ♪

♪ Charizard, Machamp, Pinsir, Koffing
Dugtrio, Golbat, Staryu, Magikarp ♪

♪ Ninetales, Ekans, Omastar Scyther
Tentacool, Dragonair, Magmar ♪

Not bad, not bad!

Hey, don’t get cocky.
Tomorrow’s the hardest part.

We’re on our way to 150 Pokémon!

There’s no stopping us!

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon ♪

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon ♪

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪
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