01x08 - Lucy the Music Lover

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Lucy Show". Aired: October 1, 1962 – March 11, 1968.*
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Widow Lucy Carmichael raises her children and shares her home with divorcee friend Vivien.
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01x08 - Lucy the Music Lover

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring Lucille Ball.

Costarring Vivian Vance.

The Lucy Show is
brought to you by

the light dessert with
fresh fruit taste: Jell-O.

Darn, darn, darn, darn.

You'd think my son
was a centipede.

Viv, do we have to go

to that Women's Club
meeting tomorrow afternoon?

It won't hurt you.

It's a money-raising meeting,

and I'm the new
committee chairman.


I heard they were
trying to raise money

by having some stale concert.

Whose dumb idea was that?



Oh, a concert!

Well, the more you think of it,

the better you like it.


Well, um, who've you
lined up for a soloist?

I don't have one yet.

What difference does it
make to you who I get?

You always sleep through
every concert anyway.

Well, I wouldn't if they
got somebody good,

like Frank Sinatra
or Benny Goodman.


Yes, Chris?

Would you do me a
favor? What is it, dear?

Well, I just talked to
Cynthia on the phone,

and she said The Music Shop

is having a big
clearance sale tomorrow.

I wondered if you'd get me
Bobby Darin's new album.

Bobby Darin?

I thought you smashed all his
records when he got married!

I know,

but one must be adult
about these things.

All right, dear,
I'll get it for you.

Oh, gee, thanks, Mom!


Oh, hi, Audrey.

Saturday night?

Well, wait a minute.

It's Audrey Simmons.

She wants to know
if either of us is free

for a blind date Saturday night.

I'm free, but not for
one of her blind dates.

You go.

You're not doing anything.

I don't want to go either.

Tell her we're busy.

Audrey, you can
count on one of us.



Eye, ear, nose and
throat specialist, huh?

Well, he sounds wonderful.


We'll talk to you later.


What's the matter with you?

Now you know as well as I do

that we don't dare
turn Audrey down.

Why not?

Because her husband, Harvey,

sells medical supplies

and has a pipeline
to every eligible doctor

in this part of the
state, that's why not!

Every doctor she
digs up makes me sick.

Good morning, Grace.

Hi, Mrs. Carmichael!

Can I help you?

I want Bobby
Darin's latest album.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I just sold the last one.

Oh, dear!

Oh, I know how you feel.

The way he goes, yeah, man,

and he grooves it and
he leans on that note

and, yeah, he puts me away, too!

Well, I don't want to be
put away, but Chris does.


Well, I'll check the stockroom.

Maybe some more
came in this morning.

Well, thank you, Grace.

Oh, Grace...


Is that Audrey Simmons?

Yes, it is.

Hi, Lucy.

How are you, dear?

Oh, hi, Audrey.

Lucy, I'd like you to
meet Dr. Sam Eastman.

This is Lucy Carmichael.

How do you do, Doctor?

How do you do? Nice to know you.

Audrey tells me we have
a date Saturday night.

I must say I couldn't
be more pleased.

Well, thank you.

I was just saying to
Vivian this morning,

"How does Audrey Simmons
find all those attractive men"?

Please, Mrs. Carmichael.

You're too kind.

Not at all.

You finding some
good records, Lucy?

Yes... uh, yes. Yes.

Well, we have
something in common.

Next to medicine,
music is my whole life.

Oh, mine, too.

Oh, yes.

And not only that,

but my whole
family adores music.

Well, I prefer
classical, of course.

I'm not much for popular music.

Oh, me, either.

Popular music... Ugh!

Uh, Saturday night, I
thought we'd go to a concert.

Oh, wonderful!

Uh, you've heard Reiner
conducting Rubinstein

in Rachmaninoff's "Rhapsody
on a Theme of Paganini"?

Not lately.

Oh, Sam, here's that
album you wanted.

Oh, fine, fine.

Oh, about Saturday night...

Uh, I have late office hours.

Would you mind if we met
at Carnegie Hall about 8:00?

Oh, not at all. Anywhere.

Good. Bye.

See you Saturday
then. Bye. Okay. Bye.

Excuse me. Here's
that Bobby Darin album...

Well, wrap it up.

Gee, Mom, you look pretty.

Thank you, Chris.

Are you and
Dr. Eastman going steady?

Oh, heavens, no!

Why, Mother, you're blushing!

Oh, I am not.

Well, have a nice time, Mom.

Lucy? What?

You are blushing.

I didn't know I still knew how.

Listen, girl, as one
old pal to another,

do you really enjoy longhair
music night after night?

Of course, Vivian.

Oh, it's so stimulating.

I never realized
what I was missing.

I finally discovered
the real me.

Uh-huh. JERRY: Hey, Mom?

What, dear? I found it.

I found it in the attic.

Good, thank you, dear.

What's that?

It's a tommy g*n left over
from my days with the Mob!

You told me it was a violin.

Oh, it is, honey.

I was just kidding Aunt Viv.

Say listen,

did you see my
music rack up there?

I think so. Would you go get it

for Mommy, please dear? Okay.

What are you going to do?

I used to play this in school.

I thought I'd take a
few more lessons.

Good grief.

You know, Sam plays the violin.

Oh, and I did you a favor.

He promised me
that he would play

at your benefit concert.


Well, good.

Let's see now,

what was my big number...

The one I played at the recital?

Oh, yeah.

What was that?!

"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star."

Well, that's one star that
will never twinkle again!

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

This is the silliest
idea I ever heard of.

Inviting Dr. Eastman over

to meet your musical family.

Well, I had to do something

after that miserable
goof I pulled last night.

Yeah, that wasn't too good.


Sam loves ballet, but I
don't think he cared much

for my performance
of Sleeping Beauty.

Hey, he'll be here any minute.

Give me a hand with Beethoven.


No wonder he wrote
such heavy music.


Lucy... What?

Do you really think all
of this is going to prove

that you're a big music lover?

Well, it'll create a mood.

Yeah, but how long do you think

you're gonna get
by with faking it?

What about that ugly day

when he discovers that
your idea of a classic

is "You Ain't Nothin'
But a Hound Dog."


There he is.

Good evening, Sam. Hello, Lucy.

May I take your
coat? Oh, thank you.

Sam, I'd like you to meet
my friend, Vivian Bagley.

Well, how do you
do, Mrs. Bagley?

Oh, I'm very well, thank you.

But I'd feel better
if you'd call me Viv.

Uh, would you hang
this in the closet,

Mrs. Bagley?

Won't you come in, Sam?

Thank you.

My, you have a
lovely place here.

Thank you.

And-and what a novel idea,

all these little statues.

What statues?

These busts of famous composers.

Oh, those statues.

Oh, my.

They've been with us so
long, I forgot we had them.

Won't you sit down?

Thank you.

Yes, do sit down, Viv.

Oh, Jerry.

Oh, Jerry, uh...

I'd like you to
meet Dr. Eastman.

This is my son, Jerry.

How do you do?

How do you do? I, uh...

I like your Beethoven
sweatshirt, Jerry.


Can I take it off now, Mom?

Not yet, dear.

Run along.

Uh... you see, he
likes Beethoven,

but, uh, his favorite
is Tchaikovsky,

but he's in the wash.

Chris, darling,

I'd like you to
meet Dr. Eastman.

My daughter, Chris.

How do you do?

How do you do, Doctor?

You certainly have
a musical daughter.

Yes, I guess it's in our blood.


That was my son, Sherman.


Does he take ballet lessons?

No, he gives them.

Th-th-th-this is fantastic.

Oh, yes.

I guess we are quite
an unusual little group.

Doctor, now that you're here,

I get so little chance to talk

with people who
really like good music.

I'd like to have your
opinion. Uh, Vivian?

Uh, do you like the
way Fritz Reiner Viv?

Conducts the Cleveland
Symphony? Viv! Huh?

Uh, why don't we play

our little musical
game for Dr. Eastman?

Well, will you
excuse me, please?

You see, Vivian plays
a classical selection,

and I guess what it is.

Sounds like fun.

Go ahead, dear.


Brahms' First Piano Concerto,

second movement,

15th, 16th and 17th measures.

That's amazing.

Oh, that was an easy one.

Give me something hard.


Hold it!

Appassionata sonata, Beethoven.

First movement.

Lucy, you're a genius.

Oh, it's nothing, really.

And, Viv, you certainly
play beautifully.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, yes, doesn't
she play beautifully?

Too bad you didn't
bring your violin.

You could have played duets.

But I did.


It's in the car.

Would you mind?

Oh, I'd be delighted.

Good, I'll get it.

Well, thanks a lot.

"I'd be delighted."

Oh, come on, now.

What's the matter with you?

You're the one who
brought up the violin.

You're the one who
wants to impress him

with your big musical family.

I'm part of the family.

Yeah, well, you're not the part

of the family I had in mind.

Well, that's just too bad.

You're a little bit jealous.
Now, listen to me, Viv.

You're the one who... I am not.

Oh, he's back.

What luck.

I found this book of duets

for piano and violin
in the trunk of my car.

Yes, what luck. Duets for piano.

Oh, isn't that nice.

Oh, this is going
to be such a joy.

Oh, what a pretty violin.

Would you like to tune up?

Oh, yes.

Let me hear it.

Oh, that's just perfect.

We're in tune.

Now, then...

which one shall we play first?

How about this one?

That's fine.

Are you ready?


Oh, wonderful, wonderful!

Just great.

I was just turning the page.

Oh, Doctor.

Oh, that was a real treat.

Uh, now, Viv, don't
you think it's time

to rest those
ten little fingers?

She's certainly earned a break.

Isn't she something, Lucy?

Yeah, she's something all right.

Really, Viv, you're wonderful.

Oh, you're the one
who's wonderful, Sam.

Oh, I want to thank
you for agreeing

to play a solo at my
benefit tomorrow night.

Well, how could I
refuse after Lucy told me

you were trying to raise
money for a children's hospital?

My, you are marvelous.

Yes, you're marvelous.

Oh, would you like
some coffee, Sam?

Sam, we played
every duet in this book.

Oh, no, wait a minute,
I just remembered:

I have some more
music in the car.

101 Best Love Duets.

One hundred and one?

Hurry back, maestro.

Oh, this is wonderful,
wonderful, wonderful.

I could just play

all night. You already have.

"Hurry back, maestro."

What's with you?

Oh, nothing.

I like sitting on the
couch with my arms folded

all by myself for two hours.

Well, I didn't plan it, Lucy.

It was just chemistry.

Well, you didn't waste any time

turning on your
Bunsen burner, Bagley.

If you feel that way about it

after all I've done for you,

from now on, it's every
woman for herself.

You bet your sweet life it is.

You are pretty jealous I'm...

because I'm... Oh, he's back.

I found it.

Now, Viv, this, uh...

this first piano
passage is a little tricky.

May I show it to you?

Oh, of course, Sam.

Thank you.

Oh, I didn't know you
played the piano, Sam.

Why don't you play a solo?

Sorry, Viv.

What happened?

Are you all right?

I'm all right.

Play it again, Sam.

My, no wonder you
play so beautifully.

You have exquisite hands.

Yes, exquisite.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, wow.

Oh, wow, ow.

Oh, Sam. Oh, the pain!

Oh, I'm sorry.

Oh, Sam, I'm sorry!

Lucy, how could
you slam that lid

on his hands? I
didn't do it on purpose!

I'm sorry.

I don't think anything's broken.

Oh, I hope not.

Oh, the pain. Oh,
I'm terribly sorry.

Oh, my... will you
be able to play

at our benefit tomorrow night?

I don't see how.

This will be worse tomorrow.

Oh, you've got to
play at the benefit.

All the programs are printed.

Everybody expects
you... You're the soloist.

But I can't with this.

Oh, you... you've got to, Sam.

Oh, he ought to know
whether he can play or not.

He's a doctor... of
course he can't play.

Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
Thanks to you, I'm chairman

of a big nothing.

Oh, now, wait a
minute... wait a minute.

Maybe you don't have
to cancel the benefit.

I have an idea. What is it?

Well, I play the
violin, too, Sam.

Oh, I'm still chairman
of a big nothing.

Now, listen!

Now listen, Sam, you
can still finger the violin

with your left hand, can't you?

Well, of course, but...

Well, if you finger
with your left hand

and I do the bowing
with my right hand,

we might make
beautiful music together.

And now, for
his first selection,

Dr. Sam Eastman will
play Brahms' "Lullaby."

Play "Twinkle,
Twinkle, Little Star".

What? "Twinkle,
Twinkle, Little Star."

The Lucy Show
was brought to you by

the light dessert,
Jell-O gelatin.

Another favorite Jell-O brand
dessert from General Foods.
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